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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 480x320, Sardines-480x320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10054235 No.10054235 [Reply] [Original]

strong growing community edition

>> No.10054805

Christian stop posting these threads

>> No.10054820
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>tfw allergic to sardines

>> No.10054821

Shut the fuck up, Danny.

>> No.10054829
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Do you think they were friends?

>> No.10054851

what are...friends, human?

>> No.10054908

Haha "deenz" !!! Wow haha silly word. My dad would love this thread! DEENZ! whew

>> No.10054986
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>> No.10055048

Fuck... just started thinking about how Ben would have loved these threads...

>> No.10055069

Chicken of the Sea is budget.

>> No.10055258

I miss Ben ever since he moved to Washington. How's your mom Greg?

>> No.10055318

trash tier

>> No.10055473

guys I'm eating sardines so I can be a deenz boy like you all but if I am being honest with you they are pretty gross

>> No.10055485

Is there a tier list for sardines

>> No.10055517
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Am I a pleb for liking these? The sauce is great

>> No.10055629
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/white anchovies/ lads

>> No.10055738

Put one on a cracker, add hot sauce on top

>> No.10055749

I hope so. Fucking friend-having normies deserve to be eaten

>> No.10055764

nah they're great
I like to eat a tin with some rice

>> No.10055814
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Just ate a can boys... they were god tier.

>> No.10055857

OP i have never had deenz or chovies, what should i be looking for when buying?

>> No.10056062

oh I was just eating them like a seagull would
hot sauce and crackers... hmmm you think I could make nachos and just slip some deenz on top of that?

>> No.10056253
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Bought into the meme first time ever having these what should I expect? Eat straight out of the tin?

>> No.10056307

Terrible fish smell and a flavor you need getting used to.

And you don't want to eat canned foods too often because of the poisons... Dead on arrival food.

>> No.10056603

sardines and a small bowl of rice masterrace

>> No.10056608

It would be extremely painful. Idk, might be good. Even if they're nasty, try to eat them at least once a week because they're a godfood that will keep you healthy into old age.

Also, next time try kipper snacks instead. They're a bit smokier and saltier, and doesn't actually look like tiny fish, its a filet. Even my kids love kippers and they hate sardines, so try it out.

>> No.10056614

A drop or two of soy sauce would nice in that.

>> No.10056620

brah not exactly, just a normal fish smell like tuna
also, what poisons you gonna find in a can of deenz, bro? worst out there is botulism and that's pretty rare broham.

eat em on lance cream cheese and chive crackers with a pinch of thinly sliced raw cayenne, bro.

>> No.10056709

All will come to Order and sit.

First order of business.

1. How to STOP fish oil from splashing on you when you pop a new tin of deenz

WE need an exploritory committee to begin research immediately

>> No.10056719

Budget Tier
Good in a pinch
1$ a tin
good with crackers for lunch

>> No.10056730

whoa hold up bra, I'm too busy cracking my first can, sorry I'm late but I need my deenz fix for the day

>> No.10056771
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/30daysofdeenz/ challenge

>> No.10056787


Render your findings with this committee or be stripped of your Deenz membership entitlements package!

>> No.10056822

Her cancer is in remission. Thanks for asking.

>> No.10056827

sardeenz and jalapeno rings, mucho picante and a little fishy flavor

>> No.10057096
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Mindblowing how the same company can source from such different places. Pic related are from China, while their brislings in olive oil are from Scotland. A lot of the more "luxury" brands seem to source from SEA, while good old Brunswick is primarily from Canada.

>> No.10057393

Eating them straight up is pretty tough, but you get used to it if it's for sustenance. Try them like other anons recommend, but it helps to get used to eating out of the can if you ever need to. Deenz and kippers are my go to meal if I need to eat but dont have the energy to

>> No.10057402

I live on the Gulf Coast and just the other week was when I tried my first raw oyster.

I just got a can of Roland sardines because they were the cheapest. I'm afraid to eat them however. Advice?

>> No.10057410

I got some kippered herring, how do they differentiate from sardines? Afraid to open them.

>> No.10057417

sardines are just small herrings with their heads and asses cut off, kippers are smoked herring fillets

>> No.10057422
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Rate my /deenz/
>inb4 ecofag tier

>> No.10057812

Larger, saltier, smokier. Most people find them tastier than sardines.

>> No.10057873

Same health benefits though?

