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10089818 No.10089818 [Reply] [Original]

auuoʎıug topıc edıtıou

how you all getting on?

>> No.10089962

off me

>> No.10089988

A friend of mine asked me if we could kill a man for his bachelor party. So what do you want to do about this? I'd buy you some pussy first.

>> No.10089995

Just hit 90 days sober the other day. Today is 3 months but 92 days.

>> No.10089997
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>> No.10090003

pleased for you. gives us all a bit of hope.

>> No.10090009

they cut it with an extra 2.5% water. how is it though? work like a charm?

>> No.10090011

>tfw can only drink one day per week

>> No.10090020
File: 1.07 MB, 2087x2396, 0203181912_HDR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do I stop? Vodka is empty. Scotch is half way down. Terrible gut-busting rum is untouched.

>> No.10090026

Thanks man. I'm in AA, but my meeting attendance has dropped. I'm still working on my 4th step, but I need motivation to keep going. After my last bender I was pretty beat up and went everyday for almost a month straight. Now, I am back in order and going like every two weeks. Even lying to my sponsor about my meeting attendance, I blame it on not have a driver's license but I know it's just an excuse. I am also having thoughts such as not needing AA anymore. Very confused state.

>> No.10090033

tastes like general purpose alcohol at 37.5% really. which is nice as it gets you drunk while not tainting anything you decide to mix it with

>> No.10090038

day 3, smoking a lot of weed. Have appetite already.

>> No.10090042
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, 227974-gta-sa-2014-11-02-17-56-14-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever considered not being an alcoholic?

>> No.10090045

are people required to go to AA or some shit?

>> No.10090051

I hate it

>> No.10090061

if its worked so far keep going bud. that fourth step scared the shit out of me so i never did it or make amends to people. takes some courage.

>> No.10090062

then just don't go lol

>> No.10090065

Is there anything wrong with being an alcoholic if I'm happy? I almost always feel pretty content with life.

>> No.10090069

Wait for it...

>> No.10090072

godspeed anon

>> No.10090077

you probably aren't an alcoholic then

>> No.10090082

most alcoholics start getting withdrawals if they dont drink. that traps you. a lot of alcoholics hate being trapped like that but its so unpleasant to quit. this is eventually where youll be if youre an alcoholic. its fun until you start losing jobs getting arrested and going to hospitals

>> No.10090083

how much do you drink a day ?

>> No.10090087

what's the best potato vodka

>> No.10090091

Makes sense. I've only been drinking heavily for a year or two.
Half a handle and some beer, not really sure. Depends if I'm alone or with people too.

>> No.10090100

Who has an over-the-counter hangover remedy? I take:
>caffeine 150mg + L-Theanine 200mg
>Ashwaghanda 1000mg
>Emergen-C (general vitamin supplement) (1000mg Vit C)
>GABA throughout the day, not sure dosage
>Probiotic for shitting
Anything I'm missing? I used to smoke pot, but not anymore.

>> No.10090111

a beer or three over the course of the day will help too

>> No.10090115

Some are, but I am not required. I went because I literally could not stop drinking. I was about to lose my apartment, job, and girlfriend. Also my parents were about to drop contact with me. So, I am not required to go, but I think I should since I have gotten my shit together and I think AA helped. I even stopped smoking weed and no benders. Not even a sip of booze.
I know what you mean. It's bringing back terrible memories writing all that shit down. I'm afraid to even think about facing those memories again for amends. But, I guess I'll take it one day at a time.

>> No.10090117

gaba powder that you buy otc doesnt cross the blood brain barrier btw. i used to try that. wouldl take like 8 tablespoons. did nothing.

>> No.10090131

Don't listen to >>10090077. The addiction starts to kick in before things start to go bad and once you're addicted you'll never not be addicted. You should test yourself. If you take a dry week, and spend some time during that period feeling like a drink even when you're busy with something important, you're on your way and should probably take a much longer break. If, when you return to booze, you feel a deep euphoric excitement when you're on you way to your first drink, just stop. Your brain has become wired in such a way that alcohol will ultimately drag you down.

>> No.10090139

Get Phenibut, although be careful as it only affects GABA(A), well slightly on GABA(B)

>> No.10090149

I've never tried it by itself. It's kind of a bi-weekly thing that I added in because why the fuck not? I made to decision to fuck up my body the night before when I was sober. Is there a reason otc GABA doesn't work or could it just have been the stuff you were using?

>> No.10090152

Thanks dude I'll give it a try. (next week)

>> No.10090157

I've heard phenibut has bad withdrawals. I guess this is RUS al/ck/

>> No.10090185

It does. That's why I only use it twice a week and only 1.5g. I have done Xanax withdrawals, alcohol withdrawals, and Opana withdrawals each multiple times. I've researched this carefully. I took a risk taking anything addictive as I have low self control but I have no problem waiting a few days to take this. It helps me quite a bit. I take 1 day on then 2 days off.

>> No.10090187

i will check it out thx

it doesnt go to your brain by oral route. its first-pass metabolised before it gets there. google if you want more in depth explanation

>> No.10090195

reposting >>10090148 in here so I can get more input.

>> No.10090213

Very interesting stuff, fellas. Thanks, I'm going to look more into all of this stuff.

>> No.10090226
File: 188 KB, 900x1200, vodka_zub1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a bottle of this in the cabinet calling out to me but I'm trying desperately not to drink.

>> No.10090237

I don't know as a matter of scientific fact, but it's probably genetic in some cases, dude. Cilantro tastes differently to some people. Asparagus doesn't make everybody's piss smell. It's a good thing you don't like a horrible, crippling drug. Maybe when you're 50 you'll still look 35 and we'll all have killed ourselves.

>> No.10090241

sounds like a real pickle. in the future i suggest only buying enough booze for one night. dont keep extra around.

>> No.10090251

That's some of the best vodka I've ever had. Not saying much, really. I drink the cheap shit. That shit is pretty good.

