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10109449 No.10109449 [Reply] [Original]

Veganism, like obesity, is a modern luxury.


>> No.10109454

Nice topic with no input faggot. That’s called shitposting.

>> No.10109458

>Veganism, like obesity, is a mental illness.

ftfy fattie

>> No.10109472

Who fucking cares? Is your point that we won't have vegans after the apocalypse? Fuck off, cunt. Shit thread, shit topic, shit post. This board is for food.

>> No.10109527

>rice and beans are expensive
>fruits and veggies are expensive
>pasta is expensive
>seeds and nuts are expensive

>> No.10109539
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>board is for food

>> No.10109545

What point are you trying to make? None of this information agrees or disagrees with the ops statement.

You don't think luxury in this instance means financially expensive do you?

>> No.10109558

If anything meat and animal products are modern luxuries.

>> No.10110861

Oh yeah like native Americans that mostly ate bison they sure were living off that modern day luxury huh

>> No.10110928

I disagree. Up until around 150 to 200 years ago obesity was generally an ailment of the privileged and wealthy, ie being able to lead a luxurious lifestyle eating foods rich in fat and sugar and engaging in little physical labor.

Being vegan was typically something enforced upon a person or populace, either by lack of animal protein, religious beliefs or other similar outliers. The only standout I know of vegans in the ancient past were romantic gladiators, who basically ate oats and barley. I doubt it was uncommon to feed servants/slaves on similarly cheap vegan diets either.

In the modern developed world, both being vegan and being overweight are largely a willingly chosen way of life.

>> No.10111100


>> No.10111208
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Do you mean to tell me that the endless middle school propaganda of settlers being too dumb to grow food being rescued by generous Indians who were whiz kids at growing infinite corn isn't true?

>> No.10111217

In our times, yeah, pretty much.

>> No.10111239

nuts are expensive.

>> No.10111247

the only vegan I know is a fatty

>> No.10111264

That's a true story, though. Tell me: have you ever read a book on colonial American history? If so, which ones? Also, plains Indians =/= coastal Indians

>> No.10111268

yes it is

>> No.10111272

Nigga I don't read books about indins I live next to a.casino and that's about all I can handle of their antics

>> No.10111288

You could be vegan in any basic agrarian society. In fact, many very poor agrarian societies have historically viewed meat as a luxury due to its rarity/price and have basically been mostly vegan even though they would prefer otherwise.

>i base my understanding of history on what hollywood tells me
Horses didn't exist in America until Spanish explorers brought them. The natives you're imagining, riding around on horses and shooting buffalo, were almost entirely forced West by European settlers. Most natives lived in the forested areas along the coasts and while they certainly ate meat, their staple foods tended to be nuts, tubers, and various foraged plants. There were also hundreds of tribes scattered across the continent and their standard diet varied wildly by region.

The point of veganism isn't that it has wide historical precedent but that as a person living in a first world nation, I have easy access to food from virtually every inch of the planet. When this is combined with decades of research into the optimal diet for human health and prevention of disease, veganism is the clear winner. Don't be fooled by idiot moral vegans. Anyone who does the research will discover that a whole foods, plant based diet is the only acceptable choice for optimal health.

>> No.10111311

Neither were Indians.

>> No.10111321

Isn't this a quote paraphrased from Anthony Bourdain? I basically agree with it but he has said it so much that it's cliche by this point.

>> No.10111371

Vegetable farming, like basic survival, is an ancient necessity. And veggies are vegan. come@me.

>> No.10111382

Perhaps vegans are, but vegetarians definitely aren't. See India.

>> No.10112054

OP btfo

>> No.10112132

>You could be vegan in any basic agrarian society

Basic agrarian societies are the LEAST equipped to be vegan because of how dependent small farms are on animal waste.

>> No.10112139

We are supposed to eat plants everyday.

Quality meat is a luxury. You got everything backwards faggot.

>> No.10112243

>Anyone who does the research will discover that a whole foods, plant based diet is the only acceptable choice for optimal health.
Said the 6'0, 140 pound man.

>> No.10112982 [DELETED] 

>Being vegan was typically something enforced upon a person or populace, either by lack of animal protein, religious beliefs or other similar outliers.
But there's a difference between being a victim of circumstance and making a concious decision. Those who choose a religious belief are making a concious decision to subscribe to a particular way of life (though I'm not sure which religion forbids meat entirely). While those who are impoverished and can't eat meat because it isn't available haven't made a choice to be vegan and would almost certainly eat any meat that was given to them. Or eat their own dead.

can't =/= won't

>> No.10113002

India is a modern shithole yet they're majority vegan.