>> No.10057974

A lot of of people here seem to eat these for lunch. The cans i have seem pretty low calorie. What do you eat them with? Just crackers?

>> No.10057991

I make them into a salad i.e. tuna salad but substituted with deenz. I then put it on salad greens, or crackers if I'm feeling saucy

>> No.10057999
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I thought you guys and these threads were ridiculous, and then I picked up a tin of these and tried them. Holy Shit!
>deenz life 2018

>> No.10058025

these generals have my blessing. choviez > deenz though

>> No.10058029

Can you actually elaborate on your recipe? This sounds good

>> No.10058080

As with any recipe that calls for ingredients to simply be combined and mixed together, I have no set measurements. I will say that I make two tins worth of deen salad per week. recipe as follows:

I add about two tins worth of deens, about a single cupped hand worth of mayo, a few tablespoons of the mustard of your choice, a palm's worth of finely diced onion, another palm's worth of giardiniera (or relish if you haven't any giardiniera), a splash of hot sauce(optional), and black pepper to taste.

This is just a general approximation. I taste my creation along the way to see where I'm at with the dish. I hope I was of help.

>> No.10058622

Just tried deenz tonight for the first time.
Went with the boneless skinless and honestly it was just fucking tuna on a cracker...

Im assuming the only way to really deal with these is straight up tiny fish, bone in, basic as fuck, to really enjoy what they are.

Better luck next time I guess. Any advice?

>> No.10058702

Honestly if you felt they were like tuna you're probably ahead of 90% of people on the sardine enjoyment scale.

>> No.10059380


>> No.10059772

make a nice deenz soup

>> No.10059803
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they're great in cup noodles or spaghetti.

>> No.10059830

Hi, i'm italiano, i really like sandines and i'd be glad to join this movement but i'm not suchban expert, what should i do? How should i eaty my sandrines? What do you experts suggest?

>> No.10060669

Just had some King Oscar kippers on toasted bread with some Thai chili sauce. Great lunch. They were smokier than I remember.

>> No.10060797
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What do y'all think of SPRATS?
They're deenz's baltic cousin

>> No.10060871

hahaha btfo genelet

>> No.10060948

I'm sorry but you can't be in this thread

>> No.10061318

They go well in mac n cheese, too. If you can bake them on something like pizza I would recommend it.

>> No.10061337

Are you from Sardeenia?

>> No.10061342

So good the Russian government gets jealous.

>> No.10061360
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Lunch today

>> No.10061365

Tell Janice I said hi.

>> No.10061431

do you eat it whole or discard the tail

>> No.10061448

>the tail
That's a cracker.

>> No.10061516


>> No.10061545

Once I discovered these, I bought 4 cans every shopping trip. They are fantastic on german rye with fried eggs and hot sauce.

Serve with vodka for cheeki breeki

>> No.10061615
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>When you eat during golden hour

>> No.10061626

In terms of Omega-3s yes

>> No.10061667
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>> No.10061876

whats the stance of deenzposters towards fresh sardines/anchovies? cheapest fish available and very nice for cooking

>> No.10061891

Bought a can of herring in dill-herb sauce, how did I do?

>> No.10062007
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>> No.10062167

Evening brothers
Had a can of King Oscar's Mediterranean style sardines with some whole wheat bread and butter and a cup of coffee. Came with olives in the can with red pepper, garlic, and olive oil. Olives were delicious, and I ate the rest pretty fast. Hadn't had any canned deenz in a while, these threads gave me a hankering.

>> No.10062169
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Forgot my pic of the aftermath in my nasty apartment

>> No.10062231
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Ordered a pack of these since they were cheap. Is it good for a cheap light diner?

>> No.10062339

Looks tasty, anon!

>> No.10062598

Ocean Prince isn't too bad for the cost. There is better out there but it will do.

>> No.10062800

I've only tried the smoked ones in oil but thought they were very nice. If you can get them for ~$2 a can it's a steal.

>> No.10062900
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I wonder just how many royal-sounding brands of deenz are out there.

>> No.10063058

this is one of the only brands i wont eat, totally mushy and nasty, hated it

>> No.10063322
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My local supermarket recently stocked these. Having no fucking clue what it is (the hell are Brother Herring?), I bought it for the novelty.
Now what?
>inb4 shove it up your ass
It's too big for that

>> No.10063629
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I fell for the meme and am about to eat deenz for the first time - what am I in for

>> No.10063643

A healthy amount of Omega 3s. A flavor you may or may not enjoy.

