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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10081540 No.10081540 [Reply] [Original]

hi ck what cheap foods and how much should i go for to meet 2000kcal per day
i just ate plain lentils for two people and am only at 202kcal please help im literally starving

>> No.10081550

Mc donalds

>> No.10081553

we dont have that here sadly

>> No.10081556

Burger king

>> No.10081558

not there either

>> No.10081562


>> No.10081569

61cal/100g for 3.25%fat whole milk => 610 per L

after drinking an entire bottle im still only at 1000kcal / 2000 :(

but thansk for the tip im feeling a bit less starved now

>> No.10081572


>> No.10081573

where do i find that

>> No.10081575

I used to drink chocolate milk when i wanted to gain 900kcal a liter

>> No.10081577

i cant afford chocolate can i just use regular sugar and flour instead

>> No.10081578

I'm on 1970 max per day. I eat a lot of beef, fish, chicken, vegetables, yogurt, beans, mushrooms, fruit and eggs. Basically the same as before, just smaller portions, and I've completely cut out suger and almost entirely dropped bread.

>> No.10081647

yeah bro idgaf about diet rn tho i just need cheap cal/$ food to not starve rn

>> No.10081649

whats a suger

>> No.10081654

Eat plain lentils for 20 people

>> No.10081656

whipped cream and ice cream

>> No.10081685

Well, make banana pancakes for dinner. All you need is a large banana, two eggs, and some raspberries. Break the banana in to little pieces, mush them with a fork, add two eggs and stir it well, cook small pancakes on medium heat. Be patient when you cook them, as they are hard to flip if they're not done. Eat them with raspberries on top.
Sugar then, you fucking cunt.

>> No.10081686

where do you live?

>> No.10081700


>> No.10081712

You don't have MC or Burger King in switzerland? Or do you live somewhere in the countryside where it's not available? Also eat cheese, it has a pretty high mass to calorie ratio.

>> No.10081719

Pasta, rice, bread. Just carbs basically.

>> No.10081731

Eat a basically any fast food junk you can find

>> No.10081752

To expand on this, you want to combine carbs with fat. Carbs like pasta, rice, bread and potatoes are cheap. Mix them with an equally as cheap high fat food, such as cheese, butter, mayonnaise, peanut butter, oil, etc.

This will make the food high calorie dense.

>> No.10081767

cheese is kinda expensive here also no MC or BK in the next 30km

>> No.10081775
File: 44 KB, 400x440, oatmeal (from safeway).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oatmeal. I can get 4500 calories of this stuff for 3 to 4 dollars where I live. Milk/water + a shake of cinnamon and a small spoonful of peanut butter and about half a banana, sliced is what I've found to be good. Add the peanut butter and banana after it's done cooking by the way. I microwave it. Please nobody laugh at me.

Griddled cheese sandwich

Stir fry is good although you need a bit of money to buy the flavorings that last a while. Can go with cheap vegetables like cabbage, carrots and onion + tofu + rice or something.

>> No.10081789

>+ a shake of cinnamon and a small spoonful of peanut butter and about half a banana, sliced is what I've found to be good. Add the peanut butter and banana after it's done cooking by the way. I microwave it. Please nobody laugh at me.

that shit costs more money than the oatmeal yo

>> No.10081790

Lentils are great but not on their own, they have high protein for a plant food but still have carbs and a lot of fiber which makes it hard to really get a lot of calories from them. Whenever I have lentils I usually add cheese to it for more protein and fat.

Fat has the most calories per gram so stuff like peanut butter, milk, cheese, and eggs are all usually cheap but high in calories. You could also look for fish that is canned with oil.

>> No.10081804

Well yeah, so what? If it's expensive, use less or however much you want. And it's not hard to be more expensive than oatmeal in the first place. If you want to be minimal, just banana is fine.

>> No.10081820

actual swissfag here, calling bs.
this person is trolling. we have a mc dick in nearly every village.
also, groceries are dirt cheap in aldi/lidl & co. again, those are everywhere.

>> No.10081949

>t. cityfag
ey alter ich wohne hier im chliinschte kaff s nächschte aldi isch 9km ewegg vo hier
ich sueche hier grad ideä wie ich cha geld spare well mini ratione unds budget langsam zneig gönd

mier hend hier ohni scheiss kes mc/bk i dä nöchi

>> No.10081957

wo wohnsch du, in züri neb de jude odr was

>> No.10081971

Nuts and dried fruit.
Snack on them, easy calories between dishes.

>> No.10081973

Buy them in bulk if you want cheap

>> No.10082007

allright so oatmeal and nuts it is then

>> No.10082012

thanks for the answers everyone seems like ill be able to eat enough to stop losing weight again

>> No.10082024

Cheapest european bulk food is potatoes, maybe rice if you get a good deal. Vegetable oil.

Just buy oil and potatoes. You can make fried potatoes with an extremely low budget. You can use the oil plenty of times if you keep the temperature in check.

A little salt and an egg with the fried potatoes and you have a meal.

Make homemade mayonaise if you have mixer, its super cheap energy.

