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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10121006 No.10121006 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw human keeps feeding you the same kibbleshit in the morning and evening for months/years

>> No.10121022


>tfw you're a fucking dog and couldn't be happier because you're a fucking dog.

>> No.10121038

animals dont care.

>> No.10121040
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Do humans really think this?

>> No.10121043

Dogs are pretty content just doing whatever. It's cats who are the spoiled little cunts.

>> No.10121051

cats dont care either.

>> No.10121063

You should still have a conscience about it though.

>> No.10121070

They do. At least some.

>> No.10121073

Ehhh. I have two cats and a dog, and while my dog is happiest with kibble, my cats are total snobs and won't eat the same thing twice. They also want the canned stuff and never kibble.

This. Owning a pet but not caring about it is one of the shittiest things you can do.

>> No.10121084

>Want dog
>Have complete control over dogs life
>Pick rescue rat instead of a great dog from a breeder
>Stuck with inferior uglier dog for ten years
>Feed it low shelf crap instead of controlling his diet
>Baby him and spoil him instead of training him
>The way he barks all night is cute anyways
>Walk him whenever I feel like it instead of establishing a routine
>Only take him to the vet when he is Seriously sick
>End up hating the dog most of the time
>Dog hates you too
Why are people so stupid?

>> No.10121087

i feed feral cats bottom shelf kibble . they eat it up.

your cats are spoiled.

>> No.10121093

Give your cats dried cat food in the morning and either canned stuff or raw meat in the evening. Used to feed my cat fish or kangaroo on alternating days and he fucking loved it.
Occasionally I'd give him a can of sardines and he'd go apeshit, he especially liked the sardine in the chilli sauce.

>> No.10121095

A friend's dog actually prefers bottom shelf kibble instead of wet food.

>> No.10121120

Cats are only picky if you teach them to be picky, so good job, retard.
Dogs will literally eat shit so I think kibble is just fine for them.

>> No.10121126


No, some not to bright humans like to antropomorphize dogs and attribute to them concerns they're not capable of having and the larping those concerns on cambodian racquetball boards.

>> No.10121139

Nah mine, doesn't care for sweet things besides yogurt/ice cream.

Also won't eat fruit, unlike another dog who would eat anything.

>> No.10121144

Yes, they are. But they are very well behaved otherwise.

It's not for lack of effort on my part. I tried to feed them kibble when they were kittens, but they wouldn't eat it. They went a day without food, and I tried different brands and varieties but they wouldn't eat it. I even took them to the vet because I was afraid they were sick or something, but they just didn't want to eat. Then I caved and tried the canned stuff, and they went for that. But then they decided they wanted something different every day, despite my trying to teach them not to be so bratty. Then they refused to eat again. I just don't want them to starve.

>> No.10121175
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>mfw human gave me his meat scraps after preparing his meal

>> No.10121183

>getting outsmarted by cats
One of mine tried that shit. I just stuck to my guns and let her starve for a day. Next day when I put food down she was the first to dash into the room and start chowing down.

>> No.10121186
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>tfw human leaves you his dog near the river

>> No.10121188

Today I gave my cat both Smoked atlantic salmon, and kielbasa sausage, and he turned his nose up at both in favor of 99 cent store cat food.

I'm pretty mad at him.

>> No.10121189

Don't feed them that even if they do want it, idiot.

"boo hoo the cats didn't leap at the kibble straight away"
Grow a pair of balls. Who's in charge of that house? You or the cats?
Cats will kill and eat birds and mice even if you do feed them "something nice" and you think they'll starve themselves to death rather than eat dry catfood? Fuck off.
That vet should have slapped you.

>> No.10121200

>don't know anything else
>food is fresh/stale and there's a change of brand or flavor from time to time

Unless you are feeding them table scraps, they won't know any better.

>> No.10121202

Nothing wrong with a bit of yogurt lad.

>> No.10121206

>straight away
34 hours, with it in the dish through the night.

>> No.10121213
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>i feed feral cats

>> No.10121231

And you took it to the vet for that. It probably opted for one of the small animals I mentioned earlier instead. You pathetic child. I thought cat owners were supposed to the hard ones who can handle an animal that isn't submissive. I guess it really is the cats running the house, isn't it? Fucking pathetic. And you went to the fucking went for this.

