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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10138197 No.10138197 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post best vegan recipes and irl vegan food pics

I'll start

vegan nachos

corn chips
smoked paprika
nutritional yeast

New Vegan Discord


>> No.10138226

>paying $200+ for spandex

>> No.10138229

>tfw no qt mexican gf

>> No.10138232

A bullet. Served hot.

>> No.10138247


I make these so often I know the recipe off by heart. Throw in half a little can of tomato paste to make the cauliflower even better.

I always put mayo in my slaw though, suck it vegans

>> No.10138249

If you look like that, $200 is an investment that will payout a great return.

>> No.10139344


>> No.10139355
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I'm not familiar with veganism so you're not allowed to have eggs and milk either? I'm anemic I really need to have red meat what's the alternative of that?

>> No.10139431

Eat tons of fucking spinach and kale, or just listen to your doctor. Veganism isn't a good diet for everyone, don't let the religious zealots that tell you otherwise.

>> No.10139587

Seems fucking exhausting. Like I get it, you're more full of life than me, fuck off.

>> No.10139647

I like making a sort of tuna or egg salad (sandwich) variation but use semi mashed chickpeas instead plus diced bell pepper, onions/scallion, tomato, some kinds of greens with paprika, whole grain dijon mustard and tahini

>> No.10139664

can vegans drink cum

>> No.10139708

I feel sorry for anyone who occupies the same room as you. I imagine your friends need both ear plugs and nose plugs just to hang out.

>> No.10139731

The Beyond Burger still costs too much fucking money.

>> No.10139753

her cuteness is a methodically practiced trap. she would need more attention than a puppy and probably be as immature about it.

>> No.10139763

I bet she took a really quality, smooth consistency dump after drinking that tall glass of shit full of pureed dates.

>> No.10139848

ITT meatcucks triggered by vitality

>> No.10139849

Are beans a meat

>> No.10139857
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Why are we allowed to murder innocent cows and chickens, but eating a plant is illegal?

>> No.10140281

qt =/= annoying

>> No.10140338

just get it over with and start doing porn already

>> No.10140342


>> No.10140349
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The editing reminds me of those "30 seconds to fap" webms on /gif/

>> No.10140403

can confirm, bullets contain no animal products and no animals get hurt in the process of making bullets.

>> No.10140850

Make your own veggies burgers, the recipes exist

>> No.10140918

>can confirm, bullets contain no animal products and no animals get hurt in the process of making bullets.

>The spark that led to a mutiny in several sepoy companies was the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February, 1857. A rumour was spread that the cartridges were made from cow and pig fat. Loading the Enfield required tearing open the greased cartridge with one's teeth. This would have insulted both Hindu and Muslim religious practices; cows were considered holy by Hindus while pigs were considered unclean by Muslims.

>> No.10140959
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Hip to waist ratio is not very good desu.

>> No.10141372


>> No.10141449

Not a vegan but been really enjoying green smoothies lately. Got any decent recipes?

>> No.10141469

lol is the discord like when /soc/ tried to make a server?

I'm too scared to actually join because I'll be right about it being nothing but narcissistic normies with its own selfie chatroom


>> No.10141470
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Diary Post # 22

I've been chronicling my battle with colon cancer here on /ck/ for a while now. I'm still delaying chemotherapy because my doc already told me 100% recovery is not likely and the chemo would only be a delay.

So I hope other people here learn to eat healthy balanced diets instead of extreme fads.

> Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease

Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.

Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA which makes them susceptible to inflammation.

Scientists in the US believe that the mutation occured to make it easier for vegetarians to absorb essential fatty acids from plants.

But it has the knock-on effect of boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to inflammatory disease and cancer. When coupled with a diet high in vegetable oils - such as sunflower oil - the mutated gene quickly turns fatty acids into dangerous arachidonic acid.

The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

>> No.10141477

>The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

Researchers from Cornell University in the US compared hundreds of genomes from a primarily vegetarian population in Pune, India to traditional meat-eating people in Kansas and found there was a significant genetic difference.

“In such individuals, vegetable oils will be converted to the more pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, increasing the risk for chronic inflammation that is implicated in the development of heart disease, and exacerbates cancer.

“The mutation appeared in the human genome long ago, and has been passed down through the human family.”

