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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10180109 No.10180109 [Reply] [Original]

Not going to lie I'm pretty overweight because of depression and eat about 3000-4000 calories a day, mostly pizza, bacon cheeseburgers, fries, and other fastfood. But one of my addictions is pickled food, especially pepperonicinis. I honestly go through about a jar everyday and they are low calorie so I'm not too worried but only 3 have 500mg of sodium in them. Since I go through 1 jar per day, that on top of the other stuff I eat likely puts my daily sodium intake at 10,000+mg. I drink a lot of liquids (sometimes water but mostly juice) and I'm wondering if anyone knows how bad this high sodium intake can be?

>> No.10180114

Sodium intake is the least of your worries friendo. You should be more worried about the juice and all the other sugary stuff you probably eat in a day. Get your shit together.

>> No.10180117

Pretty bad, do you have any symptoms of high blood pressure?

>> No.10180158


I don't know what are the symptoms?

>> No.10180167

The main symptom would be having high blood pressure.

>> No.10180172


How do I know if I have high blood pressure sitting at my computer. Like, can I take a test right now

>> No.10180174

Make sure you drink plenty of water, pickling liquids/vinegar in general can dehydrate you really easily, so you want to keep up on your fluids

>> No.10180175

>he fell for it

>> No.10180177

No. If you're in the US, go to Walmart and use one of the test things by the pharmacy.

>> No.10180179

Why even bother asking this question? You are very unhealthy and yes you'll die. Doesn't matter it's sugar, sodium, sat fats...all a drop in the cement mixer of your struggling heart.

>> No.10180182


I don't know I'm afraid for my liver but pepperonicinis are so tasty and addicting. I love the little snap when you put the whole thing except for the stem in your mouth it's just a flavor party


Ok I'll do this tomorrow


I'll start drinking more water but to be honest is there anything I can do to make the water more appealing? Like if I add some lime juice to it and drink that will it have the same hydrating effect or will the acidity of the lime be a negative?

>> No.10180187


what does a typical day in terms of food consist of you?

>> No.10180200


Well it depends but usually it follows this sort of breakdown


3 fried eggs, 2 strips bacon, 1 turkey sausage, melted cheese toast and a waffle, chocolate milk and orange juice


My go to is a bacon cheeseburger with fries, regular size doritos and a coke. Sometimes I will have tacos or butter chicken or other sandwiches though


Order a large pepperoni pizza, ranch, with wings and garlic cheese bread. I don't always finish all of it. If I don't order pizza, I usually get a baked pasta dish of some kind or chicken alfredo, last week I ordered a calzone, tonight i think I will have chinese food though


A slice of chocolate cake and half a pint of Ben and jerry's rocky road

And of course throughout the day I snack on a jar of pepperonicis

>> No.10180202

pepperoncini are like easily the healthiest thing on the list you just gave. stop worrying about sodium and start worrying about how deathly terrible all of the other shit you eat is. if you eat 4000 calories a day you are gaining a 1 pound at least every 3 days. unless you're over 40 get your weight under control and worry about sodium later.

as for making water more appealing, the healthiest thing you could do is just drink unflavored water. if you put flavoring in your water it's just going to trigger your hunger and you'll be back at square one.

>> No.10180203


that sounds so good but I'd feel horrible eating like this everyday. How much do you weigh?

>> No.10180204


I hope you die you fucking glutton.

>> No.10180211

>because depression
I have been clinically depressed since I was 11. That’s 22 years of miserable unhappy existence. I have never been fat.

>> No.10180212

>as for making water more appealing, the healthiest thing you could do is just drink unflavored water. if you put flavoring in your water it's just going to trigger your hunger and you'll be back at square one.

This. Just drink water. You'll get used to it and flavoring won't be such a big deal. I quit soda cold turkey for over a year now. Now I don't even crave it.

>> No.10180216


I'm about 270lbs and 5'6


Ok thanks, I'll just force myself to drink normal water then. I try not to eat 4000+ calories a day. I don't always finish my dinner but I definitely eat at least 3000 minimum a day and I have no self control. Like sometimes I'll finish half my dinner, and then put half the pizza, 6 wings and a couple pieces of garlic cheese bread in the fridge telling myself I'll just warm it up for dinner the next day, but then I'll be in bed for 2 or 3 hours unable to sleep, ruminating about life and hating myself and crying, and I get this overwhelming wave of emotions and go to the kitchen and just start eating my leftovers. I also drink alcohol a lot which I know is just empty calories.

>> No.10180217

Try eating vegetables. Cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots. That kind of shit. At least then you can be full without eating a retarder amount of calories.

>> No.10180219


Is there any way I can make them taste more appealing?

>> No.10180223

>43.6 BMI
>30.0 is considered overweight

You are risking your life anon.
Consider starting a diet and fixing your habits if you value your life and want to live till 2030.

>> No.10180224

All that and you're worried about the pepperocinis? The good thing about awful diets like this is that small changes will make a big difference. At the very least you need to cut out the sugary beverages and replace them with water, or if you really need something sweet to drink then crystal light is good.

