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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10148720 No.10148720 [Reply] [Original]

Took the wife out to dinner and finally tried foie gras tonight. It was so fatty, but had a nice flavor. Not sure it was worth the price, but I'm glad I finally got to see what all the fuss was about. The duck pâté I had, however, was creamy and delicious, and my 5 spice seared duck breast was delightful.

So, what is /ck/'s opinion on foie gras? Do you think it actually tastes good, or is it all hype? Do you feel bad for the force-fed duck, or nah?

Discussion about duck in general is also acceptable.

>> No.10148742
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Duck eggs are GOAT for custard

>> No.10148757

Soooo, you prepared the foie gras yourself?

>> No.10148760

Thanks for the infographic, I didn't think to explain what foie is. The process is pretty fucked up, but it doesn't stop people from eating the hell out of this stuff. I'd like to track down some regular old duck livers and make some pâté, because that shit was delicious.

Never tried duck eggs, but made plenty of custards. How do they differ from chicken eggs?

>> No.10148778

Why would you go to a restaurant to eat pâté when you could just open up a delicious can of cat food? It’s the same taste

>> No.10148789

>took the wife out to dinner

.....nope, Valentine's Day pre fixe menu, and had to pay an additional $11 for the foie to be my first course. Maybe I should have just gotten the damn lobster bisque. Anyway, the foie was seared. And served with peach chutney and grain mustard vinaigrette.

>> No.10148800

Duck livers can be had at any butcher, and I agree that duck pate is delicious. Also, duck eggs are larger and more rich than chicken eggs. If you want the ultimate in rich eggs, get goose. 2 goose eggs equals 4 to 5 chicken eggs and are super rich.
Oh, and idk how you had your foie gras, but I fucking love it.

>> No.10148812
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For plain duck liver look up Maple Leaf brand duck products or on the higher end D'artangan brands. Torchôn is sometimes at Whole foods next to the local/artisisnal cheese counter.

Duck eggs are found at any Asian grocer and they have more fat than chicken eggs and are slightly bigger on average.

Moulard Duck breast seared with juniper berries and rosemary with butternut squash and sweet potato hash is what I would choose for my last meal.

>> No.10148814

>uncultured swine

>> No.10148833

>So, what is /ck/'s opinion on foie gras? Do you think it actually tastes good, or is it all hype? Do you feel bad for the force-fed duck, or nah?

It's a gayass status symbol that was never good.
you are right to prefer the duck pate. Nice and fatty and delicious
Shit yes I feel bad for the force-fed goose. Killing animals is fine, it's natural. Needlessly torturing them for months on end until the end of their lives is shite and idc how important it is to your culture.

>> No.10148861

Nah dude once you have had foie you want it more I still remember the first time I tried it in Chinatown Philly.

>> No.10148881

>torturing ducks

Friendly reminder ducks have brains the size of peas and don't experience pain like we do

Friendly reminder ducks are literal rape beasts who use a spring loaded corkscrew penis to attack their females

>> No.10148887

There's absolutely nothing wrong with foie gras.

You don't want animals to suffer? then don't eat them. Otherwise shut up.

>> No.10148888

Anon, you ignorant slut. Seriously, though, if you are just trollIing, go out and eat some duck pâté and tell me it's not delicious. And for the mother fucking record, my wife's cat gets the expensive wet food, and it smells more like canned tuna than anything even close to pâté.

Next time I am at a decent butcher I will ask. Goose eggs have also been added to the food bucket list.

I actually work as a chef, and know maple leaf as the "go to" brand for most of my purveyors. Embarrassingly enough, even though I've been cooking professionally for going on a decade, tonight was the first time I had tried duck breast. It was everything I hoped it would be, and I very much look forward to cooking it myself as soon as possible. Though the breast I had tonight was delicious and perfectly cooked(med-rare), it needed to be seared a little longer, I think, as the skin wasn't quite as crispy as I'd come to expect, and ther was still a noticeable layer of fat under the skin. Maybe I'm just being picky.

Anyway, my meal tonight was as follows:

Seared foie gras with grain mustard vinaigrette, peach chutney, and brioche.

Duck Trio
5spice seared duck breast with lentils(which were actually really tasty), and raspberry sauce
Duck bacon(meh)
Duck pâté en croute (or however it's spelled)

Vanilla creme brûlée

>> No.10149021

I didn't REALLY want this to become an ethical discussion, but I guess it's a big part of the culture surrounding foie. I guess I feel, as a professional cook who eats and serves meat, that I have at least some morals about where the animals that died come from, and weren't subjected to abnormally bad conditions. That being said, I know how the poultry industry in the United States treats the vast majority of chickens, and it doesn't stop me from ordering cases of chicken wings every week. I've accepted that those conditions are "normal" for our circumstances, but foie gras production seems excessively inhumane. I'd eat it again if it was offered, but I'm not sure I liked it enough to spend the money on it a second time.

All of that said, I've never seen a duck be anything but an asshole when it's not idly floating in the water, so maybe I don't feel that bad..

>> No.10150251

>showing pipes into their throats
pumping fat and grain

The amount of retardation in this post..
You dont use pipe (wtf!?) and you dont use any fat (double wtf?!). You sit crosslegged over the duck and HANDFEED it cooked corn. At some point duck is full, so you switch it for another duck.
The second time I bring out cooked corn, they fuckin line up trying to be first.
And anericans call slavs drunken retards..

>> No.10150262
File: 55 KB, 460x300, 9FC4DC43-EEF9-49DF-98AA-CC167305196E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a retard and have no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.10150267

Foie gras is unironically the best ingredient in the world. My favorite preparation is a basic torchon. And no I don't feel bad about gavage; ducks and geese have no gag reflex and literally gorge themselves every year on their own.

>> No.10150269

Retard who did it hundred times.
Also wtf, what kind of medieval torture chamber is that ?!
Poor ducks, now I get why they call it inhuman.