In short: potatoes and oil, then add egg and homemade mayonaise if you have the cash.

Sometimes bread which is from the yesterday is sold supercheap at shops. Buy bread, bake it in the oven with vegetable oil.

Easy stuff but it will get boring really fast.

Go fishing if there are lakes around you and you have some basic fishing gear.

>> No.10082033

thanks ill be adding that to my >>10082007

>Go fishing if there are lakes around you and you have some basic fishing gear.
im saving up for some gear rn but it takes a while

>> No.10082060


No prob. Fishing gear at the least means just a rod with string and a hook. Get some bait worms and go fishing if you have the time.

Anyways a basic fishing rod with reel should not cost more than 20euros in most low cost shops anyway.

Think creative and be on the lookout for deals. Like things going out of date at the shop. Its just as good just the regulations say that it can't be sold after the best before date.

Look on the internet for free handouts from local churches and humanitarian societies. I don't know if such things are common in switzerland since you are all so rich.

Also plain flour is really cheap, learn to make bread yourself if you have a basic oven. Bread rolls are simple to make. You just need water, flour, salt, a minimal amount of sugar and yeast.

>> No.10082082


Also if there is a local butcher you can ask for things like cow tongue, liver, intestines. Maybe chicken heart and skin etc.

Its amazingly good if you have the chance to grill it outside on charcoal which I suppose you have since you live away from the city.

Make some chicken heart, chicken skin whatever skewers and roast them on open charcoal grill. This is gourmet if you spice them right. Especially chicken skin is usually available in bulk because the market prefers low fat chicken, so the butchers have a lot of skin that is delicious but lack a good market.

>> No.10082159

Put some fried eggs on those lentils!

>> No.10082277

Why don't you just drink about 1dl of olive oil each day?

>> No.10082307

Flour is seriously like the cheapest you can get per calorie. Make some bread.

>> No.10082326

Or tortillas or indian fry bread

>> No.10082355

Get the cheapest vegetable oil
Get chicken breasts or thighs
Make some rice and put in fridge over night.
Soy sauce

Cut chicken into bite size pieces and sauté in a pan of hot oil. Add soy sauce, butter, seasonings, and what ever else you want. Cook 6-8 minuets or until cooked through. After chicken is done, remove and fry the rice in the chicken grease.

>> No.10082369

Those are bread as well. Honestly if you want to go cheap as fuck, make some kind of aioli to spread on top of the bread. It's only a yolk or two (the wite can be eaten, heck just throw it in the dough), oil and whatever spices makes it tasty. All of it is cheap per calorie/nutrient.

>> No.10082414

nope, raum sarganserland, es kaff mit weniger als 10k lüt. voll mit hinterwäldler. und jedes dreckskaff het en mcd egal in welli richtig i gang.
in wellem loch wohnen iar?

>> No.10082844

iwo im kanton schwyz mehr chani abr au nöd säge ohni mich z doxxe

hie hetts ohni scheiss kes mcd i dä nöchi

>> No.10082860
File: 93 KB, 500x500, 1514577032651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peanut butter and oats

>> No.10082863

see i know there is cheap food. because have looked for it. at least around here. beans, rice?canned food? to get 2000 a day your gonna have to eat a lot of food. I think their numbers are wrong.

>> No.10082908

how do i make bread apart from following fancy ass recipies

like is there a cheap way for a retard to make bread or am i fucked

>> No.10083083

hät i jetz nia denkt.
was hesch für transportmöglichkeita? auto, öv, velo, iwas?

>> No.10083790

velo vor allem well öf sau tüür isch
laufe gaht au duured abr ewig und drüü täg

>> No.10083855

750g flour
500g finger warm water
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon of oil
25g fresh yeast

Wait 60 minutes or something
Make two loaves on an oven tray
Wait 30 minutes
Put in oven at 250C° 10 minutes
Lower oven to 175C° and wait 25 minutes
Take out

>> No.10083959

that hte fuck is finger warm

aprat from that ty senpai ill try it out

if my oven caps out at 230°c do i just do it for 12min at that temp

>> No.10084116

Finger warm is about 37C°. It's your internal body temperature and the yeast is happiest there. Put your finger in the water, if it's cold warm it up and if it's hot cool it down. It doesn't matter much exactly how warm if it's a bit colder or warmer, just don't go above 45C° or you'll kill the yeast.

Sure thing with 12 minutes, should be fine with that.

>> No.10084141

aaaah that makes sense ty
ima bake some tomorrow if i got enoguh yeast

>> No.10084192

If you don't have enough yeast just use what you have and instead of waiting an hour just look for when the dough has roughly doubled in size. It's not a big deal to wait a bit too long.

Just a reminder that fresh and dried yeast are different, I think you need a third of the amount of yeast and slightly warmer water if you use dried but I never tried it myself. Still, just wait for it to double.

>> No.10084200

better advice than im finding on other cooking forums

thanks so much!

>> No.10084228

No worries, people get so hung up on the details they don't realize what is important and what isn't or why the recipes are the way they are. I'll warn you though that I'm not a baker by any means but this will give you something to eat.