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File: 9 KB, 180x280, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10073181 No.10073181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10073187

Is it legal to hunt fatties yet?

>> No.10073188

ok? Enjoy losing profits, sweetheart

>> No.10073190

Skeletons don't eat anyways, so I don't see what your big issue is, OP

>> No.10073196

*turns your board into a slop of shit*

>> No.10073201

Not with you standing there, sweety.

>> No.10073204

I swear to fuck, Gemma Collins is a blight on society. Not just because she's big, but because she represents the fucking worst aspects of women and large women. DUMB AS A BOX OF ROCKS.

>> No.10073205

I find that with clothing stores, you should always abide by the opposite of "Never trust a skinny cook" saying.

>> No.10073208

I'm genuinely curious if this kind of discrimination is legal. Any law enthusiasts here?

>> No.10073213

She is standing in the doorway to the doctors office where they cut your feet off.

>> No.10073221

Taking pride in their own obesity is the single most infuriating thing women do.

>> No.10073223

Depends on locale, but most US states, it is legal.

>> No.10073233

it's your private business, you have the right to decline any people you don't want to provide service to. A lot of countries actually do this when they want a "no foreigners" kind of establishment

>> No.10073244
File: 952 KB, 310x310, 'Merican Woman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking pride in their own obesity is the single most infuriating thing women do.


>> No.10073270

if only the fats come in, the profit will skyrocket

>> No.10073283
File: 6 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10073367

*uses harpoon*

>> No.10073373

her body is a temple of doom

>> No.10073390



>> No.10073395

really, then why did that private cake company get sued for millions because they wouldnt make a cake for a gay wedding?

>> No.10073396

Good I'm 300 lbs where's my sandwich, woman?

>> No.10073399

>for millions

[citation needed]

the largest financial aware for gay discrimination for service refusal to my knowledge is 125k in Oregon and they MADE 3x that amount at LEAST in private donations from fellow gay hating Christians so that's a bullshit argument. They weren't SUED for 125k they were FINED by the STATE for VIOLATING THE FUCKING LAW. When will you idiots die off already?

>> No.10073402

state law

>> No.10073403

did they lose and have to pay anything?


You can try to sue for all sorts nonsense. Does not mean you will win.

>> No.10073407


hey it's cool that you can force someone to go against their religious and moral beliefs to cater your gay wedding with homo strippers and a cake with a giant cock in the ass. Land of the free :^)

>> No.10073409

their fault for living in such a retarded state. I can't remember which, but one of the states forbids people from even collecting rain that falls on their property. You have to choose your home wisely

>> No.10073410

Protected class under state law.

>> No.10073411

what religion explicitly forbids baking cakes for gay weddings?

>> No.10073419

Yeah you can because your beliefs are harmful to others. If your religion said you have to be allowed to take drugs, we don't have to allow that either:


Follow the fucking law Christards.

You are not special because of your superstitions The cakes requested were not offensive.
>homo strippers giant cock

nonsense these are normal wedding cakes and religious people are assholes.

>> No.10073421
File: 34 KB, 640x767, y5pLmng_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is it? Do I have the right to refuse service to anyone, or only the people you say I can refuse service to?

And how come a cake making establishment owned by Muslims can refuse to bake cakes for gays but Christians can't?is it only om for Muslims and not Christians?

>> No.10073430
File: 90 KB, 600x450, StrawMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not have the right to refuse service on account of membership to a legally protected class. If you open a business to the public, be aware of all relevant local, state, and federal statutes.

Muslims are a straw man. If the courts had refused to sanction a Muslim business for doing the same, you would have a point, but no gay person ( to my knowledge) has yet formally brought a complaint against a Muslim bakery for discrimination. If the courts treated the businesses unequally, you would have a point, but you don't.

Religious beliefs of any sort do not entitle you to cause harm to others. These laws are applied neutrally with regard to religion and are thus constitutional.

