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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10193648 No.10193648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ the oldest and most mature board? I feel like everybody here is a grandpa in his 50s/mid 40s and i'm the only one under 30. You're all very nice tho.

>> No.10193671

It's pretty sad that this board is considered the nicest of anything after the great /pol/ + plebbit invasion of '16. Thanks anyways, though.

>> No.10193695

It's definitely my favourite for a quasi-normal conversation after /lit/, and I've gotten some great recipe ideas in here. 34 y.o. oldfriend reporting in.

>> No.10193729

Wow shut the fuck up newfag. I'm 31 been here 11 years. With breaks several years long. Started on /b/. Got tired of retards and Gore posters.

/k/ and /his/ pretty knowledgeable. /pol/ is the only non blue board worth mentioning. Still to fast a board to have a decent conversation. Imho.

>> No.10193737


I bet the head on that tastes delicious.

>> No.10193772

you sound like an aspie

>> No.10193775

Even after that it's still the easiest to squeeze a real discussion out of, though. A lot of 4chan has been ruined by that stuff, unfortunately. Been on here since 2006.

>> No.10193782

I'd serve you a fresh ass pie with a nice warm shit. All you can eat boy.

>> No.10193788

I came to this board for a trailer park cook book
I stayed for the top bantz

>> No.10193797

I'd imagine that /biz/ would be full of /boomers/, but I don't really know because I don't lurk there.

>> No.10193799

kekddit invaded back in 2011 newfag.

>> No.10193812

>I feel like everybody here is a grandpa in his 50s/mid 40s
That's mainly contained to the bread threads.

>> No.10193814
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>Invasion of 2016

You fucking what lad? The war was lost around 2010. Oldfags still ride the rollercoaster because we know the old motto, the ride never ends. We can't get off.

>> No.10193826


t. faggot

>> No.10193831

The people there don't seem to have had much real business experience, so I don't think so.

>> No.10193833

>muh /pol/

The real issue with this place right now is the faggots trying to turn this into le epic shitposting board a la /tv/

>> No.10193841

Of course I'm a faggot. That's our banner.

Say something clever or nothing.

>> No.10193847

So shitposting about niggers and spics on a food board is better than shitposting about food on a food board?

>> No.10193852

I'm pretty sure it's the same group of people that move between multiple boards.

>> No.10193857

/po/ is the most civilized board

>> No.10193878

What do you mean "right now"? I hang around for a few weeks every year, and it's always the same. Last time I was here Jack posting was de rigueur, which was worse if anything.

>> No.10193894

/pol/ is a problem but not the biggest problem on /ck/ like it is on other boards like /v/ and /tv/. Like this guy said shitposting is /ck/'s biggest issue. Why do we need a secret aardvark thread every day? Why does every thread have to devolve to faggots argue about which one of them is a soyboy. It's all just shitposting.

>> No.10193896

>right now
Funny thing is the moment you leave it stops.

>> No.10193902

That was always a reddit thing you newfag.

>> No.10193918

You need to wake up to the world and realise that product placement advertising exists on the internet and some viral marketers will resort to indulging in fake debates in order to keep their thread bumped and on full display.

For me it's the McRamen.

>> No.10193928

>/pol/ invasion
You cant invade your own place

>> No.10193937

I think /diy/ and /lit/ probably have the older demographics. Ive seen many people post here saying they are early 30s. Which os probably older than some boards but probably not the oldest.

>> No.10193940

This board is slow as shit. No big company would bother advertising here.

>> No.10193949

/pol/ is the epitome of childish cringe and is in no way like /ck/.

>> No.10193952


>> No.10193957

biz is college freshmen buying high and selling low

>> No.10193964

reminder that there are no /pol/tard, only libcucks that missed on their way to reddit

>> No.10193974


yeah, right. every time i indulge in a gourmet big mac i just can't wait to get on the internet and tell my anonymous friends all about it!

mmmm, bois. i'm macfucken lovin' it!!

>> No.10193985

fair enough. thanx for the insights.

>> No.10193988

/diy/ has people who own homes and have families. /out/ also has older people

Yeah I've never really used /pol/ and have stuck to these niche boards over the years. The difference in posting is mostly retards complaining about /pol/ because they can't handle seeing the word nigger and think it's part of some sort of invasion or conspiracy.

>> No.10193994
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>tfw I was one of the oldfags that fled to 7chan in 06
wft why can't I leave, I can't get enough of this shit

>> No.10193999

I blame /pol/ for all of my failures because that's what Hillary told me to do. Never trust a cartoon frog, they said. He's the devil!

