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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, 2017-10-30 08.03.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10130422 No.10130422 [Reply] [Original]

Why are restaurants in America so cold?

>> No.10130430

Because we aren't pussies

>> No.10130434

Because we don't like mold

>> No.10130438

Americans have air conditioning.
People eat more when the are cold.
Jew tricks.

>> No.10130442

Everyone's obese, and obese people get hot because they're basically wearing a wintercoat.
Fat cunts always want to make it freezing at work, so obnoxious

>> No.10130444

because their body fat keeps them warm

>> No.10130475
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I hate when /pol/ raids /ck/. This has to be Jebs fault.

>> No.10130490
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>Fat cunts always want to make it freezing at work, so obnoxious
This. It's 80 outside and I leave a jacket in my office because the fat fuck majority controls the AC.

>> No.10130493

I'm not from /pol/. I'm from /ck/, /biz/ and /diy/.

>> No.10130507

you should go back to redit then

>> No.10130522

So shitposting here takes the crypto pain away?

>> No.10130543
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>> No.10130549
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that's so original.

I'm more in the stock market than crypto, but yeah I took a pretty good wack recently. I bought a long time ago though and sold a lot in December. So I missed some gains, but also avoided a pretty big drop.

My question here wasn't really shitposting though, I'm legit curious why the restaurants are so damn cold.

>> No.10130553
File: 292 KB, 1024x768, 20,000 lbs under the sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat people sweat a lot during strenuous activity such as walking to a table or chewing.

>> No.10130556

They aren't, you are just used to a poor country that cannot afford reasonable temperatures in the summer

>> No.10130561

>having the temperature preferences of a women

If you are a man and complain about rooms being too cold, you should seriously reevaluate your life

>> No.10130571

where are you from then, where are the warmer restaurants? Why do you got to stereotype all american restaurants as having the same climates?

>> No.10130572

I'm American. I just notice when I travel the restaurants aren't so cold.

>> No.10130578

I'm from Florida. I just travel a lot and don't need a jacket when I go into restaurants in places like Germany, Italy, France, and England.

>> No.10130580

>want to make it freezing at work, so obnoxious
Its objectively better to keep a work place cold rather than warm unless you are just trying to save money in the summer at your workers expense.
Its super fucking easy to just wear slightly more clothes and be completely fine, but if you keep it too warm there is nothing you can do with it, especially with the ridiculous and antiquated fashion standards that shun men wearing shorts and encourage them to wear silly ties and shit

>> No.10130583

Big chain restaurants are all about turn over, they don't want people hanging out forever, picking at their dessert and chatting about life. They want you to get and get out so they can seat tables faster.
Casinos do a similar thing, they use temperature to make people slightly uncomfortable so they can herd people around to different areas.

>> No.10130585

the idea that you need a jacket to go in to restaurants in America is fucking insane. Are you a 100lb lady?

>> No.10130593

What big chain restaurant ever has a line to get in where they need to worry about getting you out of there? Big chains are dying thanks to millenials as the elderly people who like them die out and young people prefer to eat good things; they have plenty of space

>> No.10130615
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>white collar office
>AC is set to 60
>forced to wear coat
>everyone asks if i’m cold or something

>> No.10130621

all businesses and homes should be set to 68F

>> No.10130637
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105-lbs ...

But overseas it isn't so cold.

>> No.10130646

You misspelled 76F

>> No.10130650

Cheesecake factories regularly have lines out the door and around the corner. Not to mention all the restaurants that give you those stupid buzzers when your table is ready.
Millennials may eat at chains less than boomers, but they're hardly on their last breaths. They still make money hand over fist.

>> No.10130652

be my gf

>> No.10130671

I don't think it has anything to do with fat. Women, regardless of size, just can't handle the fucking cold. It's embarrassing so see women having to come to work wearing jackets.

>> No.10130679

>But overseas it isn't so cold.
just because they don't have as much money. Note they also serve water and beverages warmer to cut corners and save money

>> No.10130682
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>Thermostat is set at 76F
>Kept in a hallway right by the window where the sun beats on it all day
>Actual offices are like 60
>When you bitch about it being cold everyone says "AAAHHH BUT DITS SET TA SEBENTY BIVE!!"

>> No.10130685

ok mom

>> No.10130686

It's your fault for being a bitch

>> No.10130687

How the fuck can people stand it this warm in a house?

>> No.10130692

this is my workplace also
what the fuck is wrong with people

>> No.10130696

just wear like a slightly thicker shirt, don't expect everyone else to suffer because you are anorexic. Its absurdly easy to stay warm indoors, its way the fuck harder to cool off so people should always error on the side of cold

>> No.10130697
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>Germany is poor

>> No.10130706

Oh, they are probably just catering to their new neighbors moving in from more southern climates

>> No.10130710
File: 18 KB, 637x631, 1510323865628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's for sure it

>> No.10130713

by not being fat

>> No.10130720

You both misspelled 71F.