>> No.10113116

How would either be considered a luxury?
Oh the luxurious, high rolling lifestyle of obese vegans, how I envy thee.

>> No.10113195

Because they'd both be impossible without modern agricultural practices and trading?

>> No.10114116


>you need money to get enough food to be fat, therefore a luxury


>being able to produce vegetals year round is only possible using todays trade and technologies filling the hole where we would normally require killing for food therefore vegetarianism is a luxury

Not really. I know a vegetarian who eats nothing but home grown veggies year round fermenting and pickling for the winter.. Its not a luxury, and some tribes and societies have been vegetarian throughout history

>> No.10114259

India is a dump, veganism by choice and veganism by starvation is a whole different thing.
Don't get me wrong, I think vegans should be executed like any rational person but you're comparing apples to oranges

>> No.10114263

Luxury in terms of it being possible in the first place? Yes.
Luxury in terms of it being expensive? Fuck no a simple vegan diet is cheap as fuck.

>> No.10114265

I could get morbidly obese on 1$ mcdonalds burgers and fries, 2$ bags of pasta, and .99$ bags of candy
Obesity is a product of stupidity and ignorance, not wealth and luxury

>> No.10114268
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Based atheist truth miser

>> No.10114276

That’s great I’m going to keep doing my all meat diet and live to 100

>> No.10114281

Then how the fuck did we survive before farming? Idiot

>> No.10114639


They're both eating disorders. Obesity is from binge eating and vegans INTENTIONALLY don't eat things with essential nutrients such as B12.

Supplements are not regulated by anyone. They could literally be ground up dead vegans and could claim to cure cancer on the label. Plus there's the question of bio availability, which leads us to:

>Being vegan was typically something enforced upon a person...

So lack of nutrition - yep - eating disorder. Now here's where I agree with OP: It's completely a choice in this era. It is also against the grain (bahdum-tss), so it's a luxury from the standpoint that their products generally require more processing, transportation, and are, therefore, more expensive.

>I know a vegetarian who eats nothing but home grown veggies year round...

Also - they're the outlier. But that sounds like an awesome friend to have; I bet their pickles are GOAT.

>> No.10114666

No animal produces B12 though. There are vegan foods with natural B12 by the way. Nice bait tho

>> No.10114675

>No animal produces B12

No, they don't. That's why it's called an essential nutrient. But if you're eating the animal tissue with bio available B12 from its microbiome it's an easier, smaller intake than eating tempeh in the States for your B12, for example.

This brings us back to the original post - it's a luxury in current society.

>> No.10114683

So is factory farmed meat and the like.

Anyone who isn't a self-sufficient hunter-gatherer or pre-industrial style homesteader lives in 'modern luxury'.

>> No.10114689

Vit C is also essential for us but many animals can synthesize it. All of your points are just plain stupid on a very basic level, everything from supplements, bioavailability to more processing/expensive to obesity and veganism being eating disorders. Only replying cause I'm bored, enjoy this (You).

>> No.10114698

You guys shouldn't conflate veganism with vegetarianism.
On one hand, vegan products usually are expensive, on the other, a diet based on rice and beans, for example, can be much cheaper than anything containing meat depending on where you live, so a vegetarian diet would be much cheaper.

>> No.10114713

rice and beans is vegan, you fucking retarded faggot nigger.

>> No.10114778
File: 231 KB, 2000x1000, o-CANCER-PATIENT-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pointless shit retard

This man has cancer. He is going to die within months without any sort of treatment. He has 2 kids and a wife, all of whom fucking love him but it doesn't matter.

The worst part is that there is a cure for his cancer. He has a very curable type of cancer, and could easily be treated.

However, his doctor is an omnivore. His doctor hates plant based diets because Veganism is a modern luxury. The doctor isn't a hypocrite though and carries this ideal everywhere. He is wearing slaughtered whale skin as a doctors coat because industrial textiles are a modern luxury. He treats disease by locking patients away from the tribe because understanding that disease isn't a magical curse is a modern convenience.

He also won't treat the mans cancer because cancer treatment is a modern convenience. The mans children will grow up without a father because cancer treatment is a modern convenience just like that evil Veganism.

This doctor is just like you, OP. You would happily see cancer patients die to justify your fucking burger habit.

