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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10203694 No.10203694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Be white. Stop being pussies. Take your children hunting. https://youtu.be/y6q2zGfupC0

Kids love to kill, get over it.

>> No.10203703

>Kids love to kill, get over it.
Is there a link between the increase in school shootings and the decline in hunting?

>> No.10203709


>> No.10203717

stop be pussies? no, stop be monsters. teaching your kids how to kill is more like black. we need love not guns

>> No.10203737

Dude, in the south nogs hunt and fish as much or more than lazyass whitetrash who sit in their mom's bf's basement complaining about whites not hunting. Grow up and wipe the swastika tatoo off your arm.

>> No.10203741

I mean killing for food is nature. Killing cause someone hurt your fee fees is faggotry

>> No.10203748

Tell her she’s less in tune with what she eats than your next Big Mac


>> No.10203749

Political and race shit goes on /pol/. You're not clever trying to hide it as a hunting thread OP.

>> No.10203750


>> No.10203752

t. never hunted in his life

>> No.10203757

I hunt and intend to teach my kids, but you should know you're a massive faggot.

>> No.10203761

However, he owns an AR-15 which he has no idea how to breakdown to clean.

>> No.10203762
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She looks so happy, who'd have thought killing would be so adorable?

>> No.10203783

I bow hunt In eastern pa. Don’t call me out.

>> No.10203792

prove it

>> No.10203793

That is fucking adorable. Thank you for posting it.

>> No.10203796
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>> No.10203800

>it’s /pol/ to hunt

What happened?

>> No.10203804

muh pol boogeyman!
not everything you don't like is /pol/, reddit

>> No.10203872
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>all those pathetic shits in the comments who think the shaking is some terrible medical condition because they themselves managed to live such utterly sheltered lives they never had an adrenaline rush.

Can humanity be fixed?

>> No.10203895

Western people are so detached from reality that they think food magically appears on the supermarkets ready for their consumption.

It's good to teach your to kids and to understand where their food comes from, and hunting is part of it.

I seriously see nothing wrong.

>> No.10203897

No still a bunch of soy boys who will ruin their children.

>> No.10203903

That’s the purpose of the thread. Teach your fucking kids to hunt! It’s not evil

>> No.10203907
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Ahaha this fucking guy

>> No.10203919

Is it normal to have an adrenaline rush at some point in your life?
I thought that was just like if you're near death or something. I dunno, my mom put me on antidepressants to keep me from acting up in class when I was in early grade school and I've been on them ever since so that might have screwed my brain chemistry up.

>> No.10203935


It's pretty normal to have when you do something exciting/scary. It's part of the total human experience, and if you haven't had it, you're missing out.

>> No.10203936

>I've been on them ever since
you are fucked up dude

>> No.10203937

You’re next Rush should be over ordering at Wendy’s

Meat isn’t for you

>> No.10203948

>Kids love to kill, get over it.

Not me. When I was a kid, I shot a bird out of the sky. First and last kill. Did not feel right. Get over what? My instinct that told me it was wrong to kill the bird? Nah, I'll stick with it.

Maybe in 200 years, you'll be the deer killed by a human.

>> No.10203957

>Maybe in 200 years, you'll be the deer killed by a human.
Reincarnation is 2spooky4me. Assuming it's bullshit I really hate whichever ancient bullshitter came up with that idea.

>> No.10203959

Then be vegan

>> No.10203969

For most people, yes. If you haven't cut communication with your cunt mother I'd advise doing so, anyone who would put their kids on antidepressants should kill themselves and never raise a child.

>> No.10203973
File: 8 KB, 307x164, Brain Swap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe in 200 years, you'll be the deer killed by a human.
And maybe reality will also break down in a way where Tuesdays taste like the color carmine.

>> No.10203977

Stupid Jew city has no idea how many people hunt

>> No.10203978

Well fuck.
I do like Wendy's desu.
I don't hate my mom, but I do sometimes question whether the antidepressants from an early age screwed me up. I can't get an erection either most of the time.

