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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10078712 No.10078712 [Reply] [Original]

New al/ck/ thread.

>blacking out and talking to your parents on the phone edition

>> No.10078722

didnt use the phone but i cut off contact with my father TWICE over email. the first time my mother intervened to get us talking again, and we sort of worked things out, then about a year later i did it again and havent talked to him in over 3 years. sometimes i regret it, but the more i consider our relationship as a whole, i dont like him.

>> No.10078723

i called my mom completely shitfaced
she's a recovering al/ck/y

>> No.10078728

Why does everyone keep urinating in their bed?

>> No.10078730

Not trying to lecture, But you only get one set of parents and one day they will die before you. You'll feel like absolute shit if you don't make up while you have the chance

>> No.10078732

at least she's recovering man, my parents are both raging alcoholics and they still have the gall to criticize my drinking.

>> No.10078735

can't take it anymore lads

>> No.10078737

i understand that. thanks for the heads up though.

>> No.10078740

Hello my bois. Would it be faggotry to start posting iit as a namefag?

>> No.10078744

namefag isnt that terrible because it can be duplicated by anyone. tripfagging is unforgivable though.

>> No.10078752

kinda want to try a DPH high but i think i'll wait until tomorrow

>> No.10078753

gonna put my kids to bed tonight and then get as close to blackout drunk as i can

>> No.10078756


>> No.10078757

>inb4 tasered by the police and a week in a mental hospital
You won't enjoy it, I 100% promise you that.

>> No.10078760

dont bother. if it were any good people would spread the word. it just makes you have sensory hallucinations that arent any fun.

>> No.10078761

I've recently been trying lots of different alcohol because I figure I might as well at this point

Jaegermeister is pretty great. What other alcohol is kinda similar to that? Not difficult to drink at all, but still alcoholic enough that I can get drunk fast. Usually I would just go for straight vodka but even something that literally tastes like medicine is way easier

>> No.10078767

eh i won't take shit tons

can't be any worse than booze at this point

>> No.10078769

every faucet in my apartment leaks and i have to dump a bucket of water in the toilet to flush it bgut i don't want to call the landlord because then they'll see my alcoholic hoarder house

>> No.10078777

decent substitutes for alcohol that are easy to get:

kava kava
marijuana (some places)

>> No.10078780

LOL. landlords love tennants like you. never complain about shit.

>> No.10078783

>can't be any worse than booze at this point
that's where you're wrong, fella

>> No.10078787

i don't pay for the water, though
so he'll probably notice at some point

>> No.10078789

I love jager, but it's far too expensive

>> No.10078796

Becherovka, it's even better than Jäger (if you like that kind of stuff)

>> No.10078808

Try getting shitfaced drunk on Jaegermeister alone. Spirit world shit. Tried to fight 6 friends at once and they beat my ass good. Fun times, still friends

>> No.10078830


Give your kids away to relatives, you dont deserve them you piece of gutter shit

>> No.10078844

don't cut yourself on that edge friendo

>> No.10078854

2 months sober
1 month /nofap/

>> No.10078859

chartreuse is really good with ice, or just chilled. I'm not quite sure if that is exactly what your looking for though, also absinthe is pretty good, but both of these are expensive as hell. If i were you I would go for the chartreuse.

>> No.10078864

get out

>> No.10078865

I am sorry you had your limbs amputated. Are you having someone type for you using moris code head nods like the dude in the Metallica One video?

>> No.10078871

Oh fuck off.

>> No.10078898 [DELETED] 

kys edgelord.

No one will miss you, Not even your parents.

>> No.10078900

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10078904

>they still have the gall to criticize my drinking
i'm the one who pushed my mom into recovery
it was probably a hypocrite move, but she was drinking herself to death

>> No.10078918
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>Moris code

>> No.10078926

-- --- .-. .. ... / -.-. --- -.. .

>> No.10078962


>> No.10079055

friendly reminder that most of us will end up killing ourselves

>> No.10079171


>> No.10079178
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I posted this last thread, but how long has everyone gone without showering?

Two weeks here when I was on a bender. The idea of getting in the shower was messing with the already bad anxiety

>> No.10079198

wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.10079201

About a week. I got a blowjob from an ex at that point too. I still feel sorta bad about that. Smelled like I was making cheese in my pants.

>> No.10079204

about two weeks here as well. Was in a pretty messed up place (as in state of mind).

>> No.10079210
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>> No.10079229

should of made a quick bathroom break and washed your dick in the sink at that point.

>> No.10079234

Was planning to take tonight off from drinking, and go "one day at a time" from there in an attempt to quit. But an old guy whose truck I fixed left a case of beer in my truck as payment. I didn't ask for payment, nor did he tell me he was going to do that. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.

>> No.10079242

Like I want to die of cirrhosis at 60yo

>> No.10079245

about a month at one time a year or so back. i proceeded to rip all of my thickly clumped hair out of my scalp.

>> No.10079255

It's really not anything like those homos are saying, maybe they're thinking DXM. Just take 100mg DPH, put on some chill music, and drink some ice water. Find something nice to stare at too.

>> No.10079263

I didn't like her. I feel bad for other reasons.

>> No.10079270

yeah i was only planning on 1-200mg not being some hero and slamming 500 and seeing shadow people and imagining people were in my room

>> No.10079275


>> No.10079313

Turns out I do not have DVT, it's my first time exercising in years and my legs are just being freaky. Im still super paranoid about any and everything I notice with my body though. It's midday, and time for a drink.

>> No.10079358

That much DPH will just make you sleep anyway. Nothing that crazy happens, if you take a couple hundred mg and fight it you just float and ignore the world, and you can hyper focus on things. Not like work or school, but things like music, picture browsing, and shitposting on 4chan. The ice water really helps fight the sleep jicyww.

>> No.10079388

If you've been drinking for more than three months straight you shouldn't go cold turkey. Google HAMS so you get a plan to taper down before you go on a full day without drinking and feeling like necking yourself.

>> No.10079403

no, DPH is serious shit at high doses. read some trip reports on erowid. once you get to like 500+ mg, it becomes a very serious deliriant. it's a generally negative experience, you have to enjoy getting fucked up for the sole purpose of getting fucked up to enjoy it.

>> No.10079410

i wanna just kill what i have and try going sober afterwards, but i'm in the unusual position of having so much alcohol that i might pass out first. hmmm

>> No.10079418

I honestly can't remember when I was more of a hypochondriac, before I started drinking or after. My best drinking days are behind me and it was only getting pretty damn wasted that made me not worry about trivial shit so much. I am talking to a doctor about that again though after stopping drinking liquor and trying to cut down on the other stuff.

>> No.10079466

will be drinking myself into oblivion tonight mods be damned

>> No.10079469

i decided to drink all day today instead of just drinking at night and i'm way less drunk than usual and almost out of booze

>> No.10079482
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>What's a good drink to get addicted to al/ck/ohol?

>> No.10079522

Yeah, the thing about day drinking is if you want to be drunk and stay drunk you have to hit it hard and consistently. I'd probably just say don't experiment too much with day drinking like that or it will eventually become and every single day thing.

>> No.10079533

Fucking THIS. Once it becomes a habit, it's incredibly hard to stop, especially when you begin to associate booze and the feeling with any activity you do.

>> No.10079536

i've been doing the hair of the dog more and more regularly and it's oh so nice

>> No.10079540
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Jesus Christ. Text the ex to check in and see if she can afford our double rent this month, and her dad died this morning.
I wrote like 3 texts worth saying how sorry I am and how I'm here if she needs anything. Bad thing to do?

>> No.10079557

Yeah dude, I mean I've been doing this for years and I literally don't do anything, ANYTHING except lie down without having a few drinks first. It's fucked.