>> No.10090260

My parents are heavy drinkers and I, being the 27 year old manchild that I am, still live with them. I largely acquired the habit from them and they drink three days a week. There's always a ton of alcohol lying around. Many bottles of wine, lots of tall boys of beer, lots of 710 ml cans of beer, and several bottles of hard liquor. But yeah, it is my fault that the Zubrowka is with me since I did buy it myself, originally intending to drink it. I usually can't stomach much regular vodka anymore but the Zubrowka is extra smooth.

>> No.10090273

ah, a real pickle indeed!

>> No.10090285

I drank like a pint of vodka every day for about 4 years, age 18-22, I took about a 2 month break and went back to drinking heavily for 3 months. Usually like 14 beers 5 days a week.

I stopped that about 3 months ago and now i've only drank twice since time.

My liver (i think) still hurts, it's like in my right shoulder blade and kind of under my ribs. What's the problem?

Also if you have trouble quitting then just go to bed earlier, turn on a movie and sit there and try to fall asleep instead of drinking.

>> No.10090297

Oops reddit spaced, i'm not good at writing paragraphs. Anyways for you guys who quit drinking and had friends who still drink, how did you find new friends? All my friends only go to bars and that's my only place I got any social interaction. I don't go to school or have hobbies (other than vidya) where I can meet new people

>> No.10090305

I drinking your way through a cold a bad idea?

>> No.10090329

Stopping drinking after years of abuse isnt going to suddenly fix your liver. Fatty liver and cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) is permanent.

>> No.10090365

Yes, it will literally make you die.

>> No.10090366

grass flavored vodka???

i don't get it. seems gross

>> No.10090376

how do i learn to drink like a man

>> No.10090399

Best strong alcohol for social drinking?

>> No.10090421

"What's the best cigarette for coping with stress?"

>> No.10090424

Buy some IPAs. Tastes like body odor smells. Also bitter. Also high alcohol.

If you can get drunk on 12 IPAs in one sitting I would gladly eat a raw cow together with you.

>> No.10090454

I drink IPA's when I'm with my older brother. Though some I've had are fucking foul (the rooster on the cover one). What do you reccommend?

>> No.10090468

The bitterness is measured by IBU's (international bitterness units). Lower, the less bitter. Definitely go for lower IBUs. Some nutcases like IBUs up around 80-100. It's like getting gangbaged by nuclear powered Hops plants

>> No.10090473

Dogfish Head IPA is my favorite. Not very bitter. Just enough hops to make it an IPA without ruining the experience. They make several varieties, just ask the liquor store people which one is the least bitter.

>> No.10090573

IPAs are soy in a bottle
Low hop beers and Scotch, be a real man for Chist's sake

>> No.10090589

Protip: it's never going to be enough

>> No.10090593

Sneaky Pete, if you can find it

>> No.10090595

this. if you drank that damn much and you dont even feel drowsy, its time to switch to another drug for a while. let your tolerance go down.

>> No.10090597

I wasn't going to drink tonight but I caved
I was only 2 days sober damnit

>> No.10090599

harder on weekends. dont beat yourself up but dont start drinking at 1am sunday and go all day.

>> No.10090602

A.A. might very well not be helping you, that's a strong possibility. I was in it for a time, I think the fact that most AA guys don't admit is that it really doesn't help that many people.

If you honestly feel like it's not helping you, then don't bother with it, it's counterproductive.

Of course, as an addict, you have to determine whether it's not really helping you, or if you're just making excuses to go back to drinking.

Then, if you determine it isn't working, you now have to find something that does. So...get to it.

>> No.10090609

fatty liver is not permanent

>> No.10090614

Thanks for the honest advice. I have a lot of thinking to do on this. Most people irl would just tell me to stay because they are afraid I'll relapse again if I quit AA, and my relapses are very frightening.

>> No.10090615

yeah man I get so bored on the weekend but I don't have any hobbies or at least not any that I still keep up with

>> No.10090619

No. I'm totally fine with any alcoholic who is genuinly happy with it, and it isn't ruining their life.

The caveats with that are, for one everybody really enjoys it at first. For another, it doesn't last, if you pursue this long enough, it will make you fucking miserable and suicidal.

There's been a rare few people who have been at it for decades who at least claim they still love it, and it hasn't ruined their life. I question whether their being honest with themselves, but if they are, fuck it, good for them. If not, then they're not in the right state of mind to quit anyway...so still fuck it.

>> No.10090622

gotta make some time outside of the house/apartment. its nice to go for an hour or two walk on weekends. give it a try.

>> No.10090648

I've been sober for two years, only one of those I was in AA. I was worried about quitting too, but I got fed up with AA types and quit, haven't had any problems at all.

In fairness, I was never big into AA, and I don't even credit my recovery to it. It helped somewhat, but I got way more help from just regular therapy.

The key is, however you still need to be actively working on your recovery, AA or not.

>> No.10090654

Bros, is anything better than an ice cold, bone dry rosé? Give me your suggested vineyards, I like Wagner and Damiani the most but they're both NY and I want to branch out.

>> No.10090655

agreed. no matter what you do always keep your nose to the grindstone and keep working on your recovery.

>> No.10090656

You mean like staying spiritual and praying, meditating etc.

>> No.10090685

I dunno, if that's what helps you. I mean, ultimately the cure for you are going to have to figure out the cure to YOUR problem yourself, nobody else can really tell you.

Everybody's alcoholism is different. I never met another drunk who drank the same I did. All our brains are wired different, you have to figure out what you're cure is.

The biggest advice I can give anybody is seriously examine what your hopes and dreams are. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? What's keeping you from doing that? I tend to think not having answers to these questions is what leads people into alcoholism in the first place.

>> No.10090702

Thanks a lot. That line of self questioning is what got me drinking in the first place.

>> No.10090738

Im drinking a 6 pack a day, will I make it to 50s?

>> No.10090773

Yea, but you will be fat and look like you're 65.

>> No.10090859

Give it a year or two and it'll be a twelve pack.

>> No.10090901

Thanks for posting new bread in the last one
Anyone here know a good mixer for spiced rum that isn't a dark soda?

