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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 628x468, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10222809 No.10222809 [Reply] [Original]

Oh yeah. Not some scrambled child's play either. No, this was the boss-level of all eggs. That's right: over easy.

There was a light scent of smoldering PAM drifting through the kitchen. As the grey morning light softly glowed over the stainless steel of the sink, gently gleaming in the shadows, you could see thin wisps of smoke just starting to form from the quietly hissing pan where the blue flame flickered, little azure flashes like the sheet lightning before a summer storm. And indeed, the elements were converging in slowly growing nebula of flame, matter and heat. Somewhere in the human imagination, alchemy was roiling the forces of the universe. An orange spark, the crackle of grease as liquid transformed to a flash of smoke, the sphere of warmth growing in the room. It was clear testimony by the forces of nature: something was about to be cooked.

I approached the pan. I'd seen this bitch before many times. It wasn't hate. It wasn't love. Rivalry? We both knew it was my job to tame it, and it's job to burn free as light from any star. I was the agent of order, it was the spirit of chaos. Anything could happen, and often did. Maybe the whites would get singed, maybe I'd win and have runny yolks that didn't break. But you never knew. That was the risk we both agreed to. In the end, there was no real winner, just witnesses to chaos and order, and we both accepted that neither of us knew how the fight would end...

>> No.10222812

Hola, Reddito!

>> No.10222818
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I had managed to hide my smirk. No need to be rude to something that could fling searing grease at me later in some grudge. I had learned some things. Some call it cooking, some call it physics. There was no magic in my tricks, it was all method and order. The magic is the adversary, fighting me with unknowns. Is the pan evenly hot? Is the pan centered where I think it is? Is it just too soon to start? These were the unknowns of the universe, the questions and puzzles I would have no answer for until the moments of decsion had already passed, possibly reaping order from a maelstrom of moving factors, possibly trapping me in a downward spiral of defeat from which there was no escape, forcing me to play along long after I knew I was defeated and the yolk was already broken, condemning me to a bothced breakfast yet again.

Order. I am the human. I possess reason. A knowledge of physics. I have an outcome only in my imagination, a form, a shape, a clear image. Across from me is nature, wild and capricious, a silently raging tempest like the leviathan currents charging beneath the placid surface of the sea. But I have a mission. I will ride that current, break it like a wild stallion on the plains, harness it and drive it towards my goal. Or is it only fate; just a destiny that nature decided before I even thought to begin.

The shell of the egg crunches over a tumbler. No more fussing with empty shells over the hot pan, trying to throw them away in distraction while the pan is already shaping the egg for me. No, this time I am in control. I will dump the egg in the tumbler, calmly, gracefully discard the shells, and then pour the tumbler precisely and deliberately into the pan. But not a level pan. No, I was tired of losing that game. This time I would tilt the pan to one side as the egg poured in, collecting it in a single firm mass on one side instead of letting it spread and scatter like an explosion of albumen...

>> No.10222830

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read.

>> No.10222833
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... Instantly, the pan knew something had changed. Where were the singed edges? Why hadn't the yolk traveled to one side, making it more fragile? What was this new, oval shape taking place amidst the random pops and erratic crackling?

We both felt it. Something had changed. Order was rising. Tricks and anarchy were bending to order and method. The white grew solid and firm in place. The edges congealed. The hissing became pitched and then quiet. The tide of ocean had receded, the surface was swelling, the wave was almost here, but not yet, not too soon-

Watch. Watch. Wait for it- wait, the moment has to be just right and


The spatula slid beneath the egg like a serpents tongue, quick and piercing. The pan, which had not anticipate this well timed, synchronized strike, never expected what came next; being tilted towards the spatula as gravity, one of natures own forces, its own law, compelled the egg to slide over the attacking utensil....

>> No.10222835
File: 1.23 MB, 3100x3100, hubbledeepfield2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... There's that moment in a dream before you know its a dream, when you are only wondering what is real. In this moment, I am in that fugue state. Time slows, everything comes in flashes of forgotten laughter and the echoes of faded rage. Was I a child then, or am I a child now? Faces I remember, voices that I don't. How do I know this place if I've never been here? That moment right before I broke the ribbon at the finish line. That look in her eyes in that instant we both had what we fantasized about for so long. And there I am. There it is. I can see it. The past, present and future all at once. 'Look up' a voice says. 'Look up, you're there- Look!'

I see my wrist turning the spatula with the involuntary grace of a bow sliding across violin strings. I'm not even thinking about it, it's just happening. I'm tuned in. From the noise, I've made music. The yolk is almost completely turned over. The white is sliding right into place. Its happening. Its happening right now. Sweet dear Jesus Christ, its actually happening.

The egg is flipped. The pan howls in a hissing defeat, screaming in tones of raging oil and snarling pops and cracks. The egg is completely flipped and frying in boundless energy, and the whole kitchen seems to fill with the crackling and sibilant pops erupting from the pan, like lightning unleashed from the heavens....

>> No.10222838
File: 590 KB, 1200x1344, Pettson & Findu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pan just lays there, its rage dissipating into heat and light to return to the hidden voids of the universe right in my little kitchen. The sizzling begins to quiet. Sure, I have to ease it out of the pan in just a minute, but we both know its over. Chaos lost today. Nature was tamed. Order prevailed, and human imagination triumphed. Method, precision, these were my weapons against the darkness of the cosmos. Atoms collide, molecules crash together, but its all in order. Alchemy has won the day. The elements, energy; it all had to yeild to order and method.

And now, I have over-easy dippy eggs. And the yolk on this toast is quite tasty.

>> No.10222842
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That's very kind, thank you.

