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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10133022 No.10133022 [Reply] [Original]

do you have any eating disorders or illnesses that make it hard to eat normally /ck/

>> No.10133035

i'm allergic to various things and if i eat eggs i vomit and shit uncontrollably

>> No.10133060

I can't eat sugar for some reason I get bad acne all over my body and face

>> No.10133076

A dreaded condition I refer to as 'the pee-pees'.

I cannot drink diet sodas. I am one of the unlucky few who gets bladder spasms from consuming aspartame. Imagine feeling like you are going to piss yourself every five minutes. This can last twelve hours. Getting up over 9000 times to piss in a night on a work night is fun!

>> No.10133107

I have a bottomless stomach and can consume food until I pass out from the carbs. I'm talking 400g of sugar.

>> No.10133139

is there a name for this medical condition? i'm curious and want to learn more.

what are your poops like? does your pee stink?

>> No.10133147

I have severe acid reflux, so much that I have to take medicine every day or I get extremely sick.

I cannot have food be too spicy, and I can't drink orange or pineapple juice. If I do I vomit uncontrollably.

I miss juice.

>> No.10133172

I don't think there's a name for it. I used to be morbidly obese and starved myself down to be underweight. if I don't control myself, I could probably kill myself eating. I've had times where I binged on 2 pounds of candy, five pastries, and a pint of ice cream and passed out for a few hours.

my poop is very very hard when this stuff happens but my pee is normal. I'll randomly regurgitate random chunks of food throughout the day though. not acid reflux. actual chunks of undigested food.

>> No.10133174

Who takes this beautiful, humane breaking of bread and turns it into some sick medical procedure?!

>> No.10133185

Hi, my name is anon and I'm an alcoholic.
>Hi, anon
I can barely eat any food when I'm when not wasted or much less enjoy it.

>> No.10133193

i have an extremely fast metabolism since birth and require upwards of 5,000kcals a day.
i sit on ass at this computer all day every day for the past 6 years and sleep 2- 4 hours a night.
i lose weight if i eat like a regular person (2,500kcal) with zero physical exercise.
if i drink booze i have to chug otherwise i can't get a buzz.

>chinese food
"hungry an hour later."
i can eat a full chinese dish from take-out and be starving with hunger pangs in 15 mins.

my diet consists of meat & veggies, water, milk, eggs, pasta.

i'm 6' tall and weigh 195 lbs.
33 years old.

food bill is close to $150 a week.
i rarely eat out.
i buy things on sale.

the hunger gets so bad.

>> No.10133200

The pee pees sound terrifying you have my condolences.

>> No.10133210
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I've had pretty severe anorexia for 5+ years, but I still browse /ck/ pretty regularly.
I'm in clinical therapy now, but I really just want to enjoy food again, I've forgotten what it's like.
t. 6'3 and 62kgs

>> No.10133212

>I'll randomly regurgitate random chunks of food throughout the day though. not acid reflux. actual chunks of undigested food.
I used to do this before I started keto. Even happened after the first meal of the day, so I don't think I had to overeat for it to happen. Haven't for a while now though, and I've actually tried out of curiosity.

If you've ever visited /r9k/, I'm Utz anon. That's a good reference for how bad it was.

>> No.10133258

>6' at 195

I'm 6'4'' at 170, you're fat as shit

>inb4 it's all muscle

>> No.10133330
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oh yeah very similar. I don't have any pictures of regular food, only a pickle or whatever this was. ever figure out the issue? the only thing I can think of is monster energy drinks.

>> No.10133331

>fat as shit
just really big legs.
i used to run in school.

>> No.10133357

your stomach not digesting food is called gastroparesis which is often a symptom of another issue. gastroparesis can be managed with prescription drugs thankfully

>> No.10133429

I must chew everything I eat two times exactly, one bite must be near one end of the thing i'm eating and the other bite must be near the center. If I don't chew, chew in the wrong spots, or chew more than two times, I cannot swallow it. I've tried forcing it, but it doesn't work.
I also like to wrap my food in tinfoil after each bite i take of it and unwrap when i want to eat some more, but that's a personal thing

>> No.10133780

aw, ocd dude? i use to be like that but it got replaced by another disorder lol

>> No.10133967
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I puke the first thing that I eat or drink every morning. I usually just have a few sips of water to get through it. I'm fine the rest of the day, though. I've been this way for a few years

>> No.10134007


Yeah, I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.10134017

For some reason I really feel for you, take care anon..! The foil thing sounds cute in a crazy way

>> No.10134048

Does it help to wait? I felt extremely sick during mornings as a teen which dropped off as the day went on, but it wasn’t connected to eating probably just anxiety but still. Just curious

>> No.10134163

I knew a few people that went through this, turned out their place had a major mold problem

>> No.10134184

I thought I was the only one

>> No.10134187

I do this too what the fuck. Do you feel nauseous or is it a bloated, too-full feeling? Mine's the bloated feeling, someone suggested that I might have GERD.

