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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10145424 No.10145424 [Reply] [Original]

Are you skinny, /ck/? What do skinny people eat?

>> No.10145432

Less than you.

>> No.10145434

Yes. I eat big meals, but i usually only eat twice a day

>> No.10145451

what ever I want mostly MacDonald

>> No.10145455

>no additional magazines on her person

someone's optimistic

>> No.10145457

They're in her vag

>> No.10145458

I eat a lot. BUT! I go for a run almost every morning.

>> No.10145467

I wish millennial women werent so overweight
Seeing a thin girl on campus instantly makes her at a minimum 8/10

>> No.10145471

one meal a day

if i buy it,
usually around 2k cal, fried chicken meal w/ pasta salad and seasoned potato wedges from Safeway

if I make it, less cals but still a ton, rice, eggs, and a generous portion of meat

if you can't do one meal a day, just try to limit carbs. the food pyramid is upside down; you want good fats, then proteins, then complex carbs, and use simple carbs sparingly

>> No.10145476

I eat a lot of vegetables, eggs, unprocessed meat, and I don’t drink my calories.

>> No.10145504

amphetamine pills :3

>> No.10145505

times are tough

>> No.10145506

Not a lot. thus the whole being skinny thing.

>> No.10145514

In normal parts of the world they aren't

>> No.10145528

sub-20 BMI

reddit spacing

usually whole plant foods :-)

>> No.10145794
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I had a dumb fuck skinny co worker who said he only really eats once a day. i asked him "what kind of meal?" "uuhhh, you know...like a piece of bread with peanut butter folded.." He has money but blows it on beer and weed so its really no excuse why he doesn't eat more to a healthier level.

>> No.10145812

>still dating western women

It's East Asian or nothing for me now. There's something tangibly un-feminine about girls my age that's extremely off-putting.

>> No.10145819

My wife is Chinese and I still think you’re a faggot for saying this.

>> No.10145820
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>> No.10145827

Could be worse. Could be a Filipino. At least my wife comes from money and I only work because I want to, not because I need to. Plus she has a huge ass from swimming and working out, so I’m content.

>> No.10145842
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>doesn't even support his wife like a man should
>calls other faggots

Enjoy your divorce

>> No.10145852

Clearly you’re retarded. I said I only work because I want to, not because I need to. I do quite well for myself, but I’m certainly no multimillionaire. I would still be in the top 5% of all Canadian households without her.

>> No.10145877 [DELETED] 


>> No.10145927

I'm not the one defending myself on a Korean finger paitning board

>> No.10145939

Those are clips you fucking tard

>> No.10145941

This. It fucking angers me that fat women are the norm now.

>> No.10145947

You’re right, you’re the one who sits around posting on a Korean finger painting board until you feel like jacking off and then going to bed alone. Can’t say I’m jelly...

>> No.10145958

Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Let me settle this! You're both retarded!

>> No.10146131


6'2 165 I don't eat much desu senpai. I'm getting old too. One or two meals a day, and I probably barely scrape 2000 calories a day. I used to be around 200 lbs and /fit/ but despite being pretty strong in all the big 3 lifts my joints hurt 24/7. Now that I'm lighter I feel way better and my knees and ankles don't ache every second of every day. Being a twig feels good man

>> No.10146143

And a dress. Hell, it's to the point any gross ass girl in an actual dress turns my head.

>> No.10146270

soup or cup of cereal for breakfast
no lunch
small serving of chicken couscous and vegetable for dinner

>> No.10146312

I go cycling or jogging for 30 minutes at least 5 times a week
Can eat whatever I want
Don't understand how this is so hard for some people

>> No.10146318

>6'3" 150 lbs
I eat when pretty much anything when hungry.

>> No.10146331

That dude is fucked ţbh.

>> No.10146353

No, sir. That is a magazine. Use the google before you call people tards.

>> No.10146397

how about men in dresses?

>> No.10146479

t. skeleton monster

>> No.10147956

Used to be, but since 6months ago gained 25kg from alcohol.
Alcohol makes you fat, who woulda guessed it?

>> No.10148033

Take up a manual labor job, stuff your face, and get paid while making gains.

>> No.10148041

/k/ discourse on /ck/


>> No.10148058

138 lbs 5’11 pretty much fast food. Scoop of whey and psyllium husks for breakfast. Medium jamba juice with whey for lunch. El pollo loco chicken black bean bowl for supper. It’s about 1600 calories a day and a manual labor job. On the weekends I’ll eat burritos from Albertacos or pizza or burgers.

>> No.10148121

I love how you wouldn't even name what country you're posting from. You literally don't matter.

>> No.10148128

Why do you care? Stop being a fuckin weirdo trying to judge him from afar. And no I don't like beer or weed but honestly who gives a shit

>> No.10148143

I used to be skinny. Mainly I just didn't eat because I wasn't busy. 1 big meal that was usually eggs and a bagel. Then a banana later. Also, no sweeteners or cream in drinks. No juice. No beverages that have calories.

>> No.10148163

so you think she should have magazines on her because she's a woman and likes reading them?

>> No.10148167

>Mainly because of genetics

Do people eat empty calories? Hell yeah. But I literally eat mcdonalds and fuckin ramen with veggies yet I don't gain a pound. I've seen fat friends eat strictly lean meat and vegetables and hit a wall in weight loss. I'm not mad at you or anything but I don't get why people don't understand the underlying factor besides a sedentary lifestyle.

