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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1280x720, sous vide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10078460 No.10078460 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be honest here, it's for fucking scrubs.

>> No.10078469

It’s a crutch for people that can’t cook.

>> No.10078486

You don’t consider it if any value at all? Not even for specialty cooking?

>> No.10078490

exactly. i think it only really is logical for a few things, and a few things only.
But if you're doing stuff like steak sous-vide then you're an absolute fucking scrub.
only in a few scenarios.

>> No.10078494

it's hospital food tier

>> No.10078519

It's a tool. It can be used well or badly. But it's not automatically shit like a slow cooker.

>> No.10078545

I'd have a use for sous-vide in the lab at work, not in the kitchen. The only people I know that sous-vide are literal soyboys.

>> No.10078556

i love my caramelized onion machine, tyvm

>> No.10078842

What's the deal with this meme
It just boils food in a baggie right?
How does that impart any flavor on meat if it doesn't brown?

>> No.10078852

you still need to sear it after
it's for people who can't cook

>> No.10078861

So these soyboys are buying a machine that boils water? Is there any advantage to it at all?

>> No.10078869

I'm not a 56% mutt.
What do these Ebonics terms mean?
Should I end my sentence with Go, Girlllfriend or She say, He Say?
I don't speak black.

>> No.10078878

I don't gotta do that, Playa!
>t. middle age American white male

>> No.10078880

I honestly want to try a chuck roast in sous vide. A bunch of hours to break all the fat and collagens down without overcooking and then searing.

I guess the oven on low is the exact same thing with more loss of liquid though.

>> No.10078887

scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me

>> No.10078929

fuck you slow cookers are good

>> No.10079054

Sous vide is such a shitty meme.

>I want my fully cooked food to have the texture of raw food.

>> No.10079067


This. It's people with slow cookers that can't cook. Sous vide allows you to do things that were never possible before.

>> No.10079130

i'm using scrub in the same way you'd use it in a video game where there is a shitty player.

>> No.10079173

Yeah but you're using it to cook steaks, fish, and eggs.
Exactly what a fucking scrub would do.

>> No.10079199


Oh, you're just shitposting.

>> No.10079218

sous vide is for scrubs the majority of people using it aren't being innovative.

>> No.10079368
File: 434 KB, 1200x1200, 1515438392819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How on Earth does /ck/, the For Me It's the McChicken board, get elitist about fucking anything, least of all sous vide?

>> No.10079397

Because let's be honest here, the people using sous vide are people who lack confidence and are worried they'll cook something improperly

>> No.10079402

/ck/ is more than one person

>> No.10079408
File: 403 KB, 1686x1028, 1516508061468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people using sous vide

Have you even had a conversation with such a person? Or do you just have an imagined amalgam of what they might look and act like?

>> No.10079409

Such as?

>> No.10079427
File: 142 KB, 1164x655, fries look tastier than steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've met a few on here. and it's pretty fucking sad pic related.

>> No.10079439

Sear a better rare steak right now.

>> No.10079442

what is it?

>> No.10079443
File: 1.17 MB, 2015x2362, 20170319_232449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

induction, cast iron, oven finish

>> No.10079472

you just don't get it, say what you want about sous-vide fish.
BUT SOUS VIDE FUCKING STEAK. It looks unnatural and it lacks the nice textural differences you get with a rainbow sear.

at the end of the day this looks tastier>>10079443 than this>>10079427
Rainbow sears, reverse sears, they all are better imo than sous vide.
Sous vide is basically a scrub method to steak

>> No.10079520

There are times for joking, and times to be serious. Right now is a time to be serious.

>> No.10079523
File: 1.13 MB, 1316x1316, toilet_beef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sous vide steak, AT BEST, gains about 2 mm of rare meat by avoiding the temperature gradient of conventional methods. Sous vide offers no practical advantage for the home cook.

It's literally for autistics that have no issue spending hours to accomplish what could be done in minutes.

>> No.10079592

yeah man you really showed him.

>> No.10079603


>> No.10079605

h-how did you find me here, 先輩?!

>> No.10079606

It's pretty good for catering

>> No.10079610
File: 1.67 MB, 2409x2363, 20170319_232108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
>only (You)s
feels good man

>> No.10079616

>Rainbow sear
what is that

>> No.10080413
File: 75 KB, 800x600, photo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't take a lot of pictures of food, but I took this one a while ago when someone asked for proof of oven finishing.

