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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10202751 No.10202751 [Reply] [Original]


>be me
>from east coast
>read in n out isn't that good
>look up secret menu stuff
>go to california
>"yeah can I get a two by two, double animal style and some fresh animal style fries?"
>took him a second to realize I was ordering off the secret menu because he wasn't sure what a two by two was, but whatever
>take a bite

Why does ck hate the best place ever, did you know their shit is all made fresh and local? Why don't more places do this, I mean wow west coast best coast by far! Only complaint is the fries got cold fast and then I had to use a fork to eat them but still best 15 dollars spent in a looooong time.

>> No.10202760

I've never heard anyone here unironically say that In-n-out is objectively bad, just that they prefer other chains.

>> No.10202773

>Why does ck hate the best place ever
A mix of reaction to it being over-hyped by cali fags, contrarianism, and sour grapes.

>> No.10202799

Cheese fries extra crispy. Animal style is best left to the burgers.

>> No.10202806

people are just mad at how much it gets hyped. Personally I think it's properly hyped, it's my favorite chain restaurant, but other people prefer other things (shocker I know)

>> No.10202817


>> No.10202836

I would have called it cringe too until you realize you aren't on /westcoast/. In-n-out should really open up a place in NYC

>> No.10202963

In-n-Out is fine, but Caliniggers act like it's some kind of perfect food when it's actually just a decent regional chain and they have no experience of comparable other chains in other regions.

>> No.10202971

Except it's better than other regional chains.
>inb4 butthurt whataburger and culvers fags

>> No.10202977

>Caliniggers act like it's some kind of perfect food when it's actually just a decent regional chain and they have no experience of comparable other chains in other regions.

Sorry but their boasting is well merited, this is the most bestest thing ever. I'm suprised shitwaun sauce gets more praise than in-n-out

>> No.10202995

Yep, west coast is magical when it comes to food. East coast is eh, midwest has nothing but the typical mcdonalds burger king etc., south is just fried hell. West coast food is my favorite region for food.

>> No.10203000

>I'm suprised shitwaun sauce gets more praise than in-n-out
That's because it's a fad. It will be forgotten.

>> No.10203029

>took him a second to realize this was an order

This is fake, this never happens at an in n out. The cashiers always recognize the secret menu items, they probably get ordered more than the regular menu.

>> No.10203034

Animal style is overrated.
Just get a double double with chiles.

>> No.10203039

It's funny that their secret is flavor.
Normally their food tastes like fresh cardboard.

>> No.10203056

I tried it and thought it was just the usual American junk food shit in all honesty, just something quick when you're hungry.
That said if I had to live in the USA California would be the only place I'd want to live, maybe southern AZ at a push.

>> No.10203077

If all the flyovers found out In-N-Out was run by christfags, they'd be just as into them as Chick Fil A

>> No.10203097

>Why does ck hate the best place ever, did you know their shit is all made fresh and local?

It's good, but it's good for it's price.

there are fancier places that have better burgers in CA, but they're expensive.

t. californian

>> No.10203124

good cheap burgers
that's it

>> No.10203138

t. commiefornian trying to astroturf

>> No.10203147

>Southwest Texmex and Creole

>> No.10203149

A two by two is literally just the standard double double on the menu. It's not a 'secret item'. In reality, none of the secret items are secret, it's just ways you can customize your order.

>> No.10203152
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This. CFA pulled a devilish marketing coup by virtue signalling to their primary demographic of drooling stick worshipping homophobes. Mammon blessed them thoroughly.

>> No.10203167

this exactly. in n out is great for the price, but for 3x as much you can get a burger that blows it out of the water entirely.

>> No.10203172


>> No.10203320


Umami Burger is good but is $$$$

Stout Burgers and Beer $$$$

>> No.10203371

They don't even have a normal burger.

>> No.10203381

A 2x2 is the same thing as a double-double you dipshit

2 patties 2 cheese. This post is made up 2/10 for making me reply

>> No.10203398
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I always order mine Animal Style but with chopped chilis instead of pickles. Sometimes I get them on my Animal Fries too. And always with a Neapolitan shake

>> No.10203407

>They don't even have a normal burger.

Yeah, they're considered "exotic" burgers. They were on the Food network once for one of their popular burgers.

Stout is good for "normal" burgers.

>> No.10203498

Animal styling a burger is also great. Basically they cook the patty with mustard and onion and add a bit more secret sauce (thousand island) and pickles. Went to in and out last week and got animal style burger and fries, was awesome desu. If Im feeling really hungry I might also get a neopolitian shake too.

>> No.10203514

why are people responding to this like it isn't a sarcastic bait shitpost thread? You guys really that stupid?

>> No.10203582
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>> No.10203598

>In-n-Out fries

unironically bottom tier. Whataburger is superior.

>> No.10203605

>when you try to shitpost, but all you do is invoke proper discussion

>> No.10203621

Have you eaten there? It might be cringe, but everything he described is accurate.

>> No.10203625

him acting like the double double and animal style is somehow a secret menu. maybe it was like 12 years ago but there's literally a menu on their website that says "not-so-secret menu". its not like some deep insider trick

>> No.10205675

I live in Maryland and have been to West Coast a few times, so I can compare Five Guys, Shake Shack, and In n Out.
Whilst I like Five Guys fries, I have to say that In'n Out burgers outshine the other East Coast franchises. And quite a lot of people either don't mention or overlook that while I can get a double double at In'n out for three fiddy, burgers in Five Guys or Shake Shack cost like $9, plus tax.

