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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10169557 No.10169557 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite/best hunger suppressant?

I can't afford to eat every day, despite working 2 jobs. Usually have a bottle of honey that lasts me about a month, and take milk from the company's coffee supplies. Warm up the milk, drop in some honey, and chug it. Keeps me satisfied for about half the day.

What cheap tactics do you use to skip meals?

>> No.10169570

Dicks because I'm not vegan. When there's a dick in my mouth I stop thinking about my next meal. I'm gay like most omnivores btw.

>> No.10169575

>2 jobs
>cant afford to eat

>> No.10169576

Congratulations mate. Your parents must be so proud.

>> No.10169579

Nigger where tf do you live

>> No.10169582

Feeding family is more important than feeding myself. Between rent, electricity, child support, and supporting my parents, I've got nothing left to buy myself a nice burger or whatever.

>> No.10169584

Be honest with us.
How much crack money does the baby mommas need?

>> No.10169591

>child support
you have fucked up

>> No.10169593

South Africa
Actually, my kid is in a foster home until I can afford to look after her myself. Drop half my salary from the first job into the home so I know she'll at least eat. Baby momma just up and vanished.

>> No.10169601


>> No.10169606

Shits more expensive than honey mate. And honey tastes better anyway.

>> No.10169619

Sounds like the thing you should be eating is a bullet

>> No.10169626

Agreed. I'll be doing that once my daughter is old enough to look after herself. For now tho, gotta get through the days.

>> No.10169629

>eating bug puke

>> No.10169630

Honey is really expensive. Rice and beens dude. My local krogers sell almost out of date veggies packaged up for .99 for a variety.

>> No.10169636

I don't have much advice but I hope your situation works out it sounds rough. If you're able to spare x amount of dollars each week I'm sure some angry /CK/ users will school you on how long you can make it last

>> No.10169639

Damn, sorry OP. Coffee and a cigarette?
Try to get some vitamins and a protein supplement maybe?
nuts or lentils are cheap where I live, have lots of calories and protein, maybe give you more energy.
honestly, fuck it, eat out of trashcans, ive found barely eaten good food that way.
you guys still smoke quaaludes over there? goodluck dude

>> No.10169655

Well a 5kg bag of rice here costs 75, and feeds me for 10 meals. A 1kg honey from the farm costs 100 and suppresses 22 meals. Our local grocers are usually more than happy to sell expired goods at full price. They'd rather throw it out than sell it cheaper.

Exchange rate is 13 to the dollar at the moment for reference.

Well, I'm usually pulling about 150 a month for my food budget. It's just a little over 10 dollars or so

>> No.10169673

Nah I skip coffee. Makes you hungry. And don't wanna waste my money on cigarettes either.

I've tried dumpster diving before, but yeilds are pretty poor around here, and people get really pissy in the suburbs. But grass is plentiful, and doesn't go down half bad after being boiled. Very filling.

>> No.10169736

Hey man here's some tips on eating if you have the $30/week

- pasta is enriched. It's practically multivitamins.
- potatoes, if they're cheap for you, will keep you alive just about forever
- get a pork picnic shoulder butt on sale. It's like $10 for 10 lb. Use the bone for stock.
- vegetables are worthless, they're too expensive
- chicken thighs are great too
- dry rice
- dry beans

>> No.10169762

Pork isn't that cheap around here hey. But the potatoes sounds like a good idea though. I'll look into what it costs around here. Maybe get a garbage bin to grow it myself whenever I can.

>> No.10169786


>Vegetables are worthless, they're too expensive

The honest to god truth right here and it's a fucking shame. I can get 10 pounds of chicken or pork for the cost of a handful of fresh green beans. Shit's ridiculous. There are a few exceptions but its surprising just how much veggies cost, even if you buy them canned/frozen it still costs 5x more per pound than your proteins will.