>> No.10063667

haha got ya, retard

>> No.10063676

What's your go to hot sauce to make your /deenz/ #fire? I've been using Texas Pete because it's what I have

>> No.10063712

Can I get a rundown on deenz vs chovies? I've only had deenz once (skinless/boneless with hot sauce on crackers) and for the most part I enjoyed them though I think I'd like them more trying them again. That said I have a can of chovies in the pantry, would I like those if I enjoyed deenz? Should I eat them the same way?

>> No.10063744

It was actually bretty good - I think I added a little too much caper brine though cause it was on the salty side.

>> No.10063759

Good. Eat them at least weekly and enjoy healthier skin, hair and nails along with reduced risk of arthritis, depression, asthma, restlessness and Alzheimers.

>> No.10063782

Canned anchovies are really salty and more of a condiment. You cook them into foods (try them in pasta with garlic).

>> No.10063789

If you like salty things they can be okay as a snack. But its sort of like pickles, they're good here and there but I wouldn't sit and eat a whole can of them.

>> No.10064233
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>> No.10064346

any Louisiana style sauce enhances the deenz experience

>> No.10064640

It's herrings in a spiced vinegar-based sauce. Serve on toast with chopped onions and dill, or drain, chop roughly with soft-boiled egg and mayo to make a herring salad.
They're really tasty, I envy you- can't get these where I live any more.

>> No.10064650

Ikea does jars of herring ('sill') with various sauces that are quite tasty. Sill senaps (herring in mustard sauce) is great. Just saying.

For lunch today I had John West herrings in Mexican sauce, has a flavour very much like sambal ikan bilis only sweeter and not quite as pungent.

>> No.10065015

I'd love to try some but I have no idea where I could buy them around me. Pasta with fresh deenz would be fantastic I bet.

>> No.10065323
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GOAT deen coming through

>> No.10065363

These are the best; the oil is actually really good.

>> No.10065366

It is hard to believe but the glass jars are just over 2 dollars and a much better value for money.

>> No.10065466

Just made a wonderful discovery lads. Try putting cottage cheese with your deenz on toast, it's divine.

>> No.10065498
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Warning to outsiders :. this is a troll thread. Deenz are fucking disgusting and only poor people with no tastebuds enjoy this crap. Either /ck/ is full of such people or this is an elaborate troll thread designed to make people fall for the /deenz/ meme.

>> No.10065523

A lot. Literally trying to knock off King Oscar.

>> No.10065526

fuck off frog

>> No.10065926

11pm: I could go for some deenz right now... I'll have some for breakfast in the morning
8am: Ugh I can't believe I wanted sardines for breakfast. I would literally puke
12pm: Thikign about thos deenz
2pm: Alright time for some delicious sardines
5pm: Damn those were some good deenz
11pm: I could go for some deenz right now... I'll have some for breakfast in the morning

The sardine cycle

>> No.10065942

Sure, sardines are a poor people food but they're also a godly health food that will keep your hair, skin and nails looking shiny and feeling smooth. The massive amount of omega-3s in each can prevents a myriad of diseases. They keep your brain healthy so you will stay sharp into old age. Go back to your McDonalds or whatever the fuck you disgusting pleb. See you in 60 years when I'm running marathons and you're in a fucking box in the ground.


>> No.10065959

enjoy your mercury poison

>> No.10065966
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Sardines are a low food-chain fish so there's no concern for concentrated environmental toxins you fucking brainlet.

>> No.10065991
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>his source is a random cnbc article
>implying there aren't more, less disgusting ways to stay healthy
>he calls other people brainlets

>> No.10066032
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Nothing I said was really sourced from that article, its just one of many examples of a very healthy, successful person citing their love of sardines. If you don't want to eat them, that's fine by me. Don't need retards like you driving the price up.

Sure, there are better options, like fresh fish, but I can't buy that for $2 and eat it on the go. Not all of us are lazy NEETs, we need our meals to be fast and heavily nutritious. I'm not here to convince you, just to straighten out the facts because you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.10066044

That's tuna you're thinking of.

>> No.10066055

try king oscar's, bro.

>> No.10066139

>one of many examples
Now this getting sad

If you don't know how to eat healthy without resorting to trash like sardines then you shouldn't be on /ck/

>> No.10066452

where's all this hostility coming from, my man?
maybe get some talk therapy going and straighten your hurt out. deenz will be here for you when you're ready.