>> No.10079563


No. You sound like a regular compassionate human being, congrats. Just don't get all lovey dovey and pathetic.

>> No.10079567

No, it isn't. It's an antihistamine. And it makes you drowsy. If you take that much and do anything other than sleep, you're a shitty drug addict anyway, so no one cares.

>> No.10079574

Consider she has something very important to deal with right now. Calm yourself. You offered, so wait.

>> No.10079576

>double rent this month
the fuck

>> No.10079582

I'm the guy from last thread that drinks around a half case of 16oz beers a day for 12 years. I've gone without drinks for a couple days before no problem. I'm just starting to worry about my health.

>> No.10079600

Well I moved out, so she's paying full rent. Double what she would a month
My adrenaline is going or some shit. This hit my harder than any of my relatives dying, which is pretty fucked up of me

>> No.10079602

While these threads are phenomenal for talking with other people going through similar things, and reading stories etc., they can also make you paranoid as fuck and turn you into a huge hypochondriac. Just don't get too sucked in. Go get blood work done instead of internet diagnosing yourself with anything. Stressing about it and panicking can also make shit worse on top of it.

>> No.10079609

beer taper

>> No.10079624

No worries, the threads were really just a small part of it. It's mostly that I'm over 30 now, I've been overweight for about six years now, I smoke, drink every day, and eat fast food once a day. I just was planning to make better decisions for a while. Then got unexpected beer on my expected day one. Not really a huge deal, was just sharing. Because I am addicted to drinking, just able to control going to excess. So technically an alcoholic.

>> No.10079629
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I can't fucking take it anymore I just want to fucking die.

>> No.10079634

I am in my 40s anon. You can pull out of a tailspin anytime. You can do it, and no one can do it for you. That makes you a badass.

>> No.10079640
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Fuck, why can't I be in the same room as alcohol and not drink it? I know I have an important class in 5 hours yet I just can't stop myself from pouring myself a drink.

>> No.10079648

i'm day drunk anon
i think i won't piss the bed tonight

>> No.10079658

Honestly booze seems like the best solution right now.

>> No.10079667 [DELETED] 

Hi anon! You seem to have posted on the wrong board! Whoops! Don't worry, the kind anons of 4chan are here to help you correct your actions!
See, /ck/ is for food and cooking, and spamming the board with threads about your crippling addiction is considered "off topic," and thus, not appropriate content for the board!
A more appropriate board for these threads would be >>>/r9k/ , >>>/b/ , or >>>/trash/ !
Don't worry, always happy to help and do my part to make 4chan a better place :)

>> No.10079685 [DELETED] 

Reported you, enjoy the ban.

>> No.10079687
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Fuck off

>> No.10079691

>spams the board with shitposts
>thinks anon calling him out is the one breaking the rules
really jogs my nogging

>> No.10079699 [DELETED] 

>>10078712 (OP)
Hi anon! You seem to have posted on the wrong board! Whoops! Don't worry, the kind anons of 4chan are here to help you correct your actions!
See, /ck/ is for food and cooking, and spamming the board with threads about your crippling addiction is considered "off topic," and thus, not appropriate content for the board!
A more appropriate board for these threads would be >>>/r9k/ , >>>/b/ , or >>>/trash/ !
Don't worry, always happy to help and do my part to make 4chan a better place :)

>> No.10079710
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>> No.10079722

false reports are a bannable offense, chucklefuck

>> No.10079724

Thanks bud. I'm pretty confident I'll be good. Already got a buddy to go to the gym with, got normal food to eat, and after I finish this free beer no plans to buy more for a while. Appreciate the encouragement man, it all helps.

>> No.10079736

Lucky it's not a false report then? Stop samefagging, I hope the mod btfos all your shitposts so we can get back on topic.

>> No.10079752

ah, yes! the topic about addiction! that isn't food, nor cooking! good assertion, brainlet!

>> No.10079753

what's the topic again?

>> No.10079758

>not food
man i really hate redditors

>> No.10079759
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>drink to excess
>feel guilty about drinking to excess
>drink to excess to deal with the guilt

>> No.10079760

making /ck/ a worse board than it already is

>> No.10079763

Don't get me wrong, I am indeed drinking. But I only do 5% seltzer or wine now. Legit stopped drinking liquor.

>> No.10079766
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>> No.10079767

Can you go bother /sip/ with that logic?

>> No.10079770

Jesus, these posts are depressing as fuck, and you criticize weed threads? at least those aren't full of suicidal failures.

>> No.10079773
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Posting some actual food related stuffs.

>> No.10079779

A truly classic formula.

>> No.10079780
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Pour one out for my ex-gf's dad i guess. Gin if you got it. He drank martinis and red wine

>> No.10079781
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>> No.10079782

What if my parents never applied any effort while raising me, never tutored me or disciplined me when I wasn't doing my homework in grade school and when I was failing all my classes and didn't learn to do long division (and still don't ever use it)? What if my parents fed me junk food when I was a kid and never taught me proper nutrition which ended up fucking up my growth permanently (they're both overweight BTW... not American-tier, but they are Slavs who eat the Slavic diet which consists of only meat and potatoes with the occasional watery soup)? What if my dad never did things that fathers do like teach you sports, teach you to ride a bike, make you be active, teach you how not to get picked on? While Chad's dad would play ball with him in the back yard, my dad would yell profanities at me if I tried to talk to him because I was interrupting the TV. I ended up getting into drugs and then I came off. My parents were there for me, of course. They taught me to drink instead of doing drugs. My dad has been egging me on to drink with him since I was 21, and he is basically an alcoholic. He will drink a bottle of brandy and then sit around all night long drinking 750 ml cans of beers in his underwear. Maybe you'll say I'm refusing to take responsibility for my life, but I tell you this: while other people had bad parents, I may as well have had NONE. My parents completely neglected me and whenever I try to talk to them about it they won't hear any of it. They hate me because I am a failure, but what did they expect me to become? Did they expect Chad or Bill Gates when they applied literally no effort to raising me? Hell, they never even taught me to floss or brush my hair. It's amazing I can do anything at all. I'm a 27 year old man with the body of a little girl who doesn't know how to ride a bike or do long division or swim. It's over for me.

>> No.10079784
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>> No.10079793

I only had four standard drinks this week since Sunday night. Probably the least amount of alcohol I've drank in a week in about 18 years.
The weekend will be the true test.

>> No.10079795
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>tfw you dig up a super smelly tonsil stone

>> No.10079797

Fuck off you stinking hippie faggot piece of shit and stay fucked off.

>> No.10079799
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>> No.10079804
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>> No.10079807

What currently holds you back? Your parental history or your present self?

>> No.10079810
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>> No.10079837

sip threads are kino you pleb

>> No.10079841

Normies never understand having fucked up parents. It's a fucking waste to try to talk to them, none of them give a shit at the end of the day. I didn't have it that bad, but I've seen people who did.
The good news is, if you can afford a bike you can definitely be able to teach yourself now if you go to some remote area and keep trying. Part of learning at least that is that you have to expect to fall a few times, but if you keep picking yourself and the bike back up, you will be able to do it yourself after time. You can use a calculator for math, it's not like either of us would have ever been a mathematician or scientist. Swimming might be tough without a little help though, I'm not sure. It would probably be more dangerous to try that by yourself, and definitely don't get into deep water.
All I'm saying is that I understand having a more distant relationship with your parents, but I believe that you can probably do some of these things on your own. You don't need someone to tell you how to do them really. I won't tell you to stop drinking because I have the same problem as you, but I wish you the best and hope at least a few things change for you.