>> No.10194008
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>/pol/ isnt to blame for constant off-topic thread-derailing rants about ebil libruls and shitskins

>> No.10194010

People blame /pol/ for boards getting shittier because the election brought in a shitload of people who can't go 5 minutes without talking about politics. Which ruins discussion for anyone wanting to talk about the topic of their respective board.
Also Checked.

>> No.10194032

Boy, that new game sure looks bad.

>> No.10194044
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>> No.10194055

This. That and the fact that it's exclusively 'babby's first politics' extremist shit.

>> No.10194070

What does this even mean? You think that white nationalists are this completely other thing that are invading your safe space on /ck/? No, this is a cooking board on an imageboard. /pol/ was here before /ck/.

I really don't understand this shit. You people go on and on about this and you're the ones who always derail threads. Every time. You're doing it right now. You're wrong about your theory on the election too. Yes, traffic probably increased, but it didn't radically change the people who use this imageboard. What really happened is between 2007 and now everything got really political. Everything and everywhere got really political and everyone has that cancer on the mind. You're a dishonest sack of shit if you pretend you're somehow immune from that too. You're just not engaged and get irrationally upset because other people are engaged. /ck/ isn't a politics board and it's pretty fucking easy to ignore the shit when it comes up even though i'm sure you're the fags who post "inbf pol" in every thread. If you really can't handle whatever you consider political cancer, which probably isn't even political, it's just something that upsets you, unironically go to reddit or go make your own board on infinity. I'm so tired of this "muh /pol/" posting. When was the last time you saw a Trump general on /ck/? I mean get over yourselves.

>> No.10194075

I agree entirely.

Sadly it's the losing team that keeps bringing it up because they voted with their heart and not with their head, so they took the loss personally. They didn't just vote for a leader of a political party, they voted for their gender and in effect themselves. So when Hillary lost they felt like they lost.
Fault lies with that evil wretched woman Hillary for making it personal.

Then she had the audacity to burn all of her supporters in her consession speech.

>> No.10194110

I think there's obviously assholes on both sides who can't help but bring it up. Out in the world outside of this site it's definitely the left who always brings it up though. On /ck/ it's about an even split I guess, where as on a board like /v/ is always right wings who have to throw a fit anytime they see a black guy in a game.

>> No.10194123

>complains about /pol/ boogieman
>admits to using /v/
color me surprised

>> No.10194148

>/pol/ was here before /ck/
Then they should know even better to keep politics on /pol/. Since /b/ was here before /pol/, should they post non-stop trap and loli and loli trap threads on /pol/? Didn't think so.

>you're the ones who derail threads
Are you implying that I'm a liberal? because I'm not. Nor am I a conservative. On this board, I am nothing but a part-time cook. I call out bullshit off-topic posting when I see it, and I see this most in /pol/-tier posts. If I saw it more in the other side, that's what I'd take issue with. Don't get me wrong here, turning this place into a liberal shithole is just as bad as turning it into a conservative shithole. I'm here to discuss food and cooking, not politics.

>yes traffic probably increased

>but it didn't change the people who use this imageboard
Laughably inaccurate.

>it's pretty easy to ignore this shit
Sure, it's totally easy to ignore politics derailing every other thread on a good day. And yeah, everyone should just ignore it and not call it out when they see it. I'm sure you wouldn't feel any differently then if people constantly derailed threads with liberal bullshit then either, right? Absolutely fucking not, you would be screeching autistically at them. And I would join you, because this is a food and cooking board, not a politics board.

>> No.10194158

Well said.

>> No.10194161
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>> No.10194166

32 here. Mostly lurked since 2006, started out on /b/ but gradually drifted to /tg/, /fit/, and here. I don't know if this is the oldest or most mature board, but it definitely flies in the face of the public perception of 4chan as a rat's nest of Nazis, angry incels, ponyfuckers, paedos and edgy skiddies.

Eat shit

>> No.10194174

Fuck off to the Martha Stewart website if you don't like it. There are plenty of places for normalfags to discuss food and cooking on the internet. There's only one 4chan.

>> No.10194189

>should they post non-stop trap and loli and loli trap threads on /pol/
they do actually, because a board having a topic doesn't mean it's explicitly concerned with that specific topic, as in we can recognize that a nigger run McDonalds is always far worse than one in the suburbs even though niggers don't necessarily have anything to do with food or cooking. maybe the problem here is you being an annoying faggot who get offended when you're not allowed to live in fantasy land where politics are separate from everything else

>Are you implying that I'm a liberal?
i'm implying that you're an annoying faggot

>> No.10194192

Not that guy, but kindly proceed immediately to eating shit and fucking off. Screaming your extremist, puerile, childish politics in peoples' faces on a totally unrelated board would be the end of 4chan. Fuck off to /pol/ if you want to discuss that tedious crap.

