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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10223397 No.10223397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many millennial women unskilled at cooking and too uninterested to improve?
Are the days of bagging a qt domestic goddess gone?

>> No.10223414

Not just millennials, pretty much everyone in America doesn't know jack shit about cooking these days. Or if they do, it's heating up some pre-made pasta sauce from a jar or microwaving a frozen dinner and they call that "cooking." It's rare to find someone that not only cooks from scratch, and is also good at it.

>> No.10223415

>Are the days of bagging a qt domestic goddess gone?
They were gone over 30 years ago. Think about it: almost no one here grew up with a mother who qualified as that.

>> No.10223419

Western millenials are really like kids.

>> No.10223421
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the "modern women" wants to fight the patriarchy by not learning how to cook, or clean, or anything traditionally seen as expected of the gender role

instead they party all night and ride the cock carousel to show the world how empowered they are

>> No.10223424

Hahaha, millennials are so stupid, I hate millennials, hahahaha

>> No.10223435

That breaks my heart anons. Surely it's not impossible to find a bright young qt that can cook? Where would they be? Should I enroll in a culinary school or would it be a sausage party?
Then when they're in their 30s and ready to settle down they're bitter about the lack of eligible bachelors they're faced with. Forced to lower their standards to fulfill their biological desire for reproduction, they settle for trash and grow to be old bitter hags. You reap what you sow.
triggered millennial: the post

>> No.10223483

No, but if you have to post shit like this on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum you probably aren’t good enough to get one. Try saving money, going to a different country where the women still have family values, and meet a girl. Eastern Europe if you have any dignity, Asia if you’re some faggot who knows the best he can do is offer some woman a green card.

>> No.10223506

They do but the 6.5/10s that figure this out end up with 9.5/10 6-5 chads from millionaire families before they're 20.

My little sister is the only woman out of like 20 I've been close to that figured this out and that's literally what happened. It's hilarious how easy women have it if they were halfway competent

>> No.10223513

>That breaks my heart anons.
But it's true. In the 70's some women still went to college to find husbands. By the 80's they were planning careers for when the graduated.

>> No.10223520

Your projection is more depressing than the reality of my situation
Bullshit, millionaire chads can do better than a 6.5 that cooks.

>> No.10223545

You're implying an 8/10 run of the mill roastie who looks will far apart due to drugs and applying 9 lbs of makeup within 3 years is better than a 6.5 that doesn't so much as cuss and will still look cute and respectable into middle age. I don't agree

>> No.10223555

No, both are trash to a high-tier man. A man of that caliber can land a 9/10 qt with booksmarts, traditional values, domestic skills and a good personality.

>> No.10223563
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As a guy heading pushing 30 can confirm. I've never been more popular with women my age but they all get incredibly bitter when I tell them kids are a deal breaker as is being divorced (which I'm not and don't have), it's great that they have 2 masters in useless arts and social science degrees but I learned a trade and am completely debt free I intend to stay that way and retire and that doesn't involve taking on their debt or raising another man's children. Apparently having standards for personality and lifestyle choices after 25 makes you an asshole in women's eyes. This isn't including the addicts or 'recovering' addicts which is an absolute quagmire of shitty behaviors.

Take this shit to /r9k/ though this is a food and cooking board it doesn't belong

>> No.10223568

I already have my perfect wife, faggot. The fact is that men who are alone when they don’t want to be are usually defective. You’re the male equivalent of the women you don’t want to date.

>> No.10223587

it's not even just women dude, it's everyone. I don't consider myself a "great cook" or anything but I am one of like 4 people in my core group of friends (which is 21 people) who actually can cook from scratch and do so regularly. Even if it's something as simple as getting raw ground beef and turning it into pasta sauce, most people don't seem to know how.

The two friends in our group who are married can't cook at all and always eat out or something, they once tried blue apron but stopped when they realized it was taking them like an hour to prepare the food which sounds insane to me.

>> No.10223648

They’re not all bad cooks, you bitter robot fag. Saged.

>> No.10223744

>Asia if you’re some faggot who knows the best he can do is offer some woman a green card
Or an eastern yuropoor skank when you're a millionare and can import a "wife" who's a no brain model on an Einstein green card. Hi Ivanka!

>> No.10223762

>domestic goddesss
I prefer a regular goddess, one with amazing powers

>> No.10223769

No, dumb cityfag.

>> No.10223778

Because they were raised by parents who didn't give a fuck about them enough to teach them life skills or ones that never had them in the first place.

>> No.10224663

>t. spoiled white boomers who complain about anything humanly possible
I have no sympathy for you whiny ancient fucks.

>> No.10224671

Stop chasing younger women, grandpa. Just a reminder that anyone born between 1995 and 2012 is in fact Generation Z.

>> No.10224673

>he's this much obsessed
>complains about whining
>while throwing a tantrum
I'm not even white retard, but this is the reason you people are fucked.

