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10065502 No.10065502 [Reply] [Original]

Garn servo, you cunts want anything?

>> No.10065516

Get us a beef and bacon pie, a white monster (2 if it's 2 for 4) some dorritos and a pack of tally ho papers

cheers cunt

>> No.10065641

oi get us some V cunt

>> No.10065659

To not fear for my life. I only stop at Race Trac or QT. Any other gas station makes me feel like I'm going to get killed by thugs.

>> No.10065673

Grab us a Mrs Macs pie and an Ice Break Coffee cunt. I'm working late shift on a fucking forklift.

>> No.10065698

Lemon Zingers ya dog cunt.

>> No.10065719

Jesus Christ I love living in a large majority white city. Used to live in Atlanta and FUCK 90% of the gas stations you drive by. QT is god-tier though. Sheetz are usually good too.

To answer OP's question though, snag me a couple of cheap breakfast sandwiches if they have them. If not, boiled peanuts. If no boiled peanuts, just a Diet Sprite and Bold Chex Mix.

>> No.10066037
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>> No.10067623

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.10067627

Why do Bongs and Strayans talk like infants?

>> No.10067636
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Yes bitch.

>> No.10067651

Oi matey get me a packet of chips and some shrimps on the barbey and petrol up my Holden ya bloody poofta wanka cunt

>> No.10067825

I grew up in a rough "diverse" workingclass part of a pretty rough Australian city, and I still can't imagine how shitty it must be to have to think like this to live in America. We really underestimate the difference in culture between Straya and Merica.

Unless you guys are extremely sheltered middeclass kids who see everyone below $100k/year as "thugs" (and I'm not saying you are), I just have nothing in my experience that compares to feeling this threatened at a goddamn service station.

>> No.10067847

>feeling this threatened at a goddamn service station.
>november 15, 2017
>exchanging packages at a convenience store
>$5million in meth

>> No.10067873

Dude, there are a lot of service stations in even medium sized cities at which the oppressor race knows better than to stop.
>inb4 'cause muh racist

>> No.10067886

A carton of winnie reds, I'll pay ya back mate, trust me ;)

>> No.10067898

Can I get a slop of shit?

>> No.10067908

You're on 4chan; they're a bunch of sheltered dorks who shit their pants at the very thought of a confrontation. I've been in extremely ghetto gas stations and never once felt threatened, because I'm not a pussy.

>> No.10067915

day m8s its me here. Just sittin on me back porch havin a bloke improver (a beer for u poms – cos a frequent beer, in particular a VB, makes a bloke better value) and im starin out on the rainy day thinkin not only is this weather wetter than any box me m8 robbo has ever got near but its great weather for reflectin on all aspects of life. Obviously the most important aspects came to mind first, that is – me m8s and good aussie beers, so that takes me to me next yarn… it all started on a satdy mornin a coupla weeks back when me n me m8 jibba were buildin a canoe in me backyard for the summer that is fast approachin, we were chewin the fat and discussin sheilas and jibba was reenacting his favourite of jono browns courageous marks. Anyway before ya no it me m8s matters and biff strut round to lend a hand and eventually we decide enoughs enough so logically we all decide to go down and grab a couple slabs of pom kryptonite (slang for beer because poms cant go near a good cold beer). Anyway we head to the servo to grab some ice for the esky and we open up the freezer and there’s none there.. so jibba yells out to Rodney who works there “rod m8… where’s all the ice?” to which Rodney informs him “m8 im sorry but we’re all out of ice” then matters chips in “jeez Rodney, ben cousins must have been here!!!” OH and ya shoulda heard the hullaballoo that erupted!! One of the blokes fillin up his wagon started sprayin petrol everywhere in celebration and jibba started reenacting jono browns courageous marks again and even dived onto the concrete! Rodney thought it was a bloody rippa call and a half and he promised us free ice next time because of matters’ beaut BRC. It was one of those moments where ya look round and everythin seems to be happenin in slow mo and ya think to yaself ‘fuckn oath I love me m8s, I love me country! And I love a bloody rippa call’! cheers matters, cheers m8s, hooo roooo!!!

>> No.10067922

Golden Gaytime

>> No.10067942

I think in large part this shit comes from gun industry propaganda, in America we have a lot of fantasy stories about people who used a gun to rescue themselves from life-threatening situations involving other humans, and people read them and think they're real. You can find them published in journals like Guns & Ammo, which are basically the gun version of a lady's rag, 65% overt advertising, 20% "product reviews" which are really press releases from the main ad buyers, and the rest recycled fluff pieces about someone who lived in fear and then everything changed when they bought a gun and all the children registered Republican and Ron Paul enacted a flat tax.

