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10186606 No.10186606 [Reply] [Original]

Here is your daily reminder to drink a gallon of water per day. I'm currently passing a kidney stone and I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy. Drink water!

>> No.10186841


>> No.10186862

1 oz per kg of body weight is plenty. Just make sure you’re getting enough electrolytes too. Also don’t eat too much oxalates. Spinach is one of the highest oxalate foods, and ironically also one of the best electrolyte sources

>> No.10186865

>the aquatic ashkenazi

>> No.10186887

i drink when i'm thirsty, the human body is a well oiled machine.
maybe drinking a little bit more when i work out.
drinking too much is bad, strips your muscles of their electrolytes.
1 gallon is too much, unless your sweating like a pig on a very hot day. drink plenty and eat well.

>> No.10186894

enjoy your fluoride and chlorine

>> No.10186904

this person obviously doesn't know shit about how toxicity works.

>> No.10186908

How do those get into my lake fed water supply?

>> No.10186921

even if chlorine or fluoride did end up in your water supply, you have nothing to worry about.
unless it hit a certain level, these 2 chemicals are perfectly safe.

>> No.10186925

Could never happen to me.
I drink like 3l of water per day.
Though i had the beetus but i guess im just a very thirsty guy.

>> No.10187006


Chlorine is not safe.

It damages your insides and can cause pain.

The local water supplier around here puts way too much chlorine in the water, more than you are supposed to put in a swimming pool.

I drink rain and creek water whenever I get the chance.

>> No.10187028

If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

>> No.10187036

according to what bro science article?
you don't get thirsty because you are dehydrated, dumbass
that's like saying if you're sweating you have heat stroke

>> No.10187049

I wake up in the morning and my tongue is a cactus. So dry I can't piss and my muscles cramp.

>> No.10187051

this person obviously doesn't know shit about how toxicity works .. damn, i'm getting tired of this nonsense puked here by some wannabe.
look pal, i'm actually a real chemist, chlorine in drinking water is present in small amount to prevent bacterial growth. even at swimming pool levels it wouldn't burn your inside.

>> No.10187055


Stop being a fucking idiot in life. For anyone watching, this is how you sound like a fucking moron.

>> No.10187056

but you literally do retard.

>> No.10187058

no, idiot, please don't make me explain 3rd grade science and grammar to you

>> No.10187061

gallon of water a day will kill you.

>> No.10187066
File: 59 KB, 450x450, ba3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking the aqueous jew
no thanks

>> No.10187068

oh, sorry(not) if my grammar rusted your jim jim. i'm french. actually, fuck you, my grammar's better than some of the american on this board.

>> No.10187072


no it won't, you have no idea how much water your kidneys can filtrate if needed to, in which case wouldn't be much if you were drinking a gallon of water a day, i drink 1-1-5 gallons daily and function perfectly fine.

You shouldn't comment on things you don't understand.

>> No.10187081

you are wrong retard.

>> No.10187085

not an argument, please explain in details how he's wrong or fuck off.

>> No.10187086

>i'm actually a real chemist
Beaker and timestamp or gtfo

>> No.10187088

If you're sweating, it means your body is hotter than it wants to be (or you ate something spicy)
If you're sweaty, it means you crave water

Sweating doesn't necessarily mean you have heat stroke, though people with heat stroke will probably be sweating
Craving water doesn't necessarily mean you're dehydrated, though people who are dehydrated will usually crave water

please stop being an idiot

>> No.10187092

*If you're thirsty

>> No.10187101

my word's not enough for your smart ass uh ?
actually, you don't need a degree in chemistry to know what i just said.
if you'd had listen your teacher in high school you wouldn't be this fucking retarded right now . in other words, i have nothing to prove to your bitch ass. wiki it or google it.

>> No.10187114


>> No.10187120
File: 184 KB, 800x697, chlorameme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


American Water gases people with showers.

It is pretty much a Nazi meme come true.

It isn't small when you put 1 drop from your test kit and the water instantly becomes dark yellow.

>> No.10187126

prove it fagtard

>> No.10187136

>Implying I don't already do this.
Sometimes I have to drink 2-5 gallons a day. Other people around like to be dehydrated as fuck, It's funny to watch them complain about headaches and constipation and dry mouths and throats.

>> No.10187149

okay assuming you're not trolling. maybe there's too much of it in your water, just call the authorities in your locality. i'm in quebec/canada, the levels here are barely noticeable. we do have high quality water though, not like L.A or San F. maybe there's a retarded fuckwit at your local water pumping plant putting too much of it in.

>> No.10187155

Don't want to, I only have one hand.Doesn't change the fact you are wrong.

>> No.10187182

>can't prove me wrong
>b-but you're wr-wr-wrong tho..
you're lucky I'm not there to kick your ass in person

>> No.10187189

Implying fagboi.

Stay dehydrated.

>> No.10187198

he his right though .. and you ..? well, lets just say you sound like the perfect virgin, keyboard warrior/troll cliché. you just keep saying he's wrong without providing any useful counter argument.

>> No.10187214

>muh virgin
Nice projecton lad.

>> No.10187216

>be me
>work at Anderson factory with no ac
A few weeks ago, i was given this special sweater and chaps which can get real hot, so I'm trying to get into that habit now.

>> No.10187218

Is zero sugar flavoured water okay?