To make the problem worse, the mutation also hinders the production of beneficial Omega 3 fatty acid which is protective against heart disease. Although it may not have mattered when the mutation first developed, since the industrial revolution there has been a major shift in diets away from Omega 3 – found in fish and nuts - to less healthy Omega 6 fats - found in vegetable oils.

>> No.10141481

>The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

The mutation is called rs66698963 and is found in the FADS2 gene which controls the production of fatty acids in the body.

Previous studies have shown that vegetarianism and veganism can lead to problems with fertility by lowering sperm counts.

Separate research from Harvard University also found that a diet high in fruit and vegetables may impact fertility because men are consuming high quantities of pesticides.

>> No.10141497

That again? Fuck off, all of that is full of shit.

>> No.10141501

>Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA which makes them susceptible to inflammation.

Increase in arachidonic leading to inflammation and eventually cancer is a direct causation, not just a correlation.

I don't think most vegans even understand what they're doing to themselves.

>> No.10141502

lol her ribs stick out further than her tits

>> No.10141508


Sorry if my cancer is upsetting to you. If this information can help one person from making my mistake of extreme fad diets, then I'll be glad.

>> No.10141514

I've seen that shit on /fit/ before I think and literally everything is retarded. I hope you actually had cancer to be honest, that way I'd be pretty sure I wouldn't have to read your shitposts in the near future.

>> No.10141515

Post a time stamp of something "you having cancer" related? I don't mean to be insensitive.

>> No.10141521

>vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters

You can add this to the long list of diseases you can expect being a life long vegan:

- Osterperosis
- Anemia
- Iron deficiency
- IBS & other colon problems
- Pesticide accumulation (Glysophate has been show to be a strong carcinogen)

>> No.10141531

>Increase in arachidonic leading to inflammation and eventually cancer is a direct causation, not just a correlation.

This is the smoking gun. Monsanto & the FDA has paid alot of $$$ to fake scientists to attack the messenger and keep this data from being news.

>> No.10141532

I've seen this before, he will continue to shitpost and samefag.

>4 captchas for one post

>> No.10141540

There’s no such thing as a decent green smoothie. If a green smoothie is sweet, you fucked up. This dumb shit like the OP webm where girls put a couple spinach leaves into a glass of pure fruit sugar isn’t good for you at all.

>> No.10141543

> ITT Triggered vegans can't even deal with their bad dietary decisions


>> No.10141679

The results of a vegan diet. Can't get them good curves on plants alone.

>> No.10141691

Why are you so upset by facts?

>> No.10141704

I NEED to have sex with Rawvana NOW!!!!!!

>> No.10141729

Is there a bigger turnoff than a girl that doesnt eat meat? I don't give a flying fuck if she's hot as hell or not if she doesn't eat meat that means she'll try and make you not eat meat. And that is like the worst thing I can imagine

>> No.10141730

>no such thing as a decent green smoothie
What the fuck does that even mean? Nobody can enjoy the taste of a green smoothie?

>> No.10141753

Because weed is bad for you bro. Now go guzzle down some beer and a nice big Mac

>> No.10141773


>> No.10141784

you are just a fag

>> No.10141802

ITT: Malnourished soyboys

>> No.10141818

Yes, that is literally what it means. That’s not a hilarious overreaction at all.

>> No.10141907

God, I fucking love Rawvana

>> No.10141918
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>trying to explain the benefits of veganism to my mother
>no anon, people must eat meat or you will get anemia otherwise

>> No.10141995

imagine if everyone was woke? they cant be having that

>> No.10142138

Can we have more rawvana pls?

>> No.10142162


My vegan grandmother died in her 60's with cancer also. Near the end, she was suffering from osteoperosis so badly she would break bones if she just fell out of her chair. Her last years were like a prison where she could barely move. so sad.

>> No.10142245

She's right, though. There is no iron in vegetables. Why do you think cows are so slow? They're all anemic. Only small animals can afford a veg exclusive diet.

>> No.10142266

>fridge body

Good going vegans lol

>> No.10142437

is she retarded or something?

>> No.10142462

Your mom sounds like a smart woman, you should listen to her more.

>benefits of veganism

>> No.10142715

I would give consent for her to ethically extract and consume my semen

>> No.10142862

Going to make Sukiyaki - any idea what to use as a substitute for thinly sliced beef? Thought maybe marinated aubergine slices?

