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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 141 KB, 964x858, fish and chips 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10105117 No.10105117 [Reply] [Original]

Americuck here. I've never had a really good, authentic English fish and chips. If I get the chance for one, should I have the cod or the haddock? Which one is the best, or which way do most bongfags have it? I want to try it at least once, I don't want to fuck around, I want to try it properly. Bongfags only.

>> No.10105151


>> No.10105172

Cod in London but might be different elsewhere

>> No.10105188


>> No.10105191

New Englander here.

Haddock is a type of cod.

>> No.10105204

this anon gets it.
one of the greatest chefs in britcuck history recommends Turbot:

>> No.10105220

Whats the honest difference between "authentic" fish and chips and regular American fish and chips? I've had it at places here in America that specialize in it, and it was fucking amazing.
Do britfags do anything special with it that makes it better or what?

>> No.10105230

Thanks. I know the place has to have real malt vinegar to go with it. What about beer to go with it? I'm guessing an English pilsner or ale? If I get one chance to have the real deal, I want all of the real deal.

>> No.10105232

Heston Blumenthal as well
Mr. Best Nr1 World best restaurant 2005

>> No.10105240

Shut the fuck up, we're talking about English fish and chips the way it's served in English chip shops, not your stupid political garbage.

>> No.10105272


>> No.10105300

I eaten french fries a million times. I've eaten fried fish a million times. I want advice on fish & chips, malt vinegar, and beer the way the English have them, not dick around whining about "oooh, Americans have fried fish and french fries too!" Fuck off.

>> No.10105324

you require a nap.
you're getting testy.

>> No.10105350

Maybe a bit. Sorry. I still would like to know everything there is to know about a good, traditional fish n chips, like if you got a really good one in the middle of London. The fish, the batter, the chips, the vinegar, the sauces, the beer, everything. When I try something new, I don't do it half-assed. I want the full experience.

>> No.10105357

It’s impossible to recreate at home. I’ve tried everything. Marco’s way, Heston’s way (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr3Rrzrv8vU)) different types of potato, different types of oil, I’ve asked in chip shops what the secret is, I’ve read all there is to read online... I’ve finally come to the conclusion that it’s not the ingredients, it’s the hardware. The huge fryers they use in commercial shops. Or more specifically, the temperatures. If you dunk food into a pan of oil at home, the couple of litres of oil you’ve heated instantly plummet in temperature. In chip shops they have gallons of red hot oil, the temps stay constant. Unless you spend thousands on a huge, dedicated cooker, I’m telling you, it’s not happening. Hestons method is pricey but decent, you’ll end up with a tasty meal (although cod is just as good as turbot imo) but unless you have access to a fryer, the only way you’ll get the legit, unique chip shop taste, is by going to a decent chippy in the uk.

>> No.10105365

>full experience
well the first step is to rule the world and then slowly lose it.

>> No.10105387

The thing is, English people have emmigrated to the US, and set up pubs and chip shops. If I go to a pub or chip shop run by a guy from England, I want to do it the right way. Is there anything I should look for in a pub or chip shop run by a guy from England? A brand of malt vinegar or beer or something?

>> No.10105401

i work in a kitchen with a big ol fryer, do you know what recipes would be good for that kind of setting?

>> No.10105421

Honestly after months of trying, I’m certain that the thing to look out for is the size of the fryer. Chip shops will use Maris piper potatoes in irregular lengths, cut thick and chunky. They won’t double fry, the chip won’t be particularly browned or crispy, it’ll be soft inside and loaded with flavour. The cod will be thick and generous, the batter will be golden not dark brown, and have a decent crunch. Any malt vinegar will do, typically whatever is cheapest. Ramsay uses balsamic and that’s nice too.
I wish I could teleport a meal to you because it really is maddening getting it right at home, and if you go to a shitty place you’ll have no frame of reference by which to judge it. All I can promise you is that if it’s done properly, it’s one of the greatest meals on earth.

>> No.10105427

I don’t unfortunately, all I have is a faggy little fryer and the only instructions I’ve found correspond to that.

>> No.10105461

This is what the fish looks like from a chippy in the uk. That fish actually looks perfect. Better than Heston’s, his batter is too dark. Neither of them has got the chips right. Neither have I, not once, but I have found that using duck fat is a step up from using vegetable oil. Still not as good as even a mediocre fish n’ chip shop.

>> No.10105470
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>mfw I used to live 1 mile from an expatriate owned English pub.

>Now I live 200 miles away.

>> No.10105479

>it’s not the ingredients, it’s the hardware

Congratulations on discovering the secret behind basically all good fast food. In the US the best hamburger joints pretty much all have one thing in common: 50+ year old griddles that have basically never been cleaned.

>> No.10105481


You can get good bong style fried fish almost everywhere in the US, the fuck are you even talking about? The only difference is that bong style fries ("chips") are fucking terrible and nobody here wants them.

