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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 367 KB, 800x600, totinos_pizza_rolls_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10143078 No.10143078 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a patient, oven kinda guy, or an impatient microwave kinda guy who is essentially an overgrown child?

>> No.10143081

The second one.

>> No.10143082
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thaw in microwave, finish in oven

>> No.10143088

>With a finite lifespan
>In a world where hesitation is a death sentence
Yeah nah

>> No.10143089

Oven is worth it.

>> No.10143096

What exactly are you getting extra out of using an oven? I'm pretty sure microwave foods are mostly just foods that were cooked already that you heat up, seems pretty interchangeable to me.

>> No.10143097
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I'm the middle man

>> No.10143098
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>eats this garbage
>calls others who eat this garbage manchildren
way up there on your highhorse aren't we mr. classy?

>> No.10143102

Depends on how much I care about what I'm eating.

>> No.10143111

depends on the day, really.

>> No.10143120

> Not using the pizza pizaz for instant oven heat

>> No.10143136
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>He doesn't deep fry his totinos

>> No.10143359

Have you never used a microwave before? They pull the moisture out of food and cook extremely unevenly to where you have a soggy cold outside and a dry lava inside. Either way though, if you still eat this garbage you are essentially an overgrown child.

>> No.10143363

Depends how much I'm making obviously.

If I'm having a serving of like, 5, there is no way I'm patient enough to use the oven when I'm only going to be enjoying them for like 15 minutes anyway.

But you know if I plan on eating 40 of those bad boys they are going straight in the oven.

>> No.10143370
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I got an old toaster oven like this, except the top dial/oven temp is just one big lever. Heats up small quantities of oven stuff really fast.

>> No.10143381

Depends on how high I am.

>> No.10143411

If you really dont understand or sense the difference between foods heated in the oven vs foods heated in the microwave then you probably dont need to be here. My daughter is keenly aware and prefers the oven.
Shes six.

>> No.10143417

Deep fryer btw

>> No.10143418


>> No.10143428

>Have you never used a microwave before?
Obviously, I use it every day when I make my noodles or easy mac.
>They pull the moisture out of food and cook extremely unevenly
Maybe if you're eating disgusting TV dinners.
>the difference between foods heated in the oven vs foods heated in the microwave
You know microwave food is cooked too, right? It's just taken care of beforehand so you don't have to do it yourself.

>> No.10143438

I actually prefer the chewy sogginess when they're heated in the microwave.

>> No.10143446

Get two pieces of leftover pizza, cook one in the microwave and the other in an oven to around the same temperature. If you can't tell the difference then you have a worse sense of taste than I do and my nose only works around 25%

>> No.10143447

>owning a microwave
Why would you even? It makes everything taste like crap.

>> No.10143453

I'm the foresight having kinda guy. I always let stuff thaw at room temperature, hours before I eat it. Frozen foods come out so much better if you don't put them in the oven while still frozen.

>> No.10143459

I'm a grown ass man. I fry mine.

>> No.10143469

>i eat easy mac
Well there you have it folks.
My daughter once sent her macaroni and cheese back to the kitchen because they microwaved it. I said "just wait until the server comes back around and we'll get you something else." she's all "I got this dad... " takes her bowl to kitchen entrance and waits for our server. Next thing you know... my daughter is seated at the bar with the server, the manager, and someone from the kitchen and shes explaining why you should never microwave macaroni and cheese. She was 4 years old.

>> No.10143479

Why are you proud that you indoctrinated your daughter to put on shows in public like a retarded circus animal? Someone should contact your local CPS.

>> No.10143498

Some foods require an oven and are trash otherwise.

Some foods are actually fine in a microwave and often keep more nutritional value compared to some other cooking methods.

>> No.10143503

I don't eat pizza rolls.

>> No.10143512

I remember once when this would have clearly been a joke.

Now I'm just hoping it's not true, because poor girl.

>> No.10143524

Do you mean why would i encourage a girl to be strong confident and assertive? Yeah why would i do that? She was incredibly polite and articulate not rude or demanding. Thats why they asked her to have a seat and talk with the staff and the same reason they comped my steak... even though i never complained and enjoyed my meal. She did the right thing and yes i am very proud of her.