>> No.10079850


>> No.10079856
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>corporate shill threads are **kino**

>> No.10079861

I tried what I could to improve my life. I went back to school, I got a diploma, I started working full time. Now I am trying to quit drinking but it's too little too late. If you saw me in person you'd know I'm fucked. My body is an underdeveloped girl body and I have below average test levels for my age. I strongly believe that the key to growing up normally is that nurture has to start from a very young age. A combination of parental neglect, rejection by my peers, and ultimately my own poor lifestyle choices (which are largely a consequence of the former two factors) have resulted in what I can only describe as some twisted biological experiment. I am not a man. I am a disfigured retarded subbhuman mutant.

>> No.10079865

Sometimes parents are a great example of what not to be. That is also valuable instruction. Own up for your own shit and stop whining.

>> No.10079868
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>sip threads are kino you pleb

>> No.10079871
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>sip threads are kino you pleb.

>> No.10079872

Why doesn't anyone just get their tonsils taken out as a kid anymore?

>> No.10079886

legitimately concerned about some of you and I'm not even talking about the people that are drinking themselves to death

>> No.10079892

>Part of learning at least that is that you have to expect to fall a few times, but if you keep picking yourself and the bike back up, you will be able to do it yourself after time. You can use a calculator for math, it's not like either of us would have ever been a mathematician or scientist. Swimming might be tough without a little help though,
The thing about these things is that it's too late. It's too late for all this shit. Who's going to be a better cyclist or a better swimmer? The guy that has been doing it since he was a toddler, or the retard that learned when he was 27 because he was having an early midlife crisis? It's over. That's the worst thing about it. What's the point in learning any of those things when your peers have all gotten married and are working their way into middle management? What kind of a life is that? I've watched helplessly as my life slipped away from me, one year at a time. My "best years". You know, I don't even want to drink anymore. I reached a point with alcohol that I reached with drugs six years ago. It doesn't take away the pain anymore. I can't watch movies or distract myself anymore while getting drunk and then just pass out and sleep. When I drink, I just browse 4chan like I normally would until I pass out. For a long time I'd been doing it because I simply couldn't stand being around my father when he drinks but I don't really want it anymore. I don't really know what else to do. It seems life will never be normal and I'll never reproduce and it's becoming clear to me that there's not going to be a point in continuing this tortured existence past thirty.

>> No.10079909
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so yesterday, I puked up some blood....again. So, I stopped drinking at around noon, and didn't have anything today. Out of work, so a bit depressed, especially that I'm 28 and living at home with parents. Anyways, today went so well not drinking. My ex called me up, asked me to come visit her for a skiing trip, then spend some time at her place, she is a doctor. So, anyways, now I can't drink tomorrow, because I have too much to do/get ready for. And I can't drink Saturday because I have a 7 hour drive. And I can't drink sunday because I'm skiing all day then driving 4 hours to her place. And Monday? Well, I am gonna want to fuck her, and I am hoping by then the alcohol will be out of my system and I will be able to get a proper erection again (they have been very soft the last 6 months I have been binging, even when mastrurbating.)

I kind of want to be clear, so she can see me without the booze. I will be getting some weed when I am there, plan on going to the bar in her neighborhood on Tuesday night, but I will see how good I am feeling. It's kind of like, life is getting too busy to drink again, I have been out of work for almost a year and a half after I got a d.u.i and have been super depressed and gained a bunch of weight. I hope I don't turn her off with my belly, but I think she knows I haven't been taking care of myself and is happy that I am going to be skiing with her, so I guess it is what it is.

thanks for reading.

>> No.10079916

>I'm not going to get drunk today, I'll just have one beer and stop

>> No.10079919

Just an al/ck/lurker but I recently went 12 days without showering due to mental issues, it didnt feel very good

>> No.10079925

that's basically what said in a more impolite way.

>> No.10079943


Dude weed lmao. Meet me outside the bar you fucking soyboy. I'll gladly do a year just to fuck your bitch ass up. At least I'll sober up.

>> No.10079954

You still got toilet wine.

>> No.10079957


You're a fucking Slav lad. Half your neighbors grew up the same way and they're not bitching about their lot in life. Have some fucking pride as a man Jesus.

>> No.10079964

No, it isn't. You said he'd hallucinate and do crazy things. But in reality he'd do nothing but sleep. Shared reality, he has crazy dreams he has a hard time deciding are real or not. But the weren't real, he was asleep from too much DPH.

>> No.10079967


Try to get some Viagra. At least that way she'll respect your virility if nothing else.

>> No.10079981

I'll share a story on here. If you take the whole box of DPH, you will hallucinate, but it's not fun. You will see spiders, flies, and cobwebs in the dark. You'll also spontaneously go into a waking "dream mode" where you just kind of freeze up but a scene plays before your eyes and then you snap out of it. If you smoke, you might smoke phantom cigarettes that don't exist. And you won't be able to sleep because an excessive dose of DPH causes tremors so every time you're about to drift off you'll experience a violent spasm.

>> No.10079997
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wow, what an excellent way to deflect my point, you people really have it figured out. have fun drinking poison, ill be toking on some safe, non-addictive ku.

>> No.10080007


I don't have a prescription. Was thinking about getting one for cialis so I don't have to pop the pill right before.

>> No.10080030

Yea, bad diet as a kid can fuck you up, but at least you ate a lot of meat. My parents were vegetarian and I was until 14, but even then I didn't get to eat any meat other than fast food shit until 18.

>> No.10080032

Make do with what you have where you can. Keep going bro, keep trying, fall and get back up. Have hope. I'll pray for you.

>> No.10080044

It's the weed guy comes to another board and talks shit kinda episode. LOL God I hate weed.

>> No.10080049

I don't believe there is anything wrong with your body or your intelligence but you obviously have horrible self-esteem. I hope you realize that that's what's actually holding you back. Your life has become a self-fulfilling prophecy because of your negative self-image. If you work on that i guarantee everything will change.

>> No.10080051

there is nothing wrong with weed. some people who smoke it are just faggots and that is how it is.

>> No.10080055

You are thinking of pole. Faggots smoke pole.

>> No.10080058

I blacked out once with my parents and brother in law and sister in the room and started yelling at all of them. I asked them to tell me what I said and they wouldn't. All I know is apparently I tried to get into my car to drive home. I never want or even think about driving while drunk. Pretty sure I was thinking about killing myself via a traffic collision. Lol.

I'm literally the runt of the family and the receptor of all insults and teasing. I used to take it but now that I'm older I can't stand it anymore. It all comes out when I drink. They really fucked up my self esteem and I'm still getting over it. Honestly it's probably the reason why I had a real drinking problem in 2016. But they'll never fucking know because all they do is make fun of me.

Normies don't know what it's like to have a shit family. I can't even find co-workers who hate even just ONE of their family members.

>> No.10080067

Look on the bright side... every single person that your family members work with cannot say the same thing you just did!

>> No.10080068

>local news website in my suburban NY town reports someone's been arrested for stealing a car getting a DWI crash and didn't have a license.

>Read his name

Two spic last names, what a shocker. Im betting no insurance either.

Its great getting culturly enriched by these brown people in our once great white country

>> No.10080071

Maybe your family doesn't understand how you feel. And if you explain how you feel and they still treat you like shit, what's stopping you from not seeing them anymore?

>> No.10080081

They don't even know how much they hate me is the worst part. They think they're the funniest people in the world. Now that I've been distancing myself from them, they wonder what my problem is. I tell them and they pretend like the horrible things they've said to me never happened. "I didn't say that" or my favorite "I was just saying it like it is."

