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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10132011 No.10132011 [Reply] [Original]

for me, it's everyone. what's yours?

>> No.10132027

>not having a chick do it for you

>> No.10132041

Didn't we just have this thread? What else could be said?

>> No.10132056

no? it's been awhile.....

>> No.10132062

- The Parking Lot
- The people parked in the fire lane while they wait for their wife to pick up their diabeetus meds
- Aimless moms
- Stores with no Self-Checkout so you're stuck with EBT Queens who take 20 years

- Stupid Estrogen filled males who need plastic bags
- Fat Soy Boys who act like 600 lb women and need shit DOUBLE plastic bagged
- "I can't remember. I cant use reusable bags

I once yelled at an old lady for leaving her cart in a parking space. This was an affluent area and she was completely capable of putting it back but her excuse was "that's what the employees are for". I told her to stop being a lazy bitch before she got in her White Lexus SUV she so badly parked in the space.

>> No.10132068

>waiting in line for my usual cashier to check me through
>some young noob opens up the next lane
>looks right at me
>”I can help whoever’s next”
>begrudgingly accept my fate
>he takes 3 minutes to ring up 6 items, while Karen, a small old lady who’s been there for years, finishes up 2 other customers in the time it takes Fuckboi McGee here to hand me my receipt

>> No.10132082

good for you m8. people needs to be more assertive, everyone nearly acts like cucks these days.

>> No.10132213

The hot food section is never manned. Can't buy any chicken unless you wait 5 minutes.

>> No.10132549

Same, which is why i started using Amazon Fresh a year ago. No more mongoloids in my way stumbling around like they HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A FUCKING GROCERY STORE BEFORE IN THEIR FUCKING SHIT LIVES.

>> No.10132616

I fucking hate when I have 2 items waiting for faggots with 20 items in self-checkout. also there should be a sign in self-checkout saying boomers aren't allowed because they take forever every time

>> No.10132625

I prefer to be super passive aggressive and annoying
Like, instead of returning her cart, I move it in front of her car

>> No.10132651

I should've put it behind her, she had to back-out, you're completely right.

At the time though, I was satisfied with her frozen reactions because I was probably the first person to call her out on being a lazy bitch. Boomer women have rarely been checked in their life, so they have no idea spine if you confront them, especially when they know their being pieces of shit

>> No.10132652

I'm with ya friendo. I'm the same way because lazy people triggers me.

>> No.10132658

>Dipshits blocking the aisles
>Mexicans and their family of 5 goblins and their 5 kids running around the store
>Blacks and mexicans using their gibs to fill up their shopping carts to the brim

>> No.10132684

protip: if you go late at night you avoid 95% of all of these

>> No.10132747

not really, it's always busy day or night

>> No.10132789

most of the local grocery stores round here have online shopping where you can order all your shit in the morning or whatever time and have them load it into your car in the parking lot. pretty convenient if you're picking stuff up after work.

>> No.10132810

>go to whole foods
>women stop in place to look at coupons or their shopping list on their phone
>women stop in place to talk on the phone
>women try to cut me off into an aisle because they think I'll stop for them
I have shoulder checked so many people

>> No.10132814

Not at my local, all of the registers get closed to 1 and the EBT queens still come out because they have nothing else to do, so I end up waiting in line so fatties with their 0 produce, 0 meat, and 0 self awareness can argue with the cashier and ask to write checks.

It's that or drive to the not shitty grocery store after I've worked all day and just want to be home for 5 seconds. Grocery stores are the longest period of time I have to be out with every kind of normie and it's annoying as fuck.

So you still have to drive there while your slave loads your ford fusion for you?

I don't mind those delivery services, but I feel not using my perfectly able body to buy my own groceries is lazy.

>> No.10132832

What do you do for a living?

>> No.10132836

people who leave their cart on one side of the isle and stand on the other side of the idle

>> No.10132845

You've never shoulder checked anyone.

>> No.10132869

He did too - an 8 yo gril!

>> No.10132870

Mexicans/blacks with too many kids and not enough regard to pay attention to their brood. This is not an issue with white people or Asians.

Not anon, but I've developed the habit of whistling (think Dr. Cox from Scrubs) at ignorant fucks at the store and then very falsely smiling when they move.

>> No.10132886
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They're not slaves, they're paid to grab all the items you have selected from the store and bring it out to your car for you. It's on the way home from work so again, real convenient and certainly beats waiting forever in line.

>> No.10132891

>I act like a timid dog around entitled coastal roasties so everyone else must too

>> No.10132898

what store?