>> No.10090918


>> No.10090922

you could try replacing tequila and make a rum sunrise using orange juice and grenadine

>> No.10090945

Lukskowa, not sure of the spelling. Its between 20-25$ a handle. Pretty good, especially if chilled

>> No.10090949

seconding this. monoplowa is a distant 2nd

>> No.10090960

was posting in the old al/ck/ thread up until it died. woops. oh well went to the liquor store cause beer just wasn't cutting it, ended up with a handle. this should end well.

>> No.10090968
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How long has everyone here gone without a shower or bathing while on a bender?

Two weeks here. I asked the question last thread and got some interesting replies

>> No.10090975

You're an amateur. When I quit meth I was drinking all day every day until passing out. Then I'd wake up and start drinking again. At that time, I went without showering for two or three weeks at a time. I only caved and showered when the ass itch would get really unbearable.

>> No.10090976

Just drink your piss. Alcohol is excreted in urine. Don't drink any water, though.

>> No.10090981

ok but only if i can put my piss through a brita filter first

>> No.10090982

I don't understand this. I drink a fifth a day and still take showers and do my laundry.

>> No.10090993

I think that what leads people to alcoholism... or at least what makes me want to drink, is the frustration of having those hopes and dreams hopelessly unfulfilled. Knowing that it's too late and all the doors have closed for me. Knowing that this is my life now. It's unbearable to think about. Remembering my younger self is horrible. Like watching a horror movie where you know exactly what's about to happen and you know exactly how it can be avoided, but the idiot characters do the opposite anyway because otherwise there would be no plot.

>> No.10091001

Well keep in mind that my situation in particular wasn't typical. I was coming off a stimulant drug that actually damages the part of your brain that is responsible for basic routines like maintaining your hygiene. That's why those "faces of meth" people from that old campaign were all fucked up looking with no teeth. It's not so much the drug itself that did it, it's that they would stay up for days eating nothing but junk food, chainsmoke, and not brush their teeth or shower.

>> No.10091012

Anyone play video games when drinking?
I'm really sick of all my PS4 games rn and want to shoot shit. What's the best fps out there rn?

>> No.10091018

Yeah, honestly I've never know any meth addicts or even seen meth in real life. This, coming from a Detroiter who's done every other drug under the sun. Shit just isn't real big, here.

>> No.10091021

next time just get 8.5% flavored beers like mikes harder lemonade. or a bottle of wine. never buy 40%.

>> No.10091022

Timesplitters 2

>> No.10091024

never have really drank wine, not sure how it would go
and just want to get black out and wake up tomorrow(or not)

>> No.10091033

listen man. im someone who has been where you are going. avoid spirits. try to get drunk on beer and if you cant, get a bottle of wine. but never get spirits. they lead to laying in bed for 3 days sweating, not sleeping, being totally anxious.

>> No.10091036

Got it for GC, but it's in storage

>> No.10091043

also get white wine, not red. white wine is much easier on the body.

>> No.10091050

I only wish I had three days to lie in bed. I swear I would vote for prohibition again given the chance.

>> No.10091051

oh i've been there myself
just got done a week ago

was considering it while at the store but eh fuck it

>> No.10091056

tapering down with beer makes quitting alcohol possible. its not fun but you wont suffer any health hazards. if you want more info on the process let me know. ive done it a few times.

>> No.10091064

I imagine Detroit is more of a coke kind of place. Meth is for Aryan national socialists.

>> No.10091074

>white wine is much easier on the body.
Not when you start drinking two bottles at a time and it burns your throat and burns a hole in your stomach.

>> No.10091080


You're looking for Gary, Indiana.

>> No.10091098

Yeah, coke, heroin, and mdma are everywhere. Also rc's and prescription shit is abundant. Poor black people usually smoke crack, white people shoot smack. Honestly the best I ever felt in my life was on oxy, adderall, weed, and smoking a cigarette. That opiate/amphetamine combo is fucking killer. Maximum dopamine.

>> No.10091135

all wine is acidic. take a tums.

>> No.10091296

I used to drink cases of trader joes wine for like free it seemed like, is that still a thing?

>> No.10091298

Yesterday was another friday that I drank a whole 12 pack of beer plus whiskey.
Rinse, repeat.

>> No.10091324


>> No.10091354

Sup al/ck/s
What's the verdict on bulimia/long periods of not eating and being an alchy?

>> No.10091369
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It's probably not too healthy, but at least you aren't a fatass piece of shit like me. I eat like 3 meals worth when drunk

>> No.10091376
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Alcohol is a godsend.
Alcohol + Music + Nap is the best combo of all time.

>> No.10091414

bad for your pancreas and kidneys. longterm alcoholics die from various things but pancreatic cancer and kidney failure are at the top of the list.

>> No.10091420

Been sitting on the toilet for almost 20 mins. Liquid shits.

Haven't drank im and little over a day. Idk why this has b happening the past few hours. I did buy a 40 of ice house just to keep in the fridge to try to get myself to feel reassured.
Pretty sure I'm about to grab it

>> No.10091434

try to eat a piece of toast. if possible after that eat a vitamin.

>> No.10091447

Will do. I've been religious about the multivitamins lately, but do they really even help, or is it effective after a loooong time of taking them, like everyone irl tells me?

>> No.10091453

b1, folic acid, and elecrolytes. you need all of those if you are a serious drinker.

>> No.10091457


they help right away.

>> No.10091477

Dude the liquid shits are the worst. I started taking metamucil 2 scoops 2x a day and it's a lot better

>> No.10091541

still waiting for an al/ck/ telegram group

>> No.10091554

There was a chat, but everyone but me passed out within like 15 mins -_-

>> No.10091569

yeah lol
telegram is way more practical (and comfier)

>> No.10091588
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>drank all my usual booze
>about 25-30 standard drinks
>I don't feel drunk
>not even buzzed
It begins.

>> No.10091591

fuck. i drank during a headache and my brain feels really warm and in danger.im gonna be retarded when i wake up. my brain feels so fragile and hot

>> No.10091623

You're . Just play Super C until you die. Up up down down left right left right a b a b select start.

>> No.10091632

you're dead* that's what I typed

>> No.10091639

ya'll ever seen that youtube video of the drunk end stage slob guy who was propped up half dead in front of the camera with his face all puffed up and snot dripping down his nose looking brain dead while his old grandmaw squawked at the camera about how the gubment should give her some gibsmedats for making her retarded alcohol maniac son quit drinking? he just stares at the camera the whole time and at one point he grunts out "SHUT UP" and it barely sounds human lmao. end stage alcoholism is pretty cool huh.