>> No.10066511


>> No.10066515

because troll threads belong on /b/

>> No.10066544

>take deenz thread to /b/ plz
and /lgbt/ is a great board for butthurt whiners like yourself

>> No.10066551

ok so im a fucking idiot and ive never had sardines. I admit I'm falling for this meme hard. I don't really get sardines.

>do you eat them cold?
>do they have bones?
>are they raw?

>> No.10066556

/lgbt/ is for the mentally ill. Would also be a good place for /deenz/


>> No.10066569

You generally eat them cold out of the can and on some sort of carbohydrate (crackers, bread, and so on). They do have bones, but they're not really noticeable. They are cooked. Hot sauce and tangy/creamy things (sour cream, cream cheese, plain Greek yogurt) go very well with them.

>> No.10066578
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My fellow deenerz, we are entering a time of great turmoil within the deenz community.

>> No.10066661
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One bad troll won't divide us. They're trying to steal our Omega-3 gains, they don't want us to live long, happy lives with nice hair and skin for $2 a can.

>> No.10066672

anyone else like to grill their sardines?

>> No.10066740

Its a deenz revolution. man im all out too gotta get more. the beach cliff in lousina hot sauce are my go to cheap deenz eats great with beer.

>> No.10066864

There are no fat people in /deenz/ threads. We are all supremely healthy. The rest of the board is fat Amerifags and pompous smug Europoors, this is the only true community of conscious dietary connoisseurs.

>> No.10067181

i started eating sardines every day but now my gf refuses to swallow

>> No.10067231

poorfag here. genuinely considering deenz but afraid of wasting my money if I dislke it. fugg

>> No.10067264

literal $1 you fuckin idiot kys or joins team deenz, pick one and only one

>> No.10067275

>afraid of spending ONE, possibly TWO dollars on new food because you might not like it
Are you truly that poor? I can't imagine what kind of life you live.

>> No.10067278

I am fat and American and I enjoy sardines.

>> No.10067292

Give me your Paypal I'll send you a fucking dollar plus tax just to get you try them but you better post an update.

>> No.10067335

>popping your deenz cherry on $1 cans
I'm sure your budget can handle a can of fish. Try one of the slightly more expensive brands first, then if you like that give one of the bargain brand deenz a shot.

>> No.10067347

it's how me, my pappy and my grandpappy did it son. beach cliff was there for all of us in our darkest times

>> No.10067396

ill paypal you too. deenzers stick together my brother.

>> No.10067460

>single cupped hand worth of mayo
>Not measuring your mayo by squirting it into lines on your table and measuring the mayo by the inch

>> No.10067653
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Make way, Plebs

>> No.10067663

why are your deenz on the ceiling, bruh

>> No.10067675

That's how I've always had em'

>> No.10067689

G'day mate hows the barbie doin?

>> No.10067767


>> No.10067923

it's kinda hard when she's ready to go

>> No.10067955

I unironically enjoy sardines, anchovies, and pickled herring
Christ I can eat a big ass jar of those herring in one go

>> No.10067993
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Anyone tried these ? They are cut up like little fish steaks.

>> No.10068047

Bought some bumblebee deenz in oil from CVS just now

How'd I do

>> No.10068056

pics or gtfo

>> No.10068063

just fucking eat them and tell us, you idiots ask this question endlessly. eat the motherfucking contents of the can THEN tell us how YOU did.

>> No.10068078

i'll just describe it: looks like a cardboard box with an unlabeled can inside. about 3 by 2 by .5 inches

but im about to go cook dinner and drink with my bf and don't want to spoil my appetite. plus i don't have any crackers or cream cheese

actually, on the back there's a little receipe for avocado toast with canned deenz on it. anyone tried that before?

>> No.10068082

He's afraid he's going to hate them.

>> No.10068123

>soya oil
mind how you go, lad

>> No.10068283

Beach Cliff in oil is tasty though

>> No.10068404

Ehh Idk anon... they're ok I guess

>> No.10068489
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I"m all stocked up

>> No.10068503

are deenz threads real? sardines are gross. some of you are talking about eating it like all day every day. I hope I never meet anyone who does that

>> No.10068520
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What kinds of recipies are you making with your deenz? I've been making stir fry with them

>> No.10068579
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>> No.10068580

str8 out the can boy-o

>> No.10068587
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Rate this open faced sandwich
Deenz in tomato sauce, chive, lemon juice, black pepper

>> No.10068594
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Fresh stock boys.