>> No.10132901

>im a pussy
Next time just "no im fine right here"

>> No.10132924

>physical aggression against random woman in a public place is the smart thing to do
>baiting online is entertainment

>> No.10132927
File: 17 KB, 280x287, Grumpy-Grandpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to self-checkouts that were actually self-checkouts, and that actually worked?

Now they all have an employee standing at a computer where there is a list of every single thing you purchase, and half of them make it so the employee has to poke a button before it actually goes through and prints a receipt. And every single one of the ones that require the employee to poke the button, the employee constantly wanders off to help bag for the regular checkout lanes, or talk to someone, or help someone who can't figure out how to punch in a fruit/veg code or use a scale, or some other bullshit so I just stand there like an idiot and waste all the time I should have saved by not using a regular checkout.

And beyond that there is the absolute bullshit with the fucking bagging area never knowing you have put the fucking product into the fucking bag and giving you an error that the fucking employee has to come over and punch in some code before it will let you continue.

I swear there was this glorious few years in the last decade when they first started having self checkouts, they all worked fine without needing any employee intervention at all, but suddenly for some reason they all got replaced with these new ones that can't stop fucking up and needing to be constantly fucked with.

>> No.10132931

Walk down aisle with nobody in it. Just can't decide what I want to do for dinner. Just slowly looking at all the shit I've never bought, but I know I'm in the aisle that I want stuff from.
612 people come down the aisle i'm in and want to look at the food i'm currently looking at.

Its never cut girls either, its always disgusting mothers of 4 mutts, old people, or just ugly people who want to be around me.

>> No.10132932
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>White Lexus SUV

How is it that white luxury SUVs are always such a clear indicator of a person being a complete scumfuck?

>> No.10132938

>I'm a rough, tough, badass, and I fight anyone who crosses me

Here's your you.

>> No.10132939

Hey... haven’t I seen this thread before?

>> No.10132940
File: 127 KB, 500x654, walmart-calls-it-self-checkout-i-call-it-i-might-12748306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because niggers figured out that with no employee at the self checkout, stealing is okay.
See pic related

>> No.10132951


>> No.10132956

walmart films you and that footage is actually reviewed in real time just FYI

>> No.10132960

Shopping carts. This shit is insane. There are lots of people who use a shopping cart to seriously just get a handful of small items that they could have easily carried. These things take up lots of aisle space and fuck up the entire parking lot system in general too. People leave them literally EVERYWHERE. Entire jobs are based around just fucking gathering them up and putting them back where the lazy ass shit heads got them from. I live in the U.S. but in my travels elsewhere, I encountered a great system which solves 1/2 of these problems. You must insert a coin to use a cart, and you can only get your coin back if you return the cart to where you got it from. Perfect. The coin may not be high value, but where I was, coins can be more value than a dollar, so people tend to want them back.

I know its not the cart's fault, its the people. But there should be more systems in place to keep people's apathy in check. I once spoke out to an asshole who just pushed his cart away from him in the parking lot, next to another person's car. I saw him do it and I said "that's a great place to put the cart, right!?" he didn't even speak back he just looked at me, kind of with a shameful expression and got in his car and left. When I go to my car and find someone's cart behind or next to my car, I walk it to the cart storage as if it were my own. Don't leave your fucking carts out loose, /ck/. Don't be that guy, don't fucking be that guy!

>> No.10132965

Poor people of all races, not just blacks


>> No.10132972

Every other fucking produce item isn't in their system.

Strangely enough, with 5 dedicated grocers in town, Walmart actually has the best selection and freshest stuff. But their checkout is a damned joke.

>> No.10132975

yeah, and?

>> No.10132979

are you AP?

>> No.10132997

Shopping cart autism

>> No.10132998

no but my roommate is

>> No.10133001

yeah that's BS, last year my brother and I took our old PS4 and did the old switcheroo on those nigs, got cash back the next day, sitting with a new 1Tb ps4 slim to this day

>> No.10133007

yeah ALDI does this, don't know how spread out they are across the country.

>> No.10133009

you don't need plastic bags for your produce? Do you really trust the baby batter at the bottom of the shopping carts?

>> No.10133023

You're the thieving nig

>> No.10133033

yeah :(

>> No.10133041

If it's something I peel the skin off or de-shell, then I print the sticker and slap it one of the items. I don't need a plastic bag for my lime or my onions.

