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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10204620 No.10204620 [Reply] [Original]

First question: What is our optimal diet? When was it established? Is the diet of a hunter gatherer human 200 million years ago optimal? What are the foods we're adapted best to consume in what quantity and schedule?

Second question: How often should meat/veggies/carbs be consumed according to this diet? Human hunters probably wouldn't have had meat every day, right?

I'm wondering all this because I've resolved to start eating higher quality meat than I currently do but less frequently

>> No.10204629

paleo is a fucking meme

>> No.10204643

I'm aware of paleo. Surely there must be something similar to what I'm talking about

>> No.10204749

cut out refined carbs and thats a huge step in the right direction, intermittent fasting is good for us too. i perfer to cycle on and off of keto, avoiding refined carbs and intermittently fast 5/7 days. sounds like alot but IF saves tons of time from cooking and cleaning, the only hard part is the first day of keto. look up autophagy.

>> No.10205539

You shouldn't fall for "natural" diet anything.
Every second you're not suffering from a horrible natural disease, you're basically spitting mother nature in the face, fuck nature.

>> No.10205630

fucking this

>> No.10205808

remove grains and eat more fish
everyone assumes hunter gatherers just ate tons of meat, but they actually mostly ate fish

>> No.10206274

>What is our optimal diet?
If we knew there wouldn't be such a massive fight about this.

Probably plant centered with minimal dairy and occasional meat/fish. Also this >>10205539, all the "yeah but we're meant to do x, we evolved to eat y and z is only natural" is plain bullshit. Stop brushing your teeth then.

>> No.10207235

lmao look at those mentally ill furfag larpers

>> No.10207267


Neopaleo. Basically fish (scales bones, etc and all), veggies, fruits, nuts, and the odd meats.

>> No.10207390

Life is chaos, there is no optimum diet. It is about adapt and overcome. grow up sweetie cakes.

>> No.10207397

>Human hunters probably wouldn't have had meat every day, right?

The good ones would have.

>> No.10207403

Only savages and shitskins still eat meat.

Almost all genetically superior races have evolved some type of 'enlightened' diet like veganism.

>> No.10207410
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the truly transcendental only consume air

>> No.10207425

>Almost all genetically superior races have evolved some type of 'enlightened' diet like veganism.

The more niggerish one's ancestry, the more likely they will stay meat eaters. Hell African niggers still haven't managed to evolve beyond being hunters in 200 THOUSAND fucking years.

Those ass backwards african niggers will continue to murder innocent animals for food. There's no hope for them.

>> No.10207444

Most human hunter gatherer societies would not have eaten meat much, the majority of their calories would have come from roots, nuts and edible vegetables, meat is not as calorically dense and takes more effort to hunt down and cook then plant matter, the exception to this rule would probably be societies that lived near large water resources that were able to successfully fish large amounts. That said, vegetarian diets are in no ways natural, the human body cannot create proteins for a reason, we are made to eat meat, just as more of a supplement that the main course like in modern meals.

>> No.10207453
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>meat is not as calorie dense as plant matter

>> No.10207457

Per gram avocado has more calories than meat.
Coconut as well.
Rapeseed as well.
Plantain as well.
See where we're going here, dipshit?

>> No.10207458
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>Is the diet of a hunter gather human 200 million years ago optimal?

>> No.10207462

per gram avocado
medium avacodo 6 grams is around 240 calories
6 oz steak is 460 calories

>> No.10207464

Not him but your point there is retarded.

>> No.10207470

6gram I meant 6 ounces

>> No.10207485


>> No.10207528


This. White people are like the advanced Elf races that can sustain on leaves and grain while blacks and mexicans are like the disgusting orcs and ogres that can't eat anything but meat.

>> No.10207694

Vegans are so pathetic and desperate that they’re trying to make /pol/ like them.

>> No.10208069

You know what hunter-gatherers ate? WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY COULD. There's only meat? Let's eat a fuckload of meat. Nothing but veggies around? Guess we vegan now. But hey, look, there's some insect grubs, protein!

There isn't one hunter-gatherer diet, there's a different one for each region and each season and of those none are The Most Bestest Diet. Evolution doesn't care - an optimal diet is the one that keeps you alive throughout reproductive age, whether it is mixed veg or pure seal fat erryday.

>> No.10208087

>The more niggerish one's ancestry, the more likely they will stay meat eaters. Hell African niggers still haven't managed to evolve beyond being hunters in 200 THOUSAND fucking years.
>Those ass backwards african niggers will continue to murder innocent animals for food. There's no hope for them.

If we just let those africans starve, we would be saving the lives of MILLIONS of innocent animals and their babies.

Africans will never evolve to an advanced agrarian society like us, so maybe we should just let evolution take its course and let the savages go extinct like Mother Nature intended.

>> No.10208127

Meat is easy as fuck to acquire. Have you ever seen cattle? They just stand around in big groups waiting to be eaten

>> No.10208169

what about keto?

>> No.10208388

>What is our optimal diet?

It depends on your desired outcome.

I'll assume you refer to longevity, in which case you want to follow some sort of calorie restricted diet.