Cutting out the pepperocinis may do more for you mentally than physically but that can be just as good on the road to living a better life. You don't have to stop eating them completely because they're a totally acceptable low calorie snack. You just need to eat a small bowl once a day rather than an entire jar throughout the day.

Stop ordering out immediately. It's a huge waste of money and it's absolute garbage utterly devoid of nutrients. Look up some healthy recipes online and cook them. Meal prep is a good option because the food is already there in your fridge when you're tempted to eat something you shouldn't.

Listen anon, I'm not a dietician but I did used to be like you. I've lost 80 lbs and kept it off for 3 years through diet alone, I'm too lazy to go to the gym. If you want to change your life i can tell you from the other side that you will not regret putting in the effort.

>> No.10180227

You hate yourself because you are fat, so you comfort eat and drink booze. Wanna know how to break that cycle?

You'll lose the weight in a year if you start eating smart, get a pair of dumbbells and start some beginners workout routine.

>> No.10180230

Yeah, stop being a little fat bitch.
You value good tasting food more than your life?

You gluttonous bastard.

>> No.10180231

Sauté spinach or broccoli I n soy sauce and chilli garlic sauce. Roast cauliflower with cumin seed and olive oil. Simmer carrots in miso soup. Crush and chop cucumber, mix with soy sauce and chilli garlic sauce and let it sit in the fridge for an hour before eating. You need to stop worrying about taste. Wanting everything to taste good is what got you so fat in the first place.

>> No.10180233

How do you cook them now?

>> No.10180235


I don't really eat vegetables but if I do cook them with some steak or chicken or something then I put some olive oil in a pan and just saute them with salt and pepper.

>> No.10180237
File: 342 KB, 1500x1500, 28519F86-4197-472C-834F-3BFAC616A06A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make friends with this stuff, soy sauce, yellow mustard, salsa, and any other condiments that don’t add calories.

>> No.10180238

Severe headache.
Fatigue or confusion.
Vision problems.
Chest pain.
Difficulty breathing.
Irregular heartbeat.
Blood in the urine.
Pounding in your chest, neck, or ears.

>> No.10180239

You need to go to /fit/ instead of /ck/

>> No.10180243


I've always seen this and been so curious to try it to be honest. I always loved their sriracha but chili and garlic are 2 of my favorite things so I will pick this up today thanks.


I have headaches, chest pain, difficulty breathing sometimes (although I think that is more characteristic of panic attacks), and pounding in my chest too.


No, fuck those guys. I made a thread asking some questions about a year ago and all they did was call me names. I fucking hate the gym and gym culture. I bought a treadmill for my home and use it for 45 minutes a day. The gym is full of vain, vapid evil cunts and I'd rather keep eating and die of obesity related problems than spend time around those people

>> No.10180246

I get panic attacks, I don't have high blood pressure but I have read that it can influence panic attacks, time to make a change man while there's still time.

>> No.10180247

Any info you wanted was in the sticky, or you could have asked in qtddtot. Nobody is going to hand you the answers or do it for you, and that’s exactly what you want. You want someone to hold your hand and tell you it’s easy and do all the work for you, which is why you’re a fat sack of shit who will die young, and it’s also why you hate the gym. Either take responsibility for your health, or die. Your choice, but don’t expect others to care. You’re just another lazy fatty to us.

>> No.10180250

Also to add to this it's not /fit/'s fault you're this way or their job to fix you. So if you make a thread asking basic shit that you can find answers too in the sticky whilst making tons of excuses then yeah we're going to shit on you most likely, because those types of threads are a diamond dozen after all.

>> No.10180254

You could add pieces of fruit to flavour the water naturally (e.g. cucumber, lemon, orange, strawberry slices - whatever takes your pick) and let it sit for a few hours. That is, if you don't want to use no added sugar cordial.
You could also drink green tea, or black tea with some milk, or black coffee + milk. Avoid adding sugar.
Have a drink with every meal too to combat overeating (nothing sugary). To put you on the right track cutting just 10% of you intake is going to put things in motion.
See a dietician (if you have access to/can afford one) for extra support if you think you'd struggle on your own.
And there's always a handful of cunts around that will openly mock you because they have nothing better to do. You'll have to be resilient to those morons.

Only you can really change things but they won't change unless you have the commitment to do it. Else it falls flat over and over. Are you ready to do it?

>> No.10180262
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Don't eat for a day. Next week don't eat for two days. Week after don't eat for a day. Then veggies. Salad, lots of fresh. Imagine boiling up a spaghetti with evoo while prepping brushetta with garlicced bread slices in the oven. Take smaller bites, good luck you ****

>> No.10180264


No I hate the gym because the people who go are vain cunts. You never even seen the post I made yet you're making all these assumptions based on nothing. I read the sticky and still had some questions. You're a faggot. I hope you get everything you want in life and then lose it all tragically

>> No.10180272

>all the people who go are vein cunts
You’re full of shit. You’re embarrassed because you’re fat and weak, and you think everyone is judging you and looking at you in disgust. But how is that different from anywhere else you go? If you actually go to the gym and put the effort in, most people there will respect your efforts. Get over this Nancy bullshit. You’re just being a pussy and a reddit-tier faggot.

>> No.10180275

Weight and height?