>> No.10148173

Bad joke dude. Not even in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.

>> No.10148177

thank you for the feedback. what did you have for dinner anon

>> No.10148198
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for lunch i ate steak, rice, beans, fries and a fruit sallad.
for dinner mac and cheese, steak and coke... on the afternoon:

3x mugs of coffee, 2x chocolate bars, 2x popsicles, 2x cups of grape fruit and 4x lollipop (i don't know why i have such a pleb taste lately).

I guess I'll be getting fat if I don't stop... But friday I'll have to start going to gym, boxing and swiming pool... I'm fucked if I don't do it.

>> No.10148211

Let me guess, you're under 25.

>> No.10148309

I dont know ive been around Europe and while the women are definitely thinner they still are slightly chubby
Also there are a lot of freaks around there. A lot of bizarrely dressed gay people and drunk old men

>> No.10148337

she can't just go and buy a 10-pack from walmart like you, cletus

>> No.10148343

The same thing as fat people. Just less.

>> No.10148354

I eat the same as any fat fuck here. Just less and only 3 times per day.

>> No.10148362

Your fat friends are eating more than they think. I guarantee if they actually counted every calorie they ate they would lose weight. Look up "secret eaters" on YouTube. It's hilarious
>I didn't eat that
>We have you on video eating it
>Yeah but I didn't eat that

>> No.10148419

Big plate of oatmeal or rye porridge with frozen berries for breakfast.
A regular university restaurant lunch (half of it being salad, then the rest of the plate is whatever else they have that day)
Then for the rest of the day I mostly have small snacks for regulating my blood glucose (I have type 1 diabetes), so maybe some bread or a bowl of muesli.
On weekends I'm occasionally too lazy to really cook much on my own despite enjoying cooking, so sometimes I get by on Saturday & Sunday with just the usual breakfast and some sandwiches & tea later on.
I used to eat more but I was also an active swimmer back then instead of a lazy slob.

>> No.10148439

some trail mix with a handful of almonds added
salmon, grain and edamame salad, bok choy with mushrooms
chicken breast, cabbage and onions cooked with bacon and butter, roasted butternut squash

i generally eat a lot of fat in order to maintain my weight

>> No.10148540
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Not enough.

>tfw emaciated face is slowly getting worse

>> No.10148719
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>> No.10148780

Bacon, a hard boiled egg, a fuckton of hashbrowns, and an apple
Pasta with marinara sauce, buttered toast, and a banana
Pork chops, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and another apple

I'm still hungry tbqh, might stop by the local burrito place once I get out of work
>tfw high metabolism
It's gonna fuck me when it slows down, but for now my stomach demands M O R E

>> No.10148865

>in a warzone where AK-pattern rifles are dominant
>AK mags being at all uncommon
Fuck up, cunt.

>> No.10149903


>> No.10149935

I'm not that guy but because he's killing himself?

>> No.10150033


5'10, 145, kinda skinny fat I guess? I need to lift more.

That being said, I eat a lot of eggs, fish, fruit, vegetables, hummus and bread. Pizza, falafels, french fries and fresh ramen or udon with vegetable gyoza once or twice a week. Not the healthiest diet frankly but my main thing is portion control. I rarely exceed 2500 calories a day. Normally it tops around 1800-2000

>> No.10150063

Egg sandwiches, beans and rice, vegetable stir fries, peanut butter banana sandwiches

>> No.10150935
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>Implying that I care.
You're the only fuckin weirdo here getting triggered.

>> No.10150944

also i dont drink soda or eat sweets

>> No.10150946

>leaf with a chink wife
odds are bc but i suppose you could be from turanna

>> No.10150985

5'11 150

Not sure if that's considered skinny or just average. Anyways.

Will usually scramble a few eggs and put them on a dry slice of toast with some hot sauce.

Leftovers but if I'm super busy I'll just have a big salad with balsamic viniagrette and shredded chicken, and then a banana or apple.

This is usually where I pig out. I'll make some shitty mac and cheese and mix some tuna in, or I'll get some takeout from the 15ish restaurants on my block.

I don't snack during the day unless I get really hungry. I've been 5'11'' 150 for about 10 years now, used to be a lot skinnier.

>> No.10150998

Are you poor?

>> No.10151037

Women's pants ain't got pockets ya dum dum

>> No.10151045

Probably just realistic. I'm sure this woman is long dead.

>> No.10151063

Actually I'm a jungle cat. Dunno m8 I lift and eat quite a bit. Just never put on weight (yet).

>> No.10151395

>tfw skinny arms and legs but man tiddies and a gut

>> No.10151440

I'm a bit fat. Like, not FAT fat, but my belly is longer than my hand.

>> No.10151471

>What do skinny people eat?
I try and eat as little fat as possible. works out great. I eat as much as a want, and I feel full and I'm not a fatass.