>> No.10121235

at first i thought against it because i didnt want to help them reproduce and create more feral cats. but then i thought, fuck it, its not their fault they were abandoned as kittens due to poor human ownership.

theyve grown to love me. they come up the stairs and basically cuddle me. very cute. i love them.

>> No.10121238

only the ones that are right.

>> No.10121246

What will you do!!??

>> No.10121251
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I love my human

>> No.10121252

You're a liberal, aren't you?
If you want to feed them you should take them to the vet and get them sterilised.
Just like blacks.

>> No.10121257
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>mfw human releases me into the yard so I may kill rodents to eat
I do this instead of feeding her wet food, she loves it

>> No.10121263

no. i am definitely not a liberal. i am social and financial conservative. but these animals are victims.

i dont have a car. and i dont want to call the paddy wagon because, after volunteering in shelters, i realize that they will get put to death if nobody adopts them in a relatively short time.

>> No.10121266

>trying to act tough on /ck/
You're an anonymous poster. I think your ego can survive a little softness there, Gangsta.
Meanwhile, yes. I went to the vet because my cats were not eating, and hadn't for 34 hours. They definitely did not eat anything else, because they had been hanging out near me all that time. I stayed up to make sure they were sleeping and wanted to see if they ate during the night.

>> No.10121269
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Why are righties always so angry at everything?

>> No.10121271

Dogs and cats have brains literally the size of peanuts and operate entirely on instinct and reflex, they are incapable of complex thought and their brains are basically a roulette wheel of predetermined actions and reactions
They also have like 10% of the tastebuds of a human and can barely taste anything that's why they eat poo and will eat dirt and leaves and other garbage

>> No.10121276

Dry food isn't the best thing for cats anyway. Some cats do okay with it, but it makes one of mine sick, even if I soak it in water until it's like wet food. If your cats want different food every day, is it possible they're just bored and looking for more stimulation? You could try playing with them more, or putting their food in different places.

>> No.10121280

You can't say that. You're not a cat or dog.

>> No.10121285

youre the only one in this discussion with a brain that weak.

>> No.10121288
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Amazing. Every word of what you just said.. was wrong.

>> No.10121290
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>Dogs and cats have brains literally the size of peanuts
Time to go back to elementary school, bucko

>> No.10121302

Knowing how to keep a pet is not "acting tough" you pathetic shit. I meet people like you every day with their leashless dogs that don't obey commands because they were never disciplined so they put their filthy paws all over me and my property or even attack my own dog. She's big enough to defend herself but she won't unless I let her because I bothered to teach her some fucking manners.
She gets a treat once in a while but she knows they're treats and she knows that if she decides to hunger strike for more she'll just go hungry.
It's good that you care for your cats enough to take them to the vet but maybe you should also care enough to read a fucking book on keeping cats.
They are pets. They don't pay rent. Grow a pair of balls.

>> No.10121310

Cats can quickly develop liver problems if they don't eat for a few days so you did the right thing.

>> No.10121334
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>i'm mad at other pet owners so i'm gonna take it out on this guy for making sure his cats eat

>> No.10121352

Cats survive in the wild without needing humans. You're harming more than helping. Call animal control to put them down or take them to the vet to get spayed and neutered.

>> No.10121359

no. theyre cute and sweet animals and they dont deserve to die. the only thing that would happen is they get impounded and nobody adopts them and they get the needle. no thanks.

>> No.10121360

they're victims who will go out and create more victims
you're essentially doing feral cat gibmedats

>> No.10121374

>this many assumptions
You're kind of a dipshit, aren't you? Let me address them all in full.

>leashless dog
First of all, rural area. Not everyone lives in a cookie cutter urban/suburban neighborhood. Even then, I always leash my dog on walks. She has an electric collar to prevent her going further than 100 feet from my house.
You seem to think I don't train my animals. I grew up with them, and trained several personally. My current dog is an American Pitbull Terrier, and is perfectly trained. She accepts commands the second they are given, will not bark unless I goad her into it, and aside from begging for affection she does not beg at all. When meeting strangers, she typically remains by my feet. Even when offered things. UPS guy used to offer her treats, she never took them. My cats are also extremely well behaved, as I said in my previous post. The one and only issue with them is what they like to eat. While it is slightly more expensive, my first concern is them actually eating rather than how much it puts a dent in my wallet. Aside from that, they are as well trained as my dog. They know basic commands and accept them, they don't get into things they aren't supposed to, and they eat when they are supposed to rather than when they want.