>> No.10080083

>tfw no self driving car to drive you to the store

>> No.10080086

Dude I'm 27 with a total test level of 450 ng/dl. I have 6" wrists and narrow shoulders, and I have excessive belly fat no matter how much I weight. I really do look like a mutant and it's pretty obvious why no women have ever seen me as a potential romantic interest. I am not a "man". If I posted my pic online I'd become a soyboy meme.

>> No.10080089

Well boys drinking is better than not drinking

Thought I had an ulcer or the cancer because when I wiped my butt this morning it was bloody and latter this not I had a weird fart and there was no blood in the undies but it was bloody on the shit tickets little worried but I'll go with I wiped my butt to hard this morning. So how's your day been going

>> No.10080104

Dude you're so fixated on physical features, only guys care about that stuff. Girls care sooo much more about how you carry yourself and your self-confidence. And even more than that they care about money and a man's overall value. Jeff Bezos looks soy as fuck but you know he slays.

Chads can get away with being broke losers because they look good. The rest of us can't do that but instead of complaining we work hard and that's how we get our slice of the pie.

>> No.10080106


>> No.10080113


>> No.10080115

>want to drink
>just eating a shitload of food instead
at least im still 20lbs underweight from my 2 month bender

>> No.10080119

regular drunk regular gas. mom comes in and asks if I shit my self again. I just moved back in a week ago, and I have never.

>> No.10080124

if you pinch the base of your penis when you ejaculate all of your semen ends up in your bladder. You rejaculate it into your self.

>> No.10080133

>Girls care sooo much more about how you carry yourself and your self-confidence.

And Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Musk are all more masculine than me. Many women literally have bigger wrists than me. Every man I met had bigger wrists and hands than me.

Women absolutely care about looks. But the worst part is that the men don't respect me either because I am weak.

>> No.10080164

Is Billy Joel? Prince? David Bowie? Spike Lee? Kevin Hart?

Wrist size... lol. You have an obsession with physical characteristics, i hope you know that. Probably from going on 4chan too much. Don't use your physical characteristics as an excuse for why you can't work hard.

It's hard for men to respect you if you don't respect yourself. And you don't know a damn thing about how women think, you've pretty much admitted that.

>> No.10080190
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Am I to understand you drank gas, literal gasoline?

>> No.10080211

he was farting and his mom thought he shit himself
probably doesn't even remember doing it the first time lmao

>> No.10080232
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Howdy lads. NAFLD man here. Getting drunk once again. I was sober for 4 days though, that's impressive no?

>> No.10080475
File: 26 KB, 405x273, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I"m not that guy, but nigga don't be namin' rich people as an argument lol

>> No.10080550

anyone else sit and watch the clock until the liquor stores close when sober?

>> No.10080567

The point is that it isn't all about physical characteristics. That guy was acting like he wouldn't get laid even if he had Amazon money because of the size of his wrists lol. Even on a much smaller scale all women are born with the ability to detect social value and will happily fuck ugly dudes if they're valuable enough

>> No.10080586

have fun skiing. maybe you are off the booze train. good for you, at least someone cares enough to want to do something with you. maybe this is a turning point. see how you feel after sunday. you will have been 5 days sober if your plan works out.

>> No.10080595

yes. 126 days sober

>> No.10080620

I drink a bottle of wine each night.

How bad is it?

>> No.10080625

You're almost at the tipping point of becoming a house wife/

>> No.10080632

bottle might be a magnum. Wine drunks can be pros too.

>> No.10080663

Yup. You might need to pay close attention to your sobriety after this trip. You will know what it's like to feel "normal" for a bit. It might scare you. There are always AA meetings which would love you to come in after your sober streak. See how you feel.

>> No.10080664

the fact you count the days make me sure i'll never be able to be sober. it sounds fuckin horrible

>> No.10080685

It honestly gets better everyday. It is not bullshit. Still smoke a bit of weed though. The day counting thing is important to me, and not an AA thing.

>> No.10080702

So it turns out that I did steal money from my work when I was blacked out.

A higher up employee informed me today that they are documenting for each time it happens.
Should I just work like nothing happened, or go ahead and quit without notice?

Im at a crossroads. So far I think it's around the 400$ mark.

>> No.10080711

This plus insane heart palpitations. I did it at 600 and it was not ple at all.

>> No.10080722

what sort of place you work... not actual place of course?

>> No.10080725

What's the menu for Patriots win

Might go cold cuts cheese and wine

Too mutherfucking pizza and wings and beer

Anybody rich heer?

>> No.10080730

>quit alcohol a few days ago
>brain is shitting itself and being extremely depressed for absolutely no reason

How long do I have to be off booze until my mood normalizes? My life is actually pretty okay so I'm guessing it's just chemicals.

>> No.10080735

I do ok. No time for spandex guys hug time tough

>> No.10080736

PAWS can last for months my dude

>> No.10080743

Casual restaurant known worldwide

>> No.10080748

I used to ALL the time before I quit. It was beyond obsessive.

>> No.10080751

I guess relapse is inevitable. I don't know if I can be in this mindset for that long.

>> No.10080765

Only 5% make it past five years sober. Not a good enough reason not to try for better.

>> No.10080778

32 days sober here. I still crave a cold beer but I think I'm over it. I take weed tintures that've helped me. I could see myself using weed for awhile. It's more fun and j don't feel like shit the next day.

>> No.10080793

How about eventually learning to moderate? Is that possible?

>> No.10080814

Look into the SMART recovery system. It is about relearning moderation and works for some.

>> No.10080833

>He will drink a bottle of brandy and then sit around all night long drinking 750 ml cans of beers in his underwear.

Mine did the same. The sofa would stink like poop on the spot where he always sat.

Also ussually if i needed to go to bed during the evening, and if he catched me mumbling something while walking upstairs he would always assume i've said the worst and chase me to beat me up. First with his hands. Them with an object, because it would be my fault his hands hurt because he had to hit me..

>> No.10080853

I only peak in these threads now and again.

I was a heavy drinker for about 2 years. About a half bottle of whiskey a night.

Recently, within the last two months, have really cut back. The withdraws were hell, I'm not going to lie. There were times when driving home from work where everything got blurry, my heart rate was so high I thought I was going to stroke out, and I might just keel over there and then.

Now, I have just a bottle or two of wine a week. I recently bought a bottle of whiskey and had a few shots a night, but I don't go through a bottle like I used to.

Guess what I'm trying to say is, if you're trying to quit, that's great. If you want to give it up completely, that's great too. But don't feel bad if you still want to have a drink every now and then to take the edge off.

Celibacy from alcohol is a good thing if you really can't control how much you drink, and you'll know if you can't. But... if you have an iron will and can regulate it just enough to where you have a moderate amount of what is considered healthy or normal, it's not a bad thing either.

Everyone, stay strong out there. Alcohol can be a hell of a drug, and let's not kid ourselves... it is a drug. Just be smart, be strong, and stay safe about these things. If you're struggling, struggling is part of life in general. There's no easy solution or way out in anything. You have to fight in order to keep going. Accept the burden of that truth now as a reality, because acceptance is the only real way you'll feel better about moving forward.

>> No.10080879


Be my gf(male) you silly little bitch.

>> No.10080881

How did you have work and shit with WDs. makes it sound fake, my m8.

>> No.10080930


Not fake, but really hard. I'm not going to lie. It was like being forced to do the hardest mental task you've ever been challenged with while at the same time completing a marathon run. Truly the most difficult task I've ever faced in life so far, but doable with an iron will. However, the severity of withdraws depends from person to person. I've got irish genes so maybe mine wouldn't be as bad as someone whose hereditary isn't bound by a thousand years of alcoholism.

>> No.10080971
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Who had the saddest story in the history of these threads?