>> No.10151520

I'm around 9-10% body fat. This is usually what I eat in a day
4 eggs with 2 slices of toast with sugar free jam and a pot of black coffee
>snack before lunch
this is my only unhealthy thing I eat usually. Either a small dark chocolate bar or dark chocolate covered pomegranate pieces
some sort of lean cuisine frozen meal and 2 oranges or other fruit
this week I've been having home made chili for dinner, but I always like to have some sort of protein for dinner
>pre-bed snack
some sort of nut. Walnuts/cashews/peanuts/almonds

>> No.10151563


>> No.10151574

Generally cereal in the morning, anything I really want for lunch and dinner, desert only once a week though. I run 4 miles a day though and I bike everywhere so that likely helps a lot

>> No.10151582

Once a day. 500 grams of frozen veggies + rice(1 or 2 kinds) + lentils.

Some bread b4 bed

>> No.10151620

kek. you are venturing into "i didn't know the cancer was that bad" area.

>> No.10151784

almost nothing

>> No.10151801

>Are you skinny
>What do skinny people eat?
chicken breasts, lean beef, eggs, fries, lettuce, broccoli, noodles, the occasional sausage, rice, beans, lentils, pasta (tomato sauce, aglio e olio), vegetable soup, milk, cookies, dark chocolate. under 1L soda a week, well under 2k cal a day

>> No.10151824

6'3" 160 lb
I usually eat a banana and some toast/butter or a muffin for breakfast, something easy like a cheese sandwich and chips for lunch, and then whatever I want for dinner.
Key point: "whatever I want" usually does not exceed 1500 calories, unless I had a lot of exercise that day

>> No.10151845

I'm skinny A to the F
it's mostly because I'm weak as shit not because I eat well because I eat bare garbage

>> No.10152444
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skinny food like spaghetti, bean sprouts and string cheese. usually at the same time

>> No.10152460

Basically I eat whatever I want, I just don't eat a lot. I can't or I get full. Someone once posted a picture of a girl eating a lot of food, and I said I don't know how she could eat so much food. Everyone called me a twink.

Whatever, I'm not fat. But in general I try to keep a balanced diet. That means plenty of veggies and fruit as substitutes for whatever fat people eat. That doesn't mean I forsake pizza rolls or anything though. Just eat that stuff in moderation. Personally, I stay away from potato chips and soda. It's poison.

>> No.10152780

The only things I crave are salt and water.

Today I ate a bag of crisps, a slice of bread with butter and hot sauce and three beers. I bike about 10 miles to and from work each day and work on my feet in extremely hot conditions. I don’t think I’m going to live past 30.

>> No.10152968

if he's smokin weed, he's gonna have the munchies. He's gonna be piggin out on sumpin.

>> No.10153286

>twice a day

I usually eat once I day fag

>> No.10153359

Today I ate half a cucumber (in slices), and one plate of keto friendly sheppard's pie, drank lots of water, and I might have the other half of that cucumber. That's about it.

>> No.10153365

Nothing, we eat nothing

>> No.10153733

bout 3000kcal/day. 6'1 @ 160
31, almost 32 years. 'murrica
people tell me i'm skinny

>> No.10153844

I have a sandwich with a lot of meat at lunch, and a big dinner of whatever I want - though usually higher in protein. I also lift 4x a week so the fact that I eat ~2800 calories a day means that I'm actually probably under eating. I take a multi and fish oil daily also

>> No.10155570

Care to share a skinny recipe?

>> No.10155676

damn when i hit 30 my metabolism went to shit

>> No.10155681

yes. fruit mostly.

>> No.10155692

jog 15 minutes a day

>> No.10155704

Nigger just eat food.

>> No.10156549
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I'm skinny. I usually eat 2.5 meals per day and I don't eat fast food. Other than that I eat whatever I want.

I also go for runs and play sports.

>> No.10156889

basically a soyboi / east asian diet with little to no carbs. One or two rather modest meals per day. Vitamins and protein supplements. No snacks other than cashews, v8, this weirdly addictive korean flavored seaweed, miso soup, weaboo pickles. I drink a fuck ton of whiskey.
I'm like 6'1" and 155, so not super skinny. If I quit drinking so much I'd be full skelly mode probably

>> No.10156921

That's pretty skinny.

>> No.10156981

for you

>> No.10157393


the ratio of not fat single girls to single men is like 1 to 10

>> No.10157415
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getting aids looking is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.10158160

6'0" and 165 lbs., here's what I've eaten today.
single blueberry poptart
meatball hotpocket, pepsi
salad, slice of 'za, glazed donut, sweet tea

>> No.10158450

There isn't a ton of information on this picture other than the fact she was a teenage Yazidi girl and the photo was taken near Mt. Sinjar near the Iran-Iraq border during the period of time ISIS fighters had the remaining Yazidi population surrounded on the mountain. She may only have the rifle because she recovered it from a male Yazidi family member or fighter who had died when they fled. My point is that this picture was taken of someone on the run who had lost everything including friends and family. I imagine it's one of the few things they have left. Being chased by a gang of psychotic murder rapist slavers doesn't give one much time for preparation.

>> No.10158458

Sorry, Syria-Iraq border. Mistake

>> No.10158470

Still braver than most cucks in the West

>> No.10158518

Question for the fatties: how do you eat more than 3000 calories a day? Like physically. I'm trying to gain muscle and I have to stuff myself to get to 2500. Of course, I don't do soda, juice, or candy.

Anyway, my point is if you eat real, satiating food with fiber, protein and good fat, its actually pretty hard to overeat.