>> No.10134192

im vegan

>> No.10134222
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Was bulimic from 13-24, kicked it when i started working seriously. I do miss eating whatever i want with no guilt but ill never miss the bile when i was trying to get every last bit out of me.

>> No.10134412

My fiance is gluten and dairy free but I don’t believe her. I saw her test results and it said she isn’t allergic to wheat and IS allergic ti rice, despite the fact that we eat rice flour and normal rice all the time. She also says she is dairy free but she will eat aged cheddar cheese and when I try to incorporate other aged cheeses i to our dishes (parmeseano reggiono in risotto) she is adament about it being “blucky”. I hate her so much.

>> No.10134430

Me again. What I don’t understand is what she has to gain by adhering to these food restrictions. Why does she want to limit things she likes? She is from the mountains and doctors are literal gay fag penis anus boys there.

>> No.10134449

gallbladder removed a year ago. i'd say 95 percent of foods come flying out of me within 5 minutes of eating. haven't eaten out since from fear of shitting my pants, can't hang with friends and family in a setting where i have to eat cause i have to explain it. actually thought of suicide once from the stomach cramps and poor life quality but the pains gone finally. 'pooped' pure bile yesterday every 5 to 10 minutes for 2 hours. looked like pee, shit wasn't even shit. keep your gallbladder mates, it's a scam and you'll wish for death.

>> No.10134452

You're skelly as shit.
You should be like 200lbs+ my dude.

>> No.10134522

No, but am fatally allergic to THC.
Learned quickly too.
Ate a pot brownie and woke up in the hospital saying I had ingested a large amount to put my system into shock
This was at 18 and my brothers didn't believe me.
Am 25 and three weeks ago they wanted me to try a weed pen
Took 2 hits and my limbs locked and fell on the floor and puking guts out, couldn't speak cause mouth went instantly dry, then ambulance came, don't remember drive and woke up on the bed sweating.
Feels bad I'll never know the feeling of being high

>> No.10134753

Trying to figure out my IBS. Ive realized the reason in graze and not eat meals is that eating more than a handful at a time is long term discomfort. I'm trying out fomad but at this rate I might just stop eating anything but carrots and protein powder. Any suggestions?

>> No.10134760

Matt Stonie?

>> No.10135039

Yeah, can't eat sugar because of acne. Medium to High FODMAP foods are really bad for me. Can't eggs as well. Also, vegetable oils do not agree with me. So I am pretty limited.

>> No.10135044

i subsist on rice and water, not poor just addicted to cocaine

>> No.10135064

My ex has and eating disorder (binge/purge), it was the most painful thing to try and help with and extremely demoralizing when you spend a long time cooking something really amazing only to hear it being thrown up shortly after..

I lasted a couple of years before I had to get out.
It fucked me up a little as well trying to cater to the eating disorder issues, I lost a bunch of weight and i'm already pretty thin because I wasn't eating properly.
I have all the sympathy in the world for people who struggle with ED shit but I will never do that again, fuck that.

>> No.10135082

can relate..

>> No.10135121

I'm a binge eater.
I've gained 25 pounds over the course of maybe 2-3 months. Eat anywhere from 2,000-3,500 calories during binges
I've wasted so much money on food, but it just flies out of my hands.
I thought being on SSRIs would help, but whenever the depression comes back, I just want to eat the pain away

>> No.10135131

i'm in the same boat except binge eating from depression also gave me diabetes :^(

>> No.10135217

I'm afraid this is going to happen to me. I know being obese will give me high blood pressure; had it before, losing weight fixed it before I had to go on meds or anything.

Are you still depressed?

>> No.10135228

still depressed and i've stopped taking the meds for everything. diabetes + binge eating + depression is the worst combo. everything hurts and i only have myself to blame

>> No.10135231

I'm sorry, anon. Is that how you want to die?

>> No.10135240

i guess i am doing this as a self harm thing but it would take too long. i got back from the psych ward some time ago and while i was there i wouldn't eat and it basically reversed my diabetes but here i am again

>> No.10135246

I can't eat sugary foods. They give me cramps and terrible shits.