>> No.10105484

Nothing is Impossible™
have you tried leaving the fish out for around 10 mins to let it reach closer to room temp? maybe do this whilst you prep your other ingredients. have you tried using a dedicated mini fryer machine?

i don't know man. it seems very plausible to make crispy fried food at home. i make pretty good fries at home, with just a pan and corn oil. but haven't tried White's fish & chips method using only a beer batter. but his method looks solid.

for those of you who are enthusiastic about frying at home, you might want to look into a cast iron pan with high walls. because cast iron holds heat a lot better than the usual stainless steel bullshit.

the metal material of your pan + type of oil makes a difference.

i don't have enough room in my kitchen for a mini electric fryer and they all look sketchy.

>> No.10105529

I can also get Mexican "style" food, or Chinese "style" food, but it's not the real deal, is it? That's what I'm fucking talking about. When I lived in NYC and Savannah, there were pubs and fish-n-chips joints owned by English ex-pats that opened their own businesses to have a taste of home and offer something on the market that no one else had.

>> No.10105537

Pay attention to the sizes, the colours of the fish and the chips. Golden but not brown, the chips are soft, not double fried, not crunchy. These look about as perfect a representation of Brit fish n’ chips as I’ve seen.

>> No.10105543


>bong "style" fish and chips

No. Fish and chips isn't something super fancy or authentic; it's fucking beer battered white fish that's been deep fried. I've made it at multiple restaurants in the US and have had it many times in the UK; it's really nothing special.

>> No.10105577

Here's the thing: potatoes are American

>> No.10105596

the mexican or chinese "style" food isn't the real deal is because authentic ingredients aren't available, so you substitute with other varieties or just omit them. making an authentic mole in an area without a mexican grocery store would be pretty much impossible. and in a lot cases, the necessary ingredients are fresh produce which can't be affordably shipped.

to put it simply, none of that applies to fish and chips.

>> No.10105644

They were in the 1400-1500s CE when they were first brought over from the New World to the Old. In the past 600 years, potatoes have become a staple crop and adopted into the cuisine of every country in North & South America, UK, Ireland, Europe, and Russia. Probably Africa too. Asians don't seem to have much of a handle on potatoes, but they're glued to rice.

>> No.10105812


>> No.10105855

You realize we have cod in Canada too, right? We destroyed the cod population on the grand banks. Come to Canada if you don't want to fly to London for a good fish and chips. We're Britain Light.

>> No.10105912

Halifax got some mean fish and chips boy

>> No.10105934


No Doubt. I'd murder an orphan for a taste.

>> No.10105951
File: 38 KB, 562x437, admiral fish guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10105993

>We're Britain Light
>We're Britain and France Light

I'm kidding. We have our French population too, the only difference is, we quarantined them in Louisiana, and didn't give them the legislative power to force all labels to be double printed in English and Frog-speak.

Seriously though, Canada has its shit together, frogs aside. Plenty of good beer, plenty of good weed with no legal worries, plenty of good hunting, and you can go to the doctor without being bankrupted.

>> No.10106009


Louisiana has a depth of sea food that Canada can't touch.


That is real French seafood. I honestly couldn't believe cajun cooking. It's next level.

>> No.10106018

this is what empires do
see: thousands of years of history

>> No.10106027

swamp food*

>> No.10106035


It is, but jesus christ, it's Michelin star level food. These people don't fuck around.

>> No.10106046

It's fucking fast food. What would you respond when someone asked you for an authentic recipe for burgers?

>> No.10106057

Son, you wouldn't believe it until you've visited New Orleans. I woke up and walked along Bourbon St. in the French Quarter at 7:00 am and found a pirate-themed bar open, and offering a three-for-one drink special at seven o'clock in the fucking morning. I walked in and asked for a bourbon-and-coke, the bartender takes a giant soda glass, pops in two cubes of ice, then half-fills it with bourbon (easily six or seven shots of bourbon in one), then tops it off with coke. My dad wanted to try the best bread pudding in New Orleans, so we went to a different restaurant every night. and he had that restaurant's bread pudding for dessert. At the end of the week? "I can't decide. Those were all the best I've ever tasted."

>> No.10106059
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x802, 20180206_194808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok bongs, this isn't my picture but this is from the best place I've ever gotten fish and chips in the states. Does it look """"""""authentic""""""" enough? They also have lemon wedges and malt vinegar available.

>> No.10106083

The chips are too narrow and too uniform in size. They don’t look as cosy as those you’d get from a legit chippy - which really are unique. The fish looks good from what I can tell but has too few ragged, crispy edges.

>> No.10106161
File: 38 KB, 645x729, 1506099476321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically authentic fish and chips are just supposed to look like shit?

>> No.10106162

I hear some places are using dogfish now since Cod is becoming expensive/unsustainable and those things are everywhere. There isnt even a catch/size limit on them. (Cape cod fag here)

>> No.10106190

They're supposed to look like fish and chips, not an imitation. I guarantee they won't be as nice. Stop trying to be abrasive.