>> No.10091647

Dude was prolly anal probed by the greys. Fuck aliens, man.

>> No.10091655

the 10 guy code for super C is right left down up a b start.

>> No.10091667
File: 105 KB, 508x285, feels about right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I drink, I just hope I don't get alcohol poisoning

>this time

>> No.10091674

This is literally how every alcoholic feels before their life suddenly takes a shit turn and they're fucked. Don't fall for that no matter how your dumbass brain tries to reason it.

>> No.10091687

Ok I may be tipsy but I wasn't totally wrong https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konami_Code

>> No.10091710

just wait for it my man, it will come to you without you even noticing it
you are only happy because you are drinking

>> No.10091726

the konami code doesn't work for super c.

>> No.10091754

drink water then dummy

>> No.10091757

Whatever, battletoads was better anyway. Just hit select twice when you're droppin into level one.

>> No.10091787

>Be long term alcoholic
>Get job because feeling good
>First pay check get a bottle of vodka to celebrate my new path
>End up starting to drink most days
>Not affecting job, just feel a little sluggish but still really happy
>Keep drinking, wake up one morning and cba go to work, ring up (it's only once why not right?)
>Gets to afternoon, bored so have a drink
>Wake up feeling like shit but go to work, still happy
>Keeps going for a couple of weeks
>One hungover morning decide I'm quitting, ring them up and tell them

done this 3 times now I'm genuinely wondering if there's something seriously defective with me. I'm currently in the find a job stsge after no more money.

>> No.10091811
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I'm on cycle 2 of this path. am currently going back to school for a CS degree, because I liked coding the most during one of my post college jobs. also i hated all the jobs i had so far

>> No.10091937

still 3 beers left boys
please you are the only people i talk to

>> No.10091950

I just got kicked out of dajavu. A seedy strip club in ypsilanti Michigan

After blowing 190 dollars

>> No.10091958

What you want?

quit going to strip clubs

>> No.10091967

not nearly as good as dude weed + little liquor + music + anything

>> No.10091988

>quit going to strip clubs

How am I supposed to get pussy then

>> No.10091990

Use your imagination while playing with yourself. It's a cheaper and more honest lie.

>> No.10092002

tell me how the fuck you'd even "get pussy" drunk at a strip club, you're wasting booze money. find girls with daddy issues

>> No.10092003

My imagination won't suck my dick in the back room

>> No.10092004

what the fuck do you not have gf or wife?
Go get one
Or better yet use your hand and fap.
Dont wait your dosh at the club.
Go get a wife or a fwb or a gf,

>> No.10092006

Your imagination won't coax you into buying cheap sparkling white "champagne" for five times its value.

>> No.10092007
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>you're wasting booze money. find girls with daddy issues

I'm rich nigga.

Also those girls already have daddy issues

>> No.10092011

Why hasn’t it helped, do you screw it up and get drunk? That’s what kept happening to me so I kept having to go cold turkey. After the 100tj time going through that HELL though it became absolutely unbearable, and I’d welcome a taper. I find it’s best to not calculate it at all, not count units or set deadlines. What I do is to buy a crate of 24 x 500ml @ 8% (K cider) and drink one if things become unbearable. It’s still necessarily very uncomfortable, but it’s faitly safe and massively less agonising than just stopping. If you feel good, you’ve had too many. Within a week to ten days I can get clean by this method, in fact I’m on day 4 of it now, again, and have woken feeling ok.

>> No.10092015

Who virging here!

>> No.10092017
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>> No.10092034

j-just to chat man, no need to get grumpy

>> No.10092035
File: 214 KB, 1051x732, normalfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. the most normal normalfag

>> No.10092039

It sounds like your drinking is yet to be out of control. When the booze takes hold and you’re just holding on for dear life, it’s anything but fun

>> No.10092046

Yeah, when you stop getting drunk and just need to drink to make that horrible omg I'm gonna have a heart attack feeling in your chest go away.

>> No.10092052

What’s that?
I’d love a sponsor, and to be one for someone. The only people I know irl are sober family members and total addicts who aren’t even trying to clean up.
It’d have to be a girl though, caring about a guy would feel too gay.

>> No.10092054

nothing gay about being there for a fellow alcoholic and holding him softly when he needs it

>> No.10092058

kissing his tears away and gently whispering reassurance, stroking his hair calmly and rocking until he finally drifts to sleep

>> No.10092059

pretty much this

Also female al/ck/s are rare because, well, you know why
had a telegram Irish friend but he stopped going to telegram for some reason
I hope he is doing OK, he was waiting for a job interview

>> No.10092064
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Better pic

>> No.10092070
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>> No.10092072

nothing normal about a guy like me.
Gtfo out of her to >>R9k you faggot.
Feeling jealous that some people have a significant other even when you are an al/ck/ and broken person?

The fact you have that picture saved is some R9k shit.
Unless Im getting reversed trolled and you are actually pretending to be retarded,

>> No.10092076

I bet they aren’t rare, just shy. Plus the /r9(al)k/ element would shred them

>> No.10092080

how hard must one hold onto the floor iun order to not fall off? need to kno for a friend of mine.

>> No.10092083

They're not rare at all, and certainly not shy. They just look like they're 35 by the time they're 25, and over 40 by the time they're 30. People just don't care about women who look over 30, so they go unnoticed.

>> No.10092094

nothing gay about caressing a bro when he needs it most, discretely checking that his manhood is ok, for reassurance

>> No.10092109

if you have had sex you are a normalfag and dont belong on this website. you have graduated and would fit in more on reddit or tumblr
>b-but muh alcoholism
shut the fuck up you pussy-crushing cunt. its good that you are successful in reproduction but you dont belong on a taiwanese cartoon forum with a bunch of teenage autists

>> No.10092117

spotted the teenager

>> No.10092129

spotted the incel
get lost , i was on this website long before I had friends or a wife.
you are here forever you fucking kid.
Post Drivers license with the sensitive info censored and prove you aint a kid.