>> No.10121388

>not feeding your dog table scraps to wane off their suicidal dog tendencies because you never walk them

>> No.10121398

Cats do not need us and they will not starve themselves into a liver coma sitting next to a bowl of food.
I can forgive the idiot for worrying and taking his new pet to the vet but it doesn't in any way excuse "my cats are total snobs and won't eat the same thing twice." THAT is what makes him a fucking idiot.

I suppose I am a little mad about pet owners who don't bother reading up on how to keep a fucking pet, yes. I consider it a form of abuse.
These are the same idiots who end up with obese pets because they don't have the sack to deny them a treat every time they "ask".

>> No.10121401

>Pick rescue dog instead of inbred dog with inevitable mental and physical problems from a breeder


>> No.10121408

>American Pitbull Terrier, and is perfectly trained.
Ohhhh! Here we go!

>> No.10121413

>le dangerous dog breed trope
I bet you didn't read the rest. For the record, any dog breed can be dangerous if you mistreat or isolate them.

>> No.10121414
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>millions of abused, starved and fucking eaten dogs all over the world
>i'm horrible for giving my dog the fat comfy life

>> No.10121418

Or treat and feed them like people.

>> No.10121422

I don't. She eats kibble, and is treated as a dog aside from getting affection (petting, not hugging and kissing and dressing up in outfits and being a general diva about my pet).

>> No.10121423

Feral cats kill from 1.4 - 3.7 billion birds each year in the US alone. Theres nothing cute or sweet about that.

>> No.10121426

Do you actually think the bird population shouldn't be culled? They're doing us a favour. Otherwise cities would be even more overrun than they already are by the winged vermin.

>> No.10121433

You guys realize that dogs survived on human food scraps for thousands of years before the invention of kibble. You can feed your dog in a healthy way without buying the dog food Jew.

>> No.10121440
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I work in a large seed storing/cleaning facility and barn cats are an absolute must

>> No.10121442

Most people aren't butchering their own animals or anything anymore where they would have enough food to regularly feed their pet only scraps

>> No.10121448

yeah, that sucks. oh well.

>> No.10121672

Letting your animal become obese is most definitely abuse. They already have short life spans and you're making it even shorter when you do that to them. I hope you're just memeing, otherwise I hope you get raped and murdered for mistreating your dog like that.

>> No.10121708

Is chocolate = bad for dogs a meme?

My dad's dog loves aged cheese and anything meat is always prefered over kibble

>> No.10121729
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>not combining kibble with some sliced fajita beef
>not combining kibble with chicken

this is why you're all shitty owners

>> No.10121753

>Is chocolate = bad for dogs a meme?
No, that can kill them. A pitbull eating the corner off a kitkat won't do any harm, though. It takes a fair bit of chocolate to do them harm. Still, don't give them any.
Also no grapes, onions, or garlic.

>> No.10121762
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>> No.10121864

Stop anthropomorphising.

>> No.10121906

>They also have like 10% of the tastebuds of a human
That's just cats because they're carnivores. Cats only need to taste one thing, bitterness, so that they know meat is spoiled.

>> No.10121911

i got my dog from a prized breeder, he lived 15 years, was still able to jump a 3 feet fence at 14 and was able to break fucking chains so we couldnt leave him tied anywhere, he was a dalmatian.

>> No.10121918

I cook for my dog so he gets a balanced diet, I do it in bulk and freeze all but what I'm going to feed him that week. He loves it.

>> No.10121953

I hate this shit. Poor animals getting stuck eating cheerios every day, basically. Sure, it's enough to keep them alive, but imagine how fucking bored you'd be. It's like saying humans are just as good with Soylent than a diet that actually tastes good.

>> No.10121968
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>picture shows that dog and cat brains are literally physically at the same scale as a peanut
Wow, you sure showed me wrong, genius

>> No.10122034


>I uhhhh I meant they're like uhhhh the same size in like, relation to how uhhh our brains are to our like, bodies, faggot

>> No.10122046

Most animals don't have varied diets like humans do, so they don't really get bored of food in the same way we do. We probably get bored of eating the same thing to ensure that we get all the nutrition we need, but cats mostly eat the same thing in the wild.