I like watching blood and guts shoot-em-ups as much as the next guy, but I'm glad I am able to differentiate between movies and real life. Wish I could say the same about millions of my fellow Americans who seem to think if they step outside without a loaded firearm they're going to be killed and eaten.

>> No.10067975

Don't you have a shooting to go use as an argument for gun control, liberal scum?

>> No.10067982

so for aussies, the '-o' suffix implies they were too lazy to say the rest?

smoko cenno servo arvo seppo

>> No.10067988

Not him, but I think gun control is bullshit and the 2nd amendment is just as important as the 1st, yet I still agree with him. You don't have to be a quivering pussy who is paralyzed by fear at the thought of leaving the house unarmed in order to be opposed to gun control.

>> No.10067996
File: 50 KB, 640x360, 140827144028-nr-casarez-9-year-old-girl-kills-gun-instructor-in-uzi-accident-00001117-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a shooting to go use as an argument for forcing 6 year olds to carry around uzis, delusional NRA shill?

>> No.10068005

Only in Straya

>> No.10068013

>gun industry propaganda

They're called advertisements you dip

>> No.10068036

This. I'm miss those, the imitation knockoffs overseas just aren't as good.

>> No.10068039

It's fucking hot in Australia. We're not moving our mouth more than we have to

>> No.10068049

Ironically, the morons packing are in more danger of being a target.
>Jamal sees brave whitey walkin' da' hood with the bulge of a handgun, walks up behind, pops a cap to his head, takes the gun and bob's your uncle. Gun nuts literally think gunpoint robberies or showdowns happen like a Gunsmoke episode where even the bad guy gives a fair chance to the victim.

Then you have the soldier of fortune reading, bi-weekly paintball players who think they'll hold out during an apocalypse or usurpation of freedom (sorry, already happened) with their bumpstock AR-15 while local military units operating independently like warlords take him out within minutes.

Fun fact: 5 million members of the NRA hold amerifats hostage to literal insanity.

>> No.10068067

>it doesn't count as shilling as long as I agree with it!

>> No.10068163

I used to manage a convenience store just outside the ghetto. We got robbed at gunpoint 3 times while I was there. The last time, the guy came behind the counter and pistol whipped the girl who was working the cash register for a while. This kind of shit happens every day.

It only takes a brief google search to give you a huge list of these types of incidents, many of which end with the employees being shot for no real reason at all. I don't know why you feel so threatened at the idea of law-abiding citizens being able to defend themselves. Do you just live in a little gated community where you never see a black person except on television?

>> No.10068192


>> No.10068223

I think you think I'm arguing for something I'm not. If your business has cash or is otherwise prone to robbery, like a 24 hour retail establishment, or a bank or whatever, having weaponry around is perfectly reasonable. But don't pretend that going from your home to the local Piggly Wiggly to pick up a pack of smokes is a life threatening excursion that requires weaponry. That's fucking retarded. What I'm "threatened by" is jumpy retards who think a gun is a replacement for a spine.

I live in an apartment building that's about 40% white, in a neighborhood that's about 20% white. My building happens to have a particularly nice view owing to its position on the slope of a hill, so the rents are somewhat higher, so the white folk like to live here. Down at the bottom of the hill, there's a public housing complex. In the middle, where all the stores are, it's quite mixed. Contrary to popular belief, you can actually talk to black people and they won't murder you for your shoes like that forwarded chain email your grandma sent you.

>> No.10068227

A box of Hot Tamales! Please.

>> No.10068269

According to the 2009 FBI Uniform Crime Reports on robbery in the United States, there are 400,000 robberies a year, with 6% of them happening in convenience stores and 2.5% happening at gas stations. 8.5% of 400,000 is 34,000, so there are 34,000 gas station and convenience store robberies per year in America. There are 155,000 convenience stores and 168,000 gas stations, totaling 323,000 between them, and since many stores are robbed multiple times in the same year, that means you have less than a 1 in 10 chance of being in a gas station or convenience store that has ever been robbed. Multiplying the total store count figure with 365 gets you 117,895,000, and then you divide 34,000 by that to get the chance of being in a gas station that was robbed that day, which is about .03%, or about a 1 in 300 chance. So, you're worried about something. To compare, you have a 1 in 114 chance of dying in a car accident, yet I'm sure you aren't gripped by fear every time you get on the road. Additionally, there's an average of about 300 justifiable firearm homicides a year, which is less than .1% of the annual armed robbery rate.
tl;dr you're a paranoid retard

>> No.10068357

You win the Most Reasonable Yank award, thanks mate.

