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10102509 No.10102509 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best things to do with a potato?

>> No.10102515

Eating them.

>> No.10102521

Ammunition for a spud gun.

>> No.10102524

Placed in a pillow sack and beating your children with.

>> No.10102600

you potato stupid

>> No.10102620

Tвoю жoпy

>> No.10102662

if you place it in your car's tail pipe it will absorb the pollution and make your vehicle run cleaner and more efficiently

>> No.10102670

A battery

>> No.10102678

Make a potato clock. At night you set the alarm and then it wakes you up at eight o'clock.

>> No.10102778

Shoving it up your ass

>> No.10102779

Boiling, mashing or sticking it in a stew.

>> No.10102785

Taunt an Irishman

>> No.10102851

Make fondant potatoes. It's a bit of a process but they're so good.

>> No.10102886

Rub them down with some vegtible oil and toss them in the oven at 400 for an hour. Cut the top off lengthwise and scoop out all the insides. Mash with butter and cheese. Return the mashed potatos to the skins and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

>> No.10103316

make vodka

>> No.10103396

Carve it into a miniature dolphin.

>> No.10103440

I like mashed potatoes but recently I tried slicing one up and seasoning it with olive oil, garlic and onion powder, chili powder, and cayenne pepper, then baking it until crispy. Turned out very nice

>> No.10103469

>slice thinly
>deep fry
>season with salt and pepper
>dip in hot sauce or mustard

>> No.10103887

Spicy wedges!!

>> No.10103900
File: 231 KB, 1112x700, Potatoes-Au-Gratin-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potatoes au gratin are objectively the best form of potatoes. Loaded twice-baked potatoes are second. Roasted garlic mashed potatoes are third. All other forms of potato are lesser than these.

>> No.10103903

Potatoes, not 90% cheese with some potatoes.

>> No.10103913


>> No.10103914

Yeah, carve into little ships and put sparklers on them and have mock battles in your bubblebath.

>> No.10103920

Hell dude, just tell us the right way.
There's no reason to freak out.

>> No.10103922

Next time you want to look even more food savy just say : "Des patates au gratin"

>> No.10103930

...con queso

>> No.10103934

Un gratin dauphinois c'est un gratin dauphinois gros fils de pute. Je vais te claquer ta petite gueule tellement fort que tu vas te mettre à chier des burgers enculé.

>> No.10103942


A gratin Dauphinois is a gratin Dauphinois fat son of a bitch. I'm going to slam your mouth so hard that you're going to fuck shit burgers.

>> No.10103945

I do a succatash style dish where I make baked potatoes (oil up the skin so they get nice and crispy) and then to serve over them as a topping I fry corn kernels and chopped onion until they're starting to blacken and then melt a bunch of butter with thyme into it

It's poverty food price tier but tastes excellent

>> No.10103954

Impressionant. Je dois avouer que de si grosses menaces venant d'une si petite merde on vois pas ça à tous les jours.
Retourne manger ton gratin à l'étron.

>> No.10103956

How is that poverty food when you have butter and thyme? Your post makes no sense.

>> No.10103961

If you don't already have those things you shouldn't be paying for internet or a cell phone until you do.

>> No.10103962

Freedom fries

>> No.10103971

That means so much from the French that have no go zone to appeal to islamics and have walled off the Eiffel Towel.

>> No.10103981

>Mommy, what is this thing called "Québec" just up Maine.
It's the sole french province in the entire americas son.

>> No.10103993

That's sad

>> No.10104005

Depends on how you look at it. I am glad not to be in Europe tb.h with all the things going on rn.

>> No.10104015

I know. And there was a time in Paris when one could walk around with a girl and not be harassed by gypsies and islamics.

Now it's just a dream.

>> No.10104023
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>Boil 'em.
>Mash 'em.
>Stick 'em in a stew.

>> No.10104026

blanch them for 2-3 minutes, cover them in olive oil, salt, pepper, herbs, wrap them in tin foil and throw them in the oven for 45 minutes or so, insanely good and lazy baked potatoes

>> No.10104046

I think my most common meal when I was dirt poor was just mashing up some potatoes and then adding whatever I had on hand.