Disgusting slime

>> No.10114788

He would make a top notch tranny where I come from

>> No.10114847


I think it's not if depends on working animals.
Otherwise, what's the difference between a vegan and vegeterian?
But I mean, I might be wrong, I'm not a vegan scholar or anything, animals are fucking dumb.

>> No.10114881

probably totally hairless after the treatment as well. Hot.

>> No.10116432

We were placed here and shown how to farm on day 1. The history timeline isn't as we've been taught.

>> No.10116645

No, they are vegan by choice.

>> No.10116678
File: 1.06 MB, 432x432, If Vegans Love Animals So Much....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: Vegans rarely blow and they do not swallow

>> No.10116730

That explains how they're modern, not how theyre a luxury.

>> No.10116737

i'm sure there were a few humans 30,000 years ago who felt bad about eating animals and opted for fruits and veggies.

>> No.10116805

If vegans love animals so much why do they eat all their food, your image asks? First, they don't eat all their food. If an apple tree is full of apples, animals and humans are free to eat from it. But chances are that the tree is property of a corporation or at the very least a family who has planted the tree, and that means the fruit on the tree does not belong to the free roaming animal, it is property of the people who planted it, in which case a vegan eating all the apples on the tree is not even eating a single piece of the animal's food, which would be naturally occurring. But maybe this is just splitting hairs, hey though, that is what you are doing with that supposed philosophical "point". Or we could say all the fruit and vegetables belong to any and every human and creature, ok, well then whoever takes the apple gets to eat it. And there are a lot of "apples". There are a lot of humans and wild animals too, so it looks like everyone and thing are doing fine as per natural protocol in the realm of taking fruit from plants.

>> No.10116861


Those processed foods are only available to you through the luxury of capitalism

>> No.10116867


>muh b12

Vegetables have enough b12 if theyre brushed and not washed

>> No.10116941

>only rich people can afford to get fat
>only rich people can afford to eat a healthy diet

>the sentence below is true
>the sentence above is false

>endless loop
>ebin loop

>> No.10117057

You can get morbidly obese on fucking apples too shithead, obesity is stupidity and or ignorance, not wealth

>> No.10118962

You are a blithering idiot

>> No.10119782

plants are cheaper to make and buy than meat and dairy

Do you have any credible sources to back that up or are you just posting from your gut?

>> No.10119789

>nuts are not expensive

>> No.10119806

corn is shit
it has no taste and very little nutritional value
>but what about corn starch
why would anyone on his right mind prefer it ov...
and kill you're self

>> No.10119812

>implying native americans never killed and ate bison until they received horses and guns
You don't know shit about history, you fucking idiot.

>> No.10120447

what are you? retarded?

>> No.10120512

Who is more obnoxious and annoying?

> indignantly proud fatty
> ignorantly proud vegan

>> No.10120695
File: 76 KB, 750x740, 1509289420135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek
meatcucks eternally btfo

>> No.10121172

Choosing your food in general has been a luxury, and it's been one since the agricultural revolution.

Veganism as a diet isn't retarded, it's not the most healthy thing for your heart or kidneys (and in some cases, liver), but take a few vitamin supplements and it's manageable.

I think vegans get a bad rep because, rather than choosing a diet for personal or medical reasons, they're doing it because they feel it'll earn them a gold star/nobel prize for being """"humanitarian""", without realizing that most farm animals would die and be eaten in the wild, anyhow.

Yes, they have a point on tyson's meat machines and such, there's no excusing that. In fact it's been proven that an animal's stress during the process of death directly affects the quality of meat. Those products really shouldn't exist. But depriving yourself of nutrients and screaming at every passerby about how they're the most evil person ever for eating a steak won't really convince them that you're anything more than a raving lunatic.

It also doesn't help that the vast majority of vegans are also obnoxious commies. The whole movement screams contrarian harder than the /pol/iticians who think genociding a race will somehow make them less of a NEET.

>> No.10121199

There are plenty of regulated and tested supplements. Not everything is sold as dick pills, anon.

>rice, beans, potatoes, bananas, seeds, and sprouts are expensive
Youre just whining at this point

>> No.10121321

yes ir is, but the best food is meat

>> No.10121563

>eating grains, beans and vegetables
pick one

the real modern luxury is keto. try telling people in a third world shit hole to only eat eggs and meat

>> No.10121590
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i suspect that the kind of people that veganism appeals to would have become monks or nuns not terribly long ago and they only do this because it's one of the few avenues secular society provides their ascetic souls