>> No.10130721

have fun with your heating bill

>> No.10130745

76 might be nice if you grew up in subsarahan africa with more equatorial genes. But for people from northern climates its not a reasonable indoor temperature

>> No.10130756

In the winter I don't jack up the heat. It's more about when it's warm outside and then people have the inside freezing cold. When it's cold outside, then you are dressed really warm anyways so it being cooler inside isn't a big deal.

>> No.10130770

It's literally 1 degree below "room temperature"

>> No.10130783

>It's literally 1 degree below "room temperature"
um, what is this literal room temp you speak of?
Generall the term room temp refers to 70F, or 21C

>> No.10130789

no where keeps it freezing cold inside in the summer, at the coldest people will keep it 66, which is perfectly comfortable with a long sleeve shirt. 68-70 is ideal for indoor summer temps, just never let women control the thermostat

>> No.10130800

Why would you keep it cold enough to need a long sleeve shirt in the summer?

>> No.10130803


>> No.10130808

I generally don't, and most places don't. Just saying 66F is the absolute minimum you will ever see something kept in the summer. Most places are 68-72 (depending mostly on whether a man or women controls the thermostat)

>> No.10130813

Please explain how 25C is "literally room temperature" thats like pretty warm. 21C is generally considered room temp

>> No.10130820

How thick are you? You're arguing with a bunch of fatass americans about how they keep their air conditioning low. They are fat and need to cool down.

>> No.10130825
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I'm not really arguing I just thought maybe there was a more logical reason like the kitchen always turns it down since it is really hot in there and the room and kitchen are on the same AC usually there or something? I donno what I was expecting that's why I asked. I knew there would be fat jokes, but, I thought there would be more to it. I guess the one anon mentioned not wanting people to get too comfy.

>> No.10130840

Most buildings in Europe are old and do not have central AC.
Its really just a matter of America having better infrastructure

>> No.10130852

This is the real reason every single fucking place in this shithole cranks the a/c to max from april to november.

>> No.10130884
File: 3 KB, 106x125, OY VEY!!!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jew tricks
Oy Vey Goy

>> No.10130916

>68 is ideal
What the fuck man I live in Southern Calironia and I don't use AC at all. 68 inside sounds misreable to me. Maybe if you're in Phoenix AZ you want the inside to be cool because it's 107 outside but otherwise just relax and enjoy the warm weather.

>> No.10130954

I think the worst thing about too much air conditioning is how much it dehumidifies the air. It makes you feel terrible besides being cold.

>> No.10130968

maybe if you are on the west coast/desert southwest. In most of the country it is very humid in the summer so the dehumidifying aspect is a key reason why AC is so necessary and comfy
If you live in a very dry climate, 72-74 might be fine, but with the humidity common in the summer in most places, 68-70 works better

>> No.10131076
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This is a fair point. I'd bet the region east of the black "moist" line uses more air conditioning per capital than those to the west of it. I know someone who has a house in the Mojave Desert and he uses a swamp cooler as air conditioning. It actually relies on the dryness of the air to function. Very enery efficient, very effective.

>> No.10131107

>60 replies and only 1 person actually knows why
what the fuck is wrong with you all I thought food service workers hung out here

>> No.10131189

Its not a woman thing. Its a size thing. I lost over 100 lbs and i am cold all tge time now.

>> No.10131276

think your metabolism is fucked from the dieting?

>> No.10131360

its both. Being fat will make you warmer, but women are always cold even given the same mass. You pretty much never hear men complaining about rooms being too cold, only women even though women on average carry more fat

>> No.10132180


t. obese micropeen low test fat fat mcgee

>> No.10132207

clearly low testosterone correlates with the opposite, being cold all the time as evidenced by every skinny numale and women

You are trying a bit too hard

>> No.10132222

wow anon you sure do know a lot about the sexual dimorphism of human endogenous body temperature and are surely not talking out of your ass

>> No.10132250

there you go OP. my fat cousin keep their house at 66 in the summer

>> No.10132255

Anecdotally it is certainly true that women are cold indoors way the fuck more often than men. You never hear men whining about the temperature, and literally everyone's mom is cold all of the time

Factually, women carry more fat than men, so apparently being fat isn't why men like it colder than women

>> No.10132291

incredible what a master of empiricism you are please teach us more about your p=1 method of observation

>> No.10132294


>not living in 1a

>> No.10132331

Anecdotes are quite a bit better than saying "no wrong because my feelings" because you are ashamed of your womanlike personal issues

>> No.10132347

my god you're a psychological savant as well it's so rare to meet a bonafide polymath in this day and age your erudition is something to be admired

>> No.10132353

I work at a restaurant and the female owner has the thermostat under lock and key. More often than not it's fucking blazing in there. Me and my male bartender will have on short sleeve shirts and the waitresses are wearing hoodies and shit.

