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File: 26 KB, 450x470, stock-vector-silhouettes-of-people-drinking-from-bottle-252437965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10095567 No.10095567 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/ thread, kidney edition

My paternal Grandpa lived for 85 years with only one. The doctors didn't even know he was born with just one

He runs a horse farm, or at least did, but you can't charge a sick man for a fucking kidney this aint china

They're gonna stick a huge ass diameter 24 gauge needle in my arm and scrape around until they get what they need

I can drink with just one kidney, my grandpap did it for years

>> No.10095592

This has been my 2nd day sober, tomorrow (Monday) might be sober as well if I can but if I end up drinking, I won't be particularly disappointed.

>> No.10095605

Last thread

>> No.10095610

I hope you all make it. ;-;

>> No.10095618

To hell you mean right?

>> No.10095671


>> No.10095674

After fucking that prostitute I am going to spend all week sketching out due to a fear of contracting an STD. Will probably go to the sexual health clinic next weekend to get blood/urine tests to sooth my hypochondria. About three liters of beer would be good right now.

>> No.10095705


>> No.10095710

What kind of hooker let you fuck her without a condom?

>> No.10095724

I fucked her with a condom. Only the oral was unprotected.

>> No.10095733

i keep thinking about getting a hooker, but for the very reason i do not

>> No.10095744

Honestly it's not worth it. Every time I do it I regret it and hate myself for it but it feels really nice to be touched by another human being once in a while.

>> No.10095747
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am I gonna get drunker more faster with only one kidney?

and can some MDs or nurses chime in here and describe what its like to get my bone marrow taken out

>> No.10095863

I was the one who ended up in the hospital for about 5 days with acute pancreatitis after a 10 day bender. Ended up giving in Friday night and drinking, then drank all day Saturday.

Woke up this morning with chest pains and a really bad hangover. My body just can't handle this shit anymore.

>> No.10095884

>rotting, yellow teeth
>full dental benefits
>still won't get them fixed

>> No.10095886

If the cause of pancreatitis is alcohol, cessation of alcohol consumption and treatment for alcohol dependency may improve pancreatitis. Even if the underlying cause is not related to alcohol consumption, doctors recommend avoiding it for at least six months as this can cause further damage to the pancreas during the recovery process.

>> No.10095888
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I have fluid leaking INTERNALLY in several areas of my body including arms, legs, thighs, pelvic area, lower and upper back and my butt cheeks especially the right cheek. It even feels as if my right cheek is getting bigger than the left. It feels like fluid comes out of nowhere at some point and %50;of the time it strides or leaks down a bit from where it came from .

Is this a kidney issue????

I have abused alcohol but since a child I abused drugs and eventually hard drugs rigorously.

Don't tell me to go to the doctor I don't have insurance yet.

>> No.10095890

Yeah I know. I had been sober for about 15 days, then something in me snapped and I couldn't control the urge. Definitely regret it.

>> No.10095893

You are a fucking idiot to give away your kidney, that's 10-15 years off your life and a whole heap of problems, how do you drink with one kidney you don't. be ashamed to ask a niece/nephew for a kidney.
Get an opinion from a GP about giving up a kidney you fucking moron.

>> No.10095894

What about an after hours clinic? They're usually affordable.

>> No.10095905

Please stop asking the question. I've been to doctors already . I am in major debt. No insurance. I already dropped cash on doctor's visits for other stuff and they want to do things I cannot afford. I've mentioned this several times to my primary care and they are just baffled.

My psychiatrist however says it could be a kidney or liver issue from fluid retention?

>> No.10095910

I mean it's possible. We bloat when we abuse alcohol for a reason.

>> No.10095911

This is a life and death kind of thing man. You need to get in the habit of just knocking yourself out with pills whenever you get the urge to drink. Alone on a Friday? Eat sleeping pills and pass out before you drink. Boring Saturday? EAT PILLS.

>> No.10095919

>tfw parents visiting and can't drink heavily


>> No.10095922

I would like to know this too anybody with bad kidneys know ?

>> No.10095926

they don't have a room for you to hide in?

>> No.10095928

I don't really want to rely on something else. I have way too bad of an addictive personality disorder.

My NEETbux require me to get help with the drinking, so we'll see how that ago. They even said they can pay for me to go into a 20 day program if it comes down to it.

>> No.10095932

I've had sex with about 250 prostitutes. In fact, I'll be going out to fuck one as soon as my guests leave. I fuck 2-3 a week.

Don't worry about it too much if you're using a condom. Unprotected oral sex as an extremely low transmission rate. Use a condom, don't fuck hardcore drug users unless you're chasing thrills and guard your valuables. Here if you need any advice.

>> No.10095945

Yeah I mean not "fun" sleeping pills. Just something that will knock you out. Take some antihistamines or something. You really need to not drink at all for at least six months here.

>> No.10095954

Assuming you're on no drugs.
Assuming you have no cancer.
Assuming the skin indents when pressed and returns to shape relatively quickly.
Assuming your abdomen isn't the focal site of the fluid.
Assuming it goes away by 36 hours.

Then it's fluid retention mediated by reduced ADH activity. No big deal.

If you also have face and stomach swelling, it could be liver damage.

If you're also experiencing non-drinking fatigue and shortness of breath, it could be your heart.

If it's none of those, kidney damage.

t. Med Student, take what I say with a grain of salt

>> No.10095961

Well, they're my guests, kinda. If I just went in to my room, it'd be strange.

>> No.10095965

Excuse yourself to the toilet and take a swig of mouthwash.

>wow anon, you're teeth are always so clean!
>your breath smells so fresh!
>anon, you have such good oral hygiene, look at you brushing your teeth six times a day!

>> No.10095974

I don't want to drink ever again if I can manage it. It's been 11 or 12 years of this shit and I loathe it.

>> No.10095987

Yeah I know I was saying "at least six months" because if I said "forever" it might discourage you. See, I know how it is when you want to quit but then the first thought that pops in your head is "Well what about New Year's? What about my wedding day? What about my birthday? What about the corporate party? And how will I celebrate my promotion?" etc etc etc. I don't know, maybe you aren't like that but I know I was always haunted by these thoughts whenever I'd think about quitting until I realized it was fucking poison. Now every time I want to drink I just remember what made me want to stop and it helps a little.

>> No.10095996

It doesn't really get too me too bad, at least not like the random urges do. I mean I spent Christmas around people who were drinking and I had no desire to.

>> No.10096004

Well I left out a major symptom. I'm leaking a clear fluid from my anus at an amazing rate. It's absolutely necessary that I wear diapers. I hear alot of fluid sounds in my abdomen. So yes I'm leaking internally and externally. I also have shortness of breath but I've smoked for 12 years. I've had this condition for 6+ months.

Could the abdomen be the focal point then?

Do u think it's kidney damage?

Also where is this gouid going to go?

Thank you

>> No.10096012

Meant to say
Where is this fluid going to go?**
Please lemme know

>> No.10096164

2-3 months ago I went to fuck a prostitute and I usually hate rubbers.

Well a lott into fucking her I was going soft. So I talked about ripping it off. She was cool but hiv+, and assured me that she was on antiviral therapy and considered undetectable. What do you think my chances of contracting it were? I stopped being paranoid, and still feel fine. I know I should get tested but just keep forgetting it.

>> No.10096176

The risk of contracting it as a male from vaginal intercourse is low and lower still if she was on antiretroviral medication but in your place I wouldn't have risked it. HIV is for life dude. Not worth getting your rocks off with a whore.

Definitely get tested and never do it again.

>> No.10096182

Get tested and keep getting tested, you fucking parasite. You can be positive and transmitting the disease but still be testing negative. If you don't take responsibility for this, you are the most detestable scumbag on the planet, and committing a federal crime that you can be sued and imprisoned for.

Jesus fuck what kind of shitbag are you? Jerking it to porn is better than using a rubber on some skanky HIV+ skeeze.

>> No.10096212

my negro

>> No.10096408
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>tfw totally off the wagon now
fucking W E W L A D S

It's gonna be so awesome to start out from ground zero again, I don't even have any excuses and I don't give a fuck. Just gonna take my loss and go for another round of this bullshit once I sober up. Fucking hell.

>> No.10096420
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>> No.10096426

I've been stuck with a 10 ga needle. You'll be fine.

>> No.10096607

Fuck ups happen anon.
Just get back on that wagon and try again.

>> No.10096651

Philadelphia is imploding right now btw

>> No.10096655

Not the anon you spoke with, but it sounds like a liver issue first, heart/kidney second. Maybe heart since you've been smoking and abusing hard drugs for a while.
Is your abdomen really big and unusually bloated feeling? Is your skin or eyes yellowish? Is there sweeling in your feet, calves, or ankles, and if you press down on your skin does it leave an indent for a few seconds?
Not sure about the rectal discharge, but it could just be the path of least resistance, or your bowels are just not absorbing any fluid you're drinking and its going right through.
You've got something bad going on, being fluid overloaded at a young age is a bad sign.

>> No.10096666

dumbass of dumbasses

>> No.10096679

That's because cheese steaks and roast pork sandwiches have finally been proven superior to clam chowder and lobster.

>> No.10096680


>eating out hookers

That's a level of self loathing I hope to never reach.

>> No.10096720

First off thank you very much for responding.
My abdomen is actually just how u described it. It's sort of tight.

My eyes and skin are not yellow.
No swelling it feet calves or ankles
My skin does not leave an imprint.

Yes I am 24 I know this is not good.
The fluid is clear.

What do you think is going on with me?
I can tell you I do often feel dhydated so I have to drink allot of water.

>> No.10096726

probably he got a blowjob and she has oral herpies

>> No.10096727

Medical student anon again.

This guy is asking all the right questions.

Additional ones are: Do you have any itches? Are you losing weight even though you think you shouldn't? What drugs were you abusing?