>> No.10158617

Breakfast either 1 slice avocado toast (1/2 avocado), or 1/2 bacon egg and cheese (save other half for lunch) or just two slices of buttered toast +coffee w milk no sugar

Lunch depends probably pizza (one slice) + coffee

Dinner chicken and rice or 1/2 a sandwich or pizza or 1/2 chipotle bowl, or pasta w shrimp or a vegetable, or if I have time just meat + vegetables

Key is never eat more than you're hungry for, and eat slow so you can feel when you're not hungry anymore. Remind yourself you can always heat it up again if you're hungry later.

drink selzer water, unsweetened iced tea, regular water, or coffee w milk only

for alcohol only drink gin + soda w extra lime, or wine

>> No.10158644

5"11 , 209lbs I'm on medication atm which increases my appetite

>> No.10158671

She could literally btfo of 90% of /ck/ in hand to hand combat. She'd have a death grip on their throat before they could gurgle out, "b-but muh subhuman shitskin muzzies, I-I'm superior..."

>> No.10158679

Yeah, that's all kinds of faggotry.

>> No.10158726

Quite the expert, aren't you?

>> No.10158742

Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10159133
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You can see it in her eyes. More dead than alive. Wonder if she made it

>> No.10159426

You aren't working out hard enough

>> No.10159718

Carefully rationed junkfood, like soda, chips, fried chicken, frozen burritos, chocolate, pasties etc since I am a combination of poor, stupid and lazy.

>> No.10159736

>see thread
>"if the first reply isn't "less" I'm gonna blow a gasket"
>open thread

>> No.10159749

>No one had a bug out bag, no one was ready for SHTF


>> No.10159822

Dont want to be rude but the US food is addictive toxic garbage designed for maximum profitt.

>> No.10159946

Same as you, but less. Add a vegetable now and then

>> No.10159996

Where did you go?

>> No.10160014

>tfw no qt peshmerga gf

>> No.10160030

>for me, its the chink

>> No.10160031

She wouldn't be able to do shit, no muscle mass, no training, she's just a little girl that was pressed into a bad situation. Her raped corpse is probably rotting somewhere in Syria we speak.

>> No.10160073 [DELETED] 

I used to be skinny and in good shape but now I'm 32 years old and overweight. 5'11 and weight seems to fluctuate between 185-195. I remember when I hit 170 lbs and thought, "holy fuck I'm starting to get fat, I better reign this shit in". That was 7-8 years ago.

I just eat too much and being a grad student for 6 years led to too much time on the computer or behind a lab bench. My life is largely sedentary throughout the weekdays but I hike, cross country ski, sometimes go for a run or lift weights, bike. The problem is, I'll burn 700 calories then overcompensate at dinnertime.

I have a job interview coming up and have been trying to get in better shape. I now understand the fat person mentality where you are mindful of your diet/weight up until that moment you gorge on snacks or eat too much at a meal, then afterwards you think, "oh shit why did I do that". But I'm becoming much more mindful and disciplined, cutting out all snacks and trying to be smarter with portions. It's a good feeling to be at work and contemplate buying a chocolate bar, even getting up to do so, deciding against it, then realizing I just cut out a few hundred calories from the day. I think that's the key to losing weight: incrementally becoming more aware and actually having a decision-making process instead of being impulsive, feeling guilty, swearing you'll change, then the cycle indefinitely and just gaining weight.

My weight has been bothering my for 7-8 years. I look forward to burying the issue once and for all.

>> No.10160077

I used to be skinny and in good shape but now I'm 32 years old and overweight. 5'11 and weight seems to fluctuate between 185-195. I remember when I hit 170 lbs and thought, "holy fuck I'm starting to get fat, I better reign this shit in". That was 7-8 years ago.

I just eat too much and being a grad student for 6 years led to too much time on the computer or behind a lab bench. My life is largely sedentary throughout the weekdays but I hike, cross country ski, sometimes go for a run or lift weights, bike. The problem is, I'll burn 700 calories then overcompensate at dinnertime.

I have a job interview coming up and have been trying to get in better shape. I now understand the fat person mentality where you are mindful of your diet/weight up until that moment you gorge on snacks or eat too much at a meal, then afterwards you think, "oh shit why did I do that". But I'm becoming much more mindful and disciplined, cutting out all snacks and trying to be smarter with portions. It's a good feeling to be at work and contemplate buying a chocolate bar, even getting up to do so, deciding against it, then realizing I just cut out a few hundred calories from the day. I think that's the key to losing weight: incrementally becoming more aware and actually having a decision-making process instead of being impulsive, feeling guilty, swearing you'll change, then repeating the cycle indefinitely and just gaining weight.

My weight has been bothering my for 7-8 years and I look forward to burying the issue once and for all.

>> No.10160116

a 250lb 5'2 girl got mad at me at work because I said she was lying to herself when she told me she eats the same as me but she keeps putting on weight
her feet are pouring out the top of her shoes, it's revolting

>> No.10160129

>being a grad student for 6 years
how much debt do you have?

>> No.10160258

BMI of 22.5, naturally high metabolism. I eat a lot of sugary foods in a day and don't count calories. I'm probably prediabetic or some shit

>> No.10160303

Im 37. 6.3. And 155 pounds. Also an al/ck/.
I'd say don't eat but i only relace meals with vodka. Would not recommend .

>> No.10160314

I build aircraft carriers and eat what I feel like.

I burn a shitload of calories per day, so the only thing I really care about in a diet is enough protein, not too much sugar, and lotsa water.