>> No.10073432

You do but you have to be clever about it. You can't throw someone out because they're black, you have to say you're throwing them out because they're "disruptive"

>> No.10073433

in usa you can not refuse service based on gender, sexual orientation, religious background, race, etc.
you can refuse service under certain circumstances. for example, if your store or restaurant is at its occupant capacity

>> No.10073445
File: 42 KB, 800x516, GADSDEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can goverment just tell us what to do

>> No.10073447
File: 119 KB, 820x788, LGBTProtections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true. Race religion and sex are federally protected. Gender identity and sexual orientation vary by local and state municipality. You cannot FEDERALLY refuse to make a wedding cake for a wedding because the celebrants are Christians but you CAN if they are a gay couple and Christians are exploiting that loophole to symbolically protest the legalization of gay marriage.

>> No.10073460

Gays should not be allowed to marry simple because marriage is gay enough without faggots doing it.

>> No.10073461

The bible calls faggots abominations, detestable, repulsive, disgusting, etc depending on translation, and that they should be put to death. I really don't think there's wiggle room in their for doing business with them because hey at least you're not chokin on a cock yourself amirite?
>Not wanting to cater a wedding is harmful to others
This is micro aggression culture in its fullblown glory. In 10 years people like you will be saying it's against the law to not suck some faggots dick because it's homophobic or some shit.

This is why the bible literally tells you to kill faggots. They will by any means twist society's morality until everyone is a disgusting abomination like themselves, and they'll get the government to help them do it.

>> No.10073462

>while discrimination against serving certain sets of people is illegal, providing discounts for specific groups – based on age, occupation, political affiliation or military service, for example
If you dont want fags in your store, just raise the prices and give everyone else a discount

>> No.10073466
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1511121739105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do not entitle you to cause harm to others.
except "no I will not make this cake for you" isn't harm, it's just shitty business sense, vote with your dollar instead of running to daddy government

>> No.10073468

either way, hate is a terrible business plan

>> No.10073473
File: 473 KB, 539x1080, Christians3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same-sex marriage policies are associated with reduced adolescent suicide attempts:







A majority (37) states had already legalized gay marriage when the Supreme Court decided to legalize it:


Gay marriage makes older LGBT adults happier:


Bullshit stop trying to abuse the rights of gay people. This is deliberate and harmful. Your retarded internet violence threats are meaningless.

None of these bakeries had/have the balls to post signage indicating they don't serve gays they just spite you in person only.

>> No.10073474

>discussing refusing service
>posts infographic about employment
you're powerful stupid, ain't ya

>> No.10073480

reminder that the President himself said refusing to serve gays is okay even if it violates state law

>> No.10073485
File: 292 KB, 1298x784, LGBTProtections2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of overlap between public accommodation laws and employment. My bad!


>> No.10073489

Hello, Anonymous.
I hereby request that you remove this post and cease this line of discussion. I ask of this because I feel that your post has taken a turn in what was being discussed in the thread and will lead to a large derailment. If you refuse to remove this post, I will have to report you for forming off-topic discussion.
Thank you.

>> No.10073490



I like the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would be simple. It would be straightforward. We don’t need to rewrite the laws currently on the books, although I do think we need to address hate-crimes legislation. But amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans — it’s only fair.

-Donald Trump

>> No.10073498

either way, hatred is a shitty business model

>> No.10073499

I don't think any state has a protection for weight discrimination.

>> No.10073500

fags are inhuman deviants and play no part is civil society, the fact you think you do is due to a weak generation not bashing you enough

>> No.10073501
File: 289 KB, 868x1072, ReligioninAmerica6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death cries.

>> No.10073505

Faggots don't have the right to force me by threat of government intervention to perform a service for them. The only thing they have a right to is their own deserved death.

>> No.10073506

>article from 18 years ago

>> No.10073509
File: 394 KB, 654x1416, GenGay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7% of millennials are gay or bisexual:


Millennials draw no distinctions between discrimination protections that should be afforded gay and lesbian people, on the one hand, and transgender people on the other. More than seven in ten (73%) millennials support legal protections against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing for gay and lesbian people. A nearly identical number (72%) of millennials say they favor these same protections for transgender people.

While no significant racial or gender differences exist on either question, there are large religious divides in support for expanding nondiscrimination legislation. Roughly eight in ten black Protestant (80%), white Catholic (82%), Hispanic Catholic (81%), religiously unaffiliated (83%), and white mainline Protestant millennials (78%) favor laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. About two-thirds (66%) of Hispanic Protestant millennials also favor such laws. White evangelical Protestants are closely divided on this issue, with a slim majority (51%) favoring laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination, and 47% opposing them. Among religious groups, the pattern of opinion about non-discrimination legislation protecting transgender individuals is nearly identical.

