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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.22 MB, 3120x3120, IMG_20180224_154213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10197354 No.10197354 [Reply] [Original]

People were paying hundres of dollars for this shit

I just swiped a few off work
Fukin retards

>> No.10197374

>Works at McDicks.
>Calls other people retards.
Sure showed them.

>> No.10197375

People traded their cars for this just a few months ago.

>> No.10197398

>Trading your motor vehicle for meme sauce.
10/10 retarded.

>> No.10197399

Dumbasses it tastes like shit too

At least I have a job you NEET

>> No.10197412

I'm work as a foreman for a wood chipping and landscaping company that is small you dumb corporation slave.

>> No.10197415


>> No.10197419

>sze chuan sauce

>> No.10197421

>I manufacture parmesan cheese
You must be so smart

>> No.10197426

so what good sauce are they replacing with this

still not happy they replaced Habanero Ranch with their shitty chick-fil-a sauce knock off

>> No.10197436

>Cutting down and limbing trees and putting tress in a wood chipper is manufacturing parmesan cheese.
Is this a new meme?

>> No.10197437

>He doesn’t enjoy the subtle flavors of ‘sze ‘chuan sauce

>> No.10197439
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Good goy wage slave.

I bet you're Jewish boss is so proud of you that you stand on your feet all days and chop that wood, good goy, make sure you stay longer on your knees while you do that landscaping goyim, I'm not sure if you earned that $12 an hour.

>Everyone who doesn't work at McDonald's is a neat

I'm the only child and the sole beneficiary to a wealthy inheritance I also have a trust fund you mad wagie?

>> No.10197442

For me, it’s the filet o fish

>> No.10197451

yes the "jew antitree woodchippers united"
very evil people

>> No.10197467

>Work as a foreman.
I run a crew for 12+ hours a day
I make $35 an hour, enjoy your food stamps nigger.

>> No.10197472

No, there's a ton of wood in a lot of store bought

>> No.10197490

I don't work at a wood or paper mill. The wood chips get spewed across peoples property. My boss doesn't take truckloads of wood chips to cheese manufacturers. What the fuck is this stupid shit?

>> No.10197494
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>Haha I don't work for the Jew I am the Jew I get to slave drive all of my Mexican workers! I make an average fly over salary, I'm a have, I'm a king now!! made it in life babysitting manual laborers!!!

>> No.10197514

My boss is a German expat and all of the people that work under me are white men. You must live a really sad life.
>Hurr durr everyone that has a job lives in the city/suburbs.
I live and work in the mountains.

>> No.10197531

>ITT: one defensive wage cuck

>> No.10197536

People throughout history that disdained manual labor were grand poets and philosophers, modern day neets are neither.

>> No.10197551

>people paid thousands for a meme

Hopefully, next time they realize what "for a limited time" actually means

>> No.10197569

>everyone in the past wasn't a serf or slave with a low IQ only cut out for ooga Boogaloo me hit hammer on nail, was an aristocratic poetic neet

>> No.10197582
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>> No.10197588

>I know nothing of history so it's means you are wrong, haha! BTFO.
Your post doesn't even make sense either. Go back to shuffling through walmart with your EBT card so you can buy pizza rolls and cheetos.

>> No.10197592


The meme is that the cheap shitty shakers of parmesan cheese at walshart contained a rather alarming percentage of wood pulp by weight.

>> No.10197598

Why would I need EBT? Are these insults from pass projections? Most Foreman start out as $8 an hour grunts anyways

I have a trust fund and the wealthy inheritance waiting for me, hourly paid worker.

Tick Tock, only two more days of break and then it's back to the Grind for 5 more days but then you get another two-day break again from your manual labor, isn't that something to look forward to wagie?

>> No.10197607

I don't believe you have a trust fund, I believe that you have federal assistance and you think it's a trust fund. Say it with me kids, E B T.

>> No.10197633

Wagies mad his parents did nothing for him and then sent him out to slave away for manual labor until his body is destroyed at age 40

He just simply can't fathom the fact that some parents set up their children for life of success while his set him up for a life of wage cucking babysitting adults

>> No.10197642

Yeah some parents want their kids to be weak fatasses that sit around all day eating fried cornmeal and carbonated corn syrup. Real fucking smart they were.