>> No.10194194

depends on time of day sometimes it like nothing but angry alcoholics

>> No.10194200

>on a board like /v/ is always right wings who have to throw a fit anytime they see a black guy in a game.
kek. I know I shouldn't laugh but that just sounds pretty funny to me.

I think that too many people on /ck/ point at /pol/ when they see something here they don't like, and in doing so they reveal that they're still bitter about the election loss because their subconcious mind sees an enemy in /pol/ even when the enemy before them has nothing to do with politics. It's like they genuinely see /pol/ as the devil and the root of all negativity. /pol/ has become a metaphorical common enemy for those who still feel pain about losing the election.
Because those who backed the winning team don't feel that pain, so don't cry "/pol/" every time they get triggered by something.

>rate my food!
>i don't like it
>zomg go back to /pol/. reeee
Basically "stop saying things that I don't want to hear!".

Proof: >>10194192
>Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.10194203

And there's a board for dumb niggers who want to talk about politics all day. If they don't want to talk about food and cooking they should go there.

>> No.10194204

Stop creating totally unnecessary conflict on a board which is in no way related to politics, you dense motherfucker.

>> No.10194205

>i'm the only one under 30
24 here, but I mostly lurk.

>> No.10194206

30-40 is my guess. Also mostly alcholololics.

>> No.10194207

this is so true. i think it's late friday night in usa somewhere right now. people unwinding after a busy week of begging for tips

>> No.10194210

Everyone in the catering industry seems to be an alcoholic

>> No.10194215

>I think that too many people on /ck/ point at /pol/ when they see something they don't like
I think this is a good point. In reality it probably isn't anons from /pol/ it's normalfags who were attracted by /pol/ but infested the other boards thinking they are all supposed to be different flavors of /pol/

>> No.10194230

>>next ingredient (((kosher salt)))
>"back to /pol/"
>"lol its not even /pol/ you triggered plebbitor"

>> No.10194241

>I think that too many people on /ck/ point at /pol/ when they see something here they don't like
As someone who lurks a good handful of boards, that's not unique to /ck/. Politics have a much, much bigger presence online than they have had in the past, so it's unsurprising that insults and taunts would have a more political tint to them, as opposed to the obstensibly more obvious boogeymen of /r9k/ and /b/.
Yeah, remember the last time you saw someone acting like a retard to "go back to /b/?" Me neither.

>> No.10194243

>It's like they genuinely see /pol/ as the devil and the root of all negativity.
No. All extremists, left or right. You fucking morons scream and shout at eachother, which makes the other side scream and shout back. Ridiculous exaggerations, intentional lies just to be offensive, generally being fucking retards to eachother, thereby strengthening eachother and ruining your own lives by being retarded extremists. Feminists are savaged just as immediately as some child screaming that hitler did nothing wrong. You're the cause of all of the conflict, retarded, childish extremist bullshit is the problem, and there's absolutely no reason to bring it here, where relatively normal, non-extremist people just want to discuss cooking instead of actually enjoying kicking up shit.

>> No.10194245

the first step to solving a problem is admittng that the problem exists.

your head

>> No.10194251

>Yeah, remember the last time you saw someone acting like a retard to "go back to /b/?" Me neither.
fucking great point. 10/10

>> No.10194257

>>10194245 See >>10194243

Not everyone here is a 14yo who thinks he has knowledge of secret conspiracies which apparently only other angry children can understand. Some people have heard it all before and given that they can see the bigger picture, dismiss it as irrelevant and refuse to talk about it because it's not only futile, it's also massively inflammatory and ruins any hope of conversation about anything but the tedious subject you want to scream in peoples' faces. Fuck off to /pol/, tumblr, whatever your chosen flavour of boring, narrow-minded extremism may be - go be annoying there.

>> No.10194262

25 to 33 is the age of this board i reckon.

>> No.10194263

I really really don't think this is the case. You guys are assuming that the normalfag problem is /pol/ but you don't really see that much normalfaggotry on /pol/, you see it on /gif/, /r9k/, /b/, and /v/. The past couple years you had people like Pewdiepie doing streams where they go to /gif/ and harvest content. You have people coming directly from reddit and tumblr to LARP as robots on /r9k/ and this is the big one, you have millions of people on Facebook pretending to be le edgy 4channers and coming here. I know this because I used to use FB a lot last year to do data mining and fuck with normalfags. The whole young FB generation is sharing green text stories and going to /gif/ to watch YLYL videos.

>vegans and people who post merchants are "extremists" while i'm a super cool non-extremist who's above it all

Like i'm pointing out, you should though. You should tell people to go back to /b/ and Facebook. That's where they're coming from. Normalfags don't have the attention span to deal with a /pol/ thread that isn't a based in memes or ecelebs.