>> No.10143528

^Yeah, this. I think the microwave hate here is coming from people who have a very specific terrible meal in mind like Stouffer's Lasagna and are wrongly extrapolating from that to assume all microwave food tastes bad.

>> No.10143533

>tfw it wasn't a joke
Boomers should've just sterilized us early on.

>> No.10143558

>poor girl
How so...for having a palate more refined than most of the manlets on /ck/? Or for not being autistic and having an enjoyable conversation with strangers without breaking out in a sweat?

>> No.10143587

A four year old girl should not be made to play tricks like a dog for you. You obviously are teaching her to act like that. Regardless, that's a very common way to act in a restaurant. You're not even teaching your child how to behave properly. She's a pet dog to you; teaching her tricks and watching others show off and I hope CPS takes her off you soon.

>> No.10143595

And by common, I mean rude and uncivilised.

>> No.10143601

I bbq mine.
Fight me.

>> No.10143609

Youre projecting and have no idea what youre talking about.

>> No.10143615

Its called grilling
Only pork can be bbq'd

>> No.10143616

If I'm going to use my oven it's going to be for real food that I'm going to take the time to enjoy eating, pizza rolls are what you microwave while rolling a joint in preparation for getting lost in some good vidya.

>> No.10143622

You have issues bro
Did your uncle make you do private tricks for him?

>> No.10143626

>Only pork can be bbq'd
According to who exactly?

>> No.10143631

Post your face when you baked a hot pocket for the first time.

I'll wait patiently for you to post it.

>> No.10143634

>feeding your daughter pizza rolls

>> No.10143635

Ok so you think a child has to be taught to not like something or taught to complain about something
Maybe you need to be taught to not eat easy mac

>> No.10143639

God and the great confederate states
It is known
You must be from california or australia

>> No.10143646

Reading comprehension is not your thing... I understand. No one said anything about feeding pizza rolls to a child. Do try and keep up.

>> No.10143647

I'm from Texas which is exactly why I think you're full of shit and you're not doing much to make me think otherwise.

>> No.10143651

You kinda implied that you were talking about pizza rolls
In this pizza roll thread

>> No.10143652

You must be patient. Takes about 40 minutes to cook a hot pocket the right way but omg so much better than a microwave.

>> No.10143661

Texans are inbred and yes... What you call bbq is grilling.

>> No.10143662
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I use a panini press. Gets them nice and crispy, but a little flat, in 7 minutes.

>> No.10143668

You're so retarded and misinformed it hurts

>> No.10143672

you're eating fucking pizza rolls. either way, you're an overgrown child.

>> No.10143674

No. Im implying you struggle to process information in the written form.

>> No.10143683

>Muh great confederate states
>Except the ones that disagree with me
You must be from one of the Carolinas.

>What you call bbq is grilling.
According to who exactly?

>> No.10143690

>feeding your daughter frozen food

>> No.10143691

Says the guy calling his grilled beef chicken and pizza rolls barbeque

>> No.10143701

Haha good call. These guys are abour pork bbq the way texans are about chili

>> No.10143705

>Texans are inbred
And that's why any "texan" who lived there or had ancestors living there prior to 1990 should just be humanely purged.

>> No.10143710

Reading comprehension.
Read everything again. Take your time... sound out the big words. I'll wait.

>> No.10143722

Oh shit, here come the texas inbred italian grandmas, what shall we do?

>> No.10143725

Semi related, anyone pick a couple pieces of frozen pepperoni of their frozen pizza and eat before putting in oven?

>> No.10143727

Make chili with pasta

>> No.10143732

Sheeeeit my nigga

>> No.10143733

Then your post is literally useless in a thread about cooking frozen food

>> No.10143736

I use the oven and i cook them until they are golden brown and the pooled up filled spilling is crispy

>> No.10143746

hell yeah

>> No.10143766

>thread about cooking frozen food.
Maybe youre using a different internet but over here this thread is about ovens vs microwaves.

>> No.10143796

Only if it's worth it
Pizza Rolls I never eat anymore but when I did I never microwaved them

>> No.10143803

Mostly oven, microwave when I get back from work
I'm hungry and I ain't fucking waiting

>> No.10143810

I'm a "cook everything in that one ceramic saucepan because it's easy to clean" kind of overgrown child.

