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10156701 No.10156701 [Reply] [Original]

I just learned that the internet hates pineapple on pizza. What's so bad about pineapple on pizza and why do people get so outraged about it?

>> No.10156725

it's mostly a reddit and soyboy meme to hate on it.

>> No.10156743

meme culture

ramsay worship

not actually knowing what warm pineapple tastes like

>> No.10156751


I wasn't trying to troll, so I appreciate your guys' informative replies. Thank you.

>> No.10156757

>What's so bad about pineapple on pizza
it's not about the pizza.
pineapple is just trash.
stop eating trash.

>> No.10156761

I bet you think dick is fine cuisine

>> No.10156942

Pineapple on pizza
you disgust me, why put sugary taste as toppings. ??

>> No.10156999

Have you been living under a fucking rock? It's a great indicator of whom to avoid.

>> No.10157063

It's a dumb normie meme. That's about it

>> No.10157073

Ironically, pineapple makes dick taste better.

>> No.10157077

Ham,Pineapple,green onions= the best pizza

>> No.10157078

I for one like pineapple on pizzas.

>> No.10157104

Why have sweet and salty popcorn?
Why have maple syrup with bacon.

Some sweet salty combos just work. Ham is commonly paired with pineapple. Like pork and apple, duck and orange

>> No.10157111

We Americans have such a narrow definition of pizza. Many of us would be surprised if we knew what the Japanese put on their pizza, for example.

>> No.10157121

how can I make my dick taste even worse?

>> No.10157125


It tastes like shit. The sweetness is totally out of place. Savory/small amounts of bitter only.


>> No.10157146

There's no relation to anything Italian about it. Some Greek in the middle of nowhere Canada came up with it. Yes, it's novel. Ham served with canned pineapple was a thing back in the '60's. She just put it on a pizza. And it's not that it doesn't work - ham and pineapple do work together because the sweet acidity acts as a counterpoint to the salty fatty ham. Just like the tomato sauce on the pizza is the sweet acid counterpoint to the salty fatty cheese. So far so good. But put it all together and you have two unrelated acid counterpoints playing against two salty fatty things. The ham and cheese get along fine, but the pineapple fights with the tomato. In the amount typically applied to a Hawaiian pizza it completely overwhelms the sauce and most of the flavor the cheese brings to the party. Plus its excessive sweetness dominates, making the experience more like eating a salty, greasy cheese danish instead of a pizza. You're throwing off the balance by using too much of an ingredient that's gonna dominate everything, even if it ought to work conceptually.

>> No.10157158
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>sweet and salty popcorn
Sounds fucking disgusting. No one eats that
>maple syrup with bacon
Maybe if you're some sort of turbo downie who can't keep different items on his plate properly separated

"Yea well people eat other disgusting combinations, so that makes this disgusting combination ok"

>> No.10157168

>but the pineapple fights with the tomato
oh, I get it. you are mentally ill

>> No.10157183
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>> No.10157185

Sure, because YOU don't eat something you think it means no one else does either. Fucking retard.

>> No.10157195

Keep rejecting the facts then loser, they're all sweet and savoury combinations that are widely accepted in cooking

>> No.10157217


tastelets like you need to get the fuck out of this thread, seriously

>> No.10157229

so what are the tomato and pineapple fighting about? do they talk to you?

>> No.10157240

Dumb meme who spiraled out of control.
Ignore it.
I had my pizza with pineaple when I was like 11 ? and stole a slice from my cousin. Is fine if you dont want some greasy shit.

>> No.10157384


Then can I get a citation from a peer-reviewed, scientific journal that states this? Because otherwise, it’s an opinion.

>> No.10157422

I just decided I'm going to make hawaiian pizza this weekend and there is nothing you fegs can do about it. I'm even going to use bbq sauce instead of tomato so suck my nuts

>> No.10157430



>> No.10157491

It's gay, man. Totally gay.

>> No.10157505

It's so cute when your identity revolves around being a chantard that hates reddit, anon. It's almost as good as having something clever to say!

>> No.10157536

>nothing clever to say
so what is your excuse?

>> No.10157544


>There's no relation to anything Italian about it.

how is this a bad thing?

i was eating hawaiian pizza in 1991 at the latest. it's nothing new. it's on almost every menu. it's literally just an internet fad to hate on it. people who can't think for themselves repeat it.

>> No.10157552
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I don't need to be cute. I'm sex on wheels.

>> No.10157564

>sex on wheels
wtf? how old are you grandpa?

>> No.10157566

I prefer ham, pineapple, and jalapeno. heat and sweet work well, and sweet and salty work well too. It's a good combo.

>> No.10157607

Making it awesome, you cuck

>> No.10157615

Old enough to have seen that movie the gif is from when it was new.