>> No.10122064

>catfag also has a nog dog
Not at all surprised tbqhf

>> No.10122074
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I know I am not the most popular persona on /ck/ but I cannot do anything about people with sour grapes, crabs-in-a-barrel mentalities. I am highly educated, have an educated, wealthy and close family, have a good income and excellent stipend, have traveled extensively, participated in many charitable activities and enjoy the finer things while being considerate and occupied with the notion of self-actualization.

With the onslaught of fast food threads I have to say this: my dog literally eats better than most of you on /ck/.

He is a 3-year-old Vizsla imported from a world-renowned Hungarian breeder. I can trace his bloodline back over 20 generations.

What do I feed him? Various beef, lamb, rabbit, waterfowl and venison quality cuts and organs (including bone, heart, neck, liver, kidney). I supplement his diet with good greens and sweet potato.

It probably costs $7-12 a day to feed him, but I must admit he works hard and deserves it. When we go bird hunting I reserve good portions from the hunt and feed him that. He loves sauteed Goldeneye or Mallard hearts.

I would never consider giving him half the things people on /ck/ post.

If he can eat this well, why don't you try to? You are what you eat after all. You can be a lean and prized self-actualized individual or you can be an overweight, unmotivated, lazy slob who wastes his life while making terrible dietary choices.

Choices. That's the key word. I hope you reflect on this and make a better choice for your next meal.

>> No.10122081

And most animals don't eat processed kibbles in nature either. I'm failing to see your point. I don't think dogs or cats would leave their kibbles behind but beg at the table if "bored of food" wasn't an issue.

Yeah, if the North Koreans had me in a camp and fed me stale bread every two days, I'd rush to that shit eagerly, just like a dog.

>> No.10122085

too much text. nobody is going to read that shit.

>> No.10122102

It's not good pasta just because it's long, you know.
Funny you should bring up sour grapes, though. Pretty sure they're also poisonous to foxes.

>> No.10122122
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last tuesday I mixed some boiled giblets on my dog's food
I've never seen a happier bitch

>> No.10122137


what about your mom when you moved out

>> No.10122148

ohh..shit. i wasnt trying to get hyped tonight. brutal.

>> No.10122157
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sory man just what i do aroud here

>> No.10122176
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nice samefagging

>> No.10122296
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yeah okay buddy

>> No.10122304

It would be pretty shitty to eat dry food every day, but my dog doesn't seem to mind. I often mix something in her food to make it more palatable or at least improve the texture. Things like plain yogurt (her favorite), chopped boiled egg, broccoli and other vegetables, meat etc. She is very active so the extra calories don't hurt.

>> No.10122307

Holy fuck I wrote this and I don't even remember how many years ago this was.

>> No.10122574

>Be dog
>Wake up
>Wake up
>Wake up
>Wake up
>Wake up
>Wake up
>Wake up
>Wake up

I feed my dogs a reasonable variety of stuff+scraps+treats but honestly they don't fucking care and will smash anything that smells edible.

>> No.10122648

I would argue that molesting, beating, actually neglecting, or immolating ones pets are far shittier things to do.

>> No.10122721

did you forget to put in your sense of humor circuit today you fucking literal robot?

>> No.10122747

>millions of abused, starved and fucking eaten dogs all over the world
>i'm horrible for giving my dog the fat comfy life

>> No.10123334

Tbh dont feed your dog "dog food". Make them nice foods and give them leftovers unless your some piece of shit that only eats takeout

>> No.10123337

Ive always wondered why the brain is shaped this way and why it has that wavey look to it

>> No.10123481

my dog noses her food and actually flips the plate over unless i change it up. she still eats it, slowly, but i feel like she's telling me i'm shit.

>> No.10123482

Because we have to pick up your poo and kibble makes it manageable.

>> No.10123488

The waves are to increase surface area, increasing the amount of neurons zapping around the surface, maximising brain function.

>> No.10123502

Do you really think that a dog wouldn't enjoy a steak compared to dry food?

>> No.10123536

Not an argument

>> No.10123633


To even assume that a dog can experience human emotions like "prefer" is s category error akin to cargo cult reasoning.

>> No.10123636

What's more taste buds are a tiny fraction of the sensation of taste. Smell is most of it.

>> No.10123683
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i gave my dog a medium rare rib eye for his birthday and he fucking loved it.

his pupils dilated for the rest of the night. he licked his lips for 3 hours and humped the couch after.
He ate it in about 1 minute flat.