>> No.10073510

announcing reports is bannable tard

>> No.10073511

where does the bible say it's a sin to even do business with a homosexual?

>> No.10073515

who fucking cares?

>> No.10073516

>all the fucking statists in this thread

>> No.10073518

All of your nice atheist countries in Europe are full of suicidal, depressed people taking record numbers of SSRIs. The erosion of religion is not a good thing, and since Islam is on the rise you're just going to get that instead. And they will be unbelievably violent to faggots if they ever become a majority. They'll treat them how current day Christians should be treating them.

>> No.10073521
File: 27 KB, 480x524, JesusGay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus never mentions a WORD about being gay himself and Christians only believe the old testament when it suits their current aims. All of them are hypocrites.

>> No.10073523


>> No.10073525
File: 92 KB, 309x726, GayMuslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straw man. In the United States, evangelical Christians are the biggest threat and opponent to gay rights, not Muslims. I don't like people of any religious beliefs trying to harm sexual minorities. Fuck off.

>> No.10073528

why is this a big deal exactly?

>> No.10073535

Statistics on gays and marriage:


Science on gays as parents:


The benefits of gay marriage:


Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:


Does conversion therapy work:


HIV information:


Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?


Is being gay a mental illness?


>> No.10073537

It tells you you're supposed to kill them. Why would it be okay to work with someone that's an abomination that must be put to death? Stop being retarded, fag enabler.
>t. man who didn't read the bible
>poor reading comprehension
Here, read it again, maybe you'll understand it this time. Read it slowly.
>>The erosion of religion is not a good thing, and since Islam is on the rise you're just going to get that instead. And they will be unbelievably violent to faggots if they ever become a majority.

>> No.10073538


>> No.10073555
File: 186 KB, 500x400, AngelCarlLarsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073561

Beasts of the field will multiply and rise against you.

>> No.10073563

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10073565

The bible says to obey the laws of the land. It forbids murder, but allows for capital punishment. So according to the old testament, the government should declare homosexuality a crime punishable by death. But if the government does not do that, then as a good Christian you will obey the laws of the land.

Nowhere does it say, in the new or old testament, that normal citizens are supposed to murder homosexuals illegally you fucking retard

>> No.10073567

I am not christian. I just think faggots and race traitors are gross. What you have pictured is pet owners.

>> No.10073572
File: 146 KB, 554x439, tomoko wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073578

Sauce on that claim, deceiver heretic

>> No.10073583

Streets 1:12

>> No.10073586

>state mandated homosexuality enforcement begins
guess I gotta suck dick and fuck a man's butt, it's okay though cuz that's what the law says to do, I am a good Christian :^)

>> No.10073587
File: 958 KB, 1144x1182, Christians3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073590

there's nothing wrong with fucking kids. Everyone did it 100 years ago, why the big controversy now?

>> No.10073597

>shitty flawed human beings are shitty flawed human beings


>homosexual cries on facebook


>nigger in another country gets hurt


>> No.10073601

it says you can fuck kids in the bible

>> No.10073603

I am not churchy or a kiddy diddler. I just think deviants are gross and mentally unwell.

I don't like the religous either.

>> No.10073607

okay sweetie, now go get ready for bed. I'm sure you've got school tomorrow

>> No.10073608

>gay hating Christians
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they hate you

>> No.10073609
File: 580 KB, 1208x1172, PedoPastor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?


Is being gay a mental illness?


You are still full of shit, religious or not.

>> No.10073613

The fuck does your sexual orientation have to do with anything? A kiddie cunny is a kiddy cunny. You reply like a fucking bot at this point

>> No.10073622
File: 70 KB, 736x736, christianadoption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073625

did that pastor fuck any little boys? If it was only girls then I don't see the issue

>> No.10073629

You actually do have the right to refuse service to anyone you choose, you just can't discriminate against specific groups of people, although the cake case is very tricky because they should have the religious freedom to refuse service to people that infringe on their belief system.

>> No.10073630

are you sure mind reader? I am 42 and the school I teach at is not in session this week.