>> No.10180277

You're the vain one, you won't even exercise just because you're worried about your assumptions about how people who also want to exercise might think. Pretty vain if you ask me. You don't even want to prove them wrong?

>> No.10180278

High sodium intake is bad, but it's much worse if you are overweight, obese, have diabetes, your diabetes has progressed to kidney failure, or have some other sodium sensitivity.
There is still some debate about the amount of sodium, but your sodium intake is way too high. Get that down to 2,000mg if you can.
High sodium intake increases your chances of gastric cancer by a lot. Pickled foods and other high sodium foods are the leading cause of gastric cancer.
You're killing yourself. That excess blood sugar is literally making your blood acidic which eats your bones away, destroys your internal organs slowly, and eats away the coatings of your nerves. You might not notice anything now, but by the time you do, the damage is severe and irreversible. Anyway, your first priority should be to lose the weight. Do some low impact cardio to save your joints. Next, please eat fresh foods instead of canned (unless they are low sodium like tomato paste which is actually very nutritious and improves your skin) and pickled foods. Make sure you eat plenty of dark leafy greens. They contain a lot of minerals and vitamins and other phytonutrients that are important to eyesight like lutein and zeaxanthin. They also have a lot of vitamin K which prevents calcium depositing in and hardening your arteries. If you're still young, you can even reverse some of the arterial hardening with a healthy diet, occasional fasting, and exercise.
Exercise is really important for retaining cognitive performance as well as lowering blood pressure. High blood pressure is known as the silent killer because a lot of people don't know that they have it because they are thin but either have a medical condition or just don't exert themselves enough. High pressure destroys all the tiny blood vessels leading to organ failure, blindness, etc. It's slow but deadly. Like excess blood sugar, once you have the symptoms, you're fucked, but much more fucked as in almost dead.

>> No.10180282


Because I used to go regularly before I was fat, they were all a bunch of instagram retards obsessed with themselves and think they are better than others. It's narcissism central. Fuck gym culture and fuck /fit/. I bought some equipment for my home which is by far the better option.

>> No.10180287


If you could read you would have seen I said I exercise at home

>> No.10180288

>No I hate the gym because the people who go are vain cunts
>yet you're making all these assumptions based on nothing
Oh the irony. Keep making excuses fatty.

>> No.10180298

Oh, well it's good that you have a home gym. Your anger against people who don't hate their bodies is really weak though. It obviously gets you ranting.

>> No.10180304

Yes, hurry up please.

>> No.10180307


> drinks a shit ton of sugar

> consumes a shit ton of salt

Bro....seriously.....get your fucking life together. You have cause to be worried.

>> No.10180308

>I drink a lot of liquids (sometimes water but mostly juice) and I'm wondering if anyone knows how bad this high sodium intake can be?
Yes, this excess of sodium if pretty bad. It's about five times what an adult male should be having per day; you're essentially consuming a work week's worth of sodium per day.

If you want to become healthy (or at this stage, just not super unhealthy) you've really got to commit to a lifestyle change. One of the best things you can do is track your calories. I personally recommend downloading the MyFitnessPal app for your phone (I have it on my iPod Touch since I've never owned a cellphone) or you can always just use their site on your PC. And if this (online tracking) isn't something you want to do, just do it in a notebook or something. You should be aiming for about 2000 calories a day if you're pretty sedentary but at your weight even dropping from 3500 a day to 2500 will help a lot.

Things that are easy to do that will help:

>go to /fit/ and read their sticky
Lots of good info there and it's a relatively short read.

>try to drink a litre of water per day (one cup [250ml] during each meal at least) and cut down on sugary drinks (this includes milk)
It'll help satiate you and you'll eat less while keeping you hydrated. Sugary drinks are a huge calorie sink and makes a big difference one you cut them out (again, no one is saying you can NEVER have a Coke again).

>learn how to make veggies taste good
Don't be afraid to add garlic powder, onions, etc. to your dishes. You've mentioned that you make stir fry sometimes, and that's a great meal. You can make that in bulk and freeze your leftovers. What I like in mine is steak or chicken breast, green pepper, onion, broccoli, mushrooms (I personally go heavy on the mushrooms for this since I love them) and a bit of olive oil. Add some pepper and garlic powder (I go pretty liberally with the latter) actual garlic if you'd like. It's ridiculously easy and quick, healthy and filling.

>> No.10180314


go to a pharmacy, or schedule a checkup.


These symptoms are only when BP is ridiculously high, and your life is in mortal danger

t. anon who is trying to get his BP under control.

>> No.10180316

He already posted that. 5'6", 270lb. Basically a sphere.

>> No.10180317

I hope this fat fuck kills over. Reading this thread has revealed how lazy and pathetic he is. I have some advice OP, just kill yourself and spare your loved ones having to take care of you when you're bed ridden

>> No.10180318

You’re full of shit. I maybe see one person do this kind of shit once a month. People go in and exercise. You’re making shit up based on shit other people made up based on some famous instagramer from California who was already rich and didn’t have anything to do other than work out. We aren’t idiots who believe everything they read on the internet. We actually go to the gym.

