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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 148 KB, 970x767, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10204610 No.10204610 [Reply] [Original]

"Soylent is a brand of meal replacement products available in the U.S., named after an artificial food in the science-fiction novel Make Room! Make Room! Soylent was introduced in 2014 after a crowdfunding campaign that generated nearly $1.5 million in preorders.[3]

Its producer, Rosa Foods, says that Soylent meets all nutritional requirements for an average adult.[4] Initial recipes were first created and tested by software engineer Rob Rhinehart[5] as a self-experiment in nutrition. Subsequently, the powdered version of Soylent was developed into the first product line of Rosa Foods, which currently markets and sells the product. For about two months in late 2016, the company also marketed a solid-form meal bar under the brand name as well, but it was discontinued after reports that it caused gastrointestinal problems for some consumers. Sales of the powdered version were also halted briefly in late 2016 before the product was reformulated and its sales resumed."
This stuff seems nasty as fuck.

>> No.10204619

Or maybe the only faggots that would think of sustaining themselves off of flavorless nutrient shakes are low-T beta males that can't open a jar?

>> No.10204637

>soyboyism isn't rea-

>> No.10204671


Why would you Every want to not eat real food?

>> No.10204674

>Someone thinks smart instead of hard
>4chan complains

>> No.10204702

>Someone spends 2.74 on a bottle opener
>Not using a towel or duct tape

>> No.10204703
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>spending money on a crutch for your inability to perform even the most lightly physically demanding tasks
>thinking smart

>> No.10204720

I ate this almost exclusively for about a month and now I have about one meal a day with them.

Ama senpai

>> No.10204730

Soylent is a bad meal but it's the best nutritional shake, and if you think I'm wrong I'd like to know what kind of nutritional shake your prefer because my doctor recommends I drink them

>> No.10204752


Why did you do it? Does it affect your sex drive? If someone wanted to give up on women, but masturbates multiple times daily, would drinking this curb urges? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10204768

ITT: disabilities don't exist

>> No.10204778

>Hasn't watched Soylent Green.
I smell newfags.

>> No.10204780

someone with a legit disability that was unable to grasp objects tightly would have adapted to it a long time ago and have the proper tools.

>> No.10204782

That's a good point.
Find us a post by that user mentioning an actual disability rather than just being being a spaghettiarmed manchild. Then there'll be egg on all our faces.

>> No.10204785

>Eating packaged shit from whatever is smart.

>> No.10204788


>> No.10204816

the guy is still a huge fag, but i often think of this when people laugh at those dumb infomercial products for being 'useless', when most of them are meant for those with disabilities or mobility issues

>> No.10204831

The person in the OP pic might be a programmer with carpal tunnel syndrome who has difficulty gripping objects

>> No.10204846

entirely possible, and if he is then he's obviously not a fag for requiring a bottle opener

>> No.10204860
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Not surprising really.

>> No.10204868

Listen, I admit that sometimes there are things that take me longer to open or are harder to open than I think. But like.. a bottle of water is probably the easiest thing in the universe to open and a soylent bottle is probably extremely similar in a strength test. Jesus man.

>> No.10204872

>these "people" shill their shit on ma 4chainz

>> No.10204953

6'2", 170 lbs, lowish body fat (around 12% last I checked) with probably small-average build

I originally did it because I was very busy doing grad school, and wouldnt have much time to cook as well as not being home sometimes for 16hrs a day. I always ended up eat just garbage food or getting takeout. I got Soylent for a cheaper alternative (the powder is a lot cheaper) and for something that was 'healthy' as in relative to what I'd eat otherwise. I stopped only drinking it because it was too much, but I have it always for breakfast for convince and I'm usually too lazy to make a proper breakfast as I hate waking up.

Also, no, as far as I remember it had no impact on my sex drive. If anything I was eating better than I had before and I had more energy after a long stressful day

>> No.10204994

i didn't give my brother in law a present for chirstmas. i like him just fine we just live in seperate worlds. i've been on the borderline of sending him a case of this shit since november. i couldn't bring myself to it and i'd rather put more into my savings, so i just got him nothing.
>i'm just all like, fuck jesus, my dude. so i didn't get anyone anything.
>next year just don't bother with the amazon card. i'm long walmart anyway

>> No.10205671

The simple act of looking at the bottle opener made my already small penis shrink

>> No.10206251

I bought a few soylent a few weeks ago. They weren't unopenable by any means, but I will attest that they are tighter than the caps on most products. I imagine someone with small hands, or someone who doesn't perform manual labor could have a problem with them.