>> No.10143432

other than the lack of flavor that the beef provides, why would you even bother replacing it with anything?

>> No.10143435

skinny hot girl showing me how she drinks pure fiber so i can think about her taking disgusting liquid shits an hours later... yeah no thanks.

>> No.10143464

thought fibre made your shits solid?

>> No.10143470

no m8 it runs right through you

>> No.10143487

i want rawvana to shit in my mouth

>> No.10143532

but if you have the runs they suggest upping your fibre, which one is it?

>> No.10143600

You do realize meat is super high in arachidonic acid? Therefore meat causea cancer.

>> No.10143619
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what will vegans do when cultured meat is available?

>> No.10143623

god damn she's so fine.

>> No.10143731

First of all no
Second of all there are different types of fiber

>> No.10143737
File: 588 KB, 1000x714, 67VdHl7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mega faggot gay I hope you all die.

>> No.10143749

Oh, don't worry, they'll find a way to bitch about it.

>> No.10143751

I know lmao she's fucking hideous lol

>> No.10143891

Established interests run the government

>> No.10143957

no one gives a fuck if you have cancer, just off yourself before the cancer does it for you.

>> No.10144009

>all the tirggered corpse munchers ITT

>> No.10144378
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>> No.10144427

Won't eat it because cholesterol.

>> No.10144481

They'll pretty much be able to customize the meat for different nutritional needs so I don't think that'll be a problem.

>> No.10144490

OK but how are voters so fucking dumb that they support keeping it illegal?

>> No.10144541

So you admit meat is unethical? Great. Then you must understand how difference between how vegans would feel about needlessly murdering animals and not murdering animals.

>> No.10144595

got em'

>> No.10144637

>No such thing as a good green smoothie
Wrong. My mint chip spinnach smoothies are `8g of sugar per cup due to the one banana I use. + Soymilk and packed with tons of iron thanks to the kale and spinnach taking up the majority. Pure peppermint extract has 0 sugars, and only enhances the flavor.

>> No.10144639

>So you admit meat is unethical?
Not entirely. Some studies show that we're healthiest when we have balanced diets that include animal products. But most people treat it unethically by not caring how the animals are treated, eating more than they really need, wasting it, etc.
>Then you must understand how difference between how vegans would feel about needlessly murdering animals and not murdering animals.
I'm not sure what your point is. You're saying that vegans will embrace it because there's no killing involved? I hope that's the case, but there might still be some vegans who will treat it like something that's spiritually impure and want to avoid it for that reason, and I'm curious about what those discussions will be like.

I'm not making fun of vegans, I have respect for the ones who do it for moral reasons. Just trying to have a discussion about what's probably going to be happening within 5-10 years.

>> No.10144644

Yes. Yes they are. The vast majority of people are so fucking stupid they can't even be trusted to order a pizza correctly, much less vote. Do you know how many people don't even bother to show up to the polls? That in and of itself is a strong argument for aristocracy. A large portion of the population is too fucking stupid to know what's good for them, and they need more intelligent people to look after them.

>> No.10144666
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i would say the meat would still be unhealthy as well due to
>saturated fat
>hormones (natural or otherwise)
>animal protein increases igf1 (bad for the most part)
>normally high sodium
>too high protein bad for kidneys
>meat is #1 cause for heart disease
>linked to certain cancers

>> No.10144673

>they need more intelligent people to look after them.
You're not wrong, but the issue is how do we decide who these intelligent leaders should be. There are at least 5 or 6 sides with really smart people on each of them out there, but some with very opposing viewpoints/policies. So how do we decide who is the best to lead all of us? You aren't as simple minded as to say "well it should be the people in power that think like me", are you?
Democracy isn't the best system and it might seem like a really bad system at times, until you look real close at every other system.

>> No.10144682

This argument was not helped by its list format

>> No.10144699


>> No.10144728

I don't know why everybody gets so ass blasted over peoples dietary choices. I understand that plenty of vocal vegans are assholes and ruin it for others, but plenty of others aren't and they are just the equivalent to muh bacon, muh cheese, I'd fuck up a cow, my life wouldn't be worth living if I couldn't types. An optimal diet for health and the planet is pretty much vegetarian as the amount of meat recommended for a balanced diet is so stupidly low compared to the way the average westerner consumes meat which is almost entirely a marketing thing anyway. The way we treat livestock would be considered a crime for other animals and we manage to turn a blind eye. Also, studies, please stop misquoting science.

