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10154564 No.10154564 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, this is my first post here.

I'm making bubble tea and was wondering, is there a way to get the tapioca pearls to last longer? They begin to break down after 6 hours, it seems. I want them to be able to retain their consistency and not affect the flavor of the tea, so that they can stay in a refrigerated bottle for longer.

So someone could, say, open the bottle in the fridge and drink it a week from now, with the same quality it had when first made.

Any ideas?

>> No.10154580

make your own tapioca pearls and only put them in the tea when you're ready to drink it

>> No.10154584


Make a pitcher of whatever tea, add your tapioca balls to a glass, fill the glass with the tea.

>> No.10154590

I plan on making this a packaged drink is the thing. It wouldn't be marketable if the tapioca just falls apart within hours of bottling it

>> No.10154612


Well your plan is terrible. That said, the answer is obviously the same: just keep the tapioca separate until they open the bottle or whatever, like how they well fruit with yogurt cups. Also, how fucking high are you right now?

>> No.10154630

T-thanks for the help anon

I'm not high I'm just on a trip in Asia and have been liking bubble tea and was thinking it might be a good idea idk

>> No.10154641

Design a cup with tapioca pearls on top in a separate compartment, kind of like pic related. Keep them soaking in a sugar syrup to preserve them. Would have a shelf life of about two weeks, probably.

>> No.10154643
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Forgot pic because dumbass

>> No.10154682

That could work.

I wonder if there's a preservative that would help them last longer.

>> No.10154691

>So someone could, say, open the bottle in the fridge and drink it a week from now
This sounds absolutely foul.

>> No.10154868

Think of it like those starbucks frappucinos you see in glass bottles at the supermarket. Only with bubble tea.

>> No.10154881

Most places that do bubble tea seal the cup to order so they're not a problem. This would really be the only way to market it. Unless you added a stabiliser or something to the tapioca pearl to prevent the breakdown.

>> No.10154897


The tea doesn't go bad but the pearls will (consistency). Keep the pearls separate, you can soak them in sugar water to make them last longer or boil the dry one's whenever you want some more (but that takes a long time).

Don't get sick of it though. It's mostly just sugar and milk, best to keep it sacred while you still can.

>> No.10154905

Why not make a pouch of the tapioca pearls attached to the drink so the person drinking can add their own when they're ready to drink it. That way it's fresh

>> No.10154906

I didn't know about them breaking down, but they can definitely spoil. Ever see that agar on a petri dish? Bacteria flocks to sugary things, and these things are nearly tasteless if they aren't soaked in a brownsugary concentrated tea, like say jasmine or lichee tea. That solution they need to be kept in, is the 2 day rule. So, making bubble tea is kind of out as a daily dole it out beverage like that, a week at a time. You can definitely make cold brew coffee concentrate and pour a little over ice and milk each day, spice it up with a syrup or a sprinkle of cinnamon. You can add cold espresso to sweetened condensed milk and make your thai iced coffee daily, can even use instant espresso like bustelo dissolved in a Tbsp of hot water. You can certainly make pitchers of jasmine tea, iced tea, fruit teas, and make yourself a lovely concoction each day.

Why not experiment with the cubed jello-like add-ins. They are not stored in liquid, but sliced off in squares from a jello mold. It is more homemade economical too, as you are starting with something you didn't buy. Tapioca pearls are pricey. Ice jelly is the way to go!

>> No.10154908

>goes to Asia
>drinks bubble tea
Fag. I was on the verge of falling down drunk the entire time I was there. I used to carry vodka to add to pineapple smoothies. Oh man, I barely remember any of my trip! It was awesome! I did drink lots of coconut water when I needed to rehydrate.

>> No.10154953

>haha dude I'm a retarded normie reliant on alcohol to enjoy myself and I can't remember anything because I'm a drug addict haha!!1

>> No.10155068

Exactly! You think chicks are into autistic weebs? I go to SEA and drink and party my ass off, and fuck cute little Asian bitches. I go there because I like the food and I can drink anywhere. I don’t even buy hookers, I don’t need to. Normie life is the best life. You probably think it’s lonely at the top, but it isn’t. It’s fucking awesome. You’re just lonely at the bottom with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.10155086

I have a loving and loyal wife and don't need to validate myself the way you do. Have fun though I guess.

>> No.10155089

>Fuck cute little Asian bitches
>Was drunk
Anon, I have bad news for you mate...
Those were boys.

>> No.10155093

>I don’t need to validate myself while I act superior to others
Sure thing cuck. How fat is your wife?

>> No.10155097

Says the fucktard who was just acting superior.

She's quite thin, goes to the gym a lot with me and we cuddle after.

>> No.10155100

Only some of them, and I was always fully aware beforehand. Ladyboys are a good time. Regular chicks almost never do anal, and you would be surprised at how hard it is to find an Asian chick who can give a decent blowjob.

>> No.10155102

Do you people not have instant boba? Mine cooks in five minutes.

>> No.10155105

There's a reason they don't exist yet. What makes the pearls palatable is their texture. They would likely have to be way more solid in order to not break down.

>> No.10155107

lol u gay m8

>> No.10155108

I bet you got beat up a lot in high school.

>> No.10155110

Maybe a little, but I don’t bottom so I’m not a full blown faggot. I don’t care either way. You should see some of those ladyboys tho! It’s fucking worth it.

>> No.10155113

Says the degenerate defending his shitty lifestyle out of nowhere on 4chan

>> No.10155115

>There's a reason they don't exist yet.

Because I haven't made them yet :^)

>> No.10155116

>thread about bubble tea
>a faggot appears defending his homosexual conquests to south east asia to anons who never asked
Makes you think.

>> No.10155117

Isn’t there a post on Reddit you should be up voting?