>> No.10206153

Califag here. The mistake you made was saying two-by-two as well as double double. A double double is a two by two. You just say double double animal style and animal style fries. You will look like less of a retarded east coast fag. That's why he looked at you weird. Not because you ordered off the secret menu. People do that all the time. But because you don't know how to order.

>> No.10206162

double double animal style no tomato

fries well done

extra spread packets

this is what peak performance tastes like

>> No.10206169

Double double animal style extra grilled onions, mustard instead of spread, add chopped chillies, buns extra toasted

Animal style fries add chopped chillies

Large pink lemonade lite ice

Get mogged nigger

>> No.10206354

As far as fast food goes in and out is GOAT. It's priced better than other inferior fast food burgers. That being said it's still fast food. Also eating a 4 x 4 with animal style fries after hiking all day in 113 degree weather in Pinnacles national park is really satisfying

>> No.10206356

Now Im hungry ...

>> No.10207610

hey someones cat puked on your fries

>> No.10207666

>>10203149 >>10203381
These desu. The guy was surprised you said two by two because everyone would call it a "Double-Double". People would say "four by four" instead of "Quadruple-Quadruple". I think "three by three" and "Triple-Triple" are probably equally popular, but some westcoastfag should fill us in.
The best order is "a double-double, extra toast, grilled onion slice"

>> No.10207712

Calicuck here, rate what I usually get
I've gone to In-n-Out so many times that I have perfected what I personally like

4x4 cheeseburger with everything on it
Extra large iced tea (I drink it throughout the day)

>> No.10207732

he's saying that the cashier didn't recognize "two by two" as a "double double"
not that he didn't recognize a secret menu item

>> No.10207748

>but Caliniggers act like it's some kind of perfect food when it's actually just a decent regional chain and they have no experience of comparable other chains in other regions.
No one acts like that. Most people from california just like it, they don't jack off about it.

>> No.10207750

r8 me:
two 4x3s (four meat three cheese) add raw onion and pickles
no fries
water cup

>> No.10207759


>Steak'N'Shake>>>>>Shake Shack>>>Whataburger>>>>Five Guys>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[power gap]>>>Your Mom's cum-encrusted diarrhea>>>Cooked Dog Shit>>>>>>>In-N-Out Burger

>> No.10207761

Dude a californian staple is bragging about having in n out loudly to others, as the mud crashes through their 1 bedroom that costs 5000 a month, starts on fire, and cant be put out because the firemen have no water to use

>> No.10207764

Probably didn't know what you were saying because a "2x2" is called a double double.

>> No.10207769

I've lived in california my entire life and all of these stereotypes seem to pass into caricatures. I've moved around california as well and have never experienced this sort of thing, either doing it myself or seeing others do it.

>> No.10207812

>Talking about Hamburgers



>> No.10207826

Went to San Mateo for work stuff once and tried it. Double double and animal fries, the burger was decent but im glad knowing even californians hate the fries, because they blow

>> No.10207851

that's why you get the fries animal style so they have the cheese, grilled onions, and sauce on them. they're not even bad on their own, they literally cut the fresh potatoes and cook them on the spot, people just think they're bland because they're not frozen pre-made fries pumped full of msg and preservatives for flavor

>> No.10207871

>people just think they're bland because they're not frozen pre-made fries pumped full of msg and preservatives for flavor
also they are only fried once
most fries from fast food joints and restaurants come lightly fried already in big frozen plastic bags and they are fried again before serving.

>> No.10207873

I feel like in n out is so sacred to a lot of people because its the cheapest stuff that happens to be pretty good in cali. Tried ordering pizza there once and it was like 25 dollars for one, and other food is expensive too

>> No.10207889

>ordering pizza at in-n-out

>> No.10207890

>Californians hate the fries
lol are you joking senpai, people love the fries the most

>> No.10207930


>> No.10207945
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double double isnt a secret menu item, it's literally combo #1

>> No.10207958

If a place had Culver's burgers and In-n-out's fries...

>> No.10207963

>Why does ck hate the best place ever
Because you think its the best place ever. Its better than McDonalds but its not some far and away mastery of burgers, its just an alright burger chain. Its like if someone bragged about Fastrac pizza because it was better than Dominos

>> No.10208238
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>> No.10208344

It's not the best place ever, it's just good for it's price, anon.


>> No.10208577

>they don't jack off about it
See OP

>> No.10208599

And then a tornado rips the house asunder, a hurricane whisks away everything not nailed down, a blizzard kills the cat, and lightning nukes the family.

Wait, that's not quite right...

>> No.10208609

I'm not sure what I'd call "objectively bad" other than literally eating a piece of shit. But in n out is not good

>> No.10208610

I don't know many people here who love the fries. They're passable, at best. The burgers are great, though.

>> No.10208618

>two by two

Just call it a damn dbl chz you gay

>> No.10208619

No see there are two of both. Two of hamburger and two of cheese instead of just "double cheese"

>> No.10208625

having a "secret menu" is idiotic. It's not a secret, lots of people know about it, and it just makes it harder on your employees when people want stuff off of it

>> No.10208628

I prefer Nevada. It's like Cali but less popular so less assholes.

>> No.10208629

man living in the US must suck

>> No.10208633

East coasters are like the 3rd worlders of our country. We let them echo their nonsense, because we don't want these subhumans coming to the West coast and shitting things up.

>> No.10208636

>needs people to do simple arithmetic for him
>gets taxes taken out of his pay check and never complains about that even though it's basically the same thing

>> No.10208711

No you faggot a double cheese burger is two patties and two cheese.

>> No.10208785

It's still cheaper than food most anywhere else in the world, even with the tax