>Vegetarians have lower fertility.
>Study doesn't differentiate between overfed, adequately fed and starving individuals.
>omg boys you'll become infertile if you don't eat meat!

Unfortunately about half of people are meme tier bandwagon types unable to stop learning alternative facts from websites called shit like thehorribletruthilearnedaboutcancerwillshockyou so I'm not surprised they are following a retarded diet that leads to problems.

>> No.10144751

That's a pretty rare Pepe, but wouldn't it make more sense for Smough to be Pepe and Ornstein to be Wojack? Ornstein is the captain of Gwyn's knights, the last of those knights to still be loyal and/or alive, and guarding an empty cathedral in an abandoned city with that fat asshole Executioner Smough who isn't even a fucking knight. Smough is a huge fat fucker who eats the corpses of the people he executes. He's an asshole and he never got promoted to knighthood because of his freaky eating habits and bad manners,

>> No.10145112

thank you for being reasonable

>> No.10145406

my vegan gf does, enthusiastically.

>> No.10145438

Eat other stuff containing iron. Plant sources are usually thought to be inferior to meat, but supplements theoretically are not. Consult with your doctor.

>> No.10145466
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Vegan peanut-butter icecream

Sugar/other sweetner
peanut butter
soy lecithin
konjac powder

>> No.10145486

>Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.

Long term as in thousands of years, through selection for the mutation. Not by some magical epigenetic bullshit.

>> No.10145487

I love meaty stuff. I would eat it. I don't know why it would be produced tho. I'm actually pretty fine with todays derivatives.

>> No.10145491

What about rhinos?

>> No.10145588


Hit me up with those sources. "scientists in the US believe..." is not validating anything if you can't link me with the actual research.

Truly wonderful how many claims you can shit out without a single source. Enjoy my (you)'s.

>> No.10145613

Came here to post this

>> No.10145621

I waited so long for someone to appreciate the reference.

Thanks anon.

>> No.10145627

Because the established hierarchies could be harmed by people using psychedelics to expand their mind. Legal drugs such as alcohol, painkillers and caffeine only affect the lower circuits of consciousness, but not the four upper ones which would help people realize that they don't need masters, rulers nor a rich class of exploiters.
Yer welcome. I learned this from playing Age of Empires III
Basically this

>> No.10145730

>vegans have a rate of 3 out of 1000 incident rate of osteoporosis, usually resulting in spinal fractures
>omnivores have an incidence rate of 1.8 out of 1000, usually resulting in hip fracture
>saturated fat, exists in coconut oil, and avocado, only really a problem if you eat too much meat and processed food
>hormones, all foods contain hormones or effect hormones in some way.
>the average steak only contains 48mg, only highly processed meats contain lots of sodium
>acidic, only a problem if all you eat is meat
>too high in protein, the same problem can occur in vegan diets. Only a problem if you consume an excessive amount of protein
>number 1 cause of heart disease. Obesity is number 1 not meat consumption.
>linked to certain cancers, only processed meats and even then no study conducted on a general population has shown any significant difference between omnivore and vegan death and cancer rates. Only one that showed a significant difference is a study focusing only one seventh day Adventist in Loma Linda California, who exercise daily, don't eat processed foods, don't drink and don't smoke.
>cholesterol, only a problem if you only eat meat and don't exercise at all

>> No.10145815

> saturated fat is bad
> all cholesterol is the same
> animal protein increases igf1
Literally no it doesn't. Protein powders have additive that do this. Meats riddled with hormones maybe but not everyone react poorly to igf1
> sodium is bad
Drink more water
> protein linked to kidney diseases
> meat is #1 cause of heart disease
Absolutely not
> osteoporosis
Jesus Christ could you be anymore wrong. This post reeks of soy boy vegetarian bullshit. Kys

>> No.10146118

ITT: no citations
Very convincing, everyone

>> No.10146305
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I love vegans but I couldn't eat a whole one.

>> No.10146336

Considering how "believable" all the shit they spew sounds to the uninformed I'm surprised they didn't link a bunch of blogs or similar quality sources just to put the cherry on the top.

>> No.10146452

Friendly reminder that a vegan diet is adequate for all stages of life, reverses heart disease, reduces risk of many others (link). Osteoporosis is not an issue, and photo-estrogen does not work the same as estrogen in meat/dairy. Fun fact, beer has more of an effect on estrogen than soy.