>> No.10132354

>It's embarrassing so see women having to come to work wearing jackets.

not even just women, it's normies in general
just because it's winter they think they have to wear winter coats, even if it's 45 F that day

on those days I always see faggots bundled up as if it's -15 F during a blizzard, and I laugh to myself thinking how much they're probably sweltering under all of that

>> No.10132362

at least I'm not cold

>> No.10132373

get the theraflu nigger

>> No.10132535

>. Me and my male bartender will have on short sleeve shirts and the waitresses are wearing hoodies and shit.
Sounds like classy place. Good on the owner for locking the thermostat though, I did that in my businesses stock room because they kept making it like an ice chest in there and racking up the electric bill.

>> No.10132588

locking the thermostat is fine, but only if a man is in charge of it

>> No.10132591

Also restaurants play upbeat, uptempo music to encourage your to eat faster and eat more.

>> No.10132609

25c is the perfect ambient room temperature. Just cool enough to wear a light sweater and comfy socks.

>> No.10132610

Not classy at all. It's a casual cafe.

>> No.10132623

Jesus christ man, you seem to have some serious endocrine issues if you would use a sweater at 25C. Thats unreasonable warm for indoors temperate, something where if its that warm outside most people will want their AC on

>> No.10132631

isn't 25C like 78 in burger units? Are you a skelly or something?

>> No.10132632

I'm a man, but I set it like a jew broad. Got 70 people in my factory working without air conditioning, the stockroom doesn't need to be 65 degrees. I'm being generous at having it be 74 - considering it functions open to the factory where the air leaks out all day. I only have there people in there, two of which need to lay off the french fries and cocacola.

>> No.10132638

By being a woman

>> No.10132642

>Just cool enough to wear a light sweater and comfy socks
lol, no

>> No.10132644

if they can wear shorts and its a large open area thats reasonable

>> No.10132666

77, but yeah that's damned warm unless you're skinny and naked. I like it around 68.

>> No.10132670

They can wear shorts and it is large and open.

That's where my gf likes it set (76-77F or so), she doesn't wear a sweater at that temperature though. She'll walk around in her underwear at that temp.

I'm pretty flexible. I agree restaurants are often too cold, but it doesn't bother me that much. For her she basically demands to sit outside, and often brings a sweater if we can't.

I really hate fat people though, so it's fun to see them sweat like the fat pigs they are.

>> No.10132685

every person I have known says it's 23

>> No.10132698
File: 59 KB, 640x423, normies get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's where my gf like

>> No.10132699
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I'm unironically anorexic and underweight and don't wear a sweater at 77F

>> No.10132705

pepe and wojak are normie now

>> No.10132707

It's not all roses on the other side m8. I feel bad for wizards and stuff in a way, but you guys also get to keep all your money and have a lot less headaches. And most of you with the "normies get out" shit are like 19 and will fall into a girlfriend in a few years. If you aren't 27+ you can't call yourself a robot.

>> No.10132708

Are you a girl, or a girl (male)?

>> No.10132711

boring girl, no feminine benis :o(

>> No.10132732

>tennis shoes and a skirt

That's even more concerning than knowing it is a trap.

>> No.10132738

Pls be my gf

>> No.10132740
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I want you so bad

>> No.10132769

you are fucking pathetic, fucking disgusting orbiters

>> No.10132771

i'm an anorexic girl that browses the cooking section of a Mongolian basket weaving forum looking at food-porn that I won't allow myself to have, you're better off single.

>> No.10132777

Most people on 4chan don't have jobs

>> No.10132784
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 1517234554555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen the quality of this board? we all have eating disorders
now please be in new york

>> No.10132786


>> No.10132788

>4 chan.

Are you living in the twilight zone?

>> No.10132792

wearing a sweater at 77 is fucking insane

>> No.10132804

>OnePlus phone
my nigga

>> No.10132813

i'm in ny senpai wan sum fuc?

>> No.10133356
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Feels good to be Australian masterrace. Enjoy your freezing indoors temperatures, cucks.

>> No.10133382

In aussieland the A/C isn't super cold?

>> No.10133398

What are you talking about? Why would we possibly want it any warmer?

>> No.10134500

I wish you would just be murdered already.

>> No.10134706

>having to heat your dwellings so you don't die in winter


>> No.10134853

just how heavy are you

>> No.10135043


>> No.10136037

it's easier to put on more clothes
you would have been worse off if it was too hot

>> No.10136039

to encourage you to get the fuck out after eatin

>> No.10136041

I heard that americans wear two pairs of socks. maybe they keep the temperature low in case their feet get too hot.

>> No.10136307

Hello friend,

Thanks for being so interested in my home country! I think it's pretty swell myself. I understand how the internet can make some things sound pretty wacky, but don't worry, I can clear it up.

No, people in America do not wear two pairs of socks. In fact, the only time I have heard of people doing that is in the colder parts of the country, where winter temperatures can be well below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, or zero degrees Celsius, most of the season. But as a rule, Americans do not do this when it is warm enough that our feet would be sweating.

I'm always glad to help out an Americanophile! I tried to keep the language pretty simple because I know a lot of foreigners are just learning, but let me know if you need me to explain anything.



>> No.10136372

americans, everyone