(For the record, >> 10067825 here, I'm ex-military, I don't like gun control, I wish Howard hadn't taken away our guns, but I don't rate gun worship either)

>> No.10068873

With all the retard bogans in this country I think strict gun control is actually a good thing.

>> No.10068878
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>> No.10069631
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Eh, I got followed from a place like that, car full of black kids waiting for people to follow home, robbed my house and shot a family member to death. They caught them, the ringleader and shooter is probably getting life in prison, they let the others go which I take it means the shooter didn't fare well in their game of Prisoner's Dilemma. Not sure if I need a gun to go to the server or not, my family doesn't want me to and I've lazily gone along with it though I'm not sure I always will especially if I intend on going out at night. We did move away to a red county, hopefully that's good enough.

I sure feel bad for any idiot who thinks he's gonna get rich with a gun and I can tell you; that's really what these kids believed and it's just so fucking stupid. Their best bet would have actually been robbing a bank thinking it over, but you do have to be smart enough to evade the FBI to get away with that since the government insures all the money you'd be stealing through the FDIC.

Anyway on the one hand a child shot one of mine with a stolen gun, on the other hand unless they get all the guns it's pretty much fucking pointless. Gun control is dumb, all the bullets are deadly even the little tiny ones, they need to either get all the guns or just shut up and let me carry a gun.

>> No.10069779

Yah. A golden gay time ya cunt

>> No.10070517

Traveled extensively, especially in the USA. Hit all lower 48 states traveling and driving the country last year. You know when you're in a bad town. Again, why I moved out West. FUCK the southeast. I've seen literally every part of the USA. Been to shit parts of town and in the most remote parts of the country. I was raised by wealthy parents, but they came from nothing originally. They just happened to kick ass.

"When around blacks, never relax." Legitimately one of the first things I remember hearing my Dad say to me.

>> No.10070531
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get me a fuckin' honeycomb nippys cheers cunt

>> No.10070534


>> No.10070554

Or you know people have seen niggers in real life and been to a ghetto gas station before. I bet you're one of those fags trying to get bullet proof glass banned for being racist. I don't stop for gas in the bad part of long Beach or any black neighborhoods because I don't want to deal with talking to a clerk through a shitty microphone and the 20 niggers asking me for change for gas or the higher chance of something happening. I don't think I'm going to be robbed but I don't want to deal with niggers, and that's like 99% of people who avoid ghetto gas stations. Homeless and niggers are an annoying nuisance, I'll just go to a nice gas station and not have to wait for one to buy 3.45 in gas in pennies, then buy some fucking grape swisher sweets with a 20 and try and bum change off me. You retards are literally looking at it all wrong, there are the retards literally afraid for their life but the majority just hate having to deal with that bullshit. Now depending on the area I'd be afraid for my life but that's only a few small areas like Detroit and such where you have to have armed guards at atms to stop niggers from robbing people.

Tldr we hate niggers and homeless, we aren't afraid of getting murdered.

>> No.10070560
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well since this thread is already derailed

>> No.10070565

>911 kj in a little ass carton


>> No.10070573

2 ofc


>> No.10070591

they're pretty decent sized irl, and yeah a shit tonne of sugar but worth it

>> No.10070605


>> No.10070613

i'm wishing for 2L milk cartons

>> No.10070640

also apparently you can get 500ml bottles? friend saw them in a vending machine

>> No.10070901

>Or you know people have seen niggers in real life
t.spineless pussy who shits his pants when the wind blows a plastic bag in his general direction

>> No.10070922

I broke down in a ghetto neighborhood after having taken a wrong turn late at night (and not 100% in control of my faculties). Limped my way to a gas station, was helped by a bunch of "thugs" to get back up and running again. They wouldn't take payment, didn't rob me, and nothing went missing. I won't say there's no danger in these places, but most people are just trying to get by. I've broken down or needed a jump from time to time before, and was never assisted by a white person who I didn't know. I've also been in some scary-ass white neighborhoods: desperate people do crime. But I'd take those niggers over your pansy ass any day.

>> No.10071008

Because the magic will go away.