>> No.10169796
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>> No.10169815

You seem like a good guy. I'm surprised you haven't killed yourself, I hope things get better. Are you sure you're making the rice properly? I spent a while eating 300 grams of cooked rice per meal, which tended to involve turning 1kg of dry rice into about 2kg of cooked rice.

If you're cooking it properly and letting it absorb the water, I feel like it's still a better option than eating just grass and honey. Doubly so if you're getting enriched rice. I mean, if you can stomach the grass anyway, you could even supplement with that. But cooked rice always felt more filling than it was to me. I lived on pretty much nothing but rice [with the occasional pint of ice cream so I didn't kill myself] for 8 months.

>> No.10169818

Also, if you take some of that milk from work, and some leftover honey, you can make something that's actually kind of nice. I did that sometimes too.

>> No.10169835
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kill and eat your parents

>> No.10169928

I don't really have any good advice but you seem neat OP, good luck

>> No.10169943

Bruh you can buy canned vegetables at Wal-Mart for $0.38 each. I hope for your own sake you're taking a multivitamin.

OP my girlfriend's mom used to eat hot sauce packets to curb her appetite. Go to taco bell and get some for free and try it.

>> No.10169957

>Anon is starving in South Africa
>Moron tells him to go to Walmart and Taco Bell

>> No.10169965

Oatmeal sticks to the ribs. So do eggs. Any kind of porridgy soup you can mock up, from a teaspoon of bouillon granules with a bit of veg and rice. Top with oil and bread, I guess, if you can't meat. Chapati bread can be made at home, which is what most indian families do, a bit of water, a bit of flour, a touch of oil plus folding and you get delicious flaky kulcha. Watch some videos how to make it. Maybe you could keep a chicken in the yard and get eggs on the regular.

>> No.10169993

>Anon is broke as fuck in South Africa
>Well intentioned feller suggests he purchases diverse foods and start keeping livestock

What the fuck, /ck/¿

Water, mostly. If you've access to as much as you can drink, filling your stomach with water can help keep it from eating its own lining...

What do you eat? I'm curious as to what your 150 brings home

>> No.10169996

how the fuck is this nigger asking for online advice on a vietnamese tapestry forum when he is eating grass as a meal?

>> No.10169998
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He's got a phone. Big whoop, you wanna fight about it?

>> No.10170009

I satisfy my hunger by not living in a 3rd world shithole that requires me to have two low paying jobs where I rely on tips to keep me alive. Sorry that you were born in America, anon.

>> No.10170018
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I use my mouth fedora. Yummy fruity flavors at a moments notice. Stay mad normies.

>> No.10170058

well, similar to the anon who advised meth; diphenhydramine (benadryl, allergy pills, sleep pills, motion sickness pills) or any sort of antihistamine can curb hunger but also set you up for over indulgence (you'll feel less full if you eat alot) but it greatly suppresses hunger in return for it's "recreational" effects. also very cheap, 600pills for ~$7

>> No.10170134

Why haven't you been growing food all along? Why do I get the feeling that you've created more problems for yourself than necessary? Why are you on a cooking forum, teasing yourself with pictures of delicious food, when you know you won't be eating them anytime soon?

>> No.10170176
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gas station snack "food"

>> No.10170184

I've been told that if you fast for several days you kinda just stop being hungry for a while. Haven't tried it myself so take it with a grain of salt, as it were. Probably a bad idea if you're borderline starving already, though, which it kinda sounds like.

>> No.10170216

>5kg bag of rice
>10 meals

>> No.10170234

>5kg bag of rice only lasts you 10 meals
>claims to eat 1.5 kilos of cooked rice per meal
>claims to be satisfied by replacing that with a glass of milk and honey

Fuck off you lying fatty.

>> No.10170241

what did he mean by this

>> No.10170250

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

OP is a fatty trying to eat less and made up this story because he's embarrassed.