It's hard to help you without a physical examination/ much more information.

I don't want to speculate on any serious conditions right now.

To be frank, although you said you can't go to the doctor for financial reasons, you should unless you have immediate plans to get insurance. In debt and alive vs debt free and potentially dead.

>> No.10096728
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Fuck. What a damn day.

Woke up with my gf and dog and was hungover/minor WD but overall okay. Went and got a few drinks at lunch and then hopped a flight up to pittsburgh. Had one beer on the flight and then picked up my car.

Roads were totally shit and I don't have snow tires. Hour and a half drive with mod WD in a fucking snow storm.

I know many of y'all aren't religous or have some disdain for the institution, but i was fucking praying the entire time. It was so scary guys. Was afraid I was gonna spin out and crash off the road. Got home safe though and immediately bought a sixer of tallboys to kill the fear.

This life is so rough guys. I gotta sober up. My upper left abdomen hurts when I take a deep breath. I was in Miami last week for work and just got smashed every night. Fuck.

>> No.10096736
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no fucking way what are the chances you pick the HIV hooker

Life has fucked you m8

>> No.10096739

what the fuck dude. why would you do this to yourself? become celibate.

>> No.10096745
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Hooker anon here.

I'll be up front as my mentors in the Hobby have been with me.

You made a huge fucking mistake. You exposed yourself to someone based on their word that they're undetectable. You don't know what other STDs they had, their moral character or any ill-intent. You should be disgusted with your reckless behavior.

Get tested now. Get tested 4 weeks from now. Then 8 weeks from now.

It's not something we're supposed to talk about, but we all bareback. If you are going to bareback, make sure you have her paperwork, know the person in question very very very well, are on PreP or are willing to accept the fact that you may have HIV.

Fuck off, you judgemental idiot. You just discouraged condom use between two consenting adults. You're the shitbag here. I understand the point you're attempting to raise, but you're doing it while being an absolute fool. The latest literature on HIV suggests undetectable = unable to transmit, so your logic is flawed. On top of that you're unnecessarily sanctimonious. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10096753

No itches.
I'm not losing weight.
I have been finding white substances in my poop. People online told me it's fat.

I was abusing Meth, XTC, Xanax, Adderall, Marijuana, some pains pills, I was also IV abusing meth. I have smoked cigs since 12 abused meth and pills for about 6 years or som currently sober.

My last visit was the GI doctor cost me $75. He wants to do a colonoscopy. How for the external leakage. I cannot afford the colonoscopy. I don't think I can get it and pay after Can I? If so I will consider it. It will cost $1500. That I don't have.

>> No.10096755
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What comfy youtube channels do y'all watch?

The Carpetbagger is one of my all time favorites. He visits tourist traps and narrates them. Sometimes he goes with his daughter and it's just so fucking comfy. He seems like a cool guy. I wish I was sober and functional.


>> No.10096756


In the last thread he said he went down on her. Wewlad

>> No.10096758

last time i checked the actual transmission rates of HIV via various bodily fluids are pretty low, but still possible

>> No.10096759

Ty anon

Yes I'll get tested asap. It's hard when I'm working 9 to 11pm every day. But my company has losing people left and right. So it's hard not to pick up on the extra money

>> No.10096770

Real Russia

>> No.10096776

I'm the shitbag here? I'm telling him to jerk off rather than fuck a hooker with an incurable, infectious, and life-threatening disease. He wants to go bareback, then man up and develop an honest relationship with trustworthy partners.

Fuck you, and fuck him. He knows there's even a slight possibility of infection and transmission, and wants "bros" to tell him he's okay while willfully refusing to get tested and re-tested for at least a year. "I keep forgetting" my ass, he's a fucking scumbag, and you're a scumbag enabler for telling him everyone does it.

Honestly, both of you are lower than scumbags, since scumbag is literally a word for a used condom.

>> No.10096779

I'm just a dumb medical student alcoholic who happens to be sober right now, but I am fairly confident you have liver damage. A fatty stool in combination with ascites ( stomach swelling) and other symptoms. What I know nothing about is your ass leaking, since you say it's clear non-bloody, non-purulent. It's likely you have multiple issues occurring at once and potentially across organ systems. See a doctor as soon as you can and explain your situation. You may go into debt, but be safe and alive anon.

When he orders the appropriate panel, he/she will be able to easily explain what's happening. I'm sorry you have to go through this and incur these costs and this situation.

Be safe and try to be happy as you focus on being healthy. At 6 months of symptoms, you need to rapidly accelerate your health timeline.

>> No.10096781

russian women are so beautiful

>> No.10096803

He's been schooled on what his testing schedule should be appropriately. I've pointed out the lack of information, honesty and accepting risk. Nobody has told him he's okay. It's a fact that everyone who engages in regular paid encounters with women occasionally doesn't use a condom. In doing so, you have to minimize your risk profile and accept the consequences.

Nothing in my most makes me a scumbag, I'm pushing for a realistic and ethical approach to fucking hookers.

I'm assuming at the core your revulsion is a disagreement with the concept. He's been admonished for being irresponsible and advised about a testing schedule/reducing risk.

You lack any form of reasonable basis for the arguments you're currently making.

Regardless, I apologize for calling you names and I hope you have a nice day and a fulfilling life. I mean it. Assuming you have the issues that most in these threads do.

>> No.10096813

Fair enough, Apology accepted, and I apologize in return. For the record, I've been in committed relationships, open relationships, one-night stands, so I'm no prude. I have hung around IV drug users and know exactly how lax and deceitful people can be. Also for the record, I don't have it near as hard as some of the guys in al/ck/ do, though I am borderline high-functioning. I lurk these threads to remind myself to set limits, and to offer advice where I can to people on the road to alcoholism.

I do maintain that it's grossly irresponsible to put yourself at risk and refuse to get tested or be dishonest about possible risks to other people. I know chances are low, but permanent, infectious, life-threatening diseases are not something one person gets to gamble on for another.

>> No.10096824

>I do maintain that it's grossly irresponsible to put yourself at risk and refuse to get tested or be dishonest about possible risks to other people. I know chances are low, but permanent, infectious, life-threatening diseases are not something one person gets to gamble on for another.

We 100% agree here. It's not fair at all to choose another person's fate. As I said in my initial post, he should be disgusted by his reckless actions. He doesn't know her nor should he trust her.

You and I are on the same wavelength with al/ck/ issues.

>> No.10096827

What do you mean rapidly accelerate my health timeline? You mean just get better?

Also do you think I can get the colonoscopy and pay after with no health insurance?

I also do deal with a chronic pain in my rectum. So here's the bit 3.

Chronic pain in anus.
Chronic leakage that's is clear.
Fluid leaking internally in several areas.

Honestly I'm scared for my life. Could I die?

>> No.10096831

Also can you tell me where the internal leakage might be going? Does it stay inside forever?? Or come out somehow?

>> No.10096833

Don't worry about dying, friend. Worry about getting healthcare. By rapidly accelerate I mean don't waste any more time. First thing tomorrow, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible, say it's an emergency. If they can't accomodate you, call different doctors. Make getting the help you need your NUMBER ONE priority. You need to be in front of a physician by Wednesday the latest. You need to explain in brutal detail your past, your symptoms and your fears.

You can probably get the colonoscopy yes, but just make sure you tell your doctor EVERYTHING and they will advise you.

Two groups of people to never lie to are your personal doctor and your lawyer. Tell the TRUTH, anon.

Be well, and rapidly pursue care.

>> No.10096836

Not that medical student anon, but I have a masters in biomed and took some physiology/health shit at med school level. I would say you should definitely follow up with this regardless of price. Being poor is better than being dead.

You're retaining fluid for whatever reason. It's either your heart, kidney or liver or a combination of all 3 imo. If you have hepatic portal blockages due to a sclerotic liver you would most def bloat and have fluid retention but it wouldn't be that much a mystery. I sort of wonder if you have some heart or kidney issue man.

Go get checked dude. You know it's not normal to be pissing out of your ass and selling. Do you have swelling anywhere else?

Wishing you the best, anon. We're all in the same shitty boat.

>> No.10096858

The problem is with the G.I. doctor I was referred to that I payed out of pocket for was very disinterested in what I was saying. He was also sort of nodding out like he was high on pain pills and not paying attention to me. I spent my Christmas money on that doctors appointment. I typed out a 3 page report for him to read all about what I'm experiencing. And he said just to get the colonoscopy . He didn't even read the whole thing and asked me questions which I already had the answer to on there. I've already seen physicians and they just refered me to that GI doctor they said there is nothing else they can do for me .

What kind of specialist might I want to see if the colonoscopy shows nothing. And it turns out it's my heart or liver o kidneys?

No swelling anywhere else as far as I know. But allot of this internal fluid is going into my right butt cheek and it certainly is feeling bigger then my left but visually it doesn't look much different

What kind of specialist should I seek for kidney or heart issues?

Ok I will call about the colonoscopy and see if I can pay after the procedure and not before.

>> No.10096865

Also can you please tell where this internal leaking is going to do? Is it going to leave some how? Will I need surgically removed? Might it come out my skin or something ? I'm scared it's building up inside me

>> No.10096883

Oh I forgot that was today. What happened?

>> No.10096892

Cardiologist or nephrologist but those appointments will take weeks to book. ER will be expensive but I would really reccomend going to an urgent care facility and have your BUN, creatinine, ALT, ASP, ANP run at the minimum. Ask for a CBC, CMP and cardiac enzymes.

Get this shit figured out.

Am i on the right track?

>> No.10096908

So basically your heart and kidneys are very intricately tied together. Your kidneys are like a sponge that your blood flows through and it filters out all the garbage while reabsorbing the stuff it needs. The rate of that filtration is dependent upon 1.) the pressure being applies via the heart aka your blood pressure and 2.) the nature and construction of the kidneys themselves.