(I eat mostly chicken, steak, and rice though)

>> No.10160326

Lol tell me about building aircraft carriers.

>> No.10160339

None. I'm Canadian and had full scholarships for my MSc and PhD. I never had much money and often had lean times shortly before the next scholarship instalment, but I never saw any debt. I'm definitely thankful for this. I couldn't imagine being $250k in debt when my career trajectory involves government or academic research positions, which start out at maybe $70-80k and max out at probably $130-150k.

I didn't go this route for the money, but I wouldn't want to do 10 years of post-secondary school, a couple years of being a post doc, only to start my career in extreme debt. I would have gotten a trade or gone the private sector route if that was the case. I also have two young kids, which is a good lesson in necessity and pragmatism.

>> No.10160342
File: 95 KB, 640x640, Models-building-toy-Enlighten-113-990pcs-Military-Aircraft-Carrier-Building-Blocks-compatible-with-military-lego-toys.jpg_640x640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10160355

Its dirty.
I install electrical fixtures and set up transformers.

Very physically demanding, a lot of the devices and boxes you mount to the ship weigh a few hundred pounds. Lots of ladders on the ship to climb, I don't think most people know how many decks these things have. Very confined spaces to work in, I've had to crawl around in 3 foot tall spaces to mount equipment.

>> No.10161881


>> No.10162034

i was 14 months ago. then i left my very active job, quit being vegan. put on nearly 40 lbs. i've lost 15 since then. now i'm running again, and trying to limit my calories a bit. it's just hard.

sometimes i'm happier when i eat healthy. sometimes i just feel like eating shit to improve my mood. it's definitely connected to my self esteem, and sense of control in my life.

>> No.10162814

You don't either, don't flatter yourself.

>> No.10163736

dude only pedophiles date/marry Chinese women

>> No.10163740

hello fellow reddit user, +1 gold to you sir

>> No.10163771

It's a long road
When you're on your own
And it hurts when they tear your dreams apart
And every new town
Just seems to bring you down
Trying to find
Peace of mind
Can break your heart
It's a real war
Right outside your front door,
I tell ya
Out where they'll kill ya,
You could use a friend
Where the road is:
That's the place for me

>> No.10164082

I'm skinny, I eat whatever I want. Whenever I want. I'm about to eat chicken thighs with rice and creamed corn.

>> No.10164177
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6'0 150lbs masterrace here
Blended chia/peanut butter/banana/spinach drink
Deenz and green tea
French fries, nooch and beer

>> No.10164190

whatever i feel like eating whenever i feel like it
6'0" 135 lbs
wew lad

>> No.10164304
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I'm 6'3 162 lbs.

People call me "slim" but I wouldn't consider myself skinny. I basically eat whatever the fuck I want.

Can't wait for my metabolism to crash.

>> No.10164312

Whatever I want whenever I feel hungry. I just don't eat as much because I eat slow, don't get hungry when actively working, and sleep a lot.

>> No.10164631

you're fat

>> No.10164673

6'1 and 126lbs. I only eat two meals a day. for lunch I try and make it a small meal and for supper I eat whatever. I also don't eat on the weekend... but do drink quite a lot of alcohol everyday

>> No.10164688

I'm 6'0" 150 lbs (I think, I haven't weighed myself in a while)

>> No.10164726

Holy shit, just 57kg. I know I am too fat at 6'3'' and 285 lbs but I'll take that over terminal stage skellington anyday

>> No.10164736
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I'm muscular.

Feta cheese, salad, tri-tip beef roast.

Eggs, potatoes.

I accept my reality as a human rather than fighting against it. Sleep whenever you can. You're a mammal and you're actually meant to do that. Otherwise, be in motion all the time. Video games are an odd thing in that they fool your mind into thinking that you're mobile. I wish it was like it used to be when every olympics inspired people to look like them.

>> No.10164741

Used to be very skinny as a kid. My entire family is full of fatasses. I lost a lot of weight, but still got a bit of chub. I live alone now but I can't shake the sugar cravings lads ;_;

>> No.10164742
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>I'm muscular.

>> No.10164743


I'm your height but I'm 186 lbs and muscular. What is wrong with you? I could throw you around like a rag doll and I don't feel good about it. I'm worried about such a person. Are you female?

>> No.10164745


What criticism you you have to level?

>> No.10164760
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I don't like the taste of sugar, thank god. Women actually like it which I don't really understand. I actually crave healthy foods because of how I was raised. The worst thing I like is whole wheat bread. Snap peas with vinegar and dill, yeshhhh.

>> No.10164761

I eat anything I want, but small portions.

I remember seeing a /ck/ thread about what people order at fast food restaurants, and everyone was saying shit like "two big macs, and a large fry" or "two large fries, a big mac, and a chicken sandwich," or "a big mac, a fish fillet, and two large fries with three cokes." I was like: holy shit, guys. Can't you just order a meal for one person?

>> No.10164768


I could eat a dive diner meal with amercan cheese. It's very tasty.

>> No.10164773

You sound queer af

>> No.10164779

There are plenty of sweet foods that are healthy. If you're talking about soda and candy and stuff like that it's understandable though.

>> No.10164788
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My mother's side of the family is highly diabetic. Not her, but her parents. I'm terrified of having that burden. As a doctor (here we go) I'm trying to reverse my grandfather's diabetes. It's not possible if he keeps injecting insulin.