>> No.10197670
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Monday morning, rise and shine, don't forget it

>> No.10197680

Enjoy your 30%+ BMI, beetus, gout and heart disease.

>> No.10197704

I think the saracha sause. Havent seen it much in the store

>> No.10197705

>maybe if I just keep replying non sense I'll win

I'm non diabetic 110 / 60, 6 foot and 170 lb

Try again wagie. I know you're projecting again because you go out to eat at fast-food for lunch everyday like all manual labor slaves

>> No.10197724

Nope, I make my own lunch every morning.

>> No.10197755
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>lying about your job and pay on the internet

>> No.10197766

>Acting like an autist on the internet because your life is devoid of any meaning, you're a burden on your family, and you have no friends

>> No.10197769

no u

>> No.10197795

>He thinks that the meaning in life is slaving away at pointless jobs, having nothing to do with your family financially every person for themselves and having"friends"

Leave Normshit

>> No.10197797

My dad is the president of Nintendo and he says you are full of shit.

>> No.10197798

Only if I were, I am 25 and most people my age are braindead trash. They can't work for more than 30 minutes without complaining.

>> No.10197929
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You're projecting quite hard there, kiddo

>> No.10198003


>> No.10198065

Your body sounds perfect for a trap

>> No.10198075

how the fuck do you pronounce it

>> No.10198078

This foreman dudes a fucking loser lmao

>> No.10198096


>> No.10198121

>you NEET
I'd rather bust my ass in construction than get told "if you have time to lean you have to time clean" by some shit-sucking management shekelstein.

>> No.10198130

he's still got a better job than you, burger-flipper
you impress literally fucking nobody, even at 40 hours a week you barely make more than the guys who have to play autistic to get on SSI, enough that it's hardly worth it

>> No.10198133

Painu ny rotta vittuun.

>> No.10198161

what does this stuff taste like?

>> No.10198169

You gay

>> No.10198185
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>> No.10198225

>Water, Sugar, Vinegar,

>> No.10198294

what does it taste like.

>> No.10198302

Teryaki sauce with chili. But for some reason, like real teryaki sauce, like soy and mirin and brown sugar and sake. Like you might cook with it. It's bizzare

>> No.10198307

that sounds fucking disgusting. if I wanted chinese I would go to the shitty chinese place.

>> No.10198320


>> No.10198330
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 1499621841067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not privy to this sauce meme, What happened? Why did people pay hundereds of dollars for mcdonalds grade sauce? Can't you just get bottles of this stuff, or better yet, make it yourself for under $20?

>> No.10198336

faggots like asian crap and cartoons.

>> No.10198339

Autistic Rick and Morty reddit retards.

>> No.10198345


>> No.10198347

I have no idea what that is. elaborate?

>> No.10198351

This one too https://youtu.be/EAf9Is_b00U

>> No.10198365

So let me get this straight, these people bought and horded $1 grade sauce packets because a character in a cartoon did it? What the actual fuck?

>> No.10198369

Is $35 an hour impressive?
I'm pretty sure that's what unskilled labourers straight out of school get paid.

>> No.10198377

Where I live it is, I live and work in the middle of nowhere, jobs are scarce and they pay less than in the city or suburbs.

>> No.10198378

>I'm pretty sure that's what unskilled labourers straight out of school get paid.
Average science majors make $15-$20 an hour dependant on position. You do the math.

>> No.10198381


>> No.10198456

Rick & Morty had Rick bemoan how he couldn't find it in any reality he traveled to, hyping it up as some culinary holy grail beyond Ambrosia.
The fanbase for this show proved themselves to be the most easily manipulated group to date and started petitioning and tweeting and bitching and moaning for McDicks to bring it back, when the last time they had it was as a promotion for Mulan.
Eventually, McDonald's relented and announced that they would have the sauce in select stores across the nation for one day, with some actually neat artwork and posters to go with it.

But either it didn't go as planned, or as I suspect, it went EXACTLY as planned.
A lot of the stores either never got the sauce in the first place, or some enterprising employees pocketed it all to sell on Ebay later. And the ones that did get the sauce only had a dozen or so packs.
And there were lines for it that stretched around city blocks and disrupted traffic.

And then they found out that they wouldn't get their sauce and it went like this-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_HboVYEkWw

Some of the people that did get the packs sold them for hundreds of dollars.