>> No.10224689

it's mostly young white women who can't cook, I don't know why that is, but most white girls I know can't cook much compared to Latina, Asian, and black girls

>> No.10224693

>implying millennial bashing wasn't the not-so-subtle point of the thread
Go change your Depends, Ebenezer.

>> No.10224701

>Eastern European women are traditional and family oriented
Why is this meme still around? If you're looking for a demure homemaker you're SOL anywhere on Earth that has internet.

>> No.10224702

>I'm not a millennial
Does this mean I don't have excuse for being a useless shit?

>> No.10224711

Generation Z is considered worse than Millennials in a lot of ways. Tide pods, for example, have been attributed to Gen Z.

>> No.10224712

Latinas are the only ones under 25 I've seen who know anything about cooking.

>> No.10224731

Oh I misread I am a millennial barely

>> No.10224735

I'm a mid-20s millennial
>millennial bashing
Would you have not been so buttblasted if I said young women? Because--news flash--if they're over 22 they just so happen to be millennials and women 22+ should be expected to know basic life skills like cooking.
I think this thread is far different from saying "all millennials do xyz" or any other broad stroke statement.

>> No.10224737
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>> No.10224747
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>instead they party all night and ride the cock carousel to show the world how empowered they are
Yea it's pretty fucking sweet! Chicks have probably never been easier in human history. Caveman days you had to go rape them now you just talk some shit and have some drugs and you get some free pussy!

>> No.10224901
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>Systematic destruction of family values and gender roles (or any actual roles for that matter).


>> No.10224909
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>completely debt free

I know how hard it was for me to reach that point. Good on you.

>doesn't involve taking on their debt or raising another man's children


>> No.10224924

Don't forget about
>lace the food supply with phytoestrogenic plants to create effeminate weak men and masculine controlling women

>> No.10224958

No, but there aren't enough decent women around that scumbags like you and I can count on getting one anymore. Now men have to settle, too.

>> No.10225239

Check outside of cities my dude. Some girls out in the boonies know how to cook. People in the city don't prepare themselves for Fucking anything unless it's ghetto as fuck.

>> No.10225250

Shouldn't everybody over 22 have basic life skills like cooking? You don't have be a professional chef, but even dudes should be able to do more in the kitchen than reheat frozen food.

>> No.10225450

Yes. It seems like very few young people care about being self-sufficient.

>> No.10225457

Except hipsters, and everybody hates them for it.

>> No.10225471

>my wife is a great cook

Biggest lie. Women are terrible lazy cooks. They take every shortcut possible and don't give a fuck. I'm almost convinced they can't recognize good taste and technique any better than a 7 year old child. Yet they pretend to like cooking on Pinterest and Facebook when in all actuality its a failed vulva flapping contest about who has the best camera and the most friends. Women these days ruin everything they touch.

>> No.10225482


>Women these days ruin everything they touch.
This particularly a thousand times. Especially if they touch men. Don't ever let a woman touch you, guys.

>> No.10225501

The youngest generation of women have gotten more entitled than ever. They think that they deserve jobs now, but they don't have to work there; yet they deserve equal or greater pay. So instead of doing things at home now, they do nothing at home now and nothing while employed. Basically the newest generation of both genders is pretty terrible.

The last couple of generations have also adapted the 'beautiful regardless' excuse for not taking care of themselves physically, which works better for men because they have a higher sex drive and will lower their standards, putting up with their shitty behavior.

>> No.10225504

>waahhh my millennial boogeyman

I can't wait till you faggots die. Fuck /pol/ for dragging you old-ass faggots from plebbit

>> No.10225511
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It's Gen-Z that he's talking about, they are a walking plague upon this earth, and it's not just reddit that hates the generation that texts the person sitting next to them on the couch.

>> No.10225526

Go back to the 60's anon, I'm sure you'll love eating dinner in the form of an everything casserole or something embedded in aspic

>> No.10225535

Must say I agree with that.

>> No.10225559

Millennials are fucking piece of shit scum bags and it’s gonna be glorious to watch them suffer when shit hits the fan. Gen z seems to be too retarded to survive so we may skip a generation.

>> No.10225560

because Muh feminism

>> No.10225572

why does a shitposter judge everyone else on the internet?

>> No.10225586

I see some who still like cooking, but a lot of others just work and would rather spend the money to not have to cook. There are still women who want to cook and clean and raise a family but you obviously need to be successful enough to support that comfortably. I haven't really seen any who think not knowing how to cook is fighting the patriarchy or whatever. I've even seen a few who are looking for a guy to go hunting or fishing with them.

>> No.10227042

My little sister is 16 and a junior in high school. She became vegan about a year ago and has cooked almost all of her own meals since then. She started out with canned beans and bought hummus, but now she’s experimenting with all sorts of neat vegan shit I didn’t know existed. She’s preachy and really fucking annoying about being vegan but I’m proud of her cooking skills.