>> No.10073631

this. Nothing wrong with fucking little girls. They're just asking for it anyway

>> No.10073632
File: 836 KB, 1038x1330, Christians4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you don't have the right to refuse service, in part or in whole, based on membership to a legally protected class.

>> No.10073633

It is illegal to smoke pot here too. I do not obey laws I see as silly.

>> No.10073634

why the fuck would you choose to teach if you dislike so many groups of people? Seems like it'd be as stupid as being a chef with a hatred for anything that isn't sea food

>> No.10073638

I teach to combat ignorance. Next question.

>> No.10073639


>> No.10073643

But serving that legally protected class went against their religious freedom according to their account. I think the gay couple should have just taken their business elsewhere and left well enough alone. That's what the Muslims did when my uncle started refusing to sell them livestock

>> No.10073648


Well see and that's the thing. Whatever a federal law decides, it has to make sure it is bound to the Constitution and the 1st Amendment.

People ought to have the right to refuse anyone with their business.

>> No.10073649

how ironic

>> No.10073650


>> No.10073652
File: 178 KB, 719x768, ChristianRace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their religious freedom was burdened incidentally, not intentionally. They did take their business elsewhere. If the baker had refused to serve an interracial couple, this wouldn't even be a serious debate.


>> No.10073654

You had poor teachers and should not use words you do not understand.

>> No.10073659
File: 52 KB, 395x395, GayChristian3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pat Robertson's dad agrees!

Remember the thing called segregation? It no longer exists and isn't coming back no matter what you say.

Asked to comment "on his region's state of mind and any specific American attitudes he feels are necessary to avoid violence and bring healing in a deteriorating situation following the Supreme Court school desegregation order," Robertson stated:

Virginia recognizes the correctness of the 1850 decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Court and in the 155 subsequent decisions of State and Federal courts holding that the equal rights provision of a constitution could be properly satisfied by public schools for the white and colored races which are separate but equal.

During the last 10 years notable progress has been made in the Southern States in meeting that equality requirement. But that progress will be nullified by a program of rapid, enforced desegregation. In fact, public education for both races in some Southern States would be destroyed.

The worst feature of the current desegregation effort, however, is the resulting bitterness and racial animosities in areas where harmony heretofore prevailed. Southerners believe that the cherished constitutional right of every citizen to select his personal associates is being violated.


>> No.10073660

does it upset you having so many gay kids in all of your classes and not being allowed to chastise them for it because it would be insensitive?

>> No.10073661

As a fat man (115kg/1m85) I wouldn't go to this place.
Why ? Because it means I would'nt be able to eat with my thin or normal size friends.
Checkmate fatheists

>> No.10073667

you are an idiot. You likely think slavery is gone fr good too.

>> No.10073666

You teach to combat ignorance, but you yourself are ignorant if you believe people that deviate from your view of society are "mentally unwell"

>> No.10073668

Correct because that's a race issue and not a religious issue. Also, they took their business elsewhere after they decided to sue people for standing by their belief system.

>> No.10073669

That's an insult to rocks

>> No.10073671
File: 1.21 MB, 1010x936, Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at 6.00.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your welcome.

>> No.10073674

No. They are kids. Some of them will smarten up and straighten out

>> No.10073676
File: 880 KB, 748x1220, GayMillenial2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being gay and being Black are equally innate and vulnerable targets for discrimination deserving of legal protection.

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:


If people didn't abuse the system to try to fuck with people for being different than them, we wouldn't have these laws, but they do, so we do. Keep making gays the victim though, it only gives us broader support!

>> No.10073678

and some of them that aren't acting gay yet will start acting gay as adults. Unless you teach them not to

>> No.10073679

No. You are wrong. It is sick to be a faggot or a race traitor. There is something broken about you.

>> No.10073684

I try. Best I can do.

>> No.10073685

so what do you do? if you see one starting to act gay do you say "cut it out"?

>> No.10073687
File: 32 KB, 835x470, blacked 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this image make you guys feel?

>> No.10073689

I treat them as if they are doing something I find wrong and do my job.

>> No.10073690


The whole point in all this, if a bakery does not want to serve gays, THEN GO TO ANOTHER FUCKING BAKERY!! Another bakery would love to have their business

>> No.10073691
File: 69 KB, 720x540, race4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073693

Correct, but religion also deserves legal protection as well, doesn't it? There was a holocaust not too long ago, you know

>> No.10073694

yeah... business loves dealing with people who sue for no reason.