And then after massive outcry online and over the evening news, McDonald's issued an apology and said they'd bring the sauce back, keikaku doori style.

>> No.10198477

Actually this is a better video.

>> No.10198526

>I'm pretty sure that's what unskilled labourers straight out of school get paid.
You'd be wrong. Unskilled laborers will be making around $10-$12 starting out, more depending on the area.

>> No.10199737

Neet larpers are the worst

>> No.10199790
File: 171 KB, 1080x865, sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior sauce coming through.

>> No.10199813 [DELETED] 

That's reddit and morty for you.

>> No.10199823 [DELETED] 

>soyboyism isn't rea-

>> No.10199837

some guy talking at his computer is better than raw unedited footage?

>> No.10199851

Generic tasting sweet chili sauce, not very spicy.

>> No.10199852

Imagine working on a fastfood shithole

>> No.10200067

Are you retarded

>> No.10200068
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I work at the place that makes McDonald's sauces. One of their locations, anyway. I've seen a few orders for Szechaun sauce packets go out, but haven't been able to get any myself. I've taken home lots of ketchup and honey, though.

>> No.10200070

yes I am.

>> No.10200082

Good. You're doing great. Keep it up.

>> No.10200097

>I run a crew for 12+ hours a day
>I make $35 an hour,
Doubt bull shit or you and your crew are milking it...

>> No.10200112

>if you have time to lean you have to time clean" by some shit-sucking management shekelstein
Have to agree with this.
The fuck do you do if you already cleaned it twice?

>> No.10200187

welcome to the world of bugmen the perfect consumers who will buy anything a cartoon tells them too

>> No.10200340

Yeah maybe for the first few years

My buddy who is a biochemist was whining that during grad school and PhD studies he was making nothing

Well he recently got a position as a entry level Professor starting at 60 Grand per year plus benefits and only works 9 months of the year and teaches introduction level courses. Within Academia raises our yearly and once you get tenure you're basically are retired employee who can do whatever you want.

Yeah I think I'd prefer that over being a manual labor slave

>> No.10200348

>enjoy your food stamps

I will, especially since I know you're paying for them

>> No.10200350

is tenure track yet? Otherwise it's straight hell according to my sources

>> No.10200351

Coping wage cucklets are worse.

They try to do everything they can as to not be swayed into the belief that they are a leading a meager mundane boring slave consumer existence.

>> No.10200558

I can basically imagine what it tastes like just by reading the ingredients list.

>> No.10200567

Not wood pulp, just ordinary cellulose.

>> No.10200568 [DELETED] 

I wish I could get paid $35 dollars an hour.

>> No.10200576

Now you know why reddit is truly cancer.

>> No.10200659

Actual kek to be had

>> No.10200677
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>> No.10201134

wrong working on an oil rig can net you more than any soyboy

>> No.10201229

>I'm pretty sure that's what unskilled labourers straight out of school get paid.

World would be a little bit better if this were true, also you are retarded or are completely deluded.

>> No.10201259

>12 x 35
>= 420


>> No.10201271


He's clearly from a country that pays its workers a decent wage. $10-12 for labouring is a fucking joke.

>> No.10201272

That's a beefy girl right there, name?

>> No.10201503

Only NEETs would make fun of someone for working at McDonald's without knowing their age.

>> No.10201649


>> No.10202018 [DELETED] 
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I feel bad for the wood slave. $35 an hour. Hope you don’t get sick/hurt goy you will have to pay me lots of money

>> No.10202073
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No, I don't want fries with that

>> No.10202082

I'll never understand this mindset. He could just be leeching off the government yet you scorn him for working. Kill yourself.

>> No.10202204

Being a neet is a superior lifestyle to working a wage slave minimum wage job. Hell it even pays better with welfare.

>> No.10202242

That's just simply not true. At least in Canuck Land I was making around $900-$1000 biweekly working at Timmies, whereas I was getting $740 a month on NEETbux. Granted I hated every minute of it and wanted to die, but at least I could actually afford my bills and my alcoholism.

>> No.10202569

What happens if your mommy dies? Whatever will you do?

>> No.10202606

idk, but I be she fucks good with a strapon

>> No.10202853
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This. Welfare Master Race.

>b-but I make slightly more than you will working a minimum job!

Yes, but you're giving up around 40 hours a week of your life, not including going to and from work. Time is the most valuable resource we have. Guess what I'm doing during that time? Enjoying myself, while you wish for death to take you from your menial existence.

