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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 300x210, donald-trump[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10105678 No.10105678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fuck trump edition

>> No.10105701

Use the silhouette or don't even bother and I'm not even fucking kidding. Take your hurt feelings to /pol/, don't poison an entire gen with them.

>> No.10105718
File: 147 KB, 464x596, 1488732603002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I voted for Tolando Drumpeft?

>> No.10105719

Brilliant. Political discussion yet again ruins everything.

>> No.10105729

To be fair, I didn't start this thread.

t. me

>> No.10105734

You’re the cause of it you poisonous little cunt.

>> No.10105736


>> No.10105740

RIP al/ck/. Thanks /pol/.

>> No.10105743
File: 1.76 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180206-190803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got hpv from eating a strippers snatch two months ago.

>> No.10105753

I can tell you're >>10105742 by your post times.

>> No.10105755

If I am the cause of this for being pro-Trump, then it is the left that is the cause of me for if it were not for the regressive left, Trump would not have won. It is thanks to social justice warriors, 3rd wave feminists, Black Lives Matter, postmodern political correctness and cultural Marxist identity politics that they all spout which is to be thanked for the successful election of Donald J Trump.

>> No.10105756

y u do dat LEWD ACT sensei?

>> No.10105758

Please, please delete it. OP delete this shit too. /pol/ please, PLEASE leave forever. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re all banned, /ck/ isn’t built for this shit. And again, thanks /pol/ for your unnecessary toxicity ruining everything.

>> No.10105762

>giving head to a stripper
Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

>> No.10105766

Jesus christ

>> No.10105768

Omfg shut up

>> No.10105778


>> No.10105781

Why the fuck would you even do that?

>> No.10105782

Hey you wanna go troll ppl on online gaming? I'm srs.

>> No.10105786

I was drunk as fuck and I had taken some mdma

>> No.10105791

there is honestly a really high chance you have HPV

>> No.10105792
File: 94 KB, 635x600, 1517273534597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For christ's sake we had a safe haven for once and you pussies come to ruin it.

>> No.10105793

I'm not into trolling. I'm only concerned with truth and facts, no matter how ugly or unpopular.

>> No.10105801

Fffffuck. I only took MDMA when I was watching cartoons with my m8s. I almost cried when we watched Samurai Jack. I'm glad I never got into the rave scene, but that shit is at least treatable in a way you shouldn't give it to anyone else. Don't be a retard, anon. That could have been your dick.

>> No.10105802

Why not just post it on /pol/ though? Why steamroll a place as unique as al/ck/? You’re a proper piece of shit

>> No.10105808

Wow. You would be my greatest ally yet. We should join forces.

>> No.10105819
File: 133 KB, 601x601, 1517274374235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Killary dumb voter

>> No.10105821

I frequent al/ck/, in fact people with my mindset are probably fairly common in your life. It's just that we usually conceal our powerlevels so as to better get along with normies.

>> No.10105829

stop calling it a fucking power level, it's the most beta cringe thing in the world
i happen to share your political opinions but that's what they are, political opinions

fucking 23 year olds who never read a book MUH POWER LEVEL...literally nigger tier

>> No.10105835

people love to destroy something beautiful, it's been a recurring theme thoughout history.

>> No.10105845

Its bad enough on boards where its completely unrelated to. Imaginine a bunch of drunks screaming at each other?

>> No.10105853

You’re blatantly new to al/ck/ or you’d know that what you’re doing always causes all hell to break loose. I refuse to discuss politics here because it fucking destroys the threads. You’re either unaware of the damage you’re doing, or are simply here to cause havoc on what is normally the most chilled place on the entire site. I hope you die in fucking agony.

>> No.10105880

Drunk anon. I love you, mate. But please understand there is a board-to-board culture on 4chan. Hiding your powerlevel on some boards means never mentioning the word "powerlevel" on others.

>> No.10105917

Jesus fucking Christ cringe.

>> No.10105930
File: 235 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180206-193134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever try this?

>> No.10105938

Pretty cheap stuff.
Not good if not mixed.

>> No.10105940

To be fair, I have been frequenting al/ck/ for less than a year even though I have almost 5 years of alcoholism behind me. Politics and alcohol do not mix, though it can be fun with the right crowd. al/ck/ is a place that seems more about people with a common problem to work towards a common goal; prevention of self-destruction, or something like that. My apologies, I'll particularly try to keep politics out of it in al/ck/ however IN MY DEFENCE, I was not the first one to bring up Trump. Someone called him a dumbass and yet again today I've learned of even more bullshit coming out of Trudeau and I'm sick of feeling so disappointed in my fellow countymen for voting in that familiar-named pretty-boy 'male feminist' cuck. If he somehow wins the next election as well, in spite of how proud of a Canadian I am, I am going to have to write off this nation. He has been doing SO MUCH HARM to this country and his term is only a little over half finished, still over 1.5 years to go. Identity politics is flooding our nation and it's fucking terrifying.

Screw you, I think it's a funny analogy, and with just here severe the anti-Trump rhetoric is out there I feel it quite necessary to share my own point of view. Going to literally and unironically write a book comparing Trudeau and Trump, gonna take a couple months I think which is longer than it usually takes me to write a book, also been watching a lot of Jordan Peterson as well as learning more about Christianity. It's no mystery as to why he promotes truth-telling to such a degree; it seems to be a staple of the New Testament which tells Christians not to lie on multiple occasions.

I was once a THOROUGHLY anti-American Canadian, but I now understand the Founding Father's vision and the idea behind the experiment that is the United States of America. I see America as something truly beautiful, and I hope it is never destroyed. God bless America.

>> No.10105963

Are you ever going to shut up? You’re absolutely full of shit, but even if you weren’t nobody would care. This is not the place for your childish insistence that you could save the world. Stop fucking ruining the threads you selfish fucking cunt

>> No.10105980

>I’ll try to keep politics out
>proceeds to write three walls of text
Boycotting this thread. Congratulations on your “power level”, you fucking child.