>> No.10073696


>> No.10073698

Then why do fags try to sue businesses that are different from them?

Cum is rotting your brain and colon.

>> No.10073704

They did, after filing a complaint as per state law.

Because Christians go out of their way to be dicks about baking cakes for them.

>> No.10073709

I am not a christian. I would not make a fag cake for a wedding I find gross. I do not support shit I think is wrong.

>> No.10073716

I support the businesses right to be different and not want to make fag cake.

>> No.10073718

But the christian bakery didnt go out of their way at all. In fact the lawsuit filed by the gay couple is a better example of them going out of their way to infringe on a well established religious persons business

>> No.10073726

Go back to tumblr you 130IQ liberal

>> No.10073729

just push her over. it will take her hours to get back up and you can eat and pay your bill by the time she does.

>> No.10073730

how do they know what they did wrong though? you would have to tell them it's the gay stuff

>> No.10073731
File: 172 KB, 1024x1257, gaycake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had no idea he was religious and anti-gay when they went to buy a cake. He chose to be a dick and didn't even get fined.

>> No.10073742
File: 2.41 MB, 1280x720, blacked 5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this?

>> No.10073746

to fight this evil I will bake the most heterosexual cake ever, with big chocolate bobs and vagene and an american flag

>> No.10073748

It's hilarious. Alt-right christians arguing the same tired old Abrahamic mantra against gays which virtually no one believes, just a means of exerting control. The fact is, christianity and islam are the evangelical components of judaism. Jews don't attempt to convert except through their surrogate, subordinate Abrahamic christian and muslim loonies.

>> No.10073749

There's a reason for that law. If you collect all the rainwater on your property in the desert you fuck up underground aquifiers.

>> No.10073751

>gay rights
That's because the gay rights movement here is a crock of shit intended to give a bunch of salty homosexuals vengeance and warped social justice, not about rights or equality.

>> No.10073754

i don't care if they know why I don't show appreciation for their gayness. It really does not come up often. They student body self-ostracizes.

>> No.10073764

Gays and race traitors are disgusting. I am not religious. Religious people are also a waste.

>> No.10073766
File: 196 KB, 762x992, GayBlackDads2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073767

But then they found out that the person didn't agree with their lifestyle, and thanks to capitalism, could have just spread the word and taken their money elsewhere. They ended up making him look like more a victim than the couple themself since he was simply standing by his religious beliefs and they refused to observe that in a country founded on religious freedom.

>> No.10073774
File: 78 KB, 736x552, GayWeddingCake5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is gay about this cake?

>> No.10073775

He didn't announce a report, he threatened one.

>> No.10073781

and I did not report his nancy ass threat. I am aware of the rules

>> No.10073788
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, blacked 6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this?

>> No.10073790
File: 476 KB, 2048x1536, QueerAnarchists2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He MADE money from private donations. He wasn't harmed at all. Fucking die already stupid Christians.

You don't inherently have the right to harm other because of superstitious beliefs.


>> No.10073801
File: 62 KB, 914x548, MrsButterworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073804

how is not being sold a cake "harm"?

>> No.10073805

you also don't have a right to harass a business that does not want to work with you because you love buttfucking

>> No.10073809

where do I even start, first of all it's phallic af, it's literally a big white cock. the leafs all over it are surely inedible and the type of thing only homos would think of, "oh steve I have an idea lets gather debris from the yard and throw it on our penis cake". also it's big but not that big, not the size that women would usually get, because they plan to let themselves go immediately after marriage. gay men want to have a good time and enjoy their wedding but not become gross lardasses the way women do. that's how I know this cake is for two dudes

>> No.10073813

>superstitious beliefs
until science proves that gays aren't mentally defunct tards, which it never will, you're believing in superstition yourself

>> No.10073814

Correct, because he was seen as the victim in a situation the gay people put him in due to poor critical thinking and understanding of the market. I'm not Christian btw, I just respect people's freedoms, like the freedom to be homosexual or christian.

>> No.10073816

Deploy my forklift/industrial truck operator's license.
Move Shamu back to sea.