>> No.10170253

5kg of rice has around 18,000 calories
1kg of honey has 3,000

>> No.10170266


>> No.10170269

I was homeless for several months with almost no money and didn't eat properly the entire time. It's true for a while and you stop feeling that intense hunger but over time it starts building up to a point where all you can think about is how hungry you are.
Went from 22 to 17 BMI in 4 months

>> No.10170274

He's saying that you are a bad liar OP.

>> No.10170280

i'm not op but 5kg of rice has nowhere close to 18k calories

>> No.10170284

calories are a measurement of energy in food
adult men require around 2000-3000 calories per day to maintain their weight
this obviously changes depending on how much energy you expend

There are a lot of considerations to food, like the micronutrients it contains, protien, etc, but if you're just trying to not starve, calories/$ is the only relevant question.

Rice, by your prices, is 6 times cheaper per calorie.

>> No.10170286

Raw , yes

>> No.10170295
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>> No.10170296

Yes it does you fucking muppet

>> No.10170297
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Did you forget that rice is sold uncooked retard?

>> No.10170304
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give me the link to that nigger retarded site

>> No.10170311

So it's 5k cooked, which isn't what he was talking about.

>> No.10170312

Can't see the weight of the rice on there or that it's uncooked you fucking retard

>> No.10170314

>runs up 32 tabs desperately trying to find the perfect picture to prove he is not retarded
>the picture he settles on doesn't even give the weight of the amount of rice used.

Hahaha, you are so stupid.

>> No.10170315
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>> No.10170327

There was a period of like 3 weeks when I survived mostly sugar from the office kitchen. I slept there too since i was homeless. Nobody ever found out somehow.

>> No.10170338

I hope your daughter didn't inherit your retard genes, OP.

>> No.10170343

heh i'm a retard i searched for cooked rice

>> No.10170348

i'm not op you autist

>> No.10170358

Kek, didn't notice his 32 tabs. Anon must be buttblasted.

>> No.10170361

why not just buy sugar if you're eating empty calories

>> No.10170365

OP is a fat guy who doesn't want us to know he's fat.

>> No.10170368

your mom dude, i just don't like bookmarking on my phone so instead i keep tabs open you inbred

>> No.10170394
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Sure you aren't. That's why the timezone matches perfectly. >>10170304

>> No.10170398

Frozen veggies are cheap as fuck where I live and the grocery store I go to usually has good deals of you but them in bulk.

>> No.10170404

if you look closely my google ends in .ro though

>> No.10170409


Well that explains a lot.

>> No.10170417

Damn. Dude. Have you thought about starting a Kickstarter campaign or something? I mean I know you are not asking here for that kind of help but it seems that you are doing mighty amount of work and it still doesn't necessarily allow you to actually get a living for yourself and everyone you care about.

>> No.10170420

>heh i was wrong but i'm so insecure i'll instead personally attack you
good job retard

>> No.10171086

I used to eat pieces of paper in my grade 9 class. I know it's bad but worked like a charm

>> No.10171510

If you're white, I pity you friend.

>> No.10171519

OP, read Ayn Rand.
It'll cure you of your problems by giving your money away to others.

>> No.10171587

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18


>> No.10171610

>hurr hurr I'm so mature and Christlike look how many sacrifices I've made for others!
You might be over 18 but you've failed to reach mental maturity.

>> No.10171797

Oh look, babby's first pseudo intellectual author! You go babby!

>> No.10171841

salad with lots of oil

>> No.10171847

We already have a mud cookie thread.

>> No.10171860

Sign up for an EBT card

>> No.10171873

coffee or tea

>> No.10171896

1.5 time 10 is 15, not 5, you mongoloid.

>> No.10172009

Maybe not have kids if you can't even afford to feed yourself you fucking mong

>> No.10172017


Just eat cleaner consistently. You can stuff yourself with steamed brassica and never get fatter from it.