>> No.10106204

That happens with deep fried fish, some would say its the best part, like the crusty end of a steak
Go have a fillet of fish.

>> No.10106233

>I want advice on fish & chips, malt vinegar, and beer the way the English have them

1) catch a fish in the north atlantic
2) fry it
3) pour vinegar over it
4) enjoy it with a beer of your choice

Do you actually believe that there's more to it than this?

>> No.10106268

>Catches a mackrel, shallow fries it in olive oil, pours cider vinegar over it and has a corrs lite
Great job, anon. Just like in London.
OP, Use Heston's method for the chips and White's for the chips, it's as close as you'll get. Cod is most common in the south (rich) and haddock in the north (poor) both are great.

>> No.10106275

>Heston's method for the chips and White's for the chips
derp. Heston's for the chips and White's for the fish.

>> No.10106299
File: 2.33 MB, 3264x2448, 1461488372258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britbongs, post your best fryups so your brothers across the pond can masterbate to them.

t. americunt

>> No.10106331

honestly one of the worst preparations of fish
toddler tier food only as good as the sauce you're dipping it in

>> No.10106356

If you're dipping it in sauce, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.10106386
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, fish_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10106417

I assume you're either a weeboo who eats gas station sushi or someone who noodles catfish from their local swamp/cesspool. If you cant appreciate all styles you're just being oppositional for the sake of being controversial/superior.
I'll give you some credit for saying "honestly" instead of "literally" when talking shit.

>> No.10106436
File: 178 KB, 1300x956, mushy-peas-served-with-battered-fish-chips-and-a-wedge-of-lemon-closeup-CRX9CK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats the honest difference between "authentic" fish and chips and regular American fish and chips?


Only legit British fish and chips come with it. Not saying that American fish and chips aren't tasty, but you are likely to get a side of coleslaw instead.

>> No.10106455

You need to use particular, mass-produced brands in order to get the authentic experience?

>> No.10106464

You need to go to a fish and chip shop in England to get the authentic experience, hence my saying "it's as close as you'll get"

>> No.10106472

...also, none of that is mass produced, what are you even talking about? It's a fresh fish, freshly made batter and hand-cut chips. To what are you referring?

>> No.10106493

I don't know what the fuck you're even saying. I don't know what the fuck "Heston's method" is and I don't care to know. 1776 2.0 can't come soon enough.

>> No.10106497
File: 94 KB, 720x720, I Came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That slow, delicate, submissive crunch sound when the fish is bitten

>> No.10106506
File: 42 KB, 396x528, Oldham_-_first_chip_shop_in_UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: fish and chips are considered to be the world's first fast food.

>> No.10106513

Read the thread you fucking halfwit. Heston and White's methods of making fish and chips have been posted ITT.
>1776 2.0
Are you literally 13?

>> No.10106544

>didn't give them the legislative power to force all labels to be double printed in English and Frog-speak.

Thank God for that

>press 2 for Espanol

>> No.10106565

Is your brain literally 14?

>hot oil

Jesus. I'll bet even Nicaraguans could match your chips & fish. What makes you an authority again?

>> No.10106566

Oh sod off brat, can't even be bothered with you.

>> No.10106579

It doesn't matter. Most fish and chip shops in England are run by brown people now anyway.

>> No.10106585

Not in my experience, but if they were, what would that have to do with anything?
Jesus christ, is nowhere safe from /pol/? 4chan is saturated with this tedious shit

>> No.10106586

What's the cheapest authentic English beer? Like the total piss of American beer? Or is cider the more English cheap alcoholic beverage?

>> No.10106589
File: 453 KB, 1224x1632, Burns Supper Fish Supper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly a challenger appears from north of the border. Haddock Supper from the Burns Supper chippy in Prestwick, fucking Scotland. None of your English shite. Eaten in the traditional way ie in the car with your hands.

>> No.10106605

Well that's bullocks. In japan alone the gooks were eating food cart sushi in the early 19th century.

>> No.10106611

nah offense m8 but as an ameriblob the british version looks better

>batter fry looks better
>fries look better

Maybe it's just cause yours got steamed up and soggy in that container though.

Also >border
Scotland is not a real country, you are an Englishman in a dress

>> No.10106621

>Oh sod off brat

I don't speak Swedish

>> No.10106622

It's important to the discussion of authentic fish and chips if the place that created the dish is now overwhelmed with chip shops run by people from another continent.

>> No.10106631

most popular by volume is Carling. For something actually brewed in the UK, Tennents.

>> No.10106648

My friend from Ohio who lives in England drinks Frosty Jack's, and he's more English than the majority of Englishmen.

>> No.10106650

Cider in the UK is VERY cheap, or was until very recently, because it was exempt from heavy taxation to support Brit orchard owners and cider makers.