Sugary drinks don't bother me though. Not sure why.

>> No.10135248

You know, I had the same plan when I first started binging; I wanted to give myself either heart disease or diabetes because I wanted to suffer. Been to the ER more than once about chest pain, the doctors couldn't, and still can't, find anything wrong with my heart.

Is there anything that you think would make you kick the habit? Anything at all?

>> No.10135252

if i drink a glass of milk i get a stomachache but i can consume cheese, butter, icecream, and other milk-based products without issue

>> No.10135267

Yep that was the plan for me five years ago too but now that I've achieved it everything's happening too slow. I've had those chest pains that doctors couldn't explain either. I'm not sure if there's any hope left for me. I've tried lots and lots of times to fix it and some times I do really well but my depression never goes away and I just spring back. I already have permanent nerve damage :^( What about you how do you cope

>> No.10135286

By not going to bed when I should. I really need to be in therapy. Nothing seems to help when I'm like this. I wish I had some support, but how do you tell people, "Hey, I'm trying to eat myself to death?"

>> No.10135296

sigh i really get you man i've been to therapy and no matter how much i stress that i'm trying to die from eating they don't take it seriously. even at the psych ward they were just like don't think about it lol

>> No.10135309

>just don't think about it
I hope that's not what they tell the other ED types, it's so ignorant. Have you seen anyone who strictly specializes in eating disorders?

To beat an addiction, you have to replace it with something else but I don't have anything else that gives me that instantaneous jolt that food does. Have you ever been addicted to anything else? I had issues with the Internet and 4chan when my depression first started, but I can pull away from them when I need to.

>> No.10135326

no i haven't seen a specialist and i've given up on reaching out for medical help. i don't have other addictions.

that's a good way to put it but i really can't fill up my life with anything else it seems. i'm a hikki neet so there's only internet, food and sadness

>> No.10135336

i'm deathly allergic to nuts and peanuts. also, enough dairy will cause my otherwise controlled acne to break out.

>> No.10135370

Funny, I started binging long after I stopped being a NEET,

>> No.10135577

>6' tall and weigh 195 lbs
So... you're fat.

>> No.10135589

Fuck. I was only like this when taking massive amounts of antidepressants.

>> No.10135621

Your virginity is showing

>> No.10135673

Then you can carry a boiled egg around as a social "get out of jail" card.

>> No.10135694


i have eliminated nightshades(potatoes,tomatoes,peppers,eggplant...) from my diet. and most recently beef as sort of a trial and error with continue leaky gut issues. Havent had a flare up in months but still have inflammation in previous areas

>> No.10135770

I've been like this since I was 5. It is always hard for me to eat before 9am. Even if I am starving, I can't even eat a slice of bread. My mouth is really dry and trying to drink water makes me puke too. All I do is wait until I feel like I can eat

>> No.10135774

I'm a fatass, so instead of eating a normal meal I eat too much because of chronic low willpower

>> No.10136130

>drunk eating/fucking/sleeping/pissing/musicing
all these

>> No.10136145

I'm lactose intolerant and possibly have coeliac disease, still have to wait five weeks for the final answer though. The thought of never being able to consume any grain based foods again in my life is horrific. The only good thing would be that the lactose intolerance would go away again after a few months of strict diet.

>> No.10136278
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I beat some kid's ass in highschool and he had to have his gallbladder removed. I hope he suffers from the same shit you do.

>> No.10136367

Crohn's Disease
>chilli, or anything derived from it will make me bleed to death through my arsehole
>anything with lots of fibre will cause cramping and bleeding
>anything with lots of saturated fat will cause cramping and bleeding
>uncooked meats will cause cramping and bleeding
>alcohol will cause cramping and bleeding

It's super fun.

>> No.10136376

what do you eat?

>> No.10136388

This, but not as severe

>> No.10136520

meat - as lean and well done as possible
root vegetables (they're made of wonderful starch)
white rice
white flour/bread

16 years and counting. I miss apples.
>I could eat me a whole bushel of apples
Fuck you Barbossa, I'd take being a spoopy skeleton over this any day.

>> No.10136526

It's alright. Try acid, it's different but similar. Don't do a lot, you might be allergic and die.

>> No.10136543

ye wow, i'm not as severe but pretty close

>> No.10136837

i feel this, i have an inch on you but my lowest weight was around 62kgs, im higher now but fuck man eating doesnt happen much when sober

>> No.10136850

I can't eat Indian food because afterwards I stink up the bathroom and everyone gets mad at me.