You’re a very unlikable person, you know that? Saying things like “I hope you get everything you want in life and then lose it all” because I showed you the ugliness in the mirror. I gave you a bunch of advice before that, but you don’t care. You’re the one here asking for help and advice, and if we don’t sugar-coat it you turn into a cunty little bag of shit. I’m glad you will die young, because the world will be better off without you. I’m also glad you’re an antisocial loser who will never breed because your manlet genes need to die with you. Enjoy your pizzas and bacon cheeseburgers while you can, because your time is very limited. Anything you do to try and change will last about 3 days at most. That’s why /fit/ told you to fuck off, because they knew you wouldn’t be willing to put in the effort and trying to help you is just a waste of time. Anything someone tells you to do would just be met with excuses why you can’t do it.

>> No.10180325

This is very harsh but he's right, OP. You're making excuses to not get your shit together but you need R. Lee Ermey or someone to crack the whip on your fat ass.

>> No.10180331


I haaaate women in the gym so much especially. My entire life (I am 34 years old) I have been pushed around by women, made fun of, rejected by them and gossiped about. High school is by far my worst memory. Every hot girl I muscled up the courage to ask out rejected me. Then when prom came around I asked my crush if she would go with me. She said yes and told me to pick her up at 7. I was so happy I spent $600 of my money I made over the Summer on a suit and things and when I arrived her father answered and told me she left with someone else an hour before. I went to the prom anyway and when I got there she was with a typical 6'2 jock and when she saw me she said something to her date and a couple other girlfriends she was with and they laughed among themselves I just went home and cried. I screwed up my grades due to the depression of being made fun of by girls so I was only ever to get into community college. I'm 5'6, bald, a little overweight and have a short penis and a fucking wagecuck job making $14 an hour. The only tinder matches I got were to make fun of me. Even in public and in the gym when I went (before I was fat) I notice some women laugh at me or smile in a joking manner. A woman in heels on the subway was probably 6'0 in them and she just looked down and smiled evilly while her 6'5 boyfriend had his arm wrapped around her. I fucking hate women, Valentine's day and how vain and evil society is. Life is not fair. Women are vapid creatures who will never love you. They will just use you and leave you when they find someone better. The only girlfriend I had (who was my fiance eventually) cheated on me for a year with my best friend! Fucking cunts I hate them all!

>> No.10180332


> you never even seen

Quit sounding like a retard bro.

>> No.10180338


Thanks I appreciate you taking the time to type this out you're a very nice person

>> No.10180342


> I hate women in the gym

> goes on how to say he hates women

Fix your life first man, did you ever think you were going after the wrong women? You most certainly are. Fix your life, get YOUR shit together first, then attempt dating.

>> No.10180344

Throwing in with this bunch, OP. I understand this is a very personal issue for you and it's stressful to be conscious of your health when healthier people are around you, but I think your hatred of gym goers is very kneejerk and uneducated. What do you care if they use their phone? Is it really that you hate their attitudes, or do you just get angry and nervous at the gym and take it out on whatever you see nearby? Where does the anger come from? Are you usually judging the character of whatever room you're in wherever you go, or is it just at the gym? What about a gym makes you really conscious and judgemental of other people?

>> No.10180347

Okay so you're scared of fit women because you're fat. Got it.

>> No.10180348

kek my mother and aunt say that sometimes and it drives me nuts. My aunt is a total loser and not that bright but my mother is the opposite which makes it all the more infuriating.

>> No.10180349

Well its clearly not working since you're here begging for advice

>> No.10180356


Listen I didn't just become fat for no reason. Before I was fat I was just a normal dude with lower self esteem but it wasn't that bad. But regardless of what people say, appearances matter. When you have a guy like me who is just 5'6, has a slightly less than average sized penis, balding, society is cruel and evil. People are not born equally, women will never give guys like me a serious chance. My mom died, and my fiance cheated on me with my best friend and then I got fat. Going through her messages I found out that numerous times I kissed her after she blew my best friend or went down on her after she fucked him too which crushed my self esteem and made me want to kill myself. I'm slowly trying to get back on track but sometimes I just want to triple my caloric intake to 9000-12,000 and see how fast I can die. Food is the only pleasure for me left in life and it's so hard to just "switch to eating healthy" because eating healthy usually means eating food which is not as tasty as a double bacon cheeseburger with fries or fish and chips with homemade tartar sauce. So I dunno dude I don't have anything to live for anymore besides my pet bird

>> No.10180359


I'm not scared of them, I just hate them because they are dumb whores who don't contribute anything of value to society besides their looks. They will age and then be useless.

>> No.10180362


I'm 5'8 and 465lbs. Just don't get to my level of obesity. It does not feel good and I think about committing suicide everyday. Drink only water and switch to a pescatarian diet. 2500 calories a day and 1 hour of exercise. You can probably have your weight under control in 1 year.

>> No.10180364

>when you can't go to the gym because you spend all your time there watching and judging every woman with your eyes, writing stories in your head about how they each are evil betrayers in league with a woman who hurt you

>> No.10180366

You're welcome. I also wanted to add that you should really cut out most of the fast food. Not only is it bad for you but it's pretty costly. If you want a burger, go and buy some ground beef and make it yourself; add a pinch of salt and pepper to each side and you'll be in business. You don't need a barbecue or anything either; I'm from Canada and when it gets down to -20 like it was a few weeks ago and I don't feel like going out on my back deck I'll just cook those fuckers on the stove in a frying pan and they still come out nice.