>> No.10106680

Not if they use the original methods and recipes, which if they don't, they'll close down. Honestly, all the chippies near me are run by white brits, not that it makes any difference you fucking simpleton. What you're probably thinking of is non-chain pizza and kebab places

>> No.10106683

>Frosty Jack's
i pity the poor fucker. utter filth. it's what all alchies drink when they're out of money.

>> No.10106697

>A meal dating back to the 1500's is fast food, a convention invented in the 1950's

I don't even have a smug enough image for this amount of stupidity.

>> No.10106714

tartar sauce on the fish
ketchup on the fries

>> No.10106723

Anyone who has ketcup on fish and "fries" needs to be shot.

>> No.10106732

>they'll close down

They won't because their 20 cousins they've brought with will keep them afloat.

>> No.10106739

Brits won't buy oven chips and frozen fish. If it's not legit people will simply never go back. It can't be faked, as illustrated by this thread, Blumenthal and Pierre White can't even re-create the stuff with home equipment.

>> No.10106768

I used to be really into fry-ups for a few years and then realized I was actually just getting them for the sake of it. I get whichever eggs benedict variety uses salmon now. Also the fried tomatoes are always shit. Who thought cutting an enormous tomato in half and frying it would actually taste good? It's always better when they "modernize" it at trendy places and use cherry tomatoes or those ugly green and brown tomatoes.

>> No.10106802

You make it sound like fish and chips are a classy food, hard to make, or only available in specific countries(actual wagyu). The people in the US put the same amount of effort into making your fish and chips that people across the pond do. You can get pretty damn close to "authentic food" if you know where to look past your nose. The problem is 90% of it is overpriced garbage that isn't even popular in it's own country.

>> No.10106835

too bad for you, we never gave up our guns

>> No.10107915

I have had a problem finding the exact perfect fish and chips, even when I recently went to England it was hard to find, what I had just tasted like American fish and chips until I went to barmouth and still it was faintly there but it wasn't the visceral flavor I remembered from way back when. The closest flavor I can describe it as is whatever is used to get the flavor of those scampi fry crisps

>> No.10108233

i don't really think you should even bother making it at home. you will invariably be underwhelmed. the best thing about fish and chips is getting it from a chippy.

in any case, you have to make mushy peas. it will definitely not be the same without mushy peas. and don't take from fresh green peas and mush them, that's not what mushy peas are.

>> No.10108240
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x3024, 44EEB413-E734-4406-9E6C-4E53AB7D9A14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunch. Jesus fuck there’s so much for £7

>> No.10108305

authentic fish and chips doesn't suck.
now leave

>> No.10108324
File: 47 KB, 550x412, the-codmother-fish-chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most costal areas will have fish and chips, and up by the Great Lakes.
I live on NorCal and we have tons of fish and chip places. Pic related is actually run by a British lady, but honestly, my favorite fish and chips come from a place run by a Japanese family.

>> No.10108335
File: 43 KB, 338x450, ta-img-20170805-184654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the other place. Their fish is just crispier and nicer for some reason.

>> No.10108339

swear i'm not trying to maymay you, this doesn't look right. it all looks like a... simulation, somehow. the kind of thing you'd create at home.

>> No.10108364
File: 30 KB, 348x348, 348s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simulation? What? Nope, those are real places. Here's another pic from the second place, called Anchor Fish and Chips.

>> No.10108376

chips are wrong in all 3

batter is wrong in the first one

where's the fucking vinegar and mushy peas

>> No.10108379

>>10108364 see >>10108376
(not me btw)

not kidding, it all looks wrong

>> No.10108388

Why would I have a picture of the fucking vinegar? Of course there's vinegar. The first place serves mushy peas, the second doesn't. However, both places make fucking amazing fish and chips, no matter what you cunts think.

>> No.10108392

Amazing or not and no matter how much of a tantrum you throw, that's not what you'd get in a Brit fish and chip shop, it looks more like something you'd get frozen from a supermarket.

>> No.10108404

>both places make fucking amazing fish and chips, no matter what you cunts think.
and you'd know because...

>> No.10108447

>accuses anon of throwing a tantrum
>has to insult anything that's not in bongworld
Your jealousy is showing, anon. Sorry your food sucks.

>> No.10108448

Fast food in this context specifically means hot food. You had people selling sandwiches and cold meat pies out of bakeries and off trays in the street before that as well, fish and chips is the origin of the hot dinner to go.

>> No.10108452

Because unlike you, I actually travel.

>> No.10108462

>Lip wobbling, tears streaming down face, throat tight, memories of mother telling him he's special, holding back a thundering outburst of uncontrollable wailing, the Amerifat insists that America does fish and chips better than England, storms off and furiously blogs about it for weeks
Poor petal, there there. I'm sure your meal was perfectly acceptable. I mean, relatively shit, but acceptable nevertheless. Run along and play now, there's a good lad.

>> No.10108483

Jesus christ, you have some serious issues. Don't take your impotence out on others, seek help.