>> No.10136999

good friend of mine has celiac's and hates being lumped in with those arbitrary kinds of people
youre retarded they are nothing alike. psa: dont pop acid if youre depressed or like being in control of yourself, because you will hate it. closest he can get is vaping CBD maybe

anyway Im glad I can eat things normally, and I can still drink milk comfortably into my 20s. problem was my mom was a shitty cook and i didnt know food could taste so good, so only now am I exploring more in the kitchen

>> No.10137051

I hate eating in chairs - it makes me really uncomfortable and feels like the food gets stuck. Instead, I eat on the floor sitting cross-legged.

I'm not totally uncivilized - I use a place mat.

>> No.10137130

I don't have anything but I have a friend whose stomach bleeds if she eats fried food. She then chucks a load of blood up.

>> No.10137155

Prader-Willi Syndrome

>> No.10137313
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I have some kind of undiagnosed physical damage in my tailbone/buttocks that causes nerve damage in the form of autonomic neuropathy. Symptoms worsen when I stand or sit or lay down for too long, or eat foods that push through too much bulk/gas. The only way I've found to manage it is lying in bed most of the day with my legs raised and eating 1200 calories worth of Soylent. I've suffered this bullshit for 4 years now, my doctors refuse to believe it could be the areas I stated, even though the pain always starts in the same location. Instead they insist it must be depression or anxiety or some intestinal issue, even though I can make myself 100% regular by doing the laying/eating as stated. I've decided to tell my current docs to fuck off and I'm going to see sports medicine/neurologists on my own, making sure they're not in any way associated with the hospital group I was going to before. I fucking hate not being able to eat normal food. Worst part is I have good insurance, capable of covering whatever they need to test, but they won't even look into it. Also, soylent doesn't turn you into a woman. I do look like an Auschwitz survivor though thanks to being able to eat fuck all. Fucking doctors.

>> No.10137343

thanks cutie

>> No.10137411

oh my fucking god I'm the guy who posted about this and this thing describes a lot of what I've suffered through in life

what the hell do I do

>> No.10137416

No they're fucking not

>> No.10137441

Recently developed a hatial hernia. Gives me acid reflux occasionally so I have lowered my consumption of acidic foods, spices, and chocolate. I am also trying to cut out alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and nicotine but that is proving more difficult for me.

>> No.10137451
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wow, you did say you were morbidly obese

>Sometimes medication is introduced as well. Serotonin agonists have been most effective in lessening temper tantrums and improving compulsivity.

>> No.10137469

I probably have IBS. I went from having one completely normal bowel movement to shitting borderline diarrhea 2-3 times a day.

>> No.10137635
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I am anorexic but also suffer from severe paranoid delusional behaviours. It isn't enough for me to eat less calories (I am 6'0 and 115lbs but have been at 95lbs). I also have an issue where I have to feel like my organs are being replaced by smaller organs to help me lose weight

I have a few tricks

>I mash up pieces of liver, form them into shapes of various human organs, eat them, then headbutt the wall. the grogginess lets me believe the liver I ate made me groggy by fighting off my heart, kidneys etc and taking their place
>I sit for a few hours once a week slowly shaving a single walnut down to a nub, then I eat it and throw my head backwards so it goes to my brain and 'replaces it'
>always have a bowl of broth for breakfast, that I put on the same table as a very loud radio, the soudnwaves make the water 'beat' and I pretend the broth replaces my heart

Its hard to explain how his makes me feel, but I couldn't manage without it.

>> No.10137766

I used to be fat, now I am /fit/ and healthy. I can eat 5000cal in one sitting easily, I struggle to keep my appetite under control everyday.
I don't have PWS, though.>>10137155

>> No.10137872

does it only happen when you eat sugar or is it anything?

>> No.10137882

Woah, are you me?

>> No.10137897
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>> No.10137932

I was infected with e coli and it got into my blood, almost died. Now I have a severe paranoia of eating something and getting sick from it, I get really anxious and at least twice a day I think I'm having an allergic reaction or something equally dumb.

I really enjoy food but I also have a huge phobia of it, and have been eating less and less as a result. I'm currently at 5'5" and 98 lbs

>> No.10138242

>5k calories a day
>BMI of 26.4
>I'm not fat, you're vigrins!

Your gut is showing.

>> No.10138288

>>chinese food
>"hungry an hour later."
its called MSG, tard. everyones like that

>> No.10138648

Wrongly diagnosed bipolar, schizophrenia, and adhd at 13yo. Went on a dozen different amps, ssris, and "balancers". Correctly diagnosed being in an abusive household at 17. Long story short, I can't feel hungry or sated, so I went from 135 lbs to 380 lbs and back to 220 lbs (6'5).