>> No.10172051

look for corn flour. save for a 50 pound sack or 40 or 25. they are cheap and will make tortillas with some water and salt if you get fancy. raid local shops for sugar, salt and pepper packages, napkins and soap from bathroom dispensers at Wal-Mart. look at foraging sites for berries or fruit in local parks or places. cactus pads will grow in just about any conditions and all you need to do is clean the spines and cook them. they grow pretty fast and you can propagate them for free. same with lemons (one season a year) and figs(looooong term) pick acorns and process them for flour and make flapjacks. you can get doves with a large rubber band and packing staples. if you have access to a lake or river figure out if there is any kind of crappie fish in it because they can be harvested easily, fast and are generally non desirable. stop being hungry OP. it's not that hard

>> No.10172055
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I pity you and anyone who talks to you if you like Ayn Rand and are over the age of 18

>> No.10172066

I pity your parents when you are still living with them in your 30's.

>> No.10172299

>5kg bag of rice feeds me for 10 meals

Are you the incredible fucking hulk or something?

>> No.10172303


>> No.10172309

Not the person you quoted, but I believe they're doing a rough approximation of cooked weight.

One portion of rice = 500g (5Kg / 10)
To cook it, you'd need twice that weight in water (1 litre)
Meaning that the total weight of cooked rice per meal is about 1.5Kg, or about five fucking pounds.

>> No.10172344
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•ive drank hot sauces b4 ..
•hot water helps too...
•u can buy a head of lettuce for ~1$;
•check & c if theres a bag of frozen lean drumsticks for ~5$ usually has around ~13 drumsticks
•eggs r nice & cheap too, value buy & watch the unit price

>> No.10172372

>South Africa
Starvation doesn't seem so bad now. Good luck, 2018 is going to be rough.

>> No.10172400

>butter and/or coconut oil
>blend together

Yummy and filling desu

>> No.10172406
File: 26 KB, 713x611, cig apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee and cigs are hungry-suppressants, lad.
they're also expensive compared to food. hah

>> No.10173097

>Between rent, electricity, child support, and supporting my parents,

Assuming you're not trolling...
>You sired a bastard child who is now in foster care.
>Logically, you must live in an apartment with your parents.
>Somehow, your parents have no savings or income or stocks or social security or benefits.
>Somehow, despite that your parents live with you, they can't afford to look after your child.

If you're trolling, you've done pretty well.
If you're real, oh boy oh boy have you fucked up the one and only life you have.

>> No.10173390

>South Africa
I hope you're not white. If you are, get the fuck out of there before its too late.

>> No.10173414

>savings, etc

you have no idea how quickly you can burn through money, even if you have pension, social security and medicare. the phrasing "supporting my parents" doesn't mean slipping them 20 bucks to go see a movie. it means he's probably taking care of them medically as well as financially. i'm telling you, you haven't the slightest clue how expensive end of life can be.

>> No.10173658

This. Id disappear off the face of the earth before i let myself be a slave.

>> No.10173673

Anything you buy at a gas station is going to be way more expensive.

>> No.10173698

go to the food bank

>> No.10173709

Anon was clearly making jest

>> No.10173717
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ignore the telly. if I don't feel like cooking I just have a litre of this

>> No.10173725

>food bank
>south africa
Better off downloading your consciousness into a robot body.

>> No.10173728

5/6 times cheaper really, 5kg of honey is 15,000 cal

>> No.10173732

OP, if you genuinely cannot afford to eat then you need to reach out to either a food bank or get governmental assistance. There is no shame in either of those options, everyone has to eat.

>> No.10173739

You're admirable good luck anon I usually go for a rice bowl and warm water

>> No.10173828

Coffwee and green tea
Dipping tobacco

I do intermittent fasting and this works for me

>> No.10173843


>> No.10174002
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>> No.10174109

>What cheap tactics do you use to skip meals?
Forgetfulness and high hunger pain tolerance. I just forget to eat then when my stomach starts bugging me I ignore it half the time.

I don't really do this intentionally. I really need to stop.