>> No.10108489

>Asians don't seem to have much of a handle on potatoes
They may not enjoy pride of place, but loads of Asian cuisines have done interesting things with potatoes since the Columbian Exchange.

>> No.10108505

>Still devastated, the embarrassed Amerifat limps back for a second humiliating defeat, screams "NO U" and promptly runs away crying, the stench of fries and supermarket batter trailing behind from his rippling mounds of buttered batter blubber
N'aww precious, *pats you on head, pinches cheeks* Who's a widdle cutie then? Yyyes you are, yyyes you are!
It's adorable really. But no truly, that's not authentic Brit fish and chips, it's all wrong. An American's idea of fish n' chips, and the ferocity of your outbursts demanding that you know better isn't gonna change a thing.

>> No.10108508

apparently not to britain

>> No.10108652


You're probably just missing the taste of used oil. As in, when at home you will of course be using completely fresh untouched oil to fry the fish in. Meanwhile the places that are frying shit up constantly will be using oil that's been fried in since the start of the day.

>> No.10108674

Its fried food. In Britain its better than Long John Silvers, but its still British food so its not that much better.

>> No.10108685

>look at me! Admire me! Because I'm white with horse teeth from a nation that stopped being important over a century ago!
>muh colonialist social structure
>muh worshipping babies in hopes of future relevance
>don't insult muh takeways and chippies!
You are fucking sad, dude. Go brush your teeth.

>> No.10108691

And you know this how?

>> No.10108705

Haven't you been humiliated enough? Queefing out /pol/-tier generalisations isn't helping you to look less like a butthurt pleb. Sshhh now, dry your tears.

>> No.10108717

Yes, keep the butthurt flowing blasted bong. I feed on your tears that taste of rancid pie crust and kebab.

>> No.10108724

So many threads on /ck/ become county v. country bullshit. This board has turned into /b/ without the porn.

>> No.10108731

N'aww. Poor dumpling, you've really had your feelings hurt haven't you? It's OK, you feel free to spout as many made up insults as you like until the nasty man stops laughing at you and you stop feeling so upset. Go ahead, adorable little Amerifat. I won't embarrass you any more, snowflake.

>> No.10108734

Pretty much every country, including those in South America, the middle east, and Africa have more interesting cusine than Britain. Even Canada has better food. Being this overly proud of fried fish and potatoes is startlingly pathetic.

>> No.10108737

>larping as a bong

>> No.10108744

>Said the guy eating genetically modified, sugar-coated fat to the point of disability

>> No.10108751

because you don't know what a proper fish and chips is like.

>> No.10108752
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, 1515123655262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't generalize me!
>proceeds to spout retarded generalizations

>> No.10108755

you don't have to be proud of it to recognise an inferior replica, anon.

>> No.10108756

>proper fish and chips
You silly brits, you don't know how to make "proper" fish and chips anymore. And, while we're at it, learn what seasoning means.

>> No.10108759

hurr durr

>> No.10108761

When you have an apoplectic fit over fried fish and potatoes, you've given your hand away already, jelly man.

>> No.10108770

Nice rebuttal, tardfart.

>> No.10108774

All the Americans ITT struggling to cope, lol

>> No.10108783

/b/ is nothing but mentally ill guys in dresses, children and people eating shit. /ck/ is a trillion times better, even with all the buttockflustered americopes

>> No.10108787

>Says the ninny who can't stop posting.

>> No.10108788

but that's not what's happening here. all i've said is that those pics aren't proper fish and chips.

>> No.10108791

>Says the fatty who responded

>> No.10108798

What a surprise. This thread turned out to be an embarrassment for all parties.
>literally arguing over fishsticks
C'mon guys.

>> No.10108799

No, you've gone on a buttblasted rageathon filled with idiocy. And if those posts aren't yours, you should be embarrassed of your fellow countrymen for being so ridiculous.

>> No.10108809

proper fish and chips has delicious greasy, tasty batter not dry crunchy bullshit

>> No.10108810

Larper detected.

>> No.10108811

OP asked what authentic fish n' chips was, so England responded, and America threw a tantrum insisting that it knew better, re-read the thread. England is still right yaknow

>> No.10108812

That's disgusting. You may happily keep it to yourselves.

>> No.10108816

Adorable, it's like you can actually see the tears gushing from your post

>> No.10108819

I've read through the thread, and you're not accurate.

>> No.10108825

So have I, and I am.

>> No.10108826

no one is jealously defending fish and chips. that guy may be a sperg but he's just trying to bully a yank who thinks he knows better for laughs.

>> No.10108827

Again, you've already given yourself away, idiot.

>> No.10108830

It's OK to be wrong sometimes Anon

>> No.10108838

I didn't see any posts wherevan American said they "knew better", but I did see a couple of Brits get butthurt over an American saying how delicious his fish and chip places are. So, the question is, why do you care if other countries love their fish and chips? Do you realize how many countries have fish and chips?