I understand why people use them, they don't bother me as much but it's PUT THIS IN A PLASTIC BAG TO BE PUT IN ANOTHER PLASTIC BAG, MAYBE 2 PLASTIC BAGS.


If you're leaving the store with 10 plastic bags for one person, you're a mess.

>> No.10133084

Fat people walking side by side, or one fat person walking beside a cart. I fucking hate fat people. They shouldn’t even be allowed in grocery stores. They ate enough already.

>> No.10133086

MY grocery store always double bags even stuff like potato chips. It not like potato chip are so heavy they will rip through a plastic bag. I don't care though I recycle.

>> No.10133127

So you're /that guy/ huh. Know that you suck.

>> No.10133144

In the U.S.? Because if its a coin like I mentioned, it would have to be a quarter, the highest value coin we use... not effective, no one cares if they get their quarter back.

>> No.10133162

It's going to be interesting to see how long the cashierless amazon stores go before a group of the underprivileged mob the single employee at the entrance scanner and walk out with the entire store's alcohol inventory

>> No.10133165

I live in MN and there's an Aldi nearby

>> No.10133470

>having someone bag for you
why tho. MY grocery store don't have baggers and I like it this way.

>> No.10133942

Walmart is the best on your town...? That is scary. May I ask which the other 5 are?

>> No.10133975

>turn to the person behind you
>"you can go ahead"
>look like nice guy and get your preferred cashier

>> No.10133981

spotted the nigger

>> No.10133983

Store layouts that are like a maze.

I love Central Market, but their store layouts stress me the fuck out when it's Saturday and packed. You can't pass anyone, so you're stuck behind them

>> No.10134003

the part where niggers approach me asking for money as im putting groceries into my car

>> No.10134029

>people who run into you because they weren't watching where they were going
>people who get pissy about you being in their way when you aren't in their way
>people who get offended when you grab something a foot behind them
>people who get mad when you don't put a divider down for them at the checkout
>people who stop in the middle of the crosswalk to talk to each other
>people who leave their carts all around the parking lot, blocking parking spaces, instead of the cart dropoffs

>> No.10134042

>he doesn't like convenience
I bet you take extra care with your eighteen steps for the perfect black coffee.

>> No.10134064

I don't drink coffee, anyway, why the fuck would I want some greasy looser teenager touch my groceries. I take it you want the flu?

>> No.10134079

>he doesn't get vaccinated
I bet you're also a vegan. Oh shit, I know where you shop. Trader Joe's.

>> No.10134082

>group of the underprivileged
you mean BLM "youths" "protesting"

>> No.10134083

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.10134089

Central Market does tend to have shit, claustrophobic layouts compared to other stores. i assume its some trick to force people to look at things.

>> No.10134096

>wrong again
wow, you're really bad at this kiddo.

>> No.10134110

Trader Joe's is the only place I know that doesn't have baggers. Unless you shop at Aldi's and literally pay for your bags like a cuckold.

>> No.10134119

I shop at cub foods, no baggers=win

>> No.10134120
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it happens far too frequently, sometimes on the way inside too

one time...
>just pull into parking space
>get out of car, start walking to the store
>fuck, its happening again
>ayyyo can you help me out and gibsmedat
>sorry, i only carry plastic
>thats okay they got an ATM inside

>> No.10134153

I stole food from my local grocer for a long time by just filling up a reusable fabric bag then just walking out. I stopped when I had my kid and got a drastically higher salary.
Its very easy if you’re groomed well and are wearing a tie and suit jacket.
also don’t be black.

>> No.10134309

>sorry i dont carry cash
Ive only ever had someone say anything other than “aiight” and that was at the pumps when this fuck wanted me to run my card and fill his tank, the fuck is wrong with nogs

>> No.10134368

Because you don't have to clean white cars, they hide shit amazingly well. SUVs are, used properly, great for larger cargo on shit roads, but these people want their power for groceries on paved roads. And lexus is the status symbol that enables that type of car misuse fuckery.

>> No.10134382

>but these people want their power for groceries on paved roads.

>> No.10134521

You've posted twice itt about this...how new are you or just how many levels of autism are you on?

>> No.10134569

>the fuck is wrong with nogs
They want gibs.

>> No.10134599

>people STILL write checks
>people meticulously and SLOWLY write out their checks
>people still don't come prepared and pre-write their check and then just fill out the amount they need to pay

We can't advance as a society as long as checks are still a thing. If it's not a granny writing out her check as slow as possible, it's a cunt trying to scam and steal using a check.