>> No.10174184
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>I can't afford to eat every day
what the fuck man

>> No.10174301

Hi guys, OP here. I seriously thought this thread was dead early on after 5 or so replies, stopped checking around then.

First off, thank you so much to all those who offered meaningful and helpful advice. I can't express how much it's appreciated. You guys are really a great bunch.

To clarify a few things:
Why Im under such financial strain: father was sole breadwinner in the house for a long time. Wife and I worked to support us, father and mother lived on their own. Father had a stroke, took all his savings and mine for hospital bills, he can't work anymore but he's still a fully functional adult. He's 56 years old this year. When he had the stroke, wife and I had an argument about me taking our savings to pay part of my parents hospital bills, and took off, saying I can have the kid, but she took the car. No divorce, nothing, just up and vanished. I couldn't afford the kid alone, her grand parents on ex-wife's side took her in for a week, daughter would have new bruises every other night, caught them beating the shit out of her one night, fucked them up, and they sued me for assault, I pressed charges for child abuse. Child abuse case was thrown out of court (the old man probably paid a bribe), court ruled that I'm not financially stable enough to care for the child, and state took her. so I found a foster home that offers decent schooling and sent her there, court said that's fine. I try to visit her every day if I can.

Food situation:
Priced some potatoes and wheat flour in bulk. I can get 15kg of flour for 140, and the dude on the corner selling potatoes said I can have a 10kg bag of potatoes if I cut his grass for him once a week. Hell, it's something. Figured I can probably extract the sucrose from the potatoes and evaporate it down to make sugar, bake some cookies and sell them here and there when I'm not chowing down on them. Pay day is in 3 days, so that's where it's going to.

Again thanks to everyone for your overwhelming support. You guys are great

>> No.10174307

>Nobody ever found out somehow.
They absolutely did, they just felt so sorry for you they didn't say anything. I was in a similar situation, and thought I was fooling everyone by sleeping in an office that was used as storage for old furniture(those lobby couches were surprisingly comfy) and showering in the office bathroom before everyone got in for the day. Years later, I talked to someone who used to work there at the same time and he told me everybody knew I was sleeping there but didn't have the heart to say anything.

>> No.10174558

This isn't /b/, dicker. Everything posted on /ck/is true.

>> No.10174974

shot of olive oil with apple cider vinegar

>> No.10174987

>What's your favourite/best hunger suppressant?

>> No.10174997

Pimp out your mom.

>> No.10175440

>Figured I can probably extract the sucrose from the potatoes
Is that weekend science project something South Africans just casually do? Is this a troll?

>> No.10175515

Damn, that's a pretty shitty situation. I can only offer some nutritional advice- potato is going to be the way to go in this situation. Not many people are aware that potato contain a large amount of keto acids, which are building block proteins the body can use to turn into amino acids.
The thing is keto acids aren't counted in the usual summary of amino acids in foods. So actually potatoes are much more of a complete food than people realize. It's best to cook them really well, boil the fuck out of them for maximum digestibility, then you can fry or bake them for some nice browned flavor.

"Most people do not realize that potatoes are a good source of quality protein. The very high value of "potato protein" is better than the egg yolk, because there is material besides the actual protein that functions as protein--keto acids. Potato’s keto acids are the equivalent of the essential amino acids. In the body, ammonia is added to keto acids, turning them into amino acids.

According to nutrition researcher, Ray Peat, PhD., “Two pounds of well-cooked mashed potato has the protein value similar to a liter of milk, about 33 grams of protein. A person would be able to live for a long time on two or three liters of either milk or 4-6 pounds of potatoes per day. The milk drinker would eventually need to supplement iron, the potato eaters would need to supplement vitamin A, possibly B12, but both of them are nearly perfect foods.”
The well cooked white potato also contains numerous vitamins and minerals including: vitamins C, D, K, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, choline, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iron and zinc. The potato lacks adequate Vitamin A and B12." - Kate Deering

Now as far as appetite suppression in general, underrating lowers thyroid function over time, so I would be trying to get as many cals as you can rather than avoiding eating. Best of luck to you.