>> No.10108841

OP said " I've never had a really good, authentic English fish and chips"
Neither have any of the Americans ITT apparently, their posts aren't relevant to OP's question, s'all

>> No.10108842

an american posted his fish and chips, brits responded critically and he responded

>both places make fucking amazing fish and chips, no matter what you cunts think.

is it any wonder brits started making fun of him for that flash of trademark american arrogance?

>> No.10108846

>trademark american arrogance
Yeah it's the Americans and not the British that are famously arrogant... TOP LEL

>> No.10108848

pathetic and obsessed.

>> No.10108849

Can't tell if this was sarcasm or not. If you're English then I guess it was a statement of fact, whereas if American I assume you were proving the other guy right, by way of being arrogant?

>> No.10108851

How do you know those aren't "amazing fish and chips"? How? You wouldnt know unless you went and had it yourself. Seems like the Brits are the arrogant ones here.

>> No.10108853

>he said 2 hours later

>> No.10108856

>Can't tell if this was sarcasm or not.
Well if there is one thing we have learned in this thread, it's that this poster doesn't get it.

>> No.10108857

no one even said they were bad, jesus bloody christ. they're just not quite there in terms of replicating the chippy experience. is it really that hard for americans to face the reality that they don't have everything in the world available to them at all times?

>> No.10108858

Read OP's post, he didn't ask for the most "amazing", he asked for the most authentic Brit. Which as the world agrees but you'll presumably momentarily deny, happen incidentally to be the most amazing. Do go on though, tell me how much better fish and chips are in America than in England. As an angry American who has never tried them I imagine you're an expert.

>> No.10108859

I'm an American and I know Fish n' Chips much better than anyone in England, I have it perfected. The only difference between New England Fish n' Chips and England is that English Fish has Curry sauce on it now.
I perfer mine without curry so I go for American.

>> No.10108865

>I'm an American and I know Fish n' Chips much better than anyone in England
>Chuckles under breath
Thought so

>> No.10108869

>I'm an American
Almost stopped reading there.
>I know Fish n' Chips much better than anyone in England
Felt pity for you there.

>> No.10108870

Just a shit post. You guys probably deep-fry fish and potatoes better than we do.

>> No.10108874

and another thing: your english 'curry' is terrible. i went to an authentic english curry restaurant just off the freeway and they put raisins in it. not everything is better with raisins, you cheese eating surrender monkeys. remember pearl harbour

>> No.10108876

How easy are the Brits to troll? Just mention that you make better fishsticks than they do and they fall in line every time.

>> No.10108879

As opposed to Americans, who throw a tantrum any time anyone suggests that they're not the best in the world at everything? Up to and including angrily asserting that England is inferior at making fish and chips on a board full of cooks? Yeah I guess it's really humiliating being a Brit

>> No.10108881

See? Works every time.

>> No.10108883

£7?! Where do you live m8?

>> No.10108886

Yeah you really got me, I guess America really is the best in the world at everything.
I can see the sea from my bedroom, Jamie Oliver's restaurants use my local fishmongers. The seafood here is awesome. I mean, not as good as in America obviously, but still

>> No.10108887

Haddock in Scotland. Cod in England. I rate haddock much higher than cod however I am a Scot.

>> No.10108889

is that supposed to be cheap? that's like london prices

>> No.10108890



>> No.10108891


>> No.10108895

Well they do small/medium portions for cheap, but dude, look at the size of that bitch. I couldn't even eat it all, I had to give half of it away. A piece of cod that big in a supermarket would probably cost you upwards of a fiver

>> No.10108898

>sarcastic capitulation
The last words of a sour grapes Brit. See you in the next thread!

>> No.10108907

Not that anon but you can get a large fish supper (two pieces of fish and loads of chips) here (Glasgow) for 4 quid.

>> No.10108908

If you say so, oddly it doesn't feel that way at all to me, but I guess if I tell you so you'll cry for hours, so ok. See ya next time, assuming you don't keel over after eating that GM fish-flavoured generic-sea-product. toodles

>> No.10108914

How much is cod by the kilo? It's like £15 in tesco and that's on offer...

>> No.10108921

they don't buy their fish from tesco you muppet

>> No.10108925

No buy they're not paying £4 per kilo. The only way you could possibly get two pieces of fish that size for that cheaply is if you're getting less fish.

>> No.10108929

>I want authentic fried fish and fried potatoes!!!

What a pathetic fat fuck you are

>> No.10108930

It's a cooking board, show me some of your recent threads

>> No.10108935

Yeah youre right, what a quality thread, fried fish and potatoes, classic and autentico!!!

>> No.10108936

Seeing as it's a chippy thread here's a wee story.