>> No.10068597

i'd it eat it bro but im on a low carb diet so i cant, cut it in into slivers and toast it and id eat it like tapas

>> No.10068601

ever tried the lumpfish caviar from walmart?

>> No.10068603
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on a cooking board and he can't even cook his deenz, smdh nigga

>> No.10068605

Never heard of it. what brand?

>> No.10068610



>> No.10068616

Ill pick some up next time i am there. How do you like it?

>> No.10068636

I haven't tried it, I was wondering what caviar was like. This stuff is real cheap from a shitty fish but we're mostly poorfags I think, looked like your haul was from walmart

>> No.10068667

oh no i got that stuff from shoprite and a store called netcost. I have had real expensive cavier a few times and honestly am not the biggest fan but next time im at walmart ill pick that up and give it a try for you guys.

>> No.10068668
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today i learned that eating more than 1 can of tuna per week can poison you with mercury.

I, for one, am glad that I made the transition from tuna to deenz and mackerel.

mackerel are pretty aesthetic

>> No.10068696

look into the eyes of pure nutrition

>> No.10068709

its like they want you to at them.

also, if you've ever seen a fresh, live mackerel irl you'll know they're beautiful.

i might get a tattoo of one on my thigh

>> No.10068712
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>not frozen

>> No.10068715

frozen fish are disgusting. they turn to unsatisfactory mush.

fresh>smoked>rotten on the shore>frozen

>> No.10068727

>has never eaten frozen fish

>> No.10068769

You know most of the most expensive fish restaurants on earth serve fish that was shipped frozen right? All of the large fishing boats flash freeze their catch after on board processing.

>> No.10068837
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>deenz hipsters

>> No.10068965

I get these in the smoked with extra virgin olive oil flavor and they are excellent, best I've ever had so far. I tried the lemon ones and they were good but I didn't taste much lemon. They're really well priced at costco and amazon.

>> No.10068976

I lol'd

>> No.10069008


>> No.10069019

I wouldn't know where to get them, much less fresh. It's pretty weird too, every shitty restaurant has salmon but I can't find uncanned deenz.

>> No.10069043
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>tfw skinless and boneless

>> No.10069238
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This hot sauce goes great with deenz

>> No.10069251

Yeah, they would probably fuck your girlfriend. Back to the McDonalds thread kiddo

>> No.10069261

>thinking no-deeners have gfs

>> No.10069300

>Terrible fish smell and a flavor you need getting used to.

>Eating them straight up is pretty tough,


eating them straight is fucking delicious and has been for me since I first tried them

>> No.10069322
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MFW I just realized Deenz is not a brand.

>> No.10069332

Riga Gold sprats are worth the hype. If I had to compare the flavour to anything, it would be bacon. Very smokey and a good amount of salt.

>> No.10069340

>he doesn't buy deenz brand deenz

>> No.10069418

just bought 100k deenz

>> No.10069427

Wise investment, brother deener.

>> No.10069456

Polar's smoked ones are pretty damn good.

Something just tastes weird about that brand to me.
Canned mackerel is also pretty dang good.

>> No.10069459


Too right
>rotten on the shore>frozen

Fish sauce

>>Seneca, Epistle 95.
>Do you not realize that garum sociorum, that expensive bloody mass of decayed fish, consumes the stomach with its salted putrefaction?

>> No.10069601
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Are these acceptable as a treat?

>> No.10069708
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My friend, mackerel are actually fairly high on the food chain. They're up there with tuna. I do have to admit that mackerel are cool looking fish, though.

>> No.10069773

Do they taste of vagina?

>> No.10069815

Anyone here ever try any of Ramsay's sardine recipes? He's got a couple of pasta dishes on Youtube that look promising and I'm sick of eating these things with crackers and sauce.

>> No.10069819

Bought my first can today. Quite delicious, ate em straight out of the can on saltines. Doesn't taste like any other fish I've eaten. Deen on you crazy deeners!

>> No.10069839

>Unexplained rise in canned fish sales leaves experts puzzled

>> No.10069875
File: 279 KB, 1063x1600, lil-nigga-raising-hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Show of hands.

Who here in /deenz/ is NOT white? This is ignoring nationality; white or not white. Who here is NOT white?

>> No.10069912

Fuck off seppo.