>> No.10194267

>Not everyone here is a 14yo
that's where i stopped reading. if you want to be treated like a sensible adult then i suggest that you start talking like one, and not projecting falsehoods with zero merit.

>> No.10194279

People who bring that B O R I N G shit to T O T A L L Y unrelated boards are the problem, not those who just want you to fuck off back to your containment boards/sites and suck eachother off there instead. There's more to life than being a tranny or wishing you were Hitler. Fuck OFF.

>> No.10194284


>calls people he's talking to "14 yo angry children"
>then procedes to complain about people being "massively inflammatory and ruin[ing] any hope of conversation"
is this real life

>> No.10194285

Jesus fuck can all you do is spout memes? You're about as bad as the caricatures you describe

>> No.10194294

>/pol/ shows up
>Thread is filled with people screaming hatred at eachother
Never thought I'd see the day.
Hugely cooking related too. Great thread.

>> No.10194302

>literally the first reply is some retard complaing about the pol boobieman
>"/pol/ shows up"
and nice samefag, guy

>> No.10194304

>R E D D I T spacing
(You) need to go back.

>> No.10194308

That's actually a Facebook thing. Again, calling them out on their specific bullshit actually does get to them.

>> No.10194310

In other news; those chips are burned.

>> No.10194322

Fair enough. I agree that we need to go back to blaming /b/ for everything like the good old days when /b/ was never good.

>> No.10194324

I’m 22 so you’re not alone, daddy

>> No.10194335

/b/ is the same shit it's been for years but you should go look at /r9k/ because it's literally just FB and tumblr now

>> No.10194350

/r9k/ is just a bunch of faggots arguing about who is and is not a normalfag because being pretentious about their gay loser club is all they have apparently.

>> No.10194356

For any faggots who want to discuss food and be all right-wing and shit, please go here


For any faggots who want to discuss food and be all left-wing and shit, please go here


Everyone else may stay.

>> No.10194358

This thread was doomed from the start considering the OP didn't ask a food related question.

>> No.10194361

Lmao this. Who here remembers the great carbonara wars

>> No.10194362

Yeah 4chan is pretty roached. Been lurking around since 2005.
I used to like late night /x/ and /ck/ chat during the day. Can't even look at /x/ anymore.

>> No.10194367

I'm old, but I can't be the only one skewing your perception that way, unless we participate in the same threads. I'm 49. Was early adopter of the internet with FidoNet and Prodigy. Loved SA back in the day, but it stopped being funny by 2004. So by 2005 I found where all the cool kids went, right around the time social media blew up. And I wanted no part of that shit, so I just stayed here. Still have the old school prejudice that giving out real info about yourself on the internet is insane, because internet and rl are supposed to be different. Seems like no one believes that anymore. So yeah, there's at least one grandpa here, though I don't have grandkids yet.

>> No.10194369

>it's literally just FB and tumblr
all the more reason to stay away, to be desu.

you seem bitter. if you don't like it don't go there.

>> No.10194376

>starts a /fit/ thread on /pol/
>expects success
I really, really, really want to see flags on /ck/.

I mean really.

>> No.10194379

I just see it as kind of lame because people used to post funny stories there every once in a while. Now it's just r/incels: 4chan edition

>> No.10194380

No, see, you don't understand just how bad it is. Those people are pretending to be gay losers. They're really just normalfags and women from tumblr and facebook. I know because i am a gay loser and used /r9k/ almost religiously until late 2016 when i just couldn't anymore. I go there now and it's nothing but normalfags trying to contrive this false sense of pity and belonging for themselves. It really blows my mind honestly. /r9k/ used to be so much fun and is where all the top tier losers and creeps went to post their shit. Now someone mentions piss bottles and instead of intrigue it's met with legitimate disgust from all the posters.

/x/ is abysmal now and it's dead too, normalfags who are into spooky stories are incapable of posting decent stories or responding to them in a constructive way. it's just a trainwreck of cringeworthy nonsense

>> No.10194384

ok. nice chat.

>> No.10194390

Have a good night anon.

>> No.10194391
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>he wants flagposting on any board besides /bant/

>> No.10194395


been browsing 4chan since 06 or 07, over a decade in any case

>> No.10194406

yeah flags on /ck/ would just devolve every thread into burger posting

>> No.10194463

I am a 43 year olf yellow cabbie in NYC

>> No.10194468

Do you hit up Punjabi Deli when you're in the EV?

>> No.10194500

Sometimes I do but I am not Punjabi...