I'm not exactly sure about your case and again, I am not a doctor just some dude with a masters in biomed on the internet, but with most swelling cases it occurs around the ankles and lower extremities because the heart is weak and not able to push fluid through the kidneys or the kidneys are reabsorbing too much water due to a hormonal issue associated with ADH/Aldosterone.

Basically you're not going to pop. Something is just making you retain water in places you shouldn't. Hang in there and go to the doctor ASAP.

>> No.10096910

We don't have urgent care facilities here but I've been to the E.R. several times for this and they always take blood tests and so did my primary care. One of the cats from my primary care revealed I had Hepatitis C for which I am taking medications for now.

I will pop the question about those labs you mentioned. I screenshotted them.
Thanks very much man.
Yeah it's just crazy leaking everywhere even off my rib cage. Fuck

>> No.10096911

Philly won it in the last two minutes. Pats made a desperate attempt to recover, but couldn't go the distance in the end. Tight game too, It was never more than one possession away from the lead changing hands. I'm not even a football fan, but it was exciting to watch if you picked a team to root for.

>> No.10096920

Well my ankles and feet seem fine. Lil fat in my legs but I'm not fat.
Thanks man. Pray or something for me

>> No.10096925

It's unbelievable they didn't admit you. People don't leak.

If you do decide to go to the ER i would demand they admit you. Worst case scenario just threaten to kill yourself and then they have to baker act you and you'll have 72 hours of medical treatment.

American medical institutions are a fucking nightmare. Wishing you the best my dude.

Try and taper off a little if you can and see if it improves regardless of everything.

>> No.10096932

>have extreme kindney (area) pain for a month, literally wake screaming every night multiple times, post this
Cool coincidence.

>> No.10096933

Sounds like the game was rigged. Faker than professional wrestling man

>> No.10096943

You got it. Google ascites. It very well could be some form of that if you're a hard al/ck/ the fact that you don't have pitting edema in your feet bodes well for your heart and kidneys.

>> No.10096951

Maybe I should try to be admitted I don't know. Last time I went they just said they found no evidence of fecal incontinence. I never complained of fecal incontinence. IDK . Really stresses me out

>> No.10096955
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if it makes you feel any better look at what the human body can tolerate before it kicks the bucket.

>> No.10096964

Oh no my tummy is not bloated like that at all. It just feel kinda hard and sometimes fucked up sometimes after I eat. I wouldn't want to live if I looked like that.

>> No.10096994
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Okay I'm all out of alcohol tryna be sober. Sounds easy right? You just don't go buy more. Laziness = soberness
Problem is I like feel like I'm on a mission and need to buy this shit. Don't know how to counteract that

>> No.10097003

>Get tested now.
I barebacked a qt3.14 as FUCK 19yo blonde hooker a few years ago, then panicked the next morning. I was literally her first customer so she was very nervous, and she was so ludicrously far out of my league that I just didn't ask, I just began fucking her. Panicked the next day and got on PEP meds, which reduces the chance of infection by like 85$ if you start taking them within 24hrs of exposure. Antibodies even if you're infected though, won't show up for 6 months. No point getting tested yet.
Fug, I also barebacked a heroin addicted 20yo accidentally - condom broke, and a street whore, same shit happened. Still negative, but every time it happens I spend 6 months panicking.

>> No.10097007


>> No.10097010

you don't need to lie, anon
it's just the internet

>> No.10097031
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>What comfy youtube channels do y'all watch?

>> No.10097036

One day you're going to have to accept that some people do in fact, yaknow, do things, anon. I don't get why some people think that because you've got an internet connection, you're a virgin who hasn't lived.

>> No.10097051

Eat like a motherfucker. You'll still crave for a while, but a small part of it will be your body being used to lots of empty calories. Keep fucking eating to keep yourself occupied and real food moving in and out.

While you're at it, figure out some healthy snacks you like. Vegetables and dip; mixed nuts; cheese, crackers, and salami; small salads; water and juice; soup in a thermos; anything like that. You'll be over-eating like a motherfucker, but at least it'll be actual proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Don't screw yourself with cookies and chips and shit, you'll just trade one problem for another.

>> No.10097052

>and she was so ludicrously far out of my league

imagine thinking that some person who takes cocks in their ass for a living is out of your ""league""

>> No.10097053

jesus how old is that girl?

>> No.10097059

She was a size 8, blonde teenager. grils like that are practically from another species, literally the most desirable thing in the known universe

>> No.10097063

also i'm asking this because i'm disgusted and these girls are way too young. seek help.

Might be an alcoholic but at least i'm not a fucking pedo.

>> No.10097067

>yaknow, do things
like larp badly?
your pretend story is bad, and you should feel bad

>> No.10097068 [DELETED] 


>> No.10097073

I can't prove it to you, but I do feel bad for you for being so sheltered that it'd seem impossible to you.

>> No.10097079

parts of your story could and might be true
but most of it is just adolescent wank tier

>> No.10097105

It's not, it's all entirely true, it's surprising to me that you'd disbelieve any of it, I've done much worse things in my 40-odd drunken/high years. Unlike you apparently, it wouldn't even occur to me that such a tame story might be made up, but I'm not going to angrily demand that you believe me, lol

>> No.10097116

and she in all likelihood has performed sex acts for drug money
please stop pedestalizing women in any shape or form. That is the reason whores have such inflated egos to begin with. The concept of leagues is an ancient meme created by beta faggots to justify their reproductive failure and protect their egos from potential rejection. No woman on this planet is """"out of your league"""". They all shit and piss and vomit and pick their noses.

stop praising women for having vaginas and hair bleach

>> No.10097123

that's cool
i'm still not gonna believe it
>qt3.14 19y.o. blonde size 8 hooker
>literally her first customer
>so nervous and shy
super realistic dude

>> No.10097127

An alck with Hep C.. That sounds like a nightmare for your liver.

>> No.10097128

>sex acts for drug money
Nah she wasn't using. As someone who was using I'd have known. She even refused a joint.
I will not stop pedestalizing grils either, they do live up to the hype. I'd rather have a selection of 10/10's to squelch than a mansion and a fleet of ferraris.
Ok then, guess you'll just have to be wrong

>> No.10097138
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An ex got tested and has HPV, which probably means I have it (or I gave it to her). Thing is I hate doctors waiting rooms. I need to google if this shit is OK to live with as a man. For women I think it can be bad if untreated.

>> No.10097142

Give it up dude. A friend "dated" a sexy-as-fuck Asian chick decades ago. Really, he was just a free bed to crash on and a free ride to the clinic for STDs (over a dozen times) from fucking bareback, and he got a free fuck here and there. She's dead now from an overdose. Bitch was sexy as fuck, shit happens.

Dude, forget this kid. I get you. Once you get passed 30, you stop giving a shit about impressing teenagers and college kids. Shit happens.

>> No.10097156

>It is estimated that as many as 75 percent of the reproductive-age population has been infected with one or more types of genital HPV
I have it too, caught it from a chick here:
But I only had symptoms once, and it was like 18 years ago. My immune system was rekt at the time because I was on immunosuppressant meds. As soon as I came off them I was fine.
>stop giving a shit about impressing teenagers
It still happens though in these of all threads. People here have literally been wasted for years, imprisoned, addicted to heroin and stabbed, yet some assume we're all virgins. I think they have to be the LARPers, there's no way an al/ck/ has spent his entire life indoors playing minecraft.
w/e, yeah I agree, I'll let him believe what he likes. Gotta prepare myself for the daily puke-saturated shake-shuffle to the shops when they open in 25 mins.

>> No.10097174

Am I going somewhere?

>> No.10097175

i never assumed you were a virgin
i'm assuming that the hookers you're fucking are probably 4/10s and have been around the block a few times

>> No.10097186

Why would I fuck 4/10's when prostitution is legal here? There's too much competition for ugly girls to survive in the business

>> No.10097231

I'm a different anon, but ugly hookers didn't exist where I lived. Prostitution is legal in the state where I used them a few times years ago (2009?). Even their brothels were really nice lol.

>> No.10097232
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whatever dude

>> No.10097290

You don't have to fuck them all, yaknow. There are thousands to choose from. Maybe some people are into... whatever that is.
I'd stop digging if I were you. I'm not lying, so you're going to have to give up at some point. And dude, if you're a drunk, you've presumably no social anxiety excuse by which most anons on 4chan justify their sheltered lives. Maybe go outside.
Like I am now, as the shops are open. Let's do this thing,

>> No.10097489


>> No.10097653

i'm reaaallly fucking up for myself

i have to quit now. i (hopefully still) have an opportunity to turn my shit around, but i've fucked around and haven't done shit at my new job for weeks due to drinking (remote work) and anxiety. i'm also spending way too much on alcohol again. i have to quit fucking drinking.

>> No.10097674

It's a good thing that it's legal and advertised widely :^)

>> No.10097703

today is gonna be a bad day

>> No.10097719
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You've gotta kick the booze if you wanna keep from looking like that. I work in ICU and deal with boozies all the time, liver failure is no fun. I have to agree with the other anons and suggest seeing a doctor much sooner rather than later.
My two cents? Go to a hospital ER after being sober for a day or two, let the shakes start to kick in. Go in complaining of nausea and vomiting, and tell them you're having hallucinations. They'll have to work you up, and if you're as sick as we think you are you'll be admitted and detoxed. Librium, bananna bags, magnesium, all the stuff you need to keep finctioning while you're in D/T's. If you get too nuts they'll just intubate and sedate you and let you ride it out - although theres a risk to that too.
I hate to say it, but most people who self-pay dodge their bills, and county hospitals like mine arent paid... but since you're a stranger on the internet and likely wont wander into my unit, just do it. Don't let yourself die because you're broke

>> No.10097730

nursing memes are beyond shitty please delete your life and hard drive

>> No.10097748

If u read my posts u would see that I am not on booze I'm sober. However I have a long rigorous history of drug abuse. And it appears more so the fluid is going into my right butt cheek primarily but also in other parts of my body.

