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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 572x426, soylent review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10224365 No.10224365 [Reply] [Original]

Soylent is actually very good. Even /ourguy/ approves of it.

I know soy memes were funny 3 months ago but I honestly think it's conditioned people into seriously thinking soy is a dangerous substance that will turn you into a trannie.

>> No.10224369

I wouldn’t be surprised if he came out as a tranny in the next few years. This is a food and cooking board. Go shill your estrogen beverages elsewhere, like /tttt/

>> No.10224370

>not a soyboy
>/ourguy/ not being a Reddit meme
>RB not being a Reddit soyboy
>OP not being a soylent marketing shill from Reddit trying to trick people into thinking they didn't pay RB to shill soylent
>RB not doing it for free

>> No.10224374

y/ourguy/ is a faggot

>> No.10224386

who shit in your McChicken?

>> No.10224388
File: 26 KB, 194x259, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Steve
Nothing but respect for MY guy

>> No.10224389

"soyboy" is a reddit meme you stupid moron

>> No.10224391

i don't eat trash.

>> No.10224395

>knowing that
You need to go back.

>> No.10224406
File: 409 KB, 944x4013, pol = reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only reason I know that is because /pol/ is obsessed with it and /pol/ = reddit
not my fault they like to spam their reddit on every single board

>> No.10224430

soy consumed in moderation does nothing to your estrogen count, it's true, but it's a fun meme. and you know that nothing gets in the way of a good meme.

>> No.10224435

> but it's a fun meme

time to go back, Reddit

>> No.10224467

>it's conditioned people into seriously thinking soy is a dangerous substance that will turn you into a trannie

>> No.10224489
File: 3.24 MB, 181x144, 1519948978560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10224500

I get diarrhea whenever I have something that contains soy. So I try to avoid it as much as I possibly can because of that.

>> No.10224563
File: 90 KB, 640x621, 1468417537292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think he slicks his hair back and always has long nails?
the reviewbrah thing is an act, he transitioned years ago

>> No.10224578

the fuck

>> No.10224588

this is a blue board
you gotta censor those

>> No.10224608

WTF. Reviewbrah?!

>> No.10224685

just eat regular food. POTUS can, and you're not important as him. manage your time better and stop being lazy.

>> No.10224724

I doubt he’s cooked so much as a slice of toast in over 20 years. Dude just pays for someone else to cook it, whether that be McFaggot’s, a fancy restaurant, or some private chef.

>> No.10224741

soylent is made to replace the process of eating food, for people who despise putting solid food in their mouth, chewing and swallowing. No logical reason to buy/consume it.

>> No.10224852

oh so its for people who like swallowing thick white liquids?

>> No.10224882


>> No.10225542

The problem with it isn't that it contains soy, it's that you shouldn't get most of your nutrients from soft/liquid food.
Facial muscles need workouts, especially those of children.
The reason there's so many people with fucked up teeth in developed countries is that our diet is soft and nutrient rich, preventing proper growth of the hard and soft tissues making up your mouth

>> No.10225544

I think everybody on Soylent already has their adult teeth fully set. What then?

>> No.10225551

That's why he's asking who shit in your McChicken

>> No.10225553

If it saves one person from degenerating into a disgusting faggot abomination it will be worth the price of spreading a dank meme

>> No.10225715

nice soles though haha

>> No.10225740

soylent doesn’t even contain soy

>> No.10226097
File: 371 KB, 1332x1979, 1519992844832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10226108

What's this mouth opening thing that this kind of guy often does? Is it the new duckface?

>> No.10226111

It's a /fit/ meme you obnoxious fucktard

>> No.10226134

It's a similar phenomenon that nu males tend to do.

>> No.10226136

It's an american thing

>> No.10226175

no, it's not

>> No.10226204

yes it is, /pol/ made it popular

>> No.10226214

i've never had a McChicken because it is already shit.

>> No.10226277
File: 71 KB, 642x880, 1519405705458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10227210

i never tried soy
now i know i never will

>> No.10227435
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x2441, SoySteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need soy memes to stay funny because I haven't posted all of mine yet.

>> No.10227438

In time the meme will fall out of popularity because more places begin to use it regularly. Eventually people who use the meme will start to be hated. Just give it time.

>> No.10227440

No fortified drink like that is "good"

>> No.10227448
File: 300 KB, 1584x864, tsoyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10227476

>watching this autist.
Steve is the only e-celeb you should watch.

>> No.10227490

haha nice xD

Fuck off

>> No.10227814


>> No.10227961

Will also fall out of favor when the next fag-word gets popular

>> No.10227980

I love how nobody on this website has noticed that soy isn't a major ingredient in Soylent.

>> No.10227989

Main ingredients: Water, maltodextrin, soy protein isolate, high-oleic algal oil, isomaltulose, canola oil, rice starch and oat fiber[1]

>> No.10227991

>reviewbrah was a regular poster of /fit/, /fa/, and /r9k/
>hes reddit according to post election 16 year olds
Anybody who starting posting post 2012 should just be banned

>> No.10228003

I'm looking at the ingredient list from their website and all I'm seeing is soy lecithin as a last ingredient, which is a stabilizer that is used in everything from bread to soup.
What's your source?

>> No.10228008

I've tried it and it's ok but it's really too expensive for what it is. Apparently it makes you gay? I don't believe that.

>> No.10228009

Everybody's reliable go-to source for all information.

>> No.10228020

Also https://faq.soylent.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002691463-How-much-Soy-protein-isolate-is-in-Soylent-

>> No.10228023

Well I guess I'm wrong then, carry on.

>> No.10228064

Whatever happened to bannana/Yogurt smoothies
Why must people insist on buying soy

>> No.10228080

No lentil? That's an entire syllable, a good 50% of the word (more if you go by letter count), which tells a falsehood about the product. Why is this allowed?

>> No.10228081

It's a free market. You don't HAVE to buy soy.

>> No.10228085

It's a reference to Soylent Green you dingus.

>> No.10228099

You can't really do a meal replacement without a protein element.

>> No.10228108

I know. Soylent Green is only available one day a week. The other varieties with no human content contain soy and lentils, hence the name.

>> No.10228118

People replace meals with this?
Now i fully understand where the stigma comes from drinking this cuck milk.

>> No.10228124


>> No.10228131

given his fast food heavy diet, this guy probably consumes a shit ton of soy and hfcs. I'm surprised he hasn't grown tits or slanted eyes yet.

>> No.10228152

That's LITERALLY what it's marketed as.

>> No.10228161

1. I doubt that most of the people who even drink this do it to even gain muscle/post workout
2.a bannana, yogurt or both into a smoothie would be even more filling even benificial in my opinion.
3.is it JUST soy protein? Where does the energy come from?

>> No.10228167


>> No.10228351
File: 198 KB, 800x600, 1519773523817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is running ooon empty fooooooooood review
I am your host, the report of the week
Today I am sporting a 1930s sturmabteilung brooooooown shirt

>> No.10229294



>> No.10229300

Fucking normalfags.

>> No.10230828