>> No.10194510

Most cabbies eat like shit, mainly 7 11 at LGA

>> No.10194537

>lamenting the golden days of serious piss bottle intrigue

I think you should go for a walk.

>> No.10194539

Depends. Your Sikh bros do better.

>> No.10194543

No, but it is certainly one of the boards with the most retards.

>> No.10194554

i have a job now and spend plenty of time outside thank you very much

>> No.10194560

The reason that I show up at night. It's better at night because most of America is sleeping. I really love my insomnia sometimes.

>> No.10194570

/ck/ has the most amount of actual girls posting.

>> No.10194572

hi /pol/ here ask me anythign!!!

>> No.10194576

I highly doubt that. Women don't really have an interest in cooking as a hobby and most women nowadays don't even know how to cook to survive

>> No.10194610
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>he doesn't know

>> No.10194614

please do not contaminate this board with /pol/, otherwise all good

>> No.10194620

/ck/ is the slowest board because everyone here is 50-60 .

>> No.10194621


>> No.10194622

43 here

>> No.10194623

do you have one of those kekistan flags in your bedroom

>> No.10194647

No, it's because they are retarded.

>> No.10194664

Pretty sure /cgl/ does.

>> No.10194670

/cgl/ is a very small and slow moving board, /ck/ is pretty good sized.

>> No.10194679
File: 82 KB, 500x500, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no /ck/ gf I can cook for who will share recipes with me and actually critique my cooking instead of saying "it's good because /you/ made it!"

>> No.10194709

Now I know why this board is filled with retards, I have been conversing with actual women.

>> No.10194712

/ck/ is the most mature board but nothing beats /po/ for maximum comfort

>> No.10194724


Good lord, man.

Civility for Chrissake.

>> No.10194730

I need to get more into origami and visit /po/ more often. I feel bad for them way back when when either a typo or an intentional troll (probably the latter) pointed SJWs as well as rational thinking people in their direction instead of /pol/. It's funny, but I feel bad for them. In any case, definitely would like to get more into origami. I can currently make a boat and a frog that hops. Learned and forgot how to make a t-shirt and tie out of a dollar as well.

>> No.10194775
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>please do not contaminate this board with /pol/
Board culture is decided by the people. It's not your call on what is "proper /ck/"

No. The last time I heard the word "Kekistan" in /pol/ was 1 year ago back when Trump was unanimously popular in /pol/. Sometimes I miss the days of blind fandom to Trump. Now most of us know that he's just another RINO neocon, and Trunmptards are just contained in daily Trump general threads and reddit.

>> No.10194801

>most of us
Then the minority of your board is rather vocal. Is this to combat the potential backlash of "I fucking told you so"s from leftists and centrists?

>> No.10194822

>Everyone on /pol/ is a trump cock sucking moron.
Nope, been lurking and posting here since 2006. Trusting any politician or anybody that does their job is absolutely retarded.

>> No.10194831
File: 190 KB, 800x1200, President_Trump_visit_to_Israel_May_22-23,_2017_DSC_3922F_(34847751295).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't understand. Trump's popularity in /pol/ decreased only because he's not right wing enough, and his conspicuous love story with Israel turned off many people.

Leftists and centrists still don't really have a foothold in /pol/.

>> No.10194835

I'm 28 and made the split pea thread fight me

>> No.10194845

knuckle sandwich

>> No.10194865

See, now I agree with this viewpoint, but every time that I go to /pol/ for laughs, I'm always laughing at the "le ebil demonrats xD" and the "le BASED rebublicans xD" posting. If they were against both parties, I would browse that board for purposes besides laughing at them. But the majority of posters seem to just be right-wingers laughing at left-wingers, which I like to laugh at myself since both sides are retarded and have the audacity to call the other side retarded while ignoring how retarded they themselves are. It's like a mix of comedy and drama, and it's really interesting because these are actual people.

>> No.10194888

If you want to laugh at both right and left-wingers being retarded, you can go to /his/ anytime.

>> No.10194895

Noted, will check out. Those trips can't possibly be lying

>> No.10194908
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I was just being sardonic.

/his/ is the least comfy board in 4chan by far. It's absolutely toxic. Just a battleground for /pol/ and /leftypol/ where at least one in three threads is about how Communism/Fascism is good/shit. I do not recommend you to go there if you want to retain your sanity.

>> No.10194928

>tfw 44
>tfw coeliac
I can actually find shit I can eat on this board, it's a godsend. The fact that it's pretty civil helps a lot, too.

>> No.10194934

But it should display both sides being retarded, right? That's all I want to see. This is how I'm forced to get my entertainment now because the world has turned me into a toxic being who simply laughs at peoples wild misconceptions since they refuse to listen to a single word of experience. From what you've said so far, it seems like a perfect place full of humour to me.