>> No.10080422

WWHAHAOAOAOAOOAAAAAAA that looks way fucking better than this>>10079427

>> No.10080428

Is this sarcasm because the plate is a mess?

>> No.10080430

no its true. the steak itself looks better. doesn't matter if it's plated poorly.
also this>>10079427 is a fucking mess.
Random ass orange, and cucumber.

>> No.10080431
File: 67 KB, 800x600, photo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I cut into it. And no, it's not what I consider good plating. That's a pleb meal with a nice steak.

>> No.10080434

You'd see one hanging out of the passenger side of his best friends ride

>> No.10080441

Oh, I couldn't tell because I sucked on the sear and the sauce does make it look like shit, but I was still happy with the finish.

>> No.10080444


>the McChicken board

You must be new here; /ck/ has always been elitist.

>> No.10080445

is this your work?>>10079427

>> No.10080450


>> No.10080504

cooking steak sous vide has way less active cooking time and required skill versus doing it traditionally
all you have to do is season, seal, throw it in the water for however long, and then finish in a lightly oiled hot pan. It's impossible to fuck up and requires no precise timing or experience

>> No.10080549

And if you had a sous vide, you wouldn't have that little band of grey.

>> No.10080554

slow cookers are awesome you nigger

>> No.10080574

the little band of grey helps provide extra bite to a crust. it accentuates a great sear.
It's actually a wonderful thing sous vide hipsters don't understand.

>> No.10080580

Its a tool, since you cucks are so triggered by using tools i expect that you're all cooking over a fire pit instead of a stove.

>> No.10080591

>sous vide soyboy hipster spotted
It's a tool primarily utilized by scrubs who can't perfectly cook things and need to do things the baby way.

>> No.10080596
File: 57 KB, 560x420, 20111206-deep-fried-porchetta-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi restaurant professional here ;^)
sous vide is stupid for steak, especially in a restaurant setting. You cook that shit to medium rare, bring it down to temp so you can hold it basically forever, then when you fire it for service slash your sear, the bitch is ICE COLD or worse, overcooked.
And even just doing it like any home cook is looney, it has a very strange texture. I think the most common eats of using it are the dumbest.

Having said that, some of the most delightful vegetable confits have been sous vide, and for chicken its a no brainer. You cook the chicken to basically 140, no loss of juices, then for service you fire that bitch up, baste it in butter like that poor French girl Marlon brando molested ( you know the one), TOTALLY roast it to 160 exactly every time and not just hot, you got perfect chicken my friend. I've done Roulades, big honking ones, literally would have been stupid to do without it, comes out beautiful. Cooked perfect all the way through, then drop that bitch in the friar get that skin NICE and crispy. Eggs, man you like soft boiled eggs? How about perfect slow poached eggs, in the shell? Talkin bout making bennys, but hitting that bitch on the flat top with some butter , ready to rip son.
There are SO many good uses for precise water baths and vacuum bags.

Steak isn't one of them.

>> No.10080601



Just use a name already so we can filter your shitposting.

>> No.10080618


>TOTALLY roast it to 160

Why not just hold it at 140 and then just throw it under the broiler to crisp the skin? Also, is the meat still at all pink/translucent at 140? Never worked anywhere that used sous vide.

>> No.10080630

what you say makes sense, but it's still scrubby to me.
Even when applying it to logical things like poached eggs, chicken, fish.
stop being mad soyboy learn to cook traditionally don't rely on gimmicks.

>> No.10080661


>learn to cook traditionally don't rely on gimmicks

I just got off a 10 hour shift cooking "traditionally" (whatever that's supposed to mean), and can assure you that real kitchens are full of tools that would have seemed like a gimmick a century ago.

>> No.10080681

the gimmicks make sense for a restaurant, but for any homecook it doesn't.