Even if you are you are a basement dweller , We aint all r9k here you faggot.
Some of us have jobs and children, wives and responsibilities.

>> No.10092139

You need to understand that this place isn't for you. Just because you failed to move on doesn't mean it still gets to be yours. It's you who needs to tolerate us, not us who need to tolerate you. We are the central culture here. You are the intruders.

>> No.10092141

>get lost you incel

what the fuck happened to this website? is the normalfag takeover complete? where the fuck am i going to discuss the hierarchy of waifus and alcoholism now

>> No.10092145

>we/you convo
Fuck off with that weak shit like you speak for any of us besides yourself. Defend yourself and stop using this "us/we" shit like it means anything.

>> No.10092150

Go back to Facebook, domestic.

>> No.10092151

guys, stop fighting, almost all of us are incels (literally), and the ones of us that aren't it's because they drunk scored because, well, alcohol

we are al/ck/s before anything else

>> No.10092186

>facebook now
Cry harder, faggot. You have no backing. Grasp more desperately for fallacies.

>> No.10092199

haven't had a drink in 3 weekss after drinking over 800mL of vodka a day for 16 months

reminder that you're all weak pathetic people and you allow alcohol to have the "control" over you to avoid any self accountability

you can stop drinking if you wanted to, it's not hard

>> No.10092202

I hope you're as proud of your wife as she must be of you. Why don't you invite her to the computer and show her what you've been doing?

>> No.10092213
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>deepfakes of Emma Watson
>Thurman released her story of what happened when she was 16
>day 4 sober, WD horn is savage
>Taylor Swift, Victoria Justice, Zoe Kimball and Maisie Williams still exist
Multiple overlapping dickstress calls

>> No.10092214

fucking hiccup I is fucking annoying what the fuck

>> No.10092225

Shoo, ignoramus.
Yeah it’s FUCKING annoying, hurts like hell too if your gi tract/respiratory sys are inflamed at the time

>> No.10092238

My method:
>grab a glass of water (needed for drinking anyways)
>hold breath
>count to twelve while taking a sip during each count
>exhale once you reach 12
if that fails you 2 times move onto the next method

>> No.10092240

have you tried breathing in a plastic bag yet

>> No.10092337

I'm drunk enough to hit up a girl I really like but not too drunk to type competently. My heart's still beating so fast after messaging her. Send well wishes pls you guys

>> No.10092340

Whoops. You're not gonna feel so good tomorrow morning.

>> No.10092352

My dick sends its well-wishes to yours

>> No.10092377

Yeah, I had it bookmarked actually but it seems it was taken down. Idk if anyone made a mirror. I think that dude had alot more going on than just booze desu.

>> No.10092384
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Good luck dude, sincerely. If you thought it was a bad idea to msg her sober, you’ll blatantly think it was a horrific idea to do so while so rekt that you can barely type. Cringe is a part of al/ck/ life.
A trick I use when hitting on grils who are out of my league, is to imagine us ten years down the line, bored of fucking each other and about to go through an infuriating divorce. Sometimes works too well and I feel like knocking them out instead of seranading their gineys.

>> No.10092525
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I used to be a chad. then alcohol fucked me over.

>> No.10092534

I know but I feel good tonight and that's all that matters right now

Thanks bro

Thanks man. You're right, I'm already regretting it especially because she hasn't messaged back yet.
How does that trick translate into real life? You just talk to them like you've been with her for like 3 years already? Casual and shit?

>> No.10092542

Thank you anon, I just can't quit.

>> No.10092550

If you're in the western US i'll be your friend, anon

>> No.10092553

I rather be dead than fat, se la vi, God your own slef perception and others is harsh.

>> No.10092571

What are you even talking about dude.

>> No.10092596

I just want to go back to when drinking was enjoyable.

>> No.10092627

well lads was afraid i would wake up in the middle of the night
now its 330am and i gotta drink some more to get back to sleep should have just put up with wanting to die and getting an ok night sleep
oh well death soon but first superb owl

>> No.10092648

should be the next thread theme

>> No.10092665

lmao not gonna lie the time I took two tabs of acid and downed a bottle of scope I had an interesting time.

>> No.10092676

Eat some quick oats everyday, you need fibre stat. You'll see improvement within three shits.

>> No.10092684

This is strange, a parody but also a warning based on past experience.

>> No.10092690

It’s 4 am, I drank a gallon and a smaller bottle of vodka last night. Now I’m starting a new bottle. It’s cheap 100 proof bum vodka mixed with generic Mountain Dew and the Taco Bell in my stomach.

>> No.10092695

Sober several weeks. About 2-3 relapses this year. Health is not improving. Liver is in a very bad state. Nervous system is fried. Got severe paranoia. Problems walking and suffer from horrendous nightmares. 'Depression' is a problem. Complete lack of social interaction irl. Path of recovery will be a long one.

>> No.10092700

mountain dew

>> No.10092709

Guys it’s morning time and I’m drunk can we have a conversation

>> No.10092711

>About 2-3 relapses this year
well yeah if you're relapsing every other week you won't see much in terms of health. try to stay sober for a few months

>> No.10092747

I know that feel regarding several years of my life. Most specifically, a cocaine overdose I had at 18. I got a nice panic disorder out of the whole deal and now I look at my family and think about how life could have been. That my kids could have been able to grow up with a father who doesn't have these problems. That they deserve better.

Now, it's entirely possible that my family situation would have been totally different had I not done that. That overdose made me stop doing drugs and go to school. It made me do a lot of things which contributed to the stable life I now enjoy.

I tend to be a pessimist by default, but life is often more nuanced than that.

The pain is still real, but a man has to deal with it.

>> No.10092764

Had a cow growing up.
Mum would strain hair and shit through a few tea towels.
10litres per day.
Drank it from 4 till 15 daily. Never once got sick.

6’7” master race.

>> No.10092795

>next week

>> No.10092800
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Lasted two weeks
Don't know what to do with myself

>> No.10092807

>mfw do top quality cocaine
>get real anxiety attack for first time in life
>now I can't even sit at the poker table with panicking


>> No.10092823

Yeah, it's awful.

