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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10100569 No.10100569 [Reply] [Original]

Ask an anon at Golden Corral anything

>> No.10100570

How does it feel being surrounded by the dregs of western civilization?

>> No.10100571

do they have macaroni and cheese?
how many yeast rolls have you consumed?
what have you eaten so far?

>> No.10100573

is it everything you hoped for?

>> No.10100584

Do blacks ever go to Golden Corral?

>> No.10100598

It doesn't feel too great. It didn't happen this time, but last trip summed up the clientele pretty well:
>in steak line
>little kid comes up
>chef asks, "medium or well done?"
Also, anyone who asks for rare or "rarest you got" gets medium well

Yes. 0, they looked kind of shady. Having a buttermilk biscuit and other salad now (trying to stay healthy of course)

No one can beat the original Golden Corral anon

I count at last two black families. I went for Thanksgiving one very depressing year, and I saw a black downie throw up all over his table. It spanned at least one-and-a-half table lengths

>> No.10100614
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How accurate is this?


>> No.10100615

Is it true? Do they really have a cocoa fountain?

>> No.10100649

only blacks go to golden corral.

>> No.10100666

golden corral is my sexual fantasy. the one in town is very clean and nice but i have yet to go. no friends want to go with me, i live alone, etc.

is it a curse to visit golden corral alone?

post more pics anon plz

>> No.10100690

I dunno Satan. I went there a few times and regret the decision.

>> No.10100736


Is Jeff Foxworthy there swimming in the chocolate fountain?

>> No.10100754


Yes, along with all the ungodly things people do with it. Like dipping a steak in it.

>> No.10100759
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180205_165413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely exaggerated but well-written. Maybe California is different since Mexicans act differently than white people do

Yes, it's true

I sat across from a guy eating alone. Just go if you want to. Here's my current slop oshit

>> No.10100805

how do you stop yourself from gorging? i dont have enough self control to get just a "bite"

what is your course of action for the night?
how do you justify nearly $20 for a buffet if you don't stuff yourself?

>> No.10100815
File: 207 KB, 485x413, golden box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell stories about people smuggling food out to take home

>> No.10100840

I guess you can also think of a buffet as a way of sampling many different kinds of food at once. I always avoid things like rice or chow mein and I grab bites of things first, and if I like it I'll go back and get more.
My first thing is a plateful of all my favorites (like fried shrimp, fries, potato salad, steak or whatever beef thing they have), etc then I start sampling

>> No.10100844

I toss an ice cube into the wonderful every time I visit. How does this make you feel?

>> No.10100875

How many people are on oxygen tanks? How many people have those crazy diabetic calves?

>> No.10101063

Oh god, it's even worse than I imagined ffs.

>> No.10101090

Where are you now? On earth, I'm hoping.