I saw one where a guy strained his vomit to try to extract any alcohol left. It didn't work

>> No.10080997

That is fucked up. Worse than boofing salt extracted hand sanitizer.

>> No.10081065

That's not edge, you drooling retard. He's a bad parent and shouldn't have kids

>> No.10081071

i drank a bottle of my piss while on shrooms. rumor was youd get high again. rumor was wrong.

>> No.10081072

The mother is obviously going to stay sober in case anything happens, dumbass. That's what women are for.

>> No.10081092

Yeah, I'm sure. Can't wait to see how that relationship turns out.

>> No.10081098

dont quit without notice. find a nother job first. it would only hurt yourself if you just quit. thats a fast way to become a bum.

>> No.10081128

My mum was pretty shit tier so I rarely talk to her.
Fixed her house up a few years ago replacing bathroom and floorboards a few years ago. Got zero thanks.
I like to drink so I don’t think about her much. Fuck my life would have been far better if only I was adopted.
Told her when I was 4 that my uncle was abusing me and she did nothing.
Thanks mum.

>> No.10081133

that sucks. your mom is a degenerate loser. you should cut off all contact with her. this advice is coming from a person who had a normal family. anyone who let you get raped is a piece of trash.

>> No.10081144

Seen these threads before; got in a little too deep lately. My choice is Vodka to help knock me the fuck out, but I don't stay asleep for long. Get up to piss and then...a couple of shots won't hurt, right? Get back to sleep and wake up like a dead person. My thing is--I'm aware of the situation so I try to balance out in other directions--NO desserts, healthy eating, and I try to exercise. Don't smoke and I make it a priority to hydrate--water, green/peppermint tea mix.

But I got tripped up this week and am feeling that...nausea. Wasn't present last week. Feel like I got taken down a notch, and I'm trying to get back to the baseline. Swearing off the second round (post first piss wake up) and going to be conscious of hydrating, but this nausea thing...it's throwing my eating off. Anyone have tips? I'm trying to push back from a fuck up, basically. Then pull back in steps. Might not be active in the thread for long, as I'm falling out, but thanks in advance.

Also--I take one-a-day, milk thistle and tumeric/ginger supplement daily. Anything to add? I heard cayenne was helpful. All this shit because I've never been able to sleep properly...goddamn man. Before you ask, weed makes me paranoid and OTC's/herbals don't do shit for me. Vodka lays me out; hence the predicament. Be well, anons.

>> No.10081147

Funny how all their posts got BTFO, stupid fucking ledditors
Too busy drinking soy latter to enjoy pirate coffee

>> No.10081153

You can get drinks via the Tipple app in Australia
It's the worst thing for me yet, please help

>> No.10081161

too much fucking text. who wants to tackle that wall of blog for free?

>> No.10081168

Quite a few people in these threads manage my man, if it gets too bad they can always have a drink anyway.

>> No.10081187

Sorry, my guy; just reaching out. Kinda scared.

>> No.10081196

Have you tried prescription sleeping pills?

>> No.10081197

condense your issue and repost

>> No.10081204

Drinking regularly is a downward spiral, alcohol is a form of energy and no matter what you do your body will adapt to use it if you drink regularly enough. I'm too plastered to give good advice, greentext your story and maybe we can help.

>> No.10081231

Okay okay goddammit.
>Everything used to work out well
>Upped it a bit for a few days; NOT WELL AT ALL.
>Nausea, unstable equilibrium, and no appetite.
>Stomach pains, kind of...shit am I gonna die?

>Relatively fit and health conscious in other respects
>Most days are no big deal; but tonight and last night were different
>Aware of the deficiencies /ak/ causes; take suppliments
>Usually works, but had to add some anti nausea and tums today
>Wasn't even a question--had to drink to get right again in the evening.
>Here I am, feeling pretty good, not shitfaced but not tired.

>> No.10081235

Drink moar water faget

>> No.10081246

No I'm kinda scared of being too fucked the next day, believe it or not. Tried some Valerian capsules and didn't really feel shit that night, but I was so scrambled the next day. Thought about ZzzQuil, but I'd want to drink with it, so that kinda scares me too. The urge to drink comes first, I guess. One of my boys suggested Xanax but damn man....there's enough shit going down already.

>> No.10081248

I know man...believe me. That's the problem. Part of me loves it and the other part is saying, dude you're a fucking moron.

>> No.10081258

Point taken. I do try pretty hard but...point taken.
Just trying to figure out why I dipped below baseline this week.
When you feel your organs...you know....

>> No.10081422

Try to get Trimipramine (tricyclic anti-dep) prescribed. You build up a tolerance quite quickly, but it's non-addictive, hardly any side-effects, it doesn't knock you out, just calms you down and you wake up quite refreshed. Also amazing sex dreams in my case.

>> No.10081442
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I like /sip/ threads

>> No.10081458

I have a really bad generous that's lasted a week now
I drink every day for the past 10 years(in 24) and lately have been doing about 120-160 oz of malt liquor a day. Is there anyway to just make this hemmeroid go away it really fuckin hurts

>> No.10081471
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I just had a really good idea. I'm usually like, Wd'ing every few weeks from benders, hearing shit, seeing flashes, shacking in the floor... It's garbage, I ruin regular relationships, whatever. So why not find a decent girl with schizophrenia to basically hope she will off me one of the times when things get weird? Kill two birds with one stone, really.

>pic relate, the slenderman killing girl

>> No.10081483

I believe most of us drink well through this part. Ask again when you're shaking in the floor and you cant lay on your side without it pushing on your protruding liver.

>> No.10081485

Tried to be sober today but found a bar in my neighborhood(NYC) that does 7 dollar pitchers of beer...... needless to say I spent over 30 dollars and am definitely not fucking sober

>> No.10081503

the fucking way she goes

>> No.10081517

God that's the fucking thing about it. My body has sent off so many distress signals and yet I still continue. There is a fucking bleeding lump on my asshole and yet I'm still chugging olde English. Is alchoholism really just a form of late developing mental retardation?

>> No.10081650


The fuck? I remember a guy a few threads ago saying his mom asked if he had shat himself when he had never done so and he'd moved back in a week prior. Are you just fishing for (you)s or something?

>> No.10081755

Who here from /biz/ is drowning their miseries? God help us

>> No.10081759

Nah I'm buying alts, the price correction after the shitstorm will be easy money

>> No.10081773


Someone has been reposting single posts, or sometimes even whole threads verbatim - images and all.

It has been going on in /ck/ for a while.

>> No.10081796 [DELETED] 


>> No.10081806
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Well lads, drank a half bottle of vodka last night. Didn't even get properly drunk, my uvula is irritated and swollen, and still feel like shit this morning.
Liver hurts and my body feels bloated.
Is this a sign to just fucking stop drinking?

>> No.10081821

>Is this a sign to just fucking stop drinking?
Probably, or at least not so much. I rarely drink and can easily feel the effects of a tiny sip of hard alcohol or half of a bottle of beer, but if I have another drink within a day or two it doesn't feel the same and it's not as enjoyable.

This might sound stupid but some people had luck kicking their addictions with "ASMR". Not the intimacy simulator videos but actually getting a tingling sensation from certain sounds, music, etc. because they found it more enjoyable. Anyway, I hope you guys get better.

>> No.10081829

Fell asleep on the floor of my kids’ room.

>> No.10081834

Got a big house party coming up that I would usually be excited for but because I've been drinking every day for the whole week, it doesn't feel like a special event anymore.

>> No.10081837

Thanks man. Are you talking about those weird meditation videos or whatever?
Isn't that what chris chan did to make himself believe he was transforming into a girl?