>> No.10143825

I've eaten these lil niggas frozen

>> No.10143835

Depends on what it is I'm trying to eat

Pizza rolls, chicken etc then its the oven

Shit like a hot pocket is going into the microwave

>> No.10143850

Microwave first to mostly thaw, then toaster oven for actually heating to temp and crispyness

>> No.10143871

Completely unnecessary and serves only to compound your fundamental lack of culinary prowess already illustrated by your poor choice of frozen after-school snacks.

>> No.10143892

Why are you in a thread about pizza rolls if you don't like them?

>> No.10143901

He's probably trying to save you.

>> No.10143919

I like ovens

>> No.10143921

An Air Fryer provides the air of an oven with the speed of a slow microwave

>> No.10143923

>Quentin but with food
Pissing in the wind.

So make your pizza rolls in your oven.

>> No.10143936

>with the speed of a slow microwave

>> No.10143994
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I used to like those until one day I didn't. That was all she wrote.

>> No.10144332

I make my own pizza, what am I?

>> No.10144365
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, DrDre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading the passive aggressive feuding in this thread

>> No.10144396

For pizza rolls? I'm a air-fry it kinda faggot.

>> No.10144410

>What exactly are you getting extra out of using an oven?
they explode and you get to spend an hour scraping cheese off your heating element.

>> No.10144416

Pizza rolls are cheap junk food. It's usually a "oh shit I don't have time to cook," or a "hey, I feel like being a lazy fatass today" thing, so I usually microwave them. They're definitely better from the oven, but really, how much better are they? Not that much.

>> No.10144428

Fast. Energy efficient. Some foods are better when you reheat them on the stove or in the oven, but a lot of things aren't worth it. My soup will taste just fine after 3 minutes in the microwave.

Also, have you never had a job? Most places only have a microwave, and MAYBE a toaster oven.

>> No.10144436

What is your daughter's opinion on our current social and political situation?

>> No.10144438

For defrosting frozen meat, and reheating leftovers. Only thing I cook in it is broccoli,

>> No.10144446

how do you stop your totinos from exploding

>> No.10144455

wait, you can cook pizza rolls in the microwave?
I've always used the oven

>> No.10144456

Lower the cooking temperature

>> No.10144458

You don't. When they pop open, that's how you know they're done.

>> No.10144496

Oh shit, hey, you should kill yourself

>> No.10144514

The unknown forbidden way which gives you both the quickest time with the crispy texture is to microwave then use the broiler. Use this knowledge for good, and not for bad.

>> No.10144562

Working on it, pal. Alcoholism as a method of suicide just takes a really long time.

>> No.10144574

Are alcoholics the vegans of addiction?

>> No.10144754

I use the microwave, if i'm going to use an oven i'm going to make an actual pizza

>> No.10144759

i find this tone judgmental and feel attacked

>> No.10144769

Microwave, then finish on the stove.

>> No.10145027

Nobody else microwaves then deep fried?

>> No.10145049

Nice. As an oven-preferer, I would definitely try them like this too. Anything that gets them crunchy on the outside is acceptable

>> No.10145098

Microwave for small frozen shit like that. Because freezers can have varying temperatures this can cause the cooking time vary from what is on the package. Overcook that kinda crap in the oven and it can become dry and inedible. I've had shit end up that burn from using the lowest cook time because I keep my freezer warmer sometimes.

>> No.10145105

Little bit of both

>> No.10145123

>owning a microwave
try walking in traffic, it's slower.

>> No.10145147

t. avocado wolfe

>> No.10145181

oven, there's just no other way to make them

>> No.10145290

your daughter is a cunt

>> No.10145469
File: 192 KB, 925x694, rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microwave for chewiness and then under the broiler for a thin crispy crust.
This method is also best to prevent popping.

>> No.10145667

Me from a few months ago would not be able to resist this meal. It still is tempting

>> No.10145717

I'm an intelligent and efficient tabletop convection oven user

>> No.10145729
File: 293 KB, 803x720, nyaruko came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis nigga gets it.