>> No.10157738
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>not topping pizza with toffee and haggis
>imminently posting an ignorant, disgusted response to this without ever having tried it

>> No.10158266

One of those retarded things people read on Reddit and start disliking because Reddit told them so. Fucking idiots

Same applies to people sperging about well-done steaks

>> No.10158279

Well done steaks are problematic. Unless it's a very shitty, gristly cut (in which case it should be braised until well and tender), you're basically destroying the flavor.

>> No.10158353

Pineapple compliments ham nicely

>> No.10158417

>he says on a board where every other thread is "Is _______ good, or just a meme?"

>> No.10158455

My semen is already sweet enough from what you are mom tells me.

>> No.10158465
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I find the texture of the pizza is ruined by the water content of the pineapple regardless of the taste. Imagine after every bite of your pizza you took a sip of water and swished the contents around in your mouth then swallowed. Simply put, pineapple is a low tier topping, and you can go your whole life wanting to experience a low tier lifestyle. Aspiring to the mediocre is a safe bet for those with no ambition.

>> No.10158701

ur putting a fucking disgusting fruit on a pizza. imagine putting peaches on ur hamburger..

>> No.10158709


>> No.10158752

Stop using stupid shit canned pineapple like a typical amerifat.

>> No.10158757

might be good

>> No.10159371

It is just the latest incarnation of skub. It is just a meme to hate it.

>> No.10159387

I'm prwtry new to this meme as well. Didn't care much even though pizza Hawaii is by FAR my favourite pizza. Yeah yeah Italians don't call it a pizza and it's a meme but it's also the best fucking pizza. Make sure to mix up some crushed garlic and olive oil and spread it over the top.
Some dried herbs also work

>> No.10159401

There is nothing good about tepid capsules of past its prime pineapple juice exploding on your pizza. All it does is clash with the pizza. Too much acid, too much sweetness, no balance. Eurgh

>> No.10159437

haggis legit sounds like a good topping on pizza, desu

>> No.10159596

i friggin love the pie with some pineapple and frutti di mare. Oh and smoked salmon and pineapple shishkebabs as well

>> No.10159704

Majority of the people I have met that talk shit about pineapple with pizza haven't actually even tried it.

It goes great with ham

>> No.10159792

>lung, labia, blood, stomach
>and toffee

>> No.10159909

I dont need some gay ass scientific journal they're just widely accepted culinary flavour combinations you gimp

>> No.10159915

hot pineapple is gross

>> No.10160027

it's like tucking your joggers into your socks with black trainers on m8 it's just str8 est8 and you only do it if you're poor and the council have to house you.

>> No.10160060

>At a party
>Serving finest pineapple
>Refuse to eat it
>Everyone thinks you are a penis
>Never get invited to another party again

Disliking foods to the point of thinking of them as trash is a negative trait. A man is a fool to think there is any benefit to keeping a negative trait.

>> No.10160069

most of the things you listed sound disgusting

>> No.10160206

Probably because you've never eaten them or you're a lazy fuck who only eats food made from cheap, shit products.

>> No.10161893
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>Has never heard of duck a'lorange, one of the most famous dishes ever to come out of france

>> No.10161931

I don't like pineapple in the first place. Why would I want it on pizza?

>> No.10161937

>duck a'lorange
Is it good with bleu cheese and rouge wine?

>> No.10161953
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>> No.10161970

no it's not, ever had tacos al pastor?

>> No.10162670
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anchovies and double pineapple is good on a pizza

>> No.10164376

i woke my drunk girlfriennd up by laughing out loud to this comment, and now she's dazed and confused and wondering what's going on.

>> No.10164387

Because most pizza places don't know how to do it right. Small pieces of roasted pineapple absolutely works with ham on a pizza. Most places I've been to though just use huge chunks of fresh pineapple that leaks juices all over the pizza and fucks it up.

>> No.10164401

Pineapple pizza is one of those things you don't overthink and just eat because you're not paying attention to what slice you picked up at the party- you're not autistic so your brain doesn't immediately reee at the idea of tomato clashing with pineapple because you're too interested in the conversations you're having wth other people to care that you're eating something weird. That's not to say the pizza isn't goss though. After the third slice you start to realize that maybe cheese and pineapple aren't the best thing to eat with beer, but you don't let that stop you from finishing your story. You heroically down three more slices of terrible pizza even though you hate it just to make the world a better place for everybody.

>> No.10164411

pineapple is ok but chicken is a no no.

>> No.10164478

>says the one using memes
tons of people hated pineapple pizza way before this shitty meme became popular again

>> No.10164543

Ananas is a sweet fruit. Putting sweet fruit on a dish that was not meant for it its absolutely retarded and a sign of degeneracy. Also is liked by Hipsters and other hermaphrodites from outer space.

