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File: 184 KB, 500x375, hostess-pies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10205649 No.10205649 [Reply] [Original]

I've always wondered about these fruit pies, are they like? I know Bobby Hill likes them, but I've never seen anyone eat one

>> No.10205663

They're not bad, they taste a little cheap.

Give it a shot if you can find them.

>> No.10205679


I liked them as a kid, then tried one a few years ago and it was just pure sugar packed inside of super processed corn syrup dough coated in sugar. When I was little I probably thought they were healthy because they were fruit pies, but holy shit are they nasty.

>> No.10205682

Oh man, I used to eat those all the time in high school. I would stop at this gas station and get one and a chocolate milk because they were super cheap. Looking back, I haven't had one in 10+ years and they're basically just sugar bombs. Super sweet filling, glazed donut like crust, and just barely enough fruit to call them naturally flavored.

>> No.10205688

I used to eat them when I was a kid. For a cheap quality crap snack I think I would very readily take a Hostess fruit pie over a Hostess cupcake/Twinkie or a Little Debbie. The crust edge is yummy. Their mouth feel is not great. The aftertaste is cheap. If you like cheap food they’re good.

>> No.10205690

I love them.

>> No.10205700

im sold, thanks anons

>> No.10205705

I always ate those and still do
Good pies, glazed crust makes it, blackberry is the best but it's rare, pudding pies ain't bad either, other than that I like apple

>> No.10205707

Loved them as a kid.

Intolerably sweet as an adult. They'd send a diabetic to the hospital.

I don't know if the recipe changed, or my tastebuds.

>> No.10205728
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>> No.10205732
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>> No.10205735
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>> No.10205743
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>> No.10205752

Cafeteria kino.

>> No.10205758

I still like 'em, but I'd probably literally just fucking die nowadays if I had two in a row like I did as a kid.
they are absurdly sweet

I've only ever had the apple and lemon, never the cherry.

>> No.10205769
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Absolute nostalgia for me. My grandfather always bought them and I loved them so much, I associate them with him now the same way I do many other things. It's sad because as the years have gone on I've started to forget his face, and I've almost entirely forgotten his voice. It kills me, honestly.

>> No.10205788

Hostess got rid of all the good flavors, so I only get Cutie Pies now. Berry and chocolate.

I do not feel like a winner when I am eating them, but I do it anyway.

>> No.10205800

I haven't seen one since I was a kid. I know remember their smell and taste. It's kinda like a fruit filled donut, but if that fruit filled donut was covered in more sugar and a little bit stale.

>> No.10205830

im only really interested in the lemon

>> No.10205884

They're a food like Little Debbie doughnut sticks that I loved as a little kid and will occasionally get nostalgic and have one and realize that they're disgusting and I was a stupid kid

>> No.10205919

It's just like a jelly filled donut. Almost too sweet, honestly

>> No.10205950

>real fruit filling

>> No.10205969

Hostess died and the pies died with them, the new ones are shit, don't bother with them. Not even a nostalgia thing, the crust is 2x as thick as it was before they went out of business, absolute trash.

>> No.10205972
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>> No.10206042


Had the apple one as a kid cause it's hard to fuck up apple pie.

I hated it.

>> No.10206068
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>> No.10206099

Holy FUCK, I don't think I seen that since it was on tv.

>> No.10206479
File: 268 KB, 1280x853, diner old men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They remind me of the 1980s.

They feel like they are made at some large, unsanitary factory in the south by good honest lunchbucket toting people.

>> No.10206496

Put one in the microwave and shit yourself at how good it is when it shouldn't be

>> No.10207184

Back when McDonald's switched to baked pies, I started using my deep fryer to fry these pies.
Works best on the fruit pies, the chocolate and vanilla taste, well just wrong, but the lemon, berry and apple are awesome.
Had a neighbor for 10 years who was an inspector at a factory that made the generic store brand pies, guy used to drop me a bag of 25-50 pies a week, sold some to my coworkers, ate a fried pie every morning for almost a decade.
So far so good, no diabetes, yet.
Probably helpful that I ride a bike to work.
Nothing better than a fried pie, well, except maybe fried pizza.

>> No.10208049

The chocolate ones are the only ones that are worth it. All the fruit ones are nasty.