>> No.10194947

go for it man

>> No.10195049

>this cancerous board filled with stupid fucking fast food threads, race baiting threads, and teenaged Ameriboo obssession shit posting threads is the most "mature"
Go clean your room and do your fucking homework, punk.

>> No.10195308

38 year old alcoholic reporting in and can confirm

>> No.10195746

Just turned 26 and I love learning about cooking from my elders! I love this board.

>> No.10195751

Im 6 gorillion years old and what is this

>> No.10195768

>vegans are extremists but I'm not
That's not what he said, don't be stupid. See this is the problem, the guy simply said that the problem is immature extremists in general, which is true, and you immediately project onto him the idea that he's defending the right wing or something. That's not what's happening, it's not 'extremist centrism' to be the guy trying to talk down shitflingers from screaming off topic insults at eachother for no useful reason. I'm sick of this reductionism.

>> No.10195998

>bring up the reality of "muh /pol/" on /ck/
>"i'm sick of this reductionism"
because the only way to justify being this much of a hysterical retard to be as abstract and irrelevant as possible

>you immediately project onto him the idea that he's defending the right wing or something
what the fuck are you talking about, i'm just going to assume you don't understand what a merchant and need to go back to Facebook

>> No.10196028

You're quoting people who are calling for a higher level of discourse and for people to quit extremist name calling, and attacking them with extremist language. I know you've got your perspective, but people are asking for rational thinking and all you're doing is calling them stupid and asking for them to banish themselves. The problem isn't that people have political opinions, it's that people have trouble communicating them without misreading the post, and becoming vile and attacking eachother based on their biased preconceptions.

>> No.10196033
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>Everyone is 30+
24 here and this is easily my favorite board. next to /vr/

>> No.10196039

The sad part is, he's right. All that shit is STILL more maturely handled then any other board on 4chan.

>> No.10196040

>if i used polished language maybe that will make my hysterical nonsense seem less like hysterical nonsense
nobody cares, in fact everybody hates the asshole who tries to act high minded and above it all more than "extremists"
you're an annoying faggot. this is a board where we talk about drinking, fast food, and wonder how the egg king leaves his fortress. strop trying to act high minded trying to protect the sanctity of discourse on /ck/

>> No.10196060

im 27

>> No.10196068

All I'm saying is it's possible to talk rationally about whatever subject you like, but the subject of politics often has immature people screaming insults at eachother without thinking too hard about it. I know this is a cooking board and it should be kept off here, I'm just saying that the main reason talking politics is so insufferable in general is because people quickly start yelling thoughtless bullshit at eachother and lost their ability to speak and understand. Your indignant protest at the idea people can talk peacefully about politics is a part of that problem.
You seem to think that because I'm not picking a side to attack that I must be dishonest and lying. It's not true. Politics is hard to discuss because half-baked extremists can't keep themselves from going into a tantrum. This isn't a partisan argument, even if your politics are objectively correct you still have a responsibility to communicate them properly or else you're just going to be some angry little warrior repeating yourself with angry words that convince no one.

>> No.10196074

can you even breath properly when you're sniffing your own asshole to this extent?

>> No.10196092

>if you believe there is any useful political discussion beyond name calling then you are up your own ass
Oh okay so I guess I should just yell 'cuck' or 'nazi' all day then, huh? What's your point?

>> No.10196107

oh wait i thought you were above reductionism and misrepresenting posts?
top notch, cunt

>> No.10196158

You're saying centrism is irrelevant and delusional, and you're not providing any reason why except that you feel skeptics are too smug for their perspective to be proper.
Unless that's not what you're saying. Feel free to correct me. All I'm detecting here is you stonewalling the idea of centrism with insults and your general impression that these people talk down to shitflingers who you also say you don't like. If you seriously dont see the importance of objectivity and skepticism in a political discussion then I don't know if you think productive political discussion is even possible.

>> No.10196172

>you're just going to be some angry little warrior repeating yourself with angry words that convince no one.
You're missing out on the new paradigm. Angry shouting is exactly what works in politics. Mature discussion is out the window in an interconnected world where AI and teams of people tirelessly work to target your media experience to your preferences. No one expects reasoned debate. They just want to hear their own beliefs reinforced in the strongest possible way, while shooting down anyone who disagrees with them. Now consider where you are. 4chan has always been the home of underage edgelords. Just over a decade ago that meant being a l337 haX0r, chasing after lulz and spamming any thread you disliked into the ground with cp or gore. Those days ended in 2008. And as mainstream culture moved more and more liberal the kind of edginess that became the edgelord ethos started moving further right, authoritarian and racist/homophobic/misogynist. And of course people who lean that way are going to be angry and just shout like angry little warriors.