>> No.10145733

Wow, better question, have you used an oven before? Honestly it's totally fine to eat microwave food but your confusion and resentment towards the oven tells me that you have no experience with one.
And yeah dude not everything you microwave is pre-cooked, it sounds like you eat an extremely limited diet and for some reason think you know what you're talking about regarding food and preparation you have no experience with.

>> No.10145746

sip bros providing mad strats

>> No.10145748
File: 5 KB, 212x238, IMG_8505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically this is a thread where a guy who only eats microwave easy mac gets offended that anybody would have better taste or would dare to ever use another cooking method. He's a single guy who doesn't take care of himself and he's trying to shame a father for passing cooking knowledge on to his daughter. This man is childless and likes microwave food because 'somebody else already made it for him', and just because microwave food is all he eats, he's pushing some pseudoscience he just made up that microwaves are literally identical to all other methods of food prep, but of course all of those methods are arrogant and wrong because they require you to do anything at all.
Are you employed, sir?

>> No.10145798

Microwaves make about a billion things more convenient.

Want to make exactly one cup of hot chocolate but don't want to clean a pot? Microwave.
Want to reheat a portion soup without making reheating the whole thing? Microwave.
Want to reheat a frozen meal you've prepared in advance? Microwave.
Want to have molten cheese on your sandwich? Microwave.

>> No.10145805


I'm gonna have to try these out

>> No.10146205

No, that would be stoners. like vegans they never shut up about their poor life choices and like to act holier-than-thou about it. also, they are usually huge fucking faggots, much like vegans

>> No.10146410


Fryer master race reporting in

>> No.10146882

I microwave my bacon because I am an animal

>> No.10146951


>> No.10147248

Nah, I actually went to sleep pretty early last night, it looks like one or more anon was arguing with / insulting the guy who coached his daughter to be an adorable attention seeker on my behalf. RE: Work I'm a software developer for home and business security systems.
I don't think you understand what that word means. I never brought up anything even remotely scientific sounding in this thread. I just asked what specific extra benefit you're getting from cooking food in an oven that you can't get from pre-cooked food heated back up in a microwave. The closest to an answer I've seen so far are just complaints like uneven heating which isn't actually a universal problem for microwave use and probably has more to do with the particular product you were trying to microwave.

>> No.10147306

wow sounds like a very true story

>> No.10148453

Man that reminds me of the story when I was out to eat with my wife and daughter. My daughter ordered the bone-in ribeye and had the waiter take it back when she realized it was medium rather than medium-rare. She was 6 months old.

>> No.10148625

Haha like either of you meet the miminally acceptable criterion required for procreation.

>> No.10148634

You poor poor manlet. I mean... Autism alone is devastating but then couple that with the palate of a goat... fuck.
Sometimes... suicide IS the answer.

>> No.10148635

>Heh, I had a child which makes me part of the elite few 100 billion

>> No.10148639
File: 28 KB, 456x448, 1515207798576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire fucking thread

>> No.10148642

6'2, played basketball in high school. Keep trying though, you'll come up with a zinger eventually.

>> No.10148651

go to bed, Gordon

>> No.10148677

>i still think anything i did in highschool is relevant.
Wow really... highschool?
You are a true wizard.

>> No.10148683

Do I need to play in the NBA to not count as a manlet now?

>> No.10148691
File: 159 KB, 1022x1024, 1518583403767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not heating up your leftover pizza in the oven
Psht, like you guys have more important stuff to do within that 35-40 minutes it takes to heat up 15 little pizza rolls or leftover pizza. Enjoy your shitty microwaved heated pizza.

>> No.10148698
File: 69 KB, 366x401, 1500933581461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not undercooking in the microwave to have that slight cold in the center

You guys are all small time.

>> No.10148711

How long for each? Just as package describes in microwave and broil til crust gets crispy?

>> No.10148721

When do you use "who" and when do you use "whom". Not that guy btw just always wondered.

>> No.10148726

You need to stop thinking something as insignificant as participation in a junior amateur athletic program open to any qualified student willing to show up has any bearing at all on your worth to society or your ability to attract a mate.