>> No.10203983

You better be a vegan then
>No it's okay for animals to die so I can eat their delicious flesh as long as I don't have to do it and feel bad feefee's

>> No.10203988

Indeed it is normal. Not often for most, but normal. Goosebumps for me, all my arm hair stands up and I feel superhuman you really don't think you just do what your body tells you. Usually during especially intense exercise or emotional duress. I find it to be a periodically necessary and cathartic experience

>> No.10203989

Haha, I took a screenshot of that too. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.10203990

They definitely did, you're passive and talk like a women and have never experienced an adrenaline rush, that's some top tier coddling
Why are you even still taking SSRI's? Let me guess you live with mom and she'd pick a fight if you tapered off because she's on them too and if you are too then it's "normal"

>> No.10203992

Soy boys out

Killers in https://youtu.be/jHRg-H8zCLA

>> No.10203994

He can be vegan all he wants hundreds of thousands of small animals are going to die slowly, mangled under those harvesting machines in those grain-fields. Many will take hours to bleed out, literally trembling in pain with broken limbs, ears ripped off, dislocated eyes, gutted, hemorrhaging, fur everywhere.

All just to feed one person. So if he wants to be a bleeding heart he had better start feeding himself out of his backyard garden and preserving shit for the winter.

>> No.10204003

>I can't get an erection either most of the time
You might as well take HRT and become a qt trap

>> No.10204039
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I actually went through his channel I thought it was a subtle troll at first but by the looks of it, it's legit
>He actually believes this

>> No.10204044

It's normal. Some people react more than others what with the shaking and all. I shake a lot myself and I'm guessing our man Steve does too looking at his videos.
It's harmless apart from possibly making people think you're a pussy because they talk shit at you in a pub and you start shaking. Hah.

>> No.10204058

>Body floods you with adrenaline for a fight because of your excessive test
>You're the pussy
You glassed him right?

>> No.10204064

My dad took me hunting one time. He got blackout drunk with a guy that I was forced to call "uncle" despite him not being related to me and then he left me to freeze in a cold tent while he had sex with said uncle.

>> No.10204071


>had meds that made my pee pee not work
>told my doctor
>she gave me new meds

don't suffer

>> No.10204084

Were you too ugly for Uncle to want a threesome?

>> No.10204105

I actually did once get in a fight that would probably not have otherwise happened because I was shaking like that. The guy saw it and assumed I'd be a pushover.
We just exchanged blows for a short while and then it was broken up. Nobody got glassed and nobody's ass was kicked really. Such a stupid reason for a fight to happen at all, though.

Next level cuckery right there.
Also, if he was truly "blackout drunk" I think what Uncle did to him is what they call rape.

>> No.10204124


>> No.10204196

Love doesn't put meat on the table, sweety.

>> No.10204204

Reddit soyboys happened.

>> No.10204209

What will hunting-fags do after synthetic meat technology costs start to come down and everyone's legally forced to eat that instead of harming actual animals?

>> No.10204215

Has the word nigger become like the word "G-D" for Hasidic Jews?

>> No.10204216

>/ck/: food and cooking

>> No.10204223

Meat is food, friendo.

>> No.10204251

If you're involved in sports or other activities then it's not uncommon to experience an adrenaline rush. I get my thrills from longboarding and fishing.

>> No.10204260
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Shoot animals with my gun and eat them because the state is illegitimate.

>> No.10204266

Not to him, it comes in a package. Nothing dies!

>> No.10204287

>rock and roll

Best daughter!

>> No.10204315
File: 298 KB, 900x1200, so hardcore he only needs fieldpoints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will never forget that deer. She will feel an affinity and respect towards nature because of it that a manchild like you will never understand.
These kids learn where the meat comes from and they appreciate and respect the animals more for it. I grew up killing and butchering animals myself and I bet I have more respect for my porkchops than you have for your tofurkey. You ARE vegan, right? Don't tell me you're being this much of a preachy cunt about killing animals while actually eating them yourself.

Hunting threads have always been a part of /ck/. It's not /pol/ just because you don't like it.

>> No.10204324

Probably keep hunting since it's needed for population control.
Unless you prefer the animals to starve to death.

>> No.10204325

Bear kill. Their meat is hit or miss, depends on the year https://youtu.be/vVR4wFtRg74

>> No.10204389

The same board that thinks fois groix is good won’t actually kill their food

>> No.10204439

Hunting's a good thing. (making it political isn't) The herd has to be managed, and the hunt culls the herd. Got a freezer full of venison. No, you can't have any.

>> No.10204452

I'm not sure what to think of this kind of hunting. Almost all the hunting I do is with a 55-lb recurve bow but I mostly take hares and pheasant. The die almost instantly from a broadhead.
Something like a bear or a wild hog can take a long(ish) time to go down after you hit it with an arrow or bolt or spear, though. I prefer them to die quickly is all.
And sometimes they do. Video related; beautiful kill.

