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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10218598 No.10218598 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a meme?

Almost every over 90 person I know eats garbage. Stuff like cans of soup,ice cream,whiskey,cigarettes,canned foods,soda,frozen meals etc.

What's up with that? I don't think I've ever seen an over 90 person who ate piles of vegetables and all natural organic stuff.

>> No.10218647

Most of the nutritional advice you hear is overblown to outright wrong. Having any general nutrition advice for a sedentary 105 lb granny and a 230lb dock worker is asinine, and almost no nutritional advice ever qualifies for that, it's just generic one size fits all advice

>> No.10218680


Yes, humans can live off of anything.

Mud cookies in Haiti, dirty rice in rural China, shitty corn tortillas in Central America. Hostess cupcakes and whiskey in America. Calories in vs calories out, try not to be completely sedentary. The end.

>> No.10218701

Pretty much these. Longevity is a genetic crap shoot people try to control it with bs like eating specific foods. I have a theory that baby faced people live longer because they age slower. Very unscientific but every old ass person I know looked really young into their 30s

>> No.10218877
File: 12 KB, 367x202, Can't wake up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a baby face and I drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney.
>Mfw going to live to be an old ass fucker.

>> No.10218909

Eating for longevity is a meme. You should be eating and exercising for your present and near-future self. Things that make you feel good and have a useful body into your 70s and 80s. How far you actually make it is in God's hands.

>> No.10218936

My grandma ate an entire box of Little Debbie oatmeal pies, a wheat bread, mayonnaise and turkey (one slice of turkey, bread had been frozen since the first coming of Christ), half a white onion she'd eat like an apple, half a box of Pepsi, and a single cup of decaf coffee. Every day. She weighed like 80lbs.

Most older people that are still alive lived through a time when canning, refrigeration, and instant foods were new and innovative. Since the boys overseas don't need the tin from the cans anymore, they went hogwild when the rations were lifted.

>> No.10219011

It's not about living long, but the guy who ate healthy and exercised all his life is going to be active well into his older years. The people who eat like shit and live like shit will not be able to do the same. They're going to have health problems and be more miserable for 10 to 20 years before they kick the bucket, the guy who eats healthy will be alright until his time is closing to an end. like people in their 50s that are already fat and unhealthy, sure they might live to 80 or 90 but with lots of health problems. A guy who eats right will be okay until his 80s.

But also this new healthy eating thing is new, the boomers are the ones who grew up eating shit. They aren't going to make it as long as this current generation does with the healthy eating meme being so widespread now

>> No.10219060

from my observations it's less about what you eat and more about how you live - namely daily physical exercise. and I don't mean an hour on a treadmill but phusical labour as the main occupation.
example: my great-grandmother lived all her life in the countryside and she was still chopping her own firewood 2 years before she died, she was 96 I believe. she ate whatever was availabke when younger and whatever she felt like later on. my grandma is almost 80, worked most her life, she's still active and relatively healthy. ditto with the diet.
my mom's the first generation born & raised in the city, spent most her life driving a car and/or sitting behind the desk - in her 50s, already numerous health issues.

funny detail to add: they're (/were) all heavy smokers.

>> No.10219094

I realize there are other factors, but obesity pretty much started skyrocketing the second "eating healthy" became a thing

>> No.10219122

Except that is hilarious incorrect and I've no idea how you conflated the obesity epidemic in America with eating healthy when its been quite literally been proven to be caused by the over consumption of fast food and processed crap you get in the frozen isle.

>> No.10219147

This. Work hard and don't retire. Retirement is just waiting for death.

>> No.10219161

I'm pretty sure eating healthy was a reaction to climbing obesity rates in the 90s and 2000's. I started school in 2000 and by grade 3 they were teaching us the importance of eating healthy. The problem is most people still don't know what 'eating healthy' means. But I remember the teachers told our parents not to give us shit like dunkaroos for lunch. One day our gym teacher gave us a big lecture about how we weren't gonna outlive our parents because everyone was so fat, that scared the shit out of kid me

By the 2010s it was a pretty big trend and now most recipes I see on social media or those daytime talk shows my mom watches aim to be healthy in some capacity

>> No.10219180

>Obesity rate basically flatlining until 1980
>fda starts telling people what to eat in1980
>It's awful advice
>Obesity skyrockets

>> No.10219186
File: 180 KB, 1438x938, Vendiagram.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost every over 90 person I know eats garbage. Stuff like cans of soup,ice cream,whiskey,cigarettes,canned foods,soda,frozen meals etc.
Studies that looked at areas with the longest lived populations (where most residents regularly make to an active 100+) in the world consistently show their diets are primarily whole food plant-based (mostly Beans & Greens).

>> No.10219187

The concept of eating healthy has been around for as long as the concept of being healthy in general; our perception of what is and isn't healthy is the only thing that's changed, and even then not entirely.

>> No.10219189

>Remember to eat 10-12 servings of carbs a day!
>But no sugar or oil

>> No.10219210

Pretty much. I remember the general sentiment in the 90s as a kid was you could stuff 10 loaves of bread and 5lbs of pasta down your mouthhole and considered a healthy eater but fat was to be avoided like the plague in any way, shape, or form. That's crackhead-tier nutritional advice

>> No.10219212

>Plant based
Sardinians eat quite a bit of fish and some goat and lamb as well as cheese. Okinawans eat fish too.

>> No.10219225


t. Neal Barnard esselstyn Colin Campbell cult member

>> No.10219245

in the 50s and 60s fast food wasn't as widespread, but you started having stuff like TV dinners and just general prosperity, people started eating more. By the 80s fast food and processed food exploded so that's what people were eating, and lots of it. It was cheap and delicious. I highly doubt most people cared what the FDA had to say, that's not gonna stop people from eating what they want to eat

I think the rapid rise of consumerism after the post war period is the biggest factor, people had lots of money to spend on food, and there were lots of products available that are delicious, cheap and high in calories, and that trend continued to this day

I still don't think governments have it right. They need to stress calories in calories out way more than they do. Also all this low carb, low fat, keto, paleo, etc meme diets are stupid. Macros don't matter as near as much as people think. Just eat nutritious whole foods, and not too much of them, that's literally all you need to do.

>> No.10219268

Healthy eating trends werent being pushed until early 21st century as a response to the increased rate of obesity you humongous moron.

>> No.10219281

Well once you are over 90 its hard getting to the grocery store often and they dont have the energy to cook every meal from scratch.

>> No.10219334

Most old people who eat like shit only recently started doing so. It's getting harder and harder to hold a knife steady, or stand over a pot, or drive to the grocery store, or scrounge up money for quality ingredients. Even if things were going well with these, your sense of smell and taste is fading. Cooking doesn't feel rewarding anymore. You can't tell what's good and what's not. Other people stop eating your food and you know, even if they do, they're only doing it because they don't want you to feel bad.

Everything feels bad and it will never get better. This is the best you will ever be from now on. It only gets worse.

>> No.10219395
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35 years after the war ended the average American lived a life of luxury compared to someone in 1945 and obesity was still a non-issue.

I don't specifically mean the few is to blame, I'm blaming the general nanny-stating of the government telling people what to eat, which began in 1980

>> No.10219406
File: 41 KB, 550x375, child-obesity-statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the fat free hysteria of the 90s didn't exist sorry

>> No.10219410