I tried.

>> No.10164790

Are they overweight?

>> No.10164794


No, in fact they're very thin.

>> No.10164799

>this week I've been having home made chili for dinner
what the fuck dude, cook more often

>> No.10164805

Huh. I guess it's possible to become diabetic if you consume way too much sugar without becoming overweight, but you have to ignore the signs of consuming too much sugar for a long time since most people realize it kind of makes them feel sick. I've heard the keto diet is good for diabetics if you haven't tried that though.

I can understand why you would really want to avoid sugar in that situation. I just try to limit my intake to 20g per day, but I still go days without any. Rarely I'll have a soda or more desserts that bring it up to about 40g which is supposed to be the limit. But reading that the average person is consuming like 130g in the USA boggles my mind.

>> No.10164845


keto diet can literally kill you. it's a cheap shortcut for young people to lose weight fast, but you shouldnt consider it a long term plan, and you shouldnt even consider it if you are old unless you are sucidal

>> No.10164857

That's not the same thing as ketosis.

>> No.10165003
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Binge/Purge anorexic here. I am 25, male, 182/3cm (depends on time of day)

My weight hovers between 119lbs at which point my heart rate slows to about 45bpm and I get scared and binge my way to around 130lbs (which is a BMI of 17.8) and I get afraid, and restrict again. Restrictions last longer naturally.

I track my food on Cronometer. I have attached an average restriction day and an average binge day.

As I am mentally ill this isn't the best represenation but gives an idea, but I am very good at feeling full on few calories. My meals are abnormal too, the meals in pic related are:

I'd have Oatmeal, plain, with cocoa powder that I dip my fingers honey, then the cocoa powder which I suck off.
Then for lunch a plain baked sweet potato with turmeric sprinkled over
Then for dinner, a small cabbage (whole) boiled and drained with a tablespoon of salt added, served with plain steamed broccoli and pinto beans

Peanut Butter, Cocoa Powder and Honey on toast with Walnuts and Peanuts
3 bananas, a handful of dates, a handful of apricots, all sliced up and swimming in olive oil
200g Lentils, 2 cups white rice, with curry powder, 4 flatbreads and steamed brussel sprouts
and for a snack I have 10 Oreos that I dip in blended mushroom and ground flaxseed mixture

FYI I am Vegan (i consider honey OK) but that is just because of my eating disorder

>> No.10165010

not much, most of the time i can't be bothered with making food. usually only a large breakfast and some dinner.

i think what really makes the final difference is that i don't really eat sweets and my daily water source is mostly tea/coffee/water

>> No.10165033

>cocoa powder that I dip my fingers honey, then the cocoa powder which I suck off.

(get better anon)

>> No.10165138

>and for a snack I have 10 Oreos that I dip in blended mushroom and ground flaxseed mixture
That sounds revolting, and your binge ideas are pretty fucked up too.

If you are concerned about your health you should include animal products in your diet. You clearly need as much protein, fat, and B12 as you can get.

>> No.10165238
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>Realize I only eat once a day, twice most.
>Even then the food isnt much like a pasty.
>Im so used to hardly drinking anything that its an actual effort to get drunk despite being a lightweight. I have to resort to hard spirits because I cant drink enough to be intoxicated otherwise.

How the hell do I compel myself to eat and drink more?

>> No.10165475

>no liquids
how's your skin? do you have wrinkles?

>> No.10165482

no but i workout so i have one of those bulky bear type bodies. i used to do strongman. if only i could quit drinking

>> No.10165483

>East Asian or nothing for me
>girls my age

so different ethnicities=different age?

>> No.10165489

shed shoot the fuck out of you with her Kalashnikov, wannabe pol militia

>> No.10165505

god she so pretty. I would marry her skinny ass , by allah

>> No.10165534

east asian girls look pre-pubescent. he's probably a pedo.

>> No.10165551

eat more. lift.

>> No.10165768

Eh my lips and the gaps inbetween my fingers are dry, my hands might be wrinkled but the rest of my body seems fine

>> No.10165791

>once a day

I usually eat once 1 week fag.

>> No.10165816

you dont have a high metabolism. stop with this meme.

as long as you dont eat like a disgusting pig every day you arent gonna get fat

>> No.10166459

6.0 130 pounds. Been that weight for about 10 years now. I only drink water and pretty much never snack. It takes some restraint to walk past the chips or other junk food when buying groceries but it's worth it. I never want to be fat.

>> No.10166647

Mostly the same stuff other people eat. Just less. I’m 5’11’’ and about 150lbs. Most of my exercise comes from my job, which requires me to stay on my feet and walk around for hours at a time. The rest is from my hiking hobby. I tend to eat more fast food than I should, but I try to cook my own meals whenever I can. I love meat and carbs as much as the next guy, but I eat vegetables with every meal whenever possible. Just doesn’t feel right without them. I love me some sprouts and spinach. Also I try to eat by the principle of stopping just before you feel full. I’m not perfect and sometimes I overeat, but I hate being too full so I usually avoid it. I like foods that are big on flavors, but not necessarily big on calories or heartiness. Also I rarely drink soda, I mostly just drink water, seltzer, black coffee, or alcohol.

Same. Sometimes I’ll do 3 meals but the third is always very late at night.

>> No.10166659

Ahhh, thank you. My dude.