>> No.10081844

>Are you talking about those weird meditation videos or whatever?
They're usually not meditation videos but people pretending to be whispering in your ear most of the time. I'm not sure if it really works for some people or if they just like the feeling of intimacy though. I don't really like those videos because they make me feel creeped out a bit with a stranger trying to act that way, but you can get it from other things. I got it from a random video of some guy just reciting poetry, and you can get it from music too.

>Isn't that what chris chan did to make himself believe he was transforming into a girl?
Nah that was subliminal frequency or something, it's like alternative medicine. People probably started doing that because it was easy to make a long sound clip with free audio software that you could get ad revenue from. Or they really believed it could work and then they went overboard with it and started claiming it could do all these crazy things.

>> No.10081849
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>that fucking starting image

>> No.10081906
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>those tits

>> No.10081920

I'm from a town literally 15 mins from where this happened. Should I try to find slenderman inna woods?

>> No.10081925

yup, it's a good way to destroy your brain and body in one fell swoop. The worse it gets the harder it is to stop and it only gets exponentially worse

it really is the definition of insanity

>> No.10081936

and by 'one fell swoop' I mean 'years of steady and increasing abuse'

>> No.10082042

Recovery. Hope you bought the dip

>> No.10082219
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Haven't spoken to or seen my parents in over 10.5 months, nor any other family, your choice of edition for this thread is useless to me.

Having struggled with bringing my drinking back down to every 3 days after the holidays, I seem to have succeeded. 2 straight days sober is nice, hoping to squeeze in some 3 consecutive sober days eventually and really I know I could if I tried today, but I don't quite want to. Feels like it's going to be a pretty dull Friday, and tonight is going to have LOTS of wind as well as rain, sort of stormy conditions I guess, which as far as I'm concerned is ideal conditions in which to drink. So I figure I'll continue to maintain my 'every 3 days' until I get a a '3rd day' in which I find myself too active/busy to even think about or bother with drinking. Last I drank was the 30th, 31st and 1st was sober, so tonight I'll likely be drinking though more slowly than last time. Last time I blacked out at some point in which I ate a can of beans that I can't remember eating, and passed out for a bit. I then went on Omegle and talked about politics while still drunk which I remember and was told a couple times that I'm knowledgeable.

Pic unrelated, but it's comfy. Makes me feel good inside, reminds me of home a little bit.

>> No.10082234

Came back from detox a few days ago, just walked away from there after 3 days and drank next day but ive been sober 4th day now and i really crave alcohol but my parents are extremely angry about it i don't know what to do. Alcohol sales will close in 1hour 50 mins and I'm going grocery shopping today, i will have to visit several shops for different things and my parents know that so I can be out for like 30-45mins.

I'm thinking going outside getting 0.2l of vodka and maybe 1 beer, chug the vodka with beer fast on my way to another shop and then back home, but I might crave more. I don't know what to do. I think a 0.2l of vodka and 1 beer would help

I feel extremely bored and just really want a drink

>> No.10082243

I could also spend 2hours outside dirnking 7.5% plastic bottle beer but my parents will know i drank outside, also ill probably go to toilet alot and they will know and feel uneasy not having alcohol in my room after im back home.

>> No.10082250


I want to fuck that sillohwet

>> No.10082253

I'm thinking maybe getting 0.2l of vodka and 1L of 7.5% beer and just drink it outside, then go shopping, suck some halls( Does it help to hide the smell?). And go home. The only problem is that I might need a little bit more before sleep and i can't smuggle any inside i think, except maybe one of those 0.1l plastic vodka tubs

>> No.10082254


If you are living with your parents, take that as a sign to sober up and move out/on. I deal with such an onslaught of bullshit trying to survive and keep my place while drinking. I wish I could move home to loving parents.

>> No.10082260

I can't wait to get my driving license back in october, i'll start working as a truck driver and finally move out, already started getting my B category back slowly, lessons again in april and finish everything in summer, then train to become a truck driver.

Been thinking about sobering up and maybe drinking just once a month untill october but today I just feel like really have to drink some.

>> No.10082292

I guess I'll only get 0.2L of vodka,chug it outside to relax and just move on, get some food and go home and stay up all night like always nowadays. Just to understand that I didn't really need it today, works sometimes, especially now when im not feeling anxious or really want to drink, just a weird craving at the moment.

>> No.10082349
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So I've been in this odd mental struggle maybe you guys could give me tips on how to conquer this demon. I drink about 4 on the light end and about 8 or 9 on the heavy end beers every night usually about 6.5% abv depends on how the bank accounts looking...which I know isn't the worst habit but also not the best. Anyway my point is I can't help but having this overwhelming urge to drink in the AM especially on my days off. Now I never get like hammered at most I'll buy 2 crappy tall boys but I'll do this I'll buy them at like 6am while under the guise of getting gas or cigs for my wife before she has to go to work. While she's at work I watch my son and I don't drink until he goes down for his morning nap about 9 or 10 am depending and I'll drink both the tall boys get drunk for like an hour lay down get some coffee and eat because my son sleeps for about 2 hours. By the time he gets up I'm at the end of this drunk so obviously I'm hungover not debilitating but not the best. So I've swore off morning drinking to be a better father and I've done well everyday I don't drink in the morning I'm like hot damn I feel like a million bucks. But whenever it's like payday or shit the opposite I'm looking at bills trying to see how were going to make ends meet. This little fucking demon just wants to get me out of the house and get some beer like it's going to be a jolly good time and never is. My wife drinks so drinking in the evening isn't a big deal we wait till after our son is down and everything....but help me al/ck/ what tips do you have to ignore this morning drink. I've been good today just smoking some oil and feeling good but I know the day soon will come when that demon comes knocking.

>> No.10082357

I'm gonna need you to split that up into paragraphs or something

>> No.10082377
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So I've been in this odd mental struggle maybe you guys could give me tips on how to conquer this demon. I drink about 4 on the light end and about 8 or 9 on the heavy end beers every night usually about 6.5% abv depends on how the bank accounts looking...which I know isn't the worst habit but also not the best.

Anyway my point is I can't help but having this overwhelming urge to drink in the AM especially on my days off. Now I never get like hammered at most I'll buy 2 crappy tall boys but I'll do this I'll buy them at like 6am while under the guise of getting gas or cigs for my wife before she has to go to work.

While she's at work I watch my son and I don't drink until he goes down for his morning nap about 9 or 10 am depending and I'll drink both the tall boys get drunk for like an hour lay down get some coffee and eat because my son sleeps for about 2 hours. By the time he gets up I'm at the end of this drunk so obviously I'm hungover not debilitating but not the best.
So I've swore off morning drinking to be a better father and I've done well everyday I don't drink in the morning I'm like hot damn I feel like a million bucks. But whenever it's like payday or shit the opposite I'm looking at bills trying to see how were going to make ends meet. This little fucking demon just wants to get me out of the house and get some beer like it's going to be a jolly good time and never is.

My wife drinks so drinking in the evening isn't a big deal we wait till after our son is down and everything....but help me al/ck/ what tips do you have to ignore this morning drink. I've been good today just smoking some oil and feeling good but I know the day soon will come when that demon comes knocking.

>> No.10082386

I've never pissed the bed.
I have been blackout drunk and passed out in bed, and with no recollection of it whatsoever I got out of bed and pissed in the trashcan in my room. I didn't actually discover it was full of piss for a like a week.

>> No.10082419

Why the hell don't you have a designated piss pot? I have a 2L jug to piss/puke in and a 33L bucket for when it's full. Do you even al/ck/?

>> No.10082427

Waot wut?

>> No.10082431

I've pissed in a trash can, in a dresser drawer, in my clothes bin. all bad places

>> No.10082438

guy does not know if he is cumming or going.