>> No.10069929

great chart thanks for this was considering mackerel as a replacement to herring but never mind now

>> No.10069952

I was just like you bro scared to pop that can... but once you taste the goodness of spicy sardine sandwich there is no going back.

>> No.10069967

god damn deenz bro dont hurt him

>> No.10070041

How closely did you read it? King mackerel is high in mercury. North Atlantic mackerel isn't.

>> No.10070056

oh right didnt notice that

>> No.10070079

Does it count if I'm 1/12 not white? Also what the fuck is white? Are we isolating parts of a continent? Or several continents?

>> No.10070137

White anchovy / black anchovy.

Both taste too good.

>> No.10070145

deenz squad is the best community on the internet

>> No.10070172

If your skin is naturally very light, you're probably white.

I honestly wanted to know if any colored folk actually eat deenz.

>> No.10070221
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I dreamt about sardines earlier. I went to Walmart and bought a bunch of KO double layer packs but the were only like 35 cents apiece. So I grabbed a grocery bag full of them. Then I was looking for octopus in ink and was mad that I couldn't find it.

>> No.10070244
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Bought a can of pic related out of curiosity because I had never seen store brand deenz before and they were only 88 cents.

They're about the same as Chicken of the Sea or Beach Cliff: mediocre, but you get what you pay for.

>> No.10070250

ooof im jealous ran out of deenz a while ago that looks great

>> No.10070262

Would you fucking STOP

>> No.10070265

canned octopus is not that good

>> No.10070281

say what you will about muh beach cliff but the Louisiana spicy sardines are an addiction at this point and where i am its the only brand in hot sauce that i can find locally.

>> No.10070504
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Bad news anon. If you dislike canned fish, you’re the outsider here.

>> No.10070752

>octopus in ink

Only some Walmarts carry them. Pisses me off too, cause when I am mad for some mari to go with my canned deenz, I gotta drive an hour out to a completely different Walmart just to get them.

Of course, so long as I get my daily deenz, I cannot complain.

>> No.10070755

Damn, only 88 cents for a deenz tin? You must be from the Midwest, or some shit. In Cali, even budget Deenz are never under a dollar.

>> No.10071876

balsamic vinegar triscuits pairs so well with deenz

>> No.10072394
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I'm late for another deenz thread?!

Lads, I had some smoked baby clams the other night and think I found a new fav. Just very very pleasing. I think I'll try them on pizza next.

Pic related is the way to go. For me, it's Club® crackers

>> No.10072732

Holy fuck i just had the Spanish style chili pepper deenz and they were FANTASTIC.

>> No.10072786

How do you eat canned octopus? Straight out of the can, or do you put it on pasta or something?

>> No.10072789

not that guy but i make it with rice

>> No.10072820

I have eaten it on bread but the very best way for me is this. I slice a clove of garlic very thin and heat it slowly in oil so it is very soft and very lightly golden. I then slowly warm the octopus in the oil and garlic and i put it on top of pizza.

>> No.10073013

I have sometimes (though this is rare, I admit) seen fresh ones at Asian markets.

>> No.10073095

It's been awhile since I did the DEENZ. Used to have at least a can a week especially when I was doing low carb.
The last can I had was off somehow, it just made me sick. So I haven't had any in a while because just the thought of a deen made me feel sick.
But now I crave the deenz.

Is King Oscar still the king of deenz or is there a new meme lads?

>> No.10073128

For me, it's Millionaires.

>> No.10073135

That depends if they're chocolates shaped as sardines or sardines covered in chocolate. Former sounds fine, latter, hmm...

>> No.10073143

Thirty-five cents a can? For King Oscar? You hit the fucking Powerball.

>> No.10073348

King Oscar tiny tots

>> No.10073377


>> No.10073383

Fra, se speri che qualcuno ti aiuti su questo sito stai proprio fresco.

>> No.10074088

That’s because they decay incredibly quickly. As in, if they’re not frozen or processed within a couple of hours of being caught, they spoil.

>> No.10074807

>see deenz thread about a week ago
>think nothing of it
>couple days later, get a craving for sardines
>literally never eaten sardines before in my life
>try them
>they're not even that good but something about them is just addictive
>get more the next day
this is some fucking psyops infoterrorism shit right here

>> No.10074896

On toast or crackers with a bit of hot sauce is the simplest way. You can also put it in a simple sandwich with some onion, mayo, maybe some roasted bell peppers. I put them in Spanish style tortillas. Use them in salads. Or just eat them straight out of the can like a fucking animal.

r u d e

>> No.10075452

I bought some Riga sprats boys, any tips on eating them? Should I just eat them like I would with deenz?