>> No.10164551

>just eat because you're not paying attention to what slice you picked up at the party
This thread is about the taste of pineapple on pizza, not about if you can tolerate it while you're drunk and hungry at a party.

>> No.10164583
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>> not about if you can tolerate it while you're drunk and hungry at a party.

But we're talking about pineapple pizza. Being drunk at a party where you didn't order the pizza is the ONLY acceptable way to eat pineapple on pizza. If you consciously choose to order an entire pineapple pizza for yourself and your GF, then you just don't have very good taste and are a very sad person regardless of the meme.

>> No.10164585

>tomato clashing with pineapple
Um. What? They're both sweet and acidic fruits. There's no clash.

>> No.10164591

mentally, I don't like the idea of taking a ladle of tomato sauce and pouring it over a bowl of pineapple. That's why. Yes they are both technically acids. Shit and taco sauce both have water, does that mean they pair well together? NO.

>> No.10164598
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In germany we have hawaii toast.. its made with ham, pineapple and cheese. Its a good flavour combination. Maybe thats why we love pineapple on our pizza in germay.

>> No.10164621
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That's the worst analogy I've seen all day.

>> No.10164640

>tomato and ananas are both fruits
>put tomato sauce
>no one bats an eye
>put ananas

>> No.10164800

Basically the same logic a four year old applies when she cries about the peas touching her mashed potato.

>> No.10164950

makes the pizza soggy and usually doesn't play of the other toppings, just acts as a separate flavour.

>> No.10165097

Care to elaborate?

>> No.10165655

hey let's put grapefruit pomegranates plums and strawberries on a pizza
it's all fruit
pineapple makes cum taste better
you should always eat pineapple if you have a very active sex life

>> No.10165678

does it also make pussy taste better? do you have to eat it exclusively to see the effect or it is ok if you just add it to your diet without changing the other food?

>> No.10165689

Yes it makes pussy taste better too. Cutting out dairy and some other foods (red meat, iirc?) improves the taste as well. Add more veggies and fruits to your diet for maximum genital tastiness

>> No.10165699

the only thing I know is it makes your cum taste better and sweet

>> No.10165702

Pineapple and jalapeno are a GOAT pairing. Hated pineapple on pizza until I tried it like this.

Ham with pineapple on the other hand, is an abomination.

>> No.10165720

Why don't you just throw all fucks to the wind and get gummy bears on your pizza, swine? You're already halfway there with the pineapple.

>> No.10165746

>There's no relation to anything Italian about it
There's no relation to anything Italian for lots of pizza toppings, I can't believe people can get this fucking pretentious about what goes on pizza. I don't understand why pineapple has to be so polarizing either, many people dislike anchovies on pizza but no one memes that nearly as hard.

>> No.10165776

A'cause anchovies are seen as regionally accurate, traditional and for the "advanced palatte" meanwhile pineapple is considered childish and a bad flyover habit.

>> No.10165793

>ftw reading this thread and eating pizza

R8 my toppings
feta, jalapeño, tomato, kebab

>> No.10165799

that sounds pretty good

>> No.10165884

Nice, I could got for some feta, would give a nice sharp contrast to the meatiness.
Still enjoying my own kebab, chicken, onion, garlic, chilli and creme fraiche dressing pizza.

>> No.10166594

Pineapple does not make pizza soggy. Do not complain about pineapple on pizza if you have never even tried it.

>> No.10166645

Sure sure and pepperoni doesn't make pizza into a fluorescent orange slice of salty and oily charcoal.

>> No.10166656

everyone I meet who likes pineapple pizza is a fatass.

>> No.10166967

What kind of shithole have you been eating at? Walmart's frozen foods section? Have you considered eating actual pizza sometime?

>> No.10167008
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exactly !
I personally love it !

>> No.10167040

Most american pizza has canned pineapple as a topping because it's cheap and easy to store. If I was going to put pineapple on my own pizza, I'd char it on the grill first until it was starting to blacken. Then I'd put it on my pizza.

>> No.10167074

This. The fact that most ketchups are sugary bullshit is the reason why no one in Chicago will take you seriously if you want it on a hot dog.

>> No.10167495

No one takes chifags seriously either so what's your point?

>> No.10168926

This. As far as the average Amerifat is concerned pizza is strictly tomato sauce, plastic cheese and slices of salami on floppy, uncooked bread. Their education system is bad so their below average brain can't handle the thought of adding more than one topping. They're all really fast so they can't handle waiting until it's funny cooked, which is why they pizza is floppy.

>> No.10168941

The ham and pineapple is the standard pizza in Australia. You always order one in case someone doesn't like meat lovers or supreme, and only soyboys order "no topping" pizza like cheese or pepperoni.

>> No.10169041

>in Australia
More evidence that pineapple on pizza is for degenerates.

>> No.10169150
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Australia is just a straight upgraded version of the US. Stay mad, Americuck.