>> No.10204462

Didn’t want to make it political. Children should know where their meat comes from

>> No.10204463

I shot a few big hares the other week. I've had a white wine hasenpfeffer and an Indian curry with two of them; what are some good ideas for other things to make? I was thinking about a stew on the pattern of boeuf bourguignon or coq au vin, but would welcome other suggestions since I'll probably do something like that with the rest of the meat from the roo I shot.

>> No.10204478

>legally forced

Start hunting the most dangerous game instead.

>> No.10204493

Are you suggesting to hunt man? Become a vegan

>> No.10204496

Hare great for stew and honestly not much else. I'll spitroast and eat them when I'm camping but if I'm at home I make a stew.
Haven't tried bourguignon style but I think it would probably work nicely.
If you decide to roast it whole in the oven or maybe braise it whole in a post I strongly recommend you lard it. You can use ordinary smoked bacon for this and you can stab it with a thin knife and just cram little pieces in the whole. You don't have to run out and buy equipment.

>> No.10204515


>> No.10204532

Heh not him but I'm curious, what did he say that sounds like he's a women? Other that the faggy desu shit which everyone seems to say around here

>> No.10204538

I'm telling you that if anybody ever tried to ban hunting or eating real meat I would start killing and eating them instead.

>> No.10204541

When did ck turn on hunting? Honestly

>> No.10204545
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He reaches out for a consensus instead of being confident in his own opinions and ideas, like a women
Desu is a word filter you filthy normalfag

>> No.10204563

Thanks for the tips.

My understanding was that the traditional thing was to lard and roast, eat the more tender pieces, and then stew the rest. Can't really be bothered cooking it twice so I'll just go straight to stew. I was going to put speck in the stew anyway but perhaps I'll try larding the meat beforehand rather than just cooking it together.

>> No.10204568

Honestly these threads make me sad because I never had the support network/finances growing up to experience hunting and fishing and that sort of thing. I saw a bumper sticker once that said "kids who hunt and fish don't rob little old ladies", well that's probably because they have parents who care and have a working vehicle and are able to take time off work

But I'm not one of the ones shitting up the thread because I'm capable of keeping my shit to myself

>> No.10204575

>Other that the faggy desu shit which everyone seems to say around here
hahahaha, you outed yourself as a filthy newfag plebbitor. now fuck off and never return,

>> No.10204582

For me it's the McBuyStuff.

>> No.10204615

There’s always time

>> No.10204622
File: 33 KB, 640x473, 0180500b-8da3-48c0-8580-0da919698623_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool and all but why are you telling me you had carrots when we're talking about hunting?

>> No.10204624

I think firearms hunting is fucking retarded. My uncle and dad used to hunt with dogs and traps, when we were kids he even had the habit of buying animals to let us care for it before eating it.
But letting your kids near guns just to taste lead in your meat is retarded.

>> No.10204642

>tfw literally gotten adrenaline rushes from playing video games
I really doubt that there's anyone who's never experienced one.

>> No.10204658

>children shouldn't be given guns
>therefore shooting game is stupid

>taste lead in your meat
If you aim properly this doesn't happen.

>> No.10204662

ahegao at 1:14-1:30

>> No.10204715

Walking simulators like Skyrim vs arena shooters, I'd believe it

>> No.10204729

Reaching out for consensus? Is that when he asked a question? Yeah what a fag right? Honestly didn't know that was a word filter. I've seen it for years on other boards. I think they filtered f a m for awhile. Hopefully thats still a thing

>> No.10204734

>I've been here since f a m was filtered
You need to lurk more

>> No.10204737

Here to stay friend. Couldn't stay away after hearing about all the neat secret club things you guys do.