>> No.10166816

> 6'3'' and 285 lbs
We are the same height and you are literally 1.8 of me. Lose some fucking weight.

>> No.10166878

I am fit because of my work. I eat like a fatass though. My solo Taco Bell orders almost hit the 20 dollar mark

>> No.10166897

why does this pic turn me on more than id like to admit

>> No.10166945

this, i pretty much eat anything but I don't overeat
Just be conscious of caloric/nutritional/fat intake and you're fine
Just don't overeat or eat for the sake of eating

I'm 6'2", 160 lbs

>> No.10167287

Being dominated by a woman is a fantasy of mine, but alas most women aren’t tops. I don’t want like a full-on dominatrix, I just want a chick to boss me around and be on top. Fucking won’t happen though.

>> No.10167306

tfw you eat maybe 1000cal a day

>> No.10167561

How did you meet your wife? I find it so hard to approach the chinese girl in Vancouver

>> No.10169594

Considering tribal family sizes and how high of a percentage of the small ethnic group were either genocided, raped, or enslaved chances are by that point she had already lost multiple family members. Also there really isn't any going home for the Yazidis anymore. Theres no home to go to. Everyone is dead and everything was destroyed. The whole ethnic group is suffering a diaspora. Considering how many Yazidis got killed she may very well be dead or on her way soon if she ended up in Syria.

>> No.10169645

All I can see in her eyes is "I wish that dickhead photographer would leave me alone."

>> No.10169664

One of the journalists covering the Mt. Sinjar thing broke the rules and got involved. He started pulling refugees onto the helicopter. I get feeling bitter towards a well fed photojournalist snapping pics of your misery but they really aren't supposed to get involved.

>> No.10169680

I have bags of the costco trail mix in my cabinet. The mms/peanuts/cashews/raisin ones. I just eat that mainly. I have a few vegetables like tomatos, carrots, broccoli, cucumber, spinach for salads for dinner to get vitamins. But i pretty much subsist on this fucking trail mix

>> No.10170245

Shes cute

>> No.10170927

I like how American standards are so distorted that seeing a non-fatty equates to "wow she is so hot". Some starved ugly Muslim is hot because she doesn't wear a CPAP mask at night and can see her toes when she looks down. You guys are fucking pathetic.

>> No.10170956


>> No.10170975

i'd like to see what you can pull if you dont think shes cute dear god you sound lonely

>> No.10170991

Whatever I want without immediate/visible consequence

>> No.10171174


clapistani here. your post is 100% dead on. all a girl needs is to not be fat and she will be showered with attention here. the ratio of single men to normal weight single women is 10 to 1

>> No.10171200

skinnyfit ottermode here.

weekdays: breakfast is usually either a few buns, or just leftovers. hot sauce and eggs are a common go-to. coffee, tea every day as well.

skip lunch

dinner is either a huge bowl of miso soup, or sometimes baked chicken and vegetables or something.

weekends: huge portions of dumplings, beef tacos, onion rings, guac and chips, etc. always homemade.

average about 1300-1900 calories weekdays, 2200-3000 calories on weekends.

>> No.10171364

I'm married and my wife is attractive. 5'6", 120 lbs, 32D. She's breast feeding right now and I have no idea how big they are now, they are massive and engorged.

But that isn't the point. The point is, if you think some stick figure with zero feminine characteristics (ie curves) and a standard ugly middle eastern mug is attractive, you should have no problem finding a "gorgeous" woman by your standards at any crackhouse or meth-infested town.

>> No.10171384

Did your wife name her son Jamal after it's father?

>> No.10171629

Post your address and I'll fucking flay you.
Leftist Reddit kike tier bastard

>> No.10171695

It's a staged propaganda photo

>> No.10171723

well, being thin is like 80% of the criteria for being attractive

>> No.10171925

70kg 1.85m skinnyfit skinnyfag here
On a typical day I'll eat
>a sandwich consisting of two slices of wholegrain toast, an egg, a few slices of smoked tofu, some mozzarella and a tomato.
>a meal at the university dining hall, for example chicken cordon bleu, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies and chocolate pudding
>a homecooked meal such as curry with lentils, a shitton of vegetables and pide bread

>> No.10172122

it;s because you dont want to eat very much

>> No.10172931

Oats and bread for breakfast. Sometimes fruit
More bread for lunch
Stuff like chili or pasta for dinner. Anything goes as long I can make big batches.

>> No.10173114


Don't listen to the manlette de fromage. 6'0 150lbs is beautiful.

>> No.10173143

I eat a single, well rounded meal every day. I subsist on coffee in the morning, and have almonds and an apple for lunch. Dinner is usually a protein, veggies, rice and beans if I'm feeling upbeat.

I'm still overweight and have high bodyfat %.

I've been eating like this for years.

6'1 180lbs

>> No.10173217

i'm 6'2 and 120, I eat whatever the hell i want

>> No.10173534

Holy shit, goodnight OP


>> No.10174172

>4'9, 83 lbs
>Hræringur(porridge mixed with skyr, an Icelandic yoghurt-like thing, and some fruits and berries) for breakfast
>some fruits and nuts to graze on throughout the day
>dinner is usually some variant on a homemade pho-like thing with extra veggies

>> No.10174367

You sound cute. Are you a dwarf?