They're also stupid expensive for a shitty macro profile, and taste terrible. So going out of your way to buy something to open them seems like the height of retardation.

>> No.10206359
File: 879 KB, 800x800, discarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a soyposter makes men into weaklings. They look for excuses for being so beta.
>hurr the soy is in my food
>hurr this is why i'm going to be alone forever
>hurr fucking soy cucked me
>hurr my parents fed me soy in my food
Little do they realize every meta-analyses points towards isoflavones not reducing test or increasing estrogen. Fucking brainlets, every one of you I swear.
Do us a favor and livestream your suicide OP.

>> No.10206416

Is it actually healthy? I kinda want some for when I'm too lazy to cook so I don't have to eat mcdonalds shit.

>> No.10206457
File: 77 KB, 720x720, 1497003297279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does soy make men into beta faggots, or do beta faggots naturally preffer soy?

>> No.10206480

>do beta faggots naturally preffer soy?
Pretty much this, though I doubt soy helps any.

>> No.10206585

>unable to open a bottle designed to fint in a child hand

>> No.10206595

Ask yourself, weeb.

>> No.10206623
File: 1.33 MB, 1536x2048, 1519568297685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys get your bull to open your bottle?

>> No.10206640

kek, based soyanon

>> No.10206688

Disabled people should be removed from the gene pool anyway.

>> No.10206719


>6'2", 170 lbs

Good morning Mr. Skellington

>> No.10206722

So whats your excuse for being a fat neckbeard faggot?

>> No.10206735
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>> No.10206823
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>> No.10206857

Unless you look like Brad Pitt in fight club (5'11" 155) you probably look like shit at a BMI of 21. BMI is pure shit for individual assessment anyway.

>> No.10206897

My BMI says I'm obese, but I've got a flat stomach and the veins on my forearms bulge out. Will soylent fix this?

>> No.10206921

Soy memes aside, why would you pay to deny yourself one of life's greatest pleasures? This is equivalent to paying somebody to fuck your wife for you.

>> No.10206937

It's made for people who don't have time to chew food.

>> No.10206944

What exactly is Soylent? I always assumed it was just a new type of bottled grab n go protein shakes or for people trying to lose weight.

>> No.10206947

hope this guy commits suicide soon

>> No.10207007

Some people are into that.

>> No.10207025

Do people actually believe the soyboy meme or are you all just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.10207030

Its for people who know they need to eat, but can't cook so they eat the same slop every day and get sick of it

>> No.10207062

It's a scam version of a protein shake.
Seriously you can make a more nutritionally complete shake for cheaper if you know what you're doing.

>> No.10207094

yes, but consider this: for a body builder to gain muscle mass they need to eat more calories than they burn, oftentimes 3k or more. So, any mealplan based off of soylent will prob only give 2k, maybe 2.5k at most, with not nearly enough protein to gain muscle.

>> No.10207097

>Blister from opening a bottle
Jesus christ my dudes.

>> No.10207110

>contains no soy

>> No.10207111
File: 6 KB, 249x243, 0924 - aXQaVW4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sick of this belief. This is a cooking board for fuck's sake, we make good tasting food here, the ingredients do not concern us for the most part. Are you guys really so paranoid that you think a couple of soy beans will turn you into a fucking bufty?
Even if soy does contain xenoestrogens, you can counteract those by maybe exercising 15 minutes a day. Think of athletes, they eat a whole shit ton of calories but they exercise that out of their systems. You just need to generate more testosterone than the xenoestrogen you're consuming. Its that simple

If you can't exercise 15 minutes a day, you have far bigger problems than worrying about a certain kind of beans in your food

>> No.10207113
File: 41 KB, 368x480, 1257387811219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hubris that some people have. I'm betting 100 years from now, people will think we were all retarded for pumping xenoestrogens into the population then thinking the best way to treat the people who ended up mentally deranged was to chop their dicks off and give them implants.

>> No.10207121

I think these soyboys open there mouth cause they are begging for cock

>> No.10207123

>premixed products are more expensive than something you can make yourself
never would have guessed

>> No.10207125


>> No.10207129

How is soy-based food product in any way Politics related?
Maybe you're just butthurt?

>> No.10207130

>My time is worthless
Thats all I hear when people on here suggest spending a lot of extra time to save 10 cents to a dollar a day

>> No.10207140

It's jut a way to troll people. It's the new "cuck" ever since that fell out of favor. I'd be surprised if it stayed around until the end of the year. Then again people do feel to get offended by soyboy pretty readily, so maybe it will stand the test of time.