>> No.10092827

Yeah, I didn't even do it particularly frequently. Just too much, too much...

>> No.10092858

fuck lads how do I put off the fear without drinking more

>> No.10092874
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current mood

>> No.10092876

you can't

>> No.10092877
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Your options are to drink more, take benzos or wait like 3 days

>> No.10092880

yeah takes 2 at least for me to get back to feeling normal after a bender

>> No.10092892

Modalert (prescription for that made up Shift work sleep disorder) is amazing. Brings your head back, gives you energy, and helps a bit with the headache.

Enabled me to keep drinking too heavily for a few extra years. Now I'm on Naltrexone. Yay.

Also the guy who doesn't want the daughter for those who have been here a few months.

>> No.10092893

> woke up at 11:30AM
> played vidya for a while
> ate something at 1PM
> drank one beer while eating
> fucking sleepy

>> No.10092900

1-2x a week and I'm still holding down an office job.

>> No.10092902

>2 days
That is nothing dude, a normal hangover goes for about a day anyway. Wait until WD becomes a multi-week thing then come back.

>> No.10092905

Something like 5 months. If I tried to shower I’d just fall over.

>> No.10092923

i dont want to kill myself but i want to die
im tired of living

>> No.10092935

mild alcoholics are welcome here too

>> No.10092956

I don't get it. Why is it such a mystery in regards to how hangovers are formed and how to prevent them? For three years I drank straight liquor pretty much daily to intense inebriation, but I ended up with an actual hangover VERY infrequently, perhaps 10 times in those 1000+ times that I got absolutely loaded in those 3 years.

Be hydrated before you drink and make sure you're not hungry, drink water every now and then while you drink and have a meal at some point, after you finish drinking booze stay up for a while to drink lots of water and have another meal if you're hungry. This works every God damn time. No drugs are necessary, no needles or IVs, just food and water. Why is this so fucking hard to understand?! It works like a charm! I'm going to write a fucking book about this because I find it so fucking annoying that people say "you can't avoid hangovers" and bullshit like that!

>> No.10092986

No dude

>> No.10092992

Glad someone at least came to my defense against the incel faggot.
Hell i've been on this website over a fucking decade and he is trying to tell me it aint a place for me.
anyone whos been here that long isnt a "normie".
All the anti-relationship fags need to hop over to r9k and let the grown folk talk.
Even if you are some broken down al/ck/ with no friends and significant other you can stay, just the ones who go militant when someone says wife or gf are pathetic

>> No.10093013

people tell me ill fix my sleep cycle when i stop drinking

no help at all, still awake until 5-6a everyday

>> No.10093023

Yeah same. I once didn’t drink for seven months, still couldn’t fucking sleep. It’s one of the reasons I relapsed.
Booze sleep is horrific though, not cosy at all. Weed sleep is like having multiple orgasms on a cloud of gourmet food, money and tits.

>> No.10093029

ya relapsed a little, and booze sleep dosent really feel restful

>> No.10093047

Oh wow. Day 4 taper, woke feeling ok ish, took 200mg of tramadol for back pain, felt good. Just had a joint as well, and I feel great. Horey shit what a relief.
Guess I’ll have a drink to celebrate

>> No.10093048

booze sleep is horrific.
I wake up looking like I havent slept at all.
Im just excited for tuesday when I get to go back to my house and see my spouse and she just lets me sleep.
I waste my only off day sleeping typically.
I do live in care of a dementia patient and drinking and /ck/ are the only things keeping me from strangling her sometimes.
Fuck I hate this job but its the only way I have booze money atm.
I never get enough sleep here, everytime I manage to fall asleep she is awake again and pacing trying to find a bathroom so I have to instruct her (drunk as hell and tired) how to find and locate and use the bathroom.
Then I cant fall back asleep.
Excited to finally sleep on tuesday even if I shake awake every 30min-hour.

>> No.10093049

Eat three meals a day at set times, go to bed the same time every day. Other things to do
>stay hydrated
>actually do something with your day, need to be tired to fall asleep
>take multivitamins after dinner (c and any mens multivitamin)
>no processed food

>> No.10093062

mmmm I like taking the magical 400mg of tramadol.
If you space out your tramadol you can get a bigger buzz if you are consuming the 50mgs
but taking one 200mg and then one 200mg an hour or two later.
Never go above 400mg as it can cause seizures, especially in an alck
Also still jealous.
Tramadol is cool

>> No.10093069
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My uncle with 3 kids needs a bone marrow transplant from lupus. And guess who im the lucky guy. Its a 98% match. and he also needs one of my kidneys. Lucky me

>> No.10093078

It’s def cosy, after 400mg I can barely cross a damn road safely, but it’s the combo of tramadol and weed which I find is hypercosy. Almost no sleep in 3 nights, still in mild withdrawal but the anxiety is gone, and I feel so good it’s making me feel smug about it.
Now I’ve just gotta avoid relapsing or I’ll be straight back in hell

>> No.10093087

Too bad for him

>> No.10093090

disregard uncle , keep kidney

>> No.10093095

Keep the kidney anon

>> No.10093099

>that thread name and edition
you guys are really cool and edgy drinking alcohol

>> No.10093102

How much is he paying you for it?

>> No.10093119

Yeah at 400mg I just play video games like its my job.
All I can do on opiates is clean or play video games.
Last time I had tramadol I sat in front on a tv playing console Fallout 4 (shit game btw) but it enamored me for about 16-18 straight hours as I had 2 time release trams.
Something about it.
Or I like Morphine and FPS games
and Fentanyl gets me too fucking high to play anything or move sometimes.
Suboxone makes me clean my house.
tabs or percs make me just itch to death.
hydromorphone is the last one I have any experience with (got a bottle of like 80 4mg pills) so silky smooth to snort I swear.

Opiates are a treat to be honest.
So cozy

>> No.10093136

I don't know about bone marrow but you don't give up a fucking kidney ever.

Bone marrow sounds like a bitch to get. It's hard enough to get out beef bones AFTER its been cooked. I love my technological advancements but I don't dare look up how the fuck we get it out of living people or the side effects.