>> No.10134607

>Be cashier.
>Have to explain to far too many retards that no, I will not accept the check they handed me, because it's one of those fake checks their kids got from economics class.
>It even says it on the fucking check.

>> No.10134616

I lose it when slow motherfuckers feel the need to BALANCE THEIR CHECKBOOK after they are done getting checked out.

>> No.10134621

I had one ask me for my calculator.
If you cannot do math, DO NOT WRITE CHECKS

>> No.10134666

Dunno how many places actually do this, but I work at a giant eagle and the machine that processes the checks can print all the relevant stuff right on it, all you need is your signature.

>> No.10134891

Fred Meyer has online shopping. Order your shit, show up, they bring it out to you. Shit is so cash.

>> No.10134980

>Self check reads out every single item and price in the most annoying manner possible
>self-check doesn't automatically go to payment mode when you enter your card
>self check in general

I hated use them, I hated working in self-check, I hate self-check now. I would rather wait and have someone do it for me. Fuck these things.

>> No.10135033

We actually have the guy working in the stock room pack your shit for you.
You know, the guy who handles the food waste compactor.
Wash the fuck out of your produce. :^)

>> No.10135049

because you resent people with more money than you.

>> No.10135065

this. holy fuck people are complete lazy fucks about walking five feet to put a cart in a designated spor

>> No.10135243
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>adult soft drinks
why the fuck does this exist?
would a fully grown adult not buy their sugar water if it was next to sugar water marketed to kids?
would it hurt their internalised socual status?

>> No.10135263

I'll just list off everything that drives me to madness.

>being in an aisle by yourself, then like moths to a flame, people start coming down the once empty aisle and blocking you
>the 4-way stop game that occurs at times and no one will just go
>when the same person starts following you into virtually every aisle like they are stalking you
>the dude-bro in one aisle talking on his phone with his empty buggy placed perpendicular to the aisle
>going into a store at early hours and palettes laying everywhere in the way from stocking
>the token black family of 5-6 with kids taking up an aisle

go late at night and you have to deal with palettes blocking everything and the floor cleaners

>> No.10135885

>people who drop shit in random places instead of putting it back
>people who fly out of the aisles and almost slam into me every 30 seconds
>those faggots that park in the fire lane and make every car drive around them
>old people who have to pick up and inspect every package of meat
>faggots who push their cart right down the middle of a walkway and expect you to move for them
>soccer moms who bring a full cart into the 20 items or less lane
>people who knock shit off the shelves and just walk away
>people who wait until the weekend to grocery shop and then bitch about long checkout lines

>> No.10136783

really? self checkout is convenient and easy to use m8

>> No.10136804

Most of these problems are eliminated if you go an upperclass store in a white neighborhood. For me my whole city is white and I shop at Hyvee where I am pretty sure no one even bothers with coupons.
In my experience the old cashiers are always way worse than the young ones, usually they haven't worked there for years but it was the only job they could get at their age.

>> No.10136828

The old cashiers at my place look like they are on some work release program.

>> No.10136831
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>I know its not the cart's fault

are you sure?

>> No.10136909

I only see this with white people to be honest.
Every time something breaks in my store its some white family that gave their kid their phone and let them run loose. Loudest kids are always white too and just scream and cry all the time.
Just had some lady whose kid opened a bunch of shit and she just left it in a pile on a table and booked it.

>> No.10136917

I work with a white boi that tells me every day that he jacked something from the walmart self check out

>> No.10137412

The experience from being a customer and having worked in a store its people in the damn way. More so when it is dumbass kids running around.

Years ago an employee was pushing one of those big metal cages on wheels full of shit to put on the shelves, and he was pushing it from behind, peering round the side of it. Some idiot kid basically walks into the path in his blindspot and gets fucking rekt by it.

I thought I was witnessing the basis for a lawsuit but the kids mother just picked him up, slapped him round the back of the head and tells him off for not looking where he was going and it made me happy.

>> No.10137475

>Make the mistake of wearing a polo and slacks to go shopping.
>Suddenly I am the "employee" of the fucking store.
I don't fucking mind helping people but holy shit, I don't know where the fuck everything in the store is, I just want my shit on my list.

>> No.10137501

You also avoid 100% of the products

>> No.10137504

>He thinks the products vanish from stores after regular hours.
Anon, I...

>> No.10137521

>Whites are too stupid to take advantage of awful system

Sounds like your problem

>> No.10137582

employee at aldi here. Can confirm that this works like a charm, I never had to walk a cart back.

