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10175808 No.10175808 [Reply] [Original]


Whats the best butter to buy? Is it Kerrygold?

>> No.10175812

That's all I buy anymore

>> No.10175882

It's the best supermarket brand along with presidente, yeah. Organic valley's pasture butter is also good.

>> No.10175887

Same. It's the best tasting butter I can find here. There were anecdotal reports on a butter thread the other day that Plugra is even better, but I couldn't find it at the two grocery stores I usually shop at. Apparently decent butter is hard to acquire in the US. The good butter here is the average butter everywhere else. Sucks.

>> No.10175912

That Finnish butter is good too and a little bit cheaper at my local store. We also have some good Amish butter at supermarkets here but that may be more regional.

>> No.10175918

Kerry gold is $9 for 2.5 lbs at my costco.

>> No.10175933

Amish butter is fucking primo.

>> No.10175966
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I have some of this stuff. It tastes pretty good, just like butter. I didn't know the fins were master butter makers, but they seem to do a pretty decent job. I'd rather support fins rather than the drunken, soulless Irish.

>> No.10175995


>> No.10176059
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>> No.10176073
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It's €8.26 for 2.2 pounds in Ireland

>> No.10176092
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>Not using Lurpak
Would you like some semen with that butter, sir?

>> No.10176170

>not hand-churning your wife's breast milk

>> No.10176218

There's literally nothing special about lurpak. Kerrygold is 10x better easily.

>> No.10176223

>Kerrygold is 10x better easily.
Then why is its taste inferior?
Please do detail the intricacies of this ten-fold superiority.
>Grabs clipboard, prepares to take notes as they're asserted by the learned butterchad
Aaand... GO.

>> No.10176315

I legit enjoy Golden Delicious.
It's butter/margarine blend which works really well for baking and it only costs $1.11/lb brick.

>> No.10176317

Kerrygold tastes faintly of cheese to me. I prefer Lurpak because it's more taste neutral but I can work with KG if that's all there is.

>> No.10176328
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Not even bullshitting

>> No.10176330


I prefer kerrygold, but if you like a straight salty butter, try Kate's butter.

>> No.10176397

What do you guys use butter for?

No longer eating bread has me kinda stumped

>> No.10176419

I steam about 1 tbls of butter into my milk that I froth for my latte every morning. Whole milk, and just a teaspoon of organic vanilla hazelnut syrup, delicious

>> No.10176423

We buy Amish butter in five pound blocks from these weird looking guys that have a stand on the side of the road. It’s very good.

>> No.10176433

Other butter is fine but kerrygold got the best spreadability.

>> No.10176605
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>> No.10176615
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Shit shit shit meant to post this

>> No.10176635
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I've been getting this every time it's on sale.
since I'm near so many poor people that only buy shit with EBT it's almost constantly on sale

>> No.10176644

Try cultured butter.

>> No.10176660

Pulgra or Finlandia

>> No.10176909
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why is every fucking food out of ireland so goddamn good

>> No.10177051


Local Normandy butter. Nothing else like it in the world.

>> No.10177084
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I prefer this to the Kerrygold, but have not tried Plugra. My store has one that's just "German Butter", no name, I am curious but don't want to waste money.

>> No.10177092

eating butter is perpetuating rape culture, milk is for baby cows not manbabies

>> No.10177097

Is there really a noticeable difference between butter like >>10176328 and more expensive brands? The ingredients are always just "cream, salt" or even just "cream" if you get the unsalted version. How much of difference in taste could there be?

>> No.10177119
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>> No.10177130

Not a direct answer to your question, but I eat a lot of plain Greek yogurt and the ingredients are pretty much the same way. Taste and texture varies widely from brand to brand.

>> No.10177151
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>result would be a thick, grey slime which never sets into a block and tastes heavily sugared

>> No.10177252

President is the GOAT

>> No.10177362
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You are all plebs. Make way for the patrician butter.

>> No.10178055

Plugra and beurre d'isigny are top tier.

>> No.10178317

I buy Amish or Italian butter

>> No.10178349

amish butter is tits. too bad amish don't believe in plumbing. you gotta buy from Mennonites

>> No.10179116

shut up, you're not my real mom

>> No.10179283

Protip: if your butter is salted, regardless of brand or place of origin, it's shit and you should kys yourself.

