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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10184293 No.10184293 [Reply] [Original]

hello /ck/, long time lurker rare poster and have never posted anything ive cooked before
had some premade pastry in my freezer and happened to have sausages potatoes and onions so i experimented. have never made a savoury pie before.
i fried my onion in sausage fat and put a big spoon of flour in the pan with a spoon of butter, the onions got all battered and then i added milk and it thickened to a gluelike consistency. i had instant onion soup mix so i poured the satchet in instead of seasoning it with my bottled spices
>never made gravy before i just winged it
anyways this is how i assembled my pie (sorry if this is blogpost i am not brag about my pie just adding OC?)
>buttered dish
>pastry dough layer
>sliced parboiled potatoes
>layer of onion soup gravy
>5 spicy sausages (roughly 16 oz)
>shaved aged cheddar
>more potatoes
>rest of gravy
>topped with more puff pasty dusted in beat egg
i wish i took more photos, i was very inebriated on sum things. pic related is what is left
>tl;dr what do u think of my very first attempt at a savory pie

>> No.10184303

ps if it looks dry the potatoes absorbed all the gravy upon reheating its not dry at all but surprisingly it needed a pinch more salt

>> No.10184354

tl;dr but don't ever be ashamed to post cooking threads on a cooking board, looks kinda dry but outside looks flaky. Is that meatloaf?

>> No.10184364

sounds great, looks okay, good job overall probably

>> No.10184447
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no is pastry, potato, gravy, sausage, cheesy, potato, gravy, pastry.
sorry for long post, wanted to make up for lacking photos
thank you anon, smelled and tasted great
i would like to try making more savory pies in the future. im not advanced cook so will probably stick to premade dough and such but am open to different kinds of stuffing ingredients like meats and starch and veg
thank you for not shitting on my attempt. savoury pies are great and i cant wait to learn improvement

>> No.10184459



Looks like shit.

>> No.10184467

yes it doesnt look 5 stars but it tastes 3.5+ stars
>not slop of?

>> No.10184493

Looks good but would be better without the potato

>> No.10184510

am poor and do not have a big budget for filler items. i had a 5 kilo bag of spuds that needed using up. i figured onions and sausage and gravy would mix well with potatoes. surpsisingly the potatoes did not dry out when baked in pie as i had boiled them before. they were tender and moist.
any suggestions on what i can use next time instead of potato? am curious to experiment with more savoury pies

>> No.10184750
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Sounds reasonable, people here get too carried away with what things are meant to "ideally" have as ingredients, when cooking is really about making use of what you have on hand.

Sounds like you prepped things properly even if the presentation is off, only thing i'd have done differently is add your actual spices and perhaps a bit more milk.

4/5 technique
2/5 visual appeal

>> No.10184765

I appreciate your enthusiasm but that is downright awful. Keep practicing and come back in another year or two and we'll see if you've improved to being at least halfway competent.

>> No.10184767

yeah dude pastry is awesome but fuck working with dough, i'd just buy premade too

>> No.10184773
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thank you for the kind words anon i will adjust accordingly

>> No.10185273

You're welcome! Also perhaps instead of slicing the potatoes and wrapping it around the meat I'd have cubed it and mixed it into your gravy with the sausage broken up into smaller pieces. Other things you might consider adding to this could be peas, carrots, celery etc.. standard cornish pasty ingredients which is what this sort of is. If you have it on hand, worcestershire sauce or HP make a great addition to the gravy mix.

Your pic looks like its been reheated though, was that leftovers? Would smash that hungover with a fried egg and some HP


>> No.10185283
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