>> No.10155216

Bubble tea Anon here. This won't work. There's a reason we keep the pearls warm before serving. Even if you managed to preserve them, they'd be either complete mush or hard like little rocks depending on how you prepare them.

>> No.10155225

Damn. That's the conclusion I've been coming to.

What are your thoughts on a bubble tea van? That could work, right?

>> No.10155233

There used to be a lady in my city with a bubble tea and dessert truck. She'd make friends with the other food truck is and follow them around. Seems like a good gig.

>> No.10155234


You sure seem to have an intense need for people's approval and attention, and you're being unusually defensive. Personally, I wouldn't call be a raging alcoholic who spends a ton of money to go to other countries only to "not remember it lol" being "at the top", but to each their own.

Then again you're probably lying, because your post is clearly something a 14 year old would write in order to impress a bunch of strangers online.

>> No.10155252

I said barely remember. I don’t get blackout drunk. I get a cab home and go to sleep before that happens. What do you call having fun on holiday? Going and doing tourist shit like you’re a 70 year old woman? I don’t need approval from this site. I’m fully aware you faggots don’t have fun, because you don’t know how to interact socially. I also get that you think vacations are expensive, because most of you didn’t go to college. One day I will be old and I won’t be able to party like I can now, so I’m going to enjoy being young(ish) while I’m still in my 20’s.

It’s like you don’t even know how to be white...

>> No.10155258

Real tapioca pearls won't work ofcourse: but if I gave a few food scientists some money and a lab, they'd be able to make a pseudo tapioca pearl that would be able to have a shelf life of a few weeks. It wouldn't be authentic, but it'd probably be able to be 70% as good.

Then you just need the container to add them into the tea when it's opened: not as easy task, but doable.

If you're into owning your own business OP, want to spend a year and raise capital/do all that fun stuff, you can do it. Just raise $$$ and contact a legit food Science firm

>> No.10155264

It would probably end up being like those little balls that were in orbitz drinks. I always felt those things were a bit questionable.

>> No.10155298


>I d-dont need approval or attention from you guys
>types out paragraphs of tl;dr babby's first trolling tier responses to everyone making fun of his autism
>replies to every single comment
>being both incredibly defensive while simultaneously assuming anyone laughing at you is "jelly", like you're a literal highschool girl

ok anon

>> No.10155307

True, though I'm not sure if it would be popular if the tapioca pearls were too weird. I would like to own my own business though, that's the goal.

I feel like food science is advanced enough that they could come up with something good though.

>> No.10155343

>everything someone else writes is to impress me
How much of a faggot are you? Does it just kill you inside to know other people actually enjoy their life while you hate your own? Or is it the fact that you feel so superior to me yet I get to do things you don’t? I’m just having a good time anon, you should try it sometime.

>> No.10155363

lol that this one dude fucked traps and probably sucked them off too

>> No.10155381

Only one. Wasn’t my thing. I didn’t even swallow...

>> No.10155384
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lol this nigga gay

>> No.10155389

Dude, relax, hit a splif, 80% of 4chan can't leave their mom's bf's basement w/o shitting their pants let alone travel to another country.

>> No.10155407

Not gay, I guess bisexual, but I don’t fuck dudes who look like dudes. I just like fucking asses. If more girls took it in the butt I wouldn’t resort to ladyboys.
I wish I could, but I get piss tested at work fairly often. Haven’t smoked since college. I don’t get upset here, I’m just passing the time. I think it’s laughable a bunch of neets think they are better than me because they wouldn’t do what I do if they had the chance, even tho they never get the chance to do it.

>> No.10155431

I agree with the dude I'd def tear up south east asia.
Probably pass on the lady boys tho, miss me with that gay shit dude

How was the food mang?

>> No.10155477

The food is absolutely amazing my man. Chicken cashew stir-fry with vegetables and chili peppers with rice is god tier. Get Thai tea with it too.

>> No.10155554

nice nice. Dirt cheap too right? Definitely on my places to visit.
How were the locals?

>> No.10155628

Oh yeah. It was the equivalent of $3 USD for a full meal, even less so if it's a rural/non-touristy area. If you don't mind the risk, the street food is great too.

The locals are great, probaby the warmest and friendliest people I've ever met. And not even in a "we want your money" way, they're just kind. If you give a local family place a tip they will be incredibly grateful and happy, 50 cents is a lot to these people.

A nice hostel is only like $6 for the night, and things like haircuts and taxis are cheap as hell too. The cons are the muggy jungle heat, mosquitoes that will eat you alive if you're not careful, and... that's pretty much it. It's a beautiful country.

>> No.10155647

bros i'm gonna make a soy bubble tea stand this summer with astolfo as my mascot. what should the slogan be?

>> No.10155729


>> No.10155771

sounds pretty nice anon. i'd like to go on a trip somewhere around there. Maybe Bali, i've heard its great.

>> No.10155849

Don't go to Bali dude. I went there before I came to Thailand, it was trash. Polluted beaches, the towns were ridiculously filthy, the locals are always trying to scam you or get you to buy shit, mediocre food and boomer tourists everywhere.

Skip it.

>> No.10155988
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Could be doable if you change the osmotic pressure. Either by changing the tea or the pearls. Key would be to stop water being pushed into the pearls. How about adding a small amount of salt to the tea. Doesn't have to be table salt, other salts would work as well, like bitter salts. The problem will be not to change the flavor too much or to mask the salt.

>> No.10156032
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This was a fad in the west five years ago. Why not try to introduce low-cal gel drinks ? Mostly agar, flavor and artificial sweeteners. Cheap as shit, but as it's functional food, can be sold at high price and fat bitches love it.

>> No.10156044


>five years ago

It peaked in the states probably around 2005.