>> No.10175606 [DELETED] 

rice. for me it's like 20c for a meal. one or two meals a day. takes me 30mins to prepare

>> No.10175647

>a 5kg bag of rice here costs 75, and feeds me for 10 meals.
nigger wtf
that would get me for 25 meals

>One portion of rice = 500g (5Kg / 10)
one portion is half that tho

here's the rice pasta
>have a pan (mine are teflon tefal and ceramic one, don't know about cast iron etc) and a lid to cover it with
>put the pot on heat and put a little cooking oil in it (maybe 3-4 teaspoons, not sure i measure on sight) but definitely notice a little
>leave the oil to heat (sunflower oil btw)
>have about a tea cup of rice (~200g?)
>have hot water to clean the rice in
>wash it 2 or 3 times
>put it on a plate without any water to let it air and dry for about 5 minutes in room temperature
>now make sure the oil in the pan is REALLY HOT - I mean liquid like (assuming it was a bit denser when you first put it in the pan)
>if it is turn DOWN the heat to min and pour the rice in it
>stir for about 20 minutes on LOW heat until the rice becomes semi transparent and starts to colour a little (but before it becomes orange like, don't burn it)

>> No.10175655

>prepare water in another utensil, 2-3 times the amount of rice, let it boil
>if you stirred the rice all the time you may eventually notice it changed a little, stirring it will feel different to you than in it did in the beginning
>when the water is boiling add a bit of salt
>and pour the water into the pan with the rice
>now COVER (put the lid on) the pan and leave the rice to boil in it on very LOW heat for about half an hour
>do NOT take the lid of the pan, let the steam stay inside even after it is cooked!
>after the 30 minutes [to boil], turn off the heat and leave the pan to rest for another 30* minutes - keep the steam inside
after that you can finally take the lid from the pan and enjoy your fresh rice meal
tomato juice goes extremely well with it (but it would depend on where you get it from / how it's made i guess)

AGAIN I can't emphasise enough - leave the pot covered the whole time even after it's cooked.

It would be also very good if you have some wool or hard cotton rag to put on the lid of the pan while it's cooking and to wrap it around the pan when it's done to keep it warm.
* if you have one, you can leave it for 1h

basically stir washed rice in already hot oil on low heat, add the salted water, put the lid on and leave it to boil on low heat, when cooked leave to rest for about 30mins then take the lid off

>> No.10175656

>>wash it 2 or 3 times
>wasting precious starch calories

>> No.10175658 [DELETED] 

it messes the end effect of the 'frying' i'm personally after afaik

>> No.10175661

it messes the end effect of the 'frying' i'm personally after afaik
but then again im not a starving nigger

anyway cooked like this one meal (raw 250g?) a day is enough for me
or at most two, morning and evening

>> No.10175668

>>prepare water in another utensil, 2-3 times the amount of rice, let it boil
actually the water is about 1 litre for this [200-250g] cup (i should really weigh it)

>> No.10175702

These things are cheap and will keep you going
You need meat too - go to a butchers and buy it in bulk if you want to save money

>> No.10175725

>savings or income or stocks or social security or benefits
>in South Africa
Get a load of this guy.
I don't live there anymore thankfully but good fucking luck to anyone who thinks they can get that if they're a poorfag in that shithole. Unless you make it to upper middle class your life is over in that country and it can only get worse.

>> No.10175729

OP what I want to know is if you're not larping why aren't you just getting yourself some pap and corn/sous? Literally the food the working class is raised on, and 100x cheaper than any other suggestions you're going to get on here. Are you a liar or just retarded?

>> No.10175767

should have killed them and gotten to eat in prison

>> No.10175774

I can't see much of your hand but I can tell by this picture you have very small, girlish hands. I bet your wrists are very weak as well. How does it feel to be a cowardly wimp?