>dogs don't have preferences

nigga, you hella dumb

>> No.10123698

That's pretty funny

>> No.10123706

You have 5cm long peanuts?!

>> No.10123724

It's called 'spay and release', nincompoop.

>> No.10123759

t. Someone who has never owned a dog

My family dog refuses to eat mcdonalds fries. There are also certain brands of dog food she doesn't eat either so we just stopped buying it. Unless you're saying "they'll eat anything if they're hungry enough" but then that would apply to humans too, for example the Donner Party

>> No.10123761

>that post offended me but it isn't wrong!
>I know, I'll change the word 'blacks' to 'niggers' to better suit my narrative and justify my being offended!
Why can't leftist cucks argue?

>> No.10123768

i actually feel bad for dogs and cats, people feed them such shit, the sort of shit i would feed to somebody who had tried to rape my daughter

>> No.10123790

We walk our dog when we feel like it, which is 2 or 3 times a day. I didn't know routine was important, why is it? He gets his morning walk at the same time most days but the afternoon/evening ones vary a fair bit

>> No.10123792

>rape my daughter
Only cuckholds imagine this scenario in their heads

>> No.10123797
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My dog is the fussiest little shit, he gets fed kibble with wholemeal pasta, green beans and 'pet mince' (basically low quality meat that can't be marketed towards humans

He often turned his nose up at that and switch some stuff up

Doggo related

>> No.10123799

Srsly. I ain't feeding that processed shit to my little buddy. I cook him up a big batch of brown rice, frozen vegetables + some form of protein (some weeks I use ricotta, other weeks it's beef or chicken)
he is the healthiest dog ever, it costs me fuck all to feed him, which is good because I am not a man of great financial means, and best of all - he doesn't have to eat that hyper artificial cancer food the supermarket sells for animals

>> No.10123807

What does your dog do?

>> No.10123841

Pitbulls are the niggers of the dog kingdom so feed them as much chocolate as you want tbhfam

>> No.10123843

ayy lmao

>> No.10123871

"She" is telling you that you're a soy boy faggot and she'd prefer a different owner

>> No.10123882

This, I once bought some cheap dry food for my cat and the cunt wouldn’t try it or settle for anything but juicy saucy meat.

>> No.10123885
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You're really activating my almonds, anon.

>> No.10123890

Why is a dick poking out of the dolphin brain?

>> No.10123902

Brain stem.

>> No.10123913
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>that elephant brain
maybe grug had something figured out when he hunted all the mammoths to extinction

>> No.10123939

Bigger body, more brain required for motor functions.

Some humans are picky eaters, some dogs are picky eaters. It's due to genetics and upbringing. Desiring variety in diet is an evolutionary trait designed to get the vital nutrients needed for healthy living.

>> No.10124534
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She got a few drops of soup on her kibble. That makes all the difference.

>> No.10124547
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>> No.10124610

There pests that attack my chickens. no good! I swat amd if i catch i hit with mallet

>> No.10124688
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>perfectly trained


>> No.10124691

>le dogs are only pretending to be obedient trope
Find me a news story about a pitbull attack that didn't involve mistreatment or neglect of the dog. I'll wait here.

>> No.10124710

most tip worthy post ive ever seen in my life

>> No.10124714

attempting to keep a pitbull as a pet is already mistreatment, you're supposed to domesticate the animal first

>> No.10124720
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Good to hear you haven't fucked up your dog as much as your cats. I think people put a little more effort into it when it's a large dog since those are actually dangerous and can get you in trouble if they misbehave.
I don't think I've ever met something like a chihuahua that was well disciplined.

If you switch your cats to a steady diet of cat food they will accept it pretty quickly. They are only picky because you have taught them to be picky.

Much as I love dogs, pits included, there absolutely are breeds more prone to aggression than others. You cannot get around that fact.
I do think a very large part of the issue with pits is the people who buy and raise them, or don't raise them as the case may be, but they are naturally more aggressive than, say, labradors.

>> No.10124729
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>trying to enjoy dinner
>strange human keeps bothering me
>try to ignore
>he punches me in the neck

>> No.10124735

I don't know much about pitbulls but the family dog is a Pit Boxer mix and he is easily the most friendly creature I've ever encountered.

