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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 980x490, tipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10156788 No.10156788 [Reply] [Original]

I usually tip a $1-3 on a $20-40 order. I know it doesn't seem like they do much, but if that person also has to prepare the order to go I figure they earned it. Do you tip on to go orders and if so, how much?

>> No.10156799

A dollar or two only if they are really nice desu. I always give them whatever change they give me.

>> No.10156810

Only if I'm paying cash and I can drop all the coins in a bucket. Otherwise minimum wage here in CA is $11.50 no matter if it's a tipped position or not so I really don't feel bad not doing it. Even at restaurants/bars I've started tipping 10-15% instead of ~20% like in other places where they get $2.10 an hour.

>> No.10156814

Counter service? $1 if they're cool.

>> No.10156849

That's a good point. I think in Texas they can pay you below min wage but I'm not sure. Also min. wage is 7.25 here.

>> No.10156851
File: 245 KB, 1080x981, 1348538272587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole fucking point of picking it up yourself is so you can NOT tip you fucking ass muncher

>> No.10156861

Well I order pick up because I don't want to sit down at a restaurant by myself and I hate cooking.

>> No.10157115
File: 36 KB, 672x432, bible tipper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should tip me for not having to pay a sever, busser, and hostess for my visit.

>> No.10157136

They shouldn't be paying you anything, trash. The fact that you think that is laughable.

>> No.10157144


>people get takeout for the sole reason that they're too autistic to tip

Holy shit that projection.

>> No.10157149

You can sit down and eat and then not tip too.
>but they'll spit in my food
are you sure they aren't doing that when you pick up and don't tip?

>> No.10157150

>tipping for no reason
>tipping for service you didn't get
>all they did was their job


>> No.10157162

No you moron, you tip because someone provided an extra service, e.g., delivery. When you pick it up, they've provided no extra service, therefore no tip.

>> No.10157169


Re-read the fucking post I replied to.

>> No.10157189

I made that post, I know what I meant. You pick it up yourself so that you don't have to pay extra for a delivery tip. Tipping for pick-up anyway is retarded, which I expressed in that post. If it was delivery I get it, but it's not, which I find irritating.

>> No.10157193

what exactly is "extra" service? Why is a waiter or delivery driver simply doing what they're supposed to do (bring my food) considered "extra"?

>> No.10157228

yeah I wouldn't tip at all in Cali. Entitled fucks will rage, and it would be funny to watch.

>> No.10157238


>I know what I meant

Communication doesn't work that way, dum dum. What matters is that you approximate what you mean to say in words, which you did not do.

>> No.10157264

no, why would I possibly tip for take out?

>> No.10157278

for the exact same reason you'd tip a server

>> No.10157322

Do you tip at McDonald's? Because that's the same amount of service you get with takeout

>> No.10157334

Well you're technically not allowed to tip at mcdonalds and I'm not going to try to slip them money in secret. Otherwise yes I would tip at mcdonalds.

>> No.10157339

Now I feel bad for trying to argue with you. You're a nice person anon, have a nice weekend.

>> No.10157385

any decent restaurant all the hostess does for togo orders is put the containers in a bag with napkins. the cooks make up the togo boxes instead of plating. no place worth eating would let the hostes/waiter/tress behind the line to plate shit into a togo box. don't fall for their lies

>> No.10157404

thanks m8, I hope you have a nice one too.

The real reason most people tip is simply because they know it's expected. They don't want spit in their food, and they don't want the rest of their party to see them not tipping and think they're an asshole. Men especially don't want women to see them not tipping.

But if you ask people why they tip, they'll usually say it's because servers don't get paid well, etc. For most people this reasoning is bullshit and they are only tipping because of social pressure and tradition. But I'm a true believer in this reasoning. I do tip at least a little for pick-up orders. I also often put a dollar into tip jars at coffee joints and other places like that where tipping isn't exactly expected but they still encourage it by having a jar.

>> No.10157412

what does the hostess do when you dine in? Does she really do more than just carrying your plate to you?

>> No.10157427

no the hostess only seats you. the waiter/waitress should be taking your order in a timely manner, be able to keep your drinks filled without having to ask what you're drinking every time, make sure the order is right before bringing it to the table, etc... wait staff do lots more than a hostess, and most hostesses don't make that less than minimum wage shit because tipping isn't part of their income

>> No.10157428

>What matters is that you approximate what you mean to say in words, which you did not do
The great thing about /ck/ unlike other slow boards is you get to view a few autists going at each other like cat scratching wenches. I generally derive a belly laugh or two.

>> No.10157434

But how is seating me any harder than throwing napkins into a bag and sending me home to eat?

>> No.10157447

because they don't just seat you, I listed a bunch of other stuff they do that hostesses do not do

>> No.10157463

I'll generally do maybe a $1-2, particularly if there was more packaging than just pouring the stuff into a styrofoam box. I order soup from the local Chinese, Thai, Viet, and Cambodian restaurants fairly often and it doesn't hurt at all to tip the waitress who's packing all that shit up. Plus if you're a regular you'll sometimes get special offers or free shit.

>> No.10157476

When I make a pick-up order, someone on the phone takes my order exactly as a server would. Someone also makes sure the order is right. They don't have to refill my drink but honestly how much is that really worth? I need my drink refilled like one time, am I really tipping several dollars just for that? Because as far as I can tell that's the only service I'm getting when I dine in that I don't get when I carry out.

>> No.10157484

I always tip atleast $1 dollar (never coins) nut usually $2 when I pick up chinese, pizza etc.

If someone brings an order out to the car, curbside pickup, I tip at least $4 or so.

My orders are generally small and simple. I can't believe the cheapass misers and penny pinchers in this thread.

>> No.10158654

My rules on tipping are dead simple:
>tip 15% if I plan on being a regular customer
>don't tip at all if it's a one-off visit
At this point, I don't treat tips as special rewards for hard workers. I consider it bribe money so that they won't spit in my food. If I'm a regular customer, it's in my best interests to maintain a good rapport. If it's some random restaurant where nobody knows me and I have no intention of visiting again, then fuck it, I don't give a shit.

>> No.10160452

OP here, I should have mentioned this in my post. I agree with this sentiment. I pay so that I don't get my order either wrong or poorly prepared and tampered with. Nothing pisses me off more than getting home and finding out that I didn't get what I ordered. I usually check in my truck before going home but sometimes I'm in a hurry. I also will never get take out from a place that I have no intentions of revisiting. They are always locations convenient to me for when I come home from work.