>> No.10104346

Almost what I do. I live in Idaho, so we have potatoes on the super cheap here. 20 lb. bag for like $3. I eat them a lot and this is usually how I make them now. Slice up a bunch of them, season and bake into fries. Goes with most meals and are really good. Bout to start keto I think though to see if it helps me lose a bit of weight and feel better, so goodbye taters :(

Also, dice them, and lightly pan fry them with some seasoning, throw in some onions, jalapenos, minced garlic cloves, and spinach. Great, easy breakfast and it'll make your kitchen smell like heaven.

>> No.10104559


>> No.10104593

I love roasted tatoes. I prefer gold or red potatoes to the Idaho tato.

I dice the potato, toss in olive oil and salt, and roast for 20-30 minutes in a 350 F oven. When they are done, they are crispy on the outside and soft inside.

>> No.10104612

put it in a big slop of human feces

>> No.10104616


>> No.10104635

10 rubles have been deposited into your account comrade

>> No.10104679

try draniki

>> No.10104736
File: 114 KB, 623x647, 1513337467899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

En effet.
Triste sort causé par les traîtres de Bruxelles.

>> No.10104743

What does the blanching do if left in an oven for 45+?

>> No.10104749

Scary and the one with the hatchet is Merkel.

>> No.10104788

I really like the texture.

>> No.10105060

Duchess thems.
Boil, mash with butter and potato seasoning. Put in a piping bag and plook forth in little titty mounds onto a baking sheet, then bake until they form a pretty golden crust.

>> No.10105075

hell yeah

>> No.10105094

I tried making gnocchi but it just tastes like mashed potatoes pancakes. Did I fuck up?

>> No.10105123

Boil them, mash them, put em in a stew

>> No.10105129

Nice crispy chips

>> No.10105162

it was actually a Swedish woman who invented the process of turning potatoes into booze

>> No.10105171

You dun goofed

>> No.10105182
File: 2.68 MB, 200x180, Backwayback.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Impressionant. Je dois avouer que de si grosses menaces venant d'une si petite merde on vois pas ça à tous les jours.
>Retourne manger ton gratin à l'étron
Add dairy
Then add more dairy

>> No.10106151

softens them up, the difference is pretty huge actually. inside becomes more mashed potato like consistency.

>> No.10107677

Baked and loaded with bean stew

>> No.10107818

i mean, that sounds about right to me
gotta make a sauce or something to go with it though

>> No.10107821
File: 34 KB, 500x300, 1507348853094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to lightly fry potato slices in a pan and then put it in a sandwich with scrambled egg

>> No.10107822

PROTIP: mashed potatoes should not come in contact with ANY liquid. Bake them, add butter and whatever else you like (garlic and/or horseradish), mash and serve.

>> No.10107826

Gratified dolphins, con cheese

>> No.10107845

Anyone have the piped potatoes over a gravy cube webm?

>> No.10107867

Bring them to the nearest mcdonald so they can turn them into fries

>> No.10107869
File: 70 KB, 225x606, 1517738259746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't make the fries at the restaurant you doofus

>> No.10107898

Cream makes everything better

>> No.10107900

I prefer to serve with a cream shot on the side.

>> No.10107906

Ah, deconstructed mashed potatoes. Very 2006

>> No.10108730
File: 14 KB, 441x404, 20108298_1758036140878906_2177050159373518474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends ayy
I like fondants (make two flat parallel cuts, sear in oil till brown af, braise in stock or w/ever
and dauphinoise (slice thin, bake with milk and cream
and stuffed a la provencal (with tuna, spinach, olives, and sundried tomatoes
and mashed (passed through a tamis for gr8 texture, loaded with butter and cream and salt)
At my current kitchen they mash them with bacon powder and spring onions and put that back into the halved skins before toasting in the oven

>> No.10109582

home fries

>> No.10109598
File: 24 KB, 320x290, Look on The Bright Side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are the best things to do with a potato?

- Fast food work
- Janitorial work
- Walmart greeter
- Dog sitter

>> No.10109891

>*sits on ur dog*

>> No.10109942

A great filling, lazy, yet delicious breakfast is hashbrowns made with jalapenos and onion, seasoned with salt, pepper and chili powder, topped with scrambled eggs, hot sauce and ketchup. Or just the potatoes, if you don't have/want eggs.

>> No.10109951

What exactly is bacon powder? Is it made from actual bacon, in-house or some store-bought thing? Sounds like it could be amazing.

>> No.10109956

Best thing to do is cut them up and stick the eyes in the ground and make more potatoes