>> No.10075456

>this is some fucking psyops infoterrorism shit right here
yeah but the good kind, because they're healthy as fuck

>> No.10075813

Where the fuck do you find sardines in the grocery store

>> No.10075877
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>> No.10075883


Right next to the anchovies and canned tuna.

>> No.10075918

i only like sprats toasted at med-to-high heat in an oven. turn the heat off when you hear them sizzling.

i don't like the jarred ones i have right now, because the rapeseed oil makes the fish too soft and smushy. need to roast even longer.

gonna stick to canned sardines and kippers next time. riga sprats...not my favorite. nice to store in a jar though.

>> No.10075925

would deenz in soy oil go well on rice?
maybe add a bit of soy sauce and hot pepper to it as well

>> No.10075958

Are those giant sardines or tiny plates

>> No.10075970

it was bad
still edible but bad

>> No.10076102

looking to ball out on some deenz. anybody know a good website for fine canned fish?

>> No.10076255

Recently I've been eating a lot of mackerel in red thai curry sauce, very tasty, would recommend.

>> No.10076353

He is SOOO pissed with you.

>> No.10076478

>Hold over sink
>Open outside

>> No.10076485

Use the oil to fry up some rice to have with your deenz, mate.

>> No.10076508

So, like. You fuckers really buy fish that's not certified to murder the environment? Shame on you all.

>> No.10076666

Been considering this stuff for some threads now

Anyone know any good spanish sardines cans?
just leaving to the supermarket right now, will see answers on phone

>> No.10076677

Are you boss class cunt? Either way, fuck off back to your hovel board.

>> No.10076697


>> No.10076742

them quads.

buy a variety and try em out

>> No.10076750

you'll have to figure that out on your own
good luck on your deenz hunt, my man.

>> No.10077403


already mastered this with cans of spam brud.

hold the tin lid (don't cut yourself laddie) very firmly between your fingers right before it pops off. The pressure will stop the lid from vibrating and sending its delicious oil molecules into the air.

>> No.10077411


deeeeenz life nigga

>> No.10077743

Thank you very much

>> No.10077748

Frate, sole e mare amico dai!

>> No.10077792
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>thought this was just a meme
>decide to try them for myself
>go to walmart
>buy a can of crown prince boneless
>take it home
>open the can
>proceed to eat the juicy deenz
>it's fucking delicious
is this how it starts, lads?

>> No.10077864
File: 910 KB, 2560x1440, 20180201_113942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New deen convert here, had a tasty sardine jalapeno mustard Sammy for lunch. What are my fellow deeners eating for lunch?

>> No.10077968

I wanted to get some deenz at the store but i couldn't find them

>> No.10078037
File: 60 KB, 496x600, IMG_7579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people itt who dont eat only the siracha and hot sauce deenz

>> No.10078068
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Daily ration

>> No.10078097

Finally had my first can of deenz. Ate these with rye triscuits and tabasco. Bretty gud.

You've made another convert, /ck/.

>> No.10078102

>New deen convert
good to have you here, brothers

>> No.10078132

Bonta in olive oil is choice. High in sodium, mind you.

>> No.10078163
File: 3.15 MB, 4656x2620, 20180201_155821_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads have made me want to try this shit and I found this can of deenz at my parent's house. No idea how long they've been sitting in the pantry, still good?

>> No.10078172

Those are big bony fishies and they soak them in liquid smoke, but they're not bad for supermarket-tier sardines

>> No.10078189

How do you normally deal with bone in sardines?

>> No.10078199

You eat the bones, they aren't that hard

>> No.10078228

this, the bones barely have any texture, they just turn to mush with a tongue press. One of the best parts of canned sardines.

>> No.10078229
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forgot pic, fuck

>> No.10078241

>this, the bones barely have any texture
Sounds like you're eating shit tier sardines.
Good sardines have delicate bones with a faint crunch
Mediocre sardines have slightly less delicate bones with a strong crunch
Shit tier sardines have mushy bones that you can barely detect

>> No.10078262

i unironically think that the bone density is subjective here. I mean yeah it's there but it's not like chicken bones is all I'm saying. It's edible.