>> No.10148768

Subject / object.
Same as when you'd use "he" vs. when you'd use "him."

>> No.10148796

How does "nah, I'm not a manlet, I'm actually 6'2, used to play basketball in high school" get translated into "I have high social worth and mate attracting ability?"
Are you feeling OK? Did you get a full eight hours of sleep last night?

>> No.10148828

>wasting electricity like a child who never had to pay for electricity in his lkfe

>> No.10148853

How poor are you that electricity bills are an expense of concern?
Even if I wasted as much electricity as possible it would probably work out to $100 for an entire month.

>> No.10148876

for me. it's pizza roll casserole.

>> No.10149026

How poor are you that you exist in an environment that only consumes $100 a month in electricity?

>> No.10149050

>my dad pays all of our bills in fact ive never actually seen an electric bill but im guessing $100 should cover my computer, television, bedroom and bathroom lights, and refrigerator because i mean thats all the electric stuff right?

>> No.10149061

I don't even make it up to $100 most months, I would probably need to leave on the AC and the heater 24/7 along with all lights while also inexplicably supplying energy for the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts supercomputer.
But even so, how much are you actually talking for your electricity bill here? $500? $1,000? Because for a month's time that's still not something that should impact you much unless you're occupation is sandwich artist.

>> No.10149068

Have *you* ever seen an electric bill?
I'm guessing if at all you maybe saw a bill once just last month because you're fresh out of college and are shocked at how much of your minimum wage job is going towards covering it.

>> No.10149389

put in microwave as per box directions. take them out of microwave 25 seconds before they are ready. put under broiler until outer crust is golden crispy. you can check how crispy it is with a fork instead of burning your finger poking it

>> No.10149420

woah dude calm down

>> No.10149560
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air fryer-fag here get fucked

>> No.10149707

I have a toaster oven what does that make me?

>> No.10150314

I have not used a microwave in any capacity since i was thirteen. The only reason I have one is the same reason I have a coffee pot, for when company stays over and uses it. Other than that all they do is take up space and never get used.

>> No.10150775
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>> No.10150784

microwave then bake for a shorter time... get gud

>> No.10151084

So defensive

>> No.10151208

I'm a impatient convection oven type of guy

>> No.10151217

It takes nine minutes plus preheat time, like fifteen minutes. Where hot getting your times from?

>> No.10151237


What a fucking fake ass poser Obama is.

> supposedly loves weed
> takes shitloads of $$$ from Alchohol lobbies, Opiate maker lobbies, Lumber & cotton lobbies.
> Weed still illegal nationally

I had so much hope for that fucking liar and he turned out to be a bigger sellout to his donors than Clinton.

>> No.10151865

Did he have any official stands on weed legalization? I don't remember.

Besides weed should be legal in a majority of states fairly soon. What are we up to 8 states now? It's only been a couple years.

>> No.10151890

Nope he was just silent on things that would loose him left wingers like BLM/race relations, weed, and warmongering. Like all politicians you have to look at his actions and the laws he vetoed/passed in order to get his opinion on those issues.

>> No.10151896

>trump's administration wants to prosecute licensed marijuana growers and retail businesses in states that legalized it
>fuckin' obama

>> No.10151914

I do everything in the oven or stove.
The only time I use a microwave is to reheat leftovers of something I made or got at a restaurant.

>> No.10151949

His stance was acting like he was cool with it before getting elected but then refusing to talk about it after getting elected even when ending cannabis prohibition and taxing it was the uncontested #1 slot in that online open forum thing he tried (he just laughed at it and said "no, I don't think that's a good way to grow the economy").
Though then again the DEA was allegedly told not to prioritize weed busts, so that's something I guess.

>> No.10151989


Obama was a mistake. Even my black coworkers who voted for him are disappointed.

>> No.10152019

>Even my black coworkers who voted for him are disappointed.

Bet you $10000 that those racists will still vote for Obama again over any white candidate.

>> No.10152195

depends what I'm in the mood for

>> No.10152264

Deep fry for 3 minutes.

>> No.10152327

I'm actually a patient sort of guy, but these little boppers have better texture if you microwave them. I'm weird though. For things like these with lots of filling, I prefer chewy to crunchy.