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File: 21 KB, 585x366, 60% water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10218016 No.10218016 [Reply] [Original]

there's nothing quite like a glass of water straight from the freezer
the oily texture, the crisp finish...

who said hydration can't be fun?

>> No.10218031
File: 5 KB, 126x89, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't fooling anyone, we know you're alcoholic.

>> No.10218048

i cant get the same results OP, every time i try to do this the water gets hard and hurts to drink. what am i doing wrong? am i not leaving it in long enough? is putting water in the freezer just a meme?

>> No.10218075
File: 30 KB, 549x350, the final redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kid who brought vodka to middle school in a water bottle

>> No.10218823

>straight from the freezer
>that nasty ass freezer taste

Nah fuck that. Water is great but anything that has that freezer taste is fucking disgusting. Neck yourself memeing faggot.

>> No.10218838

>nasty freezer taste
when was the last time you cleaned your fridge ..? 20 years ago ?

>> No.10218848

4 months ago. It doesn't matter whether it's clean or not, that freezer taste is present no matter what.

>> No.10218853


>diminutive suffix to indicate affection

>beloved water
If I lived in Russia, you're damn skippy that'd be the first thing I loved.

>> No.10218874

well i don't know what's wrong with your freezer .. try putting an open box of sodium bicarbonate in it , it'll absorb those >nasty ass freezer taste.

>> No.10218884

Kek freshman year and he got caught

>> No.10218968

What's wrong with your freezer?

>> No.10218977

>oily texture
Excuse me?

>> No.10218978

My friend did this but with straight JD in a 750ml red water bottle so you couldn't see what was in it. He started drinking it at our first break around 10am and was completely blasted by 1:30. I have no idea if the teachers just didn't notice, or if they all knew but thought it was too much effort to deal with and just ignored it.

>> No.10219403

>buy water bottle
>pour out water
>pour in vodka
>go to work

Is the rest of the world fucking stupid or am I a goddamn genius?

>> No.10219411


Everyone can smell your goddamned vodka breath from five feet away. That shit reeks.

>> No.10219423

Everyone can smell your vodka breath

>> No.10219439
File: 12 KB, 425x535, lizano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>teaching middle school
>on lunchroom duty one day
>group of little shit mexican dudes always doing dumb shit
>can see them whispering and looking around and digging in a backpack
>totally not about to do some retarded shit
>walk away so they can go ahead and start whatever theyre trying to get into
>30 seconds later
>smell smoke
>spin around
>theyre all gone
>run over
>theyre huddled underneath the cafeteria table passing around a newport
>they thought they were gonna get some street cred or something
>every single kind in the school thinks theyre retarded and glad they end up suspended

fuck you juan and chris and other juan

>> No.10219440

Why would this matter to me?

>> No.10219450

Shut the fuck up, Pres-bitch

>> No.10219455

Why bother putting it in a water bottle if you have no need to hide it?

>> No.10219459

Because they don't let you bring bottles of vodka to work, but bottles of water are fine.

>> No.10219463

Gin would work better, it doesn't smell on your breath as bad as vodka.

>> No.10220504

I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.10220513

Chilled still water? Fucking spew. If it's not at room temperature send it back.

Chilling is for sparkling water.

>> No.10220552

Did you know you can tell apart hot water and cold water being poured into a glass, by sound alone. You already have this amazing ability, you just didn't know it yet.

>> No.10220557

>the first juan and the other juan

>> No.10220569


>> No.10220593

You're fridge is leaking Freon. Get it repaired.

>> No.10221096

vodka doesn't smell, Unless you are hammered drunk and you're sweating it