>> No.10073826

Why are they mentally defunct?

>> No.10073831
File: 976 KB, 765x675, Christians2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are humiliating the gay couple for being gay in public on purpose.

They weren't intentionally harassing the business. You love bullshit superstitions, that gives you no rights. Being gay is innate, being Christian is a choice.

>> No.10073836

They try to breed with shit that cannot be bred with. They whine as if this should be allowed. THey are the human equivalent of dogs humping furniture.

>> No.10073838

no they're not. If I called you stupid would that be "humiliating you for being stupid in public on purpose"? No.
Grow up already

>> No.10073840

Growing up means accepting that people have brains wired differently than yours and not treating them shittily on purpose for it.

>> No.10073841

Not religious retard. The fags humiliated themselves by seeking acceptance for something sick.

>> No.10073846

And that would mean that you would also have to accept that the couple's brains were wired differently and they weren't intending any "harm"

>> No.10073847

wired wrong... ill. I do not support the mentally ill.

>> No.10073852

>Yeah you can because your beliefs are harmful to others

>hey can you make me and my husband a wedding cake
>I'm sorry but we're christians and we don't really agree with your lifestyle but thanks anyway
>wow wtf you've literally hurt me

>> No.10073860

Good thing there's more to life than money

>> No.10073862

This: >>10073608

>> No.10073864

Being gay is no more a lifestyle than being Black. We don't choose to be this way so you don't get to humiliate us in public for it, sorry!

>> No.10073865

what if they went into insulin shock as a result of not having the cake and died

>> No.10073867

You're ignoring all of the other studies that show homosexuals are a net negative aspect of society. They are the largest majority of HIV because of their disgusting and reckless sexual activities. Homosexuality is a public health issue. Not a moral one. It should be illegal.

>> No.10073878

I refuse your apology faggot. You do not have a say in what we do. We have the numbers.

>> No.10073886
File: 105 KB, 1200x1000, ReligioninAmerica2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an excuse to treat people worse.



White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:



HIV infection decreases globally by a third:


HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade



UK HIV decrease:



AU HIV decrease:



HIV came from Haiti to New York



LOL not for long! White Christians are not a minority per recent data from PRRI.

>> No.10073887

You do realize that if they made the cake, they'd be equally "humiliated", right? You can't force someone to go against their religion just so you won't feel bad. Just grow some balls and move on

>> No.10073891

Sex for social bonding isn't necessarily a bad thing, it doesn't just have to be for reproduction

>> No.10073894

are a minority lol whoops*

>> No.10073902

that is what the function of sex and marriage is. You fags do not get that, that is why you should not marry.

>> No.10073905

I don't think doing your job as you would for any other customer is humiliating. If you cannot serve the general public, you shouldn't be a bakery open to the public, period. Funny because religion is a cowardly way of exerting control over others who are different.

>> No.10073907

>You can't force someone to go against their religion just so you won't feel bad
Not baking cakes for gay people is part of their religion? But that's also probably a train of thought that people want to squash so it doesn't become more acceptable for doctors to refuse to treat gay people or something like that.

>> No.10073916

It's only social bonding when straight people have sex but not when gay people have sex?

>> No.10073922

go be different in your own gay society. Watch it die out in a generation.

>> No.10073924

If my religion states that supporting these gays is a sinful thing, then doing so would make me a sinner. I'd be just as humiliated and embarrassed as the gays having their service refused.
The situation is a lose-lose from either angle.

Personally, I'd be more bothered about betraying my religion than being embarrassed in public about being gay

>> No.10073926

Gay people still have children, they know how sex works and can have sex with someone to have children even if it's not their preference. Not to mention artificial insemination.

>> No.10073928

it is gross. I do not consider sex social bonding pervert.

>> No.10073932

Okay so it's still a public health issue that the taxpayers have to prop up. Just because the numbers are decreasing doesn't mean that it's not a fundamentally flawed investment and mentality.

Personal treatment is different from public health. I would never treat a gay person poorly but I would also never condone or support any sort of public health policy that would try and make their lifestyle; especially with the studi s that show the average number of sexual partners for gays being absolutely absurd.

Listen I get it. You're probably gay and have a stake in this. I don't hate you, but tolerance and embracing of what is fundamentally dangerous is wrong for everyone.