>> No.10204792


The hostility in you 3 is fascinating. Being vegan is easy. I'm not because I like to bake pizza with real cheese, not that fake shit. Also, my woman cooks meat fairly often, and I take a small portion, leaving the most of it to the rest of the family. I don't request it, and I don't contribute to the demand for it. I really just eat the portion to maintain a balance at the dinner table. This gets into weird areas of motifs, I know. I do pay for the groceries, but I'm not going to say "NO, we don't buy meat because I say so". When I was a single man, I simply did not buy meat. Apart from the courtesy participation in the dining of the house, I don't choose meat. I love to eat beans, fruits, root veg, corn and potato chips, pepper sauces, olives, bread, popcorn, ... I don't care if many of these things include death by association with lets say factories or industry - I can't do anything about that, and suggesting that someone should feel bad for that which is on a level far beyond their control, suggesting to ONLY eat your own homegrown garden goods just because you don't like to make death is unreasonable. But that is just it, isn't it. Unreasonable demands made by fascinatingly harsh thinkers such as yourselves. Like that other angry person who described the "oh so woeful death of thousands of insects to gather a crop of wheat" or whatever the fuck nonsense that was. Yeah, I get it. Main point, I don't like to kill animals and I don't like to eat their meat either. It tastes ok, but the vegetables taste better, and I'm fine with them in all absence of meat, when the compilation of the dish being cooked is completely up to me.

Bullshit? Research vedic info from a not religious perspective.

>> No.10204806

You type like a girl, apologetic and non-confrontational, does your GF peg you too?

>> No.10204819

>>therefore shooting game is stupid
Because OP was claiming hunting benefits for children.
>If you aim properly this doesn't happen.
How about not using a retarded weapon?

>> No.10204830


I'm married. And my asshole is a 1 way street, so to speak. No pegging.

I type like a girl, huh? And I suppose you type like a big strong man? heh. ok.

>> No.10204847

>I type like a girl, huh? And I suppose you type like a big strong man? heh. ok.
Yes you do, if your actually married you must have scraped that barrels bottom hard mate
I type like a confrontational weeb faggot, that doesn't mean you type any less like a women on tumblr

>> No.10204891

You don't select your food based on whether or not animals must be harmed in its production - all food for humans harms animals in some way.

You consider this regrettable, if inevitable, and express concern that the harm to animals should be minimised to the extent that you can control what happens.

But you don't, in fact, select your food on the basis of minimising harm to animals, despite this concern.

You have adopted an arbitrary, non-optimal policy. It's neither principled (because your food policy does not strictly pursue your professed principles) nor practical (because neither does it pursue those principles in a pragmatic way by accepting compromise). What it is, is hypocritical.

What people are telling you is that rather than admonishing others, the proper thing for you to do is to acknowledge that your own diet consists of whatever you feel like so long as it i is convenient for you - basically just like the rest of us. You are living in a glass house: don't throw stones.

>> No.10204952

>that doesn't mean you type any less like a women on tumblr
I'm ok with it. So you seem to be the one with the problem.

>don't throw stones.

Did I?

>> No.10204970

the webm has floating around /gif/wsg/ for quite a while now.


don't mind if you save it. it's all yours!

>> No.10204976

>Did I?

>If you eat venison, a deer is going to shoot you!

>> No.10204991

That has nothing to do with the question's context.

>> No.10204997

>killing animals begets karmic punishment
You're telling people not to kill their food. It has plenty to do with the context.

>> No.10205026

What is your goal here, exactly?

>> No.10205032

Oh, and no, I didn't tell anyone to do anything. But this accusation reflects deeply on your own insecurities. Think about it. For more than 5 seconds, please.

>> No.10205047

To have fun.

Yes, you did. You did so in a womanly, passive-aggressive way, because you're a coward.

>> No.10205096

Fucking retards argue more about hunted food than farmed.

>> No.10205104

I see.

Game over.

>> No.10205132

Thanks, friend!

>> No.10205155

Daily reminder children shoot to eat not to kill


>> No.10205164


>> No.10205185

Meanwhile nothing , don’t take away from a child’s right to push your buikshit, it’s unfair.

>> No.10205202


>> No.10205215
File: 18 KB, 470x330, 1500492098851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I posted that because I support mr. (((Kuntzman))) and his retarded views?
If you're this poor at reading context you may have actual autism.

>> No.10205233

If you want to disarm me or my child because we hunt (this is ck btw) than you that’s exactly what you are

>> No.10205241

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10205252

Don’t post things like that than. You know what you did and you’re a coward

>> No.10205274

Are you Russian or just retarded

>> No.10205287

I’ll leave it alone. Just man up

>> No.10205294

Why shoot the thing with a gun when you can stab it and watch it bleed? Western Asians do it alot better than your pesky children.

>> No.10205307

Because they’re hunting

>> No.10205336

>when did ck
/ck/ didn't do shit, the board isn't a hivemind. op postured like an idiot and attracted fellow idiots. if op wanted to actually discuss hunting, they would have worded it differently.