I plan to one day go to the ER and complain of nausea. My GI doc directed me to do so in order to get an emergency colonoscopy. But I highly doubtful that would work. Do u think that would work?
Do u guys do emergency colonoscopies?
Because as I said I am leaking fluid out of my anusb

Thank u for ur input

>> No.10097760

>can't fucking drink on keto
>have a case of beer, two bottles of vodka, and a huge bottle of whiskey
>can't have any of them without breaking my diet
Fucking end my life.

>> No.10097778

Can't you have spiced rum? I thought there was barely any carbs in that

>> No.10097781

if your goal is to lose weight then just make liquor like 1/3rd of your diet

>> No.10097784

You can drink some spirits without breaking keto, if you're careful. The good news is that you'll get drunk so much faster than you're used to.

>> No.10097786

I fucked up this time...

I was drunk last night and I touched my brothers wife's leg seductively

>> No.10097795
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No u
No, emergency colonoscopies arent a thing, not unless you're actively GI bleeding and don't know where. They'll just tell you to follow up outpatient, and most people wont bat an eye at you of a 24 year old comes in for nausea.
However, a doc will look twice if you've got a distended abdomen and are third spacing at 24. I'd go in complaining of the fluid itself, and mention the discharge

>> No.10097796
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hahahahhahahahahahhaahh what

>> No.10097806

I was drunk and she came over to my house to borrow a wine making press and we were talking on the couch and chilling for a minute and she was wearing this sexy ass skirt. Without even thinking I rubbed her leg seductively and started to move my hand closer to her pussy and she moved it off her leg and said "you need to go to bed" and left.

>> No.10097812


>> No.10097822

Ugh, I'm in such a foul mood. I can't tell if I'm being an asshole by getting pissed off with people this morning. I fear that I probably am. Guess getting drunk will solve that, there's nothing like a vodka blackout to make me a more reasonable person.
I'm going to go to jail soon. Fuck me, I can feel it.

>> No.10097835

>Emergency colonoscopy
Well he said they could admit me for however long and have it done. If they do admit me.
Of course I would mention the internal and external leaking. But he said they won't admit me unless I complain of the nausea and the fatigue.
I do have blood in my feces. But come on now I'm leaking a shit ton of fluid out my ass that I have to wear diapers. Almost the same thing right I mean it's every minute.

My abdomen feels swollen but what is their spacing??

>> No.10097839

pics of sister in law pls
Also did your brother beat your ass yet?

>> No.10097845

Situations like that are, funnily or stressfully enough, great ways of opening up to your loved ones about your issues. If you are genuinely concerned about your drinking habits then you can try to use it as a breaching point. If you are close with your brother (and his wife(hank's wife)) then, if comes up, use it as motivation to become a more healthy person. I love my eldest bro, and I wish I could be a better person for him. I'm not one to call family the answer, but I have seen amazing things happen to a friend when he asked his family to help him.

>> No.10097883 [DELETED] 
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I found a dream job that I enjoyed doing and that payed okay and that gave great overtime for money that I needed to help dig me out of my hole. I was fired when my alternator died and my mechanic installed a bad part that cost me an extra day away from work. My employer decided that I was not worth keeping around after that. I'd been stone sober for three months. I've spent the last week drunk and hanging out with one of my old drinking buddies who has a coke hook-up. I love working. I like to work 7 days a week when I can. And now I'm back to boozing and drugs. I did everything right. I got sober and I got clean. I did nothing wrong. It wasn't my fault this time. I'm tired of working hard just so that I can be allowed to work hard.

I used to think that having enough to feel content was the best I could aim for. Now I have to abandon everything I've fought for over the last 5 years and move home. Now I want to aim for being happy. I'm going to find the silver lining and make good.

I'm going to write music and hear people play the songs that are in my head. I won't be a drunk anymore. I'm going to be a composer.

al/ck/ threads have gotten me through so much pain. If I ever succeed in my dream I will do so knowing that it was because there are so many others out there who, for all their pain, knew we were here together.

Al/ck/ has been a gift to me for the last four years, and no amount of shitposters has ruined it. I love you guys, and I know that I am not alone in my appreciation of this ragtag gathering.

Sum the gutter, sum the light; live together: what a life. I love you boozers.

>> No.10097885

Damn. The guy who wrote the long sappy post deleted it before I could reply. I was looking forward to cruelly belittling him.

>> No.10097889

Hey alcks. I think I've hit a new level in my alcoholism. I'm currently drinking a can of beer I left open yesterday night. And I don't mind it.

How bad is it?

>> No.10097894

Is it morning? Love doing that. It's fun, don't worry about it.

>> No.10097912

Morning indeed, Europoor here. Cheers mate.

>> No.10097919
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Listen here you little shit.

>> No.10097924

Not that guy, but what's the problem?

>> No.10097925
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Reaaaaaally getting tired of these full load solid toilet clogger sober shits. Why can't life just let me be sober without causing fucking problems. Might fish up some beers tomorrow. inb4 bender

>> No.10097929

I went to put my bins out in the daytime yesterday, first time I've been out there in the light for like 18 months. Turns out the drain from my toilet has been blocked since last summer, when I flushed a load of kitchen towels. There was shit and toilet paper absolutely everywhere, including flowing all over my neighbour's driveway.

>> No.10097935

I wonder if my workmates can tell I had a "few" the night before.
It helps that It's a 24/7 operation and I can just pass it off as still waking up but obviously the other guys who start when I do aren't as groggy as I am.
Also, beer. I've rocked up to work at 4am after a whiskey bender and have had comments made about how I smell of liquor. Doesn't seem to happen with beer though. Can you smell beer on someone?

>> No.10097937
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SO uh, vodka then?

>certainly not going to fix it

>> No.10097940

I poured bleach on it while trying not to laugh (fuck my neighbour, serves him right for having a retarded dog which wakes me up ten times a night) and now use my other toilet instead. Problem solved.

>> No.10097955

I've had to detox in a hospital twice in my life, I'm going on the second year addiction free after the last time. First time it only stuck for about a year.

Ativan gets me good, I hardly remember it.

>> No.10097957

Ativan is fucking godly.

>> No.10097963

Anybody here home margin trading and drinking instead of working?

>> No.10097991

Ran out last night and started drinking listerine and sprite. 5 more hours still stores sell

>> No.10097994

sort of. I prefer to just buy altcoins and hold. They either die completely or go 1000x

>> No.10098004

At one point in my life I went through the dumpsters behind the row of bars in my city and consolidated all the dregs from all the discarded liquor bottles into a water bottle and drank them

That's alcoholism
Finishing a beer from last night or even yesterday... not so much

>> No.10098007

What was the yield like? Surprised it hasn't already been done by homeless people if it's a viable source of spirits

>> No.10098011

Eh, two times I resorted to rubbing alcohol, I've also drank my fair share of mouth wash.

>> No.10098016


Forgot to say, I also drank some from trash bottles, it tastes like dumpster juice, I vomited immediately, no idea how you took it.

>> No.10098019

That's just college you fucking scrub, man up and get some real alcoholism.

>> No.10098023

Yield was actually decent. Something like 15 bars in a row. Hard to remember cause I was drinking as I went along and obviously had nothing to eat that day or the day before. But I was definitely trashed after an hour of doing that. In the city where I work now liquor bottles go in recycle bags but there is often find milk crates never to the dumpster filled with liquor bottles and those were the sources. Even like 1/2oz per bottle adds up when you got 20+ bottles per bar and 15 bars

>> No.10098037

Most homeless don't get their fix from booze these days.

>> No.10098041

Dude every homeless person here is an alchie, all of them. They'll use anything, but booze is easily number 1, because it's cheapest, legal and most easily available. What do you believe to the contrary?

>> No.10098043
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As you are now, if you walk into an ER they're going to admit you. THEN you'll get a colonoscopy scheduled. Saying 'nausea' isn't a magic word for a colonoscopy or admit. 'Swelling in my exttemities' 'blood in my stool' and 'belly full of fluid' are.
And third spacing is a term for when fluid isn't sitting in your blood vessels (your first space) but is starting to go elsewhere - like your tissues or your abdominal cavity. Whats happening to your buttocks is likely edema (think of that as second spacing), but whats happening to your abdomen is likely ascites which is a type of third spacing.
Just go to an ER anon, seriously, let them work you up. And post results.

>> No.10098047

Australian here, sorry I thought you were from the first world.

>> No.10098049


>> No.10098054

Damn you're missing out on some fun drinking with homeless people is just a blast.

>> No.10098056

Hey not sure if your the nurse anon from before or just someone who knows a bit more then I do but anyway. I have had this fucking painful lump thing coming out my asshole for the past few days (pretty sure it's a hemmerooid) it bleeds a little

But here's the thing I eat really fuckin well and stay hydrated. The only unhealthy thing about me is 7 years of daily 5+ drinks.
Why would I have a hemeroid if I stay hydrated and eat lots of fiber?
Could this be something else

>> No.10098060

Im pretty sure the anon who posted about that was homeless so your essentially asking a homeless person why homeless people don't do something that he uh just described doing

>> No.10098190
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Yeah Im nurse anon, and some people can be prone to them even with a good diet. You could also be a faggot - no, seriously, anal sex predisposes you to them, as does being obese, or just sitting on the shitter for too long shitposting. Anything where you bear down or cause increased pressure to your nether regions (like sitting for long periods of time) can cause those veins to pop out
I'd use an over the counter hemorrhoid cream, the kind thats a cream and not an ointment. It'll help.
Theres a chance it could be something more unusual like skin cancer or some shit, but its likely just what you think it is. Try a cream and see what happens, talk to your doc if it gets worse

>> No.10098320

>Wake up hungover, shaky
>drink about 1.5 liters of water
>drink 1 beer
>Feel slightly better
>get nauseated
Realize I probably should try and piss
Notice stomach is distended
hadnt absorbed any of the water and body is rejecting it.
As i walk by the trashcan, I immediately turn my head and projectile vomit every damn thing from my stomach.
>And his stomach shrank 3 sizes that day.