>Be me about 8 years old, late 90s.
>Go to the Sportsman chippy in the shadow of Ibrox (not a hun)
>Wee auld guy behind the counter and my dad having patter
>Local youth in shell-suit runs in screaming for the auld guy to call the polis
>We're all like wtf is going on
>A bunch of other youths in shell-suits run in and start attacking the first one
>Someone stabs him but I didn't see it (dad was shielding me behind him)
>They run out and the first kid stumbles out shortly after
>Auld guy doesn't seem fazed at fucking all, says shit like that happens every other night
>Doesn't even call the polis or ambulance despite my dad insisting
>We get home to eat our chippy and my dad calls to report it then

Funnily enough I only went in once or twice after that, again in the late 90s. Last year I thought about this and was surprised to find it is still going. Popped in one evening, auld guy was no longer there tho :(

>> No.10108940

Whether it hurts your feelings or not, it's an extremely famous, much-cherished dish and has been for hundreds of years

>> No.10108941

what you have in that pic is not a kilo of fish.

>> No.10108944

In Scotland we tend to serve Haddock not Cod.

>> No.10108946

No it's under half a kilo, the anon said 2 pieces, I only bought 1. it's probably like .4, which raw, unbattered and without chips in a supermarket would cost approximately the same as I spent on the entire meal

>> No.10108951

Yeah I prefer cod. Just what I grew up with, so I pay a bit more for it. Nothing wrong with haddock though, although I prefer it smoked and unbattered.

>> No.10108953

No one’s arguing that retard. Try reading. This is a stupid useless thread for stupid fat fucks

>> No.10108957

>No one’s arguing that
>Teary-eyed Americans trying desperately to be hurtful by calling it "fried potatoes and fish"

>> No.10108961

>implying that any thread sticks to the exact wording of the op.
This is how we know you're an idiot.

>> No.10108966

Yes, yes people did say they were bad. Has Bong education gotten that bad that you don't learn reading comprehension anymore?

>> No.10108969

OP specifically asked for authentic Brit fish and chips, and you're angry that people are posting precisely that? Would it be appropriate to post a baked potato topped with salmon, or do you think it's appropriate to instead discuss authentic Brit fish and chips?

>> No.10108973

no they didn't. they said 'wrong'.

>> No.10108975

You seem to have an obession with tears and Americans. Did your daddy abuse you while he raged about the lost colonies?

>> No.10108976

Jesus America, you really just cannot accept inferiority, can you? What else are you the best in the world at?
No really, I'm curious, can you name literally anything you do which isn't done better elsewhere in the world?
Don't answer that, the tantrums will be biblical. But to ignore OP and just post any old tosh seems a bit pointless. It's like asking someone how to build an aston martin, and someone posting instructions for building a skateboard

>> No.10108980

i think you would be surprised at what price you get for fish at wholesale compared to supermarket.

>> No.10108983


>> No.10108985


>> No.10108989

Not really, I mean I can accept it's half, maybe just maybe even a third of the price, but for 2 fillets that size, with twice that many chips, for £4? Show me literally anywhere that sells it so cheaply

>> No.10108993

Building aircraft carriers

>> No.10108994

Now, you Scots had the best scampi I ever ate, and Irn Bru is the nectar of the gods themselves, but the best chippy I ever had was in Yorkshire. Then again, I'm not from the UK, my parents are, though.

>> No.10108995


>> No.10108998

a legit Brit chippy opened up a few years ago in town and is always busy. I'm actually planning on having some for dinner later. Its fucking amazing; mushy peas, gravy and occasionally meat pies are also available.
Maybe I'll post pics later

>> No.10108999
File: 532 KB, 1200x795, DSC_0190-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that you came here from plebbit if you don't understand how threads work here. Yes, I think it's viable to talk about a salmon baked potato, or whatever food in this or any /ck/ thread. This is food and cooking, not a nationalistic pandering board.

>> No.10109005

anon he just said two pieces of fish, not a full doubling of the amount of food in your picture. i have had a jumbo fish supper for under a fiver in several places before.

>> No.10109012

The posters who are screeching appeared to be attempting to answer OP, by way of showing pics which they'd assumed were legit Brit recipes and methods, but they weren't. That's not a natural deviation from the subject onto other interesting subjects, it's just a mistake

>> No.10109014

Since this is the brit cuisine thread: thoughts on mucky fat?

>> No.10109016

not that guy, but it's pretty clear you've just shifted the argument from being about whether those fish and chips were authentic to whether they were good. the reason you've done that is obvious: you were losing the first argument. no one is forcing you to post on-topic - the guy you're arguing with is simply invoking the thread topic to explain his position. i'm sorry your parents vaccinated you

>> No.10109021

There are smaller portions for cheaper, yeah. The larger ones are more expensive. If you think £7 for a meal of that size and deliciousness is too much, I'm surprised. In fact I'm sure there's a menu online for your local

>> No.10109026

Actually, I think they were simply showing you can get fish and chips in the US, (or wherever), and don't have to feel like you're missing out because you don't live in wildly self-important bongland.
You're coming off as terribly self centered.

>> No.10109035

They aren't even in the same genus, genius.