>> No.10124742

I will drag that spic across the asphalt in chains with my car if he did that to my dog.

>> No.10124752
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He's a world renown dog trainer. These are scientifically proven methods

>> No.10124753

i give my dog a variety of foods.
any time I'm preparing something that's safe for her to eat, I'll give her some of it. Just last week I gave her a nice bowl of boiled cabbage and today I'll give her some chunks of chicken.

My dog is my baby. If she were unhappy in any way, I'd know it. Fuck you ;_;

>> No.10124758

>nice bowl of boiled cabbage
Damn I hope you had some too so you can at least be gassy together

>> No.10124761

enjoy your misbehaved mongrel

>> No.10124762

my dog will playfully snap at me like this. sometimes she'll even latch on, but obviously without any intention to hurt me.

should i kick her?

>> No.10124763

The dogs owners are expecting a baby and the dog gets violent and aggressive when its food is touched. This is because they, like you, are worthless pet owners who don't understand the danger of having an animal who thinks it's the boss of you

>> No.10124765
File: 23 KB, 288x499, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate dogs and I really hate the internet cult around them that seems to have arisen in the past few years
>keeping animals in your house

>> No.10124772

Are you a spic, nigger or Asian, by chance? A white man should be able to recognise thats not playful snapping

>> No.10124774

Fuck off Muhammad

>> No.10124775

She sleeps in the kitchen in a big bed surrounded by all her favorite toys, so if she's got gas I don't have to hear about it.

>> No.10124777

>muh doggos
Fuck you

>> No.10124780

Well, my dog is tiny. So it's hard to tell when she's being playful or not. Because even when she means to do her worst, it still doesn't hurt. But I don't want to encourage that behavior.

>> No.10124782

>He called me out for being an in-bred shitskin
Go back to the desert

>> No.10124788

Haha nice, but the hearing part isn't the worst thing about gas

>> No.10124790
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I want to smash the teeth in of every fucking idiot who speaks or types "doggo" "dogger" "pupper" "puppo" "kitter" or any other retarded variation thereof. it's not funny, it's not cute
you people need to stay on whatever disgusting subreddit you crawled out from

>> No.10124791
File: 2.28 MB, 3968x2976, dog4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only caught a few episodes of that show. The people who ask for his help have no business owning a dog in the first place and I don't always agree with his methods. I wonder if he acts like that off camera too or if it's just an act. It's reality TV after all.
Maybe you need those methods when it's an adult dog with bad habits. I've only trained dogs from puppyhood myself.

>> No.10124793

I have two cats and a dog. What should I make them for breakfast?

>> No.10124795


>> No.10124797


>> No.10124800

He's forced to dominate the dog because its owner failed to do so, letting it think it's the alpha. You don't do this by asking it to behave. He's not even hitting it hard enough to cause harm to it.

>> No.10124801
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Post your skin Abdul, prove me wrong, you won't

>> No.10124849

my dog eats as good as me.
fancy kibble
fancy dog stew
vegetables and a few cuts of my stake, plus chewy or too greasy bits every time I eat meat.
PB and apple snacks
fresh fruit
vitamin suplements and healthy chews
fresh snacks

I spoil her because I rescued her from the street at 4 weeks old, mangy and beat to shit. now she's healthy and happy and fucking ferocious and vicious guard dog.

>> No.10124909

>fucking ferocious and vicious guard dog
doubtful. she's just not socialized properly. in a real dangerous situation, your dog will be the first living thing to get kicked to death

>> No.10124914

The dogs behave well. They don't snap or growl at people.

I just don't know what to do about the barking.

>> No.10124930

I like doggo. It's like a generic name for a dog like we use anon here.

>> No.10124933

What have you tried and where have you looked for advice?
The last thing you want to do it shout at the dogs when they're barking. They interpret that as you barking with them and will bark more. I'm sure you know this already from reading about it.

>> No.10124949

That’s a great fucking cat. Will save you thousands!

>> No.10124958

why wouldnt dog suffice?
at least anon is faster to type than Anonymous

>> No.10125015
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here I fixed it for you

>> No.10125540

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.10125689


>> No.10125805

My mom makes my dog food for a week by throwing brown rice, chicken and vegtables all into a big pot and cooking it.