>> No.10138142

>be a manlet
>dress like a normie faggot
>get shocked, shocked when people think you're a loser grocery clerk
There are paths to self improvement /fa/ failure.

>> No.10138281

The worst self-checkouts are the ones that freeze up and require an employee code if you don't bag the item within half a second of scanning it

>> No.10138293

Or the ones where the parents let their kids crawl all over the bagging area fucking up the sensors so they NEVER work.

>> No.10138350

I can actually answer this. It's because management want the self checkout hosts to be more active and they're constantly watching the self checkout.
They also always make the self checkout hosts do all sorts of random shit because "you're not busy" when you're supposed to be watching people's bags

>> No.10138360

Then why do they hire people with about two IQ points over the retards who push cars?

>> No.10138421

I'm not sure if you mean self checkouts or the managers.

>> No.10138445


Clean those suckers up and sell them back to the grocer for $18 a cart, it's not even stealing since you just go back and spend the money there anyways

>> No.10138763

>people blocking aisles
>people going slow as fuck
>don't move when you ask them.
>woman who uses expired coupons, and argues when something comes up different that the sign to another item they read.

>the lazy nigger family with 8 kids on EBT
Seriously you fucking lazy ass should be a pro on what is accepted and what not, don't hold up the line.

>> No.10138844

I like that the Aldi I live near always has a big metal container near the door that the employees throw boxes in. Instead of getting a cart I just grab a box and use it to carry all my stuff out.

>> No.10139167

>yfw wal-mart turned into the new mexican hangout

>> No.10139202
File: 2.03 MB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20180211-224723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Brooklyn. Not a word said and nobody bags shit for you. Visited my parents in Portland OR and went to bag my stuff at Fred Meyer ™ and the guy got offended and said, "no please, I have a system." Okay ,"""Skylar"""" by all means

>> No.10139334

When we line up to pay and then mom says she forgot something. I'm left there alone and it's almost our turn to pay but she ain't back yet. I load up the groceries and she still ain't back. So I tell the cashier girl to hold on a second while trying to hide my worried face. I really dislike this psychological abuse.

I'm 34 btw.

>> No.10139342

>live in upper class white suburb of Connecticut growing up
>Walmart moves in
>Walmart has the fat people scooters
>Walmart also sells tiki torches
>Walmart also sells extra large oven pans
>Walmart also sells bungee cords

An impromptu underage jousting league is formed

>> No.10139404

I lived in MN next to an Aldi. Moved to another town with an aldi. Then to WI. Still have an Aldi. Life is good.

>> No.10139409

I would be in the same boat if not for the local food coop.

>> No.10139421

I work at a grocery store, ask me anything

>- The people parked in the fire lane while they wait for their wife to pick up their diabeetus meds
>- Stores with no Self-Checkout so you're stuck with EBT Queens who take 20 years
>This was an affluent area and she was completely capable of putting it back
These are my peeves.

>> No.10139426

watch out those fuckers that ride those carts will eat you alive

>> No.10139442
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I generally hate non-self checkout. my local grocery store employs literal downs syndrome retards as checkout clerks, so it's just awful on every level. They are slow as fuck, they try and make horrible downie conversations with you, and I really don't enjoy the fact that a person who wears diapers and probably hasn't showered in a week is handling my food.

>> No.10139449

Thats why I stopped going to shit tier grocery stores that have to hire retards just to make a quick buck

>> No.10139459

white infinitis are the scourge of the earth. anyone who drives one of those $80,000 white infiniti gigantasaurus bling mobiles is automatically a piece of shit human being.

the bigger lexuses (LX?) are also a prime indicator that you're a douchebag, or married to one.

>> No.10139468

just gotta avoid the midnight minotaur

>> No.10139486

just don't use the self checkout if it's that involved dude holy shit nothing wrong with asking someone how their day is and making them feel like people once in a while

>> No.10139488

Just avoid the maze, dude.
Holy shit the Minotaur is fucking child's play.

>> No.10139489

Wage slaves are not people.

>> No.10139490
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>literal downs syndrome retards as checkout clerks
> They are slow as fuck, they try and make horrible downie conversations with you,
You must go to my store then, we have like 3 of them. The worse part is when one of them push carts. They never return enough carts to the store so whoever is next has to haul ass

>> No.10139492

>Work in a store that mostly gets their profit from EBT
>EBT days are fucking slammed
>They aren't buying good shit
>They're buying soda and chips on EBT
>They're dumping every item they decide against back onto the shelves, even if the items less than 2 steps away
>5 hellions running around screeching as I'm just trying to keep the sodas and chips filled between people getting cart loads of crab legs
I don't hate my job, it's good pay, but holy shit I can't wait for EBT to be gone

>> No.10139497
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I know man, might as well be living in Mexico now. They all have bluetooth headsets and speaking mexican as loud as they can. I have no clue what they are saying.