>> No.10082442

>Tfw responsible drinker
How did you guys let it get this bad?

>> No.10082447

Addictive personality disorders and physical dependence after a while. Overtime it just slowly builds up more and more until you lose control over it.

>> No.10082449

Just don't drink

>> No.10082568

I stopped drinking to that degree. I drink less now but still everyday.

>> No.10082581
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>> No.10082584
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why do you people keep making this thread on the wrong board

not to mention that you're so extroverted that you resort to chatting about how many fake problems you have

>> No.10082599

Alcohol doesn't solve problems, it creates problems. Short term yeah, it seems great, I did pretty much the same thing. Couldn't fall asleep, nothing helped, downed a couple shots and boom, done. Then you just wake up, drink some water, eat some breakfast and you're good to go. Hard cut to 6 months later and I CAN'T sleep unless I drink, no matter what, drinking more so I feel like shit, come into work hungover or tired so I get fired, start going through a handle every two or three days. I have never heard of it "working for some people", I've only ever heard stories of people going a little too far, then a little farther, then becoming a full on alcoholic. I know it sucks, that was my problem, I had no idea what else to do, and everything works differently for different people which makes it really hard to give advice. For me exercise actually did help, I would just run until I was fucking exhausted, take a shower, then pass out. I definitely don't think "dude run lol" works for everyone, but I can definitely tell you you should cross alcohol off the list of solutions.

>> No.10082613
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Can't stop dreaming about fucking goliath birdeaters. I have this fucked up, recurring dream wherein I buy one as a pet, then it gets loose in the house. Every time. Pretty sure that it's a symbolic, sleep-consciousness attempt at deciphering my alcoholism. My hobby is dangerous, terrifying and deadly once it's out of control.

>> No.10082619

Just step on your alcoholism.

>> No.10082624

>>10082619 see >>10082581

>> No.10082681
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Back. 19:20 I left, went to maxima shop to get 0.2l of vodka nad 0.5l of coke, quickly chugged it in my commieblock neighbourhood by the bench in like 5 mins then walked to LIDL and got minced beef, brocoli, onions, bread, frozen dumplings and other shit. Got my check at lidl was 19:47(Alcohol sale closes at 20:00) Had to run to another shop called "Kubas" where they sell 100ml vodka in plastic cubs, bought 2 of them and just got home will drink thme slowly now and go to bed. Feeling pretty good now

Alcohol isn't sold past 8 pm in my country btw (lithuania)

>> No.10082690

>No bacon
Do you even thiamine?

>> No.10082696

Time for a cig now, i left lighter at home when i left and it will feel pretty good now, also opening my 1st plastic cup in the balcony as i smoke

>> No.10082703

I would have thought the boose laws were really slack in a country like that.
I guess they tightened them because there are so many problem drinkers there, yeah? As if that helps.

Anyone who frequents these threads should be eating b-vitamin tablets. You really don't want to burn out your brain on that particular deficiency; even if you do want to die this is not the way to go about it.

>> No.10082708

/sips/ are a good source of b-vitamins

>> No.10082714
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>b vit
Yeah agreed. Pic (probably rotated because fuck Apple) is my desk. Always snacking on nuts and seeds, and take b1 and a b complex.

>> No.10082721

I haven't eaten solid food in five days. Not because I can't, I have pounds of hamburger, chicken, pork chops, rice, beans, spices, seasoning, vegetables. Nope, it's because when I drink I'm a man on a mission, and that mission is to get wrecked. Food just slows down the process. Today I'm in recovery mode. Lots of sleep, lots of ice water, and I think I'll grill some chicken later. What do y'all think, barbecue? cajun blackened? fajita seasoning? Basic mustard? The chicken is going with rice btw.

>> No.10082737

I used to have Vitamin B complex pills all the time. Especially when staying sober for 3+ days i did them everyday. Also I've been to detox earlier and they gave me rehydron and it did miracles. I always had constipation because of dehydration and drank macrogol every other day but rehydron made me shit so easily and it still does, i took a nice shit today it was soft and easy with no blood

>> No.10082783

I know that feel. 2 weeks ago I had tons of food, money, was living really good, but realized I have to destroy myself completely, bought liters of whiskey and started drinking and not eating for days, waking up drinking then passing out, it just felt right.

>> No.10082812
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>> No.10082814
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>months ago try to quit and it's going well at first
>buy a bunch of food and shit
>relapse and go on an almost 2 week long bender
>quit cold turkey and after I finally manage to get through hellish WD's look in fridge
>perishables I bought rotting or expired
>bread I baked sitting on counter moldy
I've quit since then, but still. The amount of money that has just gone straight into the trash after years and years and years makes my stomach turn.

>> No.10082815

Well I'm here now, my gm told me to clock out 10 mins ago and to wait around for the area manager to get here. She has "news" for me. I'm in the bathroom bucking back some jack I had in my locker sweating bullets

>> No.10082820

Oh shit, man. Good luck and keep us updated.

>> No.10082831

livestream the meet pls

>> No.10082842

Will do
Can't on 3g

>> No.10082853

DENIE EVERYTHING. Proof is on them. DO not convict yourself no matter what.

>> No.10082888

Depends on if they have cameras or not.

>> No.10082896

Fuck that... if they have video of you wearing a shirt with a pic of your drivers licence on it. "Yeah, that isn't me."

You are ALWAYS not guilty. Worst case, they have to bargain with you to admit it.

>> No.10082943

>my gm told me to clock out 10 mins ago and to wait around
tell him if you're clocked out you're leaving
if he wants you to wait you're still on the clock

>> No.10082967

No cameras in the store. And apparently they are under the impression it's one of the niglet teens that works here. Crisis averted.

I think she told me that to see how it would react. I'm in overtime anyways and can't keep using the labor hours up. So for now I'm in the clear. But I really need to watch myself.

Thank you guys for letting me confide in you.

>> No.10082982

Christ dude, you are one lucky motherfucker. Get through those withdrawals and stop going to work that drunk, man. Speaking as someone who's in between jobs, can't find another one and barely paying bills/feeding myself on NEETbux, it's not worth it.

>> No.10082993

Remember... it does not matter if there are cameras. You are ALWAYS not guilty. It was some Puertoricanguy. Never incriminate yourself.

>> No.10083033

Take this as a sign to take it easy with the booze man.

>> No.10083053

guarantee i'd celebrate by getting drunk.

>> No.10083057

Not telling him to stop drinking just not until he gets black outs. And especially not if he has work.

>> No.10083115

just stay positive :^)

>> No.10083123

how fucking smashed do you have to be to piss in your own bed

>> No.10083147
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>20:04, alcohol gone

>> No.10083168
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Oh god....I hate myself today.

Last night I got drunk as fuck (blackout) and ate out a hideously ugly woman from craigslist.

pic related

almost sure I fucked her bareback for a minute too, I can't remember

>> No.10083177

you coulda done worse

>> No.10083180

I'm pretty much an unapologetic misogynist but even I wouldn't stoop so low as to post a woman on 4chan to complain about having had sex with her

>> No.10083185


>> No.10083190

Call a rape hotline

>> No.10083194

Fat bitches need love too. I had one girl suck my dick and tell me she wanted me to cum on her glasses. The next morning I titty fucked her and gave her a pearl necklace. Shit was pretty dope, yo,

>> No.10083195

She was a woman, I'm sure of that.

She was in her late 40's though, Old enough to be my mother.

>> No.10083197

When I'm really drunk I sometimes piss in my trash can

>> No.10083211

I used to piss on the stairs when blacked out and wouldnt remember anything untill my housemates told me. I'd fall asleep and next morning they ask me why i piss on the stairs

>> No.10083226

I actually remember the first time I did it. I was so drunk I couldn't be bothered to leave my bed.