>> No.10208096

Yeah, heating them up really takes it to the next level. My high school sold off brand versions of these at lunch, they'd keep them under a heat lamp. So good.

>> No.10208432

this except that's why they're good

>> No.10208580

This. They're a case of using a lot of sugar to cover up generally cheap ingredients. But they aren't fake. They're made with fruit and actually taste like fruit pies, just really cheap, crazily oversweetened fruit pies.

>> No.10208593

lemon is the best.

>> No.10208605
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Fucking RIP

>> No.10208616

It’s like super sweet jelly donut filling.

>> No.10208621
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A little too much glaze, dip it in water or soda to remove some excess. Lemon best flavor

>> No.10208675

it’s pure sugar, corn starch and food coloring

>> No.10208710

Yeah, this.

Ridiculously oversweetened.

>> No.10208791

worked at a hostess bakery in Detroit for summer while in college
used to eat them
but now
sugar sugar sugar
so with a cup of coffee and you're good to go

I'll eat a Hostess Fruit Pie over a Twinkie anyday

>> No.10208935

I loved them when I was a kid. It was not coincidence that I had the same figure as Bobby Hill though.

>> No.10208939

What kind of flavor would go with coffee?

>> No.10209232

the cherry and apple taste best warmed up, the lemon is best frozen.

>> No.10209238


>> No.10210386

i ate hundreds of them as a child. the crust has a nice texture from the fat used back then, similar today with palm oil shortening. better to eat these types of foods as a child, and have the memories. they are not going to live up to your adult taste buds, assuming you are not a manbaby.

>> No.10210440

Terrible, but in the best of ways.

If you want to feel especially fat try battering and deep frying.

>> No.10210510

oh my goodness, I had forgotten about this

>> No.10210640

Cherry probably; that artificial tartness.

>> No.10210678
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Go with pic related instead, it's one of the best Hostess products.

>> No.10210684

Insane how god tier this is

>> No.10210748
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You're a good grandson, anon

>> No.10210855

My local grocery has a different brand (I think it's called J&J) for $.59. It's very very worth it.

>> No.10210862
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Go chocolate variety and use a microwave for 20 seconds.

>> No.10210869
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I used to eat the chocolate version of these at my old job.
Shit was 10/10, especially if you warmed them up.

>> No.10210882

I remember these being really fucking good. There also these just potato skin chips that were amazing that I don't think exist any more and all the current ones suck ass.

>> No.10211029

Why can't they just make an unglazed version? The glaze really ruins it.

>> No.10211051


>> No.10211104

>you will never be a kid reading comics with a flashlight under the covers while drinking a glass of warm milk before bed again
feels bad

>> No.10212574

Fruit Pie the Magician the Hostess Pie Technician

>> No.10212644


Nice. I only know about these fruit pies because of Seanbaby.

>> No.10212653

If you were hiding under the covers you were supposed to be asleep. How did you get warm milk?

>> No.10213679
File: 4 KB, 259x195, homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naturally AND artificially flavoured
for what purpose, guys?

>> No.10213687

Grab milk from your mini-fridge. Heat it over your room's hearth.

>> No.10213718


Somebody was raped as a child.

>> No.10213738

Used to eat those in high school. Always thougth they were bretty gud for a cheap ass little cherry pie.

>> No.10214161

blackberry? Where the fuck are they selling blackberry ones?

>> No.10214585

A long, long, time ago, they actually had lots of real fruit in them. Now all they are is some weird, gel-spooge goo, artificial filling. Hostess is a classic example of the rape and pillage style of vulture capitalism. Ever since the 1995 takeover, it's been run into the ground, with no thought of the product.

>> No.10215393
File: 277 KB, 1500x822, 9109FNlSL3L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Hostess sells blackberry, but this brand is the same thing, if not a little better.

>> No.10215431

They're just flavoured in some way

>> No.10215869
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I'm still fucking angry about this

>> No.10215922
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, gsnrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just coming through with the best pre-packaged pie product. These things taste more like an actual pie rather than a densely packed brick of artificially flavored sugar.

>> No.10216144

Use to fucking love them as a kid, but now they gross me the fuck out.

I find sweet tasting things just taste bad now as an adult.

>> No.10217855

Been eating them since childhood. They are better if you microwave them for a few seconds.