>b-but at least I'm not a leech! I take pride in contributing to society!

Good goy. Slave away so some Jew can get richer. If you're lucky you'll get a bonus at the end of the year for being a good drone!


Let the tears flow.

>> No.10202891

Others (like me) work so one day everyone could enjoy a NEET life.
You took a headstart but you are doing great.

>> No.10203772


>> No.10203819

My crew works like I do or I look for someone else. The reason I get paid that much among other reasons is because I am a hard ass and I don't allow slacking. We show up to work not stroke our cocks.

>> No.10203916

>Also, immediately stick head up bosses ass

>> No.10203972

>tfw have a big ass inheritance waiting for me
>tfw not Neet
>tfw I'm Comp Sci making 100k a yearbut I just sit around tell people how to do shit all day from the comfort of my room while I play vidya and draw porn

Eat it wage slave and NEET

>> No.10203981

Have fun with that. I get to enjoy life and I get paid to do it.

>> No.10204002
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Why do people like Rick and Morty so much?

>> No.10204013

They think they are smarter than they actually are. Usually triggered by social disorders via chemicals in the food, pharmaceuticals and state funded propaganda.

>> No.10204018


>> No.10204056

>So let me get this straight, these people bought and horded $1 grade sauce packets because a character in a cartoon did it?
It's even worse than that: said cartoon character is implied to have gone on an epic adventure just to get it... because he could and had nothing better to do. In essence, to hammer for the nth time in the show how pointless many endavours are. As such, causing this much disruption completely missed both the joke AND the point of the line.

>> No.10204066

Joke's on you, I work as public servant and my boss is a board of decrepit directors that do nothing but wan on their prestige.

>> No.10204074


>> No.10204076


>> No.10204267

Holy shit, link?

>> No.10204340


No, I don't live in a poverty stricken country that's all. I pay a 17 year old $25 an hour to do random office jobs. Babysitters get $25 an hour. I pay more tax that you people but I'd rather live in a society that's a little more sustainable.

>> No.10204365

I recall having one of these and the bottle offering no resistance. The meme is too real.

>> No.10204380

>Sustainable society.

>> No.10204516

>wasted his entire childhood in front of the pc
>wasted his entire learning career infront of the pc
>wastes virtually all his free time in front of the pc
>spends 10hrs a day at his "job" staring at a pc

Wow glad you make an average city salary.

You clearly have life figured out, autist.

>> No.10204536

here you go

>> No.10204587
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>> No.10204640


>> No.10204657

Actually I feel kind of bad posting that, I don't know this dude

>> No.10204681
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18-year-olds stormed the beaches of Normandy.
Now we have this.

>> No.10204686
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>tfw dippin ur nugs in some 'chuan sauce

>> No.10205823

Isn't that what neets do all day?
Either way I'm in the comfort of my home! comfty af! I'm happy!

And soon I hope I can start making jam cuz I big ass fig tree in my yard

>> No.10205887

When I collected unemployment from getting laid off it fucking sucked. I stayed inside all day and drank beer and worked out. I did that shit for 2 years, how someone would consider that a luxury is beyond me. Shit really fucks with your head and makes you depressed.

>> No.10205893
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>> No.10205909

Minors as well. Patriots lied about their age all the fucking time.

>> No.10205922

you could probably sell that for a few hundo on ebay bro

>> No.10206006

I he's 18 or older, he's too old.

>> No.10206227

What a fucking pathetic thread, great food discussion.

>> No.10206826

Then don't stay inside all day. Go out to the park and enjoy the fresh air, ride a bike, go window shopping. There's plenty for a NEET to do that won't cost him much if any money.

>> No.10206900
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>reading the comments
>they're legitimately are having difficulties opening a fucking bottle

>> No.10206902
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>> No.10206912

>NEETs are often well-adjusted and not depressed
Depression is pretty much a constant factor in NEETs and their suicide rates are much higher than average.

>> No.10207163

Neets in the U.S. get paid so much (doubly so if they fake an illness) that they can afford their own place and more.

>> No.10207176

But how do you get the money for it? You can't just apply for unemployment/welfare. You needed to have had a job in the first place and then be laid off and not fired or not quit. They also don't give you enough to live off of even in places in Europe. Also the whole faking mental illness isnt nearly as easy as people make it sound here. They do extensive testing to make sure people arent lying.