>> No.10093154

pretty sure they give you some drugs to release it into the bloodstream and take it out like blood

>> No.10093234

wow cool dude

I never got the appeal of going to the strippers. Mind you I've never been but what's the point of sitting in a dark shitty room with a boner among other dudes with boners wasting your money just to see some woman take off her clothes?

It's funny that people talk shit about strippers/sex workers when they're the ones making bank off drunk losers.

>> No.10093253

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's probably too late.

>> No.10093304


cheap and good for ya

>> No.10093389


Song for al/ck/

>> No.10093397

one of my favorite albums. every song is top tier.

>> No.10093473

what part of the brain? i have trouble maintaining routines and i dont do drugs

>> No.10093494

i prefer this.

>> No.10093503

I can't listen to music while sober, it's concentrated relapse fuel

>> No.10093537

I think this is going to be the end of my taper today. I literally can't do this anymore. I didn't sleep at all last night and my shits are insanely fucked right now, and I'm having to shit too often.

>> No.10093542

back to the hard stuff I guess
or are you going to detox?

>> No.10093668

And starting this taper has caused only 3 things.

>Projectile vomiting of beer foam
>explosive shits
>Nausea until I get enough of it down

it is impossible to get drunk off fucking beer right now.
Maybe it'll be better by tomorrow when I'll be able to go 1-2hours between beers.
But today is gonna be okay.

Gonna chug a few during the Superbowl watching.

>> No.10093719

just realized my beers were only 4.5%
no wonder i wanted liqur to supplment
shall be trying to get by with what i have today though

>> No.10093722

need to stop embarrassing myself pissed

>> No.10093758

What time is it where you live and how many have you had?

Two(not counting the mouthful of vodka I downed to get back to sleep at 3 or 4 this morning)

>> No.10093769

three beers and a vodka diet coke

>> No.10093770

I am off the hard stuff.
It's like after 10 years my system is even getting fucked off the soft stuff. I already went to a detox 2 years ago.

>> No.10093771

Just about noon.

I finished a liter of vodak I bought last night, plus a 12 pack of Beast. I don't feel remotely satisfied, but I've been too busy shitposting to drink more. I've been rummaging around my place for an unopened can that I might have left somewhere, but no luck. I need to go out and get more. Which will suck because it's Subpar Bowel Sunday.

>> No.10093786


>> No.10093793

Drank a coffee mug of bourbon at 4am
spilled some of it on myself in my sleep
Uhhh three beers since then and its 11:11am

Tapering is gay and I dont want this dang beer . I want my liquor, but I need to taper till I get a bit better.

>> No.10093801

None, incredibly. Tramadol, weed and the leftover feels of some nitrazepam yesterday have kicked the shit out of WD, so I'm dropping my taper today and tomorrow i'll be clean, woohoo!
>hold me ;_;

>> No.10093843

as long as you keep sweats and shakes away with your beer taper, its working. doesnt help the anxiety but were all adults.

>> No.10093849

Im sry mom. I disappointed u. Drunk for 6 mo in row

>> No.10093864

not sweatin and not shaking noticeably , Just my fingers are shaking a little if you stare at them.
Im just at that frustrated that I'm so damn tired stage.
I want to sleep but I'm working at a 24/7 on call job so I cant just sleep anytime.
But I can sit around and drink.

I just want a nap

>> No.10093870

im so tired
alcohol is exhausting

>> No.10093877
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>brush teeth
>spit blood for 20 minutes

>> No.10093889
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If you spend enough money they will fuck you. 200-500 and you 100% WILL get laid. I got let back in around 230am (they close at 6am) and brought a stripper home and got the soul sucked out of my dick

Cost the same as a hooker 99% of the time

>> No.10093891

I know that feel. I had my gums spontaneously bleed around a broken tooth at work for a while, I just kept swallowing hoping that no one would notice I looked like I just ate some kid's fresh, still-beating heart.

>> No.10093907

There was only one stripper club near me, and fatties/feminists protested so much that it closed down. Sucks, because it's like having a live menu of hookers to choose from. 90% of the time when I get a callgirl she's not as good looking as her pics.

>> No.10093928

You should sign up for the erotic review dot com. Reviewed hookers like eBay sorta, You really get what they advertise. It's like $70 a year or some shit. Helps avoid police and you get what you ask for

>> No.10093937
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>Having a carpet this clean
Dude do you even shit on the floor? This is what an alchie's carpet should look like, and the bed is only that clean because it's like 6 days old. Shame on you.

>> No.10093940

I just use adultwork.com, prostitution is legal here. The grils still never look as good as the pics though.

>> No.10093960
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Whew lad. That's a nice carpet

I just bought my house 3 months ago. Give it another year before it's your style

That fucking sucks man, Hookers are deceiving sometimes. It's not legal where I live so I just take what I get, I occasionally get let down by TER dot com though. Until buying pussy is legal for a few decades I'll take coked out strippers and pill head hookers

It sucks there is no quality control, I agree

>tfw spent at least 70 on water throughout the night because full nude clubs don't offer alcohol.

I had to walk a block to get drinks all fucking night

>> No.10094015

I just fucked a prostitute guys. I went down on her too. This never gets any easier. I always go in there desperate to fuck and come out regretting it and feeling dirty and disgusting. There is no mouthwash that will get rid of this feeling of shame. I don't know why I do it. Every time I do, I tell myself "this is the last time", yet I go back and do it again.

>> No.10094023

haha. man, thats rough.

>> No.10094026

Fuck it, Who cares?

We're all going to die one day, Probably sooner then later. Lets enjoy life while we are alive, Right?

I commend you for eating that hookers snatch, You are more of a man then I am.

Seriously though...Who the fuck cares? We are enjoying life as it goes by, So what you fucked a hooker or ate her pussy. You should feel like a badass for doing what 90% of liberal faggots and nu-males are too afraid to do.....Enjoy life and have fun while doing what you like.

I applaud you man. No joke

Life is very short, Have fun

>> No.10094032

That is pretty bad anon.

>> No.10094069

Is that cum?

>> No.10094081

It's piss, vomit, ash and spilled drinks. Some sections were so bad I cut the fuckers out and covered with a rug

>> No.10094109

That is pretty bad anon.