>> No.10205367

looks like it feels amazing desu

>> No.10205388

The idea behind hunting animals has nothing to do with, and is often in direct contrast to, farming
Teaching your children how to kill animals isn't the same as teaching you kids where food comes from
Teaching your kids how disgusting the farms where their food comes from should be a bigger priority than showing your kids dead animal carcasses they watched you create

>> No.10205550
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Everyone should be required to kill the animal they get their meat from, state issued butchers if you will

>> No.10205627

Why would anyone want to be Wh*Te?

>> No.10205726

Hunting implies butchering and using as much of the remains so it's not wasted.

>> No.10206550

Stop raising soy children


>> No.10207345

Unless you've been a vegan you're entire adult life you can't claim that you're 'above' or against hunting. Buying meat makes you no morally better than a hunter. You're just essentially hiring an assassin to kill your animal of choice instead of doing it yourself. Someone who goes hunting at least learns the process involved in getting their food so they have some respect or thought on the matter.

>> No.10207722

>he's never experienced the joy of a good glassing

you haven't lived

>> No.10207819

I lost my save of that image of the young girl sleeping in a deer carcass. So sad.

>> No.10207837

I always found sitting in a deer blind or tree stand to be abysmally boring as a kid.

I liked cat fishing at night with a few poles in the water, which I guess is about the same, but you can at least poke at a fire or drink without the smell spooking the fishes.

>> No.10207854

In high school, there was a girl in my class whose legs would buckle out from underneath her when I lowered the octave of my voice even further than it normally is. She would laugh and plead for me to stop, and I thought it was because she thought it sounded creepy, so I did.
I had no idea what her problem with it was until years later when a friend (now fiance) had to change her panties three times in a single night because of my voice.

>> No.10207869


I love huntimg and will take my kids with me when they are a bit older, but you are kind of a cunt.


Also this


Love and guns = the only right answer

>> No.10207897


>Maybe in 200 years, you'll be the deer killed by a human.

Good. Being old human sucks. Being old deer?It means I will die because of sickness (and no painkillers or even suicide) or will be torn apart by predators.

Being killed by a hunter with one shot is the best way to go. Show some mercy to these poor animals

>> No.10207973
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Every kid should kill something in their life, gotta learn where food comes from, otherwise you grow up to be a wuss and/or a vegan.

Pick related is a texas mount that's above me now, some squirrels chewed on the antlers when I was letting it rot in a tree.

>> No.10208012

>huhuhuhuh you should be a fat autistic neckbeard like me and do this!!!

>> No.10208213

That dude's calling the daily news writer a pussy who can't shoot guns, while children have no problem with it, and actually enjoy the experience.

>> No.10209091

eating the meat you hunt is by far the most humane way to eat meat OwO

>> No.10209108

Does fishing count as killing something?

>> No.10209288

i wish false flagging faggots like you would choke on a chicken bone desu

>> No.10210936

Kiwi here. No point. Best we can get is a pigeon or maybe a wild boar; but at that point I'd rather take my kids to a burger joint and order extra bacon.

>> No.10211890

have you ever gutted an alive fish?

it's not going to give ya an adrenaline boost but still it's something

>> No.10211896

Is this the zenith of shitposting?

>> No.10212071

Are you mentally retarded anon? every single kid in the planet knows where the food come from. Are you trying to say that white people can't deduce something so simple? I thought you were smart.

>> No.10212093

I killed a chicken and butchered it when I was 7. I’m good. Kids just need to know how to respect where their food comes from. It doesn’t have to come from just hunting.

>> No.10212155

I've only been hunting once with my dad. He called me a pussy for using a gun and he killed a boar with a knife. Haven't been hunting ever since because he's a cunt.

>> No.10212162

Teach them how to grow crops then

>> No.10212515

I've got them first time I was in a fight, and one time when I was lifting
I've got one when I was introducing my gf to the whole family too when I was younger
A mix of pride, test and adrenaline, got me shaking

>> No.10212597

I knew it was going to be this video as soon as I saw the thread.

>> No.10212609

>some liberal faggot doesn't like some aspect of your life
>"go back to /pol/"

>> No.10212692

I've never killed anything larger than a man

>> No.10212715

You've never killed anything equal to or smaller than a man either.

>> No.10212730

I killed a cockroach once. Not one of the small ones, a large sized German cockroach.