>> No.10196190

I can understand pol's politic views sometimes. But at the same time i feel like everyone deserves a change.

>> No.10196194

>You're saying centrism is irrelevant and delusional
no i'm calling you an annoying faggot

you're also an annoying faggot

>Mature discussion is out the window
well, number 1, this is /ck/, kill yourself. number 2, the majority of people are retarded and "reasoned discussion doesn't work. it's never worked and never will. now if you want to larp as an intellectual and actually engage in debate, you don't even necessarily do that with opposition. this idea that you people have that stuffy intellectuals who are enemies of eachother would get together and have some sort of debate club is just fantasy, you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.10196222

You're right but that's pleb shit and there are still important discussions to be had. Just because most of the world is lost to anger and media doesn't mean we can't have normal thoughtful conversations. At the very least I figure it's no reason to give up critical thinking and let yourself become stupid over it.

>> No.10196227

>reasoned discussion doesn't work. it's never worked and never will.
I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's less likely to work than ever before when that debate is going down on social media or on 4chan, because these places are inherently not reasonable by design.

>> No.10196228

It happens all the time you dunce, have you ever had a political conversation with someone who isn't retarded? I'm sorry that you believe critical thought is a fantasy, but it simply isn't. Way to give up.

>> No.10196238

>Just because most of the world is lost to anger and media doesn't mean we can't have normal thoughtful conversations.
Here we can sometimes have them about food. And maybe a little about the politics around food. Never about politics in general.

>> No.10196259


I am 24.

I just like cooking. Been cooking since I was very young, helping in the kitchen and then making whole meals for the family.

>> No.10196278

>social media or on 4chan
of course

yes i often have very in depth conversations with people who agree on basic premises, that's really what you mean by "not retarded", you're just too dumb to recognize and accept that other people can fundamentally think differently than you and discussion with them doesn't really work because you can't build a conversation with a non-existent foundation

>> No.10196292

I understand some people are incapable of speaking to eachother on common terms. I'm saying that just because those people fling shit at eachother uselessly all day doesn't mean there aren't great political conversations that have common ground, even across the aisle. I also think a lot of people are lent aware of how common the ground between them actually is.

>> No.10196315

no, you don't understand

>> No.10196333

I'm not sure how we disagree at this point, it seems like we both know there are productive critical political conversations, and shitflingy angry yelling matches. What am I not getting?

>> No.10196348
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>> No.10196356

the plebbit invasion was mostly women coming over here and they're a majority on this board now. people posting plebbit tier garbage bait are from /pol/

>> No.10196375

a lot of posters on /ck/ are faggots nowadays. This board used to be pretty cool.

>> No.10196399

>a lot of posters on /ck/ are faggots
doubt it, not seeing a catalog full of recipes for human shit

>> No.10196456

I don't know about most mature but /ck/ is definitely more mature than some other boards. Try going to /v/ after browsing /ck/ for a while. You can easily tell they're much younger. No harm in that, though. Actually taking pride in the maturity of your home board is an entirely new level of pathetic.

I'm 36 next month.

>> No.10196568

/co/ is easily the least mature board. Apply critical thinking there and people will start attacking you as if you're their schoolyard bully. A bunch of kids obviously.

>> No.10196589

>I know the demographic of anonymous board.

>> No.10196591

>Apply critical thinking there and people will start attacking you as if you're their schoolyard bully.
That's a thing with the generation coming up right now. Challenge them in any way and they see it as an attack. I think it's because they've grown up in social media echo chambers.

>> No.10196989

Wrong anon. XY women are a majority of the board, not XX women.

>> No.10197031

They're brainwashed faggots.
t. 25 year old male that can think for himself.

>> No.10197036

That's why the banhammer should hit the ones posting threads without actual content. One-liner threads are a problem because it's all either marketing or shitposting.

>> No.10197050
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I've always assumed that the average age on /ck/ is probably in the 35-40 range. It gives of a much more matura and toned fown vibe. People here are far more conservative and responsible. I bet many of you have their own families too. The /alc/ threads indicate this at least.

Also, the bantz here are of high quality.

>> No.10197057

>Also, the bantz here are of high quality.
This is why I come to this board.

>> No.10197073

I forgot to add that I also genuinely love cooking, so this board is right up my alley.

>> No.10197086

Simmer down, sonny.

>> No.10197114
File: 170 KB, 750x560, 50ed483875d48bb3a597319b2a71d2e934c7bc26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like ck because you can never tell what layers of irony people are on or if they are being genuine
i really hope this board continues to be the best of them all and doesnt get flooded qith veddit like so many other good boards

>> No.10197116

30 year old unemployed neckbearded virgin men living in their parent's basement pretending to be cartoon chinese schoolgirls doesn't count.