But I feel a million times better now.
At least this is better then the whole spray foam out of my mouth at random.
Sometimes during a morning beer I will just "vomit" and spray up a ton of foam up to a foot or more away with no warning.
Weirdest things happen to your damn body

>> No.10098333

Did you see where this guy said he's on meds for Hep C? Do you think that has anything to do with his ascites, etc?

>> No.10098378

I think he's abused hard drugs which can fuck up your liver, and the fact that he has Hep C means his liver is getting a double whammy of damage (who knows how long he had HepC befofe he started getting treated?) Hep C can cause liver damage and cirrhosis on its own - and that leads to ascites. So... yeah, definitely connected there.

>> No.10098415


how is a woman choosing to have sex with someone for money any worse than a dude choosing to pay money for sex?

this fucking double standard that seeing sex workers is just a thing some guys do but if a woman is a sex worker she is trash

>> No.10098422

HIV symptoms can stay hidden for months to years and years and appear down the line. Just thought you should know that.

>> No.10098426

how is alcohol after exercise in terms of health? I realized I have no idea

>> No.10098444

Good god I'm so fucking glad I've never even had any interest in one night stands let alone paying to fuck a hooker.

Just not my cup of tea, man, I have enough problems.

>> No.10098445

I had HPV. It's not a HUGE deal but you want to get it dealt with before having sex with someone. It's pretty harmless for men but it can cause cancer in women.

Being a virus there's no way to 'cure' it. It will usually go away on its own. If you have genital warts they can get rid of them,which is quite painful but will stop them from spreading.

I went for three appointments over the course of a couple months and you basically lay down with your dick out and the nurse/doctor has this freeze-gun and they freeze the warts on your dick/balls area. It was a bizarre experience. Feels like someone's burning your junk with a hot piece of metal. Weird to have a stranger touching your dick. The first time it was a cute younger woman. At first I was worried about getting a boner or something but the pain took care of that. The second time I got an older guy with a white beard. Again, weird to have a dude who looks like santa examining and touching and burning my dick but whatever, these people work at a sexual health clinic.

SO yeah, really painful for like ten minutes, but it's nice to have the warts go away.

>> No.10098482

If i drank between 12 to 18 beers a day for about 9 days is that enough to trigger withdrawals? Feeling pretty shitty right now

>> No.10098528

Shitty how? Are you saying you're just coming down from all of that?

>> No.10098536

yea exactly, not the worst i've felt, but def not the best. very anxious, not visibly shaky or sweaty and heart rate is okay, but just nervous.

trying to taper.

>> No.10098553

I'm not really familar with beer benders, so I can't really say. My benders would tend to be straight vodka. I'm sure it was enough to give you some mild WD's though. When was your last drink?

>> No.10098565

About 8 hours ago, i have a beer i'm going to drink at lunch to start the taper

>> No.10098570

Before that I was sober for five days, dunno if that makes a difference

>> No.10098574

Well, I'd just continue with the taper thing, but since your symptoms seemed to be fairly mild, I wouldn't do the whole beer per hour thing. just drink them slowly and increase the time in between each beer.

>> No.10098610

What do you guys enjoy coming to these threads for? Personally I enjoy reading stories, and what people have gone through, giving advice (and taking it) and sharing my own situation/stories.

You guys have really helped me get through some crazy times.

>> No.10098661

People like us seem to like to get together and shoot the shit and talk about our problems. Be it in a bar, in online communities such as this or r/cripplingalcoholism. I'm in a group on facebook that is about recovery but there's no judgement if you're still actively drinking. It's just a place for people, sober or not, to talk about their experiences and vent their frustrations and receive support, or at least acceptance and understanding.

I mean even AA, at its core, is the same thing. They recognize that the only people who really understand alcoholics are other alcoholics, and getting a bunch of alcoholics together to talk their shit out can be incredibly valuable.

These threads are obviously not recovery-centric. There's a lot of bragging and war stories and stupid fights and drunk assholes but in every single thread there's posts about 'X number of days sober' and other anons responding encouragingly. Or a 'I was X many days sober but I fucked up and am ruining my life' and anons offering support. And so much medical advice.

These threads are special. It's a community of strangers with a shitty thing in common.

>> No.10098666

but yeah I also like reading the depraved shit people have done

>> No.10098693

Well said, my man.

>> No.10098726


I'm nearly 30 and have been alone my entire life, I watched my brothers all get gfs in high school and college and later get married while STILL cheating on their wives and sleeping with other women. Meanwhile I have had 1 "girlfriend" if you want to call it that at 13.

The constant pain of being alone got to me over the years and I started to drink to make those feelings and loneliness go away, Daily and now I'm a full blown alcoholic.

Then when I was 25 I got shot twice in my back and neck when someone tried to rob me and I panicked and tried to wrestle the gun away then run. Now I have horrific scars on my chest and my neck, Not to mention the emotional trauma of being shot and lying there knowing you are able to die that haunts me daily while you literally drown in your own blood.

I've all but given up on ever getting a girlfriend, getting married, or even not paying for sex (which is meaningless to me to do).

It's funny when my brothers or their wives tell me I should be happy, be myself, and not drink. But they aren't the ones who have been alone literally thier entire lives or are covered In horrific scars or dealing with the crippling anxiety and nightmares of going through the things I've gone through.

I fucking hate when people who have no clue what real pain your feeling try to give you advice, Especially women who live their whole lives on easy mode.

End rant

>> No.10098753

>I watched my brothers all get gfs in high school and college and later get married while STILL cheating on their wives and sleeping with other women.
>Especially women who live their whole lives on easy mode.

You kinda contradict yourself, man. I mean you can't just sit there and say every woman has life easy. I know some women who have gone through crazy lives and came out on the other end. Everyone goes through life with different experiences.

>> No.10098764

A woman can walk up to any guy for the most part and say "fuck me" and they'll do it. Life is incredibly easy for women, All they have to do is use what's between their legs and they instantly get what they want.

I walk up to a woman and say "fuck me" and she either slaps the fuck out of me or calls the police

>> No.10098772

100% spot on with the proper readings.

Man, you also have Hep C. Liver, liver, liver. As I said my friend, you likely have a variety of issues.

Try very hard to get them to admit you, but I wouldn't try to Baker act yourself. So many people will use that against you for the rest of your life and some people never leave. Especially if they DO have underlying mental health issues, which post people posting in this thread do.

Explain all the symptoms OP and flat out tell them you're an alcohol abuser and worried for your life. They may be focusing too much on the leaking, talk about everything.

Good luck.

>> No.10098774

Oh boo fucking hoo, dude. There's more to life than pussy. The world is a bigger place than drowning yourself at home in alcohol and being bitter you can't get a girlfriend. this is coming from someone who's been drinking like a fish for about 12 years and has been screwed over in multiple relationships.

I'm sorry that other shit happened to you, but you really should stop blaming everyone else for your problems.

>> No.10098784
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Shit mate, that sounds awful.
I went through some life altering near death experiences too, therapy was the only thing that helped. You don't have to go, but wouldn't it be great to BTFO all those people that shit all over you in your most fragile state? Fuck them, do what you want to. There's a reason the phrase "fuck bitches, get money" exists.

>> No.10098801
File: 902 KB, 1152x606, when you deviate from the plan in order to make sure your friends fulfill their life endangering mission to avenge the dead lover to cheated on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HIV isn't the only disease around. Yes, it can take up to 6 months to have a 100% all-clear conclusive test, but you should still test immediately after unprotected sex if you're worried. Other STDs have much shorter incubation periods. Remember he said he fucked her 3 months ago. So repeated testing means the earliest discovery, ya dig?

Furthermore, modern antigen tests can provide non-conclusive data as early as 2 weeks for HIV anon. It won't be conclusive, but it's enough to prepare you mentally, lighten your worry and think about treatment earlier. . So "No point in getting tested yet." is bad advice. You did well in taking PEP, but any time you have been exposed to someone, you should still test.

Mistakes do happen and I'm glad you're okay. Remember what I said: don't fuck hardcore drug users unless you're chasing thrills.

>> No.10098818

Fellas like you make me laugh. I don't see how you guys on al/ck/ have managed to be so safe. Kudos, I suppose. For most people who abuse alcohol though, adventures, bad judgement calls and worrying about real consequences are a normal part of the game.

Furthermore, SOMEBODY has to be her first customer. She's probably what we used to call "young, dumb and in exchange for cash ready to be filled with cum". She likely didn't really think much about her reproductive health or thought Anon would insist. If she's a prostitute at age 19 without a child, that means she's run out of opportunities completely which points to a lack of education, which easily makes her lack of street smarts plausible.

It is very possible. As I said, the secret in the Hobby is everyone barebacks from time to time. Nobody will talk about it, but everyone is.

>> No.10098869

>which is meaningless to me to do
Don't be so sure friend. In the same way alcohol helps, sometimes, for some, being in a woman's arms for an hour is therapy as well.

>Especially women who live their whole lives on easy mode.

I know 100% what you mean, but people will try to bring up technicalities and other things.

In the sexual marketplace, acquisition of sex is not an issue for a woman, is what you're saying.

Sorry about what happened to you bud.

>> No.10098935

I'm withdrawing from psych meds and it really helps me just hearing that other people are dealing with similar issues.

>> No.10098954

64 x 300mg aspirin in 2 days, still waking screaming in pain from kidney area. awesome. over a month of this shit.