Also from reading the whole thread (I didn't get to these in my first post due to the character limit) I would really seek out a therapist. I'm not talking about throwing you on some meds but I think you would benefit from talk therapy. Your overeating sounds like it's a way to cope with emotional strife and you seem to have some issues with people based on what I've read. You're not a bad dude but you're taking stuff out on yourself in the form of Pizza Hut and Hagan Daz.

>> No.10180367

Why aren't you taking your own advice, anon? Or are you? If so, keep it up.

>> No.10180373

>They're whores because they won't have sex with me even though I don't bring anything to the table except failure


>> No.10180375


Why do you type like this? I'm not OP but it just pisses me off. I go to the gym 3x/week and am fit but the gym culture is also irritating for me which I why I go early in the morning. The whole "when you blah blah blah" meme is just facebooktier trash. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.10180377

What does that have anything to do with decreasing your salt intake. It seems like you came with a simple question but now we've gotten to the heart of the issue and you're spilling your guts and going through stages of grief over it.
I feel for you man, you can do anything you want, seriously. You know eating doesn't make you happier, it's just something you do when you get nervous from what happened. Set that nervousness aside and work on being at peace with yourself, that way you can really decide what you want to do instead of just doing it as a nervous reaction to what bothers you. Good luck and keep up the hard work.

>> No.10180378


They are whores, my ex fiance was one of them

>> No.10180382
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the gym is filled with better human beings than you are.
enjoy your stroke.

>> No.10180383

But women work, give birth, and play a fundamental role in the upbringing of people though.

>> No.10180389


To be honest I've given up. I'm not following my own advice because I don't care anymore. My life has been suffering and pain since the day I was born and there was a time when I was a kid where I almost died and I really wish I did everyday. I'm too cowardly to full on commit suicide by hanging myself or whatever so I eat about 6000 or 7000 calories a day and estimate I have maybe 5-10 years left max. I hate this world.

>> No.10180391


They also play a fundamental role in vanity, the dumb whores reeeee

>> No.10180393

Because the guy just went on a meltdown ranting about how evil women are because someone wanted to know why he didn't go to the gym. Dude keeps a mental image of women he hates, that he pulls up and screams at when someone mentions the gym. I'm not saying there aren't vapid people at the gym, but who cares and how do you even know these people? You shouldn't just begin hating a stranger with all the hate you have for your ex just because you see them take a selfie. Honestly I can't imagine it's ever very healthy to work out while cursing the people around you.

>> No.10180394

Be grateful you didn't marry her. Or else you would be fat, bald, and broke after the divorce settlement

>> No.10180395

So is OP someone who made himself obese in order to deflect away from women and relationships? Seems like it.

>> No.10180397
File: 287 KB, 500x733, 1EF5FC7F-557D-48BC-A14B-8B0B610BF3B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m short and ugly and I hate women because I can’t get a beautiful woman
You’re an idiot. You don’t deserve a beautiful woman. You don’t even have a redeeming personality. Pic related is you.

>> No.10180401

Why does vanity bother you?

>> No.10180404


Because people don't have control over their genetics/how they look and looking down at people because of things beyond their control is evil in its purest form.

>> No.10180414

Things like becoming obese? Why don't you consider women who haven't won the genetic lottery?

>> No.10180424


No things like being short or having an ugly face.

I have they won't consider me

>> No.10180427

Make your own low sodium peperoncini. It's incredibly easy, not at all time-consuming and you get to experiment with different types of peppers.

I could give you a recipe but they're really easy to find on Google ("homemade peperonicini") and my own recipe is just derived from those anyway.

>> No.10180429

Girls do go after short guys if they have confidence to make up for it and your face is something you can fix if you actually try

>> No.10180430

Well you're right, it isn't easy, but I'm getting the vibe that you're pulling out all the stops and mental blocks you possibly can to act hopeless. If you're OP, then you started this thread for advice about your health because you're literally afraid of dying, and now when people look into what the actual issue is, you're doing everything you can to say there's nothing you can do. Your psychology is frustrating and limiting. You'll need to come to terms with this before you can get the results you want.

>> No.10180433

Also when was the last time you met a woman without carrying that baggage about your genetics around?

>> No.10180456
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Its really a fucked up way of approaching it.
its the fucking gym, it absolutely doesnt matter what people are there. at worst they will leave a mess behind with the weights or occupy the stations for too long. thats it. everything else doesnt matter. put on your headphones, blast some DMX or Queen and lift those weights.

the gym is a temple and he's disgracing it with his faggotry.

>> No.10180484

Rminder that your body is a free set of weights and you can work out for free at home any time you want.
OP is a fucking glutton with no self control. Honestly I am surprised you are able to afford to eat that much, since there's no way a sad sack like you can be making very good money. Anyone who needs to be convinced to drink water , which you need TO LIVE AND ARE PROGRAMMED To drink, means OP is fucked in his head wiring.

