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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 634x371, 1411343341954_wps_20_AJT7P2_Burger_chips_cut_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10075691 No.10075691 [Reply] [Original]

crisps before burger or burger before crisps?

>> No.10075694

fries on burger, then the rest of the fries until they get shitty and need to be tossed in the trash.

>> No.10075696

First, finger pinch a few fries, eat em alone to taste
Take a bite of burger alone to taste
After these two initial bites, I take a bite of the burger and after the first couple chews I also finger pinch fries and push them into my chewing mouth simultaneously eating them both effectively together, I continue this while occasionally swigging my drink until I am finished

>> No.10075700
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>> No.10075722

what do you expect from a country that bows down to a wrinkly old woman and is obsessed with the most boring sport on the planet

>> No.10075735

Yeah that’s what i always say about soccer. No wonder people become violent.
>game lasts for more than an hour
>nothing happens
>only score once in a while, sometimes never

>> No.10075739

right, its fucking trash.
freedom fries before burger btw.

>> No.10075748

>not alternating

nice false dichotomy

>> No.10075755

i eat the chips first because they get cold faster. sometimes put some on the burger. british people are disgusting

>> No.10075763
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>> No.10075772

> not alternating bites

>> No.10075785

Directions for consumption:

1. Eat 1/2 the burger
2. Eat 1/4 the fries
3. Eat the other half of the burger
4. Eat the other 3/4 the fries

>> No.10075787

its freedom fries

>> No.10075873


They don't call fries "crips" in bongland you mong. They call them "chips".

>> No.10075881

well they are fucking WRONG either way
its fries and chips
not chips and crisps

>> No.10075890

simultaneously ofcourse

>> No.10075899

>dat tooth to gum ratio

>> No.10075903

I do not eat beefburgers.

>> No.10075906

wait, which sport is that?

>> No.10075908

>They don't call fries "crips" in bongland

What about the Bloods tho?

>> No.10075915

At the same time, and if I have a milkshake with the meal, dip the rest of the fries in the shake.

>> No.10075916
File: 1.03 MB, 290x200, Yeah+because+divegrass+is+such+a+manly+sport+_f2b89a6e2803648dde4b68355520cd56.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

divegrass aka football aka soccer

>> No.10075939

Crisps are chips in the UK not fries you obese moron

>> No.10075962

here's a few notes
brits call them chips
football isn't boring, it's actually extremely entertaining, assuming you don't have the attentionspan of a chicken.

>> No.10075971

You mean you weren't talking about cricket? How uneducated are you, anon?

>> No.10075986

Handegg, Turnleft and Baseball are boring as fuck too and you're blinded by patriotism if you try and claim otherwise

>> No.10075989

same thing could be said about watching paint dry

>> No.10075997

crickets are insects dumbass

>> No.10076006

>soccer isn’t boring
Yes i to also love watching grass grow

>> No.10076008

Brits don't play baseball though

>> No.10076133

>bite of burger
>2-3 fries

If fries are left over, snack on them until they're gone, you're full or they're cold and soggy.

>> No.10076135

Euro here, you're correct about handegg and turnleft but baseball can be pretty interesting.

>> No.10076201

some fries, then burger, then the rest of the fries

>> No.10076215

I'm not surprised brainlets are easily entertained

>> No.10076247

take bite of burger and hold in 1 hand
alternate between fries and beverage

>> No.10076284
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>not putting the fries into the burger and eating them simultaneously for maximum efficiency

>> No.10076305

What a convoluted way of saying "I alternate".

>> No.10076394

Crisps are chips, chips are fries.
Therefore, fries are crisps.
Makea sense to me.

>> No.10076416
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>tossed in the trash.

>> No.10076420

Be a real Burger and put some fries inside the burger.

>> No.10076424

wanna pilot a pacific rim robot together?

>> No.10076538

>baseball, america's naptime more interesting than handegg
I mean both suck, the enlightened man watches UFC but you gotta be yanking my dick son.

>> No.10076623
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Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay. Individual achievement is not a big factor in soccer. In a real sport, players fumble passes, throw bricks and drop fly balls -- all in front of a crowd. When baseball players strike out, they're standing alone at the plate. But there's also individual glory in home runs, touchdowns and slam-dunks.

In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised. There's a reason perpetually alarmed women are called "soccer moms," not "football moms."

Do they even have MVPs in soccer? Everyone just runs up and down the field and, every once in a while, a ball accidentally goes in.

>> No.10076711
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> crisps

>> No.10076713

what the fuck is a crisp?

>> No.10076812

What's a computer?

>> No.10077115

>t. never watched a game
the only thing similar between watching grass grow and football is the grass itself.
you should learn the rules and watch a game before you spout nonsense.
and i'm a brainlet how? because i don't blindly say stupid shit like other on this very thread?

>> No.10077302


>> No.10077433

Fuck off /g/

>> No.10077524

rugby is the best sport in the world
you queers couldnt handle it without full body armour on

>> No.10077532

same time mong, you eat some burger, then you eat some fries, rinse and repeat

>> No.10077541

this way the burger won't be too mushy and fall apart when you eat it.
Also, keep the best part for the end

>> No.10077603

This is the ONLY right answer. Burger and fries are a combo because you eat them together. The natural starch in the potatoes added to a mouthful of burgers create the perfect harmony of flavours.

I honestly cant understand people who eat it separate.

>> No.10079314

i meet a guy who puts fries on the burger.

But i take a bite of the burger and a few bites of the fries before i swallow the food

>> No.10079340
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my stepdads awesome in the way that he bought me food today when he went to hardys. woke up to a chicken sandwich and fries, he'd already ate. went to throw my wrapper away and found half of his fries he couldn't finish.

>> No.10079373

I'll have you know I'm from /sp/.
Anyway, I never get fries with my cheeseburger, always the chicken nuggets.

>> No.10079379
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>> No.10079393

>football isn't boring

>> No.10079404
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>cars doing >200mph literally inches from each other and a solid cement wall
I'm going to assume you're never actually been to a race in person and have only seen it on tv.

>> No.10079644

Alternate, as if there's any other way. What the fuck?

>> No.10079652

I doubt he has a TV. Europeons are taxed to even use them... tooth brushes too.

>> No.10079741


t. first time I've heard that one

>> No.10079749

>>10075691 a bit of both

>> No.10079826

I'd say burger first,then fries/crisps,then drink.

>> No.10080468

We call them crisps here in the USA now

>> No.10080480
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mfw americans calls chipplywhipplydodads """"fries""""

are americans even human???

>> No.10080634
File: 27 KB, 274x463, 12d629fa73a26a8f6fcf5847518649fc--dragonball-z-goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potato first desu

>> No.10080653

I don't even know why you fat faced child molesters are allowed to say crisps before you're placed in prison.

You eat a burger and fries together. Especially if it's from fucking mcshitburgers.

Stop molesting your children while drunk.

>> No.10080660

but... if I get them drunk first they cry less.

>> No.10080676


They're not drunk, you're drunk. They're still crying because you smell and taste like urine and the back of their throats doesn't seem to deter you.

>> No.10080709

I don't like ordering sides but if I did I would go after the crisps/fries because fried food goes passed its peak in no time. I'd still take occasional bites from the burger to enjoy it while it's hot as well though.

>> No.10080775
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There's only one right answer and it's obvious

>> No.10080776

I'm ashamed this made me chuckle

>> No.10080984

Those are called fries. Even if you're British, "crisps" would be analogous to America's "chips", like Lays, Doritos, etc...

>> No.10082015

yes. yes.

>> No.10082612


>> No.10082784

Before during and after
You have a lot fries, there's no reason not to portion them right.