>> No.10207181

Thats because too many are misguided and doing it wrong. Many good things in life are free or cheap.

>> No.10207227

>Thats because too many are misguided and doing it wrong. Many good things in life are free or cheap.
The depression doesn't arise from things being expensive or cheap man.

Um, this isn't true. Disability is around $750 a month. Things like welfare and unemployment doesn't last forever and need to be constantly re-applied for. And you can only start getting social security at 62 years old. Maybe that's enough for a shitty apartment+food, but not much else.

>> No.10207333

Depression happens for different reasons in different people. Not all individuals are hard coded to seek adventure and achieve great things. Many people are content just getting by.

>> No.10207364

I don’t get why someone would fabricate a shitty story like this

The honey and ketchup aren’t made at the same factory, or by the same company at all

>> No.10207372

hope we get some more epik memes from numales losing their shit and throwing temper tantrums when they run out

>> No.10207381

No, see, the mentality is supposed to be "you ALWAYS have to be looking for things to do," if you're not doing anything then you NEED to find something to clean. If your line is clean, if the floor is mopped, bathrooms are checked, trash is taken out, nothing needs to be prepped, then you're supposed to be asking your boss for shit to do. In McJobs you're not ever allowed to be taking a break on the clock ever.
It acclimates workers into doing their jobs slower so they don't get assigned with more things to do. Working hard is literally punishing yourself.

>> No.10207385

This is completely sidesteping the issue that NEETs suffer from crippling depression more than most, and that (once again) their suicide rates are much higher. Sure, everyone doesn't need to seek adventure but ignoring that correlation is ridiculous.

>> No.10207386

I take unemployment for 6 months every winter because I work construction. Very much literally this.
The only temp jobs I can get for that time period are plowing snow or flipping burgers for minimum wage.

>> No.10207416

>There was a strong independent association between suicide and individuals who were unemployed
>Unemployment is by far the bigger factor in suicides than the economic crisis, depression and social pressures – accounting for nine times as many deaths.

But yeah everything's fine just go take a bike ride haha

>> No.10207466

I just got it, and honestly I think it's the best dip I've ever had from mcdonalds.

I was really expecting disappointment.

>> No.10207491

I've been a neet for 10 years, I'm literally never bored.

I spend a lot of time getting paid to write music in my home though, it's not a living wage, but it's a nice surplus/keeps me busy. Along with oodles of other hobbies.

>> No.10207633

>I'm literally never bored.
I'm calling bullshit on this, literally everyone gets bored. Plus do you still live at home with your parents after 10 years? You just admitted you don't make a living wage.

>> No.10207637
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>> No.10207653
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>And who said you could use 10p Arial font?

>> No.10207670


it sucks. not sure why I was expecting it to be different than it was, it tastes exactly like a store bought bottled szechuan sauce except it has no spice at all
so its really just hoisin sauce, completely indiscernible from it

they say you should never meet your heroes...and its true
in this case my hero was a discontinued dipping sauce from mcdonalds

>> No.10207675

...Why do I just know somehow that the guy who made this lives at home?

>> No.10207691

I tried the Szechuan sauce today since McDonalds is right around the corner from my work. It was... ok. It really did taste like they mixed the BBQ+sweet & sour sauces, with a dash of soy sauce+ginger. Wasn't bad, but honestly I'd probably order BBQ or hot mustard before this. It's not awful, just not too great.

>> No.10207699


You just know the guy who made this lives in his moms basement on her dime

>> No.10207704

Number 16, the Szechuan Sauce.

>> No.10207741
File: 940 KB, 966x861, Screenshot 2018-02-26 14.41.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Reviewbrah BTFO of soy

>> No.10208246

>unskilled laborors make six figures

How the fuck can anyone be this stupid? You have to be under the age of 16.

>> No.10208272

Everyone except homeless people live at home. That's what home is.

>> No.10208279

Thats not sweet chilli

>> No.10208286

>NEET thinks everyone live with their parents
Why am I not surprised

>> No.10208297

You said "lives at home" you fucking spastic cunt, if anything you're displaying that you live with your parents thinking the two are interchangeable.

>> No.10208300

Don't get angry with me just because you haven't moved out yet.

