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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10146210 No.10146210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are typical foods African-Americans eat?

>> No.10146211


>> No.10146218
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Same food as everyone else in America.
Inb4 racist shit: chicken, watermelon, corn bread, collards

>> No.10146224


>> No.10146238
File: 43 KB, 520x346, mac and scrambled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they put eggs in the mac and cheese.

>> No.10146247

Is it racist to say Mexicans eat tacos? Different groups do have different eating habits you know.

>> No.10146260

chicken, watermelon, corn bread, collards.

>> No.10146262
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>> No.10146265

what's a collard?

>> No.10146268

Not if it's true. That and cheap Chinese food, most of my co-workers and dad like it.
t. Mexican

>> No.10146275
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It's 2017 you get tacos literally everywhere in the US now. Who do you know doesn't eat fucking tacos it isn't just Mexicans and that isn't all there is to Mexican cusine? My point is this is an obvious /pol/ bait thread, if the thread can be on topic for like southern food or traditionally black dishes like fried chitterlings and grits and greens it would be fine but we both know what it will devolve into quickly.

>> No.10146278

i am pretty sure that black people mainly eat food which is coming from carbon based organisms.

>> No.10146280

Tell us about traditional black food.

>> No.10146282


>> No.10146285

Collards are collard greens they are like mustard greens which is similar to kale but much tougher of a plant. They are usually cooked in broth with a ham hock for a good few hours essentially braising them until they are soft and tender. Roughage though they are delicious but will clean our your insides.

>> No.10146288
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>> No.10146293

Food stamps and KFC

>> No.10146297

What's a computer?

>> No.10146302

Fried okra, hush puppies, bacon and black eye peas, Mac and cheese baked in the oven.
Soul food and creole cusine as well like etouffee, cajuin shrimp boils and shrimp and grits, gumbo
What do you want to know?

>> No.10146304

Black people eat PUPPIES!?

>> No.10146310

What's your favorite type of gumbo
Isn't cajun actually wypepo shit
What meat to Blacks prefer (like beef or pork or lamb or fuck do I know)
Are there traditional Black ceremony foods that get served at say weddings or birthdays

Thanks in advance

>> No.10146319

Black food is for the most part just southern comfort food. That includes things like (fried or baked) chicken and ham seasoned certain ways, really rich mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, and greens, among other things. Blacks internally enforce their separate identity with a consistency /pol/ would be jealous of though, and that can come out in weird ways. I've heard things like 'you're black, how you gonna like pumpkin pie?' or some other thing they see as 'for white people' a lot.

>> No.10146321

You don't need to braise collards for hours, they cook in a few minutes. They're just greens, and they're more tender than even kale. You can slow cook them the traditional Southern way, but it's not necessary.

>> No.10146385

Can't go wrong with fried chicken and purple drank.
That always gets a reaction.

>> No.10146395

What are the typical foods white-americans eat?

>> No.10146396

Hush puppies are like fried cornbread balls sometimes with a bit of cheese in the middle

>> No.10146405

Foods that are descended from European cuisines

>> No.10146419

Pasta, pizza, sandwiches, casseroles, potato salad, macaroni salad, burgers, chili.

>> No.10146427

> Niggers actually think they invented soul food

I wonder of blacks will ever admit they stole most of what they call "soul food" from us mexicans and other indigenous indians.

If they're always complaining about appropriation then they need to realize they stole half of their shit from other cultures, especially Latinos.

>> No.10146429

Mexicans aren't indigenous Indians. Mexicans are discount whites with a tiny portion of native admixture

>> No.10146431
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Typical American cuisine.

My favorite foods that my mom and Memaw makes are oxtail spaghetti, sweet potato pie, and spinach casserole.

I generally eat out and 1800 miles from my home city so I usually have that spinach feta cheese vegetarian wrap from gyro places ans lamb dishes, steamed broccoli, chocolate banana muffin, sandwiches from Whole foods (turkey bacon avocado), and Asian fusion dishes like spicy rice cakes, pad thai, and cheap sushi.

>> No.10146434

Andoulle sausage gumbo is GOAT if it is made correctly with rice. Filling and hearty but so delicious I can practically eat myself sick on it.
Cajun is actually more of a native american thing the French took when they came to Louisiana most peppers and spicy stuff from them came from the Americas since that is where spicy peppers are originally grown wild. Tex-mex is kinda what happens when white people mingle into the local cuisine, and I guess Creole food is that as well since the French influence is so heavy.
Chicken, pork, and shrimp are the holy Trinity of black foods as they either or the main protien or they are there in some form like stock or hocks.
King cake during Mardi gras comes to mind and specifically using cornbread stuffing on Thanksgiving, black eye peas soup on new year's but otherwise it's along the same traditions as American customs so birthday cake with candles on birthdays and BBQ ribs and burgers on labor day and July 4th.

>> No.10146443


Sorry but bland boiled veggies and oveecooked meat are almost strictly British or German

>> No.10146445

Whatever is on the menu in prison for that day.

>> No.10146454


>> No.10146460

t. delusional spic

>> No.10146461

That's about half of Dutch cuisine, as far as I can tell. I wouldn't say it's bland though.

>> No.10146470
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>Blacks stealing from Mexican cuisine
That's a new one.

I wait for the day Trump makes it legal to drag your type feom the back of my car.

>> No.10146495

but that sounds fucking delicious, why wouldn't they eat those things?

>> No.10146504

White wimmins.

>> No.10146505

Why is this forum so racist? Fuck all of you die slow

>> No.10146511


Blacks steal everything famchicano. And white liberals will defend the negro's right to claim your culture as theirs. lol

>> No.10146515

I like reddit, where racism gets you instantly banned. Come join us friend

>> No.10146520

I honestly can't even. Ugh, just ugh.