>> No.10180508


>girls do go after short guys

Lol no

>> No.10180511


This was 100% the best bait

>> No.10180516

Have you ever actually browsed /fit/ or been in a gym? I doubt it because you'd realise that the vast majority of people in both places are just as autistic and have self esteem as low as you, you will fit right in.

>> No.10180518

OP left the thread because no one would enable his selfish narcissism.

>> No.10180524

Stop buying anything you don't have to cook. Only eat what you cook. Cut out all sugary drinks immediately.

>> No.10180534

>wanting to live

>> No.10180552


OP is a troll

>> No.10180633

You’re already dead OP.

>> No.10180639

Dubs don't lie.

>> No.10180803

I am also a fat sack of shit OP, but fuck if all the comments in this thread are you then you need an attitude adjustment way more then weight loss.

Anyway, yes it is hard, I am currently working on it myself. If you dont have the willpower to do a complete turn around then start making small adjustments and move on to more as you go. I know I don't have the will power to make it all the time so I am doing what I can and what I know I can stick with. Cook for yourself every other day, switch to water, if you hate water then get an infuser or drink tea or get those flavor water things and cut back as you get used to drinking it. Healthy things can, and do, taste just as good as the double cheese burger, you are just kinda programmed to think that they aren't.

Take some walks around your workplace during the day. Move some at least. It is hard, I have no self control really and getting it is difficult. Small changes make a difference though.

I understand that food brings you joy, it makes me happy as well and almost all my fondest memories involve food in someway. You can still enjoy food, but stop thinking of healthier choices as the enemy.

>> No.10180871
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skellyfag here

>drink seltzer water in place of juice, add lime or lemon
>stop snacking
>three meals a day, try to lower sodium intake by half
>eat at a very slight calorie deficit (i.e. if you eat 3000 a day, switch to 2800
>don't do drastic changes, it'll have negative health benefits and relapses, it's a slow change
>do low intensity workouts 30-60 mins a day like powerwalking

most importantly, you want to lose weight for YOURSELF, not society's expectation, YOU want to live better in order to feel better. trying to look like everyone else will give you drive but will put you in a shittier mental state.

go at your own pace but make it CONSISTENT

good luck brother, you are not alone in your struggles and I am rooting for you

>> No.10180956

Mate get fitter. Stop being a slave to American sugar products . It'll be hard but worth it . Pro tip: try intermittent fasting

>> No.10181449
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Op needs feminism.

>> No.10183262



>> No.10183460

you're already dead friend. you're just a skin bag at this point.

>> No.10183733


>> No.10184482


Fuck off yuropoor your just jealous we have an abundance of food while youre shithole country is poor and doesnt have a large selection

>> No.10185336

Sorry i'm not english.
At 2017 i weighted more than 320 lbs. Now i am 280 lbs and decreasing everyday.

I eat 5 Times at day, at lounch a dinner eat greens or fish or white meat, on weekend i walk around an hour at day. Everyday i walk to work. I drink carbonated water.
Also i am around 180 cm
I dont want to do this but is necessary for myself. You can do it OP.

>> No.10185437


Thanks I exercise for 1 hour on the treadmill everyday but its so hard to eat better

>> No.10185445

No it’s not. You’re just a weak sack of shit with no self control.

>> No.10185452


Fuck you you don't know my life

>> No.10185616

"will I die?" Yes we all die. Including you. There's nothing you can do about it. All you can do is give yourself a little more/less time where you are healthy and can function in life.

>> No.10185634
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Is the treadmill at your house or at the gym?
If it doesn't take a future investment, the bicycle machines tend to be more efficient. My walking speed is slow as fuck, and I can't really run. You burn about 100 calories per mile walked/run pretty much regardless of current weight, which I can do in about 6 minutes on the bike if I set it to something reasonably difficult. Then again the bike might be different for you because I'm like 400 pounds, but look into the math.

>> No.10185638

>I am not responsible for my actions and decisions because I’m sad

>> No.10185658
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You're underestimating your calories. Time to diet and get help. Come join us in /fat/ on >>>/fit/

>> No.10185661

He already tried fit and got pissy because people made fun of him and told him to fuck off in the thread he made, because apparently his questions about losing weight weren’t answered in the sticky and there were no appropriate threads for the questions he was asking. He’s a special snowflake.

>> No.10185666

Christ, I just read his post again. He claims he eats between 3500-4000 calories per day but by my estimation from looking at that he must be more in the 7000-8000 range.

>> No.10185678

>it's so hard to eat better

No it's not. You're just addicted to food and you're killing yourself because of it

>> No.10185702

What kind of caloric intake does a 400 pound person need to maintain weight? Surely 4000 is way off.

>> No.10185713

Probably 4000-5000. More if they're active, but I'd imagine that very few are outside of wrestling freak shows.

>> No.10185747

The sodium probably isn't being flushed out of your body quickly enough if you're eating a lot of it in 1-2 hours. Just snack on something that tastes salty but doesn't have as much sodium. Celery and sriracha, brothy soups (miso for example), or even tomatoes seasoned with salt and basil.

>> No.10185780


Youre being very evil..