>> No.10208786


>> No.10208801

if you're older than 22 and work at mcdonalds, you might as well just Mc-off yourself

>> No.10208828

i worked fast food when i was 15 and i don't tell anybody i did because it's embarrassing. only a couple of my current friends know only because i was friends with one at the time, and i've become so close with the other i've joked about it with him. i've been with my girl for 2 years and i don't think i've ever even told her burger king was my first job. god this thread makes me so glad i am where i am

>> No.10208857

Why would you be proud of being a NEET? Do you have no responsibilities? No goals that require investments? No desires for a balanced social life (of which requires workplace interaction, worth looking up)? I was a NEET from 18 to 22. Can't say I did much but learn how dangerous comfort and excessive free time is; you become a slave to procrastination.

>> No.10208916

free market, get used to it, commie.

>> No.10208944

im 90% sure they are memeing this hard because it always brings in (You)s. much like flat earthers.

>> No.10209735

Why? You can't get anything but retail/fast food at that age. Any job is better than no job.

>> No.10211340

As someone who doesn't frequent /ck/ much, do you all fall for bait that easily?

>> No.10211503

Even an older person working at mcdonalds is better than being a drug dealer or on welfare. We shouldn't stigmatize manual labor.

>> No.10211509

You can in my country. I'm not him tho. And the "extensive testing" depends. I earnestly apply for jobs every 2 weeks but my town is so small and shit there is just no fucking employment. I don't have the money to move, either.

This. Smugness is a defense mechanism for the depression of being a NEET.

>> No.10211516

So how much are you selling it for?

>> No.10211533

Pretty much >>10208944 this. Especially because (unless you straight up live at home with your parents forever) getting enough disability/unemployment money from the government to live is harder than people think. I know how that lifestyle can be alluring though, I lost my job a couple years ago and was on unemployment for about 6 months there. The first couple months were great but by the end I was just looking for anything to break the monotony.

>Smugness is a defense mechanism for the depression of being a NEET.
This is very true.

>> No.10211535

>trading off the curse of my old Jeep on a redditor for some shitty sauce
Honestly, I would.

>> No.10211544

Lol enjoy dying alone after realizing you never did anything with your life but spend daddy's money and your life was a huge waste

>> No.10211550

no, lol. szz-eh-schwn

>> No.10211865
File: 352 KB, 533x526, 1446360882411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon thinks he's being smart

>> No.10211877

Plenty of neets find love. My best friend is a neet and became a house husband. Im not condoning it because I cant understand the appeal, but it does happen.

>> No.10211926

>I can't think of any retort
Anime girl reaction images aren't a substitute for conversation.

>> No.10211958

>deadmau5 paid 65,000 FUCKING DOLLARS for a jug of the sauce
>It tastes awful

Hilarious really, I can't believe how much they were spreading it. It's funny that in hindsight they were clearly experiencing buyer's remorse the whole way through- there's no way they enjoyed this super bad sauce that much.

>> No.10211993

I wouldn't call neetbux earned.

>> No.10212001

Deadmau5 didn't bid for it, he covered for the winning bid which was never paid.

He sold his Ferrari for charity, I really doubt he gives a fuck.

I thought the sauce was pretty damn good, I have two packets left, kicks the shit out of sweet and sour.

>> No.10212042
File: 125 KB, 2048x2048, praying-mantis_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human version of a praying mantis

>> No.10212045

Oh no how will the guy recover after spending .00001% of his money

>> No.10212065

The guy didn't even spend $65k, reports are saying he spent maybe $15k at most. Plus I'm pretty sure that money went to charity, and he gave it all out at a concert anyhow. Literally who cares.

>> No.10212066

Tastes like an odd combination of teriyaki, soy, and Worcestershire sauces to me. Kinda expected it to be overhyped, and it was, but it's not that bad of a sauce. Really something you'd expect from a Chinese food chain restaraunt, not McDonalds.

>> No.10212075

really makes you think

>> No.10212078

not really

>> No.10213080

t. homeless

>> No.10213091
File: 213 KB, 620x827, 4F6EB050-378A-42A9-A2E6-E48B2910244C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they paid hundreds of dollars because it had meme packaging

>> No.10214057

Need something more than your retarded opinion to retort.

>> No.10214367

damn that sucks, i started off with 65k with a biochem bachelors and im up to 75k after 5 years

this is in canadabux tho so