>> No.10083229

Me here. HOLY SHIT! it's like things are turning around. Just got a pretty decent job offer, that is not shitty manual labour. Pay is great. I might be able to start tackling my debt. Job requires me to move cities which would help being away from everyone I know that constantly drinks.

And it's Friday, and I don't want to drink because I have to get up early, and have a bunch of shit to do for this new job.


>> No.10083289

>even I wouldn't stoop so low as to post a woman on 4chan
Not him, but she posted her picture on CL. What's the fucking difference.

>> No.10083299

Couldn't even find /c/k desu i didnt see an /alck/ up there next to /tv/ and whatnot

>> No.10083380

Some women just look like men, honestly.

>> No.10083390

Dude she had a pussy, I ate it and fucked it. I'm certain she wasn't a tranny or a dude at one time

>> No.10083396

I'm not saying she was a tranny. I'm saying some actual women just literally have man face. I've known some.

>> No.10083407

That's a girl bro, look at them tata's.
She looks like a butterface with a nice body. Don't feel bad homie.

>> No.10083412

Good job man, keep it together now.

>> No.10083454


Medical science has come pretty far these days. At least do the right thing and let your parents know you've come out.

>> No.10083565

Oh for sure, She was ugly and had a man-ish face.

She also wore a ton of makeup, I had the shit all over my pillows this morning.

>> No.10083581
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>> No.10083583

I fucked my ex while we were both wasted and she was on her period one time. It was like a scene straight out of a horror movie when we woke up he next morning.

>> No.10083606

thanks man. I actually feel so much more put together after only a couple of days. It's strange, not having the "time" or energy to drink. I used to just keep putting things off. Right now, I know there is not even a chance I can get drunk for at least 72 hours I imagine. too much driving, and too many plans the ex has made for us. I think she kinda wants to get back together, not sure if it's what I want but at least I won't look like a fucking drunk and I have my shit together. I really needed this. my only worry is sleep. I'm pretty tired today because I couldn't fall asleep last night. And tonight might be hard. But I just gotta deal with it. Kind of nice to type all this out.

>> No.10083611

Not so bad, at least she's thin. I feel like I have a fetish or something for ugly girls like her, idk maybe it's cognitive dissonance from fucking so many disgusting whores while wasted out of my mind

>> No.10083614

Grill here to confirm it's most definitely not all about looks.

Or money. But you should be self sufficient.

>> No.10083624

Wait. You don't have measuring tape along for every date in order to measure wrist width??? How else would you select a mate?

>> No.10083674
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>tfw you come off a five-day binge, devour some chicken fajitas, rice, and icewater, then go straight back to bed for a nap.

>> No.10083688

fresh bread when?

>> No.10083726

we don't need it until page 8 or 9

>> No.10083735


You best start believing in page 9 or 9

>> No.10083841

went to the gym today
apparently the last time i went was october 12

>> No.10083870

Shit. Maybe I should start rethinking my choices.

>> No.10083939

I used to tell my parents i was "going to the gym" but i would sit in the bathroom stall in the locker room and drink for an hour before coming back home. Good times.

>> No.10083993

Anyone got recommendations for whiskey? I like smokey whiskey like Laphroaig or Lagavulin but they are both too expensive for me to drink on the regular.

Is there cheap and good whiskey out there?

>> No.10084028

Why is Bombay Sapphire so good?

Got 2 liters at the Dubai Airport duty free and gonna make it my weekend fuel

>> No.10084039

I got some oxycodone for back pain. It only took me two days till I started abusing it so I've thrown it out. I haven't drank in a month and I'm starting a new job this week and I'm terrified about how easily I turn to anything to avoid being sober.

>> No.10084052

After a trip to Greece parents got me a bottle of Plantation rum and a bottle of Bombay Sapphire, both half off. Definitely the best gin there is, sharing the number one spot with Gordon's Dry Gin.

Gotta love duty-free booze.

>> No.10084079

Bombay smells amazing and is 47%

Gonna just sit back on the balcony, take in the african sun and enjoy frying my neurons

>> No.10084123

Sounds great, I'm sitting alone looking out through my window into the winter-wonderland that is my neighborhood. Finishing the last of my sake right about now and I have just a bit beer left.

Might enjoy some of my own gin for the sake of solidarity.

>> No.10084157

So I stopped drinking for the first time in a long time today and constantly felt a tightness in my chest like I was going to have a heart attack. Started drinking a few minutes ago and feel better.

What does this mean bros? Anybody else experienced this?

>> No.10084164


>> No.10084204

Do it bud.

>> No.10084211

Fuck I hope you blew in that bareback, perfect cum dumpster.


>> No.10084434
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>> No.10084465


Excersise. It won't completely cure you but it will abate most of the hangover and you won't feel like a lazy useless piece of shit.

>> No.10084491


If you truly love your son you'll quit for him. My father quit cold turkey, stupid as hell in retrospect, after my mother threatened to leave him and take us away from him. I pray you never have to make that choice.

>> No.10084510

Every time i try to go to the kitchen for food my dad wakes up and calls my name so I run back into my room.

Don't want him to see me drunk

>> No.10084520

won't he wonder why you aren't responding to him?

>> No.10084537

That's kinda dumb. Don't you think he's drunk too?
I mean it's a friday night so there's a lot of reasons to drink and not a lot of reasons to not do it.

>> No.10084545

Prep food before hand brosef.

>> No.10084562

He's a teetotal man

We just got off an 18 hr flighr

Ironically i think he's trying to alert me to food downstairs since i didn't eat the airline meals. But he feels shit when he catches me drunk

>> No.10084564
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How does al/ck/ deal with stomach pain and irritation from heavy liquor use?

Does eating a meal before make that much of a difference?

>> No.10084580

Spent 6 days sober
Drank last night
Wasn’t worth it.
This keeps happening though. Can anyone offer some advice?

>> No.10084586


>> No.10084591

Yea, a good meal helps me. Drinking something that isn't alcohol in between is also smart but way harder to actually do.

>> No.10084613

Thanks, compassionate anon

>> No.10084622

Someone make a new

>> No.10084625

>Wasn’t worth it.
Happens every time. I'm nearly 16 days sober and I'm glad I haven't been having cravings this time.

>> No.10084631

Which ones then?

>> No.10084640

Welp fell of the wagon again. I do good but when things get rough, i dont have anyone to talk to. So i seek out and old friend :-( sux

>> No.10084738

I love this video

Beautiful women singing about god


>> No.10084849

New thread, boys and girls.

>> No.10084863


You got some black in you. Do you also enjoy Hennessy and Tanqueray?

>> No.10085714

The problem is a certain coworker shows up with liquor. I've smoked pot with him before outback, and it's always hard to say no. You would think him being 17 would be enough, but he's a cool guy and like a younger brother. Just doesn't know I battle a daily challenge to drink. Nobody does really.

I'm thinking of picking up some heroin or more xanax, just something to take the edge off for a bit. I've picked the stuff up before and walked away clean a few times now.

Yeah definitely dude. If I fuck this up then I'll be at the homeless shelter within a month. As I said, I'm contemplating some dope, it's hard for me not to have an undesirable "addiction". I've had it all my life, cigarettes turned to pot, then to beer, then to liquor.

I mean fuck. I was on my Yamaha 2 years ago with a DOT approved full face helmet blacked out. Still broke my jaw, still didn't learn anything then. I just want some downers.

>> No.10085723

Not bad. I'd hit it and my standards are lower than that. I wouldn't eat a CL bitch tho. Fucked plenty but not with my tounge.

Gotta get to know them for at least 2 weeks before that.