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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10127105 No.10127105 [Reply] [Original]

Another pizza thread.

does this look like dogshit

>> No.10127132

looks like you didn't really care about making it into an actual shape.

>> No.10127138

Man why care about the shape

The dough goes the way it wants

>> No.10127144

>not half baking your crust so it gets completely cooked without scorching the topping
Yeah looks great op. And fuck that guy, I prefer freeform pizzas. Fuck circles

>> No.10127191

next time buy the pre sliced pepperoni so you don't have these autistic chunks of meat on your dogshit pie

>> No.10127209
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Bruv unsliced pepperoni is the shit

>> No.10127230


it's an actual shape.

>> No.10127236
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looks gud

>> No.10127247

Thnx dude

It’s actually one of the best I’ve made

>> No.10127275

>does this look like dogshit

>> No.10127387

Looks solid man. Ignore the haters, keep makin' pizza your way.

>> No.10127407

Looks under done

>> No.10127534


>diced pepperonis

Good choice.

>> No.10127573
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I made this today after a long hiatus in pizza-making.

It may not be the prettiest but I sure enjoyed eating it.

>> No.10127608



>> No.10127742

This looks alright actually. Good job.

>> No.10127755

It looks like a slop of some sort of shit, that's for sure.

>> No.10127805

That looks like my aunt Suzanne.

>> No.10127824
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>> No.10127895
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>> No.10127929

Too much cheese in some spots, looks good though

>> No.10127985

>Too much cheese in some spots
i think you mean not enough cheese in some spots

>> No.10128006

you burned the cheese

-this has been a post by the chop project

>> No.10128170

chop project needs a ban

>> No.10130145

>cheese didn't even melt all the way
>that crust

>> No.10130218
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I made this a few days ago with a 24 hour sourdough crust and pepperoni, mushroom and black olive. Was goat af.

>> No.10131167

needs better white balance

>> No.10132721 [DELETED] 
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Do you make /his/ and /hers/ pizza with your girlfriend, /ck/?

>> No.10132746


Would be next level with anchovies.

>> No.10132790
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made this last night, first time making a pie in a while, also electric oven

>> No.10132890

ok i get the joke here, the mix take is just one song but why did he write it out a list like that

>> No.10133176
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Firemix that shit right up and stop being anal about it you /mu/fag.

>> No.10133207

how do make crust that doesnt suck?

>> No.10133238
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Leftovers from a few nights ago, I made a soft crust alfredo based sauce, with light bit of pre-done sausage, red bell, and some feta for a more medeteranian style.

>> No.10133852
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>start shaping pizza dough
>Funniculi Funnicula starts playing in my head

this is normal right?

>> No.10134126
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your pizza looks like shit

>> No.10134155

It’s all about the right consistency. You need to practice to get it right and experiment. If you over knead it the dough will be too strong and elastic in the sense that it likes to retain its shape, but you also want the gluten to be strong enough not to rip when you are forming it.

Different combinations of the amount of water and the amount of flour also make a big difference. Just keep making batches until you get it right

Homemade dough is cheap as shit too, probably 50 cents for a whole pizza compared to store bought premade dough thats like cardboard and $4

>> No.10134158

Mind sharing your dough recipe mate?

>> No.10134258
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Its that time again lads

>> No.10134552
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>> No.10134620
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I followed Binging With Babish's TMNT recipe. I know it is popular here to shit on the guy, but this was easily the worst pizza I have had in my life. The crust was bland, the sauce was flavorless, and I wasted good cheese on it.

>> No.10134622
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Too much greese

>> No.10134628

Oh man i literally just watched that video while my dough was rising

He’s a great video editor man, just because he’s mainstream and a hipster doesn’t make him any leas good at cooking

>> No.10134722

I never thought about it before but I ought to make some achewood reaction images

>> No.10134869

2 1/2 cup flour
1 cup warm water
1 tsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
2 1/4 active dry yeast
mix water/sugar/yeast and allow to activate for a few minutes beforehand, then add dry ingredients and adjust as necessary

>> No.10134873

also if you dont use a pizza stone dont bother making pizza at home

>> No.10135066
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Dinner tonight.

>> No.10135169
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>> No.10135181

When ever I use a stone it turns out like shit so I got a pizza pan and it's a fuck ton better

>> No.10135212
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Finally found cheese that melts like I want and doesn't turn into crusty rubber gum when baked. I swear I've tried 4-5 different cheeses in this shitty fucking country and had to resort to buying overpriced cheddar to have a nice texture.

Crust didn't come out too good since it was a 1 hour rise

>> No.10135214
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Triggers italians

>> No.10135218

>following sauce recipes

Mate you need to season the sauce to taste. The recipe is just a baseline. Tomatoes are tomatoes. A good sauce is 100% in the seasoning. I put way more garlic in mine and I also add a lot of sugar because I hate acidic sauce and it makes it taste richer.

>> No.10135223


Friendly Reminder That Pepperoni Is The Most Shit Tier Pleb Topping Of All Time, Right Next To Chicken On Pizza. Try Bacon As An Alternative.

>> No.10135611

I make my own pepperoni and it's nothing like that grocery shit, faggot.