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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 960x957, muricateacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10226601 No.10226601 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best type of fish to eat battered and deep fried?

I've only ever had battered cod, but wonder if seabass, halibut etc would all taste nice if cooked that way?

>> No.10226604

Any whitefish, and any fish caught in a lake
No idea about the ocean

>> No.10226610

make sure your batter is seasoned in a complimentary way to your protein and anything can come out delicious.

>> No.10226615
File: 22 KB, 306x362, muricateacher2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds good, im guessing it wouldn't work too well for oily fish like salmon though? Or am I wrong?

>> No.10226617

Lucky kid.

>> No.10226625

Damn she is hot as fuck

>> No.10226628

Random, what does that have to do with battered fish?

>> No.10226631

Flounder my man.

>> No.10226639
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>> No.10226651
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small ocean fish

>> No.10226654

The Japanese batter and deep fry smelt, which is an oily fish. Salmon just seems wrong to me though. Not sure why.

>> No.10226668

I 2nd this. Perch too

>> No.10226669

Went to post this after reverse searching the pic, beat me to it.

>> No.10226673
File: 164 KB, 1160x665, breaded walleye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alaskan Walleye is the absolute best, with cornmeal breading.

Dry the fillets thoroughly before seasoning and then dipping into buttermilk, then coating completely in cornmeal + flour + seasoning mix. Let them sit on a rack for like 20 minutes. Fry and bask in glory. You're welcome.

>> No.10226680

He battered her fish.

>> No.10226681

Don’t do salmon, it tastes good enough on its own. Plus it’s got relatively high fat content, it doesn’t need for fat. I THINK halibut is a fatty fish, I’ve only had it dried and it was good. Any freshwater fish though and probably all ocean whitefish can be good battered. Cod, bass, trout, northern, all fine

>> No.10226698

Perch, bluegill, or for me, its rainbow trout.

>> No.10226700


>> No.10226702


OP has been making this thread on every single board hoping for these kind of replies. You lost the game.

>> No.10226705

Actually, deep-fried salmon is exquisite.

>> No.10226708

halibut or cod

>> No.10226710

Who is she? Is she famous?

>> No.10226746

Can you get Walleye in the UK or is it just a US region fish?

>> No.10226755

pedo teacher

>> No.10226795

Really? Dang......she doesn't look like one

>> No.10226821

everybody likes to fuck little boys, fggt

>> No.10226853

No they don't u big fucking pedo

>> No.10227054

Smelt, holy crap I miss those.

>> No.10227084


Cod is the best, tilapia is very good too. Don't use a beer batter unless you're going to eat it all the same day because leftovers taste like beer if you rebake it.

Use http://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/long-john-silvers-fish-batter-42780

It's a simple batter that tastes neutral and fries well. Mix it dry, don't necessarily use all of the 3/4 cups of water if it seems runny.

>> No.10227111

cod and trout

>> No.10227124



>> No.10227141

>Alaskan walleye
It’s not special just for being in Alaska.

>> No.10227160


Actually any fish from a clean water will lack a muddy flavour, it will be a clean fish from a clean water. So. It might just be really good.

>> No.10227193
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>> No.10227280

I was going to check the kitchen but I stood up and turned too fast and flung the keyboard off my desk with my erection.

>> No.10227302
File: 292 KB, 1307x767, Teachers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reversed imaged searched the pic, has there been a demographic change since I left school?

>> No.10227351


>most people here seem to look at her and think "hot teacher milf" or something
>be 32, only see a dumb immature girl who's about as young as i'd possible ever go, if she weren't gross

>> No.10227369

It's native to North America.

I've had walleye from a few different states and Canada. Alaskan walleye was the best tasting.

>> No.10227379
File: 221 KB, 384x512, 168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's always some bored married hot bitch age 26-35. They're living out all the shit they didn't get to do back when they were that age, plus there's the power/control fantasy.

These hos shouldn't get jail time but they also shouldn't be teaching kids. I love how they always make it sound like it's some kind of horrible abuse akin go rape and murder for a 14 year old boy to get his dick ridden. He's probably the coolest kid in school now.

>> No.10227407

All that matters is the temperature of the water the fish lives in, what it eats, and how clean the water is that it came from. Any fish from the Yukon would taste the same as a fish from Alaska.

>> No.10227537

she had a chad 6"4 firefighter bf and she still fucked a 14y.o. boy

>> No.10227581

Then who was the real chad?

