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File: 551 KB, 1140x560, 1497556422_go-vegan-concept-with-lettering-shutterstock_413417941-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10087743 No.10087743 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you still eat animals it's wrong, americunts have you never heard of a vegiburger. Let's all go vegan, who's with me

>> No.10087753

>Why do you still eat animals it's wrong
For the same reason all other omnivores do - it's in our nature

>> No.10087768

Are you with me then

>> No.10087784
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>Eating vegetables are morally wrong

Why do you eat the food of our food!? We have to feed our animals so when we slaughter them by slitting their throat as they are shitting themselves and crying out for the mercy of god they will be fat and juicy.

>> No.10087918
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>> No.10087931

If animals don’t want to be eaten, then they should stop tasting so delicious.

>> No.10087934

Who the fuck are you decide whats morally wrong or right. If you tell me I'm in the wrong you are nothing more than a biggot and a fascist. That said I'm eating vegetarian tonight just because I feel like it not because of any of your stupid self imposed moral claim.

>> No.10088032

I don’t view an animals death as an inherently bad thing.

>> No.10088060

don't tell me what to do

>> No.10088072

Because I need my V B12 at op-op-optimum levels

>> No.10088098

I can’t be a vegan because I’m from New England and ice cream is an essential part of our diet.

>> No.10088863

A want is not a need

>> No.10088875

>Why do you still eat animals
Because I don't fucking care.

Now get off my lawn before you ruin it.

>> No.10088877

Dont lie, you eat vegi tonight becsuse you stand United with me as your vegan leader

>> No.10088889

Chickens can cry you know

>> No.10088894

There are people who think this is a clever counterpoint. You'd think the cholesterol in meat would keep a person's brain healthy, but obviously not.

>> No.10088915

I've been vegan for 8 years

>> No.10088927

I generally dislike meat and eat vegetarian 95% but no amount of nagging or animal suffering will ever make me give up smoked ribs or a nice filet mignon

>> No.10088951

You can get smoked rib flavoured tofu, and have a filet of soya instead, trust me you won't know the difference

>> No.10088978

If you're going to troll you could at least do us all the courtesy of putting an ounce of effort into it you fucking lameo

>> No.10088980

So can your mother but that didn't stop me doing what I wanted with her.

You should have seen her bawling her eyes out when the butler brought out her platter of gourmet chocolates as our personal orchestra swelled. You could tell she felt more special than she ever had in a long time. Her tears kept streaming out, but I didn't even come close to caring enough to stop it.

>> No.10089066

How very dare you, as so proclaimed leader of the vegans, I denounce you

>> No.10089145


>> No.10089173

Yep, delicious murder.

>> No.10089219

Have you ever seen a cow being artificial insaminated, do you know what it involves

>> No.10089237

How's the fatigue?

>> No.10089276
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Your very existence kills other creatures constantly. End yourself, vegfag.

>> No.10089282

>things are complicated so don't even try

>> No.10089302
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>Species is intelligent enough to farm prey as to remove the need to hunt
>Chickens have literally no emotional intelligence and can function without a majority of their brain
>Our species needs protein and a majority of Americans don't get enough protein as is
Why should I even consider it?

>> No.10089310

Have you ever seen a cow sue the farmer for rape?
Do they even understand the concept of existence?

>> No.10089313
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why is it that the only arguments against vejanism are asinine personal attacks and pseudo science?

>> No.10089325

Because modern animal farming practice is torture, and our species is intelligent enough to farm a wide enough variety of foods that animal products are unnecessary.

>> No.10089328
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Why is it the only arguments for Veganism are vegans saying "meat is murder" ad nauseam?

>> No.10089333
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Fight fire with fire

>> No.10089337

Ok that's fair, but the animals being tortured don't understand the concept of death, so why should I care?

>> No.10089401

I don't experience fatigue. Kratom is part of my vegan diet

>> No.10089427
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Vegan, more like supplementarian.

>> No.10089430

I get the occasional flatulence, but that's part and parcel of eating a lot of beans, it's a small price to pay

>> No.10089437

Ethics is a lifelong personal journey, anon. I can't make you feel the import with a logical argument, it comes with experience. I mean, I could try to fully elucidate it, but there's a reason that books on philosophy are so wordy. All I can really do is remind you that your outlook isn't universal.

>> No.10089444

With my leadership the movement is growing

>> No.10089462

>it’s wrong
This all depends on your perspective and frankly there aren’t many perspectives on your side.
>Biblically it’s not wrong
>Evolutionarily it’s not wrong
Do you believe in pantheism? Do you think god is in the animals and everything?
Do you believe that animals could be humans in past lives?
In what sense is eating meat a MORAL issue other than
>muh leftist contradictory morals
>muh feels

>> No.10089473
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You can't really argue with the moral aspect of it. The health aspect sure, there's no reason that being a vegan is healthier than an omnivore with a balanced diet. But morally, you're killing less than other people, which is a good thing.

However, meat IS natural for us to eat. It does provide health benefits. I eat meat maybe once a week but I won't argue with vegans about morality. I think a better solution to stopping the mistreatment of animals and them being killed is cultured/lab-grown meat and other animal products though.

Also in some places it's hard to grow crops but easy to raise cattle. It's unrealistic to expect these places to give up their food security and go vegan, relying on surrounding areas for food who could cut them off at any time.

>> No.10089474

I am not a vegan but I do agree that meat is murder.

animals are being killed and eaten by humans.

I do enjoy eating meat but vegan alternatives are just to expensive.

I am trying to cut down on meat but I don't think i can elliminate it from my life just yet

>> No.10089494

And yet you have implied by saying this that his ethics are wrong and yours are right

>> No.10089507
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>> No.10089663

>He think's it's bad to "steal" from Bee's
What a fucking retarded way to live

>> No.10089666
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>> No.10089679

circle of life, nigger

>> No.10089687

Are you saying I'm morally misguided because I choose to continue to eat meat despite knowing what it entails?
If that's true your "ethics are different between everybody" argument is null, so are you telling me I have misguided ethics or I'm allowed to adopt my own ethics as I age?

>> No.10089730

>eating animals is wrong
nice opinion.