>> No.10146521
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Umm, try again sweetie. You are deranged to defend the Mexican vermin.

Exterminate them I say.

>> No.10146523

everyone eats that stuff

>> No.10146524

Used to work with a mexican who looked like this

>> No.10146525


I bet most white people don't even know just how similar black slave food is EXACTLY like puerto rican and jamaican dishes.

And btw, before Jamaica was overrrun with blacks in the 1500s, we had our own culture and foods, that were eventually stolen and appropriated by them. Now all white people laughably think all Jamaicans are "black" in origin. So fuckign ignorant...

>> No.10146530

Dude that's like so intolerant by you why would you wish death upon people you don't even know

>> No.10146531

Dude why would anyone care about some tiny island nation God knows where
Most Europeans don't even know typical dishes of their neighboring countries why would anyone know anything about fucking Jamaica

>> No.10146532

>And btw, before Jamaica was overrrun with blacks in the 1500s, we had our own culture and foods, that were eventually stolen and appropriated by them. Now all white people laughably think all Jamaicans are "black" in origin. So fuckign ignorant...

White liberals don't care. Black voter are far more valuable that you dirty shitskins hurt feelings.

>> No.10146533

popular american food

>> No.10146534

That looks good and I'm white

>> No.10146537

Tolerance isn't a left idea, it's something given to the left and assumed to be left culture.

>> No.10146538

>Dude why would anyone care about some tiny island nation God knows where

Fuck you, racist nigger. You know you niggers would be looting & rioting up a storm if some white guys said "why would anyone care about some dumb niggers from god knows where?"

>> No.10146541

“Racist” is overly used. A racist believes that genetic inferiority can be detected by skin color. Where as most here are simply reacting to observed traits that are imposed on race/identity groups by their environment. Blacks are pandered to and treated like children by “liberals” who need them to stay in perpetual victim mode in order for these “liberals” to hold political power. So it’s not due to black’s skin color but it’s their skin color that makes politicians manipulate race politics. It’s also very important for these political hacks to demonize anyone who notices.

>> No.10146545

no one does shit like that except actual poorfags that can barely pay the rent

>> No.10146553

>And btw, before Jamaica was overrrun with blacks in the 1500s, we had our own culture and foods, that were eventually stolen and appropriated by them. Now all white people laughably think all Jamaicans are "black" in origin. So fuckign ignorant...

Bob Marley is black, therefore all Jamaicans are now black to us.

>> No.10146560

You seem a little agitated friend why don't you take a couple of deep breaths and reflect on what you just wrote

>> No.10146564

>I bet most white people don't even know just how similar black slave food is EXACTLY like puerto rican and jamaican dishes.

If blacks stole your native Jamaican foods and culture, it's not their fault. It's the white people's fault cuz racism.

>> No.10146565

Isn't Bob Marley mixed?

>> No.10146568

Lmao what are the odds that the world's only white Jamaican is posting in this thread? Irie mon

>> No.10146576

Implying they don't eat shit like that all the time (down south at least)
I have noticed they do eat a lot more fast food and shit like boxed Mac and cheese though.

>> No.10146583


Fucking sheltered suburban white kid. Have you EVER seen a mixed black kid identify himself as "white?" Didn't think so.

>> No.10146593

>white Jamaican

Are you retarded? We were never white nor black to begin with.

>> No.10146595

Well they do look more black than white

>> No.10146596

Chill out and smoke some ganja ya cuck

>> No.10146608
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back to rrrredditttt with you faggot.

>> No.10146615

>chicken, watermelon, corn bread, collards

stolen, stolen, stolen, & stolen. These are all slight variations on Latino staples.

>> No.10146625

Are you completely retarded you know the watermelon is native to Africa right?

>> No.10146630

Go back to your containment board
>No racism outside of/b/
Learn the rules before posting try lurking more

>> No.10146637

Wow you idiots are easier to bait than /v/. GG noobs

>> No.10146646

>stolen, stolen, stolen, & stolen. These are all slight variations on Latino staples.

It's ok. As a white liberal, I deem this to be perfectly fine. Blacks need to be babied more than you mexicans so fuck off with your whining about 'equality'.

>> No.10146650

Boiled chicken and mayonnaise.

>> No.10146658


I love it when white Liberals deem themselves to be the judge and arbiter of equality and try to dictate which race should be more "entitled."

>> No.10146661

Jokes on you I was reverse baiting him

>> No.10146668

Nice LARP, sturmdrumpfer /pol/tard!

>> No.10146674

Knew a mixed race guy back in high school that he said he selected White when applying for jobs and selected Black when applying for colleges and scholarships.

>> No.10146681

>I love it when white Liberals deem themselves to be the judge and arbiter of equality and try to dictate which race should be more "entitled."

White people are God. They are wise and all knowing.

I for one bow down to the almighty Liberal and his judgement of my race and entitlements.

>> No.10146684


Good boy. Now here's a free SNAP card for being so obedient and knowing your pace.

If you keep voting democrat, we might even let you in on this Affirmative Action game... you do want job entitlements, don't you?

>> No.10146692

You're forgetting one important fact about the oligarchy using the right to foment racism as a means of keeping the middle and lower classes fragmented and from uniting against their tyrrany. Divide and conquer, a page right out of the southern aristocracy's playbook of keeping disenfranchised poor whites content because, "at least you'alls better than niggers."

>> No.10146694

Depends on the area. Some places have more restrictions on what you can actually purchase with food stamps.