>> No.10207147

>Making a protien shake takes a lot of time
...Are you fucking serious right now? And it's way cheaper than a dollar a day.

>> No.10207154

Sorry I meant, you'll save way more money than a dollar a day.

>> No.10207158

It's sheeple... Soylent Green is sheeple...

>> No.10207162

consider this:
how much you eat matters a lot more than what you eat

That bottle of soylent has 400 calories and 20g of protein. Drinking 8 of those a day gives 3200 calories and 160g of protein, more than enough protein to build muscle.

You can gain and lose weight eating almost any food on earth. some are easier to gain weight with, some are easier to lose weight.

>> No.10207197

Im ready to go on record saying it really bothers me that lentils are not an ingredient in soylent.
What even is that name?

>> No.10207538

In college, all the computer science kids would drink this stuff. It was "more efficient" than cooking or eating real food.

When asked about flavor, they said "food is just fuel, it's not mandatory to enjoy the taste".

I'll tell ya, that rustled my jimjams

>> No.10207592

>that pic
alright I laughed

>> No.10207603
File: 1.73 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180226_140516465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I'm pretty thin, but I'm not that skranny I don't think. I used to eat a lot better, run , lift, play lots of sports etc. But after starting college I kinda became a shut in and I got a lot worse. I basically stayed the same weight but lost all my muscle and now have a shit body. I knew I needed to start lifting again but didn't realize it was this bad until taking this pic.

>> No.10207606

>getting mad at other people's opinions about food

>> No.10207614
File: 111 KB, 572x704, Soylent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed the recipe from what I remember it used to be whey.

but SPI is fucking irreducible waste tier. Shame this could have been so good.

>> No.10207615

When I only had a couple hours max of free time a day I didn't really want to spend it cooking / doing dishes. This let me 'eat' as quickly as possible while being cheap and relatively healthy

>> No.10207618

I got blisters opening a bottle of Manhattan Special the other day.

>> No.10207625

What language is that on the bottle? It has the sharfes S (ß) which I usually associate with German but it seems like it has romance language elements like 'non' and the way j is being used. Is it Walloon or something? It must be lowcountries

>> No.10207628

Is soyboy just a new term for numale?

>> No.10207635

well one meal a day has basically been sucking on soy gravy what did you expect?

>> No.10207639

I ripped my hand open trying to open a bottle with a metal cap, when i finally looked at it, there weren't even the perforations in the metal, fucking old sobe bottles were shit.

>> No.10207667


>> No.10207671

Well I only started that this past academic year after starting grad school. The process of body transformation began during my undergrad

>> No.10207676

>>10207671 Oops meant for

>> No.10207835

Wouldn't straight protein powder and some vitamins be better and cheaper?

>> No.10207858
File: 144 KB, 800x600, 1517043268988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's part of the Soylent® Lifestyle for the modern man

>> No.10207860

The main label on that bottle (you mean that container with Soja Drink?) is German, but for whatever reason, it's labelled in French below the main label.

>> No.10207925

You need fats and carbs. Soylent is basically soy protein, algae oil or something, rice powder and multivitamins with extra stuff for flavour

>> No.10207972

>>they made fun of me for spending my time cooking instead of watching TV

>> No.10208217

A better alternative to Soylent for a snack - OGO Spice Crisps. These meet FDA's DV requirements and actually taste GOOD.

>> No.10208314

Thoughts on Huel?

>> No.10208324

You don't have to mix protein powder with water, milk would be fine for a meal replacement.

>> No.10208375

>open mouth?
>must be for cock!

>> No.10208400

Not really because you would not be getting the proper nutritional breakdown from your calories. You would be having far too much protein, minimal carbs and no fiber.

>> No.10208582


Also they only focus on soy because they can me a le epic phrase that rhymes and they can blurt out easily without thinking.

None of them even realize the same thing is in any product that comes from a female and many other plants, its in your beer, your eggs, your meat ect, its pathetic.

Sitting down and having a pint with a cut of steak makes you as much of a "soyboy" by their logic.

>> No.10208644

Drinking soylent will turn you into a qt3.14 tranny

>> No.10208655

Mmmm. Trap build.