>> No.10179299

It's one of the better widely-available butters. I don't go for brand loyalty, but you can do much, much worse than Kerrygold.

>> No.10179328

What about Ghee?

>> No.10179342

More like GAY. Amirite?

>> No.10179405

I just naturally gravitated towards them even before knowing they're hot shit

>> No.10179406

lol that's my finger in that picture. I posted an old butter thread and some anon made that awesome photoshop

>> No.10179409

I tried it once but I didn’t notice a particular difference. I tried at least a couple specialty butters (straight on bread, not melted) and couldn’t tell much difference between that and regular grocery store butter.

>> No.10179414
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>Butter isn't fatty enough for me

>> No.10179416

Please leave.

>> No.10179427
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>he doesn't get the once a year shipment of $50/lb 87% fat content small batch butter

>> No.10179434

probably tastes 97% similar to some generic shit from the grocery store

>> No.10179437

what qualifies as good butter?

>> No.10179453

low heavy metal content

>> No.10179483
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>high fat diets make you fat

>> No.10179577

Tfw Americans can get Irish butter cheaper than the Irish can

>> No.10179876

Spoken like a man who's never had high quality butter

>> No.10180079

Same. I've had a few good blocks from farmer's markets, but Kerrygold is easy to find and consistently great.

Where the cream comes from makes a big difference. Pic related is grass-fed butter on top and regular on the bottom. Imo for dairy it's worth splurging for grass-fed, organic too if you can find it. It tastes better and has way more vitamins/omega 3, though it's not like butter is a health food.

>> No.10180082
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forgot pic I'll off myself

>> No.10180121

I mostly use it to sautee veggies lightly that I dip into hummus or put on veggie burgers. I also use it whenever I make eggs and I'll put it in my coffee the morning after drinking.

>> No.10180535

>rather support fins rather than
Nice sentence structure faggot. Sorry you got finger fucked by Father Murphy.

>> No.10180814
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my wife has been buying these 2 brands
grew up eating oleo, but it's been butter in the fridge since I got married

the 2 brands are pretty good

does this make a butter face?

>> No.10180922

Kerrygold isn't bad. It's what they give you at Starbucks when you order a bagel. My grocery store carries a few different brands, like Kerrygold, Finlandia, Lurpak. They also have this one Eastern European brand that I have a block of that I'm currently eating. It's the cheapest of the specialty butters, and is pretty damn good. Wasn't a huge fan of Finlandia when I bought it. Haven't had Lupak yet. Never had Plugra. They also sell Amish roll butter too, but I haven't tried that one yet.

By far my favorite butter I've ever had is beurre de baratte. The color is amazing and the flavor is great. Unfortunately, the only place that sells it in my city is a place I got fired from. And it's pretty damn pricey. When I worked there I often would sneaking a wheel of it out once every few weeks. Our inventory numbers were always fucked so it didn't matter.

>> No.10181020
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>sneaking a wheel

the sneaking wheel gets the grease

>> No.10181177

Buttered toast desu.

>> No.10181198

earth balance tho

>> No.10181276

Beurre de baratte comes in a wheel format as opposed to a traditional block. I also word for a cheese company so it made sense, I used to steal cheese all the time.

>> No.10181502
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>> No.10181505
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>I used to steal cheese all the time.

nice post Jar Jar

>> No.10182056
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probably the best

>> No.10182065
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>> No.10182123

yezz this be the stuff.

>> No.10182176

is it any good? came across a sale a few weeks ago but had already bought 40x kerrygold

>> No.10182218

er der langt mellem supermarkederne i fjeldabeland?

>> No.10182249
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Le beurre juste

>> No.10182266

How is this? I see this at the grocery. Adds up to the same price as store brand butter sticks

>> No.10182268
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>> No.10182276


nej vi har bare ikke noget at bruge alle jeres olie penge på, så folk kober nye biler og xl smorpakker som om morgendagen ikke kommer

>> No.10183967

Describe this to me. Is it tangy like goat cheese?

>> No.10184010

Why would you address the cooking board as automobile dudes?

>> No.10184032
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they started selling this in my country last year i think, I tried it once, and its absolute dogshit.
Im using mostly pic related