>> No.10146473


You dumb shit.

>> No.10147379


>> No.10147388

some copypasta anon spammed for a few months about a year ago

>> No.10147393

i wish girls would use this as a model of what they should look like.

too many are using fucking kelly clarkston and her trailer trash figure as a model.

/ck/ girls are you even trying?

>> No.10147404

>vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters

Interesting information. I've been reading alot about how the sugar industry tried to pin heart disease and cancer on meats & fats when it's simple carbs that has the strongest links to those diseases.

>> No.10147409

Cultural marxists are here.

>> No.10147415

>Previous studies have shown that vegetarianism and veganism can lead to problems with fertility by lowering sperm counts.
>Separate research from Harvard University also found that a diet high in fruit and vegetables may impact fertility because men are consuming high quantities of pesticides.

Shit. I never wash my fruits but I do veggies. Should I be worried?

>> No.10147416

lol, you're pathetic

>> No.10147423


The main culprit to many vegetarians health issues and diseases is due to eating too much sugar and simple carbs. Vegetarians don't get enough proper nurition so they constantly snack on carb/sugar laden foods.

It would help explain the abnormal diabetes rates among vegetarians.

>> No.10147623

It probably doesn't help that they're eating primarily vegetables factory farmed soaked in pesticides, herbicides and grown in a "soil" which is simply a root anchor and transmission device of petroleum based fertilizers.

>> No.10147676

Can we please change the name of this to "orthodox great lent general?"

>> No.10147860

does anyone have that video of some vegan hippy eating 2 whole lettuces and 1 small chilli? cant seem to find it!

>> No.10148544


>> No.10148622


" In 2009, a study involving more than 60,000 men and women found that the prevalence of diabetes in individuals on a vegan diet was 2.9%, compared with 7.6% in the nonvegetarians."

>> No.10149529

It's OK babe, I'd still bury my face in your pussy

>> No.10149543


>> No.10149684

vegans have lots of energy

>> No.10149698

she's a girl. they get to act autistic and it ends up being cute. they can also get away with molesting other girls in public. it sounds nice.

>> No.10149702

>they can also get away with molesting other girls in public

>> No.10149793

>benefits of veganism
B12 deficiency you mean?
Seriously though, i've never met a vegan in real life who didn't have something seriously off about them.

>> No.10149824

I want to bury my face in her ass

>> No.10151503
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Vegans have less deficiencies on average than meatcucks
Ignorant argument.

>> No.10152070

>It would help explain the abnormal diabetes rates among vegetarians.
Isn't that because diabethics need to pay more attention to their diet so more of them become vegan?

>> No.10152081

>Seriously though, i've never met a vegan in real life who didn't have something seriously off about them.

This. I'm a nurse at our local school health union and in the past 5 years, we've had to treat tons of students for anemia, iron deficiency, and other issues. Kids that think veganism is a good diet without supplements really have no idea what health problems they are causing themselves.

>> No.10152642

Can vegans eat semen ?

>> No.10152645

>she will never eat my meat

>> No.10152660
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This Smough is alpha as fuck and Shylock Goldbergstein is a cuck manlet

>> No.10152838

So bassically disassembled red pepper hummus

>> No.10152850

>u taste like batteries
Is she a whore talking about cum?

>> No.10152863

I want to lick up her nutritional yeast

>> No.10152978

I would argue with you. I'm a nurse at my local LARP group and the only mentally ill people I've met have been omnivores. The two vegans we have are jacked to the teeth, have lovely girlfriends and smell like sunflowers while they shit. Sometimes I think about them cucking my wife when I masturbate. I'm an omnivore btw.

>> No.10153728

Faggot here, the vegan couple in our fnm group have the highest bmi compared to everyone else. But I always see them both clutching 2 litres of soda when I ever see them Outside of fnm.

>> No.10155503

Only people who do nothing with their lives have that much energy.

t. Doctor

>> No.10155620

Doctor here. I've never seen a vegan in my hospital other than one. He was like 600 years old. His bloodwork blew our bloodwork machines up. Were currently developing a cure for cancer using his blood. His dick was also about 20 inches.

>> No.10155654

Are these the vegan gainz they were talking about? Does being vegan make your dick huge?

>> No.10156316