>> No.10098956

I get drunk and this place is my only solace from loneliness and boredom sometimes.
I have to watch over the elderly so I dont get many options for entertainment, and my friends or wife don't want to hear about half of this stuff.
Also I am able to open up to yall about my problems in ways I cant to others. As I hide a lot of my alcoholism from my family even if they know of it and some of it's extent.

>> No.10098977

hahahahahahaha how the fuck is alcoholism real hahaha nigga just dont buy the drinks like nigga close your bottle hahahahaha

>> No.10098998

Made me laugh. That cuberbullying tweet triggered so many

>> No.10099027
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Yeah well, I called it yesterday, got a case of beer to suck through and prob drive my shifter cart to get more later. I'm like 3 days out of WD's. laugh max i guess

>> No.10099046

You know alcohol will make you gay?

>> No.10099066

It's pretty beta/gross to cuddle with a coked out hooker who just had a dudes load blown on her chest/face just hours earlier.

Plus paying for a woman to lay with you kind of defeats the purpose. Men want a woman who loves them to hold them, Not a woman who is just doing it for drugs by proxy.

I would give 20years of my life to have a woman who genuinely loves me to cuddle with for a month.

>> No.10099084

That's a choice you have to make then. Every woman is fucking you for a reason. Money, status, thrills, protection, access to resources, job prospects.

Not every working girl is a coked out hooker who just had a dudes load blown on her chest/face just hours earlier.

I'm not interested in your alpha/beta dichotomy, but I will tell you, knowing I can have a 9/10 girl in my bed with a phonecall has increased by success with non-paid women substantially since it reduced any scarcity and desperation sexually.

I'm just giving you an additional path to consider to move forward through your crippling loneliness.

If you need "genuine" love, then you're going to have to bring an incredible amount to the table. Do that then. Hit the gym, get a decent job, read a few books, build confidence and stop drinking. You need one of these:

>Money, status, thrills, protection, access to resources, job prospects

They're the basis of female attraction.

Good luck friend.

>> No.10099116

Thank you buddy. You too

>> No.10099123

Hi anon! You seem to have posted on the wrong board! Whoops! Don't worry, the kind anons of 4chan are here to help you correct your actions!
See, /ck/ is for food and cooking, and spamming the board with threads about your crippling addiction is considered "off topic," and thus, not appropriate content for the board!
A more appropriate board for these threads would be >>>/r9k/ , >>>/b/ , or >>>/trash/ !
Don't worry, always happy to help and do my part to make 4chan a better place :)

>> No.10099125

What pleasure do you gain from this? I genuinely want to understand

>> No.10099156

Stop with the gatekeeping. we're all friends here

>> No.10099177

Think I’m going to relapse simply because of pain. My back, omfg, what am I supposed to do? Doc took me off morphine and tramadol after 5 years because i was using too much, now I can barely breathe, let alone sleep. Life is absolutely fucking shit

>> No.10099201

I feel for you, man. How'd you wind up with back pain?

>> No.10099228

im a woman and thats bullshit yea i can sleep with most guys as i am not ugly or fat but then what they think your a whore and pump and dump then i am still lonely so whats your point i have also been raped twice and i have never dressed like a whore so ye

>> No.10099260

Years sat at a desk, just began hurting years ago and has got worse since.
Nope, can’t take this, got to get drunk. Christ please just end me. Bbl alcohol.

>> No.10099279

They’re called sexual needs for a reason. Imagine how lonely you’d be if you couldn’t get a gineyful of dicks when you craved it.

>> No.10099284

lol ive been six years without sex

>> No.10099293

you need to learn to type in sentences

>> No.10099316

You’d be craving a clungeful a trillion times more if it wasn’t available

>> No.10099373

Buy weed if you can senpai, don't fall off the wagon yet

>> No.10099386

>be only son
>hang out in room alone all the time
>eventually begin shutting the door
>they don't even care like other normie parents
>they literally would always knock before coming in except for my dad a few times
>fast forward about 15 or so years
>literally no one I know thinks it's weird when I just go into my room for whatever reason

>> No.10099460

you know if you move out of your parents' house you can stay in your room as much as you want and nobody gives a shit

>> No.10099479

I think my "father" is trying to get me thrown in a mental asylum...
>wake up the other day, running country police car on my property.
>full clothes officer with a body cam comes out, walks into my backyard where he's met by my worm of a father
>father comes outside, ushers him into the garage and they talk for about 20 mins.
>carrying some sort of weird silver and black case, maybe a fingerprint scanner or something?
>leaves rather hurridly
>I confront him about it, he smirks in my face and says "Oh, he's here just to look at a car"
>Look up every single law in my state regarding titles or transfer of ownership
>NONE of them involve police in any way
What's this freeloading asshole up to, I'm about ready to evict him.

>> No.10099506

Fuck off whore

>> No.10099508

I did move out.

>> No.10099515

Too late. Already tipsy. I live in reefermadnessistan, only poison is legal here.

>> No.10099531

Well, try not to overdo it. I realize that's a ridiculous concept in al/ck/ but don't kill yourself my man

>> No.10099537

Fingerprint scanner?
Na dummy its a audio or video recorder.
They give them to criminal informats and shit.
Do you see any strange black boxes anywhere in your house that you do not recognize?

What size was it?
Also if this involves a car, and do you frequently drive with alcohol on your breath?

Check under all 4 wheel wells at the top for a tracker, he could be trying to bust you for a dui or dwi.

>> No.10099543

But really though he could be trying to put a tracker under your wheel wells that alert the police if you drive.
If he is trying to do away with you that would be the quickest way, if you have booze on your breath, and since you are in this thread I assume you do.

>> No.10099564

>Pint of Guinness
>Two bottles Black Horse beer
>Soon to break into this bottle of 20% wine, over 1L of it here

I'm disappointed in myself a little, my willpower had been tested and I ended up losing... oh well. Soon I won't give a shit. At least I'm maintaining 2 sober days between every day of drinking. That's my limit to how often I can drink, and I'm sticking to it pretty easily.

>> No.10099573

Why a mental asylum? Are you 100% sure that you're not mental?

>> No.10099584

He could be mental but im trying to help him.
he could just be paranoid, but it could possibly be something I've personally seen happen before.

>> No.10099585

>asking an insane person if they think they're insane

>> No.10099599

I knew I was insane when I was insane, I just didn't know why, how, or exactly what it was I was doing wrong. It was still obvious that I was nuts.

>> No.10099604

I don't think im insane, but sometimes the gnomes do come for me
I might be a bit crazy at times though

>> No.10099615

fuck off

>> No.10099621

i am not a whore u stupid cunt your mother is more of one than me

>> No.10099645
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>> No.10099647

It's okay. Ignore him. The truth is we're all emotional here sometimes and he lacks the ability to understand your experiences. You seem to lack the ability to understand his. Just relax. Don't let anyone bait you here. Just relax.

>> No.10099657

thanks anon i get emotional sometimes i am a woman afterall but he is still a cock sucker

>> No.10099658
File: 545 KB, 1437x853, erdgtfgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget potassium from bananas or coconut milk, forget (only) shooting with water... watermelon is the answer you're looking for.

>> No.10099667

Top combo after boozing is:

1L Coconut Water
1 Banana
1 Bacon & Cheese Sandwitch

>> No.10099684
File: 755 KB, 1626x898, ertwer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much bulk for me. A pack of ready-cut watermelon is insanely easy to just shove in your face though, and it feels really hydrating while giving me sugar i'd never otherwise get, and something, anything solid in my stomach.

>> No.10099692

Gotcha anon. I understand.

Before he died my Dad would eat watermelon every morning to help him

>> No.10099702

Fuck off white knight

>> No.10099703

oh jesus fucking Christ are you kidding me man

>> No.10099709


>> No.10099715

Are you guy I replied to?
And no I am not kidding you.
That kind of stuff can happen, and I've the seen the tracker thing happen before.
unless you are berating me, but I'm just trying to help faggot.

>> No.10099717
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/fit/ has just informed me of evidence showing that cirrhosis can be slowed, stopped, likely reversed by replacing the unsaturated fats in your diet with saturated fats. Use that how you will

>> No.10099727

Reversed? Nah.

>> No.10099740 [DELETED] 

I'm an anxiety ridden mess, but still quite sane. That part was a bit exaggerated for greentext value. We've hated each other for a long, long time and he's used the police as a tool to hurt other family members before so I really don't put it past him to try the same to "get back" at me

>> No.10099753

not berating you at all I'm sorry if I came off that way, just the opposite in fact. You've given me a lot to think about

>> No.10099765

All he has to do is get audio of you acting a fool when blackout drunk and he can win any court case with you on the whole ("Look at what an evil danger this guy is") or get you for a dui.
It is fucked up but conniving people come up with that kind of crazy shit.
Also does he gain your house rent-free or any of your stuff if he gets you put in jail or a looney ward?

Be careful what you say to be honest.
Any one slip of the tongue and he can pass you off as a violent abusive drunkard or addict.

All he has to do is call the cops in secret
>tell them he is afraid of you
>but doesnt want to press charges
>doesnt want you gone
>UNLESS he has audio or video evidence
>they can provide him with basic recording tools.
>then he can get leverage

And you lose automatically.

>> No.10099782

a friend of mine, not even an alck, smashed a blender in his kitchen then stormed out and stayed at a hotel when he and his now-ex gf argued. cops broke the hotel door down and arrested him, social services got involved, and now he's never allowed home, even if she wants him there. naturally he still has to pay for the place for the next 18 years, and she has someone else staying there. all of this because he smashed something once while drunk.

>> No.10099788

Ativan makes me feel so much better in the true crisis moments you couldn't even imagine. Had a drip of it once and I felt like I was completely normal, it was a godsend. Had it another time in hospital in a pill and it still was pretty good.

>> No.10099792

Eh. The liver does regenerate after a fashion, but cirrhotic tissue cannot be. We're all fucked.