>> No.10073933

go find an island and gay it up then. see if it works. You will not change my society. You do not fit in.

>> No.10073937

>my society
Unless you are the absolute ruler of the society you live in, it's not just yours

>> No.10073939

I wouldn’t go to a known gay baker and ask him/her to bake a cake for me that said something against homosexuals. By your logic I ought to feel free to go have a gay baker write some verses from Leviticus and whether I felt free to do so or not I wouldn’t do it. Why can’t gays afford the same respect and GO TO A DIFFERENT BAKERY?
It’s not HATE. It’s DISAPPROVING OF YOUR LIFESTYLE CHOICE and CONSIDERING IT WRONG. I know plenty of gay people and I don’t support their personal decisions but I like them as people. Stop being so close-minded that you can’t separate “disagreement” from actual “hatred”.

>> No.10073941

nor yours. marriage is for moms and dads. No cake for you

>> No.10073943

sure is gay in here

>> No.10073952





>> No.10073954

Evangelicals are literally just a Zionist plant. They don't care about much except Israel.

>aids came from Haiti

lol probably. Great argument about the healthy order of homosexuality. They literally think aids is good because it makes you skinny in Haiti.

>> No.10073959

I never claimed it was my society though.

Anyway, whenever someone brings up gay people and reproduction, I just think of Alan Turing and the work he did which helped save millions of people. He was gay but probably responsible for more babies being born than most straight people.

>> No.10073961
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 1491842355982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT a bunch of edgy fags

>> No.10073968

does his contribution outweigh aids death? Probably. You fags die thin

>> No.10073973

Being gay doesn't have to be your entire personality.

Most gays are insufferable because nothing is interesting about them except for the fact that they are a sexual deviant.

>> No.10073981

Apparently it is enough of our genetics that you see fit to harm us for it. So is it significant enough to merit unequal treatment or not?

>> No.10073990

Straight people can be just as annoying when they make it a point to tell you how much they find a random person who walked by attractive too though, a lot of straight people use that as a main part of their identity

>> No.10073991

There is no such thing as equal treatment. Everyone is judged differently everyday.

Stop looking for excuses for your shitty behavior. Equality doesn't exist.

>> No.10073993

how is not making cake to celebrate something you find distasteful harm?

>> No.10073998

Sorry I hit a nerve.

>> No.10074008

Believe it or not people used to be a LOT more modest about those things. Sorry youre frusturated with the shitty society you actively encourage

>> No.10074013
File: 192 KB, 960x938, Disturbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refusing service because people are gay is a shitty thing to do and you know it.

Some people find Blacks distasteful but they still seat them at their restaurant.

>> No.10074016

Only because the state makes them. If they had a choice you can guarantee it would be segregated.

>> No.10074019

I would fuck her, but only unironically

>> No.10074020

The two fags fucking each other in the ass after eating it.

>> No.10074026

>Refusing service because people are gay is a shitty thing to do and you know it.

Wow great argument. You win.

>> No.10074027

>thejr cocks will likely touch the cake as it leaves their sodomite assholes

>> No.10074036

I would absolutely not (also unironically)

>> No.10074039

You are talking apples and orangutans. I will bite though... Your comparison would make more sense if the blacks were asking to buy a kill whitey cake from a white owned bakery.

Don't cloud issues faggot.

>> No.10074043

People used to think eating corn flakes would help you not masturbate

>> No.10074044

A business open to the public has to serve the general public. That's the core of the argument.

>> No.10074047

general... fags make up a tiny portion of the public.

>> No.10074054

You are fundamentally wrong. You can serve or not serve whoever you want. You can decide your own public as a business.

This distinction is recent.

>> No.10074068

you can also declare yourself private with a simple sign stating you reserve the right not to serve anyone you like. Many businesses do.

>> No.10074096

Most records indicate the population of gay people to be at least 1%, often getting up to 3-5% depending on the location
If 1 out of every 100 people that walked by the store threw a brick through the window, they'd be able to build another store

>> No.10074109

>hatred is a shitty business model

Hatred is the BEST business model. The fuck? Explain yourself.

>> No.10074117

did that make sense in your head? It doesn't make sense here. You may want to have your head checked.

>> No.10074120


I care. Fucking purge.