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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10181804 No.10181804 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ riddle me this, Why is cheese such an amazing gift from the gods?

>Raised in an itallan/french household
>Always have cheese
>As a kid only ate cheese and grains, hated vegetables, hated fast food/junk food (Tried it once and never again) and seldomly if ever ate meat.
>Now i'm 31 and still only eat cheese fruit and grains, No meat whatsoever, No vegetables, no fruits, (Multivitamins give me more anyways) and No sweets other than certain wines
>maintained a healthy 165lbs, 6'2", and never had any form of disease or ailment
>Everyone around me who eats vegetables and meats is suffering from heart disease, diabetes, or parkinsons
>Cheese is "supposed" to make you obese and unhealthy according to "Top physicians".

What a fucking joke. You people are killing yourselves while I'm over here enjoying life with my daughter thanks to the power of cheese.

>> No.10181814

*No fruit juice

>> No.10181851

How do you poop?

>> No.10181863

Like any normal person? Fruit is a diarretic

>> No.10181886

Pretentious faggot thread? I love these.

>> No.10181890
File: 199 KB, 907x1210, cheesenbeernight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went vegan for years and cheese pulled me right back... I would never pay for/eat a block of yellow 'cheese' but some well made distinctive stuff? fuck yes.

I've actually started throwing cheese and beer parties every other month, one of my favourite combinations is a Roulé with a Doppelbokk... You should also try taking a palm sized Chevre, sprinking with walnuts and truffle-honey and baking at 200 for 10 mins, fucking orgasmic.

Pic related, from my last cheese shindig in january

>> No.10181895

Are other 31 year olds you know seriously all suffering from heart disease, diabeetus and parkinsons?? that's fucked

>> No.10181899

Hey man, you can't deny fact. Everyone I know has some form of problem and I don't. And you'd probably think "Oh yeah, the guy who eats cheese 3 square meals a day must have heart problems and weigh 600lbs" Thats your mainstream media talking. Its amazing how brainwashed people are to actually think this.

Give or take, most of them are in my age range, some even younger. Youngest I know hes type-2 diabetes and he's 22.

>> No.10181916

Fantastic spread right there. I'm not much for draught myself, but I'd do the same with a good pinot or aged noire.

>> No.10181922

Oh so it's just a "I'm insecure, please massage my ego" thread? And your argument is just a logical fallacy. Nice try, but I won't pul on your penis. Where's the girls'mother in all this?

>> No.10181930

it's not that you have a really healthy diet, it's that they have really unhealthy diets

>> No.10181938

Whats insecure about spreading the word? I believe if more people at cheese (Real cheese mind you, not the dollar store kraft shit) they'd probably lead much healthier lives.

>> No.10181950

>Cheese is "supposed" to make you obese and unhealthy according to "Top physicians".
OP you are a Genuine, actual, grade A fucking retard.

>> No.10181957

Seeking attention and validation for normal behavior is a huge red flag.

She left your neurotic ass, didn't she?

>> No.10181964

Cheers! the first one I did was actually cheese and wine, but most of us attending agreed that knocking back bottles of chianti and malbec became tiring after some 6 hours or so, beer might not be the classic cheese pairing but there's a lot of variety - a bitter, sharply herbal & almost astringent double IPA goes well with a salty mature blue cheese, a fruity light wheat beer like hefeweizen complements a rich goat cheese and so on...

Should give it a go!

>> No.10181971

Where are you from? I'm on the cusp of my 30s, fairly social and don't know a single peer with any significant health issues.

>> No.10181973

Wha? I'm telling people this is a GOOD thing. Where on earth are you coming from?

I may very well have to! It sounds like a good pair. Have you tried any holland cheeses with irish stout?

>> No.10181977


Nigger I could do the same thread with my alcoholic uncle that lives a few hours from me outside of Nashville.

> raised in trailer
> always drink soda and hungry man
> switch to beer and hotdogs at about 16
> now he's 45 with no health problems and rail thin at 6'0 150 from eating nothing but beer and 99c hotdogs
> everyone around him is obese and sick with something
> beer and hotdogs are "supposed" to make you unhealthy and obese

>> No.10181980

beer is great for food pairing precisely because it's so much more varied than wine

>> No.10181984

Alabaster, Wyoming

Sorry butI'm going to remain skeptical on that one. Beer would 100% make you fat in that much quanity, and Hot dogs are a blight on society.

>> No.10181987

You're only 165 lbs at 6'2"? Are you really
skinny or unathletic? That's extremely light for that height. Most people that I know that are around that height are 190+. Sports plays a large role in it I know, but that still seems really low weight.