>> No.10174607

Nah, just a shortarse due to hormonal stuff while growing up.

>> No.10175413

Is half your digestive system dead like mine?

>> No.10175948

>Is half your digestive system dead like mine?
Not them, but
>tfw coeliac
You wouldn't believe how much shit has wheat in it. I can't even eat stuff that has been processed in plants that deal with wheat as well, because my guts are so sensitive to gluten it flares up unless equipment has been STERILISED after handling stuff with gluten in it.

>> No.10176795

Здpaвcтвyйтe, I mean hello fellow AMERICAN can you please send me blueprints of capitalist water airfield? Have some need for my son to go to college.
t. not russian

>> No.10176806

I'm a 5 10 manlet that weighs 150 pounds. This is slender by American standards here in the midwest.

>What do skinny people eat?

I eat whatever I want but I don't gorge myself on massive portions. I also rarely eat fast food barring pizza (which I only order about once a month if that).

>> No.10176912

Is it realistic to lose 20 kilos (44 lbs) in 3 months? Or am I being unreasonable here. I'm not gonna do anything special, just cut back on eating so much and maybe exercise a little bit (swimming).

>> No.10176982

You're a man?

>> No.10176994

No I'm a trap

>> No.10177220

1.5 kg per week on a 1500kcal diet is relatively easy. Doing it faster is hell and increases the probability of relapse. It helps to have a diet software which can scan barcodes through the camera of a tablet or smartphone. I usually eat a lot of psyllum, berries and yoghurt, lost 26kg in half a year, 8kg in the first month.

>> No.10177238

20 kilos is a bit much, but 12-15 is doable without having to do anything crazy.
Just calculate your TDEE and then weigh and track everything you eat and drink and stay 1000 calories below the TDEE every day.
You can also do some fasting if you like. Going 24 hours without eating can be hard the first couple of times, but it’s really no big deal after getting used to it.

>> No.10177266

One meal a day usually, and two Steel Reserves. I'm skelly as fuck.

>> No.10177270
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One of the things which always worked for me is not to eat anything during the day and to do it during holidays. Once you eat, you get hungry for more. Eating slowly in little meals from 5pm till 11pm, I can stretch 1000-1500kcal, and after two weeks it's much easier.

>> No.10177276

I tend towards the blue zoney type of diet. Unprocessed grains, tubers, legumes, vegetables and fruits with some olive oil and a bit of fish and meat.

>> No.10177309

I actually only eat one meal per day. I have the same issue as you write. Eating breakfast at 7 and lunch at 12 doesn’t make me any less hungry than only eating one meal at 6pm.

Just didn’t want to advise that, since I feel like it would probably scare most people away. I started losing weight by doing what I wrote in the first post and then later found out OMAD is much easier and better for me.
But three months on a 1000 calorie deficit shouldn’t be a problem for someone with a bit of motivation.

>> No.10177487

29 years old. 1.70m 68kg
I skip breakfast unless its the weekend. I'd probably eat if I didnt wake up so late everyday.
Home made sandwich or cold food (salads and such) for lunch
Whatever the fuck I want for dinner
Fast food once a week
Fish atleast 3 times a week
No sodas
Dessert dinner only, mostly fruit, sometimes ice cream
1 coffee a day
Tea and a biscuit roughly 1 hour before bed
I havent exercised in the past 8 years, unless going up the stairs to my place counts
I probably should, not being obese doesnt actually mean being healthy

>> No.10177500


>> No.10177517

23.5 BMI is fat?

>> No.10177671
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Nope, just don't eat excessively over a long period of time

>> No.10177715

Yes, unless you lift and have low bf

>> No.10178797

If I were, I'd probably call myself a dwarf even if I didn't technically have a condition that fell under dwarfism, honestly. 4'9 for a man is more than just "shortarse".

>> No.10179114

Whatever I don't eat apparently.

>> No.10179122

ur scaring me
i have also just reached this combo and idk what to do. I dont eat that much worse than i used to and am trying to go back to your style of diet which is how i used to eat a lot of the time (when young) and be 160

>> No.10179559

Here in the civilized world i.e. not USA women aren't fucking obese

>> No.10179581

Not that guy so I won't try to speak for him but the more unhealthy lazy slobs people tolerate in society, it becomes conditioned as the norm which on a large scale is harmful, it's a public health issue when you start to normalize those things, imo he's right to call out fucks like that guy, they need to be shamed and humiliated.

>> No.10179610

>Claims to be extremely wealthy
>Lying on a weeb cooking board

>> No.10179805

>Consum food.
Become pure energy like me. And never give a fuck.

>> No.10180405

23 BMI so not exactly skinny, especially by Asian standards.

Usually a banana or two blended with psyllium husk, water, and yoghurt. Double espresso.
Pile of meat with pile of veg, cooked/prepared however. One day it could be a salad of poached chicken breast and cucumbers and tomatoes in a yoghurt based dressing, the next it could be miso soup with random fish and veg chucked in, or stir-fried ground pork and long beans. Generally about 2-300g meat and 3-400g veg. Couple of glasses of iced green tea over the afternoon.
See lunch.
As little alcohol as my self control allows. A good day is just two pints. A bad day could be a couple of six packs and two bottles of wine.

>> No.10180410

Mm mostly just consume coffee with sugar and cigarettes and overload on food 3 or 4 times a week when i remember to eat