>> No.10227588



>> No.10227670


>> No.10227695


>> No.10227716
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>Eating mud

>> No.10227741

Fair enough on that one, the walleye I had from Canada was caught in Ontario.

>> No.10228135


>> No.10228138

>What is the best type of fish to eat battered and deep fried?
There are many good choices. My favorite is haddock.

>> No.10228162
File: 147 KB, 808x404, mahi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any white fish that doesn't have a strong flavor on it's own. Perch, walleye, grouper, etc.

Fried mahi is delicious but it's honestly a bit of a waste since it's high quality on it's own.

Go over to jewtube and watch some DearMeatForDinner. He knows how to cook fish like a true florida redneck.

>> No.10228240

What about swordfish, would that work?

>> No.10228280

Wrong texture. Swordfish is very firm and steak like. It's also a waste of some of the best baking/searing fish you can get. Cobia works but it's also a premium product and you are nuts to cook it like that.

I've battered and fried jacks before, it works well for what is generally considered a trash fish. Probably the best thing to do with them if you're gonna eat it is to slice it into strips, batter, and fry.

>> No.10228325

No one because the 14 yr old cuck turned her in despite getting to tap that ass, plus free weed and free mcdonalds

>> No.10228329

what are jacks? I might try some battered trout later.

>> No.10228337

So, he cucked (((chad's))) girl and got rid of her when she got too clingy? Sounds like the GigaChad in this scenario.

>> No.10228390


>> No.10228432

>fuck your hot teacher til you have your fill
>getting bored of class and her bullshit
>get her sent to prison so you don't really have to do work for the rest of your time in high school because of pity from other teachers
>become 100x more alpha than anyone else in the school, girls are probably soaked for you now
Nope, you're thinking like a beta bitch, clinging on to whatever sex you can get.

>> No.10228494

>tfw fucked my senior year English teacher when I was in her class
>dated her for over 2 years, almost 3 from 17-20

I really don't think these women need jail time, they just don't need to be teaching.

>> No.10228516

mediocre to trash fish we get here in florida. A lot of people throw them back. There's a whole range of them species wise, the amberjacks tend to have worms past 8 lbs but the the yellow jacks and smaller AJs are good eating. It's like the consolation prize if you have a shitty fishing trip and don't catch anything better. The meat is a bit stronger than most fish but it's great fresh and fried.

>> No.10228643

It happens all the time. I think these cases only come up when the parents get pissed over religion or whatever or think they can make a buck off of it suing the school district.

>> No.10228822

>think they can make a buck off of it suing the school district.
Unironically, most often, at least in the south the teacher's an ugly fug white bitch who's getting hosed by teenage Jamal and he's too stupid to keep his mouth shut and dick wet and his family goes after the fuckbucks.

>> No.10229186

she fucked a middle school student of hers.

>> No.10229199
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As long as it is fresh and wild caught it's gonna be tastey. Pic related was rockfish from the Pacific coast

>> No.10229883

Haddock is probably the best for deep fried/fish and chips

>> No.10229934

Don't eat Pacific caught fish, they're contaminated with cesium-137 from leaking reactors at Fukushima. Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.10229944


You fucking left coast weirdos kill more people than cesium x 1000. I have a cousin that's making their 8 year old go vegan.

I fucking hate you people with a murderous rage. Childish pseudo scientific idiots.

>> No.10229959


This is what I want for you fucking cunts.

JAIL. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/vaxxed-david-collet-stephan-ezekiel-interview-1.3647102

If you're a fucking retard, keep it to yourself. Don't pretend to know science.

>> No.10229972
File: 18 KB, 276x322, cylon_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking the real questions.

>> No.10229996

Lol, you probably think dilution is the solution to pollution. Unironically neck yourself before your spread your gayness.

>> No.10230425
File: 59 KB, 748x372, Sards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily the best but I like it.

>> No.10230557


Halibut is actually a classic fish used for fish and chips. It's really good with some tartar sauce.

You could do salmon, I personally wouldn't suggest it because it's good enough on its own.

>> No.10230568
File: 1.13 MB, 3000x2060, salmon-patties-56e780ea3df78c5ba0577d77[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried Salmon patties are very popular in the United States.

>> No.10230575


I feel so fucking bad for her husband lol

He changed his facebook status to "single" but you know the poor fucker is still technically married and has all the guys at the fire department he works at gossip about his baby dick behind his back.