>> No.10185785


This is legitimately the saddest post in this thread. I usually hate fat people but I genuinely feel sorry for you. Please seek out professional help. Good luck dude.

>> No.10185800


>> No.10185815

>the people who go are vain cunts.
you have some serious problems, weight aside. Stop focusing on other people and focus on fixing yourself, you fuck.
You obviously don't care enough to fix yourself, no wonder /fit/ told you to fuck off. You want someone to save you but the truth is everyone is drowning and no one can reach out a spare arm for you. Everyone has to swim on their own. Welcome to life, start treading.
No, I agree with him. Shakes and such can easily hit over 1k alone depending on WHERE he got the food from. He's 5k+ daily of food intake. Gonna die an early fat death at this rate if he doesn't stop soon.

>> No.10185844


>> No.10185873



>> No.10185875


The person you quoted is another obese person and not op dumbass

>> No.10185882

not like it matters, fat people don't have souls or personalities, so why differentiate between them?

>> No.10185890

I wasn't shitposting. Let's break it down based on what he says that he eats:

>3 fried eggs (80 cals per large egg), 2 strips bacon (75 per slice assuming regular cut and he isn't using the grease to cook his eggs in), 1 turkey sausage (no idea but I'll assume 100 cals), melted cheese toast (lets assume two slices at 150 per) and a waffle (I assume there's syrup, too - lets say that's 300 cals), chocolate milk (170 cals per cup 250ml cup) and orange juice (140 cals per 250ml cup) --- lets also add a teaspoon of butter to cook those eggs in (another 25 or so cals)

Right there is 1450 calories and we've not even hit noon.

Lunch (we'll assume he's doing his burger combo):
>My go to is a bacon cheeseburger (one patty I'll assume and we'll be at about 700 cals) with fries (250 cals I'll guess), regular size doritos (never eat these but I'll assume 250 cals) and a coke (one can is 130 cals I believe).

That's 1330 for lunch. So far we're at 2780 and we've not even hit his mega meal.

Dinner (go with pizza combo and will assume that he eats it all since he usually does I'm betting):
>Order a large pepperoni pizza (easily 1500 cals but I'll say 1750 as a nice number), ranch (one tablespoon is 50 cals so lets assume four tablespoons for 200 cals), with wings (at least 500) and garlic cheese bread (assume three slices at 150 per for a total of 450). I don't always finish all of it (tack on 50 cals for lying)

Dinner was 2950 and now we're at 5730 and we've not even included dessert.

A slice of chocolate cake (350 cals - no idea what he calls a "slice" though) and half a pint of Ben and jerry's rocky road (that's premium shit and I'll estimate that's 500 cals right there)

Dessert is 850. Add that to the other shit and we're now at 6580. I have no idea what those pepperonicis things are but I'll just guess they're 220 cals for a nice even total of 6800 calories for the day and that's assuming that he doesn't consume any other calories.

>> No.10185895

Oh durr. My bad.

>> No.10185909

A little bit of really hot hot sauce is good on carrots and celery.

>> No.10185970


3 peperoncinis have 10 calories dude. They are just pickled peppers

>> No.10185975

Like I said, I had never heard of them. Didn't seem worth Googling considering everything else isn't going to suddenly become that much less horrible if we knock off about 200 calories.

>> No.10187818

Cut up potatoes, carrots, onions and maybe broccoli florets. Cover those bad boys in olive oil, salt and pepper. If you're feeling dangerous throw in onion/garlic powder and cayenne. Bake whatever amount you have for 30-45 minutes until preferred doneness. Flip them around halfway through so they get evenly baked and don't stick as much. 400 degrees F.

>> No.10189567

Not bait, but I'm 30 years old, 6' even, and 510 pounds. What's my life expectancy?

>> No.10189723

I wish I could eat 2/3 as much as you so I could bulk up. Fuck eating that much must take so much time. I eat 2 burgers and some chicken nuggets once a day at McD's on average.

>> No.10189734

Fuck, I feel sorry for you. I don't really have any advice. That really sucks. Maybe try eating less and cooking yourself so you can savor food more.

>> No.10189743

Man go kill yourself. Being born 5'6" is a death sentence. I'm 5'11" and have fucked a bunch of girls despite having an awful personality.

>> No.10189767
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How the fuck do you eat this much dude.
I'll cook 2 eggs into an omelette around 3pm and that's it for the day. What the ever loving fuck.

>> No.10189877

Ok so I’m actually thin but what you just described doesn’t sound excessive to me. It sounds normal. However I usually eat one meal a day. But yeah I see how a size 14 is the new average in America.

>> No.10189903

I’m not sure you understand the point. Also, being 5’6 isn’t a death sentence. One of my friends who is 5’4 gets the most pussy out of everyone I ever knew. He’s got a decent face but he’s charismatic and halarious. My point was that op is short, fat, and ugly, yet he hates women because the beautiful ones ignore him. He’s ugly and he should be going after ugly women.

>> No.10189950

t. twig

Maybe you two should do fat vs thin

>> No.10190177

A regular bag of chips will last me a week, you went through one as a side dish for lunch.

You're not gonna stay under 300 lbs for long.