>> No.10181988
File: 63 KB, 520x390, 1247487_img_0472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm like this too, I am slightly overweight but I know it's from alcohol - all that craft beer has to go somewhere. Anyway, I think it's white people genetics, think of it in the context of traditional diet and recall the world used to be rather colder not so long ago in geologic terms. The traditional white diet would have been defined by the extremely cold weather, cold weather causes crop failures in basically everything but winter wheat. Animals keep themselves warm if you keep them out of the wind and give them the dried grass you saved up just for that. Milk comes from animals, cheese was probably originally a way of making milk keep longer just as (very light in comparison to ours) beer was a way of disinfecting water. These unpredictable crop failures also caused their obsession with what appear to clocks of sorts, they obsessed over the weather, the Viking world ends with Ragnarok, a distinctly non-apocalyptic event in which everyone dies, everything freezes and life just stops. This is probably also why the early mastery of warfare (and thus technology: necessity is the mother of invention), they had to raid other settlements for what they couldn't produce that year due to early snow or strong hail. While the rest of the world lay in it's crib of warm river valleys we were brutally slaughtering each other in the snow simply and ultimately because there was so much snow.

That tale told, my favorite cheese is a variant of the Azoreian Sao Jorge called St.George, it's only made on one farm in California but if you can get ahold of it do so - it's a fusion of everything good about cheddar and romano or parm. I know what you're thinking, it sounds like a meme, but this time the flavors truly fuse into a whole new cheese.


>> No.10181990


See, there you are listening to those "experts" again

>> No.10181999

cheese is one of the unhealthiest foods on earth.

>> No.10182004

Both. I'm an electrician who did everything to skip out phys ed when i was young. Never did me any good and won't start now.

No, thats me basing off of true fact. I know a guy who frequented those hot dog eating contests and developed toxins in his liver from eating them after 8 years running. He's bed ridden now.

Wrong. "American" cheese is the unhealthiest thing on earth, and it's not even cheese.

>> No.10182006

I have not! will have to grab a gouda and black rock next time! thanks

>> No.10182015
File: 231 KB, 844x563, tinvollost-ost-pa-fat-kraftkar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i live in norway and cant find one of the best cheeses in the world made in norway anywhere because other countries are buying it up

only tasted it inside of an olive swimming in gin at a nice cocktail joint in oslo, the little i've had is incredible

>> No.10182020
File: 81 KB, 800x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in the USA.

>> No.10182039

I bought some expensive ass gruyere and used it in my mac and cheese the other day. Absolutely hated it, couldn't get past the smell. That was £12 well spent.

>> No.10182047

>Hating gruyere

What kind of low test heathen are you?

>> No.10182049


this champion eater knew to take the wrapping off the hotkeys before swallowing them right?

Sure he just doesnt have aids from taking too much dog?

>> No.10182052

Sounds pretty bad. The only thing I would melt gruyere for is a leek and mushroom dip, or loaded baked potato

>> No.10182054

>Expensive for cheese

>> No.10182059

Euro is worth more than usd you fucking idiot.

>> No.10182063

That is not a word you imbecile
If you meant diuretic, that means it makes you pee

>> No.10182064

>A non aromatic hard cheese like Gruyere smelled bad to me

At least try.

>> No.10182071


>> No.10182077

I dunno what kind of gruyere you've had but good quality gruyere definitely smells.

>> No.10182084

Grain specifics, Italibro?

Im a scandic. We eat loads of rye here but you guys know how wheat got better from adapting to the more temperate climates, like durum wheat.

Rye is superior and buckwheat is even a greater food for all of us. The taste of well baked durum wheat or perhaps even just normal wheat is unparalled, though, even when it for instance doesn't have all the anti-oxidatory effects like buckwheat or other macro nutrients.

Cheese is.. well.. not specifically healthy compared to all the super foods out there and how untampered greens or fruits are unparalleled in their own regard.

Pumped up greens from nitrate fixated and quickly absorbed inorganic ferterlizers give off semi or inactive mineral deposits in the greens. I buy "organic" - otherwise cheese and grains are indeed healthier overall.

Freshly squeezed orange juice.. man... Spinach.. oh my god.

Cabbage. Avocados. Lentils and chickpeas. Heavy-duty grains and some italian cronesseur bread munchies are my conerstones.

I seriously reccomend you try out some veggies that aren't tampered with too much. People often just buy greens for show, but have forgotten how well you feel after eating a quarter cabbage head that has been cooked perfectly as a souffle or poached well in bechamel sauce.

It's a whole new world diving into onions and carrots that fill you up naturally, instead of making you feel like a water balloon, 'cuz of all the water those fixed nitrate pumps in them. Even potatoes work out totally different when you actually get to taste the richness in depth of the flavours that not only a chrystal cheese parmesan can offer.

Denmark is all about apples. World's finest.
Oh. And we are secret cheese lovers, too. I haven't been able to find better blue cheese anywhere than the cheapest we got in any super market called Danablau.

I only eat a bit of fatty fish. So not really meat here either. I guess just staying from refined sugar and too much sandy salt makes us comparibly healthy.

>> No.10182110

Thing is I'm American and didn't really grow up eating good cheese like a lot of Europeans do. I guess my palate missed the boat. Oh well.

>> No.10182156
File: 37 KB, 547x480, Tillamook2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah there's good hippie efforts now, even on the industrial end

why do I always feel like euros are judging america as it was during the 90's? reminds me of in the 80's when japan thought we were all cowboys

>> No.10183452

Ben fucking Tolds