>> No.10197131

Each generation gets brainwashed by the shit around them, it's just the flavor of it that changes. Whether it's religion, advertising or fucking reddit people naturally line up with those they see as like minded because thinking for yourself is too much work.

>> No.10197273

Obese foreveralone Jabbas who fool themselves into believing they come here to learn to cook so they can please their chads when they've lost weight, then posting about big macs and chocolate.

>> No.10197791
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>> No.10197806

/ck/ used to be one of the most patrician boards but I guess all the /b/tards grew up and started needing to cook. it's still an ok board but some of the quieter boards are better now, like /diy/

>> No.10197819

/an/ will always be the best board.

>> No.10198490

18 here. The problem is that so few of my peers actually cook. They either live with their parents who cook for them, or eat/order out.

To illustrate: I live in a dorm, and use a community kitchen. People who bother to cook come in three flavors: Large groups of girls who don’t have the slightest clue what their doing and steal from the cabinets/fridges, medium groups of guys who don’t know how to operate the charcoal grills, and singletons who are basically proficient. Oh, and the ethnic students, who, without fail, smoke out the kitchen and leave everything covered in grease

>> No.10198872

too many underage yurocucks

>> No.10200119

You misspelled "/pol/"

>> No.10200152

I’m gonna give some real /adv/ here, make coq au vin and pu t it in a pie with puff pastry crust. Please trust me on this it will save your life, and make you among the elite.

>> No.10200169


>> No.10200355

go back to /pol/

>> No.10200364
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can you please do me a favor and return to your home page domain located at reddit dot com

thank you

>> No.10200368

>nigger this nigger that
no no no, this board is Food and Cooking you do have to go back

>> No.10200383

not either of those two, but why do people keep saying this? is it something said by people who use reddit?

>> No.10200387

Stop lying and click your home page button

>> No.10200388

stop bringing your wretched past to our comfy board

>> No.10200391
File: 45 KB, 1078x516, denial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who disagrees with /pol/ is from plebbit
>dubsposter definitely wasn't a /pol/ user trying to shift the perception of anyone who doesn't agree with /pol/

>> No.10200399

i don't use it. no amount of you being an angry 12yo will change that.
it is amusing that the idiots who scream "reddit" are so desperately keen to stay fashionable though, wouldn't wanna embarrass yourself in front of the others, right?

>> No.10200402

Bunch of women on this board op. Women aren't funny. Nor can they cook well. Honestly.
Bunch of dumb ass kids here too.

>> No.10200411
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sorry about the shills that I assume are sliding the fuck /pol/ right now but this is still Food & Cooking so share some ja/ck/ oc or leave

>> No.10200414
File: 14 KB, 163x215, nuestmale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

you dont even attempt to use the secret club words

thats how i know ur from reddit fags

>> No.10200425
File: 571 KB, 858x617, 1508976211367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.10200443

19 but i learn fron this board a lot.

>> No.10200459

Nah, most people here are neets cooking out of boredom. /toy/ unironically has the most mature users.

>> No.10200542

are you sure you mean unironically? because that's pretty ironic.

>> No.10200629

I was born two weeks ago desu mate.

>> No.10200710

You must be American if you think there's decent banter on the board.

>> No.10200809

oi, steady on mate you old poofter

>> No.10200950

Shut it bellend

>> No.10200982

>and in doing so they reveal that they're still bitter about the election loss because their subconcious mind sees an enemy in /pol/ even when the enemy before them has nothing to do with politics. It's like they genuinely see /pol/ as the devil and the root of all negativity. /pol/ has become a metaphorical common enemy for those who still feel pain about losing the election.
>Because those who backed the winning team don't feel that pain, so don't cry "/pol/" every time they get triggered by something.
Imagine being this delusional. I voted for trump and think /pol/ only hurt the trump campaign last election, believing anything else is delusional. Nobody likes /pol/ which is why is literally called a containment board. Go back to it.

>> No.10201203

Kids who use the word cringe like you do make me cringe. My 12 year old nephew just discovered the word and says it in almost every sentence

>> No.10201332
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>wretched, ______, ________
Hey there, welcome to reddit! Unfortunately, you need two more derogatory adjectives in your shitty sentence in order to earn an Upvote in this subreddit. See you around, or as we like to say, Bazinga!!!

>> No.10201825


Way to call out the little kkids faggot!
Great, NOW board is full of faggot. Left wing soccer moms. Who are anti 2/a And think all mexicans b voted hillary. We need to gass all 1488ers again.

>> No.10203272


>> No.10203288

Im just 25 tho.