>> No.10138667

How much did you get in the malpractice settlement?

>> No.10138752

nothing as far as I know
Though it does dribble a few times for a bit after peeing and I do feel as if I cant hold my pee as much as i used to

>> No.10138902

I was bulimic for about a year. It just started out of nowhere. I got really sick for two weeks in college and then wanted to keep throwing up. It is one of the most cathartic feelings in the world. It wasn't even about weight loss, I can't tell you how much of a stress relief it was, especially if you're kind of a stressed out person. I quit after getting an extremely chilled out SO and a very expensive trip to the dentist. It wasn't until later that I realized how weird I had acted to hide my habit. Don't start, kids.

>> No.10139006

I didn't know there was one.
Lamictal, Risperdal, Adderal, Lithium, Concerta, Ritalin, Clozapine, Abilify, Prozac, and Zoloft were the ones I took, so if any of them had a settlement, I missed out.

I can starve myself for a week and only get tremors or I can binge 8,000 calories in a sitting, so it's a cool party trick. My gauge to getting enough food is when I actually count it. I'll get head rushes extremely frequently when I need food (usually a week to 10 days not eating) and feel my stomach stretching or I'll start throwing up if I eat too much. Those are terrible gauges to go by I learned, so I'm trying to get better at it.

>> No.10139018

No but I do have depression.

>> No.10139026

So are you thinking exit bag or shotgun?

>> No.10139031
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wow, so I'm not the only one. Eggs are like instant crippling GI pain for me. I'll be projectile shitting liquid feces within two hours.

I think its just the yolks, because I can hardboil eggs and eat the white bits no problem.

>> No.10140149

You sound like this nigga

>> No.10140865

Somewhat similar but I was diagnosed with adhd at 7 and had been on every stimulant they had. Eventually ended up on vyvanse and with anorexia. I quit those pills and shit after a full decade of being on them and my life got so much better

>> No.10140880

Fucking colitis. 2 yrs now I've been fighting this bastard, and my regular eating habits went out the window. Just boiled meats, boiled veggies ( carrots mostly, potatoes ) and boiled fruits.

Going to the toilet 15 times a day exhausts like a motherfucker, so I take a lot of vitamin supplements.

Haven't been out and about in 1,5 yrs now. If I go somewhere, there MUST be a toilet nearby. Max distance is around 10 seconds or else I assplode.

>> No.10140888

i have arfid. browsing /ck/ is therapeutic. I have come a long way

>> No.10140896

I don't know if it counts as a disorder or not but I really don't like sweet food. I haven't had dessert or holiday baking in like five years probably

>> No.10140901

Two years?? Did you take antibiotics? I had c diff colitis last month and was fine after two weeks of vanco

>> No.10140932

I chew and spit every day. Spend a bunch of money on a huge meal, c/s it into a bowl, dump it down the garbage disposal. Lost a bunch of weight, so much more effective than b/p

>> No.10140955

Wheat allergy

>> No.10141604

You should have started a malpractice case against the doctor(s) who misdiagnosed you.

>> No.10142181

greasy food is a death sentence

>> No.10142201

Fuckin virgin loser

>> No.10142243

What the fuck is this picture even supposed to be? Donuts to cram some calories into an anorexic fag and some pan for puking?

>> No.10142728

break up with her already

>> No.10142931

is eating food because its the only thing in life that makes you happy a disorder? cause i have that if it is

>> No.10143415

same. i fucking pissed myself in grade 7 because of this

>> No.10143599

>wow, so I'm not the only one
are you retarded? egg allergies are pretty common, that's why they're listed on packaging along with nuts and wheat

>> No.10143603

hey maaan. you don't hallucinate spirals of tye-dye dancing hippos when you smoke WEED man???

>> No.10145448

You had clostridia difficile. Had that too. Antibiotics helped to fight that.

>> No.10145526

just sleep on your side and stick your dick in a nalgene bottle or something

>> No.10145530

pls be a girl

>> No.10145599

I have GERD so chocolate and heavy starches make me throw up a bit. I absolutely can't have carbonation or I'll keep puking in the back of my throat and it burns like hell. I've had this thing for the last year where whenever I eat solid food it burns lower in my stomach but no one can figure out what's wrong with me. I still really enjoy cooking for other people though. Eating has become a chore and I've noticed myself avoiding it.

>> No.10145615

PWS also makes you retarded though right?

>> No.10146664