>> No.10109036

No wonder you're so stupid and have such awful reading comprehension. Fucking moron. Your opinions have bern rightfully discarded.

>> No.10109044

i'm in london and i pay around 7 quid for a fish supper most of the time. which is why i said it's a london price

good job taking the bait you lemon.

>> No.10109046

It was only, uh, I think one poster to whom I replied, who began galloping around the thread screaming that all things British are terrible because someone else and I said that the pics he posted didn't look like authentic british fish and chips. I mean, they didn't, they really didn't. As the other posted said, the chips and batter are simply wrong, they legit do look more like something you'd get frozen in a supermarket. That's not gonna help OP

>> No.10109051

but on the evidence of those pictures, you can't.

>> No.10109061

>showing pics which they'd assumed were legit Brit recipes and methods
Um, no. Can you even read and discern pictures of restaurants versus homemade? The absolute state of this shit thread........

>> No.10109068

>still being this jealous and upset
You're not being honest, to yourself or in your posts.

>> No.10109069

you're the one who's bringing up homemade fish and chips you big lump.

>> No.10109071

Sorry but you sound too butthurt, I can't (be bothered to) reply to you.
Alright I'm out, this is dumb and I have to go anyway. Sorry OP, but America is too angry for your question to be allowed an answer.

>> No.10109076

All serious replies before this one. Notice the non-threatening question asking the difference.
Here's where it derails. Surprise it's a Brit being offended by being asked what the difference is because, if you have any critical thinking skills whatsoever, there is no answer to.
And here the Brit gives himself away and we all should have realized the OP was a Brit troll.

>> No.10109080

>projecting this much
Bye, enjoy your greasy slop!

>> No.10109087

Never did I ever. My god, LEARN HOW TO READ.

>> No.10109091

Yes yes, all things British are terrible. I get it, I can just about make it out through my rage-steam clouded glasses. Bye, got to go because I'm so unhappy that the UK is so awful. Have fun

>> No.10109096

you l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y just did. the OP is about getting 'the chance' to have an authentic fish and chips. the american who derailed this thread is talking about restaurant fish and chips. no one is talking about making it at home apart from you.

>> No.10109098

Well, at least you admit it how awful it is.

>> No.10109106

As a fucking reference to other posts, you complete Cleetus. Fucking idiot....

>> No.10109109


>> No.10109126

other posts which you have misinterpreted, that is my point. the thread, generally, is about chip shop fish and chips.

>> No.10109144

I haven't misinterpreted anything, dipshit. You're cherrypicking like a sad little asshole.

>> No.10109147

What do you expect from a nation that makes its children swear allegiance to it every school day

>> No.10109154

if you're so confident that you're not, why don't you show me the posts you were referring to you bellend?

>> No.10109164


or sole.

cod is the real deal.
haddock has replaced cod population, but even that is running out due to idiot EU.

>> No.10109239

You can easily see by reading the thread, fucking twat.

>> No.10109241

i knew you would pussy out. don't want to give me conclusive evidence of your retardation do you?

>> No.10109349

Give it up, you already btfo of the tard and we all acknowledge it. Now move on.

>> No.10109359

Fish and chips are fucking amazing, but nothing but grease.
So fucking unhealthy.
You can't replicate it as well at home, it always tastes much better when you buy it from the local chippy.
Gotta have curry sauce too.

>> No.10109383

anything properly fried has a light crispy batter
same goes for fish and chips, obviously

>> No.10109387

nope. too light and crispy and it's not a proper fish and chips.

>> No.10109395

there are also scraggly little bits on the exterior which crunch though. same with the chips, they're soft af on the inside and... i know this doesn't sound massively appetising (although it is) but the larger chips have a kind of... chewy exterior. they're coupled with much smaller shards of chip though which are crunchy. it all comes together to make some incredible. you can see most of what i describe here:
>>10108240 and here >>10106589
it's unique af, hence it's immeasurable success.

>> No.10109898

>I'm an American and I know Fish n' Chips much better than anyone in England

>> No.10110698
File: 276 KB, 700x700, Opie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that?

>> No.10110706

Not one bong in this thread manages to make their fried shit sound remotely palatable.

>> No.10110723
File: 107 KB, 800x450, 11039Seafood800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fritto misto blows your soggy fried shit out of the water.

>> No.10110739

double gunz fothamacka

>> No.10110833

Its gr8 m8 you just gotta make the chips soggy and greasy and cut them into irregular shapes and sizes before frying them in cold oil. Another thing, don't make the fried fish crispy and golden. It should be a pale greyish yellow, unevenly breaded, and soggy from the excess grease. Serve with enough vinegar and beer to cover up the flavor, and don't forget your side of pea flavoured baby vomit.

>> No.10110858


You’re looking for a place that knows and cares about their fish source. Best ones are near the sea especially places like southport or liverpool where north atlantic cod is fresh off the boats.
After that you want a light not greasy batter and good thick chips to with it.