>> No.10175810

>South Africa
I'm sorry dude. Good luck and try your best to stay alive. Try and see if you can get the fuck outta there though.

>> No.10176027

he can substitute meat with eggs or beans

>> No.10176834
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>all this advice assuming he is from burgerlabd
lmao, burgers really think they're the only ones using this shithole?

>> No.10176843

>Well a 5kg bag of rice here costs 75, and feeds me for 10 meals
What the fuck you eat half kilogram of rice per meal?

>> No.10177440

I have the opposite problem
I need a natural way to increase my appetite, I'm trying to bulk from skellymode and I just can't fit all those calories into myself.
>inb4 weed
Weed gives me bad dissociative flashbacks.

>> No.10177451


>> No.10177457

Why so poor? Where?

>> No.10177505

I want a nice ebony wife. For 1000 USD can I buy and fuck her?

>> No.10177511

Take some Lactobacillus in pills and greek yogurth

>> No.10177526

God, I really need an appetite suppressant. Overeating is way too easy for me and I don't really ever feel satisfied.

>> No.10177553

Eat a lot of fat.

>> No.10177558

Drink water. Stop sugar you will get soon diabetes pendejo africano de mierda

>> No.10177568

Nigger this cannot be real. If it is please tell me everyone in the family is making sacrifices and just you.

What's your job btw?

>> No.10177582

>not vegan

>> No.10177592

A bag of pap is like R12 and makes 40 meals. Fuck off

>> No.10177602

Not OP but yea we smoke ludes... Call em mandrax. Shit's cash.

>> No.10177645

No one's listening to you dude...

>> No.10177663


>> No.10178654

Peanuts or nuts in general are pretty filling as a snack. Just get inexpensive ones and eat a handful here and there. Also switch to a protein heavy diet, once adjusted you are full as fuck. Also hard boiled eggs are cheap, keep for a few days, and filling snacks.

>> No.10180086

>can't even afford to be zef
Anon is in the worst timeline.

>> No.10180093

I dunno what soil is like, but if you have 4 sq feet you can buy a few potatoes and plant the eyes in a tire filled with dirt, you can grow a lot of them. Just keep stacking tires and repeat.

>> No.10180351

Dietary fiber. Capsaicin (red hot chili pepper) supresses apetite.

>> No.10180385

>implying a nig would be paying child support
>implying a nig would have TWO jobs

>> No.10181518
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6 ounces of pepperoni for $2

good keto snack/meal


brewed texas ice sweet tea

that's a good dinner

>> No.10181721
File: 31 KB, 696x503, SouthAfricanStub-696x503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lentils and beans
(try growing your own if you have property)
>Mopani worms
>chicken feet

For in-between meals try drinking mageu, should fill you up better than honey and milk.

Where in ZA are you OP? I'm in joburg and could try help you.

>> No.10181731

How can you be vegan if you like big fat meat in your mouth.

>> No.10181926
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Notice: please type your number up next time you request a VIN check for your shitbox, it will make the process of delivering your vehicle report faster and more efficient. Thank you very much.

>> No.10181929

Wrong board?

>> No.10181963
File: 69 KB, 960x540, vBOWrnB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VOTE /cock/ 2018

>> No.10182074

Sort yourself out Jamal

>> No.10182255

>He's literally starving
>Still believing he will get diabetes
Honey is not sugar cane pendejo

>> No.10182482

orange juice

>> No.10183481
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Ephedrine paired with Caffeine will suppress your hunger.
You can find Ephedrine in The US at pharmacies, in small pills called Bronk-aid. They will sell them to you if you ask for them (if you cannot see them).
Take 3 doses/day, each doses being 24mg of Ephedrine, and 100-200mg of Caffeine.
Test your tolerance first, by taking half the initial dose.
It'll likely give you tremors for the first little while, but that isn't a big deal.