>> No.10190180

wow its nothing

>> No.10190225
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>go to doctor
>get prescribed Lipitor

>> No.10190465


>1 bag of chips for 1 week

So they just become stale and shitty. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.10190466


Maybe you shouldn't be a complete and total pussy

>> No.10190815


>> No.10190920

He said he went on the treadmilll for an hour a day, lay off

>> No.10190928

Seriously? What's the deal man, can't accept reality?

>> No.10190972

if you're actually /fat/ eating 4000 calories a day won't do much to worsen it since your metabolism increases to burn it away faster. everyone has a soft weight cap and the only way to get fatter beyond that point is to consistently raise your intake.

>> No.10190974


>> No.10190992

larping at it's finest

>> No.10191203

>but I don't finish it all
I'm throwing in with >>10185890 >>10185666 , when someone asks you what you have for dinner and you say 'I order a...' that means you do it every night, and I don't see leftovers anywhere on that list. Either you eat everything in one night or you snack on your leftovers all throughout the day, which is to say that you do finish it. I know you don't throw anything away.

>> No.10191220

It won't kill you if you are lucky, and if it kills you you are unlucky. You are just more likely to be unlucky than lucky by a whole damn lot, from your description of your eating habit.

>> No.10191263

this. depressed people dont usually overeat. the opposite is more common

t. depressed and always somehwere around the underweight line bmi

>> No.10191718

Everyone dies. #yolo

>> No.10191741

If you're having trouble overeating try sunflower seeds. They helped me with the same problem.

>> No.10192822


Look at the trips autist

>> No.10193489

I'm 6' and a hundred and five lbs
depression is the worst way to go about losing weight

>> No.10193568

This is basically what my diet looked like for the past 10 years except instead of chocolate milk and cake I had soda. Just get off of your ass and start working out.

>> No.10193781

Buy a sack of rice, a rice cooker, soy sauce, and cabbage. You can eat this every meal for the rest of your life. Trust me, I'm 5'9" and 110 pounds.

>> No.10193794

And potatoes.

>> No.10193804

Enjoy your mineral and vitamin deficiencies and permanent fragile tiny stick figure body.

>> No.10193839

Seems to me that you're as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside anon.

>> No.10193935

why does every single thread where people post their ridiculous eating habits have like a dozen others come in and say things like 'oh I couldn't possibly eat that teehee' or 'wtf I only eat a single egg every day'? are you all literal women or something?

>> No.10193962

diet tips pls

>> No.10194003

6'0 240lbs here
Yes, you are most likely risking your life eating all that shit, especially on a daily basis. I lost 10 pounds throughout December-January simply by barely eating that much of the type of stuff you eat, although it took awhile because it usually just stagnates for awhile.
Also, stop drinking soda completely. Sugars are the main reason for weight gain.

>> No.10194060


thot detected

>> No.10194065


It's worse on youtube.



I fucking hate these people so much

>> No.10194066

You need to change your life around or you are fucked my man.

>> No.10194134

kek I've noticed it too, I'm basically normal weight/healthy but I could eat all that shit if I really wanted to without any issues, I probably wouldn't feel too good afterwards but it wouldn't be some kind of herculean task where my life was on the line or anything

>> No.10194150

I did it in 6 months (landwhale with mantits to skinny azn boipussi) OP just won't even commit to that

>> No.10194307

Because it's literally true. His breakfast is more than I would eat in one day. People are legitimately shocked that someone would willingly eat that much.

>> No.10194311

>I definitely eat at least 3000 minimum a day

try 6000

>> No.10194925


3 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 turkey sausage and 1 piece of toast with some cheese and a waffle is more than you would eat in 1 day? You are either poor, anorexic or a woman. That breakfast sounds delicious and for a regular person such as myself who works out 3x per week for 45 minutes I eat a similar breakfast everyday, replace the chocolate milk with black coffee and I prefer my eggs scrambled with chives on the toast. His breakfast is probably the only good thing he fucking eats.

>> No.10194997
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We'll all day one day, anon.

>> No.10195001

>reverse image search
Pls go back

>> No.10195014

>reverse image search

>> No.10195021
File: 211 KB, 640x640, JealousSlightCopperhead.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10195025

I'm a fatfuck who weighs 270lbs and I'll make a bag of chips last a week too

What the fuck man

>> No.10195087


Jesus christ she could suck your dick and lick the back of your head at the same time

>> No.10195101


I'm 320lbs and I go through industrial sized bags of potato chips from costco in 2 days You're just a pussy fuck you!

>> No.10195502

omae wa mou shindeirou

>> No.10195742

Because he has the diet of an obese man and it's literally killing him to the point where he wants to know if he's going to die?

>> No.10195935

Just a random dude with higher expectations of his species. Being full of hatred is not a quality anon.

>> No.10195937

You already let's die

>> No.10195943

Well do you get pains in your chest that you are pretending are from your lungs and not your heart? I had a fat roommate that had chest pains all the time and he would insist that it was a lung infection and he ate tons of salty foods until he had a mild heart attack and the doctor told him he was going to die soon if he kept it up, it was a while ago so he's probably dead now.

>> No.10195960

you're fine as long as you keep sugar down