>> No.10139499

I shop at like 11-12 at night quite frequently and it kind of sucks at my local store.

>deli counter is closed
>meat/fish counter is closed
>half the lights in the store are off
>self checkout is closed, have to queue into one or two lanes run by downs syndrome employees
>all the bakery bread is gone, there's usually like one loaf left and it's not the sourdough I want

it's way more chill to pick over the produce section though because it isn't swarmed with people.

granted we have total shit supermarkets around where I live, unless you go to the local semi-chain that's basically a publix clone, but closes at 7 pm.

>> No.10139551

Do other anons have food co-ops? Ive foind that its worth it too play more to avoid poor people. Plus its all fresh and local.

>> No.10139591
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most of the hippie food coops have shut down around here. there's one left, but it's literally an hour on the other side of the city.

we have Heinen's though which does all the local farmer shit and is reasonably inexpensive, plus incredibly nice. 2nd only to publix imo

>> No.10139680

Are ya in a big city? I live in a small city that only exits becouse we have a uni. Its not really hippy terretory even. Since we are rural its easy to get stuff from the farmers. Old people like to shop tgere cuz its like tge old days.

>> No.10139743

One opened up by me recently i think, so I'm gonna check it out when I get the chance/money.

>> No.10139764

big midwest city, tons of farms and shit around. the coops have all died off except for the one. our supermarkets have taken over that niche with local produce and meat

>> No.10139784 [DELETED] 
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>have worked at 3 different grocery stores in the last 6 years before finishing my degree
>now have to avoid all 3 of these grocery stores because I autismo out when old co-workers recognize me
>all i want to do is get my shit and leave
>now forced to go to the shit-tier stores
i need to move

>> No.10140232

>Local wal-mart hires almost exclusively teenagers
>Around 4 or 5pm a whole flock of them will sit in the back of a truck in the parking lot blasting music and vaping
I don't understand how you can work a shift at wal-mart and still feel like dicking around in the parking lot for an hour, don't they want to go home?

>> No.10140236

My grocery store hired a girl to work the meat counter who clearly has something wrong with her but I'm not well-versed enough in mental conditions to determine what.
She talks very loudly in a monotone voice kinda like a robot, she also won't shut up if you talk to her, like if she goes more than 5 seconds without remarking about something she'll die. She also flags down shoppers who aren't even at the meat counter to exchange pleasantries.
She does a good enough job but it must be exhausting working with her.

>> No.10140237


>> No.10140295

Nice try, grandma. Old fucks who still try to live like normal people are always retard levels of slow. Thats one of the reasons whh old people should just be executed.

>> No.10140391

>not going to the grocery store at 5:45 am on a Sunday when they open at 6am
>not being the only person in the store outside of the workers and one other person

>> No.10140813

Oh shit I know this to well.

>> No.10140909
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I thought the coin-thing was universal, until I visited my cousin in Chicago.In europe they are common.
Also have noticed that many stores in Burgerland don't have shopping bascets like pic related and force customers from pulling a cart.

>> No.10140949

>You must insert a coin to use a cart, and you can only get your coin back if you return the cart to where you got it from

This isn't standard everywhere? Holy fuck. I'm a euro and I don't think I've ever seen anything else no matter where I've travelled.

>> No.10140956

burger baskets are usually carry handle only. some stores (trader joe's) often have mini carts that are basically over/under two basket things.

in the US, only Aldi does this.

>> No.10141034
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>tfw was never warned of the midnight minotaur
>got lost looking for the yeast at my local grocery store at midnight
>hear footsteps around the corner. They're so heavy it must be over 1,000 lbs
>begin to run
>I'm being chased at this point
>I'm too slow. Minotaur catches me and eats all the items in my cart, forcing me to start over.
Shits the worst. If only someone had warned me I might have stood a chance

>> No.10141047

Old people being extra slow. What do we even need old people for? They had their time and now it's time for them to go.

>> No.10141143

Local stull is great and can taste better that regular stuff on occasion. Strange things you might not always see are cool. The best part is no poor people or kids. The penny pinching moms and minirities wont come close to my coop. I love kids and i want like ten, but i will teach discipline.