>> No.10227153

Honestly Anon that's not true. A lot of people of all ages don't know how to cook thanks to our current culture where most people would rather be doing other more fun activities. Personally I'm a sad loser so I'm great at cooking

Does that mean I get to not be a millennial??? Can my problems all disappear now thanks

>> No.10227161

ITT: men who can’t afford to support a housewife wonder why they can’t find one

>> No.10227192
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get out of here you fucking nazi /ck/ is a left-wing board

>> No.10227198

t. Unskilled triggered roastie
Why don't you go back to combing your leg hair or something?

>> No.10227205


t. future alimony and child support payer.

>> No.10227214

One of my coworkers is married to a SAHM and he's so bitter about it and always complains about her cooking. It's weird

>> No.10227219

I have no idea why any man would want to support a housewife. But whatever floats your boat.

>> No.10227223
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>mfw this is true

>> No.10227227

I'd be bitter about it too if I was married to a SAHM that sucks at cooking. What's the point?

>> No.10227240

But like... what about love

>> No.10227246

Kek this nigga thinks love is real

>> No.10227255


>> No.10227276

Marrying a qt bf who will cook and clean for you is the true redpill my friend. Women are too far gone for nice guys like you and I.

>> No.10227326

>Why are so many millennial women unskilled
Could've just left it at that tbqh

>> No.10227420

Just ignore them, dude. Most people on 4chan are losers from both sides of the social spectrum. You'd have to be an idiot to think the world is as bad as incels and man whores make it out to be.

>> No.10227433
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Honestly, I've just given up hope. Being unskilled at cooking barely scratches the surface of what is wrong with modern white women.

>> No.10227447

>not being a realist
Have fun frolicking in your fairy tale world where everything is fair and just.

>> No.10227491

Well I'm a loser too so I understand feeling like that about the world but yeah. I have plenty of real life examples of loving couples but it's the bad ones that scare me lol

>> No.10227508

You'd probably have better luck with a trap these days since a lot of them like traditional roles more than women do.
>Biggest lie. Women are terrible lazy cooks.
Fuck you, my mom is actually a great cook, and I don't say that out of nostalgia. She was a shitty cook for years and decided to turn herself around and get good at it. I can taste the difference and she really is good now. Just because most women are shitty cooks doesn't mean they all are.

>> No.10227780

It's a masculine thing. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.10227804
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Why are they all so fat

>> No.10227939

I don't know if you've noticed, but lately almost everyone is fat. Yourself probably included. Fatass.

>> No.10228550


>Bitching about women who can't cook
>Not impressing them with your own mediocre cooking skills

stay pleb

>> No.10228617

no i roid u angry skelly manlet

>> No.10229006
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>bragging about juicing on an Ethiopian rock boiling enthusiast board

>> No.10229204

>TFW can cook but am ugly

Oh well.

>> No.10229208

>using virtual blackface
Poor taste.

>> No.10229354

the human race is getting weaker and weaker

>> No.10229358

because fast food is so accessable and women don't learn to cook until they move out

>> No.10229361

But blackmen are getting stronger every generation. They'll be the next intelligent species imo

>> No.10229366
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going out to eat at a restaurant is not that expensive for people w/ jobs

>> No.10229375

thats wat u get for calling me fat

>> No.10229379

dragging chains and running from white people made them strong
they're still human

>> No.10229446
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Yeah it's all good fun when you're 22. I enjoyed their mindless hedonism too, until I grew to despise them for it. Banging bar sluts in the backseat of your Accord out in the parking lot two hours after you meet them is only fun for so long. Then you get bored of it and realize it's too late to put the genie back in the bottle and you'll never have that which would make you truly happy and fulfilled. Then the nihilism sets in.
It'll happen to you.

>> No.10229459

because good restaurants are better and more plentiful and more affordable than ever

>> No.10229532
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>It happened to me
>Understand now why old people kept telling me "It's all down hill from here"
I hate it

>> No.10229630

I'm a guy who's 35. Can't claim to be a chief who can whip up something from scratch but I do pretty good with frozen stuff and following the directions on box dinner type things. I clean and do other chores around the house. After I got out on my own, it was like, do this shit or starve/live in a pigsty. Since I prefer to live and not be a slob I chose to get my ass in gear. Lots of my friends got suckered into the whole "love/marriage" deal in there early 20's. Now all of them are divorced w/kids or now remarried. Me, I waited, didn't get really serious about getting with a girl till I was mid/late 20's. Girl I'm with now, been together for about 6 years, we're both happy.

>> No.10229675
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is this pasta

>> No.10229679

>that pic
>that's going to be me some day
I'm scared to be a father /ck/

>> No.10229687
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My millennial girlfriend can cook.

She can't read an analogue clock though, something a lot of 21 and under can't fucking do, it annoys the fuck out of me.

>> No.10230231
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Shitty goddess.

>> No.10230291

Then don't?

>> No.10230300

get a cute transgirl who will cook for you

>> No.10230359

>Apparently having standards for personality and lifestyle choices after 25 makes you an asshole in women's eyes.
Not just women, a lot of bitch men (read: most) think like that too.

Don't ever let someone change you, anon. You are the way people should be.

>> No.10230892

>tfw no /ck/ bf to cook with every day