>> No.10080707
File: 54 KB, 549x704, 4509998b-6313-41f0-9107-290afd9c1c65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then you'd have to know exactly how many people you are serving every single time you prep, or eat the inevitable overfire OR 86, all of which are acceptable at certain times and places, but I like to be flexible.
And no, you cook at 140 ish (~60 Celsius) for a longer time, it looks relatively normal.
Broiler aren't gentle enough this is chicken friend, either baste it gently like a lover or skull fuck that bitch in the fryer.
bud it can and will be for scrubs, just like anything else. At the end if the day, its a device that can hold exact temperatures for exact periods of time.
A lot of these techniques are pretty high end, its just more manageable for us now. Like you can slow poach a roulade in stock, wrapped in beef bung, that's old school as fuck. But we get BETTER results with plastic wrap and a circulator. And why not? Try to confit potatoes in butter. It sucks. Do that everyday before service. Fuck me right?
Now put some herbs and some butter and your perfect little potatoes in this bag and press a button on the science oven.
Much better.
Someday everyone might have a sous vide on their countertop, and buy pre packaged chickens at aldis and make, still pretty mediocre food for all their friends.
it doesn't mean chefs aren't still going to make amazing food.

>> No.10080744


I'm still confused about the chickens. So you sous vide them to 140 as part of prep, then chill them down and roast them to order?

>> No.10080768

Exactly. Its pretty common, you can hold at whatever you want obviously, but certain districts have pretty strict regulations here, and there are practical considerations as well (am I going to sell all this shit/what if I run out).

>> No.10080802


I've done the same thing with simply par-cooking halved chickens in the oven and then crisping the skin in a pan and finishing it in the oven. It just seems like with sous vide you could at least hold a certain amount in the immersion circulator for service and only have to mess with crisping up the skin. I guess I don't really understand how restaurants use sous vide; what happens if you hold a chicken at 140 for 6 hours? And why couldn't you just chill it at the end of the night?

>> No.10080822

>Don't microwave anything in plastic, you'll get cancer!
>Here, boil your meat in plastic bags. It's safe!

Yeah, sure, no.

>> No.10080826


>> No.10080828



You know nobody takes you seriously when you say retarded shit, right?

>> No.10080847

The plastic used for the steaks are free of a lot of cancer-causing shit but yeah, your point still stands especially since they're going at temperatures near boiling.

>> No.10080851

>the virgin oven
>the chad slow cooker
Feels good to come home from work to a massive pork shoulder slow cooked for 10 hours...mmm so tender

>> No.10080852

so yes, you can hold for service, for sure. Lots of places also do that. It might not be strictly legal in some places.
It also might fuck it up. You don't want to hold it at temp for too long, and that refire you saved probably isn't going to be as good.
It totally depends on the venue. I worked at one place that did hold certain things for service, and just flashed others when they needed it ( potatoes are a good example). But they were reservation only and had like a 10 percent food cost.
And honestly some things don't need to be held. Chicken is still a great example. I'm not going to bring it back to 160. Its never been, its clean, everything is dead in the middle from the long cook at 140, as long as its hot I don't give a fuck. Were doing this because you can sort if kind of confit the chicken, without it really be a chicken confit, I can cook them super fucking fast, and I can put all my effort into making the skin beautiful instead of worrying what's going to happen when I finish it in the oven.

>> No.10080857

>owning a cooking dildo

This is not making america great.

>> No.10080864
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1511249248246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfags trying to justify their poorness by claiming they don't need useful cooking tools and also claiming people that use those tools have no skill

>> No.10080871

sous vide machines don't even cost that fucking much.
but they are a waste of money as almost everything you can do in a sous vide you can do through pots or pans.

>> No.10080880
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2018-02-02-02-25-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking restaurants use cooking dildos for this shit
bruh this is literally the shit making america great again

>> No.10080891

Wow, /ck/.
I hated on sous vide in the late 90s because I thought it was just boiling food in bags.
I mean, I get it, you can cook a steak exactly to the temp you like using just a pan or a pan and an oven, or a grill, etc,
so can I. It's not too difficult to get the hang of.
But how did I pull off eggs benedict in a 4 foot square work area?
Buffalo chix wings with all the cartilage broken down before frying?
Pork ribs that hold integrity for frying yet have the tooth of a braised cook?
Firmed oysters without cooking?
I have definitely found failures, but jesus fuck, it has its place in the kitchen. Professional or not.

>> No.10080900


Fuck off.

>> No.10080926

That band of gray is a sear line. You can reduce that line by making sure the surface of the steak is as dry as possible, flipping a couple times, using a high heat for the sear, and not searing as much. Not searing as much obviously results in less of a crust and it's not as nice of a result.

>> No.10080965

It's pretty useful

>> No.10081042


It makes great inside cooks then you pan sear the outside and whammo your food is perfect. It may be a crutch but it yeilds results.