>Hey there's Brandon his wife cheated on him with a 14 year old!
>Holeeee shiiiiet bobby
>He must have a real baby dick!

fb brandon.ferri.1

>> No.10230865

This, I was just about to post the same thing. Your wife cheated on you with a fucking greasy 14 year old, the ultimate humiliation.

>> No.10230875


>> No.10230917

why would you ever marry a girl with shaved/painted on eyebrows? you just know you are gonna have problems. She's got full supervillan memethot shoe polish looking eyebrows. That's a guarantee you are going to have problems.

>> No.10230930


She has a decent body but a fucking 0/10 skanky resting bitch face

>> No.10230946

she's got the IQ of the fish she's holding. This is the state of teaching in the USA right now. Black spraypaint eyebrow roasties are educating your children while fucking the alpha classmates.

>> No.10231135

Can't imagine that would be a decent option

>> No.10231558

is this true?

>> No.10231631

fried - flounder, bass, speckled trout, crappie

blackened - redfish

grilled or baked - bass, flounder, trout

>> No.10231636


>> No.10231849

>I really don't think these women need jail time
Fuck that. If the sexes were reversed people would be calling for the male teacher's chemical castration. Let her rot in jail for a few years, she's still getting off relatively easy.

>> No.10231868
File: 51 KB, 1024x749, that really makes me think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its almost like men and women aren't equivalents in any way.

Really........uh......makes you think.

Post the fucking fish and not this slag.

>> No.10231875

Pretty sure halibut is the stuff they use for fish & chips here locally

>> No.10231876

>if the sexes were reversed
The sexes are reversed. Male consequences need to be different from females. They are not the same.

I bet you get upset at children because they get to take naps in the middle of the day. You are a man. Accept it, my mentally ill friend.

>> No.10231889


I used to say stupid shit like that, but then Mary Kay Letourneau fucking Vili Fuulau happened. Poor kid was 11 years old, and the psycho bitch teacher utterly destroyed his life. She stalked and groomed him, got pregnant by him, sued for child support, pressured him into marrying her after she got out of prison, and has kept him tightly controlled for a couple of decades now. He never got to have any freedom as a teen or twenty-something, and now he's stuck with a psycho hag twenty or thirty years older than he is.


>> No.10231897

how did this thread turn from fish to diddlers and why do i have to drive all the fucking way to chinatown to get some decent fried smelt

>> No.10231898

>Its almost like men and women aren't equivalents in any way.
Before the law they should be.

>> No.10231992

>before the law they should be
Nope. A 3 year old shouldn't face the same laws as a man and neither should a woman. Post food.

>> No.10232393

girl in OP pic is from the article in this post: >>10231889

>> No.10232450

Heston used turbot for his perfect fish and chips.

>> No.10232527

>A 3 year old shouldn't face the same laws as a man and neither should a woman
Good job telling everybody that a woman is at the same stage of mental development and is as responsible as a 3 year old.

>> No.10232622


This thread was never about fish; it was just a stealth /pol/ shitposting thread from the beginning.

>> No.10232789

most of the thread has been bout fish you idiot

/pol/ isnt behind everything you paranoid twat

>> No.10232809


>he can't recognize a /pol/ thread from a mile away

You're the problem.

>> No.10232824

>blames /pol/ for everything

You're the problem, there's nothing wrong with this thread

>> No.10232827

Found the /pol/tard

>> No.10232871


>> No.10232908


>> No.10233283

actual retard

>> No.10233287


>> No.10233316

what is milkfish?

>> No.10233379

perch or walleye. Northern lakefish is the ideal fried fish

>> No.10233396
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>> No.10233406

how does it pair with skittles?

>> No.10233415
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x511, Ameiurus_melas_by_Duane_Raver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried Catfish

>> No.10233424

Catfish is fine if its all you have, but its a pretty bad choice flavor-wise

>> No.10233439

But what did the kid look like?

>> No.10233449

Catfish is way better if refrigerated and kept till the next day after cooking. Still a bit of an acquired taste I think.

>> No.10234477

>They are not the same.
Irrelevant, retard. Men and women have the same protection under the law, and should face the same punishment for the same crime.

>> No.10234493

>They are not the same
>Irrelevant because they are the same
How's that brain damage treating you?

>> No.10235025

Lingcod, hands down.

>> No.10235405

Judas Priest made a song about him, "I'm Your Turbot Lover".

