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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10220898 No.10220898 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend to like fast food?

>> No.10220899

Ronald tells me to.

>> No.10220907

Does he point a gun to your head and forces you to do it?

>> No.10220915

He says he will show my mother some /b/ posts I made when I was younger.

>> No.10220919

Was it wincest?

>> No.10220920

Nice maymay bro.

>> No.10222977


>> No.10222978

Yeah. It's only March.

>> No.10222989

I enjoy fast food on a bear daily basis

>> No.10222990

Why do people pretend to dislike fast food?

>> No.10223000

it's a quick boost of salt, fat, and maybe sugar
relatively cheap if it's not a daily thing
literally chemically engineered to appeal to billions of people
stop pretending you don't enjoy a Royale with Cheese on your way to the mosque
fucking obsessed

>> No.10223002

>stop pretending you don't enjoy a Royale with Cheese on your way to the mosque
Seems to me, you are the ebsessed one ITT.

>> No.10223007

Relative to what? Caviar? There are far cheaper options for that quick boost that don't taste any worse.

>> No.10223015

To look cultured for a bunch of fat girls (male) on /ck/
Calm your zits dude maybe try a soylent thread since you’re too special to like what 99.9% of the globe likes

>> No.10223018

>spend $35 at the super market and spend an hour cooking to make cheeseburgers
>or get one in 5 minutes for a dollar and change
Stop being dumb on purpose

>> No.10223025

Seek help, you clear have autism.

>> No.10223033

>the buttblasted rosbif who is too superior to eat a chicken nugget once in a while calling others autistic
I bet your freezer is full of Findus crispy pancakes you hypocritical faggot

>> No.10223035

You nearly got me. I started to respond.

>> No.10223038

mom realized I was being mean to strangers on the internet and I got grounded for a week :(

>> No.10223039

You are a schizo, stop making things and events up in your mind.

>> No.10223052
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t. Pic related

>> No.10223063

>Image being raised in a pleb family to the point you think you like fast food
haha wtf

>> No.10223881

You're a fucking retard

>> No.10223905
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t. triggered soycuck

>> No.10223914

Do you prefer big established chains like McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC or the small local fast food place that don't exist anywhere else?

>> No.10224225

>Why do people pretend to like fast food?
Peer pressure.

>> No.10224491

Why do people pretend to hate fast food?

>> No.10225758

"Sometimes it feels so good to be cheap"

>> No.10225815

because I legitimately enjoy fast food
sure, maybe not as much as I enjoy a homemade meal, but it's nice to indulge in a simple thing every now and again without having to worry about the preparation

>> No.10226125

What do you eat when you're in a hurry, OP?

Or are you a NEET who's got time to sit at home and cook 3 meals a day in his mom's kitchen?

>> No.10226179

Did you know that you can prepare food ahead of time? There's this thing called a "refrigerator" which will allow you to store food for days or weeks without spoilage. We have these in the civilized lands.

>> No.10226185

It's quicker to throw something together in the kitchen than it is to go to a "fast" food establishment and wait in line and order something and then hang around while they throw your order together.

>> No.10226192

People pretend to like fast food?

>> No.10226196

The taste drop in reheated food is so high though.Youd think /ck/ of all boards would appreciate eating only the best

>> No.10226203

It's far less than the taste drop of eating fast food garbage. Healthier, too.

>> No.10226226
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>mfw I go to Popeyes to get some chicken and they have just put in fresh cooking oil

>> No.10226274
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I see it as a calorie shortcut. Though I only have it once a week.

>> No.10226309

Fast food has no cachet, so nobody pretends to like it, they genuinely do. Why do people like fast food is different question, and the answer to that is because they enjoy the taste.

>> No.10228052

Only neets eat fast food.