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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 654 KB, 3264x1836, V0RhTqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10100719 No.10100719 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like the other one 404'd.

Post your last homemade pizza.

I made this one for a family super bowl party.

It came out greasier than I wanted. Used just a bit too much cheese.

>> No.10100729
File: 571 KB, 3264x1836, Q63SbqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before shot. Fresh mozzarella, provolone, and parmesan.

>> No.10100740
File: 365 KB, 3264x1836, woWR5he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crème de la crumb.

>> No.10100748
File: 355 KB, 1836x3264, 5fuO8gi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried out mesh pans this time. I am satisfied with them for sure. It really gives that pizzeria look to the bottom of the crust.

>> No.10100761
File: 104 KB, 720x1280, photo_2018-02-04_16-12-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually simmer the sauce, but it was kinda watery so I did. Lots of garlic as well made it almost like marinara moreso than 'za sauce. But it worked.

>> No.10100768
File: 644 KB, 3264x1836, 1hOW9Fq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this one is a slightly better pic of the whole pie.

>> No.10100806
File: 1.17 MB, 3214x1970, _20171210_133923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go.
Best one i ever made

>> No.10100813

Looks more like a salad in a bread bowl than a pizza, but the crust looks good anyway.

>> No.10100814

did you eat it all at once?

>> No.10100818

NICE salad

>> No.10100834

Dude I only got one piece of the damn thing. My family tore that shit up.

>> No.10100879


>> No.10100923
File: 44 KB, 540x304, za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a small 4x4 a couple weekends back. Definitely too much sauce. Otherwise a delightful trip to heartburnland.

>> No.10100929

Not bad, not bad.

My next adventure is definitely gonna be trying to make a legit Detroit style.

Gotta order that brick cheese off the internet to make it authentic, because I don't think I've ever seen it around these parts.

>> No.10100931

I got me a mesh pan, but was my first time making pizza and burned it

>> No.10100940
File: 173 KB, 688x620, olfetsau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10100948

I wanted to make it Detroit-style (hence the pan), but it didn't work out sadly. Turned out to be more of a deep-dish consistency crust-wise.

>> No.10100950

why would you put a whole cayenne pepper on a pizza?

>> No.10100967

>raw tomatoes

>> No.10100977

The mesh pan is the way to go for sure because it also doubles as a cooling rack. My first few years making pizza I would always just let it cool in the pan, and that is just absolute murder to the crust's crispiness. Just straight up RIP to any crispiness.

I'm gonna try with a pizza stone next time, maybe get a better char on the bottom.
Yeah I will definitely have to do my research and see what they do differently with the crust.

>> No.10100987

>what they do differently with the crust
they add poverty.

>> No.10100997

What's with all those stems? Are you just supposed to bite chunks off of that single long pepper or eat it all on one slice?

>> No.10101003

I think they use lard or butter to line the pan for the crispy outer crust. Not so much dough preparation as choice of pan lining, and quality of said pan.

>> No.10101029
File: 225 KB, 1265x949, orkza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's 'ork 'za, the best pizza style.

This one is from a few months ago, don't have any more recent pics.

>> No.10101036
File: 92 KB, 655x873, pizza upskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the goods

>> No.10101047

I just bit chunks off it, yes

>> No.10101052

That is not what you should be going for... Crust should have some body and not droop down like that. You would be spit on in jew york

>> No.10101065

only not

>> No.10101139
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x2000, 1501257542092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burnt but tasty. Please don't bully my autistic choice of topping thanks.

>> No.10101143

would you like some pizza with your disgusting pool of grease?

>> No.10101151


>> No.10101153

Damn dude...I am humbled. Please tell me how you get that kind of char.
Yeah, it got too thin in the middle when I was stretching it.

Not sure how to stretch it by hand without that happening.

It did have a really nice flavor, at least.

Should I use a rolling pin? Or would that mash it too badly?

>> No.10101159

did you make/eat it?

>> No.10101163
File: 29 KB, 338x450, ud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>char supreme

>> No.10101325

I NEED to hear from this guy.

Right now I refuse to believe this pizza came from a home oven.

>> No.10101364
File: 116 KB, 960x960, za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one was from quite a while back. Star of the show was the sourdough crust.

>> No.10101680

Get your ass back in here.

>> No.10101710
File: 801 KB, 2048x1536, P1130549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a pizza about once a week.

>> No.10101726

>that crust
>those toppings
You need to start from square one.

>> No.10101744
File: 839 KB, 2048x1536, P2010588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, i think this is my most recent pizza
sorry, here's some other toppings
and spices and bacon fat in the crust is pretty good

>> No.10101891

Dude what the hell is going on with that crust?

>> No.10102023 [DELETED] 


>> No.10102033

cringed hard

>> No.10102036

I like it

>> No.10102104

How many threads will you post this in? It's okay to be a little proud but calm down.

>> No.10102220

Hey now, I've known the man for years, and he's a good person.

>> No.10102710

Fucking laughed

>> No.10102729

That's not funny it was very hurtful to me :*(

>> No.10102761
File: 383 KB, 827x759, deepdishhomemade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken years ago on a shitty htc, I've gotten a little better, but this is more or less how my pizza still looks.

>> No.10102773

Looks like deep dish to me.

>> No.10102788

Filename bruh.

>> No.10102807

Yeah I see it.

>> No.10102974
File: 92 KB, 190x190, 1517820616065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being in the same threads as me REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

But i lost all my other food pics because my phone died and it was stored on the phone's memory.

>> No.10103104


>> No.10103113
File: 271 KB, 2000x1333, lots_of_goodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's not a good pizza or a good salad. It's a very nice image as far as color and composition goes.

fuck. I long for the days when food was food, and not art.

>> No.10103259

i hope this is your first week

>> No.10103360
File: 156 KB, 467x623, mypizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nice dude, digging it

Pic related is my first try ever at pizza Margherita, made in an oven that could barely hit 200 degrees Celsius, but came out pretty ok, was impressed that the taste and the crust actually resembled to what I had when I went to Northern Italy. The sauce wasn't cooked before, just canned tomatoes that were drained, tried to keep it as close to the original recipe as possible. The only mistake I did was putting the basil on the pizza before cooking it.

>> No.10103409

Wtf do u kno

>> No.10103432
File: 1.01 MB, 2560x1440, 20170430_185718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a slice of the last one I took a pic of. I'm making one tonight. The dough (sourdough starter) has been rising overnight in the fridge and I'll post a pic if this hasn't 404'd by then.

>> No.10103476

You don't know when to stop, do you