>> No.10235960


>> No.10236088

Is there a trick to it?

>> No.10237418


>> No.10237710


>> No.10237861

>Irrelevant because they are the same
He never said that in his post you dumbass
He is under the stance that crime punishment should not discriminate on sex

>> No.10237880

>being coerced into sexual activities by an older women that has more power and control over a young boy's budding sexuality

>> No.10237886

Fuck off back /r9k/ you incel chump. People have tried to help your kind before, but you're too scared to do the work, fail, and try try again.

>> No.10237906

ok, how about this, do you believe that a woman who committed homicide should face the same time behind bars as a man?
If not tell me why. How do the differences in sex affect this situation?

>> No.10237925

Don't feed the troll.

>> No.10238003

Buttblasted roastie who spraypaints her eyebrows yet can't even get a hormonal raging 14 yo to look at her, detected.

>> No.10238118

She's hot af brah

>> No.10239585

muh dic

>> No.10241220


You had me until the alpha classmates part. Your worldview is so fucking stupid dude, fuck you and kys. Fuck America too

>> No.10241808

>swap the genders
>all the sudden there's pirchforks, torches, and calls for a public execution

You can't selectively apply this shit. What if your 15 year old daughter willingly fucked her 35 year old playboy music teacher? What if Ms. Butterworth the 80 year old math teacher made you wat out her rusty cobwebbed pussy or she'd make you get held back? What if your son willingly let himself get fucked by Khloe Dragontamer, his 25 year old UwU-as-fuck transsexual civics teacher? Either you can fuck kids or you can't, and anyone who even remotely understands the twisted power dynamic that underpins an adult fucking a kid, whatever the circumstances may be, is going to argue that we shouldn't be fucking kids. Especially not people who are basically given temporary authority and guardianship over them for the better part of their day.

>> No.10241888
File: 298 KB, 1600x1161, 1085240403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happened at my school. We actually had two male teachers that everyone suspected who wound up officially dating the girls once they graduated and went to college in the same town. Nobody gave a fuck because they were ugly.

The power dynamic is what makes it difficult. School is supposed to be merit based and banging your teacher for grades is not fair. Aside from that, if they're 15 or older, who cares. They're all fucking each other and even filming it now anyways.

>> No.10242294

I find that ocean fish are best cooked in a grill and served with a mixture of olive oil and lemon (3:1). Haven't tried anything besides that since it never failed me, but probably there are other ways of preparing it.
t. Mediterraneanfag

>> No.10242318

>gypsy soul

>> No.10242328

>tfw fucked my Spanish teacher when I was 14, and continued to bang her until I was 18 then went off to college

>> No.10242431

back to >>>/r9k/ for you newfag cuck

>> No.10242570

This is delicious. Highly underrated.

>> No.10242666

Not as well as it pairs with diddles

>> No.10242814


>> No.10243612

is that a Portuguese dish?

>> No.10243619


>> No.10244091

Don't think so

>> No.10244276

Yeah, they eat a lot of that.

>> No.10244308

every time i hear these 30 year old hot teacher x 14 year old boy stories, I'm more interested in seeing what the boy looks. Okay, I know this sounds pedo-y and gay af, but like what kind of greek god does this fucking teenager look like to cause a hot as hell teacher in the prime of her life, who is able to fuck pretty much any guy she wants to, commit statutory rape and lose everything she spent her whole life to get.

>> No.10244318

looks sxc

>> No.10245462
File: 112 KB, 825x580, mary-kay-letourneau-vili-fualaau-825x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one. He was eleven when she started grooming him, around 14 when they got caught the first time, around 16 when she got pregnant by him and they got caught again. Going by memory here, it's been about twenty years. In this photo he is obviously much older. The few photos of him at the time showed a pudgy kid who frankly looked like a baggie of dogshit.

>> No.10245505

He didn't even have me that long. Some of these teachers are fucking the football quarterbacks, but mostly they are going after vulnerable, lost kids. Fuulau was an eleven year old child of a poor immigrant mother whose father was long gone; he wasn't socially accepted in school, and he was average at studies. LeTourneau made him out to be some sort of super-spectacularly-smart stud, then fucked him for years and finally got pregnant to trap him.