>> No.10222843
File: 48 KB, 300x400, 2DC04F11-D754-427B-8B40-9BC48D14E6E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not frying bacon first, then making your potatoes and eggs in the rendered fat...


>> No.10222849
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>> No.10222873
File: 55 KB, 524x451, 1512528381678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, my favorite part of /ck/ actually used to be all the amateur writers flocking to it for some reason. Fun thread OP

>> No.10222879
File: 68 KB, 500x394, 1285246910948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you. If anyone got a chuckle, it was worth it.


>> No.10222887

Rapturous poem. Well-done, OP.

>> No.10222905
File: 101 KB, 460x408, 1324265627211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Many thanks. I am humbled by these kind comments. I just wanted to have a bit of fun and celebrate a personal amateur cooking milestone.

A moment to mourn all the lost yolks in wars past.

I must go, have a great day, all.

>> No.10222910

Honestly I was going to call you a dumb faggot shit for breath, but after reading it I got some decent strategy

I'm not going to lie, these eggs are always a problem for me and often a mess is made or a yolk breaks either during the frenzied cracking or while struggling to flip the mass

>> No.10222916

8/10. I miss seeing stuff like this on this stagnant trashheap of a website, so thanks for the effort!

>> No.10222923

looks like a slop-of-shit op

>> No.10222983

I hope we will be able to read your account of how you mastered the omelette some time in the not too distant future.

>> No.10223004


Faggots like this make me want to stop coming to this site, but then I remember that its not your fault that you have been feminized from excessive spy consumption.

Kys yourself op.

>> No.10223021


i saw what kind of sentences you were writing in my peripheral vision and just wanted to know that i deliberately did not look at your paragraphs, and didn't read them.

>> No.10223040

>excessive spy consumption
I can't think of anything more manly than eating people who try to spy on you.

>> No.10223716

just type kysysop he'll know what it means.

>> No.10223725

>Not some scrambled child's play

Stopped reading. Scrambled eggs are the hardest egg to cook you ninny. You probably jerk yourself off to ur overcooked shite.

>> No.10223757

>Scrambled eggs are the hardest egg to cook you ninny.
Not that that makes them difficult. Using a microwave helps.

Poaching is trickier in terms of technique.

>> No.10223759

>There was a light scent of smoldering PAM drifting through the kitchen.
Stopped there...using aerosol and not lard or bacon grease.

>> No.10223787

OP, you're a good writer and I appreciate your thread. You should consider writing smut, or space opera-style sci fi, or especially smutty space opera-style sci fi. I think you'd excel at it. I hope you post more threads like this again, this was more memorable than anything I've seen on this site in months.

That said, I mean no disrespect but you fucking ruined your eggs by flipping them. The yolk should be cooked with indirect heat only. Just because a over easy might appear technically more difficult than a sunny side up doesn't mean it's better, or easier to perfect.

>> No.10223793

>using pam
>using a spatula to flip instead of flicking the pan
Spend less time writing and more learning how to cook

>> No.10223804

>using a microwave helps

You get outta here right now. Go on scram >:(

>> No.10223807

keep me posted

>> No.10223812

It looks fine but over easy is far from 'boss level'. Quite the opposite OE is the easiest egg to make. One must almost try to fuck it up. You failed to season btw so yeah...those eggs are garbage.

>> No.10224074

This was pretty neato, OP.

>> No.10224215
File: 2.58 MB, 3016x4032, IMG_20180302_113152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a beautiful thread op.

Your words inspired me to go to my kitchen and cook myself some eggs.

>> No.10224221

nice feet anon

>> No.10224273


>> No.10224589

You sound like that faggot who does those shit recipe verticals with the smug stick figure in it

>> No.10225474

Reddit cooks an egg

>> No.10225563


Thankyou for new cringe copypasta

>> No.10225587

Really, feel free to leave forever or at least til you turn 18.

>> No.10225616

>over easy

I do this literally every day, perfectly, in a stainless steel pan without any spoon or spatula.

It's not even hard once you learn how to flip

>> No.10225629

It's funny how many posts are complimenting, "good writing", when this verbose garbage is some of the worst things anyone creative could create. But therein, that's why it's posted on food, with no real cooking contribution, rather than /lit/ or something substantial.

This was poorly written and anyone who enjoyed it should feel bad.

>> No.10225636

The picture in the OP is clearly from a diner you fucking idiot. And for sure those eggs were prepared by a drunk or a high school student considering such.

>> No.10225641

Over easy is my go-to egg. Perfect on toast, grits or hash browns.

>> No.10226539
File: 36 KB, 590x605, boneless-chicken-eggs-35-cents-funny590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you very much, I appreciate it.



I've been thinking about it. I'm not sure I'm there yet. Just sunny-side up makes me a nervous wreck


I do have a problem with over-cooking, and its usually by a matter of moments while Im fighting with my dinkus spatula. I need to go to:



I tried other things like that, but have found PAM is best for eggs. Its a blend of nice oils, makes them move perfectly and doesnt interfere with the actual result as much.


Maybe, but runny looking eggs turn me off. I write a lot, but only gags like this anymore.

To write legitimately is far too competitive for me, and I could never pay the bills that way. I was essentially raised and educated for that vocation only to find it over-saturated by the time I was an adult.

I enjoy my fun stuff like this though. If you're on this site a lot, you may have seen some of my nonsense around other boards.


It was a dramatization; I didn't include every detail


I really appreciate that. Nice to know someone else found some joy in the kitchen too. Very nice, btw


Thats good, I hope to be that skilled eventually.




I'm glad someone else picked that up. I just used the first pic I found on Google. I wasn't going to go through all that and then let my eggs go cold just to fumble with a camera.

Have a great day, all, and thank you for the kind words.