>> No.10099799

Ativan didn't do much for me, maybe I didn't take enough of it. 2mg of klonopin puts me on a fucking cloud of peace though. Zero anxiety for a while is something normies can never understand

>> No.10099804

Fuck thats rough.
Do you ever act a fool or break shit when fucked up drunk?
Do yall have a large size difference?
Normally its easier for a girl to scheme on a guy due to some laws that gotted passed in the 1990's.
But domestic abuse is no joke here in America, I don't know where you are though.

Be careful as evidence can make it impossible for you to appeal or win a court case, you could end up like him.

>> No.10099808

but a size difference or frail guy vs bigger guy could make a potential case where they automatically take his side.

>> No.10099911

>Do you ever act a fool or break shit when fucked up drunk?
i always do numerous stupid things, every drunken day of my life.

>> No.10099957

aw dude are you gettin gnomed again?

wishing you luck brother

>> No.10099968

I hear not drinking alcohol is also pretty good for that

>> No.10099988

I usually get super nice and apologetic, but if you fuck with me at all, I become a real asshole when drunk. One time I was riding a bike back from the bar and several people almost hit me coming out of driveways because nobody fucking knows how to drive (seriously, I'm sober and I believe that at most, 25% of people actually know how to drive), so I got off and started shouting at the driver and they called the cops. Because I was on a slow-ass bike, they eventually caught me and I spent the night in the drunk tank. Being drunk might make me an asshole, but it also makes me far more aware of how much of an asshole everyone else is. When you're sober, you make allowances that you really shouldn't, just because you want to go along to get along.

>> No.10100006

Probably some of the worst withdrawals i've ever had today after a week just getting drunk in miami. Tryign to taper but my body just wants to say fuck it.

>> No.10100025
File: 24 KB, 760x500, How-Gnomes-Degrade-Your-Health-and-Wellbeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are back, and screwing with my house. They finally made it here to TN.
Nowhere is safe now, I am comprised.
They crossed the line when they tricked me into falling off the roof and then they ruined two of my computers in the past week.
They ruined my shower head and spiked some of my beers.
I am escaping for 36 hours to my other home to hope they get bored and leave.

Well then I guess keep what I said in mind.
Be careful anon

>> No.10100049

Even worse is that now I have a few other people that have seen them at my house screwing with their stuff too. I don't even know if they are gnomes, but they look like it and the nickname stuck for them.
I cannot figure out how to get them to just leave for good.
I got them to go away for a month or three with only a few isolated instances but they always come back.

If I confront them they always win too.

>> No.10100117

I was doing so well too, I was having a good time, and posting all day in this general.
Having some great stories and conversations.
Now its going to be a bad bit for me.
I'll try to avoid the general to some degree so I dont gnome post too hard.
Don't want to be an annoyance again.

>> No.10100123

I think this is it. Fare well

>> No.10100129

Whats the matter? it cant be worse than my gnomes right now, but get it off your chest

>> No.10100139

and I didnt mean it cant be worse, it probably is or can be. We are all going through our issues friend.

>> No.10100141

>couldnt attend my work any more due to anxiety
>been drinking with money i dont have
>in super debt
>no will power

got my mother's birthday ahead and i don't even have enough to pay my rent. i failed everybody.

this is not a cry for help, this is a testiment to show that, eventually, this shit kills us. i'm no rookie to this.

>> No.10100152

You seem like a smart dude, I know you'll figure out the gnome situation. Keep outta trouble and godspeed gnomeposter

>> No.10100153

Damn, I'mma make another drink, and drink it for you man.
Best of luck man.
At least you are honest in what it can do to someone

>> No.10100162

Thanks, I will probably be better once I take this quick break. Also I am cleaning my house periodically and cleaning up my appearance a bit. It seems to keep them at bay.
They dislike when I am active, and like to play tricks when I get lazy.
Also talking to yall helps a bunch.

>> No.10100164

So worst case, you miss rent. Unless you are already months behind have a chat with your LL and say you fucked up and will fix it. And if you are months behind, you get evicted and move back home. If you can't, aboslute worst case you're homeless. There's always shitty hour jobs that payy well you can work half-drunk until you can get a shit apartment in the nigger part of town again. There's no end, you'll be okay bud

>> No.10100168

Have you tried visiting /x/? Methods they recommend may have an impact if you believe they will.

>> No.10100181
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Who here /firstdayoftaper/?

>> No.10100221

No, because /x/ is silly and full of nothing but larpers and how do i summon a tulpa fags.

I don't feel like wasting my time trying to tell them the 50+ stories and the 10 page explanation of what i'm experiencing just to have to weed out all the trolls and larpers.
Maybe one day when I have more motivation to start a thread there, but mostly they just arent worth the hassle to talk to.
If I have ample free-time and am feeling like it maybe I will one day.
But I think I can do it on my own with the help of my friends.

>> No.10100231

And the only things that make them leave is to take care of myself , mind and body.
But when I start slacking they reappear and fuck with me as punishment I think.

I do some basic meditation and therapeutic stuff to help ease my mind and that seems to also help.
Seems like stress and wds and laziness is what makes them come back to harass me.
So I just need to prove to them that I can be a better person and they will leave for good.

>> No.10100232

use the subject you pathetic fucking faggot. use the fucking subject field or kill yourself you fucking failure at life. you inbred suicidal faggots don't realize that everyone has your whiny depression blog blocked in the subject field.

use the subject field, or kill yourselves you fat lonely losers

>> No.10100366

When your subconscious wants you to get your shit together you better get your shit together

>> No.10100378

You will never understand what it's like to have zero sexual value and be completely unwanted. You will never have to face the [very likely] possibility that you will spend the rest of your life alone. In fact, many women have an irrational fear of exactly the things I describe, which is why they sometimes go to extreme lengths to try and look attractive and youthful.

And it's not even in terms of sex either. It's so much easier for women to make friends and be socially accepted. Even women who claim to suffer from "depression" or "social anxiety" will have more friends than an equivalent man.

I tried to explain this to my ex (only) girlfriend I ever had before she finally cut me off for good because I was bringing her down with my whining. Yet, she would tell me it's my fault for being too boring to "not putting myself out there" when she literally met half her friends idling around in parks and on trails. Out of the strangers that have approached ME in public, a total of 0 wanted to be my friends, though some tried to assault me...

Anyway, I know I'm wasting my time even trying to explain it to you but I wanted to lend some support to the other lonely guys in here.

>> No.10100385

Lmao @ this fucking retard

>> No.10100397

That sounds like a good plan

>> No.10100402

You know, if you drink heavily it's generally a good idea to take that B-100 supplement. Alcohol drains your body of thiamine like nobody's business.

>> No.10100430

that's what it's there for my dude. 4 beers into the taper and feel so much better than I did 3 hours ago.

Talked to my dad about everything well. Gonna give sobriety a real go this time. Alcoholism is fucking so bad.

>> No.10100432

kill yourself

>> No.10100444

got fired (due to alcoholism) and had a very difficult talk with my mother (about alcoholism) today. at least leaving the job needed to happen, i cannot possibly work from home in my current state. i just want to skip ahead a month in my life where this shit is behind me.

anyone else have relatively high-achieving siblings? how do they deal with alcohol? my sister is 25 and moving up in her career. it makes me feel like the fuck-up kid, but it also puts me at ease knowing my mother doesn't think her parenting efforts were a total failure

>> No.10100450

But I will I am hitting the wall soon am in my early 30s and look good now but not for much longer so I will not have any sexual value and thus will be in your shoes

>> No.10100456

And I actually do have severe social anxiety which is why I drink I can barely talk to the shop people etc and only have one friend who is bipolar

>> No.10100493

at least you got trips bro

>> No.10100500

i'll drink to that

>> No.10100524

There's no such thing as "the wall". This "men age like wine" shit is yet anothwr retarded cope. You will be able to get a guy your age up until you become a granny.

>> No.10100529

while theres a lot of truth to that, you can still have a nonzero amount of sexual value just by walking around like your dick is 10 feet long, like all black guys do
and you have nothing to gain by explaining the sexual marketplace to women, they dont care, they have a negative amount of sympathy for less attractive men. They dont think about us at all in the same way we dont think about morbidly obese chicks at all, except to make fun of them

>> No.10100538

And sorry but you sound like a real downer I'm lonely as hell but I sometimes like my own company and I hate complaining and u sound like you complain a lot why not just go up to people and talk who cares if u get rejected ? or join a club or some shit I can't do any of that cuz of social anxiety but if I'm really lonely I go out and drink and try and reconnect with friends from my childhood but then end up making a fool of myself or offending people so now I would rather not have that cringe but if I wasn't socially anxious like I presume you are not then why not just go and try and make an effort with anyone and stop the complaining fuck

>> No.10100539

it's the phenomenon where most average women start getting significantly more wrinkly and ugly inside and out. Happens to many men too but the point is youthfulness doesnt last forever

>> No.10100555

I don't know about that I can visibly see 'the wall' on my face and sorry but if I get fat, sagging, wrinkled and haggard then it would make me feel gross and embarrassed that someone wants to fuck me looking like that in the first place I guess I am crazy but I'm not into it

>> No.10100559

dont worry about your parents. they rolled the dice when they decided to bring people into the world. you arent living for them. just try and be happy with what you do.

>> No.10100567

I feel sorry for facially ugly men as Ye sorry no hot woman is going to want to fuck you unless you have serious money and they still will hate you deep down every time they have to do the deed with you lol but if you have an average face but are a fat slob I have no sympathy as u should get in shape same with fat women

>> No.10100582
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you totally missed my point
girls fuck ugly, broke guys all the time. The guy down the street who sells crack for a living is still getting laid by attractive women. Confidence and attitude can make up for a shitload of lack of money and looks in men.
I dont understand this "if you accurately describe the dating market then you must be a fat, broke ugly slob lol" meme

>> No.10100604

>And sorry but you sound like a real downer
This thread isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows to begin with.