>> No.10078794

>used to eat deenz twice a day
>Can't stand the oil anymore
>Good deenz are expensive

Any help with some good affordable sardines in water? I like King Oscar but they only sell stuff in oil and it's expensive even in bulk.

>> No.10078816

Wild planet from Costco/amazon

>> No.10078895
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Just had my first can, really surprisingly dece
They were skinless+boneless cuz I'm babby
What should I expect from skinfull+bonefull?

>> No.10078973

>is this how it starts, lads?
Yep. Now you'll slowly transform into a deenz lad. If this were a tv show it'd be called Deenz Wolf.

>> No.10078987

deenz is good.

>> No.10079185

Invest in deenz

>> No.10079193
File: 153 KB, 1200x1200, giftfromtheseas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly wanted to know if any colored folk actually eat deenz.
yeah pretty much everywhere, even people who disregard shrimps as odd sea bugs will consider sardines seafood 101. Only manchildren don't eat sardines.
>pic related is godtier

>> No.10079197
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Not a fan of these. I think the lemon juice softened the kippers too much.

>> No.10079225
File: 170 KB, 1124x749, sardines-de-garde-connetable-12mois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message to the seasoned deenz connaisseurs, do you enjoy vintage sardines ?

>> No.10079231

They age like wine. Deenz flavored wine.

>> No.10079238

Actually it just depends on how strong the fish's bones were, like from how much exercise they got and how much calcium they drank while they were growing up.

>> No.10079249
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Just had smoked trout and pork rinds for dinner! Total whim but its really quite good

>> No.10079264

are french deenz a meme or are they legit?

for some reason i associate the fancier/more european deenz as tasting better

>> No.10079300

Reporting back. It was good, no heat despite the hot sauce label, but some drops of valentina fixed that.

>> No.10079315

I think that's the brand Aldi carries. You can get them for like 79 cents a pop.

>> No.10079421

>grocery store sells lemon and pepper herring but not mustard

why does this earth constantly test me?

>> No.10079444
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>calciums gives u strong bones

>> No.10079452

Those really aren't that good, pretty much mexican isle in tomato sauce tier. Try beach cliff if you're poor.

>> No.10079828

And King Oscars aren't that good either. Just have a cool wrapper.

>> No.10079905
File: 954 KB, 320x240, 4svdldh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He disrespects the King

>> No.10079931

I also tried my deenz on rice and did not enjoy it. But I did finish it. I did literally exactly what you did.

>> No.10079936

Try kippers next

>> No.10079938

Walgreens in my area usually does 69 cent CotS tuna/sardines for one week per month, just need the app or flyer to get the coupon. Nice to have quite a few of those as backup in case I run out of the better stuff.

>> No.10079944

Not much difference in taste or texture, they just look like little fish.

>> No.10079959

But I like Crown Prince...

>> No.10079970

I tried Wild Planet today and really enjoyed them. They had a more tuna-like taste compared to king oscar, they tasted hearty and healthy. Would recommend.

>> No.10080023

Deenz quesadilla is breddy good.

>> No.10080080

I bought a can of sardines for the first time in my life a couple months ago and they didn't even take the spines out of the fish. I made a thread on /ck/ and you disgusting niggers told me to eat all the bones.

/ck/ really let me down that day.

>> No.10080103
File: 1.38 MB, 2230x3082, IMG_1362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when i literally just lost my virg/deen/ity two minutes ago to softboiled eggs on toast with /deenz/ covered in crystal

>> No.10080108

You probably bought cheap shitty deenz, King Oscar has bones but they're barely noticeable and completely edible. In fact the bones in the one you ate were probably completely edible too, you were just being a nancy.

>> No.10080109

eat all the bones motherfucker. we are all going to save our bones and mail them to you. sweet digits

>> No.10080159

I cut up a can of deenz and fry it up with instant ramen, maybe a little sauce of some kind, soy, whatever.
Broke people food without a doubt, but tastes good.

>> No.10080165

I'd take a bat to your face if I could.

>> No.10080169

im about to go cook something. do i dump the can in with sauce? and fry? or just the deenz? then add the sauce over ramen? do i add a bit of tomato sauce?

>> No.10080179

almost forgot, do i try to fry them whole or break them up into a sauce?

>> No.10080201

sauce, you mean oil?

>> No.10080214

yeah i do

>> No.10080357


>> No.10081394


>> No.10081743

fish she is very small

>> No.10081955

Ok, Marie