It's not just that, there's also the pregnancy risk. LeTourneau had two kids by Fuulau, one while she was in prison and he was around 16. Since her husband had divorced her and she was in prison, guess who got to take care of the baby? Guess who was going to have to pay for all the expenses? I suppose they could have put the baby up for adoption or into foster care, but those are nightmare systems all by themselves. Foster care in particular is just warehousing children and often sexually abusing them.

>> No.10246917

hey at least he's not a 35 year old virgin who jerks off to imported anime statues. The lack of solid parents/emotional manipulation is rough though.

>> No.10246926
File: 14 KB, 469x351, brink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the country ever going to address that there is a serious issue with female teachers in particular having relationships with their students? Everyone goes crazy the rare time a priest molests a kid or there's a school shooting, but we have a teacher fucking her kids story release almost monthly now and no one gives a shit.

>> No.10246935

>In Texas, home to the largest number of teacher sexual misconduct cases in the country, investigations into alleged inappropriate teacher-student relationships has grown 27 percent over the past three years, to 179. Kentucky schools reported more than 45 sexual relationships between teachers and students in 2011, up from 25 just a year earlier. And a surge has been reported in Alabama, where the state investigated 31 cases during the year ending July 2013, nearly triple the number it had investigated just four years earlier.
There are so many that you just don't even hear about

>> No.10246941

Did you read the article? She was arrested and convicted of statutory rape.

Your sexual mores are messed up. You only believe that 14 year olds can't consent to sex because sex is held to be such a high and holy thing. If it were regarded as the harmless fun it is, those people could happily continue their lives and more time could be spent preventing actual rapes from happening.

>> No.10246948

it's been happening forever. the increase in rates is due to cell phones/texting/social media. It's simply easier to detect now, or simpler to corroborate the accusations.

>> No.10246968

Did you read the article? It said the boys grades suffered and the teacher was married. How is that harmless fun when they're getting divorced now?

>> No.10246974


>> No.10246978

obvious bait

claims that need to be proven by a court of law. also fuck her marriage. a 92 IQ ho breaking it off with her husband is cause for societal concern somehow?

>> No.10246993

>durr it's harmless when a person who is in a position of power fucks around with an adolescent while also damaging the lives of her own family lol it's just harmless fun
>a 92 IQ ho breaking it off with her husband is cause for societal concern somehow?
Yes, it is. The post below the one you replied to is stating that the number of these cases are on the rise, meaning more and more marriages will be broken due to these flings while our society already has a huge issues with infidelity and soaring divorce rates.

>> No.10246995

What? Fried snook is delicious, you fucking retard.

>> No.10247002

You can't tell me you wouldn't have traded a few As for Bs for some prime poontang in eighth grade. Also, they divorced before that. I'd say you're confusing symtoms and causes.

>> No.10247004
File: 43 KB, 768x319, that is not a snook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10247007

Not all of us are sexually frustrated

>> No.10247008

Also very delicious

>> No.10247108

how about the fact that our education system is so shitty that the future of our children is dictated by community college whores with the IQ of a bluefin tuna? A lot of women get into the teaching profession because they have the mindset of children. It isn't a good job, and does not attract high quality people.

>> No.10247303

I’d completely agree with you. There are plenty of issues at hand here.

>> No.10247427

I like haddock

>> No.10249563

Reminds me of a joe rogan joke... well not really a joke as much as an observation. There's a commercial for a hair care coloring product for men where a BABY with a fake beard goes to the club and all these hot women are like dancing with the baby drooling over him and all around him like he's hot. Now imagine reversing the genders... would never fly, and for good reason. But the point is that boys and girls are different, though I do agree that adults should not be sleeping with children in either case and that these women have no place teaching children. I personally believe in equality, so the women should get just as much jail time as any man would.

>> No.10249683

For me The best deep Fried in beer batter( used staropranem lager) was seabass and turbot. Turbot is fkin great

>> No.10249715
File: 3 KB, 154x116, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like Hank Kimball from Green Acres.

>> No.10249740

Watched a video where a dude went sardine fishing in Japan and brought them to a restaurant to get cooked. The chef made some simmered in soy, some into sashimi, and then made tempura with the rest. Apparently the tempura was incredible.

>> No.10249757

Pollock or coalfish
Lemon sole is good too

>> No.10250494


>> No.10251953


No, it's not Portuguese dish, you disgusting trash.

You never really been in any civilised places with good seafood, haven't you, little boy?

>> No.10253332

Wtf is coalfish

>> No.10253417

Whiting with a larger dick.

>> No.10254529