>and I hate complaining and u sound like you complain a lot
That's right. Friendship really is just a transactional affair. As soon as your friend falls or hard times and becomes a burden, he's as good as garbage.

>why not just go and try and make an effort with anyone
It's like you can't even imagine that maybe nobody wants to get to know an ugly guy. Especially not anyone with a set of ovaries. Like you literally can't comprehend that not every person can just go around any "reach out" to people without obtaining positive results. Lady, I've never had a real friend in my whole life. I've been over "just going up to people" since fucking high school. In retrospect it was all so obvious. Back then I could imitate the humor and mannerisms of the popular kids and the jocks perfectly. But guess what? If you're not Chad, acting "confident" won't do you any good. You talk about reconnecting with old friends or going out. Just LOL. The last time I "went out" to a venue I got shoved a bunch of times by roided guys five years younger than me who all looked like fucking grown men while I still look like a little boy. And I have fucking zero friends to reconnect with.

>> No.10100611


That's dirty as fuck. Calling the law on kin will get you disowned where I'm from.

>> No.10100621

My point isn't that women don't age, it's that on average women are more valued than their male counterparts at any age so regardless of how you may feel about your own aging body and your life overall, the fact remains that if you were a woman you'd likely be better off than a man.

>> No.10100627


Never hit a woman but I have broke the shit out of their appliances before.

>> No.10100652

Dude I don't have it in me to hit anyone even while I'm drunk especially a woman. Now, if you need someone to verbally eviscerate her entire being then I'm your man but physicality is so out of character for me that even while drunk the best I can manage is getting up in someones face and acting tough

>> No.10100656

Sorry you know what I was just thinking of ugly guys I have met that always had poor posture no confidence and it makes u feel sorry for them and the last thing you think of is them taking you and giving you a good f***** so yes your right however if you are absolutely completely hideously ugly it's not gnna be easy but if u are just ugly but confident u can prob do ok but I don't know about getting really really hot girls I have never seen that myself

>> No.10100657


>drinking more than you earn

Sounds like you're proper fucked.

>> No.10100662

That girl is pretty bleak tho

>> No.10100667

Lol I'll fight anyone for disrespecting me when i'm drunk. I've gotten my face rearranged and beat in and done the same to others a handful of times in the past couple years alone.
I get mouthy when drunk and I feel disrespected.

>> No.10100669

He's done it about 3 different times in the last few years. One time he called and fabricated a story about me waving a knife around and I got to have a nice chat with the police to talk myself out of a psych ward stay. I've told him a few times now if I ever have kids i'll never let him see them and that he will die without anyone knowing he even existed. I hate him beyond words, if I could knock his fucking teeth out without going to jail I'd do it in an instant

>> No.10100677


I had a gf say some nasty shit to me and I got so mad I punched and kicked a hole into her nice LED TV. Then I picked it up and threw it out her second story apartment. Fuck her.

>> No.10100685

lol my man. I punched a hole through one of my old laptops when I died in a video game. Punching inanimate objects is the patrician way to let out rage, especially if they're your own items

>> No.10100686

>ugly but confident
I hate this meme. "Kunfidunce" don't emerge out of a vacuum, it's the result of receiving constant validation. That ugly guy has poor posture and no confidence because years of being pushed around, rejected, and belittled have destroyed his spirit. You can't "fake it till you make it" from that any more than you can cure your supposed anxiety disorder.

And yeah, I haven't seen any crack dealers with "really hot girls", but if there are any, I imagine it's not because of their koonfidoons.

>> No.10100691

How old are you and why do you look like a little boy? why don't u work out? out of 10 how ugly are you? bear in mind you sound so negative so even if you're like a 5/10 you will say 2/10 you are very pessimistic and who wants to hang around with someone this fucking moany have you tried picking up ugly women? Lol

>> No.10100701

Women don't age? Lol yes cuz a childless old woman of 40 compared to a single guy of the same age who unless they are a fat piece of shit can and do look hot to a lot of younger women

>> No.10100703

i want to, but my mom still tries to help me and i'm grateful that she does. i don't want to live for her, but in some sense, i feel obliged to. it probably sounds ungrateful as shit to say, but a part of me wishes she didn't allow me to rely on her so much. the safety net she provides just makes me feel like i have to live up to her expectations of me eventually in reciprocation. i want to feel like i can do things for myself when/because i have to. if that means hitting rock-bottom or damn near it, that's what it will take, yaknow?

>> No.10100713

>not eating out hookers
what type of man are you?

>> No.10100723

I should probably save this for next thread, but I used to knife fight as a profession. It's a really, really long story. My stomach looks like a chessboard with all the overlapping scars and I legitimately doubt that any woman would ever love me, even for money

>> No.10100766

>How old are you and why do you look like a little boy?
I have soft facial features and can't grow a thick beard so if I try to grow out my facial hair it just looks like shit.

I have very small bones. I have narrow shoulders and slender wrists like a woman. Before you dismiss this as legitimate, let me explain to you that if you look it up on any fitness website you will find that your frame size actually limits your ability to put on muscle. Guys with smaller frames have to work way harder at the gym to make any gains while normal men don't have this problem. To compound that, the last time I got a blood test and checked my testosterone my total T was legit the level of an old man and my DHEA was low. Of course, there's no way for me to get TRT because it's "within the reference range" even though it's grossly inappropriate for my age. That's why I don't work out, because when you're not born normal, you can't fix all your problems with gym and koonfindoons and have shitty test levels and tiny chicken bones makes it extremely hard to put on muscle.

If I were to rate myself, I'd say I am a legit 0/10 because I'm sexually invisible. I'm not even an option. Last man on Earth type of deal. Tell me: what could I offer a woman that millions upon millions of men who have normal, non-deformed bodies don't?

>> No.10100848

Ah an other classic case of body dysmorphia.

>> No.10100869
File: 50 KB, 500x500, fosters-lager-can-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does al/ck/ think of this beer?

>> No.10100883


Meme beer. Aussies don't even drink that shit.

>> No.10100886

Do you have to be a foster parent to get this beer?

>> No.10100887

Yeah sure, body dysmorphia. When I never met a male with the same size wrist as me, it's just me being silly and imagining things. That must be why everyone always wants to fight me. It's not because I look like a weak faggot, it's because they're looking for a challenge.

Just last Saturday a guy on the street grabbed my phone out of my hand as I was looking at the map and was teasing me and telling me to watch where I'm going. I'm sure that he would have done the same to a big buff nigger. My looking like a pathetic feminine twink has nothing to do with it.

The funny thing is that you'd think this sort of shit wouldn't happen as you get older, but the older I get the more often I seem to run into these other men who see me as an opportunity to assert themselves so naturally they'll threaten and harass me (ie "you good? got a problem?" if I make eye contact, trying to make me flinch by swinging at me, grabbing my shit, making derogatory or belittling comments to me). This kind of shit actually hardly ever happened when I was a kid but it seems to happen every week now.

>> No.10100899

How old are you

>> No.10100909

are you high son
no bitch is going to reject you for having a bunch of battle scars. She might reject you for being timid, submissive, boring or having low self-esteem though - all traits that can be fixed
>b-but self-improvement is impossible, id rather wallow in self-pity in my short time on this rock flying through space

>> No.10100913

Dang he might be actually planning on trying to get some good evidence on you then to get you put away.
I may have been on to something earlier.

not the guy you just replied to btw , the guy from earlier.

>> No.10100920

Turning 27 this year.

>> No.10100924

Get one of these they might help in your life endeavors.

>> No.10100937

At least you're not as bad as Andy Milonakis.

>> No.10100951
File: 563 KB, 569x802, cia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just become a big guy

>> No.10100960


Too true. I have ugly facial scars and most women don't care. If they ask I just say I fell down some stairs so they don't suspect what a piece of shit I am.

>> No.10100961


And its worse because you have a record now with the police on alleged domestic cases involving violence. So now all they need is 1 shred of evidence that you are ULTRA-VIOLENCE and you get put away for a domestic charge.

You don't notice any weird black electronics that are unexplained in the house do you?
Or hell even a cheap tape recorder in his pocket could fuck you over at this point with that kind of past history of cops having to come out there.

>> No.10100982

Why don't you just evict him then? Seriously, this guy is trying to ruin your life. Just let go.

>> No.10100983

Thats a good point though, This guy is obviously up to no good. He's out to get anon

>> No.10100989

Oh yeah and a silver and black box sounds like a cheap tape recorder.

>> No.10101028




>> No.10101035

You are still relatively safe though if you live in these states.
>New Hampshire
>Washington (not D.C.)

As they are two-party consent states and he cannot audio-record you without your consent 90+% of the time.
Although any other state he can record you without your consent and it is admissable in court.

But I dont know the laws for camera video recordings.
Hell some PD will provide frequent domestic assault or disturbance households with basic equipment to record just because they are sick of going out there and want it settled.
Police HATE domestic calls, as they are dangerous or downright screaming matches.
It is a fuckton of paperwork for them too sometimes.
So to get a Repeat Domestic house settled and dealt with is a relief on the police.

What do you think though man? He's played games like this before according to you.

>> No.10101061

hi hello yes i am alcohol this is thread for me?

>> No.10101169

just remember to stay off the meth ;)

>> No.10101327

Same here, I love that look on their face when they are surprised I didn't just take the disrespect, like many others have probably walked away. I'm just gets my blood going, I love it.

>> No.10101875

where is everyone, tell me a story about your peepee goin in a vee if ur here

>> No.10102504

>>10101875 >>10101025

>> No.10102575

>Tyskie beer
God tier.

>> No.10102575,1 [INTERNAL] 

Our high class escort agency offers you stunning classy models to escort you and bring you ultimate pleasure. Each of our young ladies is very attractive, charming, well educated and very discreet at all times.