>> No.10094303

went and got antoher 40 even though i have a bunch (probably at least another 40) in the freezer
stuck that shit in a cupboard
got the cheese though so thats a plus
still have like 25 beer too

>> No.10094304
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>quit drinking 5 weeks ago
>replaced alcohol with a small pharmacy of narcotics and supplements
not sure if it's any better desu
losing weight at least....really fast.

>> No.10094314

I'm looking for a replacement. any ideas?

>> No.10094378

>don't think i've been throwing up into my trash can very badly
>go to replace bag
not sure how to feel about that

>> No.10094393
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>> No.10094409

The only drug I'd recommend you use to 'replace' alcohol, is weed, but LSD helped me to slow down on the booze too. I've only used it twice, but both times my problems, all of them, suddenly seemed incredibly trivial and easily conquered. As if I was seeing everything completely objectively, without any of the usual excuses/traumas which might hold me back. I stopped drinking for 3 days each time, before returning to normal, but with an increased awareness of how much we can unwittingly get stuck in an emotional rut.
But uh, yeah, weed.

>> No.10094443

You should be aware that drinking is a masculine is basically a meme. I fell for it a long time ago, and then just kept drinking for emotional reasons (a massive mistake you should never do) and then kept going because I got addicted after 5 years of it. 10 years total drinking now.

>> No.10094747

you guys shouldn't drink so much
also someone should bring me some beer

>> No.10094872

This guy gets it. Alcohol is actually quite feminizing. It inhibits your testes from producing androgens and makes your T plummet. Also, many think that alcohol hurts "just" your liver. Well when you develop cirrhosis, it also makes your balls atrophy (shrivel up) which completely destroys their function effectively neutering you. If you plan on drinking yourself to death, you better be sure you won't chicken out at the last minute.

>> No.10094899

I was literally incapable of talking to anyone outside of my own group of friends in university. Everytime we went out I needed to get drunk to make it tolerable and to make everything flow more easily. Still never wound up actually having a real relationship with a girl.

>> No.10094918

Yeah I myself never had any friends to begin with and even with alcohol I no longer have any inclination to try and reach out to anybody because I know how inferior I am and know that no one really has any desire to get to know me or spend time with me. Now that I am trying not to drink my weekends, instead of being structured around the evening drinking binge, consist of walking around the city aimlessly and then knocking myself out with benadryl or melatonin at night.

>> No.10095103

Why the fuck do I keep getting stale beer from the gas station for a taper. Some of this shit is downright skunked.
Or am I just gagging from being nauseated? And it is just getting expontentially bad .
Because it doesnt bother me when I buy mid-tier beer or better.
But when I get Natty anything I gag like hell now and occasionally just straight up vomit..

>> No.10095116


>> No.10095133

Natural Ice was the only dirt cheap beer I actually liked the taste of.

>> No.10095138

keystone, natural ice taste like watered down vomit. you get what you pay for.

>> No.10095145

>it's been 17 years since you first saw this
What. Happened.

>> No.10095161

Get a crate of Miller. It's the champagne of beer. Although you won't get drunk off of it.

>> No.10095175

normally I am okay with drinking natty ice as long as it is in 40oz form.
But in a can during a taper it makes me projectile vomit foam for the first 3-4 beers.
But when ever I finish a taper that foam vomiting goes away.
I guess my body is trying to reject cheap alcohol.
Good thing I magically acquired a 30 case of budweiser and it seems to go down smoother.

So my car has a fucking nail in the tire and is flat so I guess I drove over something when I was in my blackout.

Imma start hiding my fucking keys on a binge, because I havent drove sober in at least 6 months. And I just black out and end up with random shit I must have bought or stole and my car is parked all fucked up.
miller high life was my original taper beer that I would use to get off a bender.
too pricey for a poor boy like me.

>> No.10095192

the only ice beer i like to drink is either busch, or bud

>> No.10095201

i made it about 4 days without drinking until yesterday i suppose at least i am not drinking liquor.

>> No.10095214

i actually started to feel pretty good

>> No.10095226

17 years have past.

>> No.10095228


>> No.10095247


>> No.10095283

OH damnit, gonna make some superbowl food so I make 2 small supreme frozen pizzas
put shredded chicken and crumbled bacon on top , then alfredo sauce last 5 minutes.
adding ingredients as it bakes

Cut it into fourths for finger food fun.
>feel urge to piss
>walk into bathroom
>Go to whip it out
>realize I am still holding plate
>no clue how I didnt notice
>plate with every single bit lands in toilet.
>plate shatters
>hold back frustration and piss in sink instead

I spent a long time trying to get ceramic shards out of that fucking toilet.

>> No.10095291

should i describe my success story?

>> No.10095304

Why not, I just dropped a fucking plate into the toilet absent-mindedly.
Might as well hear someone tell another story.

>> No.10095312

Hey man we've all dropped shit into the toilet while pissing.

>> No.10095325

I'm just being sarcastic, there is no success here. I'm sorry about your food friend.

>> No.10095326

How did I not notice I was carrying a plate with 2 fucking pizzas on it.
I thought I sat it on the counter.

This fucking wd sleeplessness is turning my brain to mush.

I need a nap
I tried to reach down and pull my dick out with a fucking plate thinking it was my hand,

>> No.10095346
File: 38 KB, 595x585, 16485641863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you got to go you got to go. Ain't no time for putting down plates.

>> No.10095435
File: 278 KB, 563x653, ADInCountryClub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My paternal Grandpa lived for 85 years with only one. The doctors didn't even know he was born with just one

He runs a horse farm, or at least did, but you can't charge a sick man for a fucking kidney this aint china

They're gonna stick a huge ass diameter 24 gauge needle in my arm and scrape around until they get what they need

I can drink with just one kidney, my grandpap did it for years

>> No.10095572



>> No.10095805
File: 63 KB, 600x423, 1256524959113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 3 day bender coming to an end

man, work tomorrow is going to be a shaky mess

>> No.10096436


If any of you cunts are in Los Angeles, aka Neo Babylon, I'll take you to Plan B.