It tastes OK and our dog seems mach happier eating it

>> No.10125858

That's a mad doggo

>> No.10126893

You are to report to /an/ and post him in the longboi thread immediately. They will speak highly of him.

>> No.10126902

He's probably Australian. Those overgrown infants colloquially add unnecessary syllables to the ends of all sorts of words and think it sounds fine.

>> No.10126932


Cats dont like the taste of smoke or strong spices retard. Stop assuming cats eat the same shit as an omnivorous scavenger animal.

>> No.10126968



Cats dont like the taste of smoke or strong spices retard. Stop assuming cats eat the same shit as an omnivorous scavenger animal.

>> No.10126978

>bark, whine
>what's wrong boy?
>haha stupid dog, always gets upset and there's no reason for it. I'll never understand him
>well, time to feed him the same shit every day for his entire life

>> No.10126979


Man you are a real fucking retard arent you.

>> No.10126991

your dog is really beautiful, anon.

>> No.10127002


You are applying way too much novelty to the human condition. Humans are smart as fuck but thats about the only thing that makes us special. We're still animals and much of the shit we do is a fancy form of the same shit most animals do.

>> No.10127014


Theres a chemical in cocoa that is poisonous, humans have a high tolerance but can technicaly die from it. Milk chocolate doesnt have that much of it but just a nibble of dark chocolate can kill your dog dead.

>> No.10127021


Because its cut. I use doge

>> No.10127087

>at first i was reasonably then i thought, fuck it, let's make everything go to shit because it makes me feel good in the moment

refugees welcome right?

>> No.10127317
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This comment reeks of /pol/. You have to go back.

>> No.10127399

I have an insanely powerful 1W handheld laser that permanently blinds and my neighborhood is infested with feral cats.

I shine every cat I see. The cats get dazzled by the light so they don't even look away for a second to make the eye damage all the more likely.

Basically I've blinded maybe three dozen cats in the neighborhood. I don't get any pleasure out of it but I just gotta do it so that the cats don't wipe out my favorite songbirds.

>> No.10127478

>niggers is pol
Have you ever even been to 4chan before?

>> No.10127516

wrong, I fed my cat king salmon smoked for hours slowly over cherry and applewood, brined for a solid day properly washed and dried. Salmon that would easily sell for 30 dollars a pound.
Of course my cat lets me eat the skin but I gave him all 200 lbs of my salmon catch this year, all smoked over painstaking hours of labor.
Spoiler: my cat did leave me a little nibble of the good meat he's a good kitty

>> No.10127537

Virginia peanuts anon. Also in shell counts

>> No.10127602

I like to give my 6mo old german shepherd a mixed menu.

On her kibble, I mix plain, whole milk greek yogurt on it. She gets 1 raw egg a week on her kibble She likes cut up pieces of apple, and an occasional handful of frozen blueberries, and she will get some slightly warmed peas and carrots in her wet food .I give her one bowl food of wet, canned food as it helps her stay properly hydrated. I will sometimes gives her a raw chicken breast on the bone .She will sometimes get a handful of raw ground beef. And her favorite treat is peanut butter.

>> No.10127609

probably healthier than the store bought dried variety. same ingredients without the bone meal and all the other grains.

>> No.10127619

well thats not very nice is it.

>> No.10127623

people and animals are quite different. people have the ability to better themselves (in theory), while animals basicaly dont.

>> No.10127630

whatever floats your boat man. cats arent going extinct any time soon.

>> No.10127634

sounds like a healthy diet. good of you to mix things up rather than dumping a big slop of alpo shit from a can

>> No.10127653
File: 275 KB, 796x589, greenies-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it brushing my k9s with greenies™ dental treats everynight before sleepy time.

Where is my 4chan money admins?

>> No.10128060

what the hell is this post

>> No.10128083

>he doesn't cook for his dog

why are you here

>> No.10128154

Are you autistic? You seem to have trouble reading emotional patterns of the faces of dogs.

>> No.10128297

this is very funny and I laughed

>> No.10128304

>why does my dog shit all over the house and get benign tumors?
>oh look honey ol roy is on sale, 100 pounds for only $25
mans best friend my ass

>> No.10128373

>"I feed stray cats"
>"You're a liberal aren't you?
This post is really the epitome of /pol/. And people wonder why everyone else hates them.

>> No.10128410

Autistic people usually understand an animal's motivation better than NT people. NT interpretation will often be disrupted by a tendency to anthropomorphize animal behavior.