>> No.10187243

I could kick your ass without even breaking a sweat
Even if your argument was correct, I still wouldn't need to rehydrate myself after crushing you

>> No.10187251

technically you could drink soda and hydrate yourself
Water works best, unless you need electrolytes

>> No.10187277

having something in your water, like vitamins and minerals actually increase the capabilities of your colon to absorb the liquids. ever heard of osmosis ? your body is always working to reach that electrolyte balance, so having them already in your drink save your body time and energy. that's why gatorade contains sodium and potassium, it hydrates you fast.

>> No.10187290


Even with a single arm I could pin you down and force you to drink tons of water for being a dehydrated faggot.

>> No.10187312

>dehydrated person bragging about not having the resources for perspiration

>> No.10187327

>dehydrated person can fuck the shit of someone normally hydrated
>doesn't think this implies the normally hydrated person isn't even more of a pussy
yeah okay

>> No.10187347

>can't back up his arguments
>probably can't back up his threats
I know it must be hard typing when you're so bloated from drinking too much water, you should stop while you're still conscious

>> No.10187357

>>dehydrated person can fuck the shit of someone normally hydrated
I don't agree with your assumptions, fat boy.

>> No.10187371

whatever pussy
try backing up your arguments before pretending you're a tough guy irl

>> No.10187485

>whatever pussy
>try backing up your arguments before pretending you're a tough guy irl
Zip it fatty

>> No.10187499

A gallon of water a day, keeps the soy away.

>> No.10187518
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm currently passing a kidney stone

>he fell for the keto meme

>> No.10187642
File: 87 KB, 640x633, FREK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the epidemic of sick bros we're going to have because they fell for a nutrition meme uncritically even though no human population ever lived that way throughout our existence as a species

>> No.10187654

I've never used any diet, certainly not a fad diet. Going on hour five with this stone. Just puked my fucking guts out.

>> No.10187685

there's actual science behind keto diet but people going with it on the long term are asking for trouble. the human body can adapt to gradual diet changes gradually but what these people are doing isn't gradual at all in fact, it's borderline destructive. (i do not recommend keto diet btw)

>> No.10187712

did you tried Shock Wave Lithotripsy ? it's a uninvasive treatment for kidney stones .. works well.

>> No.10187747

>there's actual science



ZERO metabolic advantage over non-ketogenic diets

>> No.10187770

>there's actual science behind keto diet
Sure, and it can have some great short term benefits, but we haven't seen large amounts of people eat a ketogenic diet for life.

The scary thing about meme diets is that nutrition is complex enough for us to overlook all kinds of things that may become apparent only in the long run. The same goes for newly approved drugs (or nootropics or illegal designer drugs), sure they made it through some trial but we won't know the extent of their effects until a lot of people have used them a long time.

I'd rather stick with the way people who have consistently made it to old age in good health have eaten throughout history to be sure.

>> No.10187807

keto diet isn't meant for people wanting to lose weight, but people with issues such as brain diseases like parkinson's or chronic convulsions can benefit from it.

>> No.10187815

Never tried. Was trying to avoid the hospital and let it pass normally like the other times I've had them.

>> No.10187851

ah okay, my father was very prone to develop kidney stone.. once he had one 1.2 centimeters in diameter .. they broke it in smaller fragment using this technique and a few hours later he passed them naturaly.

>> No.10187863

Yes, in that case it's a medicine, in the sense that it comes with risks but the benefits may outweight it.

Normal people on keto for no reason is a bad idea though.

>> No.10189702

Why are they pouring a water bottle into a glass? This is the worst of both worlds. You lose the mobility of the bottle and the convenience of getting water from the tap.

>> No.10190000
File: 19 KB, 197x243, 1519346826588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 3 liters of water removed and lost 6.6 lbs in 4 hours today while sleeping.

>> No.10190103

>I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy
Whenever I see this shit, I feel like the person hasn't made any real enemies.

>> No.10190112

Kidney stones a shit.
t. cluster headache

>> No.10190193

stay mad dry boi

>> No.10190237

Thanks anon. And good luck. Both my parents had kidney stones so i already have an idea of what it's like. Hang in there.

>> No.10190238

Maybe they're at a restaurant

>> No.10191279

>he fell for the gallon a day meme
Haha have fun slaving away at becoming bloated everyday

>> No.10191371
File: 90 KB, 957x621, retarded pepe hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 oz per kg
Are you trying to be a cunt? Let's just mix up the units of measurement of two different systems so that everyone on the fucking world has to convert shit in order to derive meaning from this worthless fucking post.

>> No.10192216

kinda funny if you think about it

>> No.10192281

This is technically true, but it's like telling someone to eat before they get hungry. As long as you have water available to drink as soon as you start feeling thirsty, it's fine. How much water you need will depend on the kind of foods you've eaten, how much salt, how hot the weather is, etc. Unless you're doing complex calculations all the time to figure out your exact water needs you're going to be either taking in too much or not enough if you go by a strict schedule of 8 oz every hour or something like that. Just try to always have water available so you can drink when you're thirsty.

>> No.10192910

You understand the runoff from farms are 100x worse than a tiny bit of chlorine and fluoride, right?

>> No.10192950


What runoff from farms?

>> No.10193418

You probably just had a kidney stone because you have a genetic predisposition to them. I'm in my 30s and have never had a single kidney stone my entire life despite not drinking water as its own beverage (except when I was very young and in grade school, I drank from water fountains back then). Usually just drink coffee or soda.