>> No.10141379

I used to live in a decent suburb that was like 2 miles from the ghetto. All the hoochie mamas would make the drive to our store to shop and spend their government bucks.

Liberals defend it, but if you've ever been exposed to what people actually do with it, you will realize that EBT is a fucking plague. I hope Trump manages to defund it. For every one person that legitimately needs it, 10 are just scamming the system. There's nothing like checking out behind a 22 year old mother of two, decked out in full gucci clothes, wearing ferragamo heels, with a gold plated iphone in her hands, and her shopping cart is nothing but filet minion steaks, captain crunch cereal, and potato chips. There's zero accountability on how the money is actually spent.

>> No.10141697

In Mexico and USA you just grab the grocery cart. No need for coins. Only hobos and bastards steal them

>> No.10141711

Stop thinking whatever happens in your local shithole is UNIVERSAL. Dumb eurocuck

>> No.10142088

>Self check reads out every single item and price in the most annoying manner possible
Got some extra cheese on the taco?

>> No.10142208
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>He actually tried to run.
Holy fucking shit, you probably didn't even carry a ball of string with you so you could find your way out of the maze!

>> No.10143192

I shoulder check people standing in front of doors/middle of the aisle all the time, but I'm a female so I can get away with it. It's my privilege.

>> No.10143605

For me, it's having to shave every day

>> No.10143629

>use to be cashier at supermarket
>love bagging my own stuff because walmart employees are slow, bag 3-4 things per bag
>always use self checkout lines
>go at off busy hours 3pm or late saturday nights
>get hounded or stared at by the people running the self checkout stuff
>still finish complete my 2 weeks of groceries before old mc donald can check out 10 things
>always have to show my receipt to what seems like everyone

>> No.10143644

you have to shave to go grocery shopping?

>> No.10143650

>Implying I go grocery shopping every day

Do you take me for a boomer woman?

No, I work at a grocery store, dingus

>> No.10143684

you realise that you're posting in a thread about going to the grocery store, not working in one, right?

>> No.10143693

Ok okay sorry it won't happen again


>> No.10143707
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Narrow aisles

>> No.10143714

next time there's a restaurant pet peeves thread, i'll make sure to post about having to arrive at 6 am and washing my hands five times an hour

>> No.10143772

it goes both ways anon

>> No.10143774
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that nigress with 10 children from different fathers running around all parts of the store

>> No.10143775

Kroger in Saginaw, tx

>> No.10143800
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It seems like a lot of high end grocery stores have aisles only wide enough for 1.5 carts to maximize shelf space and accommodate the cutting edge in edible delights. Soon aisles will be inches wide and people will use specially equipped selfie sticks to grab their food and livestream the experience.

>> No.10143903

people don't even use carts in my city, so i don't mind

>> No.10144081

Got to feed those kitties.

>> No.10144097

k bubbles ;^)

>> No.10144111
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>grabbing groceries after work
>autistic shout "BEHIND!" when passing someone

This has happened so many times.

>> No.10144113

I don't shout "behind", but I'll say it. Force of habit from work.

>> No.10144129

I go early though. I get off work at 7:30 am and head to vons. It's virtually empty. I love it.

>> No.10144133

Family of people standing side by side blocking the whole aisle and walking very slowly and not moving despite it being obvious you need to pass them.

People going into the 10 item or less checkout with 30+ items.

>> No.10144155

>People going into the 10 item or less checkout with 30+ items.
Plus the cigarettes that the person at the register will have to walk elsewhere to get.

>> No.10144164

> venture into maze to get delicious pickled okra
> it's early enough, should be no minotaur yet
> finally grab okra but I am out of luck
> minotaur chases me towards the exit
> catches up to me, pulls off costume to reveal he is actually the grocery jester.
> heave a sigh of relief until he pulls the disguise off of my okra
> just a sack of potatoes.
> it's too late to go back for more now

Why does everything have to be so hard?

>> No.10144210

You realize the flu vaccine is only about 10% effective at stopping the flu this year?

>> No.10144226

it's between like 10 and 25% effective every year, which is why I never bother. The only reason to get a flu vaccine is if you are 80+ or have cancer. The flu only kills people that are weak to begin with.

>> No.10144415

im okay with this fatfucks should be punished

>> No.10144429
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How do we kill fat people (faster)

>> No.10144471

Tell them that your mom is a good role model for fitness. They'll get even fatter and die.

