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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10084390 No.10084390 [Reply] [Original]

I have notice food prices have gone up past 2 week in US
could this finally be inflation we were expect after 10 years of quantitative easing ?????
sorry for english is not my first pair of pantaloons

>> No.10084415

You make twins of my mind gems! That is what the Jew accomplishes.

>> No.10084561

>where in US
>where are you getting the prices from

>> No.10084576

from america states of america
my friend is send me SMS instant message of price just now
they high

>> No.10084618


At his local grocery store? Nice one, organic one, kroger tier or winco tier? Which of the 50 states? Or from a federal source tracking produce and such?

One grocery store is not indicative of any sort of national supply/demand.

>> No.10084633

I sorry
english is not my first pair of pantalloons
I donot understand u

>> No.10084654

What the hell do you speak then?

>> No.10084661

>falling for this

>> No.10084666


1 store= not good. bad
100000 stores= better
government study= excellent


>> No.10084673

in English language, I speak click pain. Thank you intercourse with my ears and your mouth.

>> No.10084684

you know korkebouche ?
bing bong - bing bong bing
bing bong bing bong bing
che bing bong che bing bing
bing bong bing bong bing

>> No.10084712

not english
not my first pair of pantaloons

>> No.10084910

no this is Trumps plan to starve out welfare and food stamp recipients.

>> No.10084936

Fun fact. Some of the pixels in that image are likely to be older than you. I think I saw it for the first time some time in the late nineties.

>> No.10085000

>people push for higher minimum wage
>surprised that also means higher minimum prices on everything since the added burden just goes back to consumers
>except people's hours are also cut, some fired, and some businesses shut down completely from such high artificial operating costs
>the megacorporations capable of surviving now have greater worker competition to pick from as people fight each other for min wage scraps instead of being at least employed elsewhere

this is the future you chose. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HwcHRyvrNCE

>> No.10085368

Or you know as a CEO who makes 800K a year you could just make 700 and still be fine

>> No.10085391

thats chris chan its from like 07

>> No.10085669

nah, I def saw it on b0g.org before then. prob sometime around '02.

>> No.10086366

you can do that by convincing the CEO to voluntarily donate more of his money. Trying to force it through the state on the other hand, only leads the CEO to play defensive and do something else with his money to avoid having it stolen from him. Because you know, he can afford lawyers, overseas accounts, lobbied tax shelters, investment projects, etc. not you.

You steal more money from him through the state, he just raises prices so you unwittingly pay your own price thinking you did something. It is insane to think rich powerful people will just stand there and do nothing in return. You just can't force sharing, else he will hide everything away so there's nothing left to share because of your tyrannical greedy hands

>> No.10086929

Chris-Chan didn't start crossdressing until later than that. In fact, he didn't do much at all on the internet before then. He was only discovered in 07.

>> No.10086934

>the CEO sets his own pay
Quit LARPing as a productive individual, NEET

>> No.10086956


>we've been expecting things to turn to shit since obama got into office
>now that trump is in charge we're finally seeing it

Really makes you think.

>> No.10087076

And yet there are scores of countries with guaranteed minimum wages that have employment rates better than the US. Really kugels my noodles.

>> No.10087380

bracing for recession desu senpai dropping stocks got top dollar ready to watch the world burn.

>> No.10088192
File: 227 KB, 600x849, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal chief executive officers (CEO)'s don't have say in management
Quit being retarded

first is that correlation =/= causation. Seriously the US is 320m people of all races; it's just an unfair comparison to the vastly smaller-populated ethnically homogeneous European nations the US is typically compared to (the "scores of countries" you were probably referring to. I doubt many of them are in South America, Africa, or Asia).

Second is that most people have jobs above the minimum wage anyway, which is why they think it doesn't affect them until the general price of goods is raised (most people think *only* inflation that does that, when any market distortion produces the same effect).

Last but not least, you are only looking at what you see, not what you don't see: millions more jobs could have employed millions more people already, but these jobs were never offered because businesses couldn't afford to offer it. This is opportunity cost in action, which is why when one sees a single individual with an inflated paycheck doing a simple job, what you don't see is 3 individuals potentially doing the same job -- that's more people employed, gaining experience, a foot in the door making money.

As a thought experiment, just ask yourself what would happen to businesses, prices, and the economy if the minimum wage is set to 1 million dollars per hour. Will everybody now be a millionaire? Think it through from a SMALL business' perspective, where you still have operation costs and bills to pay like anybody else if you don't make enough profit to cover costs. Not every business is simply a megacorporation either, unless you keep raising the minimum wage so literally only the same megacorporations people fearmonger are capable of surviving such artificial price hikes. Raising the minimum wage to a million/hr is an extreme example, but the principle it illustrates is the same: it is one reason why everything is just so goddamn expensive these days.

>> No.10088277
File: 33 KB, 318x633, 1493902317550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correlation =/= causation

>> No.10088343

list to me the cherrypicked names of these "scores of countries with guaranteed minimum wages that have employment rates better than the US" so I can laugh at you

>> No.10088391

>the US is 320m people of all races; it's just an unfair comparison to the vastly smaller-populated ethnically homogeneous European nations
Ah, a light is shed.