>> No.10208660

they are selling it in 7-11 by me
I wouldn't ever buy such a retarded product, especially since it was formulated by a software engineer and not actually someone with any knowledge of nutrition
fact is muscle milk has better macros

I am interested in tasting it because I hear its terrible, so I might buy a plain flavor and a chocolate one

>> No.10208686

this shit is for people who hate eating
and you need to eat to get strong
therefore soylent fans would automatically be weak as fuck

>> No.10208691

We say it because it's such a simple thing that drives you to bitch even though you admit it's pointlessly stupid, you're still so buttblasted

>> No.10208713

eating soy also implies you are vegetarian, which also makes you a pussy faggot

>> No.10208732
File: 1.58 MB, 426x240, The Hunted - Knife making.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel my balls shriveling just looking at that image. Fuck. Must counter.

>> No.10209045

The only based post in this spergtastic thread.

>> No.10209057

>what is satire

>> No.10209061
File: 288 KB, 1300x2000, bra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only vegetarians eat soy
We're dealing with a truly retarded person here boys.
I'm omnivore and I eat tofu patties all the time, shit tastes godly if you flavor them properly.

Post your face. Let's see how masculine you are.

>> No.10209109

Its a massive conspiracy to neuter white men and allow for the Muslim takeover. Also to homosexualize frogs(?)

>> No.10209136

The square bottles are pretty difficult to open, you have to either hold it from the bottom or hold it down against a table.

>> No.10209154


>> No.10209164


>> No.10209170

damn nigger i bet you can eat the fuck out of them tree stars

>> No.10209195

Don't forget muh flouride and comet pizza, lol!

>> No.10209203

Kek is this a land before time reference? That takes me back

>> No.10209226

don't shave your beard to below your chin, shave it completely or learn to shave a full beard
it looks trashy and gross

>> No.10209545

You're right, I normally do it underneath my jaw/chin but I skipped with the razor this morning and had to shave that part off to make it even. Perhaps I should have just gone clean shaven.

>> No.10209555


>> No.10209562

No. Either do it below your jawline, where your neck starts to turn into your head, or shave it off completely. Don't shave it at your jawline. It might look okay looking straight at yourself, but you';; look like a fucking moron who never taught himself how to shave.

>> No.10209578

Yeah that's what I meant. I do a curved line from my earlobe to a little above the top of my Adams apple.

I didn't think it looked that bad how I had it though, at least better than clean shaven but you're a better judge than me so I will take your advice and shave it all.

>> No.10209585

I'm rockin' a beard right now. Call it unwarrented advice and do whatever the fuck you want. 4chan is chocked full of shitty advice.

>> No.10209736

Why the tooth paste? Muh flouride?

Ungesüßt means unsweetened

>> No.10209778

why the hell do they say cacao instead of chocolate
it all seems stupid to me

>> No.10209833
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 197EC199-5E31-4FF3-BC66-B45C23ABC366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this product turn you bald or redirect hair growth to the neck? Or is that a correlation instead of causation.

>> No.10209850
File: 25 KB, 620x381, fred-armisen-portlandia-ifc-cacao-sex-toy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10209914

Do they work though? I hate buying food cooking it etc... do these fill u up?

>> No.10210114

Yes. They left me feeling quite satisfied and energized. I would actually crave them over the shitty meals I tended to prepare myself

>> No.10210269

The original creator is a turbo autist who hates food and views eating as little more than a chore necessary to fuel the human machine.

>> No.10210383

because chocolate has an unhealthy association

>> No.10210663

Soylent makes men think they are woman.

>> No.10210745

Its pretty convenient. I take one of these with me to uni and just sip on it whenever I get hungry. It prevents me from having to buy overpriced fast food/shitty healthy food on campus, and then I can use the time I would normally take to make lunch for the next day to make a real dinner. Tastes better than just buying a protein bar or some random snack between classes too.

Im actually pretty surprised soylent gets so much flak. I've never ran into anyone that doesn't use it like this.

>> No.10211007

No firm anywhere would ever use walloon it's been dead for a century at least. Walloon speak french. And it might have been the germanic part of Belgium or Lux, but Switzerland seems right.

>> No.10211022

They all attempt it some point. You can't totally substitute your identity to a food item and stay functional for more than a dozen of months.
And like for drugs the comunity make you feel miserable when you try to wake up and quit that shit.

>> No.10211032

Why is he doing that with his mouth?

Was this shoop his plan all along?

>> No.10211058


>> No.10211213

I hate what soygoys have done for men's beards.

>> No.10211279

Or you could just open the with your fucking hands