>> No.10144480

It hasn't happened yet (based white privilege) but I know one day the security guard at wallmart is going to ask to see my receipt and dig through my purchases and I really don't know what I'm going to do when that day comes.

>> No.10144499

>'Sir, why is there spaghetti pouring out of your pockets?'
>taken in for shoplifting

>> No.10144531

They can do this at any store, the difference being that in the Amazon store there's quite literally 1000 different HD camera angles of the melanin enhanced gentlemen instead of just 3.

>> No.10144586

Wasn't there a thing where it said basically no minorities shop at that place

>> No.10144646

>implying faggots aren't a minority

>> No.10144850

>trying too hard

>> No.10144868

yech, lemme guess..you wrote this out on word pad?

>> No.10145380

>Casually pass someone standing still with a cart blocking most of the aisle as they gaze around on the shelves
>They get startled and stare at you for a while as you pass them by

This is genuinely unnerving, are they so lost in their thoughts or what? Can't tell if they are on the autism spectrum.

>> No.10145388

I just nudge my way by these type of people. if they'd stare at me I lock my eyes on them, who the fuck cares. I don't feel any shame being assertive.

>> No.10145394

>go late at night
>all bread is gone and baguettes are stale
Early in the morning is the best option

>> No.10145569

I don't feel shame I'm just surprised how anyone can react so strongly to being passed in a very busy market. They must be jumping like that every minute.

>> No.10146402

>buys bread

>> No.10146748
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>go to walmart
>get 2 bags worth of stuff
>5 people with shopping carts full of stuff walk outright infront of me
>"excuse me sir can I see your receipt?"
>happens 3 times in a row
>3rd time I start going off on the lady
>look her dead in the eye and ask what her fucking problem is
>tell her to call over the store manager
>make a formal complaint to him
>get a free gift card
>come in the next time
>new person at the door
>"uh sir can I see your receipt?"
>"no fuck off"
>walked out
Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me?

>> No.10147011

At my old store we were only told to check receipts if you saw something outside a bag so besides that maybe they were just a cunt

>> No.10147023

>shopping at walmart

about as consistently horrible an experience is being punched in the balls. the only thing I go there for is shotgun shells and motor oil, simply because it's so damn cheap and I can checkout in the back at the sporting goods counter.

>> No.10148791

>go to Wal-Mart
stopped reading there

>> No.10149953

>go to walmart
started reading there

>> No.10150145
File: 33 KB, 851x233, LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be walmart slave
>work the self-checkout lanes right next to the cart return
>A good fucking 3/4 of people don't bother taking the two extra seconds to push their cart properly into the next cart and just leave it in front of the return, so I have to leave my station to fix the carts every other minute

>> No.10150192

are you black?

>> No.10150201

>be not walmart slave
>working the express check-out lane
>people come to me with the full 25 fucking items (usually 30) even though a regular register is open with a bagger just waiting
I need a new job

>> No.10150327

>people who use their kids as place keepers in line
if the majority of the stuff you are buying is not with you when you enter the line then you should go right to the back of the line.

>when a new check out opens and the cashier asks for the next person in line and the person at the back of another line cuts to the front.
self explanatory.

>people who block everyone elses path with their cart
like how the fuck do these stupid niggers pass their driving tests?

>> No.10150377


Another proof murica was a mistake

>> No.10150422

a lot of stores dont have them cause niggers will just steal them or load the entire thing into the back of their car.

>> No.10150520
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>> No.10150530

when customers grab their own bags from under my till
I was getting there bitch

>> No.10150756
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>adult soft drinks
You mean energy drinks? Because I personally use them in place of coffee, idk about the overall consumers of them. They might be stocked separately because of the higher caffeine content.

Do you know if she's single?

>> No.10152083

> Mexican families that let their 30 kids run around the store acting like they don't even exist
> people who stop and block of an aisle trying to find where the fuck their going
>white moms who stop in the vestibule and talk to another white mom they know like they aren't blocking everyone

>> No.10152416

they cant and wont do a thing if you ignore them and walk out.

>> No.10152519

>shopping for my grandmother
>she needs her cookies , milk and icecream
>sweets fiend
>going to grab a half gallon of milk out of the cooler.
>It keeps getting yanked back
>get frustrated because inna rush
>go for another jug
>someone yanks the rack back out of my reach
>finally reach low and grab one
>place it in cart
>get to self-checkout
>go to ring up milk
>it's a jug of orange juice

Damn Jester got me again
You would think the 1500 hours of 'Community Dis-service' he was sentenced to after that botched robbery would be done by now.