>> No.10129628
File: 43 KB, 600x450, feeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is about the taste and monotony of the kibble, not the health issues you can get from buying cheap Chinese stuff. Even dog food is held to certain standards and I'm not convinced you can actually come up with examples of bargain dog food being bad for dogs outside a few unique cases where something went wrong at the factory, which can obviously happen with the expensive stuff too.

No, the point clearly was that if you feed animals that can't take care of themselves you're just making the problem worse. And that is true.

>> No.10129825
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>> No.10129855

60iq somalians don't either.

>> No.10129867

It's a perfect analogy though. Making emotionally driven decisions that will make things worse in the long run because you can't make hard but right choices in the present is the main problem with bleeding heart liberals.

You get the same problem on the right though, although there it is not wanting to stop driving your truck instead of not wanting to stop feeding pests that ruin the environment.

>> No.10129881

cats turning their owners into cucks

>> No.10130952

My pug/boston terrier mix farts all night no matter what I feed her. She sleeps on my bed too. I actually miss hearing her snoring and farting though when I'm out of town.

>> No.10130958

Interesting. Do you have the recipe for that?

>> No.10131013

>not feeding your dog an 80/10/5/5 diet
Shitty grocery store kibble is mcdonalds for dogs. Sure, they can survive on it, but they can’t thrive.

>> No.10131036
File: 51 KB, 399x582, 1420489432939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Feeding worthless pets anything other than industrial byproducts.

Pets are already a gigantic burden on civilization and the environment. They consume hundreds of tons of product and perform no work.

Fucking house pets larger than a gerbil need to be licensed.

>> No.10131125

Companionship is a kind of job in itself. There's a reason suicide rates are abnormally high in developed countries.

>> No.10131133

I agree with licensing but pets are extremely beneficial to mental health, bro. No need to be so militant, especially about animals that at this point, are instinctually drawn to us?

>> No.10131142

Yes. Because we're overpopulated and some of the excess people naturally weed themselves out.

>> No.10131147

A pet isn't really a good companion.
NEET failures make up tulpas without the need of a pet

>> No.10131168

Not every breed is niggerdog (aka "pitbulls"). Most progress are actually considerably healthy and long lived.

>> No.10131175

My dog gets a mix of peanut butter, sweet potato, peas and liver for dinner. Kibble for breakfast.

He's just as happy in the morning as he is at night when he's getting fed. I also give him chunks of venison or pork belly or chicken/beef stock ice cubes as treats.

>> No.10131181

>A pet isn't really a good companion.
People have been breeding pets for thousands of years specifically for the reason that they make good companions

>> No.10131216

no, they were bred for a purpose
companion is only a meme that's been around only for about 200 years

>> No.10131341

What purpose do pugs serve?

>> No.10131982

My doggo pretty much eats what I eat.... Porridge with various fruits/peanut butter/cinnamon for breakfast

Salad for lunch

Various veg and/or meat on the evening

All that goes on top of his dry food

>> No.10132090

Love how all the replies to these are fucking idiots who don't actually bother to reply with anything viable because they think their pet dog is different than literally every other robotic meat bag on the planet

>> No.10132132

People already addressed both that dog brains are much larger than peanuts and that the sense of smell is more important than the number of taste buds.
He's not entirely wrong, though; dogs don't need variety the way we do, but the post has definitely had some reasonable responses. You know, instead of just people like you who refuse to read the arguments and go "hurr idiots".

>> No.10132139

Picture of your dog please

>> No.10132150


they dont like cooked food

>> No.10132167

I mean, I'm sure they don't enjoy eating the same slop over and over

>> No.10132188
File: 67 KB, 639x474, 32128931932902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a shitty $5 sandwich from safeway
>mfw I feel bad feeding my dog the scraps of that shit

I don't know why I continue to eat this garbage

>> No.10132206

yeah i bet that's why they have breathing problems from being so mutated, so they could serve a purpose

>> No.10132243

my friend from a loing time ago used to get his dog quarter pounders and big macs

>> No.10132252

S______ and S______

>> No.10132359

>I'm sure
That's because you're a fucking idiot. They don't care.

He said 200 years. Many of the issues we're seeing in purebreeds now were not present even 50 years ago.
A 1940s German Shepherd was quite different, and healthier, than a present day one.